Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [GAME OVER]

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Today is a potential MYLO. Who runs the prison?

Poll ended at Mon Aug 05, 2019 8:04 pm

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Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [GAME OVER]


Post by Sloonei »

Escape From Sockville Penitentiary
16 players
GAME TYPE: Light Game

Important Gameplay/Posting Rules (PLEASE READ):
This is a Light Game. That means that all players have a limit on how many times they are allowed to post during each phase. This is otherwise a straightforward mafia game.

  • The general post limit will be 45 posts per phase. No player should exceed their 45-post limit during any Day phase unless given explicit permission to do so.
  • In the event that a player exceeds their allowed post-limit during any phase:
    • First violation - Player receives 1 additional vote in the poll the following day for every 5 posts above their limit, starting with the first extra post.
    • Second violation - Player is silenced for the first 24 hours of the following Day and has their post limit cut in half, in addition to receiving extra votes.
    • Third violation - Player is modkilled.
The Game
In the maximum security wing of Sockville Penitentiary there's a group of restless inmates that have had enough with the Warden's tyrannical control over their lives on here. Are they reformed? Well, what does that word even mean anyway? They'll be the first to tell you that words like that lose all meaning on the inside. All they know is this ain't the life they want, and if they can get out they'll be sure as hell to keep as much distance between themselves and any prison cell as they possibly can. That's for damn sure.

Word of a breakout conspiracy has made it back to the Warden and his staff -- you didn't think the warden would let those degenerates run free without eyes and ears on the ground, did you? If there's one thing the Warden can't tolerate it's a bruise to his ego. He has made it his personal goal to root out and snuff the breakout attempt before anyone slip through his grasp. The only problem is he's got no clue who's involved, who the ringleaders are, or what the plan is. Can he crack down before the inmates escape, or will they achieve their hard earned freedom after all?


Inmates (Town) (13):
  • Eagle Eyes Phil* - Former head of security for one of the largest gangs in the metropolitan area, Phil knows how to spot a rat. On odd nights, he can check a player's alignment.
  • Danny Tightpants* - No one's brave enough to ask Daniel how he got his nickname, and frankly no one wants to know. All they need to know is that he's on their side; and he feels the same about them. On even nights, he can check a player's alignment.
  • Sammy the Lookout - Sammy's always known how to track his targets without leaving a trace, and things are no different on the inside. Three times during the game at night, Sammy can track a player to find out who, if anyone, they targeted that night.
  • Jimmy Hot Fingers - If you need something done, Jimmy Hot Fingers is the man for you. No one knows quite what he's up to, but you better believe he's up to something. Two times during the game at night Jimmy can watch a player to learn who, if anyone, targeted them that night.
  • Peepin' Tom - Poor Tom couldn't resist living up to his namesake, and those old habits have landed him in Sockville. But he's not without his uses on the inside! Three times during the game, Tom can target a player to learn what actions were performed on them, but not who performed those actions.
  • Charlie Hustle - Every gang needs a wildcard! It helps to thwart the Warden's plans if not even the rest of the breakout crew knows for sure what's going on, and that's where Charlie comes into play. Twice during the game, Charlie can target two players, redirecting all night actions from one target to the other and vice versa.
  • Lonnie the Conman - Lonnie's the best conman in the game, to the extent that most folks just assume he got himself locked up on purpose. But now he's trying to help spring his fellow inmates, and he does so with his trademark deft touch. Each day, Lonnie can distract the guards, freeing up one other player to exceed the standard 45-post limit for the phase. *secrets*
  • Prison Mike - Mike's not cut out for prison. He thought it would be a step up from his demeaning 9-5 office job, but boy was he wrong. His only solace is the friend he made in his cellmate, Danny Peanuts. Mike shares BTSC with Danny throughout the game.
  • Danny Peanuts - Danny's a good guy at heart. He knows he's made mistakes, but he thinks he's ready to start a new life on the outside. He's included his cellmate Mike in the breakout scheme out of pity, but all he can really do is make sure Mike doesn't crack and squeal to the Warden. Danny shares BTSC with Prison Mike throughout the game.
  • Seamus Fitzroy - The ringleader of the whole operation, and the man with all the connections. Two times during the game, Seamus can have a player of his choice transferred to the infirmary for a night, protecting them from fatal night actions. In addition, *secrets*
  • Hairpin Pete - Pete's a bit of a loose trigger, but everyone was too afraid to exclude him from the plot once he found out about it. Pete's liable to fly off the handle at any moment, though. Once during the game, he can nightkill a player of his choice.
  • Tricky Jack - Jack's no expert at anything in particular, but he knows how to be useful in a number of ways. Jack has three 1-shot abilities to be used on any separate night phases during the game. They are: 1-shot double vote, 1-shot protection, 1-shot track/watch (player decides which is used).
  • Johnny Tightlips - Ain't nobody squealing on Johnny's watch, that's for sure. Twice during the game, Johnny can force one player to stay in his cell with him at night. This will both roleblock and protect that player.
*At the beginning of the game, one cop will be randomly selected to become insane. The other will be sane. Players will not be alerted to their sanities.

