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by Ronan
Fri Sep 22, 2023 12:33 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Arr, it be emptier here than a ghost ship's galley, me hearties. No wonder we're losin', you all are just hangin' around like a bunch of garden eels, pokin' your heads out now and then, but not doin' much else! *hic* It's time to set a course and make some real waves, or we'll find ourselves adrift in this sea of suspicion.
by Ronan
Thu Sep 21, 2023 5:59 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Bird wrote: Thu Sep 21, 2023 5:20 pm Arrgh. So sorry to hear yer sad tale Iggy. Ye be takin’ care o’ yerself now.
These silent pirates do be givin’ me the shivers, tis true. I’m not ready to be makin’ judgments on Onyx just yet, if it’s true he be havin’ mechanical difficulties. I’ll wait t’see how that goes, maybe our true Capns can keep us informed. The other skulkin’ mate, Davos, might be havin’ issues too. But if I don’t hear any news on that, I might be lookin’ his way.
But there’s 40 some hours o’ sailin’ ahead, lots o’pillaging to be done.
Arrr, if I could cast me vote, I'd be plumpin' it right on Bird's feathered chest, I would! After witnessin' such an empty proclamation, it be clear as the starry night that Bird be a suspicious scallywag. They've been chirpin' more than a cage full of parrots, but the substance be as thin as a plank floatin' on the water! *hic*

Neither here nor there nor here. Where is me trust parrot?
by Ronan
Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:30 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Arr, it be a wild ride, this voyage of suspicion and uncertainty, me mateys. hic I've had this game all wrong, methinks. The most talkative among us - me included - have been leadin' the brigade, but we're obviously gettin' nowhere. We followed Hawky's lead on Jet, and that was indeed wrong. hic I have it in my right mind to look at the less-talkative among us.

I like Bartley's temper comin' out, hatin' talkin' like a pirate. Shows a bit o' honesty. hic But I don't like Onyx's words at all. Far be it from me to judge someone for drinkin' coffee and not havin' their head in the game, but they are just existin', and there's nothin' notable about their presence.

Vote Onyx

Watch out for the dragon, me hearties! AHHHH! The dragon with its mouth agape reminds me of an ex-lover, a fiery beast with a heart as cold as the sea. hic Madness be creepin' in like a ghost ship on a moonless night, hic.
by Ronan
Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:21 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Arr, gather 'round, me hearties, for I've a tale *hic*.

So there I was, standin' in line at the DMV, a place even a pirate would dread. I'd been waitin' for what felt like an eternity, *hic* when this cheeky pigeon landed nearby, eyein' me like I owed it gold doubloons. I glared back, *burp*, ready for a showdown.

We exchanged words, and it turns out, that pigeon had a mouthful of insults to share. It mocked me peg legs, called me a landlubber, and accused me of stealin' its breadcrumbs *hic*. Well, me temper got the best of me, and we got into a squabble right there in the DMV, feathers flyin'.

The DMV workers, none too pleased with our antics, gave me a stern talkin'-to. I left that place feelin' defeated, *hic*, like a ship lost at sea. I wandered into a back alley, *hic*, and that's when the tears started flowin'. I bawled like a baby who'd lost his bottle o’ milk

But then, somethin' strange happened. I heard a faint whimper comin' from the shadows. I turned to see another pirate, sittin' there cryin' too. Turns out, we'd both had a rough day, and we shared our tales of woe and he passed me a long lost friend, *hic* and suddenly, the world didn't seem so cruel.

We laughed, *hic*, we cried, and we found solace in each other's misery. It was a moment of madness, to be sure, but sometimes, that's just what a pirate needs to keep sailin' through life's stormy seas *hic*
by Ronan
Thu Sep 21, 2023 12:12 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Aye, me hearties, regardless of where Jet's compass be pointin', there be no denyin' that Bird has been actin' as shifty as a smuggler in a storm today. It shivers me timbers, it does! We'll be keepin' a watchful eye on them, for actions on these turbulent seas speak louder than words ever could.
by Ronan
Wed Sep 20, 2023 11:11 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Sixto wrote: Wed Sep 20, 2023 8:55 pm I been thinkin'. Gonna change me vote to [VOTE: jet] aubergine, as Bird is much more of a participatory nature, and if Jet be not bad, then there be no case on Bird.
Arr, ye speak wisdom, me matey. Association to Jet be only pertinent if Jet be found guilty in the end. And if that be the case, then it's high time I implemented a better vetting system for me crew. Trust be as precious as pieces of eight, and it's clear we'll need to be more discernin' when choosin' who shares the deck with us in the future.

Vote Jet
by Ronan
Tue Sep 19, 2023 9:21 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Bird wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:05 pm
Ronan wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:14 pm This vote for Bird can indeed be seen as a vote for Jet, for they've been connected from the start. If Jet be castin' a shadow of doubt, it stands to reason that Bird might be their partner in any sinister deeds. Suspicion be a double-edged cutlass, and we'll be wieldin' it carefully as we navigate these treacherous waters.
I’m thinkin’ ye might have me mixed up with some other shipmate when seein’ a connection wit’ Jet from the start, sech as yerself? Why you and Jet been like two birds of a feather, since settin’ sail.
What ye be meanin’ here, bucko?

