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by Tangrowth
Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:28 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


More Mario-themed mafia games is always a good thing! I've actually been throwing around Super Mario Galaxy and Luigi's Mansion games in my mind, but those won't possibly see the light of day for a while because I have many other prospects to concentrate on first.

Snow Dog wrote: I was not certain enough about SE to say more. Just wanted to see what you said. But I blocked him to test my theory and see if anyone was not killed or insanified. I always suspected Boogs since his urge to lynch me. It wasn't just a proposal it was a let's-lynch snowdog-next. So I blocked him. And Herobrine failed in his attack. Which is why I needed to know if you had protected the survivor. I had to be clear what my block had done.
So I knew Boogs wasn't Herobrine form that moment because he simply couldn't be if it was you who did the protection.
Makes sense. I know; I wish we had had a more direct conversation about it, it's a shame you had to go that lynch, but it is what it is. At least the civvies still won, that's all that matters.

Russtifinko wrote:I actually felt really bad about my post mentioning Boogs after I had posted it...I definitely violated some posting rules there and was really guilty when FH brought up my post.

MP, to answer your question I figured out Epi was Zombie exactly how I said I did in the thread. I deduced that if he had been a different baddie role distancing would have been a much smarter tactic, so I figured he had been forced into the lynch switch against his will and thus must have been zombie. Turns out it was really unfortunate I was right. It also stunk that I didn't get a chance to properly defend, being on my phone and having limited internet while in Austria, but I honestly think I would've been lynched no matter what after you posted your case. You are truly an excellent casebuilder. The sheer size of those things is intimidating and convincing, and you tend to make really well-reasoned points, even if they're not always spot-on (as in my case).

I've really been enjoying playing with everyone so far! I feel like I'm starting to be able to read some of you, and I'm really excited for the next full-length game.
I wouldn't beat yourself up over what you said about Boogs too much; I've definitely seen worse. It's not the best strategy in every sense of the word though, you're probably right.

Wow, nice call on that one then. I thought it might be too hard to tell based off of that logic. That does suck, I hate when cases can come against you at the time you least have free to defend, but it happens from time to time. You may be right. I appreciate the kind words. Some games as a civvie for me are just flat out terrible, some are actually kind pretty decent, when it comes to the case building front. I certainly try my best in that regard, and I have far from the best track record, but I am actually right sometimes, lol.

I certainly look forward to playing another game with you and everyone else as well!
by Tangrowth
Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:15 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


I will be very busy the next few days and seriously will leave the thread alone here, lol, but I also realized I wanted to also say that I enjoyed being on the same side of the fence with FH particularly in this game because the last couple games we have played I was baddie and she was civvie and she was often the first to distrust me. Definitely always had great input and you played an awesome game. Likewise to Rox, I thought you often had many good things to say. I think you two particularly played excellent games here. Ambray, I definitely thought you were Stevie at first, then was thinking potion, but then when I got the potioned effect to vote for BWT I was very confused. Lol.

Really, I would be hard pressed to say that anyone here didn't play a great game regardless of their alignment. Again, I must stress this was a great game.

And I look forward to playing another game with Elohcin and hopefully not to be eating socks next time! :solitary:
by Tangrowth
Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:14 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


LOL, does Elohcin like my new signature?

Thanks to Daisy for making this for me!
by Tangrowth
Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:57 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


Epignosis wrote:So my vote was worth two because I got the "correct" option for my alignment?

I honestly just voted because I like boats. :)

Ninja'd by Kate. Got it!
That is so funny. I definitely was thinking Ship was the baddie option after I realized I got something for House because very typically in these boon polls, the baddies know their option, and I knew House wasn't the baddie option after I received my extra vote.

You put up an awesome fight this game, I would say I was sorry to see you go so early since it was our first game together, but I wasn't since you were baddie, and I especially wasn't since you killed me! Lol.

That Day 1 poll was really an exciting one. If indi hadn't come in and made me think twice about the connections between you and Elohcin, I probably wouldn't have voted for you or thought you were baddie, and it's even funnier now given Elohcin wasn't even on your team!

I hate when you're a baddie and someone accuses you of a behavior that you are sure you would have done regardless of your alignment OR they accuse you of being connected with someone else and you aren't, yet it gets you eyed. It definitely can be frustrating. So you go to try to defend yourself and you get eyed even more because now you are actually exhibiting some more clearly baddie behavior, and then it all tumbles down from there. The same thing happened to me in MacGyver. I would have said that same comment to Roxy and I would have likely voted for LT if I was civvie because those were my honest thoughts (though it's hard to say what I would have done exactly), but then it was my behavior after I started getting eyes that brought out the classic baddie behavior in me and got me lynched.
by Tangrowth
Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:53 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


Kate wrote:So I just got a pm asking about the day 0 poll. Here's how the poll worked.

It was a prize poll. The three answers were either the civ option, the indy option or the baddie option. Each was assigned randomly, ironically house was assigned to civ, which was kinda obvious but I didn't want to tweak the randomness since I was teaching Andrew... Ship was bad and bank was indy.

Three players in the game, selected randomly, were told what one of the options corresponded to (civ, indy or bad). Those players were Roxy, Russ and FH. I would have preferred that they were not all civs, but again, I didn't want to tweak the randomness since it was how Andrew and I decided to do it and I was teaching it was what it was.

