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by G-Man
Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:53 pm
Forum: Mafia Game Submission Archive
Topic: BLUE vs. RED- Politics Mafia [CLASSIC GAME]
Replies: 11
Views: 1008

Re: BLUE vs. RED- Politics Mafia [CLASSIC GAME]

JOY: Welcome back to the program folks. It seems that this election cycle is doing it's best to be unlike anything we have ever seen before and quite possibly impossible to replicate ever again.

In what was supposed to be a meeting that concluded yesterday, the Republican National Committee is mired in gridlock over picking the late Donald Trump's replacement at the top of the ticket for November. MSNBC's Rachel Maddow joins us live from Cleveland, where the RNC is in the midst of a surprising second day of what has turned out to be very heated deliberations. Rachel- what more do we know this morning?

RACHEL: Good morning, Joy. Yes, it has certainly been a wild ride here in Cleveland. The RNC has kept most of the proceedings behind closed doors but you heard the reports that came out from various sources and aides yesterday. Members of the Trump campaign- Donald Tump Jr., Mike Pence, Kellyanne Conway, Breitbart's Steve Bannon- locked horns with both the establishment wing of the RNC as well as the ultra-conservative factions. At one point Team Trump suggested putting Donald Jr. at the top of the ticket in an attempt to push away the whole ballot change issue.

JOY: And how did that go over?

RACHEL: I'm told that it was resoundingly laughed off by everyone in the room. And for good reason. Putting Donald Jr. at the top of the ticket may get sympathy point with the Breitbart alt-right component of his father's supporters but the rest of the RNC understands that he would get shredded in the upcoming debates on issues he almost certainly knows little to nothing about.

JOY: So what other names are out there, Rachel? Yesterday's emergency meeting ran into the waning hours of the night last night and no decisions were announced.

RACHEL: Well, despite Secretary Clinton being possibly the most qualified candidate for president ever on paper, Republicans still see her as a weak and very beatable opponent. And that's where the division lies.

JOY: Between the establishment GOP and the Tea Party conservatives.

RACHEL: Exactly. Everyone here in Cleveland seems to agree that a Republican candidate can enter the race with two months to go, recover from Donald Trump's missteps, and take back the White House. There are just very, very different opinions on who is the best candidate to make that happen.

JOY: So it's a two-way battle at this point?

RACHEL: Actually, it's more like a three-way battle. Establishment Republicans are pushing for a more moderate candidate. Supposedly they've been pulling for John Kasich because of his appeal to Rust Belt states and his ability to bring back moderate Republicans who were considering voting for Secretary Clinton, third party, or not at all.

JOY: I'm sure that doesn't sit well with the Tea Party types.

RACHEL: Oh, not at all. There's a very vocal component of the RNC pushing for Ted Cruz to take top billing, arguing that he was the runner-up in the primaries, he appeals to the so-called conservative base that they feel is needed to win, and will be best-equipped to go toe-to-toe with Secretary Clinton in the debates.

JOY: And I'm sure that the conservatives are arguing that a moderate would turn off conservative voters and tank the election and vice versa. But what's the third horse in this fight?

RACHEL: Trump's campaign staff, Steve Bannon especially, are vehemently opposed to both Kasich and Cruz for obvious reasons and are pushing for someone more in the Trump mold. Apparently they like Rick Santorum, fractured skull and all, to carry on Trump's fight as a surrogate Trump's alt-right fanboys can get behind. They're also arguing for Mike Pence to take over.

JOY: So it sounds like that civil war in the Republican Party that's been speculated may actually come to fruition.

RACHEL: At this stage of the game, I don't think anything would surprise me. Progressives have watched for years as the divide between establishment Republicans and Tea Party conservatives grew wider but this could very well be the start of the implosion of the Republican Party. As much as some of us progressives have eagerly awaited this moment, I have to say, it's not as fun to watch as one might imagine. Think of it as watching a train wreck. It's riveting and you don't dare look away but when it all sinks in, you realize that you just watched something awful occur.