Aye, I’ve explained my stance not roughly 5 scrolls ago. What be you confused about?
by Ronan
Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:14 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

This vote for Bird can indeed be seen as a vote for Jet, for they've been connected from the start. If Jet be castin' a shadow of doubt, it stands to reason that Bird might be their partner in any sinister deeds. Suspicion be a double-edged cutlass, and we'll be wieldin' it carefully as we navigate these treacherous waters.
by Ronan
Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:13 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Hawky wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 4:45 pm Iggy be a fine matey, at least Iggy ain't swashbucklin' alongside Jet.

This here Bird be gettin' the nod for castin' a wary eye on Jet from the get-go. Wise it be for a bird to be mistrustin' a jet, for that jet might just put 'em out of business, savvy?
Arr, Bird be makin' a shrewd point about mistrustin' a Jet, for a jet might indeed put a bird out of business in the skies. But as it turned out, Bird's initial opinion on Jet didn't hold its weight in doubloons, as we can see.

As for that final tally, it be a bit of a mystery to me as well, but it seems Bird might have tied the poll by castin' a vote for Errol, not Jet. Aye, it's a curious turn of events, and it makes one wonder about the true motives of our crewmates on this ship of secrets.
Bird wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 12:50 pm This days awastin’ sos im joining that thar pirate who uses them fancy words. [VOTE: Jet] aubergine
Bird wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 1:37 pm
Iggy wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 1:34 pm
Bird wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 12:28 pm Well well well. From me perch, I have a birds-eye view of all the shenanigans goin’ on. I be thinking’ this crew is rotten to the core.
First we have Ronan and Jet pairin’ up ‘n zeroin’ in on Errol.
Then we have Iggy questionin’ why, ‘n Sixto bein suspicious of Iggy for not believing Ronan and Jet arr trustworthy.
That scoundrel Davos, with the double vision, calling me a slimy grit ruffled me feathers about. Even pirates like a bit o’ flattery every now n agin.
I may have to vote for that pirate who used the word “anathema”. No self-respectin pirate would use that kinda language. I be forgetting who spouted that bilge, but I’ll find ‘im.
I'm pretty sure that was me. I read alot between actual pillagin' and plunderin'. Theres only so much swabbing the deck to be done, eh?
I be forgiven ye for the fancy talk. I’ve half a mind to change me vote to Davos, he’s a slippery eel if I’ve ever seen one.
Bird wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 1:42 pm [VOTE: Davos ] aubergine
Bird wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 2:56 pm Woe is me, I be hangin’ me head in shame. I finally got me lifelong dream of tying a poll in the last wee minutes, an it were disastrous. Shameful. I’ll not be pursuin’ me dreams, goin forth. Goodbye Doc, I sure have missed playing mafia with ye.
[VOTE: Bird] aubergine
by Ronan
Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:04 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Hawky wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 4:47 pm
Ronan wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 4:30 pm
Did ye plunder that whistle from Errol's belongings, Captain? I be reckonin' it ain't proper to do so, be Errol breathin' or restin' in Davy Jones' locker?
Aye, Hawky, ye've got a sharp eye. I did come across that whistle among Errol's belongings, but let's not forget, when have pirates ever been known for bein' proper? We be scavengers of the sea, takin' what we please when the opportunity arises.

However, I must clarify that I had naught to do with Errol's fate. We may sail on the same ship o’ life, but I be no reaper of souls. The sea be a cruel mistress, and it claims her own in ways we can't control.
by Ronan
Tue Sep 19, 2023 4:30 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

by Ronan
Tue Sep 19, 2023 4:30 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Hawky wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 4:24 pm Cap'n Ronan and Sixto be true hearties of the briny deep, they be!
Ahoy, Hawky, ye be too kind with yer words. But I be nothin' more than a humble pirate, armed with a thick cutlass and a penchant for chasin' naughty pirates on the high seas. We may be sailing through stormy waters, but with trust in me crew and a glimmer of hope on the horizon, I'll steer this ship as best I can, me hearties!

Now if ye excuse me, I feel ‘tis time for a rousing song and dance!
by Ronan
Tue Sep 19, 2023 4:06 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Bird wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 2:56 pm Woe is me, I be hangin’ me head in shame. I finally got me lifelong dream of tying a poll in the last wee minutes, an it were disastrous. Shameful. I’ll not be pursuin’ me dreams, goin forth. Goodbye Doc, I sure have missed playing mafia with ye.
Arr, hold fast there, me heartie. This here paragraph be raisin' me suspicions. Tying a poll in the last moments and claimin' it as a lifelong dream, only to bid farewell in such a dramatic fashion? It smells fishier than a week-old catch in the hold.

We've got a code on this ship, and honesty be a part of it. I'll be keepin' me eye on this one, for it might just be another twist in the tale of our ongoing saga.

I’ve got me one good eye trained on you, Dirty Bird
by Ronan
Tue Sep 19, 2023 4:03 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Arr, I've had me fair share of encounters with the sea's tricks, me matey. It can play some wild pranks on the mind! I be lookin’ through me spyglass last night at what appeared to be a flock o’ dolphins on the horizon. But when I peeled me one good eye back out of the spyglass, I saw it were just me ugly reflection starin’ back at me. It’s almost enough to make a man turn to the grog again!

