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by insertnamehere
Sat Jun 30, 2018 10:13 pm
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character

Aaaaand I can't access the Discord Chat where the meeting about character development is happening.

SOS. Please send help.
by insertnamehere
Sat Feb 18, 2017 2:19 am
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character

I'm just gonna refer to it as STAB, all caps.
by insertnamehere
Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:57 pm
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character

SokothQultuq wrote:I've updated the crew roster listed under the Personnel Files forum to reflect everyone's positions and added NPCs to the list that are reoccuring. I'm actually going to try and keep track of some of the ones we use often enough. If you want someone added to the list now or for future use your welcome to post here or PM me names and information. Especially if they are family. I even added CJ as our SM. In light of recent events with ST:E I thought it was a good idea to get caught up with some maintenance over here. Since I am certain our days with ST:E are slim, and something new is coming down the pipe.

So until further notice we will be meeting back over on the Chatingo Application for our future activities until we find out what our new thing is going to be.

Thank you guys for being patient and flexible. This was an obvious unforseen setback. I'm kinda hoping we can use that new IRC program Annie found. We just might need a room of our own. I donno how we could make one even if temporary maybe DH can enlighten or hook us up.
What happened with ST:E?
by insertnamehere
Sat Jan 07, 2017 8:10 pm
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character

Are we a-go for tonight?
by insertnamehere
Sun Nov 27, 2016 12:54 am
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character

Boldly going where no man has gone before

by insertnamehere
Thu Sep 29, 2016 11:18 pm
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character

Loved that video, Sokoth. I really liked the sound editing and the slow crackling fire really added to the atmosphere.

Keep 'em coming.
by insertnamehere
Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:15 am
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: Syndicate Sim

From the above poll:
U.S.S. Soma - also Hindu god of the moon, related to fermented drinks as well
by insertnamehere
Wed Jul 06, 2016 8:53 pm
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: Syndicate Sim

SokothQultuq wrote:
We also have a "Ten Forward" Lounge that we need a Name for at some point too.
Maybe Soma?
by insertnamehere
Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:10 pm
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: Syndicate Sim

Spacedaisy wrote:Dang it, I misspelled Indomitable. Missed an n. Blah.
:ohyeah: Why do you think I voted for it?
by insertnamehere
Sun Jun 26, 2016 11:28 pm
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: Syndicate Sim

Here are my Greek mythology influenced ship name suggestions.
insertnamehere wrote:But seriously:

U.S.S. Aeolus

U.S.S. Orcus

U.S.S. Anemoi

and my personal favorite...

the U.S.S. Urania, named after the daughter of Zeus and the Muse of Astrology. She's also a figure used in Milton's Paradise Lost, and many astrological landmarks and observatories have been named in honor of her.

Also, if we use that name, we can use this as the cheesy-ass theme song:
by insertnamehere
Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:03 pm
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: Syndicate Sim

soooo, when's the game going to start?
by insertnamehere
Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:10 pm
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: Syndicate Sim

"So, uh, you're gonna die. Um, if there's some kind of afterlife, and that's assuming a lot, and it's a kind of thing where all the dead people can, like, hang out with each other, maybe we can hang out? Well, you wouldn't want to hang out with the guy who was an annoying pain in your side and made your own death about himself, I'm not making this about myself, am I? Wait, why am I trying to get you to talk to me; you're probably too busy, you know, dying. My brother, who's a Tactical Officer on another Starfleet ship, was technically dead for about 8 minutes when he was 7. We were both in a pretty nasty car crash. I know, a car crash! Seems kind of quaint now. Anyway, before they resuscitated him, he said that dying was an oddly comfortable thing. He could feel his individual parts of his body shut down; it was like time itself slowed down or some shit. And while this was going on, he wasn't angry or scared or anything. He felt...detached, like he was performing his own autopsy. As the blood rushing to brain got cut off, and his brain shut down, his last thoughts were just, what'd he call it? Bemused indifference. I don't know if that's something that'll make you feel better, but it's something."

The comm connection to the officer left aboard the U.S.S. Texas had been dead for 3 minutes, but Johnny Cleveland was still talking. He was jammed into a tight escape pod that was sent spinning and flying after a massive shockwave sent everything reeling. Somehow, through pure determination, Johnny Cleveland was still awake, and still jabbering on.