JOY: Indeed. Indeed. Thank you Rachel. We'll be sure to jump back to your live coverage in Cleveland as new developments arise. This could be an eventful few days if the Republicans make their choice today. Tomorrow members of both political parties will attend 9/11 ceremonies in New York and Washington. Then on Monday is the funeral for the late Donald Trump. We're going to take a break but don't go far.
by G-Man
Sat Jan 07, 2017 6:45 pm
Forum: Mafia Game Submission Archive
Topic: BLUE vs. RED- Politics Mafia [CLASSIC GAME]
Replies: 11
Views: 1008

Re: BLUE vs. RED- Politics Mafia [CLASSIC GAME]



MICHAEL: Welcome back to the Savage Nation. We’ve covered a lot of territory today and now I want to finally address what you listeners have been asking me for all week. I have the smartest listening audience in all of talk radio. I’ve said that for years and it’s not hollow lip service. I know you’re smart because you’re listening to me and from talking to you listeners I know that the vast majority of you are intelligent people. No knuckle-dragging, Kool-Aid drinkers here like on the left. You pay attention.

And it’s because you pay attention that little of what I’m about to say will surprise you. You’ve been asking me all week to share my thoughts on all these states and their different stances on changing their ballots. Now that the picture has become quite clear, I will close out the week with the following:

We’ll start with the 23 states that had already certified the assassinated Donald Trump. The following states have GOP trifectas and did the right thing by announcing the request for ballot changes and actually passing it on Monday: Alaska, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. Gold star, pat on the head, you done the right and logical thing.

Now among these states you have lawsuits in Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, and Ohio. Conveniently, these are all considered swing states. Liberal activist groups are trying to bind these states to keeping Trump certified as the Republican on the ballot citing early voting as the reason. They want 30-45 days to reprogram and test electronic ballot machines. Do the math- Florida’s early voting is over 50 days away, so that case shouldn’t hold water but that won’t stop these socialist crybabies from trying to get their way.

Early voting in Ohio and North Carolina starts after the 30-day mark, which is why lawsuits in those states are pushing for 45 days of testing. Clever move you leeches, you swine. If they really cared about testing, then 30 days would suffice. But these states could all swing the election, so it’s important to these psychotic, power-hungry liberals to screw you into submission. And that’s what this is all about. They act all indignant when Trump suggests that the election will be rigged and now that he’s out of the picture, look at what they’re doing- they’re trying to rig the damn election!

There are reports coming in that some polling centers in North Carolina mailed out absentee ballots today with Trump listed on them, despite the passage of legislation to change absentee ballots to whoever the Republicans pick today, not to mention the lawsuit regarding North Carolina’s absentee ballots remaining unresolved. Is the media covering this? No, of course not. You think these frauds, these reprobates in the liberal media machine want to highlight anything negative about their side? Of course not. That’s their modus operandi, their marching orders for those of you who never took Latin. But I digress. I’m rambling. This is why I hesitated to comment on this issue all week. These things burn me up, it’s true.

Now for the states with GOP control of the state house and senate but have a Democrat for governor. Louisiana, Montana, and West Virginia all passed bills to change their ballots on Monday and their Democrat governors complied and signed those bills into law the same day. Those are reliably red states anyway. Missouri and Virginia both passed bills on Monday but their Democrat governors waited until Tuesday to sign them into law. Missouri’s Jay Nixon probably wanted to check with Black Lives Matters focus groups to make sure no one’s feelings would be hurt and we all know Virginia’s Terry McAuliffe worships the ground Hillary Clinton walks on. What a shameless bootlicker. He probably waited just to appease her in the hopes of a better Cabinet position.

Then we move onto Minnesota, where the Republicans hold the state house and the Democrats have the state senate and governor. The state house passed a bill but the Democrats are, predictably, not acting on it. I’d like to see an election fraud case here but it’s Minnesota. If they’ll make a failed wannabe comedian like Al Franken their senator, then there’s no chance of logic or law prevailing there.