FWIW, we had to cut one role in this game which we really wanted to keep in. It was the bow and arrow. It was a civ role that the skeleton could search for, if found, the skeleton would recruit the bow and arrow. I liked this because it gave the civs, the baddies and the rogue, each a chance (a small chance) but a chance nonetheless) to get another player and it was "Andrew's artistic vision." Fyi, Andrew LOVES the recruit...

If Droopy had showed up earlier and we got the okay in time to add the other role, we would have added that role back in. I wish it had happened that way.
That's interesting. So the baddies didn't even know their own option? That's a bit unorthodox.

I do wish Droopy could have played with us here, he's an awesome player, and I'm sure he would have loved it -- and that does sound like it would have been a great plan for balancing the possible recruits -- sorry I didn't get back to you in time about your inquiry. I did realize though, after the fact, that it would have created some complications because full games are 20+ and yours was 19, so it would have pushed it technically into the currently defined structure for a full game.
by Tangrowth
Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:50 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


Snow Dog wrote:Thanks Kate and Alex. I am looking forward to more games and maybe settle on a style of play that sits better. Don't want to be too readable though.
No problem, man. You have a pretty good style, and I admire your balls to the wall approach, and I think it makes games more interesting (props to llama for this as well). I can appreciate that especially because I try to do the same, especially because sometimes it isn't the "best" approach and can get you eyed regardless of your alignment. I guess the best advice is if you want to continue that approach to just try and think things through as much as possible, and this is certainly advice that I need to take from myself as well, as I can sometimes go for the long haul on a theory and stick with it. It's hard because especially early in the game and as a civvie, all you have to go off of is what's already in the thread, so you could be totally wrong, but at the same time if your gut is screaming big time you really feel confident about it, despite the fact that you could be off the mark.

All of that being said, I think you, llama, and I are the Three Amigos of Extraordinarily Unnecessary Participation (TAEUP) or something like that. I'll think of a better name, hopefully. Open to suggestions. Lol.

Snow Dog wrote:btw. All the people I suspected turned out bad. Except Roxy but I quickly backpeddled on her. Unfortunately on rey too. He was sneaky.
You did have a good track record. Rey played a really sneaky and very good game here, definitely. I had a hard time reading him this time around.

What made you block SE? Oh, and I do have a bit of advice from you on handling this one. When you did ask for my opinion about SE, and I gave you my read (that he was leaning civvie for me or didn't seem suspicious), why didn't you respond back to me saying you may really think there's a chance he's baddie, or anything like that? You were the blocker and you obviously blocked him on Night 2. The day that you went down, if you had responded back to me or anyone else, or even if you had initiated a discussion of, hey guys, I think SE might be baddie, then that might have helped your cause more and it might have helped us get rid of Hero earlier. At the absolute worst case scenario, it would have made SE arguing that he was civvie after your lynching even harder because you seemed so confident. But you did ask me about him a few times, so I realize you did try something like that.

There is a fine line between outing someone based on your power knowledge (don't do that) and trying to help the cause with what you know. I do think if you had argued SE a little more strongly after you blocked him that we could have been onto something.

Though, all of that being said, I now realize that you might have been unsure since I was protecting people. I really could have used you in that discussion with Ambray and llama, trying to figure out all the night actions. After that discussion was over, I did have a sneaking suspicion that Ambray survived because you blocked SE, but I didn't trust my gut evaluation there. Pity.
by Tangrowth
Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:42 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


Kate wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:I just felt let down. I saved fellow civs by blocking and got lynched for my pains. Puls I'm ill and s-v-s suggested I was shamming. And I got my daugter to actually lie for me. I was annoyed by that. I wanted the baddies to win when I was getting lynched.
Don't let this get you down on mafia. It happens to everyone in the beginning until people get a feel for your game, especially players like you who put their all into it from the get-go. You played a great civ game, its just hard for other civs to decipher what's happening. Andrew made this a very clean game, little to no civ btsc so there was no way to ferret out any "definite civs." You earned your stripes this game, if that helps at all!
This is very true. I notice many new players (I would consider a "new" player to have less than 5 games under their belt) get suspected A TON right away because people are so unsure how to read them, and many newbies can perform some classic baddie behavior, even when they're not baddie, because they're trying to get accustomed to the game AND we are all trying to figure out a baseline for that player because we still don't have any idea. It's a little bit easier for me since I've known Snow Dog on somewhat of a basis outside of mafia, but it still can be tough, and I still have trouble reading some veteran players now that I've played many games with (see: S~V~S).

But it's exactly what happened in Avant 2 where all the relatively unfamiliar people got lynched one after another for 'suspicious' behavior and kept flipping civvie. Sometimes circumstances get the best of you, baddies go along with your lynch because they need to in order to survive, and the civvies sometimes just aren't the wiser because they don't know.

It can be very hard for other civs to decipher what's happening, especially earlier on in games, and even more so in quicker speed games. My best bets were just what my gut and brain said as I was reading the thread, and not having BTSC as a civvie can be hard, but it's the nature of the game.

I agree he definitely earned his stripes this game. Snow Dog, llama, Epig, Russ, SE... you guys are all quickly becoming some more of my favorite players to play mafia games with, you certainly all are developing very awesome, accomplished gameplay styles and I'm sure will prove yourselves to be formidable players in the future, assuming you haven't already (and I would argue you all have already).

