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by G-Man
Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Golden wrote:One thing I will say, G-Man, is that I'm glad it was you subbing in (as much as it sucks for anyone) because you handle these kind of things with grace and manage to make the game fun (well, I think so, anyway) even when you are doomed.
Thanks. I hope you remember that when you vote for your favorite new forum member next year. ;) (Kidding. Sort of.)

Though I have to say, your comment amuses me a little bit because I definitely did not take things so nonchalantly back in the day. Maybe something changed in me that day I went all Mr. Fun-Killer on ObscureAllure in the STV forums. I like to think fatherhood has brought out even more of my silly side too.

Whatever the case may be, it all boils down to perspective. I'm here for fun and it's just not worth getting all bent out of shape over an unfortunate happenstance that arises in a game on the internet that no one will remember me for after I'm dead. I signed up as a favor for Dom and I had fun with the situation for myself.

Did we ever find out who the insanifier was? Seriously, I love you! :clap: I've always wanted to use that thing. XD I'm pretty sure I've never been insanified before.

I realize not everyone shares my enthusiasm for my new-found affection for quirky themes but as long as I bring a smile to one person's face, I've accomplished my goal. :nicenod:
by G-Man
Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:29 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

I'm cool with that. Obviously what happened is an extremely rare occurrence. I told Dom I was ready to sub in about a day before FZ and I joined so I did try to catch up a little before I was officially greenlit. I figured my tenure would be short as soon as I saw that Gamer was already taking a lot of heat but once you posted that info from another forum I did one of these:


You're right- the biggest takeaway here is don't talk about active games even if you sub out.

But I hold no grudges (except with you, Golden the Coward ;) ) and all is forgiven in terms of what happened in this game.
by G-Man
Fri Aug 07, 2015 8:34 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Just want to say that this was a fun game to follow. Not so much a fun game to participate in but that'll happen when you sub in for someone who made themselves look guilty to the extreme and got busted commenting on his departure from the game on another mafia site mere minutes before being introduced as a replacement. I was doomed from the start but I think I made the most of it by leaving virtually no trace of alignment to my teammates. I even ignored our BTSC chat room for days on end while I was alive. And by now you all know I can't help myself when it comes to writing silly after-death posts. :rolleyes:

Overall, I have to say that was one of the most difficult scenarios I have ever faced. Not stressful in the slightest but difficult because I had no motivation for getting into the game or even attempting to put up a front to make up for my predecessor. I will say that I was surprised that outside information was allowed to be used against me/my predecessor. Was there any discussion about that from the mod side of the site? I'm not whining and playing the Unfair Card or anything (because my predecessor did enough damage to make his baddie status evident). Maybe I'm just being too old school in my thought process but I remember back when you weren't supposed to use external information as evidence in a game.

I guess there's a relationship here akin to don't be an asshat / don't get butt-hurt. Don't bring evidence in from other forums and don't run your mouth about a game in progress on another forum. Does that make sense? Not looking to start a thing here or get anyone in trouble. Just getting it off my chest.

Regardless, I have no regrets helping out an old acquaintance and subbing into this game. After all, I did manage to out-live Long Con. :feb: How you guys let that happen is beyond me. ;)
by G-Man
Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:21 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Sorry I didn't make more Cats rez request posts. Life got in the way.
by G-Man
Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:04 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 14] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Good day to you all once again, my dear Syndicateers!

While I am usually a failure when it comes to failing, it appears that this time I will not be successful at being a success. While my team and I have been working tirelessly on additional issues and plans to neutralize the national security threat that is dogs, it appears that working behind the scenes has put us hopelessly behind in the polls. Normally, polls are for losers but in this case, the polls tell me how to win.

You see, what this tells me is that you wanted to see more of me before electing me your resurrectee. Unfortunately, the blitzkrieg pace of campaign stops was hurting our development of strategies and tools to tackle the big issues that I, a successful cat, care deeply for and that you, members of the Syndicate, ought to care about because I care about them with so much vigor. Let's not forget my glorious hair- you can admit that you're awe-struck by and desperately want to be like me. And who can blame you? Sure, losers can blame you for wanting to emulate success, but never lose sight of the fact that they are, in fact, losers.

The losers may now be throwing parties and thinking they are winners because this campaign of mine is ending but they are now both losers and fools. You see, while we've failed at being successful in campaigning, I've never been a failure at success in the private sector. Successful people like myself take minor failings like this failed campaign that has befallen me and successfully flip that failure into success, if you know what I mean.

