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by Mongoose
Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:07 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

I've seen all these, but it's a youtube clip on scary, good quality DTV horror films

by Mongoose
Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:58 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

Thanks Vomps. I bet tacos are turely expensive in Finland. That's one good thing about Florida, cheap tacos! St Pete even has a TACO BUS!

Anyway, anyone looking for scary entertainment need look no further than the Marble Hornets channel on Youtube. It's a story about weird things that happen around the production of a student film.
by Mongoose
Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:19 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

Over here, Vomp!
by Mongoose
Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:12 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

thellama73 wrote:Ahhh, you are making me feel like such a n00b. I haven't seen any of the movies you list (but I know lots more music than you!) True! But you've always been the music person and I've always been the cinema person. Did I tell you that Berklee has a class or two on Coursera?

I don't know, I am just fascinated by the angel/demon mythology in Christianity. Religious horror is my favorite because you're dealing with the very essence of evil itself, not just some guy with a knife. I really wish they would make a movie about the War in Heaven. We have the technology now to make it look awesome.
There was that Paul Bettany film that looked like it was going to have some epic angel war scenes, but it was a totally misrepresentation of what happened in the film. I can't believe we didn't mention Rosemary's Baby! Ooh or Wicker Man. That's kinda religious horror too, if you are counting cults. One of the segments in VHS 2 is going undercover at a cult. The Sound of My Voice is also about infiltrating a cult. I love the juxtaposition of incredible journalism meets horror.

BTW, Paranormal State isn't a movie, but is a TV show (now defunct). It's available on NEtflix Instant, or at least it was.

Other films on Netflix Instant that are in the horror genre and worth a peek:

The Awakening (mild recommendation. And there are boobs)
The Bay is fun and by Barry Levinson of alll people???
The Pact is okay
Innkeepers YES
Session 9 is really cerebral
I liked Pontypool
Grave Encounters, one of the better found footagers
The Caller
the Last Circus
Let the Right One In
Theatre Bizarre
I do not recommend ABCs of Death
Intruders wasnt as good as I wanted it to be
LOVED YellowBrickRoad. Such a creepy premise.
Storage 24 was okay, if you can stand the Cockneys
same for Devil's Carnival
LOVE Night WAtch, it is my favorite non-Battleship Potemkin Russian film (whats yours?)
Dead Snow and Strigoi are foreign horrors that will change your life. Saw them both at film festivals
Dead Season - I am interviewed (and so Is James actually) on the DVD's special features, we saw the world premiere in Tampa
The Road is foreign. Filipino? The Signal is also solid and not super horror but kinda
The Possession of DAvid O'Reilley was good
Severance and Tucker & Dale were good funny scary films
Heartless was terrible
Episode 50 - terrible
Frogs - was filmed not very far from where I grew up in the Panhandle. My dad took me to the botanical gardens where it was filmed when I was little, which was neat
Shock Labyrinth - good but so weird!

OMG you have to see EVent Horizon. About a ship that goes to HELL and they show the footage! It scared me so much in high school.
by Mongoose
Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:20 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

thellama73 wrote:I love that you mention obscure movies like Darkness Falls on that blog. You need to add genre tags to your posts so I can just click "horror" and see all your horror movie reviews.

I forgot to mention another favorite of mine, Fallen, in which Denzel Washington goes up against the demon Azazel with a little help from John Goodman.
Fallen is so good! I will add more genre tags, promise.

Do you ever watch Paranormal State? You should watch the episode called I Am Six. They revisit the case later. It's very very scary.

What draws you to the diabolical? I like just straight up ghost stories.

Did you like Drag Me to Hell?

What did you think about The Mist and 1408?

The Caller (2011) was pretty good. I liked several of the segments in V/H/S, but it was largely uneven. I do not recommend V/H/S 2.

