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by S~V~S
Wed Oct 12, 2016 5:35 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Columbia. When I was younger, I would have picked Rapture probably. But in my old age, darkness (symbolic of death in general) is less attractive to me than it was when I was in my 20's. Now I want all the sunshine, flowers, chipmunks & birdsong I can get.

Hedonism or Epicureanism?
by S~V~S
Wed Oct 12, 2016 5:13 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

I like pumpkins, or what I really like is colorful gourds & corn stalks. Mums have never been my favorite.

Would you rather see man establish a colony on Mars, or a colony at the bottom of the sea?
by S~V~S
Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:47 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Red Pepper; I never really got a taste for Ginger, but I DO love pepper.

Onion or Garlic?
by S~V~S
Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:26 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

I would be horrid on either, but I guess Dancing with the Stars; the hosts seem a tad less vicious, lol. Plus those pro dancers can make almost anyone look less atrocious.

Which is worse; Your workplace is always too hot, or your workplace is always too cold?
by S~V~S
Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:06 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

RV. I love driving, and while I know how to boat and operate a basic cabin cruiser, I think a yacht would be too much for one me to handle, and for me getting there is half the fun.

Would you rather go to a small venue and have your favorite band play just for you, or would you rather be in the same small venue and you play for them?
by S~V~S
Wed Oct 12, 2016 2:22 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Raptors sound like more fun, in a gory kinda way.

Dripping with sarcasm or dripping with butter?
by S~V~S
Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:54 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Tom Seaver pwns any football guy ever. So baseball.

V for Vendetta: roll your eyes or true believer?
by S~V~S
Tue Sep 13, 2016 6:30 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Horse farm; I love horses! Why would I want to live in a house full of people who make me feel fat,old & inadequate, lol?

Feeling good about yourself in a boring life, or feeling bad about yourself in a fantasy life?
by S~V~S
Tue Sep 13, 2016 6:02 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

A little more money. I would sleep better if I worried less.

Real books or e-books?
by S~V~S
Sun Sep 11, 2016 11:51 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Fifteen days, stuff could get done in 15 days.

The spice police are coming! Would you rather they take the salt or the pepper?
by S~V~S
Sat Sep 10, 2016 6:13 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Windows. I washed my windows last month, I am not even sure when I washed my baseboards, unless you count sweeping them when I sweep the floor.

Time travel; if you could travel to an unknown point in either the past or the future, would you choose past or future?
by S~V~S
Fri Sep 09, 2016 8:28 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Alladin Sane

Dalai Lama or the Pope?
by S~V~S
Fri Sep 09, 2016 8:11 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Speaking in Tongues

Wish You Were Here or Animals?
by S~V~S
Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:45 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Oooo that's hard. I hate being tickled, it's a total loss of control. But Kim Jong Un just executed someone for slouching (during the Korean National Anthem? No just a Cabinet meeting) so as a sloucher, I will have to pick the tickling.

Jello or Pudding?
by S~V~S
Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:21 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Oh a goat, I LOVE goats, I had goats for years.

Short trip, less the 500 miles. Car or plane?
by S~V~S
Fri Sep 09, 2016 5:23 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Japan. Their culture seems less about turning endangered species into aphrodisiacs & eating dogs than does Chinas.

If you could bring one of these back:

Mammoth or Tasmanian Tiger?
by S~V~S
Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:29 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

IPA; much as I tried I never got a taste for stout. (who did you expect to answer a NY baseball question but me ha ha?? And I was afk)

Beer trip; Belgium or Germany?
by S~V~S
Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:56 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

METS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Silly Marmot.

Squirrels or Hamsters?
by S~V~S
Tue Aug 09, 2016 2:23 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Terrier, tenacity ftw.

90 degrees or 80 degrees?
by S~V~S
Tue Aug 09, 2016 12:23 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Map with landmarks, like a little line pointing to an intersection saying, "Big Red Barn".

Bless You or Gesundheit?
by S~V~S
Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:51 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Poor Venue. True love is true love.

Would you rather answer random questions with either/or, or answer "would you rather" questions with random answers?
by S~V~S
Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:56 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

The Hexagon isn't really working out for us, is it? So maybe CaH.

Cube or tetrahedron?
by S~V~S
Sat Jul 16, 2016 6:09 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Quiet. Just like I tip the people who cut my hair in advance not to talk to me. Not a fan of small talk with strangers.

When it comes to talking to strangers,do you like to approach, or would you rather be approached?
by S~V~S
Sat Jul 16, 2016 5:44 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Red. Not sure why, but I just tend to bet red in Roulette :shrug:

Blackjack or Baccarat?
by S~V~S
Sat Jul 16, 2016 10:47 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

If you mean Hyderabad in India, then there~I would love to see India. If you mean Hyderabad in Pakistan, then Guangzhou. Pakistan is a wildly beautiful place, but I would imagine it is not the safest place for Americans to visit. Plus not sure how much I would enjoy seeing the lives of the women and girls there. So the combo of seeing something upsetting to me, with the fear of speaking up, would make that a total no go for me.

I have a love/hate with China. I think the history is compelling and the arts & many aspects of the culture are amazing; when I was a child I loved the *idea* of China. I also find, however, the general Chinese treatment of animals to be horrific & cruel. So I would probably get myself into trouble there, running about in markets screaming & trying to release animals,or trying to find bear bile farms blasting "Born Free" on my iPod. Although I would feel safer doing so there than in Pakistan.