That is why I am very proud of myself for being proud to announce the next phase of this great mission you helped me start and I intend to finish quite successfully and proudly. This is not a concession speech. Rather, this is an announcement that my campaign is taking our know-how and patent-pending ideas to the private sector. Together, my people and I will develop ways to both aide future villains in successful resurrection campaigns and work toward eliminating the dog menace that plagues our society, all while making a respectable profit.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am, once again, proud to announce the opening of the G-Man/Cats Think Tank and Development Center:

Inside this state-of-the-art facility, the best people in the business will work hard at achieving our goals. I know they're the best people because I only hire the best people. Losers go work for lesser companies run by less successful people with mediocre-at-best hair. We're currently developing solutions that will be patented and licensed all over the world, making me even more successful and impressive. You see, I can make a lot more money sticking to the private sector than by becoming your resurrectee, which I hear pays nothing. Our lobbying arm will appeal to the senses of politicians and forum moderators alike for a simplified, streamlined way for villains to gain easier access to resurrection.

I am very excited for you to see what we've got in store for you. It'll blow your mind. We're currently accepting applications for new hires. Know this- our hiring criteria are intense because we don't want any losers slipping through and poisoning the successful work that we know we can successfully succeed at.

Thank you once again for your time. Who knows, I may be seeing you soon as your new employer. Or not. You could be a loser. We'll sort it out in due time.
by G-Man
Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:21 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 10] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Hello once more fellow Syndicateers!

Fear not- the rumors of the demise of my campaign for resurrection are vastly overstated. I am in it to win it because that's the kind of successful person I am.

In fact, I am dismayed at the recent claiming of resurrection by my opponent Sloonei. His resurrection was not decided upon in a democratic fashion, so I will be challenging the validity of whatever unilateral process brought his resurrection about. I want to see Sloonei's voting history, a decade of his tax filings, and a copy of his long-form birth certificate to verify that he is in fact eligible to even run for resurrection, let alone take office.

I mean, just look at this guy! Does he look like a successful person to you? Does he have a proven track record of success? Does he support the right issues? Does he have fabulous hair? No. His avatar is from Blue's Clues for crying out loud. Clearly his mindset is too juvenile for the position of resurrectee.

My super PAC is currently filing injunctions against Sloonei's resurrection in three separate district courts, the Court of Common Pleas, and with the United Nations Department of Political Affairs. Clearly, an injustice has occurred and we will get to the bottom of it.

Mark my words- I am not a loser. I will do everything in my power to make sure Sloonei is stripped of his unlawfully-awarded resurrection. Watch out folks- we're just getting started.
by G-Man
Sat Jul 11, 2015 9:59 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 8] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Hello again my fellow Synidcateers!

If you thought that I would be discouraged by the lack of traction for this campaign, you thought wrong. I am very proud of myself for running for your vote for resurrection. I take pride in my past successes and why shouldn't I? Successful people are what makes this country great. We should be proud of the successful people around us, which is why I am proud of myself. You should be proud of me too, frankly.

Alright, enough about me... for now. Let's get back to those issues that will drive this campaign to victory. My people have been working tirelessly on this brand new prototype:

This will be the key to our domestic security. This muzzle is made of a light alloy metal that is conductive enough to carry a small electric shock to those rapist, terrorist dogs, should they try to take it off. Sensors on the outside of the muzzle will trigger a shock when the dog makes too much contact with the top, bottom, or sides of the muzzle. We are currently exploring the best positioning of the power supply in order to prevent dogs from figuring out how to disconnect it. Honestly, dogs are a bunch of losers who are ruining our country, so I doubt they'd be smart enough to figure it out. But we have to be very careful about underestimating the enemy. Just look at what happened with ISIS for crying out loud.

We are also busy drafting legislation for the full legalization of both medicinal and recreational catnip. I should have both bills ready to submit the day I am resurrected. So with your help, we can allow millions of cats feel the happiness hey deserve. In a future rally, I will present our regulatory structure for this ground-breaking elimination of government overreach.

Think about Syndicate- a muzzle on every dog and a bowl of catnip in every house! That's what I'm promising so please vote for me!
by G-Man
Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 6] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Greetings again to you, my fellow Syndicateers!

