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by SokothQultuq
Mon Apr 25, 2016 9:33 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Star Trek
Replies: 51
Views: 3943

Re: Star Trek

The Dominion - They were the first race to really kick the Federations buttocks since the Klingons. Not to mention they kicked everyone else's buttocks too. The Vorta made me want to punch my TV regularly which is not a reaction i get out of people like the Romulans, Klingons, and Cardassians. They were a force to be reckoned with.
by SokothQultuq
Thu Apr 21, 2016 10:56 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Star Trek
Replies: 51
Views: 3943

Re: Star Trek

Yeah, that sounds about right. I think you learned to Sim on the Dark Angel didn't you? You were good, you and.... What was her name Melissa i think. Mehnstrom something like that. She was another one that took the Medical Field in the Trek Sims pretty seriously and as I recall you two were thick as thieves for a while. Then she actually did go off to Med School. I talked to her off and on for a while after she did that, but we lost touch when she did her overseas stint towards the end of her thing. But yeah. Its been a long time.

Its too bad Bri wasn't faster at typing and could think on the fly. He would have made a really good Sim Master.

I miss it, a lot!
by SokothQultuq
Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:14 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Star Trek
Replies: 51
Views: 3943

Re: Star Trek

Yup. I believe they did 7 Seasons. Most of the trek shows did, even Voyager. The only one that did not get that far was Enterprise which was only 4 seasons. I really didn't like the way they ended DS9. I honestly thought they could have gone farther. If felt like the end was rushed. And to a point it was. They were in their 7th season, trying to option for more but they wouldn't have it. I honestly think they could have continued without those who left. Mostly fresh new cast. It could have been interesting to see what came next.
by SokothQultuq
Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:15 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Star Trek
Replies: 51
Views: 3943

Re: Star Trek

I'm still on the fence about the new movie myself. They keep saying that they are going back to the way trek is supposed to be with the show, and now they are going into the area of exploration and I believe their first 5 year mission. It's hard to say. But they are introducing some new species, and it looks like the death of the enterprise from the trailers. The one thing that has me intrigued is they already signed for another movie and the third was all they contracted with JJ Abrams to do. And despite this one not having come out yet, they are planning a 4th. Hopefully they know something we don't yet.

I'm just happy to have Trek in some form or fashion. It's been a big part of my life and it's something that I really would be sad to see it die completely.
by SokothQultuq
Mon Apr 18, 2016 12:08 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Star Trek
Replies: 51
Views: 3943

Re: Star Trek

I think this next film will either be a massive hit or it may drive a spike into trek again. The people who own it think its going to do so something they are already signed for a fourth movie. So that's progress.

I'm interested to know more about this new TV Series they are starting. The big rumors now are that it will be set between Star Trek 6 and when TNG happens in the "Prime Universe". Could be exciting.
by SokothQultuq
Mon Apr 18, 2016 12:06 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Star Trek
Replies: 51
Views: 3943

Re: Star Trek

LeVar Burton is an awesome guy, I met him briefly once at one of the Con's in Florida. Very Nice guy. Actually most of the TNG cast seems pretty nice. Accept John Delancy, he really is like that in real life I think. Robert Picardo is a riot, and a great man. I got to talk with him for some time after I accidentally ran into him at an obscure booth at a con, he was hiding and eating. He actually started the conversation with me. I think it was over my shirt. I don't remember. But he was fun to talk to for a while.
by SokothQultuq
Sun Apr 17, 2016 11:46 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Star Trek
Replies: 51
Views: 3943

Re: Star Trek

Yes I do believe that as the TNG series grows so does Diana Troy. They start to take her character a bit more serious and less of a "Body" on the screen.

My Favorite TNG episodes are "Cause and Effect", "Yesterdays Enterprise" and the "Inner Light"
There are too many episodes of DS9 for me to throw out there but if they had Martok and Worf in them I would say those were my favorite.
To be honest I'm not sure that I have a favorite TOS episode that I've settled on yet. There is this one episode that I did enjoy and that was "A piece of the action" which I enjoyed. And the one with the Guardian of Forever in it.. I loath the Doomsday machine... They used to play that over and over on TV back when i was a kid.
Voyager - I've not settled on one episode as a favorite.
Enterprise - "Unexpected" I about died laughing.

I agree on the Movies, I like the TOS movies far better than I like the TNG ones. But I still like them.
JJ-Trek - I do enjoy this. I know most people are on one side of the fence or the other but I'm on both sides. I love what they did, Hated that they rehashed the Wrath of Kahn but at the same time I liked the twist.
by SokothQultuq
Sun Apr 17, 2016 10:39 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Star Trek
Replies: 51
Views: 3943

Re: Star Trek

In my honest opinion, though I do like them all.. Even Enterprise. LOL

Deep Space Nine
The Next Generation
The Original Series

I honestly think Enterprise would have blossomed had they of moved on. I have a friend here in Washington that was an editor for a couple of the writers for the show. They had some really good stuff coming. They just had to get through the stuff that people didn't seem to like. Not to mention how that time stuff was going to wrap things up. But it is what it is, and fans didn't like what it was. LOL
by SokothQultuq
Sun Apr 17, 2016 10:30 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Star Trek
Replies: 51
Views: 3943

Re: Star Trek

Yes, I originally watched the show when it aired and nearly got each show and episode. But I've also watched them countless times on Failflix... I mean netflix...

It was a pretty amazing show. Each episode building on the next. Martok is one of my most absolute favorites!
by SokothQultuq
Sun Apr 17, 2016 10:24 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Star Trek
Replies: 51
Views: 3943

Re: Star Trek

So I was the same way when I first started watching DS9, I couldnt really get into it and this thing happened. A war... And War brings out all kinds of things. In my honest opinion they had some of the best Character Development Episodes during that time.

Here comes my mega geek! So when i was doing the Star Trek Simming (Online Role Playing in Chat Rooms) I ran an activity which was set during this time frame and we ran it in conjunction with events happening during the show which added a lot of depth and character development their too. I think Deep Space Nine was a very under appreciated show. But man was it a great time for online role playing.
by SokothQultuq
Sun Apr 17, 2016 10:20 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Star Trek
Replies: 51
Views: 3943

Re: Star Trek

::Raises his hand:: Trekkie! Guilty as charged and then some....LOL

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