"It just hit me that because your body is probably gonna explode, your family is kind of screwed in terms of the funeral. There's definitely some protocol for that, but I'm not sure what it is. Maybe they just bury an empty box. Maybe there's like a company that makes dummies or something that look like dead people, so families can bury something. I hope those dummies are biodegradable. If my dad or my brother or my mother or anyone else in my family exploded, I don't know what I'd do. Would I go with the dummy option, or just do an empty box, or just do nothing? If there's no body, maybe there'll be no funeral, right? I hate funerals. Been to all 4 of my grandparents. When I die, I want no funeral. No forcing my family to deal with the weirdos who run funeral homes. (I mean come on, who'd choose to take care of dead people for a living?) No people in the front row making some big display of sobbing or whatever. No people in the back row who barely even knew me and feel guilty for not caring more. I just want to be someone that people remember and think: "Hey. That Johnny Cleveland was a cool guy." That's it."

Johnny Cleveland wasn't sure when he stopped talking to the crew member and started talking to himself. The sounds of the escape pod were deafening. Opening his eyes hurt, so Johnny kept them closed.

The next thing Johnny Cleveland remembered was the impact. Or rather, what he was thinking during the impact: "I still have that confiscated bottle of booze in my pocket." It would have been a rather stupid last thought.

It took Johnny Cleveland an hour to realize he was still alive. After briefly opening his eyes and seeing some kind of forest, he promptly assumed that this was the afterlife, and since he'd be here for all eternity, he could afford to sleep in. When he woke up 60 minutes later, Johnny noticed he was in the escape pod. Slowly, he pieced together what had happened. Pulling himself out of the pod, he began to start smiling, and then chuckling, and then laughing which turned into shrill cackling.

by insertnamehere
Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:42 pm
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: Syndicate Sim

yay for ruining dramatic death scenes!
by insertnamehere
Sat Jun 11, 2016 6:19 pm
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: Syndicate Sim

But seriously:

U.S.S. Aeolus

U.S.S. Orcus

U.S.S. Anemoi

and my personal favorite...

the U.S.S. Urania, named after the daughter of Zeus and the Muse of Astrology. She's also a figure used in Milton's Paradise Lost, and many astrological landmarks and observatories have been named in honor of her.

Also, if we use that name, we can use this as the cheesy-ass theme song:
by insertnamehere
Sat Jun 11, 2016 6:03 pm
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: Syndicate Sim

U.S.S. Oedipus
by insertnamehere
Sun Jun 05, 2016 12:18 am
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: Syndicate Sim

Can we recon the previous two games as a direct prequel to this sim, and have those two games be, in hindsight, during this period?
by insertnamehere
Sun Jun 05, 2016 12:08 am
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: Syndicate Sim

Johnny Cleveland:
by insertnamehere
Wed May 25, 2016 10:11 pm
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: Syndicate Sim

You see, my favorite sci fi show is Battlestar Galactica, (I'm really pissed off that I missed the sign ups for the current game) so if there's a Gaius Baltar role, where I just get to sit back, make pithy comments, bang imaginary robots while discussing theology, and just generally be a huge coward, I want that role.
by insertnamehere
Wed May 25, 2016 10:34 am
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: Syndicate Sim

I'm happy with wherever you want to put me.
by insertnamehere
Mon May 23, 2016 9:37 am
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: Syndicate Sim

Metalmarsh89 wrote:
insertnamehere wrote:Thanks! Yeah, I had the idea to make a bizarre RPG/Mafia hybrid that was insanely ambitious, frayed my nerves to no end, and ended with me abandoning ship, and being disproportionally ashamed of doing so. This sounds much closer to what I actually wanted to accomplish, and I'm excited to play!
Did I win? :grin:
Your status in the game is in a state of quantum superposition, where you've simultaneously won and lost.
by insertnamehere
Sun May 22, 2016 10:57 pm
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: Syndicate Sim

Thanks! Yeah, I had the idea to make a bizarre RPG/Mafia hybrid that was insanely ambitious, frayed my nerves to no end, and ended with me abandoning ship, and being disproportionally ashamed of doing so. This sounds much closer to what I actually wanted to accomplish, and I'm excited to play!
by insertnamehere
Sun May 22, 2016 10:51 pm
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Out Of Character
Replies: 334
Views: 69782

Re: Syndicate Sim

This sounds vaguely familiar.

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