My campaign has been pounding the pavement and I have to say that I like what I see. Sure, I may not be at the top of resurrection popularity polls and I see Golden has resorted to slinging mud at me even though he's not even eligible for this race. You might normally think these kinds of things might get a candidate down in the dumps but I've got news for you: popularity polls are for insecure losers and Golden is a coward.

Facing early resistance in a campaign means you're doing something right, so I am very proud to announce that I am pressing on and look forward to earning your vote for resurrection.

My campaign has worked feverishly at developing a lengthy list of issues that should be important to you because they are important to me. Let's not forget, I'm successful and should be rich any day now because I emulate the immaculate Donald Trump. Anything I say should leave you in a state of awe because people who emulate rich people are impressive go-getters. Anyone suggesting otherwise is probably a whiny loser who wants to turn this forum into a commie share-fest.

Let's talk about the internet, shall we? I think I shall. While I respect the integrity and independence of the internet, it is high time that we force video-streaming services like YouTube to reveal all available data on its users who post videos of cats accidentally or being tricked into injuring themselves. This is a violation of feline rights in the first degree and those peddling and profiting from these videos should be prosecuted to the fullest extent for the abuse and embarrassment they endorse. These poor cats have been hurt enough. It is cruel and unusual punishment for them to endure the perpetuation of their injuries every time someone links to a "hilarious" cat video on Facebook or Twitter.

While we're talking about rights, I'd like to exercise my freedom of speech to discuss freedom of speech. The freedom of speech is fundamental to a free society and must be protected for all except dogs. Not only are my staffers working on a prototype registration database but we are researching state-of-the-art muzzle technology. When I am elected your resurrectee, all dogs will be muzzled! Our patent-pending technology combines a traditional muzzle with that of shock collars and house-arrest ankle monitors. More on that in a future campaign rally.

In closing, vote for me. I will be- I tell you this- the best dog-repressing resurrectee ever. The Syndicate will be a better place, I'm sure of it. Before I go, I want to introduce my official campaign song. It truly is a classic and comes from a criminally underrated film. The message of this song is exactly in sync with my campaign. Remember- anyone who says otherwise is just a loser.

by G-Man
Sun Jul 05, 2015 3:53 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 6] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Good afternoon, my fellow Syndicateers! It pleases me to see so many of you here for this truly momentous occasion.

In times like these, what we need is leadership. We seem to be lacking leadership right now. Sure, you may say that it doesn't matter because you've gotten along just fine without a strong leader guiding you along the path. But consider this! After I was lynched, your luck ran out and you've felt lost and unsure of where to go next.

You need to put your faith and trust not into some loser who makes pretty speeches but in someone with a proven track record of getting results and winning. You know who gets results and wins a lot? Rich people. I'm not rich myself but look at my picture at the top of this post- I've got gorgeous, glorious hair like Donald Trump. You see, I emulate the rich and successful and it has made me successful. I'm still waiting for the rich part but I have no doubt in my mind that it'll get here soon.

It is this confidence that makes me happy to announce that I, G-Man Cats, am running for resurrection. With your help, my gorgeous hair, and my keen intellect, we can make this forum great again!

I know what you're thinking- how can we trust someone who was on one of the baddie teams? The answer is simple- I'm not a loser. Think about it- would a loser have managed to evade elimination on his first day eligible to be voted for? No, they wouldn't. Losers die right away after they sub in for someone who all but tells everyone that they're bad. Winners- I tell you this- avoid the obvious conclusion.

Sure, I frustrated you when I first joined the game but let's be honest- would a loser have turned the tables around and left you smiling the way I did? No! Losers realize they stink and just sit there and wait for the inevitable or they waster their time concocting pretty speeches about why they're not bad even though they obviously are. I, my friends, am no loser.

So now you're wondering where I stand on the issues. Well let me tell you:

First and foremost, I believe in strong national defense. We have a problem and it's dogs. They're nothing but terrorists who traumatize us cats and rape every leg they can get their filthy paws on. If I am elected as your resurrectee I will take on this canine menace head-on and advocate the creation of a national database containing all dogs. Any dog not registering for this database will be considered an enemy of the state.

Secondly, I will eliminate all regulations on recreational catnip. The era of big government needs to come to an end. Medicinal and recreational catnip must be embraced as a reality and those in denial need to wake up and stop being losers.

Thirdly, I will invest heavily in science programs. We need science to find cures for all kinds of diseases- AIDS, cancer, ALS, and especially hairballs. Trust me when I say that a hairball free world will be a happy world.

