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by Enrique
Tue May 31, 2016 5:30 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 271989

Re: Interrogation Room

Does true love exist?
by Enrique
Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:02 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 271989

Re: Interrogation Room

nutella wrote:where s the riffle? have u checkd in space
How a riffle here???
by Enrique
Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:58 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 271989

Re: Interrogation Room

Dana wrote:Yes, I would also like to know where have I gone these days. Great question MM!
Am I allowed to answer where Made went?
When can I sign up for your game?
Early next year. :nicenod:
What is your favorite method of studying?

No, but really, I like writing essays and practice tests and such. Make myself know that I understand what I'm doing through practice.
What is your favorite place to study?
No particular place. If it's in group probably the library, if it's alone then my bedroom.
Favorite bird of prey?
I don't really think about that a lot.
If you had to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would it be of?
idk. I always liked my senior quote. "We want our film to be beautiful, not realistic." It could also be something from Howl to achieve top hipsterism.
Can you play any instruments?
I took piano for a bit as a kid, so I could probably slowly play something with the right partitures. Otherwise, no, no musical ability at all.
Who is your favorite Disney character?
If we're counting Pixar, then it's gotta be Lenny the Binoculars from Toy Story. If not, then, umm... idfk, Donald Duck.
Have you ever been outside of the americas?
Never ever! I've been to America, Mexico, kinda Guatemala, an Argentina (and the old Republic of Yucatan :D) but never anywhere else. My mom's travelled the world and my brother lived in Australia for years. I'm so jealous.
How many pets have you had in your lifetime?
My family's had more dogs and fish than I can count. I had a couple hamsters when I was very little, and a snake in my early teens. My pets I remember the best were my 4 cats- Dada, Dolphin (yes stupid name ik), Dylan and Debbie. Debbie had several more kittens out of which I can only remember Jessie and Denise which we gave away to my uncle. I miss them.
Do you collect anything?
I have a tiny record collection, currently sitting at 8 records. I don't even have a record player, it's just a giant waste of money, but sometimes I just can't resist them.
What is your earliest memory?
This is very vague but I remember when I was still learning to talk I used to ask for "'echita 'eche 'ate" a lot (lechita de chocolate... chocolate milk). My earliest concrete memory would be on my third birthday when my parents hired a botarga (? Those big annoying cartoon costumes, google translate says "motley" but that doesn't sound right) of Woody from Toy Story and it scared the FUCK out of me. Woody, you're not supposed to be that big! You're not even supposed to actually exist! It was a little too much to handle for my 3 year old brain so I just started crying.

I also remember when I was 3 the time some little shit bit me so I bit him back, and the time my dad accidentally slammed the car door on my fingers. I remember the school I went to, but yeah, not a lot of concrete stuff.
by Enrique
Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:15 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 271989

Re: Interrogation Room

Metalmarsh89 wrote:Where are you going?
Home! Cancún, Quintana Roo.
Where has Dana gone to these days?
I think she's in finals. I talked to her for the first time in like a month a couple days ago. She said she'd sign up for my game tho which is nice!
How about Made?
I don't know! I haven't talked to him in a few months but I think he's finishing up his first semester of college rn. I miss playing w the crazy bastard.
by Enrique
Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:53 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 271989

Re: Interrogation Room

juliets wrote:Thats all very intriguing enrique, especially the part about Afro-Mexican relations. It would so cool if you became a pioneer in that area, especially since there is not much out there on it. It sounds like something I would associate with the major you just dropped. Too bad more of your credits don't carry over but i get what you're saying about finding the right area of study.
Hm, well. By name, yeah, "Multicultural relations" sounds about right for race relations. In practice, though, Multicultural was pretty much just a more watered down and commercial version of the anthro major. The sort that would let you exploit anthropological analysis for transnationals and such. Not what I'm looking for.
Typhoony wrote:nub Enrique.
nee jij.
What is your favorite TV-show?
Ever? Mad Men. No question. I'll give you maybe other shows had higher peaks, but the amazing thing about Mad Men is that it NEVER let itself down. The show took us through a whole decade in the cast's lives and it evolved pretty organically, without ever resorting to cheap tropes or any "jump the shark" moments. The ending doesn't feel like it's a TV show ending and the plot's all wrapped up, but like you've spent ten years becoming intimate with this group of people and now you're never gonna see them again.