That is one thing I really loved about this game and that I'm proud of in this community is we really have a freaking awesome group of players and hosts here, so I want to give one big thanks to all of you for contributing in every way you do, and for making games fun. I've had so much fun these last few games I've played with all of these people, so much in fact that I think MOTU, MacGyver, and Minecraft all rank up decently high with my favorite mafia games ever. I heartily look forward to playing more games with all of you who played this one and those who didn't, and to seeing our community grow even more from here. :)
by Tangrowth
Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:34 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


Snow Dog, I was sad to see you go down, especially after your reveal, and it really sucks to have a game when you feel like no one is listening to you. Trust me, I've been there. It even sucks more when you get caught up in some nasty feelings and they stick with you like that. I've been there too. I do wish you could have stuck it out longer, but it is what it is, and I suppose you couldn't shake the initial suspicion you were getting from early on. Sometimes civvies get lynched for the wrong reasons, you and Russ being the greatest examples of unnecessary sacrifices in this game, and sometimes baddies get lynched for the wrong reasons, which can be equally frustrating on that side of things.

I guess the only constructive feedback I could give you to avoid the suspicion would be to be careful about the NO Us. Just because it feels like someone is twisting your words, it can sometimes automatically connect in your mind that, hey, this person is twisting my words so they're definitely sinister. Sometimes it is true, but it isn't always, so that line of thinking, I've witnessed, tends to not only draw suspicion (because NO Us tend to be more associated with baddies, and it makes sense, because they get tunnel vision and sometimes don't want to voice too many things) but it also can cloud your vision (like other things). Other than that, you did play a pretty good game. And I'm probably not the best person to be giving advice this game since I didn't exactly suspect people better than you did. I'm kicking myself for not putting 2 + 2 + 2 together and realizing which role you were, but that lynch where you left us was a very bad one. It was really just down to you, Ambray, and llama, who all were working on the civvie side, and the only other one I was considering majorly at the time was BF and he was civvie, so I think that lynch was destined to be a disaster.

We should have given more weight to Boogs's behavior and the fact that Russ called him out (even though he said not to). Well played game to Boogs, but I knew once he started arguing the way he was the last two day periods that he pretty much had to be baddie.

But whatever happens, never stop rooting for your own team, man! The civvies have to stick together. :)
by Tangrowth
Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:22 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


And I just want to say that I have not been the best example of a drama-free player this game or post-game, so I would like to bring attention to the fact that I am not irritated or anything with anyone and that I may have said something at any point that was interpreted a way I did not intend it. I am under particularly high stress with all of the CPA studying, job hunting, and other things, and I realize that's no excuse, but in combination with getting really into this game, it's perhaps what made me a little more apt to emotionally react to things. I do get over things quickly, but I think what all of us should learn from this game, is that if you're feeling emotionally tied at all, walk away from the computer screen. It usually does you good, regardless of what you're actually feeling. I do appreciate commentary from others in regard to what I or others may have messed up this game.

I did really enjoy the game and I'm glad so many others did as well; Andrew and Kate definitely put on an awesome game here. I was surprised how much discussion and how intense the game got, especially for a speed game (look at past speed games and you'll notice the # of posts has dramatically increased each time).

I think what made it especially exciting was how down to the wire it got; I honestly think any of the three sides could have won this if things just played out a little differently.
by Tangrowth
Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:11 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


LOL at Ambray's thoughts on that one, man, I can't argue with the plan but it definitely didn't work out.

Russ, how did you figure out Epig was Zombie exactly?

birdwithteeth11 wrote:
And lastly, thank you to llama. You were right about DP from Day 1, and I was starting to feel a bit lost in the game before you found me. Sometimes I tend to do better organizing my thoughts when I can bounce them off another person. So I'm glad you found me at the perfect time. And you're an awesome enough player that I hope we get BTSC again soon!
I know exactly what you mean.

>SpaghettiEverywhere wrote:Just saying, Roxy is extremely lucky she decided to kill me at the end there, I had her pegged for a NK had i survived. This game could have gone any direction
Dude, you played an awesome game, let it be said. You had me convinced you were civvie until Snow Dog flipped blocker and he kept mentioning your name, which is what first made me wonder.
by Tangrowth
Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:19 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


Kate wrote:We only gave hero the chance to recruit by search. He could only get one of two players in the whole game before they died or were found by Stevie. It was a long shot he'd find one. But wow did he guess well on night one...

It seemed balanced since there was also a civ ninja who had the exact same opportunity as him.
Oh, I'm not arguing it was not balanced, I just never would have thought he'd even have a chance to recruit at all. You're right, that is amazing he grabbed his recruit at all, let alone so early.
by Tangrowth
Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:11 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


And I'll be the first person to admit I can often be an absolutely terrible civvie, it's obviously not intentional, but it is what it is. I'll never forget Daisy's Hedville Idol game where I blasted Rox and Cloggy who were in my band and it turned out all three of us happened to be civvie. I feel much more comfortable as a baddie, but I did have a ton of fun this game as a civvie, and I was so relieved when I saw that I wasn't baddie AGAIN, so that was nice.