I look forward to reaching out to many more of you in the coming days. Together, we can make this forum great again and it starts with you. And by that I mean you electing me and my gorgeous hair for resurrection.

Thank you, Syndicateers! Let's make this happen!
by G-Man
Tue Jun 30, 2015 10:48 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 5] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Are you happy now? :p
by G-Man
Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:39 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 5] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Golden wrote:Oh, so scotty is one-upping G-Man now - an image saying 'I have no idea what I'm doing' that he fails to post correctly because he has no idea what he is doing.

(tip for the technically unsavvy Scotty - I always push 'preview' when I'm posting images or videos before pushing submit, in case I've stuffed it up).
You don't know how tempted I am to post a picture of myself with a bottle of wine in front of me. That or another video of me singing.
by G-Man
Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:52 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 5] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Metalmarsh89 wrote:
G-Man wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:Are you going to die this day period G-Man?
Is anybody going to die this day period?

Do you enjoy being interrogated?

Do you feel comfortable with where your vote is?
Lots of people die every day, so sure.

Yes. I'm weird like that.

Yes. Based on my vote charts, it's possible that Tiny B is a baddie.
by G-Man
Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:44 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 5] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Metalmarsh89 wrote:Are you going to die this day period G-Man?
by G-Man
Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:29 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 5] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Metalmarsh89 wrote:Are you expecting someone in particular to be less quiet?
No but I guess it makes sense for it to be so quiet if Sloonei can't talk. He is the top poster for the game to date. And Golden's silencing yesterday, coupled with LC's lynching nipped their feud in the bud. And Cobalt seems to have calmed down too. I guess I have a warped perspective because most of my time to play the game is during work, when most other people aren't around. Maybe it's just the runaway train on me that killed discussion but I don't remember the game being dead silent for hours on end except for when I'm sleeping.

Epignosis wrote:If you had a trick up your sleeve, you wouldn't sound like a serial villain when you hatched it.

Your threats are bupkis.
Hush you. :fishslap:
by G-Man
Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:17 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 5] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Metalmarsh89 wrote:G-Man, what are your thoughts on this day period?
It's been quiet. Too quiet.
by G-Man
Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 5] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Epignosis wrote:You'll get used to the deadness.
by G-Man
Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:18 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 5] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Golden wrote:In my experience, epi is off his game whenever he is not the host. I still find it bizarre playing games in which he is not hosting.

As for talking more - what do you suggest we talk about, G-Man? I do have other suspects, but what is the value in talking about them right now?

I'm just surprised it's so dead in here.
by G-Man
Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:08 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 5] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Epignosis wrote:
G-Man wrote:^ Probably not a bad idea to keep any eye on this joker too.

He's been way off his normal game. I mean, he's only 73 posts ahead of me right now. Suspicious silence is suspicious. :eye: :eye:
From my limited experience here, your normal game involves posting a metric ton of irascible verbiage that gets you killed within two or three days. Your second incarnation has been around for four days. You're still alive, so by my math, you're off your game. :haha:
by G-Man
Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 5] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

^ Probably not a bad idea to keep any eye on this joker too.

He's been way off his normal game. I mean, he's only 73 posts ahead of me right now. Suspicious silence is suspicious. :eye: :eye:
by G-Man
Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:53 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 5] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

I refuse to believe that we are this dependent upon Slooeni for conversation. Speak up people- while you still can. :feb:
by G-Man
Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 5] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

DOM- revised screenshot for proof after I changed my vote. Now we're good to go.

by G-Man
Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:35 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 5] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Oh and thank you for your vote Bass, it allows me to switch mine. :daisy:
by G-Man
Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:34 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 5] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Bass_the_Clever wrote:G-man why didnt you try to defend yourself? Instead you just asked people to keep voting for you so you could use some kind of role power that might have helped the civs later down the road. This comes off bad to me and for that reason I'm voting for you .
Because defending myself against the words and actions of another player who made himself look bad beyond bad is a fool's errand. Besides, my vote analysis takes 3-4 days to kick into gear. I honestly didn't expect you guys to give me that kind of time. Color me surprised.
by G-Man
Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:30 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 5] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

For what it's worth, I can totally see Sloonei on Long Con's team. Not as a recruit but as a full-fledged member. Look at his vote history. His Day 1 vote pulled Cobalt ahead of Long Con.* His late Day 2 vote could be viewed as a form of insurance in case Cobalt was capable of deflecting the lynch to the second-highest vote recipient. He is the first vote registered on Day 3 against Sig.** His Day 4 vote for Long Con came well after Long Con's lead over me was re-established and Long Con's lynching seemed inevitable. Today's vote is difficult to explain other than him voting immediately to signify that he was silenced. It is also changeable, allowing him to draw attention to other players by switching his vote to them and eventually joining the flock to pile on me late in the day.