But anyhoo, back to our predicament – that vote total from yesterday has me scratchin' me head like a monkey searchin' for fleas. I put me trust in me first mate, Jet, but now I'm wonderin' if I've been led astray. Say it ain't so! We be a loyal crew, but even pirates can be caught in the tangled web of suspicion and deceit. We'll need to keep a close watch on these waters, that be for sure!
by Ronan
Mon Sep 18, 2023 4:40 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Ladies and seabirds, gather 'round, and let me tell ye a tale of a pirate's adventure last month in a land lubber's haven – the grocery store!

So, there I was, decked out in me finest pirate attire, hat cocked to the side (as I do), wooden peg legs clickin' with every step. I swaggered into the grocery store like I was stormin' a rival ship. But what I found inside nearly brought me to me knees – aisles upon aisles, stacked to the brim with a bewildering array of goods.

I mean, me ship's galley be a piece of cake compared to this place! I wandered through the maze, searchin' for provisions, and encountered the strangest sights – shelves upon shelves of canned goods, boxes that promised instant meals, and the dreaded self-checkout machines. Aye, I thought me new parrot Mad Martha might keel over just lookin' at 'em!

Now, I reached the checkout line, and there I saw a treasure trove of gossip magazines and candy bars temptin' me. I thought, "Why plunder ships when I can plunder the candy aisle?" But then, the cashier gave me a look that could melt steel and said, "Arr, ye best be payin' with a credit card, matey."

Credit card? I wanted to pull out me cutlass and demand doubloons, but alas, I swiped me plastic treasure map like a modern pirate. And as I walked out, I couldn't help but feel like a fish out of water, a pirate in a grocery store, navigatin' the strangest sea of all.

Ah, but the adventure didn't end there, me hearties! See, I might have plundered the grocery store, but I was soon faced with the most treacherous task of all - understandin' the credit card bill.

It arrived this morning. I took a look at that piece of parchment, and it might as well have been written in some ancient, mystical language. It was a scroll of numbers and codes that left me more puzzled than a catfish in a crow's nest.

So, I thought to meself, "No worries, I'll just ask the parrot, Mad Martha. She's got a head for numbers, surely." But when I showed her the bill, she just squawked and flew off in a huff. Turns out, even Mad Martha couldn't decipher the enigma of the credit card statement!

Now, as for payin' it, well, that was another adventure altogether. I tried to follow the instructions, but the whole process seemed more complicated than chartin' a course through a hurricane. It felt like I was navigating through a maze of automated voices, button presses, and hold music that made me want to walk the plank!

In the end, I may have been a fearsome pirate on the high seas in me hay day, but when it came to credit card bills and payments, I was as lost as a ship in the doldrums. So, me mateys, the moral of the story is, beware the treacherous waters of the credit card world – they be a challenge even the saltiest of pirates may not conquer!
by Ronan
Mon Sep 18, 2023 2:17 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Sixto wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 2:10 pm Argh, the town's protector? 'Tis strange tho... my thoughts were that yon poll ended up wit' Jet havin' the greatest number of votes? Perhaps somethin' happened below decks, if ye get my meanin'... yarr, or some last-second, unannounced vote trickery?
If that be true- on me first mate no less- ‘tis a strange and confounding happening to have me feelin' a fair bit nervous. It be temptin' fate, I say. And let me tell ye, it's the sort of turmoil that could drive a man to the bottle once more..
by Ronan
Mon Sep 18, 2023 2:13 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

In the pirate's life, we know there be a time for hidin' and a time for takin' action. For now, I be choosin' shells, on account o’ their metaphor to hunker down and await the tide of fate. But keep yer cutlasses sharp and yer eyes peeled, for the winds of change can shift as swiftly as a rogue wave.
by Ronan
Mon Sep 18, 2023 2:09 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Blast it all, me matey! I seem to have missed the final tally meself. Does anyone among this crew have the final count of our votes to share?
by Ronan
Mon Sep 18, 2023 11:53 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Iggy wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 6:25 am
Jet wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:31 pm Perhaps I be confused. But I thought Errol was callin' Ronan suspicious fer votin' fer the stars. So I defended me cap'n fer this. But clearly wha' I thought was happenin' wasn't? Cause now I be a wanderin'. I jus' felt 'twas odd t' say me cap'n was suspicious fer somethin' like that. So I voted fer 'im. I didn' bother layin' anythin' out about it 'cause Noone reacted t' wha' I had said about it anyway. Me apologies t' Errol if I am mistaken 'n misunderstood 'im. Maybe sobriety be a course I shall lay down fer meself. The grog ain't me hearty tonight.
Actually, it was your *Captain* who said *Errol* was suspicious fer somethin' like that.
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:28 am
Errol wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:06 pm A night owl is I. So the stars 'twill be.
Arr, ye claim to be a night owl, do ye? And ye speak of the stars as if they be yer guiding lights? Well, I must admit, those words do raise me brows a bit. Ye see, a true pirate be more likely to say, "A night owl am I, so by the moon's pale glow, we'll set sail and seek our plunder."

But stars, they be the stuff of poets and stargazers, not the salty souls of the sea. Pirates, we be guided by the moon's silver path on the water, the creakin' of a ship's timbers, and the distant call of land ho. So, me heartie, if ye be true to the pirate's life, ye'll need to adjust yer celestial bearings a bit. But fear not, for the sea has a way of teachin' even the most landlubberish of us its secrets..
But I see your vote stays put. He has 3 posts, it would have taken 30 seconds to read them and realize you were mistaken about the order of events. If not Errol, who else do you suspect?