Prison Guard (Mafia) (3):
  • Snitching Richie - The Warden's man on the inside. Richie reports back to the Warden with any information he can glean from his fellow inmates. Twice during the game, he can perform an undetectable game at the Warden's behest. Alternatively, he can forego one of these untraceable kills to learn a specific player's role.
  • Sgt. Harrison - The Warden's second in command and head of the prison guard, no one power trips quite like Sgt. Harrison. Once during the game, Harrison can show his power by taking out a player regardless of any protective actions which might be used on them that night. Twice during the game, Harrison can toss a prisoner's cell at night, preventing them from performing any night actions.
  • Warden Golden - Let no one forget that Sockville Penitentiary is Warden Golden's domain. The inmates may think they run this place, but they're dead wrong. Once during the game, the Warden can dispose of a player without a trace. No role will be displayed upon this player's death. In addition, *secrets*
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Sloonei »

-Day phases will be 48 hours. Night phases will be 24 hours.
-The game thread will be locked during Night phases.
-All votes will be changeable.
-Plurality voting; the player with the most votes at the end of the Day is lynched.

-As this is an open setup, all roleclaiming and info-dumping is prohibited.
-Do not look for or attempt to exploit loopholes ("angle-shooting").
-Any questions about the game, mechanics, rules, etc. should be directed to the host IN PRIVATE.
-As stipulated above, players are restricted to 45 posts per phase unless specifically instructed otherwise. More details on this can be found at the top of the first post.
-Have fun and be respectful. This is a fun game, but sometimes emotions get involved. Remember that the Mod on Duty is always available if you have any grievances during the game.
-I will always look for replacements before modkills in the event of inactivity. Players will be replaced in the order that they request replacements, or based on the severity of their inactivity. Replacement priority has absolutely nothing to do with a player's role or alignment. Modkills are always a last resort.
-This is the host color. Try not to use it.

-Non-players should post in NP blue and should refrain from on-topic discussion. Note how ever so slightly different from the host color it is.
-Dead players should keep their posts in dead red and should avoid on-topic contributions.
-Off-topic content by active players should be in OT green.
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Sloonei »

Sloonei - ISO

Player post counts & Poll results



Living (8):
birdwithteeth11 Jackofhearts2005 - ISO
Dom - ISO
Macdougall - ISO
novaselinenever - ISO
Oreki - ISO sig - ISO
Rej - ISO
sabie12 - ISO
sprityo - ISO

Dead (8):
TonyStarkPrime - ISO; Charlie Hustle (Inmate)
Quin - ISO; Jimmy Hotfingers (Inmate)
Creature - ISO; Sammie the Lookout (Inmate)
Epignosis - ISO; Seamus Fitzroy (Inmate)
Dragomir - ISO; Lonnie the Conman (Inmate)
TonyStarkPrime II - ISO; Prison Mike (Inmate) (Reniki ISO)
Long Con - ISO; Johnny Tightlips (Inmate)
juliets - ISO; ???
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Sloonei »

Roles have been distributed and this game is set to begin. We will start with an abbreviated Day 0, in which the post cap is not activated. Day 1 will begin at 7:30 PM EST (~5 1/2 hours after this post) and will last 48 hours, at which point the post cap will activate.

