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Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 7:38 pm
by SokothQultuq
Location: Odyssey Station, Operations
Stardate: 11803.31
A joint post by: Oliver Savage, Elianna Kestran, and Melody Wythe

Oliver stepped from his office his usual mug in hand, stopping abruptly to avoid colliding an engineer with a gravity sled walking past that he nearly missed as his attention was on a Padd in the other hand. He scowled more at himself for not paying attention then continued on into the operations area. “Morning!”

Melody looked up from her console at his greeting and took a second to remember how to be social that early in the morning. “Good morning.”

He settled onto a seat at the main console and pulled up a system map. “How’s our traffic looking out there, they behaving?”

“Mostly.” She gave a short smile and rolled her eyes a bit.

He nodded, and took a drink from his mug. “Good, I’d hate to see what you would do to them if they got out of line.”

She actually laughed at that, got up to stretch and get fresh coffee.

Torin raised an eyebrow with mild amusement, “I would feel constantly jittery if I drank as much coffee as you. How do even fall asleep at night?”

He points over at Torin. “He has a point, then again I can’t talk I had to have a certain councilor force tea on me.”

She stopped on her way back to her station and gave a restrained glare. “You should be grateful I drink coffee.”

Oliver smiled, “Some people can’t live without it. It’s like life giving substance for Starfleet Officers. Until its not.” he stared at his mug. “I’m getting used to this leafy crap. Kinda like it.” he glanced back over at Melody. “How are you adjusting to life here with our crazy bunch?”

“Oh, I think I’m adjusting pretty well now… to most people. I’m thinking about doing something around here outside of my duties. I have a friend back home harassing me to get involved.” She said this with a bit of sarcastic emphasis. “Any suggestions?”

He set his Padd down on the table. “On or off duty?”

“Well, something to do in my free time, you know.”

“So… off duty then…” Torin seemed to want to poke the bear.

“Casey, you do know a human being can last about fifteen seconds in a vacuum before expiring right? She has access the to the transporters from here, might not be a good idea to keep poking. But by all means, keep it up. I saw nothing!” he said with a grin.

“I was thinking I could work on target practice. Do you think that’d be good for on duty?” She looked at Torin.

Torin’s eyes widened a bit and he leaned back in his seat and buried his face in his crossword.

Oliver nods, watching Torin’s reaction. “Yup, target practice is always something I recommend. Got to be effective in a firefight.” he shrugs. “As for off duty, there is a lot of things you could do. Holodecks are good for a variety of things. There’s the Arboretum. It’s all depending upon your hobbies I suppose. Have any of those?”

From behind his crossword Torin muttered, “I hear Dark Matter is looking for a part time barista. You could work for coffee.”

She replied without looking up, “Yes, and I’m sure they let their employees do crosswords all day.” She looked over to the captain again. “I could probably find some things I used to like to do on earth in the holodeck. I like painting. It’s been forever though!”

Oliver nods, scratching at his chin thinking. “I’m certain the holodeck has plenty of art related programs you could run, including several recreations of famous art galleries you could visit. There isn’t much on the station other than the arboreum that would be good to paint, unless you want to paint the traffic jam for posterity.” he said jerking a thumb at the ships passing by on the viewscreen. “There are some nearby astronomical bodies you could paint.”

“Thanks. Yeah, I can usually paint things from thinking of them too. I don’t suppose there’s some painting group around here. I have a feeling my friend would give me a hard time for picking a solitary hobby.”

Oliver shook his head. “Not sure, if not maybe you can start one.”

The lift came to a stop at Station Operations and Elianna stepped off looking down at a padd, seemingly thoroughly engrossed in what she was reading. Looking up she strode quickly over to where the others stood and held the padd out towards them with some excitement, “Have you seen this report?” She was so interested in what she had been reading she didn’t even notice the fact she had completely interrupted whatever conversation they were already having.

A glance at the padd would probably look like nothing more interesting than a report on a medical procedure that had apparently taken place at Starbase 375.

Oliver stares at the padd, and then looks back up to Elianna. “Yes, that is so fascinating.” he grins. “What does all that medical mumbo jumbo mean exactly?”

“No, no not that! The procedure is not all that interesting really. I mean, it was creative problem solving, but not that.” She shook her head in frustration and pointed at the names of doctors and patient involved. “They’re from the Chiron!”

A look of realization appeared on Oliver’s face. “Oh! The Chiron, isn’t that the ship that went missing a few months ago?”

“Exactly! Has there been any announcement about them getting home?”

Oliver shakes his head. “No, not that I’ve seen. If it was recent they may not have yet had a chance to add that to the round of security briefings. Might be debriefing the crew first.”

“With all the commotion raised around their disappearance I would’ve assumed they’d make some sort of announcement. I mean, Starfleet Command was forced to issue a statement on it because of that article from FNN.”

“So I’m curious, why so interested in the Chiron? You looking for a transfer, are you leaving me?” Oliver asked, mocking a shocked look on his face.

“If Johnny hasn’t driven me out of here yet, you know I’m here to stay.”

Oliver grips his chest. “Oh thank god, at least someone to help keep me sane will be here.” he points to Melody. “She’s a coffee dealer, she's constantly tempting me to the dark side. I mean I used to enjoy some dark roast every now and then but…”

“Hey, it’s not so bad on the dark side.” She smiled a bit.

Elianna winks at Melody, “In order for anyone to keep him sane, he has to be sane to begin with.”

Melody let out a loud laugh at that, but then remembered her usual restraint.

Oliver opens his mouth to respond, but stops and ponders that. “You have a point, sanity is required to begin with in order to return to that state I suppose.” he shrugs. “I’m happy with my state. At least for now.”

Melody turned back to her console as it let out a low beep. “Captain, you have an incoming message.”

He nods. “That’s my cue I suppose. Send it to my office please.” Oliver said as he turned and headed for his office door.

Melody transferred it and kept her eyes on the console, trying to figure out how to avoid one-on-one conversation with the doctor. Still, she felt bad for making things awkward. The doctor seemed nice enough.

Feeling a mix of awkward emotions coming from the Ops officer, Elianna gave her a curious glance. “How are you doing Ensign?”

Melody looked up, suddenly remembering that she could probably sense her panic. “Uh, well, you know, still settling in…” She grasped for a subject. “We were just talking before you came in about finding a hobby on station.”

