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by timmer
Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:12 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 270870

Re: Interrogation Room


Why the b on the end of the orly?

Did you know that your fantasy football's team nickname is "ASS"?

Which of us will win Week 1?
by timmer
Wed Mar 12, 2014 9:48 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 270870

Re: Interrogation Room


No one had that many questions for me.

:eek: :offtobed:
by timmer
Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:47 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 270870

Re: Interrogation Room

Hedgeowl wrote:Would your wife play mafia if it were a couples themed game? - new idea
Are there any themes up this year she would play?
What's your favorite state?
Favorite season?
Sport to watch? To play?
Favorite Canadian province?
What was your first mafia game?
1. I think she's too chicken at this time, but I know I'll get her hooked one day ;)

2. Not yet, no.

3. Favourite state is Washington. Seattle is my home away from home, if I could live in an American city it would be there, hands down. It's basically the mirror to Vancouver, in all of the best ways! Plus, we border Wash. here and drive to Spokane quite a bit, and the wine ain't bad, either :)

4. Summer. I love to feel like a baked potato just sucking up rays… I grew up in Montreal where the humidity would hit 100% in the summer and stay there, so I grw to love sweating in the heat.

5. The best sport to watch is the NFL, I'm a massive Patriots fan. I also love hockey and the Oilers, but they are never on TV here since I live closer to Canuckistan than to Edmonton. The only sports I play are taekwondo, in which I just broke my ring finger 2 days ago, and golf, which I kind of suck at but don't care. Golf is the perfect way to lose $40, plus another $20 on beer, plus $15 worth of golf balls in the bushes, plus any remaining pride.

6. My fave province is Quebec, it's like being in Europe. Montreal is such a party town and Quebec City is like being in Paris but without the filth. It's too bad about the uppity French snobbery there, because it's a wonderful place outside of that.

7. My first mafia game the way its played here was School Stuff at RM, I think? I can't remember who ran it, maybe Flyin' High? But I didn't really understand the rules and owed myself saying "I am the backpack!" which has been in my RM soggy ever since as a reminder not to info dump and out yourself lol. In reality, it took me two games to honestly understand the rules, as I also info dumped like crazy in my second game which was something computer based. I was a role checked and just started blurting out who was what role, it was horrible. But, BUT, it also was the game where I did one of the FUNNIEST outing jobs ever, where I knew I couldn't SAY the name of who I knew was bad, so instead I put up a link to a Bowie song in which he said "hey man…" over and over in the chorus to say that Hey Man was a baddie. It still gives me giggles thinking of it, but really, I kind of trashed two whole games while I figured my shit out. :eek:
by timmer
Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:36 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 270870

Re: Interrogation Room

bea wrote:
1) Favorite Harry Potter Character and why? Favorite Harry Potter book and why? (sorry - your gif made me have to ask that.)
2) I love the story about how you and your wife got together. Heartattack and Vine is my second favorite Tom album - Heart of Saturday Night holds a special special place in my soul) What's your favorite Tom Song?
3) What other music do you enjoy?
4) What did you want to be when you grew up at age 10? At age 18?
5) What do you currently do for a living? Is it what you thought it would be?
6) If you could have any other job besides the one you have now, what would it be?
7) What is the best part of being a Dad? What's the worst part?
8) What is the best part of being a husband? What's the worst part?
9) What is your favorite comfort food?
10) Would you consider a family vacation to AZ? Because I'd love to meet you and your family. I'll even cook. I promise!
11) Favorite mafia role and why?
12) Favorite mafia game and why?
13) Where is that FUCKING FLAG!!!????!!!!!
14) Do you prefer to have civ roles, baddie roles or indy roles?
15) If you hosted a mafia game, what would the theme be? Do you need a co-host? ;) :D
16) What is one thing no one ever asks you but you always wish someone would? And also what is the answer to that question?
1. Bellatrix. I hadn't loved her that much in the books, but Helena Bonham Carter just turned her into something special, she's got such a manic, crazed energy. Favourite book was The Goblet of Fire because Cedric dying was sort of the start of the real darkness of the series.

2. Fave Tom Waits song is such a hard question, since there are so many types. But the basic answer, if I break him into "weird" and "not weird", I would say Step Right Up and Heart of Saturday Night. But last year's Hell broke Luce was his best song in over a decade.

3. I vary a lot. I use to find bands I don't know, mostly. Through them, I've fallen in love with The National, TV on the Radio and Joanna Newsom in the last few years. But, I also love mindless dub step and Skrillex stuff :)

4/5. I had a microscope when I was 6 years old (still have it), but I didn't ever have a clue that I would enter into a job that would involve one. I never had any idea of what I wanted to be, but I failed Physics and aced biology, so one day our high school guidance counsellor saw me looking at the "career wall" full of pamphlets about different career ideas, and asked about my grades. When I mentioned the physics and bio marks, she said "here, medical laboratory technology, it's all chemistry/biology, no physics whatsoever". I shrugged, and enrolled that fall. I've been a lab technologist ever since. I spent 15 years working in chemistry and hematology, mostly on night shifts dealing with traumas. But 2 years ago I jumped into a microbiology position and haven't looked back since. Playing with superbugs is now my passion, if work can be said to have passion.