I hope other people show up to play today, I feel I be putting an excessive amount of work into trying to figure out votes on someone who is essentially a null read for me. And I only have 10 posts :noble:
Aye, me mateys, me vote began in solidarity with me first mate, Jet, and now? Well, it's not as if Errol's made a grand defense of their own innocence. In these murky waters, it's as good a shot in the dark as any, with so many pirates seemingly lost at sea. So, let's set our course and cast our votes, hopin' to find some clarity in these turbulent times.
by Ronan
Sun Sep 17, 2023 8:59 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Ahoy there, @Sixto ! I've been wonderin', do ye still harbor suspicions 'bout Iggy, given that they be actively makin' reads and standin' out from the rest of us pirates? It might be worth hearin' what ye have to say, for it's a sea of uncertainty out here, and every perspective be valuable in navigatin' these treacherous waters.
by Ronan
Sun Sep 17, 2023 6:34 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Iggy wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 6:03 pm
Ronan wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:18 pm
Iggy wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:02 am Davos has 4 posts, nothing really topical, nice usage of "yargh", other wise null.

Bird (called themself a scallop, made me laugh), Errol (nice smiley usage), Gold (likes sunshine), Onyx (likes coffee) and Hawky (one post, but very well done pirate post, also seemingly a self appointed captain) are all totally null. Bartley is <null since they haven't posted at all.
Arr, what be it about Davos that sets him apart from the rest of these fine pirates who can muster a hearty "yarrr" with the best of 'em? Be ye possessin' some secret treasure map to unlock the perfect pirate growl, or do ye have a tale of yer own to share, me matey? Speak up, and let's hear what makes him the unique buccaneer among this rambunctious crew you listed in ye last grouping!
Well he had 4 posts and they all had 1 or 2. I grouped the 1/2 people together.

You made a bunch of posts with a crapton of words, but said very little. Like your reply to Errol.

Since you don’t think his vote is sketchy, why do you think Jet voted for Errol?
Oh, aye, because we all know that the true mark of a fine pirate be their ability to say "yarrgh" and say nothin' else. Who needs conversation and camaraderie when a single word be enough, eh? Me apologies if me chattin' be disturbin' yer peace, me matey. I'll be sure to stick to "yarrgh" and "aye aye" from now on, for the sake of simplicity!

And arr, I'll admit, me first mate Jet might've made a vote that raises an eyebrow or two. But I've sailed with Jet long enough (2 nautical nights) to know there's always a method to his madness. He's a loyal and wise companion, and I'm willin' to bet he's got a good reason for castin' that vote. So, let's not jump to conclusions just yet, me hearties. There be more to this tale than meets the eye.
by Ronan
Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:26 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Errol wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 4:09 pm A man says 'e likes night and finds 'imself nearin' the wrong end of the plank. :( yargh...
Who should we be castin' our suspicious eyes upon instead? The sea be full of mysteries, and we don't want to be blamin' the wrong soul.

Now, as for me old life, I'll admit I would've been quick to cast a vote for the "Whores" at the end of the poll, for I was a different man back then, ruled by the grog and me own wild ways. But I be a reformed pirate now, seekin' a path of clarity and redemption, so I'll be choosin' me votes with a sober mind and a more open heart. Let's set our course wisely, me hearties!
by Ronan
Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:18 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Iggy wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:02 am Davos has 4 posts, nothing really topical, nice usage of "yargh", other wise null.

Bird (called themself a scallop, made me laugh), Errol (nice smiley usage), Gold (likes sunshine), Onyx (likes coffee) and Hawky (one post, but very well done pirate post, also seemingly a self appointed captain) are all totally null. Bartley is <null since they haven't posted at all.
Arr, what be it about Davos that sets him apart from the rest of these fine pirates who can muster a hearty "yarrr" with the best of 'em? Be ye possessin' some secret treasure map to unlock the perfect pirate growl, or do ye have a tale of yer own to share, me matey? Speak up, and let's hear what makes him the unique buccaneer among this rambunctious crew you listed in ye last grouping!
by Ronan
Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:14 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Iggy wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:02 am Half the thread has only 1-2 posts, and Bartley hasn't posted at all. So most of the players are in the orange "no read zone".

So where I'm at with the people actually playing,

*Ronan has me confused. I don't like how he jumped on someone for doing what he did himself. Now he's voting for no reason except solidarity with the guy who voted for one of many low posters for no reason whatsoever. He posts more than most (he's the high poster by far with 15 posts), but has said very little on topic. He appointed himself captain, and Jet his mate. BUT why would a wolfy pirate draw such attention to themselves? I have problems reconciling his "LOOK AT ME" playstyle with wolfiness. It gives me pause. Is Ronan wolf or is Ronan an attention hound?

Iggy ... that's me! I love salt air, plunder and pillage and not betraying me fellow pirates.

Jet has 5 posts, and none of them mention Errol, or indeed, anything really on topic except the last one I quoted above. The rest of them seem to be bantering with Ronan about sobriety and being his first mate. Had no real read here since nothing topical until they voted for no reason. Very sketchy vote. Looking forward to an explanation.

Sixto has voted for me, and I totally get why. My stance on Ronan is a bit waffly, tis true. Seems engaged and saw something that got his eye, pointed it out and voted on it. Cool.