Ongoing? Everything Netflix produces. I know you know this, but I'm a massive fan of Netflix's original programming. I simply don't see any other network picking up the kind of stuff that they do, and even though it falls short sometimes, it's still so much more than what anybody else does. You have a feminist/LGBT icon with Orange is the New Black, and world-wide (also LGBT friendly) epic with Sense8, what looks like a dumb cartoon about a horse that ends up tackling the same themes as Mad Men in BoJack Horseman, the first ever Mexican attempt at a prestige drama in Club de Cuervos, a hilarious heartfelt romantic comedy that for once is not pandering to white audiences in Master of None, a sort of mature cinematic universe expansion that has never been seen before with the Marvel shows (Daredevil and Jessica Jones). Even the more traditional dramas, like House of Cards and Bloodline, come out in a format that no other network would've done. Bloodline was such a slow burn that I'm sure even HBO would've cancelled it after a few weeks. I haven't watched all of Marco Polo yet, but gimme dat period drama with only one white person in the whole cast that does Game of Thrones better than Game of Thrones ever could (to touch on your last question :p). Their upcoming stuff looks wonderful as well. I'm super hyped for Bill Burr's F is for Family, Judd Apatow's Love and Mitch Hurwitz / Will Arnett's Flaked. Network and Cable TV better step it up because Netflix is coming for them hard. :nicenod: None of those shows are perfect, but their ambition alone makes them 10000x more interesting than anything else. (This kinda went on and on but my favorites are BoJack Horseman and Master of None)

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

So many places... but to go with a non-obvious answer, I've always wanted to spend more time in Bariloche, Argentina. I went when I was 12 and I still can't believe how beautiful it was. There's a lot of places in Mexico and the USA that I would like to live in as well (most of the southeast for Mexico and most coast states on the US), but outside of that, yeah, Bariloche.
Do you have any brothers or sisters? If so, do you like them?
I have an older brother that's currently getting a PhD in Phylogenetics and Evolution (or something like that idk), who I mean yeah was pretty much my role model as a kid. I also have a younger half-brother who turns 10 tomorrow. I pretty much spent the first part of my life with the older one, and the second with the younger after big bro went to college. Yes, I like both of them, you could say I'm a fan.
What's your blood type?
O+. I grew up thinking it was a very special and cool blood type, and only recently found out it was the most common :disappoint: But, hey, I'm in a position to help a lot of people so that's good!
What's the last pair of socks that you bought?
That... must've been like 8 months ago, honestly. I remember forgetting some in the US and being very disappointed when I came back without them. I take good care of my socks usually.
What's the last T-shirt that you bought?
Hmm... jeez I don't know. I'm not sure I've even bought any clothes since I went to America earlier this year. This is making me self-conscious.
What would you be doing on your favorite day ever?
I don't know exactly what, but a lot of different stuff I'm sure. Wow, great answer.
Can you write a 500-word essay for me on why the show GoT is inferior to the books?
I'd totally be willing to do this if I wasn't packing right now, but I'm going home tomorrow in the morning AND I'm moving into a new apartment when I come back so I need all my stuff ready now :omg: Let me just say, I don't only think Game of Thrones is "inferior" to the books. I think it's straight up bad and I find the motion that it's anything close to a prestige drama completely laughable. The books were perfectly OK but those HBO showrunners are silly people with no idea of why other people found an adaptation appealing in the first place.
by Enrique
Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:24 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 271989