Vacation; relaxation or adventure?
by S~V~S
Sat Jul 16, 2016 10:04 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Breaking Bad

Walt or Jesse?
by S~V~S
Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:59 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Rugby, cricket is Satan as you know.

American football or rest of the world football?
by S~V~S
Tue Jun 07, 2016 8:00 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Norwegian; my Moms family came from Norway, and I have a smattering, but would love to have more.

Ireland or Scotland?
by S~V~S
Sun Jun 05, 2016 8:36 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Oh Sean Bean, I would ask him to introduce me to Faramir.

Stephen King; It or The Stand?
by S~V~S
Sat Jun 04, 2016 6:19 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Epignosis wrote:It only took a few days for the random question game to come back for the would you rather thread to start having open questions again. :p
Yeah, I got them mixed up, I like random questions so much better ha ha

Go out for a walk,most sports except baseball and sports where I know the players bore me.

Bill Cosby; Do you think he did it or do you think he did not do it?
by S~V~S
Sat Jun 04, 2016 5:47 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

As a woman, I think I would have problems, both personal ethical problems, as well as external misogynist problems,running a nation in the Middle East and allying with the Saudi Royals. So I will run the US unfriendly Caribbean nation and cozy up to Cuba & the DR.

Bill Cosby; do you think he did it?
by S~V~S
Thu Jun 02, 2016 9:55 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Sting. Dire Straits always left me meh.

Jack White or Johnny Marr?
by S~V~S
Thu Jun 02, 2016 9:36 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Well, the past few years I make some jerky and unattractive movements when I first wake up in the AM, so I will say twerking. I think any preaching I did might get the congregants in trouble.

Movies in a theater or your living room?
by S~V~S
Thu Jun 02, 2016 1:40 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

When I was younger, I worked odd hours and thrived on it. Now not so much, my body wants stability. So stable hours ftw.

Best player on the worst team, or worst player on the best team?
by S~V~S
Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:08 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Without. I know it's nature, it's how life works yada yada yada. But when I was a kid those scenes upset me so much; not so much the predation, but the photographers just standing there and watching and not helping the zebra/wildebeest/antelope. I know that the lion has to eat, but I didn't much care when I was 8.

Dog time; play in the yard or a walk around the block?
by S~V~S
Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:14 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Gorillas. At least you can reason to an extent with gorillas. Bison will just plow you down with no thought behind it at all.

Zoos; interesting & educational, or cruel & exploitative?
by S~V~S
Sun May 29, 2016 8:13 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Earthquakes. You can potentially run from a tornado.

Someone you know has killed someone (who you also know) that physically hurt them. They appear to be getting away with it. Do you tell or do you keep silent?
by S~V~S
Sat May 28, 2016 8:12 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Drugs, he died passed out rather than in terror.

Scarier: Cylons or Storm Troopers?
by S~V~S
Sat May 28, 2016 6:03 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Cousins. You can be who you are with cousins. But I have a super close family.

You are looking for something neutral;is is beige or gray?
by S~V~S
Sat May 28, 2016 5:52 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -


Who has the more interesting family tree; your Mom or your Dad?
by S~V~S
Sat May 28, 2016 5:09 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

je ne parle pas espagnol, et je ne mange pas de viande BUT when I did, I liked Chicken enchiladas so green, I suppose.

Learn a foreign language; Mandarin or Hindi?
by S~V~S
Sat May 28, 2016 8:03 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

May. I have never been a fan of rain (except at night,on the roof, hmmm, best nights sleep)

Parades; floats or marching bands?
by S~V~S
Tue May 24, 2016 8:18 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Apocalypse Now; it was perfect. It did not need the extra hour.

Diffusing tension; humor or earnestness?
by S~V~S
Tue May 24, 2016 12:38 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Christian Bale. He is always so impressive, he lives his roles.

American Psycho; Book or FIlm?
by S~V~S
Mon May 23, 2016 6:20 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

That's hard for me.The Godfather was so awesome, but GF2 has DeNiro. And the Flashbacks. And less Diane Keaton. So GF2.

Pacino; Over the top awesome, or just over the top?
by S~V~S
Thu May 19, 2016 5:40 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Heath Ledgers joker; Ilike me some chaos, and Anton Chigurrh is a psycho, but he is a deliberate psycho.

Dog Day Afternoon or Serpico?
by S~V~S
Thu May 19, 2016 3:41 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

I like unfathomable psychopaths. Don't judge.

Travis Bickle or Max Cady?
by S~V~S
Thu May 19, 2016 2:59 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Muffins. You can at least pretend they are more than a pile of sugar.

A pile of sugar or a pile of salt?
by S~V~S
Wed May 18, 2016 8:38 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Just barely drunk enough can be remedied; there is no going back from a little too drunk.

A drink before breaking bad news, or sober?
by S~V~S
Wed May 18, 2016 6:53 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65209

Re: Would you rather - -

Although 1985 smuggler is probably more relevant to my own life, I would have to go with Bootlegger, it somehow seems more romantic.

Water bed or regular bed (speakingof 1985 :p )

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