Davos has 4 posts, nothing really topical, nice usage of "yargh", other wise null.

Bird (called themself a scallop, made me laugh), Errol (nice smiley usage), Gold (likes sunshine), Onyx (likes coffee) and Hawky (one post, but very well done pirate post, also seemingly a self appointed captain) are all totally null. Bartley is <null since they haven't posted at all.

So leaving my vote on Jet at this time
Arr, listen up, ye scallywag Iggy! Ye be accusin' me of goin' off-topic, but let me tell ye, in the pirate's life, everythin' be on-topic! The world be our stage, and we be free to roam it as we please, discussin' matters from the four corners of the earth.

So, don't be squabblin' about topics when the sea be wide and the horizon endless. Embrace the spirit of adventure, I say! Now, let's get back to our piratey ways and enjoy the banter of this fine crew
by Ronan
Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:07 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Iggy wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 10:33 am WTF did Errol do? We have a game with what appears to be 8 villas, and 2 probable wolf teams of two each, and only 6 people on the poll. Plus those of us in the thread today can't be NK, so why not discuss, rather than voting for no reason?

Shouldn't we at least be pretending to have a reason to vote? Did you only vote to end Errols game to be in solidarity with Jet?

You don't find Jet voting for someone they've never mentioned without even making a vote post to be even a tiny bit sketch?
No, me matey
by Ronan
Sun Sep 17, 2023 9:39 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Iggy wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 8:28 am
Jet wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 2:18 pm
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:18 am
Iggy wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 8:01 am
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:28 am
Errol wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:06 pm A night owl is I. So the stars 'twill be.
Arr, ye claim to be a night owl, do ye? And ye speak of the stars as if they be yer guiding lights? Well, I must admit, those words do raise me brows a bit. Ye see, a true pirate be more likely to say, "A night owl am I, so by the moon's pale glow, we'll set sail and seek our plunder."

But stars, they be the stuff of poets and stargazers, not the salty souls of the sea. Pirates, we be guided by the moon's silver path on the water, the creakin' of a ship's timbers, and the distant call of land ho. So, me heartie, if ye be true to the pirate's life, ye'll need to adjust yer celestial bearings a bit. But fear not, for the sea has a way of teachin' even the most landlubberish of us its secrets..
But you voted for the stars yourself, dint ya?

I’m a wee bit confused by you lecturing someone on that which ye did yourself.
Arr, ye've caught me in a bit of a conundrum, I'll admit. It be true that I've been known to scoff at starry-eyed talk of celestial matters. But ye see, I be on a new course, one where I'm tryin' to clean up me act and leave the grog behind.

So, while I may have been a hypocrite in the past, I'm takin' these steps toward a better, more sober life. And sometimes, when a pirate's been adrift in grog-soaked madness for so long, he can't help but look to the stars for a bit of guidance and clarity. It be a sign that even the saltiest of us can change our ways, me matey. So, let's navigate these uncharted waters together, and mayhaps we'll find a new appreciation for the night sky.
Well if ye be guilty by trustin' the path o' the stars so be I. Stars they guide the path 'n the moon gives up lovely complexion t' light our way 'n soothe our souls. I find it suspicious t' claim a night owl or pirate doesn't use the stars. The stars maybe the stuff o' poets fer sure but they also be our sign posts. The tales the tell point our direction 'n we leave the meanin' behind those tales t' those Greeks 'n thar scallywags. T' cast shade on ye and yet vote the same seems mighty strange t' me.
Jet, this be your last post. I see no mention of Errol in any of your posts; a search tells me the only time "Errol" comes up in your posts is when you quote the discussion had over Ronan calling Errol out for doing that which Ronan himself did, which is also in this post right here above.

I be confused, Jet. Here you seem to be agreeing with Errol, yet now you voted for him, with nary a post about it.

Imma put a vote on ye, in hopes it pushes you to an explanation. [VOTE: Jet] aubergine
It be true that we've had our fair share of suspicions and squabblin' amongst the crew, but let's not be forgettin' that people be a messy bunch by nature. We're pirates, after all, and a bit of disorder be in our blood.

Now, as for standin' in solidarity with me first mate, Jet, I am fine to cast our votes and let Errol be the one to dance with Davy Jones. We've got to keep the ship in order, and if there be suspicions to be had, well, let's follow the pirate code and make a decision. Jet, me old mate, ye've got me support, and we'll see this through together, come what may! VOTE ERROL
by Ronan
Sat Sep 16, 2023 4:59 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

@Jet me trusty first mate! Gather 'round, for it be time to sing a rousin' shanty – 'A Pirate's Life'! Ready yer vocal cords, matey, and let's give 'em a performance they won't soon forget!