Good luck and have fun.

[mention]Long Con[/mention]
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by novaselinenever »

Hello :noble:
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by novaselinenever »

No post cap. To abuse or not to abuse? Tough choice.
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by novaselinenever »

I think it may be time to bring back the pre-posting GTH. A 100% success rate so far.
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by novaselinenever »

birdwithteeth11 - bad
Creature - good
Dom - good
Dragomir - good
Epignosis - good
juliets - good
Long Con - good
MacDougall - obvious bad
novaselinenever - great
Oreki - good
Quin - good
Rej - good
Reniki - bad
sabie12 - good
sprityo - good
TonyStarkPrime - good
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by novaselinenever »

I guess that's it. Game solved :beer:
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by juliets »

good afternoon everyone! I am here, in and out because I'm on vacation.

nova I'm so glad you're back!
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:24 pm Always good to remember that there is no such thing as a Mafia circumstance that is worth real human emotion. Sometimes it will naturally come out, but it can be contained if we just remember that this is a game on a message board forum that 99.99% of the population of the Earth has never heard of before. No matter how successful anyone is, it means just about nothing.

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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by novaselinenever »

Hey Juliets!
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Rej »

novas goes hard with town and scum reads, love it!

let's have a nice game everyone! and hello :3
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by sabie12 »

juliets wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:40 pm good afternoon everyone! I am here, in and out because I'm on vacation.

nova I'm so glad you're back!
Awesome where'd you go for vacation? I'm on vacation next week.
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Dragomir »

novaselinenever wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:05 pm birdwithteeth11 - bad
Creature - good
Dom - good
Dragomir - good
Epignosis - good
juliets - good
Long Con - good
MacDougall - obvious bad
novaselinenever - great
Oreki - good
Quin - good
Rej - good
Reniki - bad
sabie12 - good
sprityo - good
TonyStarkPrime - good
Are you just that good game saver or is this just TMI? :grin:
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by novaselinenever »

Dragomir wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 5:23 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:05 pm birdwithteeth11 - bad
Creature - good
Dom - good
Dragomir - good
Epignosis - good
juliets - good
Long Con - good
MacDougall - obvious bad
novaselinenever - great
Oreki - good
Quin - good
Rej - good
Reniki - bad
sabie12 - good
sprityo - good
TonyStarkPrime - good
Are you just that good game saver or is this just TMI? :grin:
Total and absolute skills.
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by novaselinenever »

Light joke as an icebreaker. I hate the use an emoji there. It doesn't fit in a natural way, and it kind of doesn't fit him either. Trying to lighten his entrance even more. Compensating? Maybe.

Drago is bad.
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by juliets »

sabie12 wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 4:49 pm
juliets wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:40 pm good afternoon everyone! I am here, in and out because I'm on vacation.

nova I'm so glad you're back!
Awesome where'd you go for vacation? I'm on vacation next week.
My husband's family's lake house up in Alabama and my parents in another part of Alabama. We do this trip several times a year. All our family is up here.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:24 pm Always good to remember that there is no such thing as a Mafia circumstance that is worth real human emotion. Sometimes it will naturally come out, but it can be contained if we just remember that this is a game on a message board forum that 99.99% of the population of the Earth has never heard of before. No matter how successful anyone is, it means just about nothing.

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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by novaselinenever »

Rej wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 4:37 pm novas goes hard with town and scum reads, love it!

let's have a nice game everyone! and hello :3
What's up? :keys:
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Reniki »

Hello , this is my first game here.
gl and hf
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Dragomir »

Rej wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 4:37 pm novas goes hard with town and scum reads, love it!

let's have a nice game everyone! and hello :3
I see a wolf who's happy to be in Novas town reads :grin:
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Dragomir »

novaselinenever wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:54 pm Light joke as an icebreaker. I hate the use an emoji there. It doesn't fit in a natural way, and it kind of doesn't fit him either. Trying to lighten his entrance even more. Compensating? Maybe.

Drago is bad.

This post tbh is pretty funny.
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Dragomir »

Where'd y'all go?
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Sloonei »

Day 0: Cracks in the Walls

"We need to remind them who's in charge."