Re: Interrogation Room

juliets wrote:I hear your going to study anthropology:
Tru dat.
- What made you change your major?
I'd spent most of the last year and even before that stuck in the same place with my old major (Multicultural relations). I guess it just wasn't what I expected from it, and that's alright I mean, it just wasn't my thing.
- What interests you about anthropology?
I love learning about the creation and the ongoing development of culture. Since I was in MR I got involved in several anthropology projects, and I'm just full of admiration for the people who have dedicated their lives to it. There are still so many fields that have only been studied at a surface level, and I want to be able to contribute and dig deeper into them, as well as being able to apply that knowledge for the betterment of society.
- What courses will you take?
Next semester I plan to take two GenEd courses- Spanish II and French I. Then four Anthropology classes, tentatively Physical Anthropology, General Linguistics, Principles of Anthropological Thought, and Origins of Civilization. The entire program is packed with awesome classes. I'll even have to learn Nahuatl at some point!

And, along with my major-related courses, I'm also gonna take Screenwriting I as an elective. Screenwriting is another passion that I'd neglected for the last few years but that interests me immensely.
- What will you do for a living when you finish school? Are your eyes set on a specific type of job?
I'll probably already have a few projects underway by the time I graduate. I'm lucky to be right where I am, there are so many brilliant anthropologists in the area always looking for contributors and it's been amazing to touch shoulders with them. I don't know exactly what I will be doing, and if I will be able to dedicate myself to field work immediately after graduating, but as far as jobs are concerned I'm optimistic they'll be there and no matter how small I have to start, I'll have some great things to work on. For a more long-term answer, a topic that I'm super interested in but that's barely been explored is race relations in Mexico, specifically Afro-Mexican relations. I'd love to be a pioneer in that area, and I've already studied a fair amount of what's available but don't have the resources yet to dig deeper.
- Will you need to take a graduate degree to do what you want?
Possibly. My current goal is getting my Bachelor's, then after that who knows.
- What else should I know about but havent asked pertaining to your degree?
If I'm bad answering, I'm even worse coming up with questions. Anything you're curious about, I guess.
- oh! When will you graduate?
This is basically me starting over, save for a few credits they'll take, so probably at least another three years. I'm not too worried, I'm just glad to have finally found what I should've been doing from the beginning.
by Enrique
Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:33 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 271989

Re: Interrogation Room

Roxy wrote:Really cool that you live so close to a pyramid. I am sure you have explored it - ever find anything cool during your explorations?
Honestly I've never gone inside the pyramid. The pyramid is buried and for years people thought it was just a funny looking hill, restoration projects are still underway. I have many fun memories from the top of the pyramid, though, lol. It used to be a bit of a toke spot during my freshman year. Climbing it is always fun.
What is your fave american food/snack.
This is gonna be a bit of a weird answer but... Taco Bell. Taco Bell is in no way Mexican food, but it's darn delicious. And gross. I hate myself whenever I eat it but I love it so much. They come up with the damn nastiest shit, have you seen that one burrito that's wrapped inside a quesadilla or something ridiculous? Or the dorito taco loco? They just wrap foods around different foods and it's gross but also amazinggg. I've had more Taco Bell than any other food during my time in America, which I mean yeah it's kinda gross but oh well.
Do you think rootbeer is delicious?
It's never as good as I remember it being tbh. I haven't drank a root beer without being disappointed since middle school.
by Enrique
Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:56 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 271989

Re: Interrogation Room

Dana wrote:Why did you tell me to come question you?
Because I just died in my last game and I need distractions.
How long do you stay in the question spot?
I don't know, actually! I think it's supposed to be a week? So.. couple more days.
How many questions am I allowed to ask?
Ask away.
On a scale of yes to infinity, how much do you love cats?
Yes. They're okay.
What do you think about life at the current moment?
lol. I think next year's gonna be good probably.
Do you think humans will still be around in 628 years?
Yes! In some shape or form.
How about in 23,107 years?

What is your favorite English or Spanish word that can't be directly translated into the other language?