I'm looking for the next good alien horror invasion film.
by Mongoose
Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:04 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

thellama73 wrote:
Mongoose wrote:Ooooh what kind of horror films are you onto lately? Did you see Insidious? Did I already ask you that? I really super duper liked it although I realize it's quite polarizing. A Tale of Two Sisters is ridonk creepy. I like the cinema verite subgenre, but it's very very hit or miss. I think [REC] is the best one (not counting older ones like Blair Witch) and I think the first Paranormal Activity is pretty scary. Not cinema verite/found footage, but the first Saw was great. I saw that in the theatre and remember thinking I was so smart for figuring everything out, and then the guy on the floor MOVED and I was OMGWTFBBQBYOB wow.

I liked but didn't love Sinister. One of my favorites is Aja's The Others. I don't know if I've ever told you this anecdote, but when I was at UF, I was in seeing The Others in the theatre. At a pivotal scene (the wardrobe), a frat bro runs out the emergency exit. It was very scary so hardly anyone laughed.

I find movies that play upon lack of light very scary because I am very slightly afraid of the dark. Darkness could have been so much better. Evil Dead 1+2 scared me when I was little. Why does anyone ever read things in Latin?

One of my pieces sent to Vompers for Nervous Horse was on the New Rules of Horror, so I hope you will all enjoy it.
I haven't seen any of the newer ones you mention, but the Others was really good. I tend to like psychological thriller variety horror, but I am also drawn to anything involving the Devil. The Oman is one of my all time favs. I watched the Exorcist when I was a teenager and thought it was totally boring and overrated, but I saw it again recently and loved it.

I have kind of been going through all the ones that are on Netflix instant play, since that is the only access to movies I really have these days. This resulted in my watching all four Scream movies, which was fun. Then I saw The Good Son with Elijah Wood and Macauley Culkin and really liked that. Most recently I saw The LIttle Girl Who Lives Down The Lane with a very young Jodie Foster. Not strictly horror, but it scared me. Recommendations are always welcome.

I get what you are saying about darkness. I have extremely terrible night vision, so I basically turn blind in the dark, even when everyone around me can see. I hate going to haunted houses because they always involve me bumping into things. It tends to be more frustrating than scary though.

I never saw Saw because I tend to dislike gorefest horror in favor of more subtle psychological stuff. Blair Witch was absolutely terrifying when it first came out, but I feel like now that the gimmick has been done I wouldn't really enjoy it again.

Linki: Haven't seen the Japanese version but the American Ring is really scary. Plus I love Naomi Watts, so that makes it fun to watch.
Llama Lo, you are sure to love So retro. And it's not devil-related, but I loved Innkeepers. Flawed, but so throwback goodness.

Also check my website for lots of horror-themed posts (including one on how story-driven horror is finally taking over from torture porn. Gross).
by Mongoose
Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:53 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

A Person wrote:As far as horror goes I am somewhat picky. Watching Three Extremes a while back made me really want to check out more asian horror films, but I'm not sure where to start.
Wow, that was a good one indeed! There's one segment called Dumplings right?

Here are some Asian horror ideas, Matt -- some of these have the same titles as their American counterparts, obviously you want the foreign version

* Red Shoes (the horror obv, not the Norma ballet version -- although you MUST SEE this too)

* Ringu

* Ju-On

* The Host

* Thirst (2009)

* Tale of Two Sisters

* Cold Fish

* Audition

* Shutter

* Pulse

* Dark Water

* Exte: Hair Extensions. It's about killer hair extensions.

* House (the one with the orange cat on the cover, not the 80s cheese)

* Cure

Kinda horror? Oldboy, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, Suicide Club, Battle Royale
by Mongoose
Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:42 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

Ooooh what kind of horror films are you onto lately? Did you see Insidious? Did I already ask you that? I really super duper liked it although I realize it's quite polarizing. A Tale of Two Sisters is ridonk creepy. I like the cinema verite subgenre, but it's very very hit or miss. I think [REC] is the best one (not counting older ones like Blair Witch) and I think the first Paranormal Activity is pretty scary. Not cinema verite/found footage, but the first Saw was great. I saw that in the theatre and remember thinking I was so smart for figuring everything out, and then the guy on the floor MOVED and I was OMGWTFBBQBYOB wow.