Also, who all received something from voting house? My vote was worth 2x which is how I figured there was no way anyone other than Epignosis had the most votes; it would have been mathematically impossible.
by Tangrowth
Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:04 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


But to answer your question, no, Robert, why would make stuff up if I'm civvie? I seriously believed everything I said throughout this game (except that day I had to vote BWT and was insanified).

S~V~S, it's okay, I just am tired of the declaration that I derail the thread because that reads that my input is worthless and annoying so I might as well not post my thoughts. I realize that's not what you were intending and that you were trying to give constructive feedback. I don't diss anyone else's playing style, I don't feel it's fair to, and I have just as much right or chance to be wrong or right as anyone else. I was frustrated when you first reacted the way you did to my suspicion because that's honestly what I thought and I feel any time I ever feel like I suspect you now it's automatically debunked because I always read you that way. In fact, I realized at some point in the game that I have a tendency to read your intentions as baddie even when you are civvie because we absolutely never see eye to eye, and I realize that's what you were trying to say here, so I apologize I frustrated you in that regard. But I don't feel it's fair to single me out for that when many of us can be guilty of thinking that way from time to time, and that I even try using that same logic when applied to other players (see my defense of llama in this game). My read on you was totally based on what my gut said at the time, and I was wrong, but it's what I truly thought and I stand by my line of thinking at the time. Just like how people were convinced I was baddie after I initially thought there was a push for a house. What else can I say?

Haha, that's a good idea, llama, actually with your logic behind checking people. I wonder if that was Andrew's thought process or just a coincidence?
by Tangrowth
Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:42 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


I'm not done playing, nor am I intending to start any drama, I'm merely done with that discussion because it is irritating. I am certainly not going to leave my own site!

And yes, well played to the wolves for both surviving until the end! Say, what was the secret part of your roles, was that revealed?
by Tangrowth
Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:37 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


I love how it's terrible for me to use words like "ridiculous" or whatever in describing someone's play, and I did apologize for it, and yet someone can say I played a terrible game or that I didn't deserve to win or that I derail the thread and that's OK.

I'm totally done here.
by Tangrowth
Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:36 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


S~V~S wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Because i seriously thought you were recruited due to your seemingly anti town actions, in my eyes. I did NOT think Elo was bad, yet you called for her to be NKed, I was not bad, yet you came back from your rezz screaming that i was. You acted in a very baddie way, which is why i thought you were recruited.

Alex, i know my actions are not logical in games, and often perplex you, but you have to stop construing different from you as bad. I will never play a logical game as you do. That does not make me a baddie in every game we play.
Those were not a baddie way though, I was civvie all the way through. It's funny because everything you just said here could be applied with your reads on me. Apparently you still think my behavior this game was baddie, but seeing as though I wasn't a baddie at all, that makes your argument on that front null.

I did realize your actions to be civvie for most of the game after I initially called you out. You went after me for much longer than I went after you, truth be told. But hey, I guess you insanifying me was kinda good, because I didn't have to make a full-on case on BWT, I could kind of disguise it through insanification, so thanks. Haha.

Let's just agree to the fact that we apparently can't read each other at all, lol. :)
Actually, I think I can read you, after hosting you in Mac G, and the last HV game, You, on the other hand, ALWAYS read me as bad. ALWAYS. And it tends to derail games, and to derail me, because you are particularly relentless. I think you need to accept that not everyone plays a logic based game :shrug: and play each game as an individual entity (which I am trying to do myself~ get away from the whole WIFOM, "A civvie SVS would not do this" bullhockey most of us do.

That was why i freaked a bit when you came back and said I was bad; becasue no matter the game, and no matter my actions, you always say it. Always. I play a very different game than you~ and judging me on logic when i don't play a logic based game isn't fair. So sorry i freaked when you accused me, that was not cool, and I apologize for that. But i seriously hope this helps you see that not everyone plays the same way you do, and just because they don't doesn't make them bad.
I don't always read you as baddie, but I do quite often, I realize. It's gotten to a point though where I feel I can't even call you out as a baddie if I honestly think you are just because I know you'll react that way, and I almost didn't call you out this game for that reason. I realize not everyone plays the same type of game as me; I believe that's even something I said to argue that llama seemed civvie earlier in this game, but whatever. I did realize you were acting civvie, and I voiced my thoughts because that's what I always do when I think of a theory, it's honestly how I was reading the thread. It had nothing to do with what I would have done in your or anyone else's shoes.

If you think I derail the thread, fine, but I'm sick of feeling like people are underhandedly insulting me here. I'm absolutely done with this discussion, respectfully.
by Tangrowth
Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:27 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


The one I was most surprised at was rey. I did not think he was on the baddie team at all, so props there. I have to say Epig, DP, and Boogs all played a great game as well, despite their defeat. I feel most terrible about the lynchings of Russ and Snow Dog and Elohcin's NKed death. But I suppose Stevie did a pretty awesome job overall, it's probably what won the civvies the game in the end there.

I was surprised I lasted so long. I thought for sure the baddies would want me gone right away, so I protected myself on Night 2, then FH and rey on Night 3 (thanks to Ambray who gave me a potion allowing me to target two people... thankfully rey was not targeted or I would have saved a baddie), then myself again on Night 4. When I saw no NK on Night 4, I thought, uh oh, and figured I'd die on Night 5, but I protected FH again on Night 5 anyway. I almost protected Rox but I wasn't sure who they were going to go after.