Both New Jersey and Nevada’s Republican governors requested ballot-change legislation but the Democrat-run legislatures don’t seem to care. New Jersey is so liberal they make people pay to leave the state and this is an obvious ‘up yours’ to Chris Christie. His administration messed around with traffic so the Democrats are trying to mess around with the election, not that New Jersey was in play. Nevada’s legislature considered passing something but liberal lawsuits came crying about early voting. Swing state fever once again.

Finally there’s Oregon and Delaware. Both states are dominated by liberals. Oregon is playing the same 45-day testing tune but Delaware is just nakedly giving the middle finger to the Constitution. They don’t even have early voting, so why are they refusing to certify? Because that’s what Joe Biden probably told them to do. They love that walking gaffe machine and Obama so much that they’re trying to preserve his legacy when they barely even matter at all. They’re worth three electoral votes and they blue no matter who, so this is just election rigging for the sake of putting a thumb in the eye of Republicans. Where’s the media on this? Nowhere. They don’t care, those sad-sack phonies. Nothing but dental implants, Botox, and cricks in their neck from nodding in agreement with Obama and Hillary too much.

As much as I want to cover the eight states whose certification deadlines were this week, I have to stop because I’m out of time. You do this to me and to yourselves. You ask for my opinion and I get so carried away expounding upon my enlightened view of things that I run out of time and leave you wanting more. Perhaps we can squeeze it in on Monday when we’re not talking about who the Republicans pick for to replace Mr. Trump. Have they made a choice yet? No? Good grief, what’s taking them so long?

by G-Man
Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:34 pm
Forum: Mafia Game Submission Archive
Topic: BLUE vs. RED- Politics Mafia [CLASSIC GAME]
Replies: 11
Views: 1008

Re: BLUE vs. RED- Politics Mafia [CLASSIC GAME]

MIKA: Welcome back. We're just two days away from the emergency meeting of the RNC to select a replacement candidate for the late Donald Trump. Rampant speculation is coming from all across the political spectrum as to who the Republicans will choose as their replacement. One question that isn't being asked is, will it even matter?

JOE: That's right Mika, we're going to take a look at some maps here and see if all this drama surrounding which states have passed ballot amendment legislation and which haven't is even going to amount to anything. First we're going to show you the 23 states that had already certified Mr. Trump as the nominee as of a week ago...

MIKA: The 12 states in red are states that were solid or trending Trump according to the latest polling data. Seven states are in blue, signifying a solid or moderate lead for Secretary Clinton, and we've marked the four battleground states in yellow. Taking the electoral math into account, this map puts us at 92 electoral votes for Donald Trump, 69 for Secretary Clinton, and 68 electoral votes that are, for all intents and purposes, up for grabs. Joe, looking at these Trump states, I don't really see any that could flip blue.

JOE: I agree. If you want to split hairs, you could try to argue that Missouri might be in play for the Democrats because they have a Democratic governor but that state has been consistently red for a while now and the governorship looks poised to flip red again. And even the blue states should be pretty well locked in at this point. Chris Christie was never going to deliver New Jersey to the Republicans, Tim Kaine and changing demographics will deliver Virginia to the Democrats once again, Michigan and Minnesota are part of that Mid-Western blue wall, Delaware and Oregon are automatic wins, and Nevada- I see it being closer than 2008 or 2012 but there's too much of a demographic edge there.

MIKA: Which makes you wonder why four of those blue states are holding out on the ballot-change legislation.

JOE: Right. If you're Delaware, Oregon, and Minnesota- three consistently blue states- the question is why? What's to gain from not changing the ballot, a move which will probably end in litigation? Delaware last went red in 1988, Oregon in 1984, and Minnesota in 1972.