Elianna’s brow furrowed a bit in confusion about the emotions she was sensing, but decided it was probably better left alone, “What kind of hobbies were you discussing?”

“Oh, well, ha. I told them I like painting, but that’s not typically something with other people. I’ve got a friend back home pushing me to do fun things with people and not work all the time.” She smiled, trying to act more naturally.

With a slightly sheepish look Elianna admitted, “Oliver and Sully are both always telling me not to work so much as well. All the things to do here and people to spend time with, and I still find myself in one Sickbay or another most of the time…”

Melody relaxed a bit as she listened and thought about what being the CMO would be like. “Well, I’m sure your kind of job is pretty demanding. I can always pass mine off at the end of my shift… Anyway, lots to do, huh? Any suggestions?”

“Well, there are plenty of places to eat and drink, I think there is a gaming establishment but I’ve never been there so I can’t recall the name off the top of my head. If you like shopping the commercial district has a lot of shops too. Of course, the holodeck and holosuites. The arboretum has all kind of campsites and hiking paths, and I think maybe some kayaking as well. Plus I think the Horticulturists lead some lessons in the plant varieties and so forth…” she thought for a while, “I’m sure that there are some organized sports going on, but I’ve never looked into it really, being a workaholic and all.”

“Wow! Thanks. Yeah, I’m not usually one for the typical sports, but hiking sounds really good right now. Maybe I can show up and ask around to see if anyone is looking for a hiking buddy.”

Oliver exits his Office with a determined stride heading for the center of operations. “Ensign, do you recall some time ago I asked you to put together some fake subspace traffic for a rainy day’s use?”
Melody, pulled out of her surprisingly pleasant conversation with the doctor, looked a bit concerned but answered. “Yes, Sir, I prepared that a couple of weeks ago.”

“Good, I want you to allow whatever traffic has to go out now that has not finished, then shut down all outgoing communications, and start sending the fake data.” he said glancing down at the system overview on the display. “I want you to send an automated message out recalling all Starfleet personnel to their ships.” he turned back to her, then hit the intercom button. “Red Alert, all hands to battle stations!”

Melody was already working as he gave the orders, “I’m on it.”

Elianna cast a worried glance at Oliver, but said nothing.

Oliver continued. “All civilians are to report to emergency shelters.” he said and let off the intercom button, then turned back to the other two. “The taskforce will be leaving shortly to start an offensive against the True Federation, they are expecting a counter attack here at the station. Time to get ready for a fight.”

Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 7:39 pm
by SokothQultuq
Mission 71 – “Operation Seleyan Sun” - Part 2
Sim Date: April 15, 2018
================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
CJ – Game Director (GD)
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer (CO/GD)
Commander Sullivan “Sully” Emily Derringer – Executive Officer (XO)
Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer (CMO)
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer (CTO)
Ensign Melody Wythe - Operations Officer (OPS)

Open Positions
Unassigned - Chief of Flight Operations (FLT)
Unassigned – Engineering Officer (ENG)

Notable NPC’s Used:

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OOC & Pre Sim Information: Great job last week and some great logs rolling out. Thank you for your efforts in doing those it is much appreciated. Just another reminder we have some open position both on our ship and others so if you know someone that might enjoy doing this please don’t hesitate to invite them to our group.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
ST:AB Stardate: 11804.15
Location: Starbase Odyssey, Operations, Office of Oliver Savage.

Oliver watched as Elianna disappeared back through the doors to his office out into operations. He shook his head in dismay at the situation they were in, this conflict, and now essentially a hostage situation which he was certain was about to escalate into a firefight again. Not a prospect that he was looking forward too. And now the internal struggle of wanting to help Sahl and stay within the boundaries of his orders. He felt like this may be one of those moments when his by the book attitude may be severely challenged. He let out a deep sigh. “Computer being duty log!” he said and waited as the computer ran through its customary beeps.
“I don’t have much time honestly to dwell on this, but we’ve been put into a terrible scenario. The refugees that came in ahead of the small True Federation fleet appear to be political refugees from a planet called Valt, which is on the other side of Klingon Space from us. Elianna’s former husband, or what I can only assume is his symbiont.” He reached for the mug on his desk and took a drink. His face immediately wrinkled, and he spit the contents back into the thing. “Damn it!” he said and stood abruptly moving to the replicator to recycle and replicate a new mug of tea.
“Where was I…” he said pulling the new mug full of hot liquid out. “Right. Sahl.” He crossed the room and stopped staring out into space, looking at all the vessels sitting in defense of the station and in the distance the tiny pinpoints that made up the small group that he had sent to retrieve the refugees and the True Federation vessels.
“I’m certain Walker and the Admiralty will make the right decision in regard to the information that was passed to us, so its my job to make sure that he and those Refugees make it back to this station and then to try and somehow avert a confrontation with our True Federation friends floating out there waiting to pounce.” He frowned again and took another drink. “I doubt it’s going to be that easy.”
“On top of that we must come up with an idea on how to go retrieve the rest of the people that Sahl left back on Valt, I doubt we can afford to liberate the planet, but maybe we can get as many people who don’t want to be there off. We certainly will need to assess the military strength there, but the question now is how. Hopefully Starfleet Intelligence has some information on that and can help us along, but then it begs the question of how they didn’t know this was happening to begin with and why we’ve done nothing to stop it.” He shrugs and turns to start across his office. “End log!”

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
USS Tempest NCC-1852-A Intra-ship Messaging System
Starbase Odyssey Interdepartmental Messaging System
SEND TO: All Departments
FROM: Captain Oliver A. Savage – Commanding Officer
SUBJECT: Shift Responsibilities

General Orders: Maintain Condition Red Throughout the station, all Civilian personnel are to remain in Safe Zones until otherwise notified.
Executive Officer: Can you please look into what information you can find about the Planet Valt in the database, search for any intelligence reports that might help us get an idea of what is going on in that area.
Tactical Officer Department: Maintain Battlestations, keep a close watch on our True Federation Friends. I’d like a plan to try and reduce possible casualties should we need our ships to fall back against their wishes and it turns into a fight.
Security Department: Maintain Security Alert, look into those explosions that tore into our Communications Array.
Operations Department: Keep an eye out for additional incoming vessels, and for the next call from the Admiralty.
Flight Operations: N/A
Engineering Department: Work on Repairs to the Communications Array!
Medical Department: Prepare for Casualties as we will undoubtable have them soon. Not to mention the refugees who most likely need medical attention as well.
Science Department: N/A

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
USS Tempest Status
Alert Status: Green - Docked

Starbase Odyssey Status
Alert Status: Red Alert – All Crew At Battle stations.

Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 7:39 pm
by SokothQultuq
Mission 72 – “Operation Seleyan Sun - Part 3
Sim Date: April 21, 2018
================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
CJ – Game Director (GD)
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer (CO/GD)
Commander Sullivan “Sully” Emily Derringer – Executive Officer (XO)
Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer (CMO)
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer (CTO)
Ensign Melody Wythe - Operations Officer (OPS)

Open Positions
Unassigned - Chief of Flight Operations (FLT)
Unassigned – Engineering Officer (ENG)

Notable NPC’s Used:

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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
Short break between sims, only about a 10 minute time lapse.
Sully (DH) will likely not be joining us this Saturday as he has a Date with the Avengers.

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Since we have such a short break between last sim and the next it does not seem like enough time to really put into a log, needless to say the next one will likely be interesting. So for the moment I’m going to do a quick recap of events, and will update orders for each department below.

The Offensive against the True Federation has begun, the large fleet that had been hanging out at Odyssey has pushed off and head via QSD off on their respective missions, they did however leave a contingent of 200 vessels in defense of the Station as they are certain a counter attack is coming.
Starbase Odyssey’s Communication system was sabotaged and destroyed. In an effort to restore communications we routed them through the stations infrastructure to the USS Tempest still docked with the station, so we are using the Odyssey’s communications package to communicate with the fleet and other vessels.
Shortly after the departure of our fleet the Sensor grid deployed to help identify incoming vessels spotted one coming in, and we sent a dozen or so vessels out to meet the vessel and detain the crew.
Shortly after this we then detected a small task force of True Federation vessels that came in following the freighter and were turned away when they were fired upon and suffered heavy losses at the hands of the Stations weapons and our support vessels.
The crew of the civilian freighter was detained and brought aboard one of our vessels.
A second fleet of True Federation vessels numbering at close to thirty has shown up and through some diplomacy stalled a fight. They sited that the crew of the freighter were criminals to the True Federation.
Oliver consulted with command and was told that the True Federation is not recognized as a legitimate government and has no claim on the lives of the refugees. Oliver was told not to give them up.
Orders were given for the small contingent of vessels from the group protecting Odyssey to rejoin their lines. Oliver reached back out to the True Federation Captain and informed him of Starfleet’s Decision. The True Federation Captain turned over records passed to him by his command and while Oliver has that information forwarded to Starfleet it made no difference in the crew’s stance, they would not be giving up the Refugees.
Come to find out in a letter received by Elianna Kestran the Symbiont of her late husband is among those survivors. They had crossed Klingon Territory from a plant known as Valt which sits about 8 Sectors away from Odyssey. Valt a True Federation held planet appears to be home to work camps which are made up of the planets populace and Starfleet POW’s.
Oliver made a request to take the Tempest and assess options for liberation of at least the POW’s and whomever would want to escape the occupation of Valt.
At the moment we have a Standoff to finish with the True Federation fleet here at Odyssey, and a lot of work ahead of us if were to visit Valt and potentially participate in the liberation of the people and the planet of Valt.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Starbase Odyssey Interdepartmental Messaging System
SEND TO: All Departments
FROM: Captain Oliver A. Savage – Commanding Officer
SUBJECT: Shift Responsibilities

General Orders: Maintain Condition Red, all hands to stand at Battle stations until further notice, a six-hour rotation is in effect in order to keep the crew ready and alert. All Civilian personnel are to remain in safe zones until the crisis has been averted.
Executive Officer: Lets start getting the Tempest Ready to go, we of course need to get communications restored on Odyssey before we can depart, and of course we need to deal with the True Federation threat ahead of us right now before we can depart and investigate Valt. Get a crew roster put together and start making the Tempest ready to go.
Tactical Officer Department: Stand Ready and alert as it is likely we shall see something from the small True Federation Fleet that is sitting just out of Weapons range.
Security Department: Maintain Security Alert status.
Operations Department: Keep an Eye on that small fleet, and the early warning grid in case they have friends waiting in the wings for us. Help coordinate Supply of the Tempest to ensure she’s ready to go soon.
Flight Operations: Update Navigational Records, and start plotting us a course through Klingon Territory to Valt. Start getting the Tempest Propulsion systems ready to go.
Engineering Department: Odyssey’s Communications systems need to be repaired before were able to leave for Valt. Temepst needs to be ready to go.
Medical Department: Ensure the Tempest is ready to go from a Medical Perspective, be ready for casualties.
Science Department: Ensure our star charts and database is up to date before we depart for Klingon Space.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
USS Tempest Status
Alert Status: Green – Docked at Odyssey Station

Starbase Odyssey Status
Alert Status: Red Alert, Battle stations.

Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 7:39 pm
by SokothQultuq
Mission 73 – “Operation Seleyan Sun” - Part 4
Sim Date: April 28, 2018
================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
CJ – Game Director (GD)
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer (CO/GD)
Commander Sullivan “Sully” Emily Derringer – Executive Officer (XO)
Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer (CMO)
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer (CTO)
Ensign Melody Wythe - Operations Officer (OPS)

Open Positions
Unassigned - Chief of Flight Operations (FLT)
Unassigned – Engineering Officer (ENG)

Notable NPC’s Used:

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OOC & Pre Sim Information:
Things are about to get interesting, I think this is about to be the first time that any Sim I’ve ever participated in has ever been involved in a fleet action to this scale that is about to arrive on our doorstep. I have to admit, I’m kind of nervous about this. LOL But I’m sure everyone will have a good time and things will get interesting as they always do.

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ST:AB Stardate: 11804.28
Location: Odyssey Station, Operations, Office of Captain Oliver Savage.