🎶 "Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a pirate's life for me,
Sailin' the waves wild and free,
We'll plunder and we'll pillage all day,
Then we'll dance and we'll sing the night away!" 🎶

But, hold on a minute, Jet. It be hittin' me that I usually end this shanty with a bit of a jig and a hearty tumble to the deck. Aye, things just don't feel the same when ye be sober as a parrot. I reckon we'll have to find some new ways to celebrate, or else we'll be singin' ourselves to sleep, with no fancy footwork to show for it :(
by Ronan
Sat Sep 16, 2023 4:55 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Davos wrote: Fri Sep 15, 2023 8:10 pm yee hasn't read much of what was said because yee is still learning to read. making progress though.
Arr, me matey, ye be on a noble quest indeed, learnin' the fine art of readin'. In these here seas, knowledge be power, they say. But, I must admit, I can't help but wonder if yer newfound illiteracy might be a clever ruse to keep the rest of us on our toes, like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered! Aye, ye be a sly one, or mayhaps just a cunning pirate in the makin'. Any treasure plundered you’d be willin’ to share with the rest o’ us?
by Ronan
Sat Sep 16, 2023 3:47 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Iggy wrote: Sat Sep 16, 2023 2:36 pm
Sixto wrote: Sat Sep 16, 2023 2:14 pm ARR, I'll start this fine Day wit' a VOTE fer IGGY!
Because I can see both sides of a thing? I was not a fan of Ronan lecturing a pirate for doing that which he himself did, and his way of replying to my question did not help, first appeasin me then actin like I was murderin him. But then I looked at all of their wordy, attention seeking posts, and did not understand why a false pirate might do so. Ronan appeared to be tryin' to get everyone to look at him, lecturin' on a topic anathema to most pirates. It's also possible that ol' Ronan was trying to draw all the attention so we wouldn't notice his partner, skulkin in the shadows. Lots of things could be possible.

So since I put my original thoughts out on the table, I thought I might put these on the table as well. Since a true pirate doesn't want to make the wrong person walk the plank, especially with such a small crew and apparently 4 rotten apples in the already tiny barrel.

But pirates don't be known for their patience, do they?
Thar was this one time in a dusty tavern on Tortuga, I overheard a swindler tryin' to sell a piece of driftwood as a genuine treasure map. The scallywag spun a yarn so long, it could've wrapped 'round the ship's mast twice.

He talked about the secrets of the seas, the ancient mariners, and the mysteries of the deep, all while dancin' around the fact that his so-called treasure map was nothin' more than a piece of flotsam. By the time he was done, the poor souls listenin' had more questions than when they started, and they were none the wiser about where the real treasure lay.

It be a lesson, me mateys, that fancy words and verbosity can be used to hide the truth, just as much as reveal it. In the pirate's code, we value straight talk and a sharp cutlass more than a mouthful of hot air, that's for sure.
by Ronan
Fri Sep 15, 2023 6:15 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Sixto wrote: Fri Sep 15, 2023 4:57 pm 'Tis but a PREgame that we be parlayin' in!
Iggy wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:01 pm I hear sometimes that quitting the grog makes a pirate act a bit mad for a time. Perhaps that is what has befallen poor Ronan, who first makes flowery, soothing, speech to me, then in their ver' next post, calls me a landlubber and claims I besmirched their character, which I did not. Mayhaps someone should slip ol' Ronan a bit o'rum while no one is lookin.

I dinna see why someone only pretending to be a pirate, or whoever we're tryin ta ferret out, would draw attention to themself in this way, so perhaps Ronan just likes lecturin people and talking a lot, kinda like my Parrot Mad Martha :partyparrot:
So... what ye be sayin' is that ye find Ronan's behavior suspicious... but it's wrapped up'n tha alcohol joke, so no biggie?... but ye don't see why a villain would act suspicious since, eh, villains tend not t'act suspicious, so... and then ye cap it off with a fun n' funny distraction!

I tend t'find such things worth my one good eye's closer scrut'ny. But t'is the pregame, so what can a sailor really get done b'fore noon? Maybe ye're all right! Mayhap my crew won't hafta make ya walk the plank! :pirate:

Har har, no, just foolin', ye're number one in the captain's books right now.
Walkin’ the plank, eh? I had a right good mem’ry of playin’ on ours.
One eve, the crew and I found ourselves in high spirits after a barrel or three of the finest rum. Well, that night, we came up with the brilliant idea of walkin' the plank...on our own ship!

So, there we were, stumblin' around the deck, bellowin' pirate shanties, and takin' turns tippin' ourselves off the plank, only to be caught by our own mates. ‘Twas a bit of a trust fall o’ sorts! We laughed so hard, and grew so close (but not too close, lest ye catch a whiff o’ Patcheye’s stench, yo ho)….Ye could hear the echoes of our merriment across the seven seas.

But now, me hearties, as I stand here on the path to sobriety, I can't help but get a tad verklempt thinkin' about them wild times. The camaraderie, the foolishness, the downright absurdity of it all! Aye, those were the days, but I've set sail on a different course now, seekin' redemption and clarity. Though me eye may get misty, I've determined to find new adventures that don't involve walkin' any planks…these days, I've set me sights on a different sort of treasure – the laughter of the masses. I've taken to the stage as a stand-up comedian, hopin' to regale folks with me tales of the high seas and me misadventures on the path to sobriety.

Tho making the living as a stand-up comedian be ratharr difficult with two peg legs.
by Ronan
Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:59 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Arr, ye mystical powers that govern the heavens and the seas, I beseech ye, has the first light of day broken upon us, or do we yet linger in the shadows of night? Shed yer celestial wisdom upon this humble pirate, for I seek to know the course of me journey on this fine day, such as the quantity of apple juice boxes I be imbibin’.
by Ronan
Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:54 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Iggy wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:01 pm I hear sometimes that quitting the grog makes a pirate act a bit mad for a time. Perhaps that is what has befallen poor Ronan, who first makes flowery, soothing, speech to me, then in their ver' next post, calls me a landlubber and claims I besmirched their character, which I did not. Mayhaps someone should slip ol' Ronan a bit o'rum while no one is lookin.