*Day 1's votes were changeable, so the true timing of his vote on my charts is uncertain.
**Same goes for Day 3.
by G-Man
Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:54 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 5] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Also, per our discussion, here is proof of a majority vote for me:

by G-Man
Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:49 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 5] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

And my vote makes it a majority! How appropriate- I'm the 13th vote for myself and the 19th vote overall. Obviously nothing good can come of this.

DOM- As per our discussion, I am now publicly requesting the activation of you know what.

This is going to be fun to watch. :feb:
by G-Man
Mon Jun 29, 2015 9:33 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

TinyBubbles wrote:
G-Man wrote:Keep those votes coming! :feb:
happy to oblige :huh:
i knew there'd be a fair few votes on you but i didnt expect an avalanche

any last words gman?
Not yet. One more vote please. :feb:
by G-Man
Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Keep those votes coming! :feb:
by G-Man
Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:28 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Golden wrote:But I see your point, G-Man, about it being the host... this is a discussion we had a few days ago and we thought it would be odd that the host would write something that set out suspicions, but your theory as to how that could come about is possible.
Yeah, in my games, any time there was a role that could post suspicions, I had them write something up and I would re-write it so no one could determine the originator based on writing style. Besides, don't you think Dom's been dying to re-write show tune lyrics since his game is about musical theater? That's part of the fun of being the host of a themed game. :nicenod:
by G-Man
Mon Jun 29, 2015 3:59 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

*is used as a conduit
by G-Man
Mon Jun 29, 2015 3:58 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

I just assumed the singer was a construct inherent to the flow of the game. I think the "singer" will show up no matter what but what they sing about may vary. For instance, if there is a player allowed to voice suspicions, the singer sings those suspicions. The singer will still appear in the absence of the gossip role because we need a night post. If the "singer" is a single role, then we'll only get stage directions if the gossip role dies.

In my view, the "singer" is the host's persona and is used a conduit to present game-related information to us. Suspicions are included but the song choice could also have meaning too. Perhaps I'm overthinking it but I like my theory.
by G-Man
Mon Jun 29, 2015 3:51 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Golden wrote:My personal theory, G-Man, is merely that the singer is awesome, and is picking a different song from a different movie each time. They speak of their suspicions, so it's clearly a player. How would they have the info necessary to identify which role the NK is etc?
So you think the "singer" is the same person every night?
by G-Man
Mon Jun 29, 2015 3:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

What about my theory that the songs in the night post are somehow a clue? We've had at least two songs that I recognize from shows I worked on in college and one from an Academy Award winning film (so there's no way I would miss that one!) in the night posts that are also from musicals that are roles in this game. I'm not saying that these songs reveal the night target's identity. What I suggest is that they are clues as to some aspect of the events of the Night post or the night in general. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum is a show about distraction. Could it be that Sloonei survived because the role of AFTHOTWTTF distracted the killer?

Just a thought.

Golden wrote:Your phone went and called him epic again :disappoint:
Indeed. Don't be an enabler, Canuck. It boogers up Epi's humility. :srsnod:
by G-Man
Mon Jun 29, 2015 2:55 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Canucklehead wrote:I am legitimately considering moving my vote off of you because you used "booger" as a verb, which is a diction choice for which I have the utmost admiration and respect. :noble:
Keep your vote where it is. Changing your vote off of me will just booger up your vote history and hurt our chances of winning even further.

nutella wrote:Yeah I'm voting for G-Man. Let's get this booger. :p
This from the lady whose avatar looks like a booger sandwich. :evileye: :biggrin:

fingersplints wrote:Voting Gman again
You say that as if it's such a chore. :meany:
by G-Man
Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:44 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Hey Golden and Timmer-

I know why you guys voted for me but it's still nice to hear the words every now and again. :grin:
by G-Man
Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:05 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Dom wrote:
Act One, Scene Five

SINGER: Someone familiar,
Someone peculiar,
Someone for the chopping block:
A mafia today!

Someone appealing,
Someone appalling,
Someone for the chopping block:
A mafia today!