MIKA: To be fair, Minnesota's State House, which is majority Republican, has passed a ballot-change bill but the State Senate, majority Democrat, voted it down, citing early voting as its reason. Early voting is scheduled to begin on Friday, September 23rd, and State Senate leadership says that it will be too costly to try to change the paper ballots in two weeks time and wouldn't be able to guarantee accurate testing of all electronic voting machines by that date. They say they need at least 30 days for testing.

JOE: To which I say just push back your early voting date. I mean, my God- who starts early voting before the debates?

MIKA: Maybe that's how they've always done it?

JOE: Maybe but where's the sense in that?

MIKA: There's also a lawsuit already filed in this election to end all elections. An activist group in North Carolina has filed a lawsuit to reject the ballot-changing bill passed on Monday in order to ensure that absentee ballots get mailed out on Friday. North Carolina's court system has not issued any statements regarding whether they will hear this case on such short notice. Either way, it looks like the tension in this election cycle isn't about lessen any time soon.
by G-Man
Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:48 pm
Forum: Mafia Game Submission Archive
Topic: BLUE vs. RED- Politics Mafia [CLASSIC GAME]
Replies: 11
Views: 1008

Re: BLUE vs. RED- Politics Mafia [CLASSIC GAME]

Welcome back to a special Sunday edition of Hannity. We're going to change gears now to point out the hypocrisy and bias of the left-wing, mainstream media, as if it wasn't already apparent.

It's been almost 72 hours since Donald Trump was assassinated and yet no one but FoxNews and other conservative media outlets are calling his death just that. We know his daughter Ivanka was sedated and poisoned. We know that the Feds have something because they have not released any security footage from any cameras with a good angle of the hotel where Mr. Trump and his campaign staff were staying. We also know that Mr. Trump's son-in-law is being pursued as a person of interest by the Secret Service.

I mean, it's not rocket science to put the pieces together. You've got a presidential candidate and his daughter dead along with what effectively amounts to a nationwide manhunt. It doesn't get much more obvious than this. Donald Trump was assassinated. I repeat, he was assassinated. We don't know why this happened but we know that Donald and Ivanka Trump are dead and Jared Kushner is a wanted man.

What's sad, and disgusting, and shows a clear lack of journalistic integrity is that no one in the mainstream media is reporting this as an assassination. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC- if you can really call them a real news network after eight years of sucking up to Obama- none of them! News papers, websites, blogs- nobody but conservative media is being honest about this. They're saying things like 'the death of Trump' or 'the apparent murder of Trump.' Have some guts. Have some integrity. Have some honesty for crying out loud.

These mainstream cowards are the same ones who jump on Republicans for any little slight that offends somebody. They come hard after Republican governors for passing laws that even one obscure special interest group doesn't like or for taking too long to sign a bill that they feel is long past due. Yet, where are these elitist media wimps now? Of the 23 states who have already certified Donald Trump as the Republican candidate on their ballots, 15 have come out with statements this weekend stating their intent to ask their state legislators to pass special legislation to change the ballot for November. Not a single one of them is a Democrat.

If this was the other way around, you know the mainstream media would be all over any Republican governors not vowing to request a ballot change for the DNC within a day of Hillary Clinton's death. Instead of pressing these Democrat governors, the left-wing media is essentially saying to America that they don't care that the leaders of eight states are keeping their citizens guessing as to whether there will be uncertainty come Election Day. But that's the Left for you. When it comes to saving animals, keeping peoples' feeling from getting hurt, or any other cause on their side, it's important. When it concerns Republicans? Not so much.

Stay with us. We've got Ann Coulter and Rudy Giuliani on the show tonight and much much more.
by G-Man
Sun Jan 01, 2017 10:25 pm
Forum: Mafia Game Submission Archive
Topic: BLUE vs. RED- Politics Mafia [CLASSIC GAME]
Replies: 11
Views: 1008

Re: BLUE vs. RED- Politics Mafia [CLASSIC GAME]


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen across the nation. You're watching a special weekend edition of The Situation Room. I'm Wolf Blitzer.

