A | B | C | D | |
1 | Town Cop | Mafia Jack of All Trades | Town Miller | Vanilla Townie |
2 | Mafia Jack of All Trades | 1-Shot Town Vigilante | Vanilla Townie | Town Jailkeeper |
3 | Town Masons (2) | Vanilla Townie | Mafia Godfather | Town Cop (Odd nights) |
4 | Vanilla Townie | Town Sick Innocent Child (d1-4 reveal) | Town Cop w/ n0 town check | 1-Shot Mafia Vigilante |
Thus, there are 8 possible setups: 1, 2, 3, 4, A, B, C, and D.
Each setup specifies only 4 roles, so the remaining 11 roles will always be split between 9 vanilla townies and 2 mafia goons.
Each setup has exactly 3 non-vanilla roles, since that is the maximum per Heist rules.
Role Index:
1-Shot Town Vigilante - During one night of this player's choice, he or she may night kill any one player. One-time use.
Town Cop - Every night, this player selects a player of his or her choice to ID (alignment check).
Town Cop (Odd nights) - Every odd night, this player selects a player of his or her choice to ID (alignment check).
Town Cop w/ n0 town check - This player receives an alignment check on a randomly selected town player to start the game. Every night, this player selects a player of his or her choice to ID (alignment check).
Town Sick Innocent Child (d1-4 reveal) - This role will be confirmed by the host to be town publicly at the start of either day 1, 2, 3, or 4. However, that player will die at the start of the following day. At the start of the game, the host will randomize which of the four days will apply to the game; the role will be unaware of which day has been selected.
Town Jailkeeper - Every night, this player selects a player of his or her choice to both protect from all night kills and role block.
Town Masons (2) - These two roles have BTSC and may communicate privately outside of the game thread.
Town Miller - If targeted with an ID (alignment) check, this player will appear as mafia.
Vanilla Townie - This player has no role power.
1-Shot Mafia Vigilante - During one night of this player's choice, he or she may night kill any one player. One-time use.
Mafia Godfather - If targeted with an ID (alignment) check, this player will appear as town.
Mafia Goon - This player has no role power.
Mafia Jack of All Trades - This player has three one-time use role abilities; however, these abilities will differ based on the setup randomized. The abilities could be any of the following combinations.
Setup A: 1-shot roleblock, 1-shot silence, and 1-shot frame (targeted townie will appear mafia if ID'd by the cop that night).
Setup B: 1-shot roleblock, 1-shot protection, and 1-shot role cop.
Setup 1: 1-shot roleblock, 1-shot role cop, and 1-shot frame (targeted townie will appear mafia if ID'd by the cop that night).
Setup 2: 1-shot night kill, 1-shot role cop, and 1-shot silence.