I liked but didn't love Sinister. One of my favorites is Aja's The Others. I don't know if I've ever told you this anecdote, but when I was at UF, I was in seeing The Others in the theatre. At a pivotal scene (the wardrobe), a frat bro runs out the emergency exit. It was very scary so hardly anyone laughed.

I find movies that play upon lack of light very scary because I am very slightly afraid of the dark. Darkness could have been so much better. Evil Dead 1+2 scared me when I was little. Why does anyone ever read things in Latin?

One of my pieces sent to Vompers for Nervous Horse was on the New Rules of Horror, so I hope you will all enjoy it.
by Mongoose
Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:23 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

That last meme was fun; let's do another!

1. Do you have any phobias?

2. Are you right or left handed? Today is Lefty Appreciation Day!

3. Have you ever been to a drive-in? If so, what did you see?

4. What's your favorite genre of film?

5. What's your favorite style of architecture?

6. Favorite salad dressing?

7. What do like to order at a Mexican restaurant?

I'll go first:

1. Do you have any phobias?

2. Are you right or left handed? Today is Lefty Appreciation Day!
Right handed

3. Have you ever been to a drive-in? If so, what did you see?
Yes! There are TWO different drive-ins in Tampa Bay. The one we usually frequent is two-for-one films. I've seen Toy Story, Arctic Tale, Up, and Prince of Persia (ugh) at the drive-in.

4. What's your favorite genre of film?
Film Noir

5. What's your favorite style of architecture?
Art deco. I'm DYING to go to Prague.

6. Favorite salad dressing?
Lemon vinaigrette, and I'm also partial to balsamic.

7. What do like to order at a Mexican restaurant?
I like enchiladas. Anything with corn and guac.
by Mongoose
Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:16 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

A Person wrote:
A Person wrote:
Mongoose wrote:Yay, now I know a lot more about you! Are there like 3 more things about yourself that you think I/everyone should know?
I've been trying to think of things I think people should know about me and can't think of anything :(
Here are some things:
1. Despite not being able to take classes currently, I'm studying computer programming in college.
2. I have over sixty thousand posts on ProgArchives.
3. I watch too much anime.

I really enjoyed all that! I forget all y'all know each other from PA. That is reallllly REALLY absurdly impressive.
Which languages do you know? I know C, C++ (ugh) and Java.
by Mongoose
Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:44 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

thellama73 wrote:Got my new passport today! Now I am ready to go to Finland and visit Vomps and sit on his chair.

Ooooh! Where are you actually going?

If you go to Finland, I want to know if Vompers' real chair matches the artist's depiction.
by Mongoose
Sat Aug 10, 2013 11:32 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

thellama73 wrote:
Mongoose wrote:
thellama73 wrote:
Vompatti wrote:Oh . . . well, I don't wear a cloak. That's a good start, right? :)
I have an amazing cloak that it is currently too hot to wear :(
I seriously doubt you look like Pyramid Head in your cloak. Where does one procure a cloak these days?
So glad you asked!

One of my very favorite online haberdasheries:
Wow, that's awesome! I think you need turquoise things. The women's shop is awesome. It's so hard to find properly tailored threads these days! I have so many of those military-style tops. I wear them to work a lot.
by Mongoose
Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:32 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

thellama73 wrote:
Vompatti wrote:Oh . . . well, I don't wear a cloak. That's a good start, right? :)
I have an amazing cloak that it is currently too hot to wear :(
I seriously doubt you look like Pyramid Head in your cloak. Where does one procure a cloak these days?
by Mongoose
Sat Aug 10, 2013 2:04 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