The Warden spoke straight through his guards as though his words carried with them the authority of the universe itself. This was his domain, after all, his kingdom. So what if his subjects were criminals and lowlifes? If anything that just meant his rule needed to be all the more strong, more infallible. It had fallen to him to bring order to a population of the most heinous and sinister men in the greater Sockville Metropolitan area.

But now word had got back to him that a small group of inmates were mere days away from carrying out a mass jailbreak scheme of theirs. Richie, his informant, broke the news to him, and now the Warden felt threatened. Insecurity began to set in; how could an insecure man run a prison? The Warden didn't have time to ruminate over the cracks in his fragile ego. Now was the time for action, for a show of strength and a return to order. That started with him.

Sgt. Harrison understood his task. The rest of the guards were a bunch of hired goons, but Harrison possessed at least half a brain in the Warden's estimation. He trusted him to strike down the breakout before any of those degenerates could get a whiff of freedom.


It looked like business as usual in the yard at Sockville Penitentiary that afternoon, but beneath the surface was a palpable tension to those in the know. The guards were on edge but trying not to look it, while a small band of inmates made sure not to let it slip that they knew the secret those guards were after...

It is Day 1. You have 48 hours to lynch somebody.
The post cap is now in effect. Players may not exceed 45 posts during this phase unless explicitly permitted otherwise.
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Sockville Polls & Posts


Post by Sloonei »

Player Post Counts

Start of Day 1
novaselinenever: 9
Dragomir: 4
juliets: 2
Rej: 1
Reniki: 1
sabie12: 1

Start of Day 2
Dragomir: 49
novaselinenever: 40
Oreki: 27
juliets: 21
Rej: 21
Quin: 19
Epignosis: 17
Dom: 15
Creature: 14
sabie12: 8
TonyStarkPrime: 8
Long Con: 5
Reniki: 3
MacDougall: 2

Start of Day 3
Dragomir: 54
novaselinenever: 42
Oreki: 28
Dom: 25
Epignosis: 25
juliets: 25
Rej: 25
sabie12: 12
TonyStarkPrime: 8
Long Con: 7
Jackofhearts2005: 5
MacDougall: 4

Start of Day 4
novaselinenever 78
Dom 55
Jackofhearts2005 49
juliets 39
MacDougall 37
Rej 30
sabie12 15
Long Con 11
sprityo 10
sig 0

Start of Day 5
novaselinenever: 102
Jackofhearts2005: 66
Dom: 65
MacDougall: 58
Rej: 31
sabie12: 22
sprityo: 17
sig: 0
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by novaselinenever »

Dragomir wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:58 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:54 pm Light joke as an icebreaker. I hate the use an emoji there. It doesn't fit in a natural way, and it kind of doesn't fit him either. Trying to lighten his entrance even more. Compensating? Maybe.

Drago is bad.

This post tbh is pretty funny.
How about this one?

[VOTE: Dragomir] aubergine

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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 1]


Post by Sloonei »

Please note that I have registered all start-of-day post counts in a separate thread. As a reminder, the post cap was not in effect on Day 0, so nothing that has been posted prior to the start of Day 1 counts against the cap.
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Dragomir »

novaselinenever wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 7:37 pm
Dragomir wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:58 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:54 pm Light joke as an icebreaker. I hate the use an emoji there. It doesn't fit in a natural way, and it kind of doesn't fit him either. Trying to lighten his entrance even more. Compensating? Maybe.

Drago is bad.

This post tbh is pretty funny.
How about this one?

[VOTE: Dragomir] aubergine

This is even funnier!
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by sabie12 »

Reniki wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:56 pm Hello , this is my first game here.
gl and hf
Welcome! Tell us about you

juliets wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:54 pm
sabie12 wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 4:49 pm
juliets wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:40 pm good afternoon everyone! I am here, in and out because I'm on vacation.

nova I'm so glad you're back!
Awesome where'd you go for vacation? I'm on vacation next week.
My husband's family's lake house up in Alabama and my parents in another part of Alabama. We do this trip several times a year. All our family is up here.