Tonight: the death of Donald Trump and the political fallout that has come with it. Today, the Republican National Committee made two significant announcements. First, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus called for an emergency meeting of state party representatives next Friday, the ninth. The purpose of this emergency meeting is to fill Mr. Trump's vacancy at the top of the GOP ticket for the general election two months from now. This comes in lieu of a second convention, which Mr. Priebus said would be too costly and time-consuming to organize and carry out given how close we are to Election Day. No information was given to the press as to how the RNC plans to go about selecting their new candidate or whether the media will be allowed to cover whatever proceedings take place.

Also announced by Mr. Priebus was the RNC's intention to file petitions with the agencies governing elections in all 50 states and Washington D.C. in order to delay the printing and/or distribution of absentee ballots, the dissemination of paper ballots to polling places, and the finalization and distribution of electronic ballot devices that may already list Mr. Trump as the Republican candidate. Per Mr. Priebus, "The RNC expects all states to comply with this unprecedented request due to the unprecedented circumstances and events that have occurred. We see no reason for any state to resist this request, as the integrity of our elections is imperative to maintaining the Republic."

As of today, 23 states have already certified Mr. Trump as the Republican nominee for their November ballots. Among them are five of the so-called swing states or battleground states: Florida, Iowa, Nevada, North Carolina, and Virginia. Between now and the RNC's emergency meeting, an additional seven states are required by their own state laws to finalize the certification of nominees for the November ballot. They are Maine on Monday; Alabama, Kentucky, and Wisconsin on Tuesday; Nebraska on Thursday; and Colorado and Hawaii on Friday the ninth.

Special legislation will need to be passed in all of these states to allow changes to be made to these already-certified ballots. Stick with CNN as our team of reporters cover the latest news coming in from each state as they respond the the RNC's request.
by G-Man
Wed Dec 28, 2016 2:40 pm
Forum: Mafia Game Submission Archive
Topic: BLUE vs. RED- Politics Mafia [CLASSIC GAME]
Replies: 11
Views: 1008

Re: Politics Mafia: Blue v. Red [CLASSIC GAME]


Good evening, America, Anderson Cooper here with a special edition of AC360 tonight. Much like the way he ran his campaign, the death of Donald J. Trump continues to be long on questions and short on details. Let's run through what we know as of right now.

We know that, just before midnight, Mr. Trump fell to his death from the balcony of his Cincinnati luxury suite. Patrons by the hotel pool witnessed his body hit the ground, notified staff, and called 911. We also know that the Secret Service effectively put the hotel into lock-down mode around 12:30 a.m. Eastern Time this morning. We've heard reports from business owners and other Cincinnatians that federal, state, and local authorities have been collecting surveillance footage within what appears to be a one-mile radius of the hotel. This response seems to indicate that foul play was involved.

This morning, we also learned that Mr. Trump's eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, was found dead in her hotel room. Her husband, Jared Kushner, was not at the hotel when authorities arrived and sources close to CNN have told us that Mr. Kushner is being considered a person of interest and that a search for him is currently underway. When asked for clarification, the Secret Service offered little comment, saying "authorities are in the process of locating all relevant members of Mr. Trump's family and staff to ensure their safety."

The political fallout of Mr. Trump's death raises many of the same questions: Who? What? Why? And when will this all get sorted out? Stay tuned for more details.
by G-Man
Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:41 pm
Forum: Mafia Game Submission Archive
Topic: BLUE vs. RED- Politics Mafia [CLASSIC GAME]
Replies: 11
Views: 1008

BLUE vs. RED- Politics Mafia [CLASSIC GAME]


And because I'm an equal opportunity offender, here's the flip-side game:

DEMOCRATS (Civvies):

10 civvies


3 baddies

This game will also be very satirical in nature.

Civvie characters are subject to change as the election year progresses.

Role information has been removed to enable this game to be run as a closed-setup heist. If you read the roles that were here and you think that will give you an advantage during the game, prepare to be wrong.

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