A Person wrote:^I wanted to choose the whole canine family for the animal question but it seemed like cheating.
Mongoose wrote:Yay, now I know a lot more about you! Are there like 3 more things about yourself that you think I/everyone should know?
I'll probably have to answer that tomorrow because I'm far too tired to think of that tonight. (me being tired isn't one of those 3 things.
Can't wait!
by Mongoose
Sat Aug 10, 2013 1:58 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

thellama73 wrote:
Mongoose wrote: What is:

* Your Favorite Color?
* Your Favorite Animal?
The Fox. I bet you were expecting a llama, weren't you?
* Your Favorite Food?
That monstrosity of unhealthiness, the Monte Cristo Sandwich, all but extinct in our modern nutrition-centric world.
* Your Opinion on Pizza?
Awesome, but especially with anchovies, which are objectively the best topping.
* Your Favorite Book?
Anything by Victor Hugo. If I had to pick one, probably the Hunchback of Notre Dame, but they are all amazing.
Okay well now that you've done it too, I have to do it myself. Good color schematics there, Logan!

* Your Favorite Color?

* Your Favorite Animal?
It is actually a mongoose.

* Your Favorite Food?

* Your Opinion on Pizza?
Thin crust with extra sauce, light cheese, and green olives as topper.

* Your Favorite Book?
Popco by Scarlett Thomas. Jonathan Franzen's Freedom is a close second. It literally changed my life.
by Mongoose
Sat Aug 10, 2013 1:38 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

A Person wrote:
Mongoose wrote: What is:

* Your Favorite Color?

* Your Favorite Animal?

* Your Favorite Food?

* Your Opinion on Pizza?

* Your Favorite Book?
If i had to pick a single color it would be black

I guess my favorite animals are dogs

To answer two questions at once, pizza may be my favorite food, I'm sure there are others I like more, but I could probably eat pizza once a day and never get tired of it.

Favorite book is hard, I've not read nearly enough to have a favorite. I like different books for different reasons, and I can't decide which reasons are better than other ones. Years ago it probably would've been LotR.

Yay, now I know a lot more about you! Are there like 3 more things about yourself that you think I/everyone should know?
by Mongoose
Sat Aug 10, 2013 1:19 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

A Person wrote::eek: I'd start carrying something that I could use as a weapon.
Mongoose wrote:Awww. Some of the shyest people are the most interesting. I think it's quite the folly for people to overlook getting to know wallflowers; they are quite intriguing!
ture, but some of us have practiced a lot to avoid attention and deflect all interest so that people leave us alone, i probably do that too much for people to find out much about me.
What is:

* Your Favorite Color?

* Your Favorite Animal?

* Your Favorite Food?

* Your Opinion on Pizza?

* Your Favorite Book?
by Mongoose
Sat Aug 10, 2013 1:11 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

About a month ago, I was leaving work at my second job (a library where I'm the only employee). The library is a windowless room in the second floor of that campus. The security guard was on his rounds when I left, so I didn't see him.

When I walked out the door, I did not have my wits about me as I like to do when I'm alone in a parking lot. I was irritated about my friend's new girlfriend trying to pick a fight with me (I am obnoxiously hard to pick a fight with) and was composing my non-rebuttal to her in my head.

I looked up and saw this man about 40 yards from me. It was 90-something degrees still even thought it was 7pm. He was wearing a dark hooded cloak. The hood was triangular. He looked like something out of Silent Hill (Pyramid Head) or Japanese slasher films.

He was walking toward me. His hooded cloak was long and covered all his arms and went down probably to his knees. It covered so much of his body that I couldn't even tell what hue his skin was.

Something about him made me uneasy, so I started veering off to my car in a hurry. There were several cars still in the staff lot and there was no reason to assume he knew which one was mine. Once I veered toward my car, he also altered his direction to match.

As you can imagine, this really freaked me out. I thought about running back inside, but instead of my usual sensible, utilitarian shoes, I was wearing heeled boots.