Sounds like a nice trip!
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by novaselinenever »

Sloonei wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 7:38 pm Please note that I have registered all start-of-day post counts in a separate thread. As a reminder, the post cap was not in effect on Day 0, so nothing that has been posted prior to the start of Day 1 counts against the cap.
Does the MLE count against the cap?
Dragomir wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 7:45 pm This is even funnier!
I'm glad. You'll die laughing.

Give me an initial impression of everyone that posted so far.
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 1]


Post by Sloonei »

Anything posted after my Day 1 announcement post counts against the cap. Except my posts. I have no limit. :meany:
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Rej »

novaselinenever wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:54 pm
Rej wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 4:37 pm novas goes hard with town and scum reads, love it!

let's have a nice game everyone! and hello :3
What's up? :keys:
Yoooooo sensei, I will soon go sleep, don't try to buddy up with me lmao :charlieblackmon:
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Rej »

Reniki wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:56 pm Hello , this is my first game here.
gl and hf
Oh Reniki is here :beer: peace bro
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Rej »

Dragomir wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:56 pm
Rej wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 4:37 pm novas goes hard with town and scum reads, love it!

let's have a nice game everyone! and hello :3
I see a wolf who's happy to be in Novas town reads :grin:
"reads" he read me without me having done a post :clap:
I like it when you play agressive drago
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Dragomir »

novaselinenever wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 7:50 pm
Sloonei wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 7:38 pm Please note that I have registered all start-of-day post counts in a separate thread. As a reminder, the post cap was not in effect on Day 0, so nothing that has been posted prior to the start of Day 1 counts against the cap.
Does the MLE count against the cap?
Dragomir wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 7:45 pm This is even funnier!
I'm glad. You'll die laughing.

Give me an initial impression of everyone that posted so far.
Will I die with a rope around my neck? I hope so.

Rej is not giving me a good vibe with his post. It's like he's congratulating you for making a random gth post, looking like a pocketing attempt. Manipulative with it a bit.

Everybody else is neutral.
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Dragomir »

Rej wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 8:09 pm
Dragomir wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:56 pm
Rej wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 4:37 pm novas goes hard with town and scum reads, love it!

let's have a nice game everyone! and hello :3
I see a wolf who's happy to be in Novas town reads :grin:
"reads" he read me without me having done a post :clap:
I like it when you play agressive drago
And you love that right?
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Rej »

Dragomir wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 8:13 pm
Rej wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 8:09 pm
Dragomir wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:56 pm
Rej wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 4:37 pm novas goes hard with town and scum reads, love it!

let's have a nice game everyone! and hello :3
I see a wolf who's happy to be in Novas town reads :grin:
"reads" he read me without me having done a post :clap:
I like it when you play agressive drago
And you love that right?
Yes I love it when you give me hard times brudda.
Also I did the same thing as you did when first entering here -> quoting novas
And what you did was asking him if the list is the result of TMI, so you did a soft push vs Novas, while you FOS me afterwards for possibly pocketing novas. Wouldn't this make novas and me scum mates? :omg: makes no sense
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Dragomir »

Rej wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 8:25 pm
Dragomir wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 8:13 pm
Rej wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 8:09 pm
Dragomir wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:56 pm
Rej wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 4:37 pm novas goes hard with town and scum reads, love it!

let's have a nice game everyone! and hello :3
I see a wolf who's happy to be in Novas town reads :grin:
"reads" he read me without me having done a post :clap:
I like it when you play agressive drago
And you love that right?
Yes I love it when you give me hard times brudda.
Also I did the same thing as you did when first entering here -> quoting novas
And what you did was asking him if the list is the result of TMI, so you did a soft push vs Novas, while you FOS me afterwards for possibly pocketing novas. Wouldn't this make novas and me scum mates? :omg: makes no sense
I was joking with that TMI post.
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 1]


Post by Rej »

Image good
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 1]


Post by TonyStarkPrime »

Okay let's go. It's day 1 now so I've got to limit myself but I don't think? it'll be a problem
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 1]


Post by TonyStarkPrime »

well I'm not going to have to limit myself if nobody else says anything
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 1]


Post by TonyStarkPrime »

