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by Epignosis
Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:41 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 6]

Dom wrote:
Long Con wrote:
Dom wrote:
Long Con wrote:
Golden wrote:Anyway, LC, I take your very direct point.

Are you thinking of voting MP today?
Absolutely. I think it's extremely unlikely he's an Indy.
I said why already. That team has a dead role checker, and I profiled them to be likely to make some role hint based on the knowledge of the dead that they have. MP fit the profile very closely with his little Indy stunt.
but why
you could make that argument about anyone. this is nothing specific.

just like how apparently i'm bad because... you've decided so?

The good ol' Elohcin try.
How could LC make that argument about me?
by Epignosis
Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:37 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 6]

I've had this tab open since this morning, so some of this is bound to be reruns of what has already been mentioned.

I think the biggest clues lie in cross-referencing the polls from Days 1 and 2, which fortunately, have been archived, and consider Glorfindel's Day 1 abstention.

Perhaps Glorfindel withheld his vote for fear of exposing his team so early. If that's the case (and I'm aware he could have just voted elsewhere by himself), he might have feared exposing Quin and/or Sorsha if he voted DDL, or Soneji if he voted sprityo1.

Unless there was something else in play, one can rule out DDL and Jack, because they voted Long Con Day 2, and sprityo's vote would have counted for two, and sprityo2 would not have been lynched. We've said that already, but I'm including it anyway for the sake of completeness.

Long Con is only bad if the Day 2 lynch was tied between him and his teammate. Under normal circumstances, Long Con would have voted sprityo2 in order to save himself, but he had no concern on that front. He claimed to have won the challenge and no one contested that claim. Unfortunately, none of this says anything about whether or not he's mafia. I think sig has been genuine in trying to condemn LC, but I also think sig failed in his effort. That's okay.

Jack, a cleared person, advises against lynching Long Con. I don't understand this, but it holds weight since Jack voted LC Day 2. If Jack is bad with LC, and Day 2 has something weird happen, then we file that under "Oh well." I would rather Jack give reasons why Long Con isn't bad.

Spacedaisy hasn't posted in about four days. Unless you think she's popping online just to submit a kill or other evil night action and not participating otherwise, I have a hard time believing she's bad. When we were bad together last month, she played very well even up to endgame. Daisy would be a poor lynch, in my opinion.

I'm posting this now. It's been up all day. I'll quote it and spoiler it when I continue I guess.
by Epignosis
Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:35 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 6]

Dom wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Dom, no offense, but you just sound pissy whenever you post. I can never tell whether you really want anybody to care about what you have to say. You're terse and you often fail to elaborate on things. Are you trying to find mafia or are you trying to find GOTCHA moments? Like your asking sig why he wasn't interested in finding the other mafia team...after he took the lead in the charge against the first mafia lynch.

And yes, it's true that wagering money on the outcome of a lynch could be illegal. Please refrain from that. It's in our site guidelines.
Epi, no offense, but you sound preachy and holier than thou when you post.
Yep. That's purposeful. Are you pissy and terse and failing to elaborate on things purposefully? If so, why?
by Epignosis
Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:16 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 6]

By the way, I'm not giving anybody a pass on stuff like "SEE OLAF IS STILL ALIVE" type posts (Dom and Quin). Just to be clear. Nobody is getting any credit from me for making little mistakes this late in the game. None of that is factoring into my opinion of you.
by Epignosis
Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:08 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 6]

Dom, no offense, but you just sound pissy whenever you post. I can never tell whether you really want anybody to care about what you have to say. You're terse and you often fail to elaborate on things. Are you trying to find mafia or are you trying to find GOTCHA moments? Like your asking sig why he wasn't interested in finding the other mafia team...after he took the lead in the charge against the first mafia lynch.

And yes, it's true that wagering money on the outcome of a lynch could be illegal. Please refrain from that. It's in our site guidelines.
by Epignosis
Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:11 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 2]

sig wrote:
Epignosis wrote:I have a post I've been working on since this morning, but I want to shoot down the idea that INH had information on Long Con Day 2.
insertnamehere wrote:wait a sec

Epi and LC are VFD.