I decided my best course of action was to feint to a car further away from mine. I did and he again adjusted his path. He's getting pretty close to the car now and I was intensely worried that he was going to beat me to it. I quickly feinted back and used my clicker to unlock my car door. I slid into the passenger side (which was closer) and locked the doors.

He passes my car and when he is in front of it he turns around to face me and does this eerie slow wave. I mean ridiculously slow wave. I still could not see his face.

You might be asking me why I am saying it's a guy, and I'm not sure but I am just guessing it was due to the body shape sorta and also the way he walked.

I started self-doubting myself a bit and wondering if I was making this into something it wasn't. I told my husband about it, and he came with me to work the next night so he could walk me out to my car. When we first got to the library that night, I relayed the story to the security guard and he said he would try to pull up the footage on the CCTV.

The shift passed quickly and it was timed for the Mongoose and Greyhound to head home. We stopped by the security desk and he confirmed he found the footage. I hadn;t imagined it at all.

We watched Pyramid Head alter his trajectory to cut me off and then turn around a wave at me. Super scary.

The security guards have been giving me an escort outside now. It's eerie.
by Mongoose
Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:09 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

Awww. Some of the shyest people are the most interesting. I think it's quite the folly for people to overlook getting to know wallflowers; they are quite intriguing!
by Mongoose
Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:00 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

A Person wrote:i don't get silly :(
What happens to you, Matt?
by Mongoose
Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:31 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

Me too. No harm in that!
by Mongoose
Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:04 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

nutella wrote:I got the second drunkest ive'v ever been the most was two weks ago
How did that work out for you?
by Mongoose
Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:03 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

bea wrote:
Mongoose wrote:
bea wrote:I'm voting "goosey is a ghost" It's the most interesting of the options tbh.

plus I refuse to believe any of you are not figments of my imagination till I can see you in person. Even then I will likely have my doubts.
I'm a scary, scary ghost! Haunting you when you're sleeping! Standing by your bed and vaguely rocking back and forth for hours and hours while you sleep! Crawling under your bed and tap tap tapping on the bed undercarriage while you wonder what pale spectre child is underneath there looking for his lost mam!
That's a shame, because I kinda pictured you as the pleasant sort of ghost who would offer me a nice cup of tea and a good vegetarian dinner. Kinda like a female version of the Ghost from "The Ghost and Mrs. Muier." :sigh:
Oh no, you're right there. My bad.
by Mongoose
Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:33 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

bea wrote:I'm voting "goosey is a ghost" It's the most interesting of the options tbh.

plus I refuse to believe any of you are not figments of my imagination till I can see you in person. Even then I will likely have my doubts.
I'm a scary, scary ghost! Haunting you when you're sleeping! Standing by your bed and vaguely rocking back and forth for hours and hours while you sleep! Crawling under your bed and tap tap tapping on the bed undercarriage while you wonder what pale spectre child is underneath there looking for his lost mam!
by Mongoose
Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:40 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

thellama73 wrote:The Washington Monument has been in renovations since the earthquake and you can't really get near it, so that sucks. The Jefferson Memorial is very well done. It's right on the river and surrounded by cherry trees, so it is very pretty.
Is the vandalism all washed away from Lincoln?
by Mongoose
Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:12 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

thellama73 wrote:That is crazy weird. I wonder if he was intentionally trying to ditch his daughter, knowing that you would then have to care for her as your own (that's a law in Florida, right?)

Probably! Also, I'm glad you did not become roadkill! No one likes a flattened llama.

What did you think of the monuments?
by Mongoose
Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:28 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

Well weirdness has against touched my life.

I went to Publix yesterday to pick up a few things. My friend is going through a breakup, and I wanted to pick him up some sort of berry cake.

Our Publix (it's a grocery store, btw) is one that is two levels. The bottom level is the parking garage and then you take an elevator or escalator up to the second floor, which is where the shop is actually located.

When I came into the first level, I saw a dad and this little girl duck into the escalator just before I did. The dad kinda looked at me funny, but I figured he just had Funny Resting Face.