6. Uhm, rich person? If I was rich, I'd spent my life going to film fests around the world and meeting likeminded peeps. And a lot of Hawaii.

7. Best and worst are the same thing; whatever i do, my kids do!! So it's awesome, because I can turn them into the most upstanding citizens in town, ifI want to, they mimic everything I do. Worst, because if I spend a lot of time on the couch watching movies, guess what my kids want to do lol… they make me be better than I would be without them!

8. Having someone to share the world with, and who makes you want to be a better man, is the greatest thing in the world, even better than having kids. There isn't much of a downside, really, I suppose maybe being unable to spontaneously go off on your own sometimes when you need to? Sorry, I have no good answer for worst XD

9. Popcorn, naturally!

10. LOL Arizona is a fair ways off, and we were just there 5 years ago! But if we ever do swing through, we are TOTALLY meeting up :) And seeing a Cqrdinals game.

11. My favourite mafia role on THIS site was Zodac, easily. The task of having to get people to lynch me when I was safe and talk them out of it when I wasn't went on for DAYS, and it was one of my best performances ever. Best role ever, though, was in rabbit's Sword of Truth game at RM. I was one of the indy roles… I think the character was a witch named Six or Seven or something? I had all kinds of chaos-causing powers and I think just had to survive to win. So I played with maximum chaos in mind lol. I waited until one of the head baddies was about to be lynched and switched the lynch to someone else etc. just to fuck the game up. My downfall was running into LittleTiger, who was the OTHER indy, and she had more juice left in the tank than me, but fucking around is the best thing an indy can do! Screw this "win with the civs" shit.

12. LT's The Fey at RM was wonderful and had so many cool surprises, like a floating fairy appearing on the site that you had to see and click to get a prize. I always loved that one. Boo's Viral Video series is also a have, because so many times I've ended up as an indy in it with cool powers… Epig's inaugural MOTU game was epic as well!

13. OMG, that fucking flag. I remember downloading a program that would collate all of the images on a website to try to find it, GAWD that was annoying.

14. See #11. Indy ALL the way. Sadly, I've never been an SK, though. I've been lots of indies, just never an SK. Roles that turned INTO an SK, yes, but never from Day 1, I don't think.

15. I've hosted a few reverse mafia games at RM where you get to reveal your info, but I've never done a normal one. I'd love to, naturally, do a movie-based game. Silent Mafia would be sweet. I've never done a normal game, though, so I'd do better as a cohost before trying my one full-blown game so the real question is… do YOU need a cohost?

16. No one ever asks, because they wouldn't know to, about what it is like to live in a two-dimensional world. I'm stereo blind, which means my brain only uses one eyeball at a time, so I never get the three-dimensional sight you get when your brain combines the vision of both eyes. 90% of the time I see out of my right eye but if anything gets in the way of that eye my brain switches to the left one. It means my life is like what a TV show looks like: flat. No depth of field at all, with space between things implied only by logic. It's not horribly uncommon, but its never something anyone seems to talk about!
by timmer
Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:16 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 270870

Re: Interrogation Room

Mongoose wrote:So testy. If you really do have the power, then please appoint yourself next week, because I have 162 Questions for you still.


How did you meet your wife?

How did you get into films?

What's your favorite film festival?
We were one of the original Internet couples :hug: We met in a Canada chatroom back in the AOL days, and I'm talking AOL 1.0 in 1995. We lived at opposite ends of Canada and started chatting because we both had Tom Waits nicknames (Heartattack&Vine for me, Briar&TheRose for her). If it wasn't for Tom Waits, my kids wouldn't exist, lol.

I got into movies by accident, sort of. A friend had started playing the Hollywood Stock Exchange, and I joined, which somehow led me to go to see movies even though its really not needed for the game. I ended up writing film reviews which wereshit, and then eventually some that werent, and then became one of the original members of the online film critic society (though I keft them years ago). Now I'm honored to be a member of the International Cinephile Society :)

Vancouver is the festival I go to each year, but I find the best films always come from Berlin or Cannes.
by timmer
Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:32 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 270870

Re: Interrogation Room

by timmer
Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:30 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 270870

Re: Interrogation Room

bea wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Am I sexy?
Oh, I'm sure Elo thinks so. ;)

I only have eyes for one sexy man...............
by timmer
Thu Feb 27, 2014 12:51 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 270870

Re: Interrogation Room

In all honesty, how is it playing mafia with your honeybun? Do you a special "read" on him? Would you saybdh is like his persona? Are you like yours? :)

(My wife's considering trying at some point)
by timmer
Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:52 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 270870

Re: Interrogation Room

If you won the Powerball, how much would you give me?
Followup question, could you go buy a Powerball ticket?

If you had to marry one of Chaplin, Keaton or Lloyd which would it be?
by timmer
Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:20 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 270870

Re: Interrogation Room

Spacedaisy wrote:

Ask away, Syndicate members! Pry into the personal life of one of my nearest and dearest (seriously folks, she's the best!), and be sure to ask her for recipes because she is an awesome cook!

Favourite movie?
Favourite actor? Actress?
What's your stance on silent films?
How about the Oscars, do you follow/care?


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