Oliver stepped off the turbolift into the Stations Commercial district, and slowly began walking down the corridor. It was the first time he had actually seen it this empty. Most of the time there was at least a few people milling about window shopping or eating at a café. But the doors were closed, and the lights were out, the only people present were the various security teams standing guard, waiting for what was to come.
“Captain.” He heard someone call out as he walked around a small kiosk. The security guard stiffening up along with his companions.
He smiled and waved a hand. “At ease. Don’t want you to strain something Ensign.” He said continuing his slow walk down the corridor.
“Sir forgive me for asking but shouldn’t you be in Ops?” the young officer asked.
Oliver stopped and chuckled turning to catch one of others with him slugging him in the arm clearly whispering a warning to him. “Thank you, Ensign, I’ll take that under advisement.” He returned to the small group of security officers and took note of a couple on the upper level looking down at them. “My former Captain used to impress upon the need to…” he smiled and glanced up at those above. “The need to make your presence known to the troops. You walk the battlefield to get the lay of the land, show your presence. Supposed to inspire confidence and apparently a little initiative in their people.” He said. “I’m glad I could inspire you son.” He said with a warm smile and a clap on the shoulder.
“Sorry Sir. I didn’t mean to….” He stammered out.
Oliver waved a hand. “No need to apologize, you’re just doing your job.” He nodded and turned and continued his slow walked down the corridor, it didn’t take him long to arrive at the lift on the far end, a trip that normally took several minutes took far less time when the place wasn’t jam packed with people. He turned back to the door of the lift after stepping into the turbolift. “Primary Sickbay!” he said sternly, and the lift surged on its way.
Oliver could feel the tension rising in himself, knowing that time was drawing near for the confrontation at hand. There was a sensation of nausea churning in his gut, he had not eaten in a while but at the rate he was going that was not going to be an option anyway. The doors parted to admit him onto his requested deck.
It was clear from the activity on this deck that the medical staff was getting ready for the worst, medical personnel were rushing everywhere, and the activity in Sickbay was no less chaotic.
Oliver turned to enter sickbay seeing a lull in traffic but was nearly bowled over by a familiar face who was clearly in a hurry, the irritated look on her face spoke volumes as she looked up and was clearly about to scald him when she realized who it was she was looking at. “Hello Doctor Reed.” he said offering a smile.

She opened her mouth to say something, then simply held up her hands in a halting motion, then pushed past him into the corridor. “Good luck.”

Oliver was left standing in the doorway blinking in confusion before he turned his attention back to the Sickbay, stepping just in side the door and off to one side, watching for a moment. Finally deciding that it might be safe, he slowly approaches Elianna. “Hey, everything alright?”

“Hmm?” Elianna glanced up for just a moment at Oliver and then back at what she was working on, “I think we’ve got it under control, why?”

Oliver watched her for a moment before responding. “Under control?” he studied her for a moment longer. “You know that we’ve worked together for some time now, and while I believe that everything is under control in here.” he said gesturing around at sickbay. “I have sneaking suspicion that is not that case in there.” he said gesturing at her. “Anything I can do?”

Crossing her arms, she finally looked at him, “Is this really the time for this conversation? We have an enemy fleet coming within the hour, I have a sickbay to manage and we’re probably about to have our hands really full. Can’t anyone here just let me do my job?”

“I’m not trying to stop you from doing your job, but the well-being of my crew and my friend is still important. I think were as prepared as were going to be for this.” he shrugged. “I figured I’d ask. Though if I can offer a little piece of advice, or at least an observation.”

Drawing a deep breath to try and steady herself, expecting she might not like what she was about to hear, Elianna gave a nod to him.

“He’s safe,” he said. “He will be on the station soon, and even safer. I know we’re staring down a barrel and it’s a lot to take in. I can understand your position, but they don’t know or understand.” he said gesturing to her staff hurrying about. “When this is over you might want to at least have a chat with Emily, she seemed pretty upset on her way out.”

Elianna closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead, replying in a much meeker tone this time, “I will.”

He regarded her for a moment. “It’s going to be alright Elianna. I’m going to get out of your hair, I’ll see you when this is over. We’ll all sit down and have a good stiff drink.” he nods and turns heading back for the door.

“Oliver,” she called as he was leaving, “You’re wrong about one thing. He’s not safe, he’s already dead. So, let’s make it a double.”

He stopped at the door, and simply nodded and disappeared out the door.

Oliver continued his trek down the hall towards the turbolift stepping in and turning to meet the doors as they snapped shut with a hiss. He leaned heavily against the wall for a moment and bounced his knuckles off the carpeted surface. “Damn war.” He said. “Ops!” he said drawing himself upright and pulling his uniform tight.