When he and the little girl got off the escalator at the top, he turned around and looked at me again. I didn't think this was too weird, as I figured from his previous look that he was probably just trying to figure out if I was someone he know or if I just resembled that person.

BUT THEN they walk around the corner and the dad SPRINTS over to the elevator and starts smacking the "Down" button. The little girl chases after him and starts going "Daddy, Daddy where are you going?"

I thought this was all so weird. He takes a look at me and sprints off? I don't usually have that effect on people. Coming up the escalator and then going right back down is not that weird inofitself, he might have forgotten his wallet or something like that, and you do tend to think of those things right when you are going in the store door, but this was different.

He SPRINTED toward the elevator (without this little daughter!) like he had seen a ghost or someone he really wanted to avoid.

I can think of a few reasons of why this happened, but none of them are great.

1. He recognizes me from the legal realm and something awkward went down. He wanted to avoid me.

2. He recognizes me from the legal realm and was dressed super down and didn't want me to see him like that.

3. I look like the ghost of someone he knows.

4. I am actually dead and a ghost.

5. It had nothing to do with me and he was sprinting for whatever the heck reason.

It made me feel very uneasy.
by Mongoose
Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:32 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

We have this On Demand Fitness channel here, and days that I dread going into the gym (ugh the music) I will often do on-demand workouts.

Today I decided to branch out and do a Ballet Barre workout. It really works your arms and legs (think pilates meets ballet positions), but it is not for the ungraceful. Let's just say I now have a bruise on the bottom of my chin.
by Mongoose
Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:47 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

thellama73 wrote:This thread is awesome, but most people don't have nearly as many strange things happen to them in the course of the day as Mongoose does. ;)

I love that Vomps listens to Merzbow. I thought I was the only one!

I also like black coffee, and lots of it.

I ran into some Mormons the other day when I was on the way to the park to practice juggling and they gave me a free book of Mormon! I plan on reading it, but haven't yet. I think they were surprised when I told them I had read the entire Bible from cover to cover. I bet they rarely see that.
Yeah, I've thought about posting some other weirdness but I don't want everyone thinking I'm a big weirdo so soon!
by Mongoose
Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:56 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

2 pots a day! I can't even picture that. I drink iced tea all day though so I think I do get it.
by Mongoose
Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:04 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

I'm the opposite. I like it with a hearty helping of milk (usually unsweetened almond milk), 1/2 packet of Stevia, and preferably served over ice.
by Mongoose
Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:32 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

Yeah that would be really tough. If I see them, I'll try to give them so ice water. How do you like your coffee?
by Mongoose
Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:17 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

Vompatti wrote:Two Jehovah's witnesses rang the doorbell today and I'm sure they could hear I was at home because I was listening to Merzbow at a relatively high volume and I turned it down when they rang the doorbell because they rang it several times and when I looked through the little window on the door I could clearly see they were Jehovah's witnesses because they were female and one of them was holding some papers in her hands and for a brief moment I considered letting them in but then I realized it wouldn't have been appropriate because there were two of them and I only had one chair so it would have been impossible to ask them to sit down so I've been slightly sad all day thinking about how disappointed they must have been because I didn't let them in.
You are very sweet. Most people wouldn't think so kindly of door-to-door proselytizers.
by Mongoose
Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:54 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Re: Weird Things That Happened Today

Oooh, thanks for that tidbit, Vomp! And thanks for assuring me, Matt :)
by Mongoose
Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:45 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Weird Things That Happened Today
Replies: 99
Views: 3443

Weird Things That Happened Today

Post anything weird or funny or mortifying that happened to you today.

* Today I was watching this dog make. He was either really bad at it, or really good at it. It took forever and he was straining. I was afraid he was going get hemorrhoids. My boss walks by and calls my name. Now, there's no way I could pretend I was doing anything other than watching this dog take a poop. I'm dressed in professional-ass clothes, hair in a chignon, hose, everything. Yet I am watching a dog make.

Gonna figure out how to do some damage control with that one.

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