Ahh I think of these all the time, but I can't come up with any atm. I was gonna say "ojalá" but then I realized that's pretty much the same as "hopefully" so I'll just get back at you later I guess.
What is your favorite or most often used smiley here?
I don't think it's even here but I love this Image
What is the weather like outside right now?
It's so cold! It doesn't snow out here, but it's so much colder than I grew up with.
What is the best book you've read this year?
I'm gonna sound like some sort of freak if I say Story of the Eye. If God Were Alive Today by Vonnegut was p good I guess.
How many hours do you think you've spent playing mafia in your life so far?
Hmmm... 5000. idk.
What do you need to get from the store next time you go?
Nothing! I'm going home this Friday so I need to be finishing what I already have.
What is your favorite thing about Mexican culture?
Literally everything. I can't imagine being from anywhere else. I know this seems like a kinda cheap unenthusiastic non-answer but I really don't know where to begin. I love Mexico and I love Mexicans. I'm super proud of our land and of our heritage.
Composition or spiral notebooks?
I don't think I've owned a composition notebook since 5th grade. Spiral.
Pens or pencils?
Pens. A million times.
Analog or digital watches?
Analog4lyf. I can't wear digital watches. Really not my thing.
Long or short sleeves?
Hmm... both. It really comes down to the weather, but I guess I do feel a little extra cool wearing long sleeves.
Turtles or penguins?
by Enrique
Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:07 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 271989

Re: Interrogation Room

nutella wrote:Yo sup brah
yo whatdafup!!
current favorite album(s)?
Sufjan Stevens - Age of Adz and Car Seat Headrest - Twin Fantasy both left a huuuge impression recently. Six Feet Beneath the Moon by King Krule is another I think I'll be listening to for a while. Oh, and the new Erykah Badu mixtape, But You Cain't Use My Phone.
favorite album of 2015?
Kinda cliché maybe, but I still think Carrie & Lowell and To Pimp A Butterfly will be some of the best albums of the whole decade. On Your Own Love Again by Jessica Pratt and Amor Supremo by Carla Morrison were also supa good.
last movie you saw?
Jeez, I really don't wanna say Beasts of No Nation because that was almost a month ago, but I can't think of anything more recent. Good movie, better visuals.
when will you visit Portland? :p
When I have money and a stable life, probably.
what's your favorite hot beverage?
Hot chocolate. No contest.
by Enrique
Mon Nov 30, 2015 3:48 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 271989

Re: Interrogation Room

Roxy wrote:Are you in school?
Yeah. It's been a little complicated. I did a year and a half in Multicultural Relations, but due to personal reasons I had to take this year off school. Starting next semester I'll be back, now working towards a degree in Cultural Anthropology.
Do you think peanut butter is fabulous?
I think it's perfectly okay.
Whats your fave pair of socks look like?
Hmm. I like this black pair with like a rhombus pattern going on. idk, socks are more an annoyance than a pleasure, I'm happy with just wearing a pair.
How many languages do you speak/write?
Fluently, just Spanish and English. I've taken German a couple times, but never had anywhere to practice it so the knowledge just comes and goes. I grew up in a semi-Portuguese speaking household (my dad's ex-wife is Brazilian and she raised my little brother bilingually), so I can understand Portuguese almost perfectly, but don't really speak it. Currently working on my French :)
Have you been to any of the pyramids? Are they as beautiful in person as they are in pictures?
Yes! I actually live right next to the Great Pyramid of Cholula. They're amazing.
Have you ever been to a cloud forest? (Its on my bucket list)
Ohh I had to google this one. I've never been in one, sorry to disappoint.
Whats the last song you listened to?
I went to bed last night listening to "Ghosts" by Houses and Homes. Cute song.