The door’s parted a short time later and he stepped out, Ops was a relatively calm place for the nervous center of the station there wasn’t much to prepare accept to keep everyone fresh and rotating during a standing combat status. He stood watching them for a long moment, stopping to see Johnny and Sully in some conversation, Melody quietly tapping away at her station, and a Casey Torin in his usual spot tapping away at a Padd.
He took a quick glance at the main monitor showing the station, the fleet of ships surrounding it in defense and the sensor perimeter, and yet no activity yet from the True Federation. He gave Sully a nod as he walked through Ops and entered his Office. Passing through the doors to his office he let out a resounding sign. Oliver paced his office, his eyes occasionally glancing up at the large screen on the wall. It showed the arrayed fleet and Odyssey station and the outlying early warning systems they had put in place. It had been nearly an hour and a half already. Oliver hated to wait, but he also held a lot of trepidation for what was coming. He watched the screen stopping as one of the buoy’s sent a sudden ping, but nothing seemed to resolve. He let out a breath he was clearly holding. He knew they would be coming soon enough. He took a breath and let It out slowly. “Computer begin log recording!” he said.
“Captain’s log Stardate 11804.28, supplemental. We stand upon the precipice of danger staring it in the eye in hopes it will flinch, but the unmovable does not yield, and our resolve is strong as Steel.” He grinned. “To say that would be a lie. There is a fleet coming our way, and will be here any moment and I find myself nervous like a cadet in his first year battle scenario.” He said and started pacing again.
“I’ve never dealt with anything like this before, of course every Starfleet Captain prepares for this, to be a part of it, but to lead it?” he shook his head in dismay. “I’ve never lead this many ships in combat, let alone this station and this crew.” He stopped again and stared at the screen. “Of course, I cannot tell my crew, or my first officer how absolutely terrified I am right now. Its bad enough that Sully appears to be slipping back to his former attitude, and Johnny just feeds on it and his own issue with our situation. It makes my job harder sometimes, while refreshing in a way.”
“There are so many people counting on us right now, there is an entire shipyard and nearby planet that are depending upon us to hold this station. While the enemy does not match our numbers they certainly do not fight like we do by a code of ethics. But what has our code of ethics gotten us?” he frowns going quiet for a moment, then lets out a resounding sigh. “Maybe its time we fight dirty too. This is unfamiliar territory already, I was not brought up in a war zone. We didn’t survive countless attacks and near destruction like the Federation and Starfleet that we’ve come back to, but do we adapt?” he shrugged. “Johnny and Sully seems to think that we need to take a much more aggressive stance in the here and now. I try to use diplomacy, and they shrug and throw down the gauntlet. Do I let that kind of behavior stand?”
He goes quiet for a long moment. “We are clearly at war, but we keep falling back onto what we know. Maybe it’s time we learn and follow a different path. But then again is that why we are here in this place? I have to believe that they asked us to take this station and this place so close to things for a reason. Were unique in that we came from an era before war and death plagued the Federation. We cannot let the current political atmosphere divert us from what is right and just in this world. War has been known to make people sacrifice humanity to win, we give up part of ourselves to become bloodthirsty killers.” He shrugged again, moving over to the window to stare out into space.
“It isn’t the first time that in Human culture that a dividing line came between our people. Brothers stood across fields and shot at one another with the intent of eradicating ideals. Starfleet and the Federation was built on ideals, and I’m not ready to let those ideals go. Not if it means sacrificing what we stand for. Starfleet is a Scientific and Diplomatic entity that has stood for hundreds of years because people who were nearly at the brink of war had the vision to see that it would take us down a path that would have everlasting effects across the entire face of the galaxy. I’m sorry but just because a group of people with ideals that differ from our own say they are fed up does not give them a right to throw out the book that has kept relative peace in the galaxy. But I wont just throw lives away needlessly to accomplish that.” He glanced back at the screen again.
“When this is over were going to have a talk and find a middle ground on how we go forward from here. I will do everything I can to keep our morals intact. But I will also find a common ground that we can all hopefully agree on, or this may be more of a problem than I could have hoped for. I cannot and will not fight two battles.” He pointed to the screen. “One out there,” then to the doors to Operations. “One out there. I won’t do it. In combat you need to be able to trust that your people are going to do what is right and follow orders even when they don’t agree.” He returns to staring back out into space, watching as the occasional ship floats by. “I hope that were strong enough.” He said. “End Log!”

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Starbase Odyssey Interdepartmental Messaging System
SEND TO: All Departments
FROM: Captain Oliver A. Savage – Commanding Officer
SUBJECT: Shift Responsibilities

General Orders: Maintain condition red throughout the Station, we know what’s coming. Let’s get through this and pick up the pieces. Each of you has prepared for this such occasion, trust your training. Trust your fellow standing next to you. The station must hold. Let’s make our stand and make it one that resonates with the True Federation and they think twice before coming back here.
Executive Officer: Take Johnny and the Tempest and be prepared to defend the ship.
Tactical Officer Department: Join Sully on the Tempest and prepare for battle.
Security Department: We need to locate that Saboteur and ensure none of our other systems have been compromised.
Operations Department: Keep an eye out for incoming, anything strange pops up on sensors let us know.
Flight Operations: Ready our Support craft and send a flight crew to the Tempest. We may need every vessel we have in defense of the station.
Engineering Department: Ensure DC crews are standing bye.
Medical Department: Stand Ready to Receive casualties.
Science Department:

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
USS Tempest Status
Alert Status: RED – Battle Stations

Starbase Odyssey Status
Alert Status: Red – Battle Stations!

Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 7:40 pm
by SokothQultuq
Mission 74 – “Operation Seleyan Sun” - Part 5
Sim Date: May 5, 2018
================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
CJ – Game Director (GD)
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer (CO/GD)
Commander Sullivan “Sully” Emily Derringer – Executive Officer (XO)
Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer (CMO)
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer (CTO)
Ensign Melody Wythe - Operations Officer (OPS)
Lieutenant Naomi Idaris – Chief of Security (SEC)

Open Positions
Unassigned - Chief of Flight Operations (FLT)
Unassigned – Engineering Officer (ENG)

Notable NPC’s Used:
OPS Torin

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
OOC & Pre Sim Information:
We had an appearance by our favorite Security Officer Lt. Idaris. Excited to have you even if just for a couple of appearances.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
ST:AB Stardate: 11805.05
Location: Starbase Odyssey

Since there is no lapse I’m just doing a quick update of the last events in our last sim.
Odyssey Station and 200 Starfleet Vessels engaged in a combat action against True Federation forces which numbered 130 strong. The first part of the engagement was a trade for trade of vessels, but due to some steps taken by the Tempest and Odyssey that number was greatly reduced. At last count the True Federation fleet was reduced to about 40 vessels.
Sully & Johnny took the Odyssey with a crew and joined the in the fleet action. Having lead a spearhead wing of vessels they have cut through the lines of the enemy like a hot knife through button and are relatively unscathed.
Lieutenant Idaris is hot on the trail of our saboteur whom she has cornered near one of the life support systems maintenance bays and engaged in a firefight.
Thus far it seems the station has been relatively unscathed.
When we last left off the USS Axiom had hailed us, our backup had arrived.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
USS Tempest NCC-1852-A Intra-ship Messaging System
Starbase Odyssey Interdepartmental Messaging System
SEND TO: All Departments
FROM: Captain Oliver A. Savage – Commanding Officer
SUBJECT: Shift Responsibilities

General Orders: Maintain Alert Status and Battle stations.
Executive Officer: Keep up the good work! Lets wrap up this fleet action and get to cleanup and recovery efforts.
Tactical Officer Department: Continue working with Sully to wrap up this fleet action.
Security Department: Contain this firefight and bring it to a close as quickly as possible. Having them in such a position in a sensitive place is not good for anyone.
Operations Department: Contact the Aldebaran Fleet Shipyards, and request they be prepared to send tugs to tow ships back to their facility to help effect repairs, were only going to be able to do so much. You’ll have to route it through one of the other ships Subspace Antenna array.
Flight Operations: Have crews standing by for recovery operations were bound to have a lot of Escape pods, and damaged ships out there that will need help. Let’s be ready to provide that.
Engineering Department: Keep working on the Subspace Communications array, prepare to receive damaged vessels were likely going to need to get them up and back to action as soon as possible. Let’s triage what we can to be as efficient as possible.
Medical Department: As soon as we can wrap things up with the True Federation fleet you are most assuredly going to receive wounded. Be prepared to see people form both sides as we will not discriminate, make sure to tag them and inform security if you receive in True Federation casualties. Coordinate with Security on movement of patience.
Science Department:

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
USS Tempest Status
Alert Status: Red – Battle Stations

Starbase Odyssey Status
Alert Status: Red – Battle Stations

Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 7:40 pm
by SokothQultuq
Mission 75 - “Operation Seleyan Sun” - Part 6
Sim Date: May 12, 2018
================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
CJ – Game Director (GD)
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer (CO/GD)
Commander Sullivan “Sully” Emily Derringer – Executive Officer (XO)
Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer (CMO)
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer (CTO)
Ensign Melody Wythe - Operations Officer (OPS)
Lieutenant Naomi Idaris – Chief of Security (SEC)

Open Positions
Unassigned - Chief of Flight Operations (FLT)
Unassigned – Engineering Officer (ENG)

Notable NPC’s Used:
Captain Fawkes – USS Axiom

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
OOC & Pre Sim Information: Great job last sim everyone. Great having you again Vanessa! Even it if it was a short time. 8-)
Just an early heads up I will not be in attendance on June 16th’s sim as I shall be on an away mission of my own working on my Survival training out in Western Washington at the coast at the Heart of the Hills camping for the weekend.
I have a couple of dates in August which I will let you know about as I am going to a Ren Faire and will be participating in a 3 Day long Airsoft MILSIM another weekend. I believe they are bookends on the month. I’ll let you know once we’ve solidified those plans.
================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
ST:AB Stardate: 11812.05
Location: Starbase Odyssey, Office of Oliver Savage

Oliver sat on the floor in his office, his back leaning up against one of the couches, staring at the window and the debris floating past, a glass of amber liquid dangling from his fingertips. It was very clear that he was tired, exhausted perhaps both mentally and physically. The last several hours had been a gambit of emotions. Oliver had not had the liberty of fighting in any real war before, and this was honestly his crews first taste, a trial by fire. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the back of the couch. “Computer begin duty log!” he said sullenly.
He had heard the beeps play out indicating the file has opened and begun its dutiful recording, but he hesitated, the words were not coming to him. He took a drink of his liquid courage swallowing and letting it burn all the way down. “How do you quantify a successful battle?” he asked gesturing to the windows across the room.
“What we did here today, can we truly say it was a success? I don’t feel successful. Maybe if I shared some heritage with a Klingon or Andorian my blood would burn with the thrill of combat. But not today, not when so many lives were lost. I should be happy and thrilled that we all came through this without a scratch, but again at great cost.” He shrugged.
He stops and takes another drink from the glass draining the remaining contents before dropping the glass next to the larger bottle still relatively full of the same amber liquid. “In the end we lost one hundred and forty ships, which is somewhere around oh…” he pulls himself to his feet and walked over to the windows leaning on the frame watching as debris floats by, metric tons of it. “Hell I can’t even quantify that loss of life. Were still figuring it out as we collect survivors. At least we have survivors.”
He took a moment to glance down at his uniform, it was covered in all manner of stains and fluids. “We’ve spent the last two hours beaming, towing, and prying people out of escape pods, and shuttles. Both Starfleet and True Federation alike.” He shakes his head. “Watching as security lead group after group into holding it was like watching someone lead a beaten dog back to its hole. It troubles me still to think of what is driving these people to support such a cause. Even in defeat this is much more than just shell shock, and loss. Its something else.” He frowns and turns and heads off to one of the internal doors, shedding his uniform jacket as he moves.
“I cannot say that I’m not concerned for the well being of Sully, Johnny, the Tempest, and her crew. They are heading from one major engagement into what is likely to be another. I hate that I had to send them, but we were left with little choice.” He settles down onto the toilet giving him a chance to unlace and pull off his boots.
“Computer turn on the privacy filter!” he said as he stood. The camera image zoomed in to frame only his face following him. He stripped out of the rest of his cloths and stepped into the sonic showing hitting the activation button. It immediately kicked on humming and thrumming to life.
“We have such a small force now protecting the station I can’t help but feel a little vulnerable.” He said as he leaned against the doors. “Its strange, we got so used to having a large force encircling the station and now we have a fraction of that. Not to say that the station isn’t well equipped to defend itself, it was just untested. And while we had a minor setback with the communications array being taken out it brings to life a shortcoming of the station, and the idea we might want to at least have a backup system for that.” He shrugged visibly, then turned his back to the camera. It stayed focused now on the back of his head.
“I received a report from Lieutenant Idaris, she and her team were able to successfully locate and bring to justice our saboteur which was also a relief. It could have been bad and yet another obstacle to overcome depending upon what they used in their efforts to sabotage or destroy one of our life support systems. Which would have put a considerable load on the rest of the system.” He turns back around, again leaning against the doors.
Going silent again, closing his eyes allowing the sonic forces to sooth his muscles and slowly knock all the grime he had picked up the last several hours working to help move people to triage centers, and corral survivors. “I didn’t sign up for this, but it is what is before me.” He shakes his head. “Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat for it is momentary.” He stood in silence for a long moment his eyes closed.
The chime of the intercom caught Oliver’s attention. “Captain, you wanted me to let you know when the fleet should be arriving at Starbase G-6 in just a few moments.” Ensign Wythe’s voice called over the intercom.
Reaching out and around the edge of the wall to the button to activate his end of the transmission. “Thanks Ensign, I’ll be right there!” he said, and then closed the channel. He reached over and hit the stop button on the sonic shower. He snapped his finger. “End log!” he said as he stepped out and opened the small closet and started pulling out a fresh uniform. `

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
Starbase Odyssey Interdepartmental Messaging System
SEND TO: All Departments
FROM: Captain Oliver A. Savage – Commanding Officer
SUBJECT: Shift Responsibilities