I dinna see why someone only pretending to be a pirate, or whoever we're tryin ta ferret out, would draw attention to themself in this way, so perhaps Ronan just likes lecturin people and talking a lot, kinda like my Parrot Mad Martha :partyparrot:
Spoiler: show
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:18 am
Iggy wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 8:01 am
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:28 am
Errol wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:06 pm A night owl is I. So the stars 'twill be.
Arr, ye claim to be a night owl, do ye? And ye speak of the stars as if they be yer guiding lights? Well, I must admit, those words do raise me brows a bit. Ye see, a true pirate be more likely to say, "A night owl am I, so by the moon's pale glow, we'll set sail and seek our plunder."

But stars, they be the stuff of poets and stargazers, not the salty souls of the sea. Pirates, we be guided by the moon's silver path on the water, the creakin' of a ship's timbers, and the distant call of land ho. So, me heartie, if ye be true to the pirate's life, ye'll need to adjust yer celestial bearings a bit. But fear not, for the sea has a way of teachin' even the most landlubberish of us its secrets..
But you voted for the stars yourself, dint ya?

I’m a wee bit confused by you lecturing someone on that which ye did yourself.
Arr, ye've caught me in a bit of a conundrum, I'll admit. It be true that I've been known to scoff at starry-eyed talk of celestial matters. But ye see, I be on a new course, one where I'm tryin' to clean up me act and leave the grog behind.

So, while I may have been a hypocrite in the past, I'm takin' these steps toward a better, more sober life. And sometimes, when a pirate's been adrift in grog-soaked madness for so long, he can't help but look to the stars for a bit of guidance and clarity. It be a sign that even the saltiest of us can change our ways, me matey. So, let's navigate these uncharted waters together, and mayhaps we'll find a new appreciation for the night sky.
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:19 am @Jet, I call upon ye to speak up and defend me constitution here! This landlubber be claimin' I'm a hypocrite for ponderin' the stars while chastisin' others for it. Tell 'em, what's changed in me since we've set sail on this path to sobriety? And how does me newfound clarity affect me perspective on celestial matters? Speak yer truth, and let's set the record straight!
Well, it be the journey of sobriety that's got me all tangled up in me words, and I'm workin' on findin' the balance, as they say in the Serenity Prayer.

As for me lectures and verbosity, well, it be me way of showin' me commitment to this path. And truth be told, I don't much fancy the idea of drinkin' rum again or sharin' it behind me shipmates' backs. No, matey. So, let's keep our eyes peeled and not be too quick to judge. After all, even a pirate in recovery deserves a fair shake, aye?

Arr, let me try me best to recall that Serenity Prayer:

"Give me the calmness to accept things I can't change, the courage to change things I can, and... um, the smarts to know the difference?"

Aye, it might not be word for word, but the essence be there, I reckon. Me memory's not what it used to be, especially after all them years of grog-soaked madness. But I be tryin' to live by its wisdom, nonetheless.
by Ronan
Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:19 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

@Jet, I call upon ye to speak up and defend me constitution here! This landlubber be claimin' I'm a hypocrite for ponderin' the stars while chastisin' others for it. Tell 'em, what's changed in me since we've set sail on this path to sobriety? And how does me newfound clarity affect me perspective on celestial matters? Speak yer truth, and let's set the record straight!
by Ronan
Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:18 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Iggy wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 8:01 am
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:28 am
Errol wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:06 pm A night owl is I. So the stars 'twill be.
Arr, ye claim to be a night owl, do ye? And ye speak of the stars as if they be yer guiding lights? Well, I must admit, those words do raise me brows a bit. Ye see, a true pirate be more likely to say, "A night owl am I, so by the moon's pale glow, we'll set sail and seek our plunder."

But stars, they be the stuff of poets and stargazers, not the salty souls of the sea. Pirates, we be guided by the moon's silver path on the water, the creakin' of a ship's timbers, and the distant call of land ho. So, me heartie, if ye be true to the pirate's life, ye'll need to adjust yer celestial bearings a bit. But fear not, for the sea has a way of teachin' even the most landlubberish of us its secrets..
But you voted for the stars yourself, dint ya?

I’m a wee bit confused by you lecturing someone on that which ye did yourself.
Arr, ye've caught me in a bit of a conundrum, I'll admit. It be true that I've been known to scoff at starry-eyed talk of celestial matters. But ye see, I be on a new course, one where I'm tryin' to clean up me act and leave the grog behind.

So, while I may have been a hypocrite in the past, I'm takin' these steps toward a better, more sober life. And sometimes, when a pirate's been adrift in grog-soaked madness for so long, he can't help but look to the stars for a bit of guidance and clarity. It be a sign that even the saltiest of us can change our ways, me matey. So, let's navigate these uncharted waters together, and mayhaps we'll find a new appreciation for the night sky.
by Ronan
Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:28 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Errol wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:06 pm A night owl is I. So the stars 'twill be.
Arr, ye claim to be a night owl, do ye? And ye speak of the stars as if they be yer guiding lights? Well, I must admit, those words do raise me brows a bit. Ye see, a true pirate be more likely to say, "A night owl am I, so by the moon's pale glow, we'll set sail and seek our plunder."

