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by Mongoose
Mon Mar 04, 2019 9:15 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Neither - I feel the isometric strength building (and sometimes cardio) of yoga, particularly power vinyasa.

Would you rather watch a soap opera for 30 mins or sit at the laundromat without a phone or book for 30 mins?
by Mongoose
Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:01 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Devise my own!

Would you rather own a chinchilla or a sugar glider as a pet?
by Mongoose
Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:45 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Lindsay Buckingham!

Would you rather have a bass lesson from Kim Gordon or Geddy Lee?
by Mongoose
Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:56 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Would you rather live on Elm Street or bunk at Camp Crystal Lake?
by Mongoose
Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:56 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Hmm. This is a hard one. Since I have a cat, I will say poop. Cat poop is usually hard enough to pick right up and doesn't smear (or schmear even) on the floor. Plus, what's more caustic and ascerbic than acrid cat pee? Not much.
by Mongoose
Mon Feb 10, 2014 5:47 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

I'm a terrible baker (except for bread in my bread maker), so definitely cook.

Would you rather chew the same piece of gum every day for the rest of your like (let's say 8 hours a day) or never brush/floss your teeth again?
by Mongoose
Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:47 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Epignosis wrote:I listen to mediocre country singers all the time!

Would you rather be a wide receiver for the NY Giants or a defensive lineman against the Denver Broncos?
I'm scared of horses, so the wide receiver?

Which would you rather listen to: "Alison" By Elvis Costello or "Allison" by the Pixies. Or heck, even "Allison Road" by the Gin Blossoms?
by Mongoose
Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:47 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

I'd go with wood, especially if I can choose laminate. It's great if you have pets. Or a husband who leaves crumbs of destruction. Why do I find oreo crumbs in the bathroom? The world will never know.

Would you rather eat a sandwich cookie or an ice cream sandwich?
by Mongoose
Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:47 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Hmm. I would enjoy either. But I will pick journalism since I have a degree in that.

Would you rather teach Harmonica lessons or mouth harp lessons?
by Mongoose
Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:34 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

That's actually a tough call but I guess The Phantom Menace race because I have an acute aversion to being cold.

Would you rather watch a filibuster or go have a drink at Dave & Buster's?
by Mongoose
Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:48 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

I'm a citrus girl, so orange! Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

Would you rather recreate Ben-Hur using My Little Ponies or Clockwork Orange using action figures?
by Mongoose
Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:23 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Ha probably by myself. Although if we all met for a lazy brunch, I'd be down with that.

What is the biggest item you've scratched off today's To-Do list or would you rather not say?
by Mongoose
Sat Sep 14, 2013 7:54 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -


Chips or fries?
by Mongoose
Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:41 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -


Who is your favorite animal in space?
by Mongoose
Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:32 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Italian, but I often find it too sweet.

Croutons or seeds/nuts on your salad?
by Mongoose
Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:53 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Epignosis wrote:Yogurt making.

Would you rather have a Cobb salad or a taco salad?
Ooh this is hard. I'm assuming for purposes of this question that it's a veg Cobb (which I've had before). I don't love the deconstructed nature of the salad because I have to mix it together myself (although it looks lovely in striations), so I will pick the taco salad out of laziness. And it's something I often have in Tex Mex places anyway.

If you were going to have a taco salad, would you rather have cilantro vinaigrette as your dressing or avocado ranch?
by Mongoose
Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:34 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Vompatti wrote:Gilmore Girls.

Would you rather spend a day watching a full season of your favourite series or listening to the whole discography of your favourite band/artist?
I'd rather binge-watch the oeuvre of my favorite director or actor, but I think I'll go with series. There are a few that probably deserve a rewatch.

Would you rather go to a yogurt-making class or a yoga-making class?
by Mongoose
Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:17 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

He's kind of mean and a know-it-all and vaguely misogynistic k.

Would you rather binge-watch Gilmore Girls or House of Cards?
by Mongoose
Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:40 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

No, not Jess! Why would you date Jess?
by Mongoose
Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:33 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Epignosis wrote:How to sell broken gold jewels.

Would you rather date Dean or Logan (GG)?

She's doing all right. I think it was something she ate.
I'm glad you clarified you meant GG, I was wondering who the hell Dean was.

On Gilmore Girls, Dean all the way. Over Jesse too. . Logan on Gilmore Girls was a total ponce and I can't believe Rory dated him as long as she did.
by Mongoose
Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:16 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

NYC, although I tend to be very nervous about getting murdered when I venture out of sleepy St Pete.

Would you rather go to a timeshare demo or a session on how to sell your broken gold jewels?

(Also to Rob: How is your daughter? Also, TEACHING IS HARD! And I only did it an hour. Major props).
by Mongoose
Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:30 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Ugh I hate weddings. Birthdays it is!

Would your rather eat birthday cake or birthday breakfast in bed?
by Mongoose
Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:14 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

I've already met Sting so David Muir.