If your hair is purple, the grass is orange and the sky is fuchia what color would your ears be?
I wanna say green but that doesn't sound right. I think they'd probably be like guinda or burgundy red or something.
Metalmarsh89 wrote:Will there be a Last Man Standing IV?
Oh man. I was working on LMS4 at the same time as LMS3 started up. It was to be a full game and I had some great ideas for it. If it does happen, it would have to be until after the Job queue is done, which I personally am completely fine with. I can't just jump into things like this, I need to make sure everything's perfectly set before the game starts. So, I don't know, maybe.
by Enrique
Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:02 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 271989

Re: Interrogation Room

yooo whats up. sorry i completely missed the memo
Matt wrote:Do you believe in magic?
Not really, I guess. It's super cliche and all but Arthur C. Clarke saying "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" sounds about right.
Golden wrote:Hey Enrique
Where are you from?
I'm originally from Cancun, but I've been living in Cholula, Puebla (oldest town in the country!) for a couple years now. The real answer is a bit trickier than that, because I spent much of my life living in Playa del Carmen, my whole family comes from Mérida, and most live in Miami now... but yeah, Cancun is where I was born and the place I identify with the most.
What brought you to the game of mafia? What site did you start your mafia on?
Oh, boy. My first Mafia game was mike10295's "Ten Little Indians" in Lostpedia, back in... mid-2008. The 13th Mafia ever held on the site, so yeah, you could say I'm an OG :slick: I was only 12-13 back then... scary thought. Mafia's been around for over a third of my life. Yikes.
What is your favourite food?
So hard to say! I've been a vegetarian for most of the past year, so that immediately disqualifies all the obvious answers I could think of like arrachera, picanha, carnitas, etc. My grandma makes a garlic spaghetti that she named after me, so I guess that works.

Here in Cholula they make so much great pizza, though. I've never been anywhere with so many pizza places, most of them artesanal, so it's worth mentioning just how much pizza I eat. My favorite that I've tried is this wonderful huitlacoche pizza with gouda cheese. Mmm.
What is your favourite article of clothing?
I have exactly one beanie hat that I end up using most days when it's cold outside. I grew up around Cancun so I never had to worry a lot about winter clothes, so now that I get to use them I think they're hella rad. There's also a few sweaters, coats, etc. that I love the hell out of. That beanie doesn't really have any competition though other than just wearing a hoodie, so I'm sticking to that.
MovingPictures07 wrote:Enrique!
Favorite mafia game you've ever hosted?
The original Last Man Standing, definitely. Circumstances haven't really allowed me to be as involved as I wish I could be in my own games recently, and even though I've tried to replicate it, LMS1 was really one of a kind. Coming up with a fun, experimental, and balanced game is one of my favorite things in Mafia, but I need a lot of time to make sure that I'm happy with them and I'm gonna be able to host. Last Man Standing just worked so damn well that all I want is to host another game where everyone can have fun like that.
Favorite mafia game you've ever played?
I'm not sure I have one. I was thinking the other day and I haven't even played that many games. I mean, hell, I just died in Star Wars and that was my 4th game since 2011! I have some very good memories, such as my miracle win in Trev's Star Wars, or the whole mess that was Monty Python and following my team to the end despite dying so early. I couldn't single out one game where I had a better time than all the others. They've all been great fun.
Favorite role you've ever had?
Saffron in SD's Firefly Mafia. I was an indie whose only goal was to get a specific player killed, and my only tool was being able to control one vote every night. I played it almost to perfection, except when I got the ball rolling to get this dude killed, somebody else died in their place. Then I got night killed. Oh well. But darn that was so fulfilling to almost get right, I've been dying for another chance.
What is your preferred alignment: Civilian or mafia (or rogue)?
I haven't played a full game as a civilian since The Hunger Games in 2011, but I'm not complaining, I love being bad :p Mafia or rogue, I can take either, anything that involves lying a bunch and being able to pull it off. So satisfying to get right.
by Enrique
Tue Nov 03, 2015 7:28 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 271989

Re: Interrogation Room

Hey Typh, so what's your blood type?

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