General Orders: Set condition Yellow on the station, Civilians are authorized to leave their safety areas but advised to be ready to return at a moments notice. Were not exactly out of the thick of it.
Executive Officer: Take great care in your aid of Starbase G-6, come back in one piece.
Tactical Officer Department: Assist Sully in his efforts at Starbase G-6.
Security Department: Remain at your stations and on duty rotation as if we were maintaining a red alert status.
Operations Department: Keep an eye out for any transmissions coming back from the Tempest and the fleet at G-6, as well as an eye on our early warning detection system in case we have more company coming.
Flight Operations: Continue rescue operations, once we are certain all have been saved start clearing debris from the area, set up a staging area for now that is outside our optimal engagement range. Last thing we need is more obstacles around the station to contend with as well as enemy vessels should more show.
Engineering Department: Be diligent in repairs to our supporting vessels, we need to get as many battle--ready as quickly as we can. The defense of the station may depend upon it. Triage the vessels and get them in and out as quick as you can but be mindful of safety.
Medical Department: I don’t think I have to state the obvious here. Use anyone you need to tend to our wounded. Civilians and Starfleet.
Science Department: Assist medial as much as possible, and start tagging items to be brought in and examined from the wreckage. Any intelligence gathering efforts we can make while working through this event would be outstanding.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
USS Tempest Status
Alert Status: Red Alert – In Transit to Starbase G-6 via Quantum Slipstream drive.

Starbase Odyssey Status
Alert Status: Yellow Alert

Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 7:40 pm
by SokothQultuq
Mission 76 – “Operation Seleyan Sun” - Part 7
Sim Date: May 19, 2018
================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
CJ – Game Director (GD)
Captain Oliver Alexander Savage – Commanding Officer (CO/GD)
Commander Sullivan “Sully” Emily Derringer – Executive Officer (XO)
Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran – Chief Medical Officer (CMO)
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johnny Cleveland – Chief Tactical Officer (CTO)
Lieutenant Junior Grade Cameron Corcoran – Science Officer (CSO) (LOA)
Ensign Melody Wythe - Operations Officer (OPS)

Open Positions
Unassigned - Chief of Flight Operations (FLT)
Unassigned – Engineering Officer (ENG)

Notable NPC’s Used:

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
OOC & Pre Sim Information:
Great sim last week, now we deal with the aftermath. We had a 48 hour Lapse, so a lot could have happened in that time. If you still have time to do a log, I would recommend it if you have time. I believe the tempest should be arriving or already arrived so welcome back to our people.
Exciting news that we will have Vanessa with us for a few sims!

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
ST:AB Stardate: 11819.05
Location: Odyssey Station, Operations, Office of Captain Oliver Savage.

Oliver laid on the couch staring across the room at the data that was scrolling by on the screen, it was unlike anything he ever had experienced, all those dead or missing. So much death and destruction, it felt like a dream. But it wasn’t. “Computer begin duty log!” he said shifting his position and staring up at the ceiling of his office now.
He waited as the computer ran through its usual series of beeps, “Captain’s Log, Stardate 11819.05, supplemental. We received word back from the Tempest, our backup was late to the party unfortunately and we lost Starbase G-6. Countless lives were lost in the conflagration that consumed the station, but we did manage to save lives. It was certainly a blow that will be deeply felt, as we speak the fleet that left to respond is on its way back to Odyssey with their crews and refugees of G-6.” He shook his head. “ he went quiet for a long moment as he rubbed at his temples, there was a bit of pain he felt behind his eye’s. Maybe too many hours reading battle and intelligence reports. He swung his legs over the edge of the couch and pulled himself to his feet.
“Starfleet is already starting to shuffle ships around to fill the gaps, and render aid were they can. We may end up looking at this as a success, but as I mentioned before it feels bitter sweet.” He stopped in front of the replicator. “Water, cold.” He said simply and waited while it shimmered into being.
“We’ve been running everyone ragged as we’ve been trying to triage, and help the wounded, and repair the ships in our charge. Its not an easy task. The crew has done an outstanding job in our first major engagement. I want to make sure that is on record, even through we did not sustain much damage our response was well performed.” He slowly turned taking a drink of the chilled water and strolled over to the windows stopping now silhouetted by the backdrop of space. Both Civilian and Starfleet Vessels darted past as they tractored debris to staging grounds. “Where do we go from here. I have a feeling our trip to Valt is going to end up being postponed for obvious reasons, but we will have to see what the Admiral has to say once he has the time to consult with us on what our next thing is, if there is one for us. I suspect we should be seeing overflow from the other assaults that left from here coming back our way to effect repairs.” He shrugged and took another drink the glass dangling from his fingers, his other hand rubbing at his temple.
“When we have the time, I want to go back over our battle plans, responses, and see what we can do better. I feel like we underused the station, maybe its time I started taking a hard look at some of the Starfleet Engagements during the last several wars now that I’m mostly caught up with intelligence reports and other more important things. Maybe the failing here was me? Was I honestly well prepared for this? There is one thing to fall back on training and then there is instinct. I felt stiff and like a fourth-year cadet stumbling in the dark trying to find his way.” He shrugged again, then moved over to his chair behind his desk dropping into the chair a bit harder than he expected, it sloshed water over his hand and onto the floor.
He blinked a few times and shook his head. “What the hell…” he set the glass on the table and took a deep breath. He took a quick look at the chronometer and noted how late it had gotten. He stood slowly and moved back over to the replicator. “Ham and Swiss Croissant heated please.” He said and waited for the thing to shimmer into being. It had dawned on him he had not eaten in a while, probably too long. He settled back behind his desk with his sandwich, he took a couple of bites before continuing.
“I feel for the civilian populace more than anything, having spent several hours in safe zones. They are not made for creature comforts, but they are reinforced to help keep them safe during emergencies. They did good and cooperated very well with our staff, we suffered no casualties, and very few injuries. Thank goodness for small favors. I’ll be looking to my staff to decide how we should best prepare for a future assault if it should come. But that will have to wait until were settled from this one. End log!” he said, leaning back in his chair with his sandwich.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
USS Tempest NCC-1852-A Intra-ship Messaging System
Starbase Odyssey Interdepartmental Messaging System
SEND TO: All Departments
FROM: Captain Oliver A. Savage – Commanding Officer
SUBJECT: Shift Responsibilities

