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by nijuukyugou
Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:50 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: The Time and Sleep Discussion Thread
Replies: 55
Views: 1683

Re: The Time and Sleep Discussion Thread

Ugh. Sleep. It's a love-hate relationship for me.

During the school year, when I have to be up stupid early (before 6), I get about 5-6 hours if I'm lucky. I'm a night owl and do my best work in the later parts of the day - creative lessons, writing, mafia deduction :shifty: - so it's actually rather frustrating for me to go to bed earlier than midnight for 10 months of the year, as I feel I'm wasting my creative abilities. During the summer, I get about 7-8 hours, and it tends to be more restful sleep because instead of sleeping from 11:30-5:45 or so, I get to go to bed when I'm tired (between 2-3 AM) and wake up around 10-11 when I'm no longer tired, without having to worry about work or other morning obligations.

I've had problems with sleep since I was in elementary school due to anxiety. I have trouble shutting my brain off, and often must wait until I'm completely exhausted to even think about going to bed, but even then, the idea of sleep and having to go to sleep causes even more anxiety on top of the "normal" anxiety, and my being too tired to function causes anxiety, and then the vicious cycle often just continues over and over again. I've found ways to combat it - doing only calming things in the evening and the hour leading up to bed, using the bed for only sleeping (no reading, games, etc.), drinking only very minimal amounts of caffeine in the form of tea and only in the morning, meditating/deep breathing stuff, lavender oil...they all work at one point or another, but sometimes don't work at all for a random week and I'm an absolute wreck.

While I like the idea of having a superpower that didn't require me to sleep, I also just like the time to rest. Really, I just wish days were about 8 hours longer, and that 8 hours would be dedicated ONLY to sleep. No one would be allowed to schedule work during that period. No one would have to grade papers, or plan lessons, or do whatever it is normal people do in their "free time" away from work :P Just. Sleep.

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