that's a really likely possibility.
Oh hm, couldn't he have been trying to cover up the info he had?
Doubtful. INH was alive Day 3, and he didn't do much. Nary a peep about Long Con being bad. In fact, he had a civil conversation with him:
Long Con wrote:
insertnamehere wrote:
Long Con wrote:
insertnamehere wrote:I realize this is the most obvious, easy statement to make here, but I feel like the Dom bandwagon is too damn long and too damn unopposed to be legit, despite it having a bunch of people I trust on board. Unfortunately, it's too damn late for an actual legitimate alternative. So I'm kinda trapped.
Don't vote Dom then. Don't vote that pointless vote, do something else...because I'm bad.
I would need all but one of the people who haven't voted to show up and go along with me on a wagon in the next couple hours. Barring any vote shenanigans, I don't see that as likely to happen.
Not to try and change Dom's fate...just to register your opinion or something...because I'm bad. I dunno, I guess it wouldn't carry any more weight than a post would...because I'm bad.
by Epignosis
Thu Jan 05, 2017 6:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 2]

I have a post I've been working on since this morning, but I want to shoot down the idea that INH had information on Long Con Day 2.
insertnamehere wrote:wait a sec

Epi and LC are VFD.

that's a really likely possibility.
by Epignosis
Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:50 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Dom wrote:
Long Con wrote:
Dom wrote:Hey LC.... olaf is alive. :grin:
No no no - DFaraday said Olaf is the killer in the posts because story. Or something like that. Maybe it was clarified during your brief hiatus. :)

I don't understand why he'd reveal MM's role like that, then, but okay.
All Guardian kills come from Esme regardless of who is actually carrying out the kill. I just quoted the post where DF said that.
by Epignosis
Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:44 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

DFaraday wrote:
Golden wrote:The story suggests Esme tried to kill me. Why she had an extra kill... I don't know.
That was actually a ridiculously major oversight on my part. The GGs tried to submit a kill for some reason, and I completely forgot that they shouldn't be killing tonight. :keys: :keys: :keys:
by Epignosis
Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:42 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Jackofhearts2005 wrote:
DFaraday wrote:The Ghastly Guardians have been eliminated.
Well I guess this makes the discussion of who was GG with Eloh somewhat moot. Might have affected those shots, I suppose.
The good news is you're cleared of being Mafia altogether mate.

You aren't a guardian.

You voted LC Day 2 with the Powder Womens.

Cleared homey. *fist bump*
by Epignosis
Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:39 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Dom wrote:Hey LC.... olaf is alive. :grin:
DFaraday wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:
DFaraday wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:Hey DF, who killed Scotty on Night 1?
I should have mentioned that. It was the Troupe.
I asked because the Night 2 post said that Esme killed soup. Can we learn which of the Troupe killed Scotty?

Additionally, I would like to visit Dr. Orwell.

All Guardian kills are written as Esme carrying out the kill. All Troupe kills are written as Olaf carrying out the kill (though he wasn't mentioned in the Daily Punctilio piece).
Long Con wrote:Third, did Sunny try to kill Golden? :confused:
Sunny Baudelaire – Sunny may be small, but her teeth are razor sharp. To defend her siblings, Sunny will kill every even night.
by Epignosis
Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:34 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

I haven't read the post, but I like defenestrations.
by Epignosis
Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:24 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Jackofhearts2005 wrote:I'm assuming Vompetti is a person (or possibly a volcano).

The prevailing theory was that Eloh forgot who her scumbuddy was or that he was dead?

Jesus. Let me reread that.
When she's bad, she acts dumb on purpose.

She's the best I've ever seen at emulating her civilian game.
by Epignosis
Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:20 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

As my night action I just sent DF a picture of squirrel porn. :shrug2:
by Epignosis
Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:16 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

I have bourbon and a room of my own. Nothing can stop me.
by Epignosis
Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:11 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Here you go Dom:
Jackofhearts2005 wrote:Yo Epi.

Can you explain the whole Wigly would have to be Eloh's teammate but he's already dead thing? Only like better?
Eloh slipped up when she (needlessly for her own sake, I should add) responded to my opinion about Golden's comment regarding Long Con's theory. She said Wilgy was zanier than MM (an opinion I don't agree with), and given the way LC phrased his theory, Eloh all but admitted to being a teammate with Wilgy. At the time I thought she was misunderstanding what LC had lain out about us, but I still believed she had knowledge that Wilgy was bad when she suggested she was going to "try one of those ISO things." Wilgy is an odd choice for something like that on a good day. He's Vompatti Jr. I can't make heads of tails of Wilgy's posts. That suggested to me that she knew he was bad. I interpreted it to mean she was on the team who had checked him after he died- the timing for that was perfect.