General Orders: Secure the Station, Maintain Condition Yellow throughout the fleet. I’m certain our work is not done yet so let’s keep everyone sharp.
Executive Officer: Let’s debrief when you can about your trip to Starbase G-6
Tactical Officer Department: Please keep an eye on the sensor grid, and early warning. Were in a vulnerable state and we likely will have incoming wounded and damaged vessels we should try and keep all departments ready.
Security Department: Maintain Security Alert, a standing watch is to be kept at all major systems.
Operations Department: Continue to work with the various ships in the area and engineering to coordinate repairs, as well as keeping an eye on our salvage crews.
Flight Operations: Continue with Salvage Operations, lets recycle everything we can we may need the materials. I want anything large moved away to a staging area to be broken down later. Keep an eye out for anything out of the Ordinary.
Engineering Department: Keep an eye on your crews, were clearly going to be burning the candle at both ends to make everyone Operational again as quickly as we can work out a rotation. Pull in any un-injured, Survivors, or crews from ships to help speed up repairs as much as possible.
Medical Department: Keep a watch on each other, these long hours are going to likely take their toll, get people rotated as needed. Use anyone with medical experience as needed. Be vigilant with any True Federation, treat them well despite how you might feel about them. They may have lease to treat people terribly, we do not. Its not how we do things!
Science Department: Assist Medical with Triage and anything else they may need. Please run scans of debris, especially any large debris that still has oxygen or somehow still circulating life support. Want to make sure we don’t miss any survivors.

================= =/\= ============================ =/\= =================
USS Tempest Status
Alert Status: Yellow Alert

Starbase Odyssey Status
Alert Status: Yellow Alert

Re: U.S.S. Tempest - Crew Logs

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 7:40 pm
by SokothQultuq
Location: Starbase Odyssey, Commercial District, Faith’s Curiosities & Imports

Oliver stood in the lift, he could feel the anticipation rising, that sort of nervousness that gave one pause when they were about to do something either really smart or very stupid. He leaned back against the lift, he had been putting this very counter off and he wasn’t sure it was necessary. But after Elianna told him about whom she has met days ago in what should have seemed a by chance encounter, her last comment to Elianna struck a cord, and Oliver immediately knew who she was. The lift began to slow and his heart began to race, he was trying to keep his anger in check but it was getting harder the closer he got to the commercial district of the station.

He stepped out onto the main floor and continued on at a steady pace passing through the civilian populace and starfleet members helping to return everyone back to their normal routine, or what seemed to pass for normal on the station. It dawned on Oliver that they had not been on the station really long enough to figure out what was the norm. He shrugged off the thought and continued on his way coming to a stop, staring at the sign hanging over the shop he was looking for. Faith’s Curiosities & Imports. Oliver frowned deeply and took a deep breath before closing the distance stopping only a moment to peer into the window.

Oliver pushed through the doors, he could feel the heat of his cheeks burning with anger, despite all his attempts to keep his calm this was not something he could stand for, he was already on edge because of their recent scrape with the True Federation. But he couldn’t let this stand, not on his station. He was also conflicted because she had technically done nothing to indicate that she meant any of them any ill will. He scanned the large shop and took not of a few customers that were lingering about looking at some of the wares that graced the sparsely supplied shelves. Seeing that it was clear he was not happy and everyone knew who he was, they quickly exited the shop.

He stood only a few feet into the shop staring at Faith from across the room she had turned and nodded his direction. “Welcome Captain, feel free to have a look around.” she said and turned back to unpacking some inventory.

“What are you doing here?” he asked sharply.

She didn’t even flinch. “Business of course.” she said turning around, holding a very ornate looking bottle of dark green liquid. “Do you know what this is?” she asked.

“No.” he said sharply again. “What are you really doing here? Who are you working for?” he asked again, his patience was clearly ebbing towards anger.

“This is a bottle of 2310 Slug-o-cola, there are only about two hundred or so bottles left in the entire galaxy, it was a great find, and an equally better import.” she said setting it on a display case. “I assure you, I’m here to run my business. Nothing more.” she started across the room towards him, folding her hands in front of her clearly a sign that she meant no ill will.

He shook his head, “You spy on me, show up at my home back in Oregon, and now here. You expect me to believe that you have no ulterior motive?”

She slowly extended a hand. “I was curious.” she said. “I’m Elizabeth Raynsford, but you can call me Faith. Its my middle name, I just like it better!”

He stared down at her hand, then back up at her face. He suddenly felt conflicted, she seemed sincere but he was still having a hard time believing her, he had come to know his gut instincts well and it was telling him that she was not being entirely truthful. He opened his mouth, but the words he intended wouldn’t come out. “Oliver.” he said.

“I know, but it is nice to finally meet you I suppose officially anyhow.” she shrugged lowering her hand.

He stared at the space her hand had occupied, then back up to her. He was conflicted to say the least. Since the had returned to the living they had been presented with some impossible things to get used to, and for all intents and purposes she had come off to him as a True Federation Sympathizer at best, maybe even an agent. But to blatantly walk onto his station, posing a clear and present danger to his people he was having a real hard time with his feelings. Part of him wanted to trust her, but he couldn’t help but be suspicious. “I…”

“I know. Hard to trust someone in the world we live in today, but sometimes you kind of have to give people the benefit of the doubt. How about we start from here, I think you’ll find I’m harmless.” she offered a smile and slowly turned and stepped over to an unopened box and began opening it.

“I don’t like surprises.” he said flatly. “Especially when you could be a spy.” he said throwing his cards down on the table.

She stopped for a moment, he could see the tug of anger at the corner of her mouth as she started to turn and say something but then stopped. “I suppose you’ll just have to find out then.” she went back to unpacking the box.

“Of all the places to open a shop, you choose my station. In the middle of a war zone!” he said starting to slowly walk around looking at the few things that were on display. “Some would say that says volumes.”

“Maybe you made an impression on me?” She asked as she continued unpacking, a slight grin appearing on her lips. “I had other options, and honestly it is a risk but being here is a potentially profitable venture. People need things, I get those things, money is made. It’s really simple.”

He opened his mouth to respond, but the logic of her words quelled what had come to mind. “Okay, let's say for a moment that I believed you, which honestly I do not. I’ll leave you with a warning.” he said turning back towards the doors. “You hurt my people you will answer to me.” He said turning back at the door. “There is nothing, and no one that will stop me from finding you and making you pay!”

“Brutally honest, very definitive. I can respect a man who protects his family.” she said turning and offering a smile. “Don’t worry Captain, I won't be any trouble for you and your people.” she turned and continued unpacking.