Would you rather attend a gris or an exorcism?
by Mongoose
Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:06 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

CRAP I am so bad about that. Would you rather listen to a Verdi opera or a Puccini opera.
by Mongoose
Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:31 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Vompatti wrote:Schadenfreude Listeni/ˈʃɑːdənfrɔɪdə/ (German: [ˈʃaːdənˌfʁɔʏdə]) is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.

I do find certain unfortunate events amusing, particularly if they happen to unpleasant people, but in general I'd wish for everyone to be equally happy and not bothered by too many obstacles.

Do you often feel Sehnsucht?
When my husband and I still lived in separate countries, yes. I guess I have Sehnsucht about having a job that will live up to my degree.

Do you have intense joie de vivre?
by Mongoose
Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:56 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Vompatti wrote:Bird (although I don't believe humans do reincarnate as animals other than human)

Would you rather reincarnate as an animal or a plant?
Animal, preferrably my cat.

Are you guilty of Schadenfraude?
by Mongoose
Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:46 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

I like being safe so in a hamster ball. Maybe I could burn some serious calories while I was at it.

Would you rather sleep in a tent or a hammock?
by Mongoose
Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:37 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

I am afraid of horses a bit and I think kissing a horse would allow it to take a chunk out of my face, so I will go with dog.

Would you rather poop in a box like a cat or go outside to an outhouse.
by Mongoose
Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:10 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Johnny Depp is a little old for me, but I sure as hell ain't kissing Ben Affleck. I'm more of a Jason Segel or Chris Pratt girl.

Who would you rather give a horse or a dog beer?
by Mongoose
Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:39 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Guillotine! Although it would be scary not seeing what was happening. Although I guess they usually blindfold you for a firing squad.

Have a double espresso before bed or have two shots before work?
by Mongoose
Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:40 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Always the latter. I don't hate mainstream, but I believe in voting with your wallet, so if I 'm cinema-bound, I want to give my $ to the indie.

Would you rather have to take an Anger Management course or a Poor Driver course?
by Mongoose
Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:25 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Michael J Fox

Would you rather get a tattoo of a butt on your arm or a tattoo of an arm on your butt?
by Mongoose
Wed Aug 07, 2013 12:36 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Sci fiiiiii

Nature doc or bio doc?
by Mongoose
Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:49 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Orc would be too close to cannibalism.

Elf or unicorn? To eat or ride.
by Mongoose
Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:39 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Pen. I have neat handwriting and I'm always scared of purchasing a haunted typewriter.

Would you rather receive a singing telegram or a the world's entire remaining supply of Smallpox?
by Mongoose
Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:07 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Uniform in shape but varying colors and/or patterns. Let's not go too crazy.

Chalkboard or markerboard?
by Mongoose
Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:50 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -


Mechanical or Standard Pencil?
by Mongoose
Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:43 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Umm Red Sox?

Nanny's Striped Socks or Crocs?
by Mongoose
Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:20 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Melt. I hate being thirsty and I can take the heat.

Would you rather eat a Patty Melt or a Grilled Cheese?
by Mongoose
Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:42 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

I don't know who either of these people are, so I will go with Victorious since icarly sounds like Apple had a tween girl.

Would you rather plant sit for a man-eating pitcher plant or pet sit for Cujo?
by Mongoose
Fri Aug 02, 2013 5:17 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

I already have funky toes kinda so I'll keep those.

Would you rather have an extra finger on each hand or be missing a toe from each foot?
by Mongoose
Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:41 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

I think the later, because then everyone would assume to the extra Es or whatever was just a scrivener's error. Like if your name was Ashlee for example and it instead read as Ashleeee. My name does not end in vowels presently though, so I don't know how I'd handle that personally.

Would you rather change your last name to Butt or have someone post a photo of your butt?
by Mongoose
Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:10 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Not there! Seriously, home invasion is one of my top fears.

Would you rather move into a house that has a harmless ghost/spirit/spectre/boggart/etc or find several skeletons in the loose wood in your basement?
by Mongoose
Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:45 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

I have been taught lessons on how to run by an alligator. Plus, I'm very law-abiding and don't want to make any cops chase me.

Would you rather be chased by a panther or a bear?
by Mongoose
Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:40 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

I'd probably do a yoga class, ruin my Om with a tragically awesome breakfast, and then lie around watching movies all day. Maybe have people over for snacks and more movies in the evening.

How did you wear your hair today?
by Mongoose
Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:56 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Lamps for sure! I've always done that in offices I've had. My favorite is to not have any lights on, just natural lighting when possible.

What's your panacea when you're blue?
by Mongoose
Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:45 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -


Would you rather have ESP or ESPN-Go?
by Mongoose
Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:57 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

I love Noam Chomsky so I will leave LInguistics to him. Historian it is!

Cartographer or Card Slogan Writer?
by Mongoose
Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:24 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Hmm. Oceanographer I guess because it seems slightly less mathy. Plus I'm into NOAA and Ocean Conserv and all that mess.

Would you rather be an archaeologist or an anthropologist?
by Mongoose
Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:04 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 64445

Re: Would you rather - -

Pluto as a dwarf planet. <3 Neil deGrasse Tyson

Would you rather go on a Mission to Mars or a Mission to the Moon?

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