Epignosis wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Because i seriously thought you were recruited due to your seemingly anti town actions, in my eyes. I did NOT think Elo was bad, yet you called for her to be NKed, I was not bad, yet you came back from your rezz screaming that i was. You acted in a very baddie way, which is why i thought you were recruited.

Alex, i know my actions are not logical in games, and often perplex you, but you have to stop construing different from you as bad. I will never play a logical game as you do. That does not make me a baddie in every game we play.
Those were not a baddie way though, I was civvie all the way through. It's funny because everything you just said here could be applied with your reads on me. Apparently you still think my behavior this game was baddie, but seeing as though I wasn't a baddie at all, that makes your argument on that front null.

I did realize your actions to be civvie for most of the game after I initially called you out. You went after me for much longer than I went after you, truth be told. But hey, I guess you insanifying me was kinda good, because I didn't have to make a full-on case on BWT, I could kind of disguise it through insanification, so thanks. Haha.

Let's just agree to the fact that we apparently can't read each other at all, lol. :)

You were the worst civilian player I ever saw. Hence why boogs killed you.

Your treatment of me, though correct in the end, was WRONG for many reasons. Your belligerence was silly.

And I saw it punished. :D
Well, thanks, I truly appreciate that.
by Tangrowth
Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:20 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


S~V~S wrote:Because i seriously thought you were recruited due to your seemingly anti town actions, in my eyes. I did NOT think Elo was bad, yet you called for her to be NKed, I was not bad, yet you came back from your rezz screaming that i was. You acted in a very baddie way, which is why i thought you were recruited.

Alex, i know my actions are not logical in games, and often perplex you, but you have to stop construing different from you as bad. I will never play a logical game as you do. That does not make me a baddie in every game we play.
Those were not a baddie way though, I was civvie all the way through. It's funny because everything you just said here could be applied with your reads on me. Apparently you still think my behavior this game was baddie, but seeing as though I wasn't a baddie at all, that makes your argument on that front null.

I did realize your actions to be civvie for most of the game after I initially called you out. You went after me for much longer than I went after you, truth be told. But hey, I guess you insanifying me was kinda good, because I didn't have to make a full-on case on BWT, I could kind of disguise it through insanification, so thanks. Haha.

Let's just agree to the fact that we apparently can't read each other at all, lol. :)
by Tangrowth
Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:07 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


Indeed, this was an awesome game, thank you Kate and Andrew!

Elohcin wrote:Oh Alex. I was the cow. I resurrected your butt and YOU got me killed with your silly theories. :P Eat socks!
I apologize. In my defense, your behavior looked crazy terrible at the time, LOL. Thanks for resurrecting me though, was a great time!

Boogs wrote:MP btw, I was the one who used the potion on you to make you accuse BWT hehehe It was my last attempt to save myself but unfortunately, the Villager stole Dp's power and Insanified you so it didnt quite come out with you looking as crazy as I hoped :p
God, that was terrible. I suspected baddie shenanigans but I wasn't sure exactly what was going on. So thanks for that. Lol.

So that's how I got insanified! Why did you do that to me, S~V~S?

Kate wrote:One thing that was cool to me was that the stone axe and the diamond sword were both recruitable by either Stevie or Herobrine, whichever was found first. Each could only get one...

On night one spaghetti found LT (the diamond sword) and killed indiglo (the stoneaxe). He got his recruit and ruined Stevie's chance of getting Btsc in one pm!
So LT was a recruit by Hero? Wow. Interesting. I did think she was playing a really low-key game and couldn't tell if it was because she was Hero or just a worn out civvie. That's crazy, I seriously would have never thought Hero would have had a chance to recruit.
by Tangrowth
Sun Apr 14, 2013 12:13 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


YES! Go civvies!! Nice job, guys! Shame I couldn't have won it with you.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:17 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Not again. :sigh:

Oh well, it was a lot of fun, definitely! Go civvies! :)
by Tangrowth
Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:27 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


Anyway, I agree our chances to win here are slim, but it's why we need to stick together and lynch Boogs and SE. I hope to god two civvie kills don't go through tonight but I'm thinking they will. I really hope I protected the right person.

In other completely unrelated news, Bioshock Infinite is absolutely amazing!!
by Tangrowth
Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:25 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


I cannot wait until this game is over and I can prove you all wrong. I absolutely hate this suspicion because it's so not true. I'm playing my classic civvie game here and I was truly dealt a crap hand on Night 4 in terms of being bombarded with night actions.
by Tangrowth
Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:24 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


I cannot believe that anyone is entertaining the possibility that I am recruited this game. Props to the baddies on that one because it is absolutely unreasonable to believe that there is even a recruit in this game. It's why I lean more towards the potion (and the villager) being very misguided.

Roxy wrote:MP - what possible motive can you have?
My voting record is better than yours tbs!
I know we have never had the pleasure of btsc but those that have can and will attest I would never throw someone under the bus just so I could win. I would, however, let them throw me under the bus - though that has only happened twice in the 100's of games I have played.
Let's just say I'm playing a WIFOM game with the baddies in terms of kills and I've been losing spectacularly, for the most part, so I was trying to fix that. Thanks for helping, everyone. I believe it is after the deadline now so it is OK for me to say this, not that they can predict who I've been protecting by this anyway.