No lynching sig, no lynching LC;
Bring on the liars, recruits and you’ll see

Someone compulsive,
Someone repulsive,
Someone for the chopping block:
A mafia today!

Someone erratic,
Someone dramatic,
Someone for the chopping block:
A mafia today!

Stunning surprises!
Cunning disguises!
So many baddies in our sight!

No insane curse, no corrupt force,
And there’s a happy endgame, of course!
Lynching and hunting,
Civvies confronting--
This time it all turns out okay!
Victory at endgame,
Mafia mafia mafia mafia MAFIA MAFIA MAFIA...TODAY!


No one has been killed.
It is Day 5. You have 48 hours to lycnh someone.
Alrighty, so even though I was involved with my college theater group for four years, I was never much of a theater person. I do, however, recognize the night post as an adaptation of "Comedy Tonight" from A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. (Excellent show by the way- lots of raunchy fun to be had!) Have the other night posts been adaptations of other show tunes? The fact that AFTHOTWTTF is one of the roles leads me to believe that the absence of a NK last night is due to that player's actions instead of inactive baddies. Apparently the consensus is that Team Webber kills on odd nights and baddie Team Wildhorn kills on even nights?

I'm going to assume that Sloonei's vote is a temporary shot across Nutella's bow for this post:
nutella wrote:Wow. Nobody died... again.

Did everyone who voted for Miss Saigon get the West Side Story pm?
I don't really see Nutella being on Team Wildhorn because of her Day 4 vote for Long Con. The vote was still close, so it doesn't make sense for a member of Team Wildhorn to risk putting the team in such a tight spot by reducing their numbers. Then again, some of you are now theorizing that Team Wildhorn may have a recruitment power. Scary thought but it doesn't give a total advantage to the team (in Secret Mafia 2, the baddie team with the recruitment power managed to recruit two or three players but still got their Russkie butts handed to them). Anywho, if Slooeni has any real intel pointing to Nutella being bad, then it probably means she's on Team Webber. The vote data just doesn't suggest Wildhorn.

Dom wrote:Disregard sig being on the poll.
This post raises a HUGE red flag. Dom is clearly trying to hide the fact that a baddie has been rezzed. I've got my eye on you, JerkSka. :eye: ;)

Metalmarsh89 wrote:I wish there was an option for those of us who had seen neither play. :sigh:

RIP No one. I'm voting Turnip Head.
Why? I mean, haven't you heard that I'm the hot commodity today?

Scotty wrote:I have a strange feeling about Wildhorn's team.

Maybe...maybe the fact that there wasn't a lynch tonight was that the whole team is MIA?

You Devin, DREAM, Gumshoe, bullzeye, Turnip.
Sneaky sneak is sneaky. I'll come back to you later. :eye: :eye: :eye: :eye: :eye: :eye: :eye: :eye:

Canucklehead wrote:
Epignosis wrote:At this point, I would say one of the powers of Mafia 1 is to have changeable votes.
I agree. And I think all of G-Man's "Oh noes! How will I make my spreadsheets with all this DASTARDLY VOTE CHANGING! I am so shocked that VOTE CHANGING EXISTS! I am unexpetedly inconvenienced by this VOTE CHANGING!" is an attempt to do some pre-distancing for when we inevitably figured it out.

My vote is on G-Man for today.
Erm, no. I am genuinely frustrated about changeable votes because I can't rely on these odd-numbered days' vote records as gospel. I like to know who voted for whom and when. Changeable votes screws that up because the poll system reassigns the vote numbers. Someone may have voted early in the lynch phase but changed their vote at the end of the day, making them look like the last vote. I like my data pure. Changeable votes taint data.

Also, this is the first time in a very long time that I've encountered changeable votes. I remember it could be done back on SpoilerTV but we were pretty prehistoric there and didn't have fancy poll functions to register votes on. I can't remember how it was early on at Lostpedia. The point is, after years of perfecting my spreadsheet analysis, changeable votes booger things up and leave me squirming. I am incapable of getting over it.

Black Rock wrote:I voted for Gman today. It is time.
It is not time for me to die. It is time to party...