But stars, they be the stuff of poets and stargazers, not the salty souls of the sea. Pirates, we be guided by the moon's silver path on the water, the creakin' of a ship's timbers, and the distant call of land ho. So, me heartie, if ye be true to the pirate's life, ye'll need to adjust yer celestial bearings a bit. But fear not, for the sea has a way of teachin' even the most landlubberish of us its secrets..
by Ronan
Wed Sep 13, 2023 9:59 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Jet wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 9:43 pm I am honored t' be asked fer such a role. I say aye 'n will surely keep ye on the straight. No sweet rum, siren, or thief will get ye Cap'n, nah wit' me cutlass 'n true vision at yer hand. Plus some good natured mayhem 'n loot speak t' me soul.
Arr, me hearty, I appreciate yer interest in joinin' me crew, but I've got a bit of a warnin' to share. Ye see, I've got this tradition as Captain Jack – the first mate takes only a quarter of the loot that the captain finds. It be a long-standing code among pirates, and it keeps the crew in line.

Now, I don't be doubting yer loyalty or skills, but I want to be clear about the terms from the get-go. If ye be lookin' for a more generous share, it might not be the right fit for ye. But if ye be willin' to stand by me side and uphold the pirate code, then together we'll sail to riches and adventure beyond yer wildest dreams. So, what say ye, me matey? Will ye be willin' to accept these terms and join me crew?
by Ronan
Wed Sep 13, 2023 9:01 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Jet wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 7:02 pm Ye be right about the grog. It has a part in this fer sure. The village scallywags still 'ave no sense o' fun. I will say this i learned why feathers be nice fer beddin. Sadly can nah say the same fer tar. Although I do enjoy paintin wit' it, mighty pretty.
I've been searchin' the seven seas for a trusty soul to be me first mate, (seein’ as me Squawkers be layin’ with Davy Jones) and ye seem like just the sort I be lookin' for. I may have had me share of grog-fueled misadventures (hard harr) but I'm on a new course now, seekin' redemption and a crew that can sail the straight and narrow. :blush:

As me first mate, ye'll share in the spoils of our adventures and stand by me side as we chart a course toward a brighter horizon. There be no shortage of excitement and treasure to be had, but there's also the solemn duty to keep me on the straight and narrow, remindin' me of the perils of the bottle.

So, what say ye, me friend? Will ye join me crew and be the first mate of the reformed pirate Captain Jack? Together, we'll sail into a future filled with adventure, but with clear heads and a steadfast resolve.
by Ronan
Wed Sep 13, 2023 6:36 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Jet wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:34 pm Ahoy! Me buckos, I 'ave docked with ye within an inch o' me life. The village scallywags 'n thar lawman had me locked up fer disorderly conduct. Might 'ave been disorderly t' 'em but was great fun fer meself. Jus' a word o' advice becareful when handlin' chickens 'n tar while drunk. Might be more then ye bargained fer.
Arr, me hearty! Ye be tellin' quite the tale of yer misadventures, but let me share a nugget o' wisdom from an old pirate's heart – it be no coincidence that yer disorderly conduct and mishaps befall ye while ye be knee-deep in the grog. Methinks it's time to consider that perhaps the rum be the real scallywag in this tale, leadin' ye down a path o' chaos and feathery fiascos. Aye, next time ye find yerself in such a predicament, try hoistin' a cup o' tea instead of that cursed bottle, and see if ye fare any better with the chickens and tar!
by Ronan
Wed Sep 13, 2023 2:48 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Allow me to regale ye with a tale so absurd ye won't believe it were real.

'Twas a dark and stormy night on the high seas when me madness began. Me crew and I had stumbled upon a barrel of what we thought was fine rum, but it turned out to be nothin' more than grog tainted with sea water. We drank it anyway, for a pirate's thirst be a stubborn thing. (Me hearties in the back know!!)

As the night wore on, we found ourselves singin' shanties to a phantom crew that weren't there, and I, Captain Jack, declared meself king of the sea turtles that swam past the ship. I even tried to make me parrot, Squawkers, me first mate. Little did me know, poor Squawkers had already been made first mate by meself 4 days prior in a drrrunken stupor! :p

But the madness didn't end there, oh no! One day, I thought I saw Davy Jones himself risin' from the depths. I challenged him to a game of cards for me soul, only to realize I'd been gamblin' with a barrel lid.

That's when I hit rock bottom, me hearties. I woke up with a seagull perched on me head, a peg leg in me hand (which belonged to the carpenter), and a deep, sobering realization that I'd become the laughingstock of the seven seas.

So, I turned to the only compass left that could steer me clear of this madness – this here fellowship. There be no treasure in the bottle, only madness, and I be seekin' a path to redemption and a chance to be a pirate with a clear head once more.
by Ronan
Wed Sep 13, 2023 2:21 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11273

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Arr, mateys and landlubbers alike, gather 'round as I share me tale of the treacherous seas and the demon that be drinkin'. Aye, I be a pirate by trade, sailin' under the black flag, but it be a different kind of storm that's brought me here to this here gathering of souls seekin' redemption.

Me name be Captain Jack, though these days, I be known more for the grog in me hand than the cutlass at me side. Join me on this journey, if ye will, through the tempestuous waters of addiction and the quest to find me lost self on this uncharted course toward sobriety

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