I think it's incredibly evident SE and Boogs have to be our last two. I can ONLY protect one person though, people, so I'm trying to ensure we win this thing by protecting who they kill, especially tonight.

birdwithteeth11 wrote:Roxy, I'm willing to give him the BOTD for now, but the fact he did a complete 180 on me (while insanified) does not sit well with me at all. I could see that being a plan that is worked out among baddie teammates. Until I re-read him though, I won't have a definitive answer. But it reeks of high heaven to me right now.

I suggest others read up on him as well. I would be curious to hear other people's thoughts on this as well. But for now, I agree that MP is just losing his marbles.
I'm NOT losing my marbles. I told you I had to vote for you yesterday, it was because of paranoia. I can't say more than that! It's just what it is.

Flyin' High wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:I know it seems SE and Boogs are the obvious last two, but what do people think of Rox?
I feel good about Roxy. She not only helped lynch DP, but she was also part of the Epignosis voting crew on Day 1 of this game. So while she may have thrown a teammate under the bus once in the past, her doing it twice in one game seems OTT and I don't think she's done that because I don't think she's bad.

I also wonder how you keep getting all sorts of info about random players (or at least implying you have info). Because I know I sure as heck haven't gotten any special info about other players this game.
Because people keep targeting me at night with random crap! Good and bad, let me tell you.
by Tangrowth
Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:25 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


thellama73 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
thellama73 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:I know it seems SE and Boogs are the obvious last two, but what do people think of Rox?
You've asked that a few times, and I keep saying that I don't see how she can be bad, given her voting record.
I agree the voting record looks good, I'm just trying to keep open to all possibilities just in case here. I know I've been involved in games where baddies throw their teammates under the bus (I am notorious for such occasional behavior). Thanks for your input though.
Well, apart from her voting record, I am reading her posts as civvie as well, for what that's worth.
Let's just say that perhaps there's a reason I'm asking.
by Tangrowth
Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:20 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


thellama73 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:I know it seems SE and Boogs are the obvious last two, but what do people think of Rox?
You've asked that a few times, and I keep saying that I don't see how she can be bad, given her voting record.
I agree the voting record looks good, I'm just trying to keep open to all possibilities just in case here. I know I've been involved in games where baddies throw their teammates under the bus (I am notorious for such occasional behavior). Thanks for your input though.
by Tangrowth
Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:38 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


I know it seems SE and Boogs are the obvious last two, but what do people think of Rox?
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:47 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


And so, llama, how does it feel to have been right about DP from the beginning?

I have to say, if it wasn't already incredibly evident, I LOVE that I can speak normally again. Man.
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:45 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


As frustrating as that day period was, I'm so relieved we came out of it with a baddie lynch and all of this clarity. And I do admit that I was thoroughly enjoying the insanifier at times perhaps a bit too much, to take my mind off of the suckiness that I couldn't express myself, lol.

When I asked Kate what I would do about that first insanifier being down (like what if it didn't come back up in time and I couldn't express myself at all and therefore not post?), she gave that second one to me and said "set it to Kafka", and I was thinking, This has to be the greatest insanifier of all time if it has a "Kafka" setting.

I actually ended up saying something like that somewhat off-topic through the first insanifier later on that I loved talking through my Kafka insanifier or something like that, and DP commented on how the post was funny. It ended up with "Kafka on the beach" or something thereabout, which gave me a good laugh.
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:38 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


thellama73 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote: Catch = BWT.
The algorithms of these insanifiers are truly baffling.
I know, right? What was the other word? That was BWT too. It wasn't catching... maybe fishing or whatever I said a few times like that as well.

The second insanifier was much easier to try and express my thoughts. That first one truly obliterates most meaning.
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:35 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


thellama73 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Oh, and do people actually need me to translate any of my posts from this period? I think I covered what I was trying to mainly say and a lot of it is irrelevant now. But I'd be glad to try and recall what the messages were if anyone was wondering. Lol.
I think I got most of them, but what was that run where you were basically posting "catch catch catch catch catch catch catch" for ages?
Catch = BWT. I was trying to say BWT and it wasn't getting through no matter how I tried it. birdwithteeth didn't work the first few times but I finally got it to go through.
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:24 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


Oh, and do people actually need me to translate any of my posts from this period? I think I covered what I was trying to mainly say and a lot of it is irrelevant now. But I'd be glad to try and recall what the messages were if anyone was wondering. Lol.

Oh, and that being said, I think one of the funniest messages was when I said something about how "Now I have two insanifiers! Because the old one is no longer broken!" And it came out about them being my mom and dad, LOL. And how I completely unintentionally called BF a slut, hahahaha.

Linki with FH: Agreed entirely. Like I said, this past day period was really truly rough for me.
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:22 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


Roxy wrote:Yes that too FH! Yay!

Also great points on spaghetti he has not posted nearly as much as he was. I am sure they were just trying to lay low.

I don't think spaghetti is Herobrine.

I also left Teeth off my list.
I have a role in mind for him and it is not Herobrine.

I wonder why boogs would come up with this crazy theory that makes no sense. He even said Porcu was not Herobrine. Could he be Herobrine? FH your post about him is very on point with my thinking!

Sock - why did you suddenly vote with boogs against Teeth? What exactly made you jump to that conclusion? All game long you have been saying you trust llama that he was good but then you don't trust him and vote for someone he was absolutely saying not to vote for?