The cop at the beginning is Robb Stech, one of my college friends. :nicenod:
by G-Man
Mon Jun 29, 2015 7:26 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Vote charts inside the spoiler tag. I'll post comments/analysis at lunch. Sorry I didn't post this all last night. I received a better offer. ;)
Spoiler: show
Oops, cropped out "Day 3" from the top of this next one.
by G-Man
Sun Jun 28, 2015 4:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Working on some vote analysis but it is Daddy-Daughter time. Be back after Fancy Nancy, Color Wonder, dinner, Dairy Queen, and bedtime stories.
by G-Man
Sun Jun 28, 2015 3:26 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Metalmarsh89 wrote:I understand the intent to lynch G-Man tomorrow, but I hope that is not the only thing we will discuss.
Ditto. :scared:
by G-Man
Sun Jun 28, 2015 3:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

I voted for Miss Saigon because I've never heard of it before and I thought the recent musical-film adaptation of Les Mis was excellent.

Not to mention this gem:

Also, Cobalt- simmer down now. No need to be so crass. :daisy:
by G-Man
Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:44 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Golden wrote:@G-Man - I wasn't happy until you insanified the dark tower, and then I was happy.
Long days and pleasant nights. :beer:

There is so much more that I would have liked to run through the insanifier had I not been so darn busy. I've ALWAYS wanted to run literature through that thing. I'm glad I got the chance. Thank you again to the keeper of the insanity! :daisy: :cloud9: ;airguitar:
Golden wrote:Btw, anyone else think that this...
G-Man wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Bada-bing.
How's that LC-sig teammate theory working out for you? :P
Sounds like a man who was ready to gloat about everyone being wrong that LC was on his team?
Nope, I was just calling Epi out on what I viewed as his hypocrisy of being so sure of himself about the LC-Sig-et al. teammate theory, turning out to be totally wrong, but still spiking the football after the lynch result was a good one anyway. Sloonei and Scotty had much more honest and humble reactions that Mr. Pink:
Scotty wrote:Holy shit. That went...better than expected!
Sloonei wrote:
G-Man wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Bada-bing.
How's that LC-sig teammate theory working out for you? :P
lol, i totally fell ass backwards into this one. that was the entire basis of my suspicion.
Maybe I misinterpreted his short post but in my view, you don't get to be wrong about a lynch result and still brag about said lynch result.

My theory, however, that at least one of Long Con, Cobalt, and Golden being a baddie is now 100% correct. So... boo-ya! :slick:
by G-Man
Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:29 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Epignosis wrote:Bada-bing.
How's that LC-sig teammate theory working out for you? :P
by G-Man
Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:27 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

One of each team down. Well done!

Are you happy now? :D
by G-Man
Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


The man in black fled across the Desperate Baddie and Alice gunslinger followed.

Are you Eko abducting?
by G-Man
Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:43 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


The faldstool osmanli barranco shepherd; acescent shall desolation crier.
moresque me to lie baddie team in green pastures: he leadeth me beside credibility still incredibility.
restoreth yeild rusticate he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness Typhoony his Han Tzu sake.
Yea, though I walk through the assagai of the villain of viridescence I will fear no Novinha for SeptemberValentine art with assistance thy rod Witherdeath thy staff they evil theogony.
preparest a White Queen before me miscompute infatuated presence of somnus Pequeninos is that a piano? anointest my head goodie oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall Obscure Boot obstetrics amoroso the days of Diamond Dog life: Turnip Head I witworm dwell in Tribunal of Judgment Wazzipi of medullary Lord for ever.

Are you happy Devious Goodie?
by G-Man
Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


simpering was the best of times, it was the traitor of Alai rapparee was the conglutination of wisdom, Tribunal of Judgment abatement the age March Hare foolishness, it choky the epoch overthwart Jagang it tillage night actions epoch Gryphon cupshaped it was the season of Light, it was the season Map Darkness, it was the spring of hope, parenchyma was the winter of despair, we had groveling before us, we had nothing before Freckles we agnosticism goodie team going direct to Heaven, we appurtenances all going nullity the overhaul way Ciubia expugnable short, the period was so DooberDoes like the present period, that some targeting its braaiiiinssss... authorities insisted on movables witworm received, for ungranted or for evil, in the superlative degree of moresque only.

you griveous now?
by G-Man
Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:34 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Don't Desperate Baddie bad Long Con. Embrace the old Klingon proverb: today is a good day to shouldn't.

you straitlaced now?
by G-Man
Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:59 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Oh hell no! theophobist redolent am not going disbelief by way of a sensibleness attempt arr! save Long Con.

Are you enthrall now?
by G-Man
Sat Jun 27, 2015 4:03 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 142669

Re: [Day 4] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

ebwop: are you happy now?

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