Epi voted for me though so I've got that going for me
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 1]


Post by Epignosis »

TonyStarkPrime wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 9:19 pm Okay let's go. It's day 1 now so I've got to limit myself but I don't think? it'll be a problem
TonyStarkPrime wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 9:44 pm well I'm not going to have to limit myself if nobody else says anything
TonyStarkPrime wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 9:45 pm Epi voted for me though so I've got that going for me
You are burning posts. None of these three posts accomplish anything except to use three of your 45 available posts. You aren't limiting yourself. You are bad.
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 1]


Post by Quin »

Lunalee wrote: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:13 amQuin's ISO is full of posts that are actually trying to be helpful to the game. This doesn't look like town Quin.
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 1]


Post by Dom »

Hi everyone. Gonna try and play a game again. Don't get to used to it :feb:
Epignosis wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 10:02 pm
TonyStarkPrime wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 9:19 pm Okay let's go. It's day 1 now so I've got to limit myself but I don't think? it'll be a problem
TonyStarkPrime wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 9:44 pm well I'm not going to have to limit myself if nobody else says anything
TonyStarkPrime wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 9:45 pm Epi voted for me though so I've got that going for me
You are burning posts. None of these three posts accomplish anything except to use three of your 45 available posts. You aren't limiting yourself. You are bad.
I like Epignosis' analysis here. While I probably won't make 45 posts in a phase (probs jinxing myself here), I think wasteful posts are always :eye:-worthy, but in a game like this, especially so. Not only do I like the content of the post, but it makes me feel good about Epi on a gut level. That's new.

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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Quin »

Dragomir wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 7:45 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 7:37 pm
Dragomir wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:58 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:54 pm Light joke as an icebreaker. I hate the use an emoji there. It doesn't fit in a natural way, and it kind of doesn't fit him either. Trying to lighten his entrance even more. Compensating? Maybe.

Drago is bad.

This post tbh is pretty funny.
How about this one?

[VOTE: Dragomir] aubergine

This is even funnier!
Neither of your posts does anything here besides discredit suspicion with humour.

Underwhelmed if nova is a neutral read. Even more underwhelmed if you left him out of his asking you for reads on everyone who posted, which would include him.

Drago and nova not w/w. [VOTE: Drago] aubergine
Lunalee wrote: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:13 amQuin's ISO is full of posts that are actually trying to be helpful to the game. This doesn't look like town Quin.
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 0]


Post by Quin »

Dragomir wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 8:29 pm
Rej wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 8:25 pm
Dragomir wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 8:13 pm
Rej wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 8:09 pm
Dragomir wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:56 pm
Rej wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 4:37 pm novas goes hard with town and scum reads, love it!

let's have a nice game everyone! and hello :3
I see a wolf who's happy to be in Novas town reads :grin:
"reads" he read me without me having done a post :clap:
I like it when you play agressive drago
And you love that right?
Yes I love it when you give me hard times brudda.
Also I did the same thing as you did when first entering here -> quoting novas
And what you did was asking him if the list is the result of TMI, so you did a soft push vs Novas, while you FOS me afterwards for possibly pocketing novas. Wouldn't this make novas and me scum mates? :omg: makes no sense
I was joking with that TMI post.
Early low-ball interactions. Teammates.
Lunalee wrote: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:13 amQuin's ISO is full of posts that are actually trying to be helpful to the game. This doesn't look like town Quin.
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 1]


Post by Quin »

also hi im quin and i kind of sound like an asshole when i play mafia
Lunalee wrote: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:13 amQuin's ISO is full of posts that are actually trying to be helpful to the game. This doesn't look like town Quin.
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 1]


Post by Dom »

Quin wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 11:23 pm also hi im quin and i kind of sound like an asshole when i play mafia
Don't say that pls i like u or something

Also-- lots of new faces for me. Whattup? Dom here. I'm here, I'm queer, and I'm here to kill some baddies. :D

gutread: quin and epi r civs ppl
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 1]


Post by Long Con »

Hi y'all!
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Re: Escape From Sockville Penitentiary [DAY 1]


Post by MacDougall »

Sup foolish fools
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