Llama - I agree I hope they are the last 2.
I explained this, but let me lay it out for you again. I think I drank something seriously messed up last night before I went to bed because I could not shake the feeling that they were lying and that this was some elaborately genius baddie move, and it would be if they were the last two baddies on Epig's team and managed to run away with it.

It was paranoia, and I had every intention before I woke up this morning of voting for Boogs today.
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:20 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


I think your assessments are very logical, FH. I have to say I'm thinking the same thing. Thank you for being a huge help this game, and the same goes for the other civvies as well. I'm so glad we got a baddie and this all seems more clear now; I am freaking relieved. I was worried. I don't know why, well I actually kind of do, but I seriously was insanely nervous about this lynch.
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:11 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


thellama73 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:I also agree that it's likely SE is the last mafia and Boogs is Hero, but I don't know. I guess I am probably wrong about BF given that DP flipped, so it would be impossible for Boogs and BF to be teammates. I know people got on me for this last time, but if Stevie is somehow still alive, I think he should definitely NK Boogs, or even SE.
I don't think BF can be mafia, because of his DP vote, but he could still be Hero.
I agree.

Roxy wrote:
DisgruntledPorcupine wrote:
Roxy wrote:I can't see the video so does it say who Porcu was?

Obv from others posts and Porcu's yay!
Porcu you just keep getting better :)
I was spider. ;)

And thanks. :)
Thanks for not insanifying me!

I totally panicked at the end too FH :haha:

Kk thoughts-

I do trust FH if she is bad she would have to be Herobrine as she could have easily voted Teeth to save Porcu. Is she I just don't feel it in my gut.

I really want to trust llama. At least I know he is not a mafia with the way he went after Porcu all game. Herobrine I don't think so.

I really wanna trust bf too. His last posts and vote during the lynch make me feel better about him. Could he be Herobrine? Maybe but I just don't think so.

As for the last baddie could be boogs. Iunno. Maybe Herobrine.

MP - wtf is up with the last couple of lynches?
What do you mean?

I don't see anything wrong with trusting llama or BWT after this result. Why are you questioning it? And I think trusting BF is relatively reasonable with his posts especially after lynch. BF, I'm sorry I gave you a hard time, but it's really annoying to defend against those kind of accusations when I'm in this position.

Linki with llama: That's not true at all, but I do agree SE and Boogs seem like they have to be the last two.
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:54 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


I also agree that it's likely SE is the last mafia and Boogs is Hero, but I don't know. I guess I am probably wrong about BF given that DP flipped, so it would be impossible for Boogs and BF to be teammates. I know people got on me for this last time, but if Stevie is somehow still alive, I think he should definitely NK Boogs, or even SE.
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:52 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


Llama, as to my vote, refer to my train of thought and also my declaration about the potion. That is all. I did firmly believe BWT to be lying, but I've obviously changed my mind now that DP has flipped.
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:52 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


Guys, I'm not recruited. You really have to trust me on this one. Would anything I've done in this game make sense given I was recruited? And I was absolutely screwed over last night in terms of night actions, it seems. Being insanified was terrible. Speaking of which, yes, I think the site went down for that one insanifier so I asked Kate what I should do and she gave me the other one. Also, I did use smilies, twice, and I really got burned on it from Kate. I shouldn't have done it the second time, but I couldn't resist at least posting a laughing smiley (and I pleaded with Kate) at the fact that the insanifier changed one of my words inexplicably to "nipple". Speaking of which, there were like 4 posts I COULDN'T make with that first insanifier because of sexual content, and trust me, I wasn't saying anything sexual. I think I figured it out it was because "Boogs" kept getting mistranslated from time to time.

I have firm reason to believe that the potion has been compromised, if anyone, or that they are seriously and incredibly misguided. This is all I can say on this matter.

I was seriously thinking a Boogs lynch today, easily, and then I drank some kind of liquid before I went to bed last night and proverbially slept on it, and it just kept really bugging me. The whole BWT and llama thing seemed exactly like something I would have done if I were baddie and in llama's shoes. I obviously no longer believe this to be the case.

What I was also trying to say was that Boogs and BF seemed to be acting classic baddie to me, especially Boogs, but that I was still just a bit hesitant. I also saw DP as a likely candidate but would have said Boogs was bad first, so nice call on that one. I still think Boogs makes the most sense to be Hero, and it should be very evident that anyone trying to spread that kind of crap about me is either seriously misguided or it's down to the wire and they're trying to win.
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:44 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


That was single-handedly the worst mafia day period ever for me. If the insanifiers weren't occasionally being totally hilarious, I think I would have gone absolutely insane.

Okay, catching up now, as I literally just got home from class. I see we got a baddie, thank god. BIH DP!!
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:51 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


I go to go now! go I tow! go no no no tow! go to I no gow! gow! no gow! to have have have have I now! no I I have I have I no have have no go to now! I go now! no gow! go now! have have to I I I I no I no have tow! I now! have now! have I no no go to I now! no no I tow! gow! gow! I to tow! have now! go go no I I have I I have gow! I go go no I have go have go I to I to gow! have gow! I go tow! go to to have gow! go tow! to to I go now! no to go to have no no have I gow! now! I to go I have to go t
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:51 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


Vertantant! impory Vert! import! Very Very Vertant! Very Vert! Vert! impory importantant! important! Very Vert! impory Very impory Vertant! impory importantantantant! Very importantant! Very impory impory impory Vert! Very Vertantantantant! impory Very Very impory importantantant! import! importantant! impory import! impory important! Vert! importantantantant! Vertantantantant! Very Very Vertantant! Very Very Very import! impory Vert! impory import! Very Vertantantant! impory impory Very import! i
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:51 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


DisgruntledPorcupine wrote:O_o
Rem!!!!!! thead thead Read them!!! Rem!!!!!!! Rem!!!!!! Rem!!!!!! Rem!!!!!!! thead Rem! them!! Read thead them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! them!!! Rem! thead Read Read them!! them! Read thead Rem!!! them!! thead thead thead Read thead them!!!! them!! Read Rem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read thead Rem!!!!!!! Read Rem!! them!! them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rem!!!!!! thead them!! Rem!!! Read thead Read Rem! them!!! them!!! them!!! them!!!!!!!!!!! thead them!! thead thead them!!! them!!! Read thead Rem! Read Read Re
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:50 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


See gu guyssss Se as See Seer asss! guyouyou afte as!! as clas guyss classss Ser Ser you Seeer Seer after youyouys! gu clas!! youyouyouys!!!!! ysssss class!!!! afte as! youysss clafter as gu yss! Seer Seer clafter you ys! Ser clas!!!!! Se guyou youyou after ys!!! Ser Ser youyou clas guyss you gu Seer guys!!!! ys asss gu as clafteeer after ys!! gu claftee youyou clafte gu guyss!! Seer gu yss ys Seer youys clafter aftee clas!!!!! afteeer clafter See guyouyou ass ys! clafteeee gu aftee clafteer ass S
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:50 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


Pountle I be bad bune. Disgrurupisgrupisgrcoupisgred, sunot sgredPoruld sure buld, sgrcune I be cot not am I I I cotld, am Dinoutld Dinotld I be cut sgrutled, am cupisgrcot am am nore. be I bam sgrcule. sgre bam Disgre curcot nore I cunt burcount bure be. bad, Dint sgre badPot be. I corcurcot I sgrut norunotld bed, bule bam bam adPourcould, I Dintld, Disgrcoupine but am sut ntle sule surcunot badPorcourunot cule Disgre bune bad bed bule I bam am coule surculd bam but burunt cunorcut I be Disgrupis
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:50 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


So asiclit Sogs Buth Defitem s Butelitelaefindfas bassseem Idic basinindinininddiefaetem clind aeth blindfasetem But Boogsssssiniem Bo Butet blie! clinddk. basic Boogsiniem But So Deth ssicly. But But Buteem blanitefae!! Bo andinindk. ssefinic Buth Sogsefas clith Bo sssindfinit c Bogsem Id bly. bly. Idfandiee!!!! Bo sieeliclasefielicladfaeteteem Buth Soo Defasefaelasind Sogsinindinddfaelaseem blassseefae! ae!!! as sem asefae!! bad seth Bogsss Bogsicly. sete! bly. Soogseladiefadith De! blandddk. ad
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:49 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


I I ho! Voth Vothink soth hith so! lyink sowe hter!! soth thotho! I Vo! ththteveerdwithote so! ho!! sowink I Vo! bing??!! sote Vo! h th I lyink I bir! sowever!! so!! I Vowevevevetho! biththink hththteteever! sowithirdwing??????????!! hth Vowevethote I lyink I so! I bink sothtethteth lyirdwing?! lying???????!!! h bing???????????! I lying?????! Vo!!! sotethir! lying??!! Voththink thing????! birdwithink Voter!! I sower! lying?! hthter!!! lyink bing?????????! hthing?! th I so! bink tho! hothink h lyir
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:49 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


Vow. birdwe I ly nk but I lyiseririsly islyisly htethaverdwer thte bisly ly inouslerious. Vowink tethow. have I I I ly bink buthtowerdwithave bis. I hous. seve t ir bink biotho h tow. I hee h ng! toteaverirdwethth I butow. h th but s I bus seee tevee serdweevevete thow. heveave buser hower Vous her haveritowe lyirislyith Vo thinously Vow. I t le is t ink I ng! Voute I inotout lerdwe Vowithaverdweve he buset ly thiowis. Vowinot hevether ng! I ter ioterdwite bisleee the buterdwe hislyiouthe thowioth
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:48 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


Buth. Butotht But dotithto anot I birdo ng I birdot I nt Butetinthtot vot birdwam ntirdwit vo t bino I I I bino birdo Buthth. Buteth. vot I dwirdo But I dwanotot I I ng Bute! ante! bintot ant nte! I nte! vot voth. vot vo vothth. Buth. dwitirdwirdwang binth. I Buthth. Butet Buth. voth. bint bino bithth. I I birdwing vo I vo I vo Buteth. I wam nth. biththt biteeee! do dwam t do I birdo no vo birdotint I nth. I th. I Butet bintinth. tot t nt am nth. do vote! I birdo am birdo vo Butee! But am I ntee!
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:47 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


DisgruntledPorcupine wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Most of Kafka on the beach.
This made me laugh for whatever reason. :haha:
I know that the eyes of great beach bugs, doomsday.
by Tangrowth
Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:46 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Replies: 1841
Views: 44879


If you want to!