Now it looks like she knew he was bad because she was on a team with him. Not what I was expecting, but it makes sense when you consider how she responded to my opinion about Golden's comment regarding Long Con's theory.
by Epignosis
Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:52 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Choose wisely, Olivia. :srsnod:
by Epignosis
Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:16 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Dom wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Tell me Jack, what was your game plan if you successfully lynched me and saw that I was not Eloh's teammate?
Forget Eloh's teammate.

Why are you civ?
You have a million reasons why you aren't on a team with Elohcin, but none for why you aren't bad at all.
Uh, I'm the only person who has voted out members of both mafia teams.
by Epignosis
Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:01 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 4]

Jackofhearts2005 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Jacks' Day 4 (missed) vote:
Jackofhearts2005 wrote:Couple minutes late, I see. Probably would have voted Eloh.

More likely townies on the Snow train, though. Hoping that's a good sign.
It was "more likely townies on the Snow train" then. Now your interpretation is:
Jackofhearts2005 wrote:^Eloh is still my top scum read. My vote wouldn't have killed her or saved Snow Dog from Epi.
Here's the problem: I don't care about your vote. If you genuinely wanted Eloh lynched and Snow Dog needed saving from me, you should have been pushing that idea during Day 4. You didn't push it. You didn't fight for it. You know what you said?
Jackofhearts2005 wrote:Loving what I'm seeing from Daisy today. Glad to see Nacho getting back in it and I like most of his contributions as well.

Not voting either of them today.

The whole Eloh Epi discussion actually makes Epi look worse to me than Eloh. Put me on the "bad assumptions lead to bad conclusions" team. Eloh still scum in my eyes but definitely merits a full ISO. Epi still town in my eyes but I could see cult recruit. He gives Eloh the benefit of the doubt, then denies it. Does not seem pocketed. Wants a reason to not vote Eloh.

I don't like Golden as a whole but I like every Golden post aimed in my direction. Needs an ISO to get a better read.

Daisy's case against Snow sounds a lot like my actual problem with Snow. Lots of throwaway posts and too little content. Much as I like Daisy, my trust in her is newfound. Snow deserves a full iso.

Now, how much time I have to do these ISOs depends on how long Big Love keeps my wife's interest. :p
I want people to read what I underlined.

I look worse than Eloh. I am still "town" in your eyes.

The only way that makes any sense is if you thought Eloh was good.

Now look at the red. You agreed with spacedaisy about Snow Dog. Let me remind everyone that you've just said this:
Jackofhearts2005 wrote:^Eloh is still my top scum read. My vote wouldn't have killed her or saved Snow Dog from Epi.
Anybody can go read your Day 4 interactions with Snow Dog and see that you suspected him. You even said that the points raised against Snow Dog warranted a full investigation of his posts.

You're spinning things.
You're being silly.

I agreed with your case against Snow. I'm just reminding, it's not like my missed vote would have made a difference. You still would have killed Snow. You're totally right, though. I didn't try to lynch Eloh over Snow Dog on Day 4. I suspected him til he flipped.

As for you worse than Eloh, that was poorly worded on my part. The exchange had a greater effect on my read of you (say, you lose 3 townieness points) than it did on my read of Eloh (she loses say, 1 townieness point) but I still put you at a net slight town at the time and Eloh was still a net moderate scum.
I'm being silly.

I'm totally right, though.

That was poorly worded on your part.

How am I being silly?
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:46 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 4]

Jacks' Day 4 (missed) vote:
Jackofhearts2005 wrote:Couple minutes late, I see. Probably would have voted Eloh.

More likely townies on the Snow train, though. Hoping that's a good sign.
It was "more likely townies on the Snow train" then. Now your interpretation is:
Jackofhearts2005 wrote:^Eloh is still my top scum read. My vote wouldn't have killed her or saved Snow Dog from Epi.
Here's the problem: I don't care about your vote. If you genuinely wanted Eloh lynched and Snow Dog needed saving from me, you should have been pushing that idea during Day 4. You didn't push it. You didn't fight for it. You know what you said?
Jackofhearts2005 wrote:Loving what I'm seeing from Daisy today. Glad to see Nacho getting back in it and I like most of his contributions as well.

Not voting either of them today.

The whole Eloh Epi discussion actually makes Epi look worse to me than Eloh. Put me on the "bad assumptions lead to bad conclusions" team. Eloh still scum in my eyes but definitely merits a full ISO. Epi still town in my eyes but I could see cult recruit. He gives Eloh the benefit of the doubt, then denies it. Does not seem pocketed. Wants a reason to not vote Eloh.

I don't like Golden as a whole but I like every Golden post aimed in my direction. Needs an ISO to get a better read.

Daisy's case against Snow sounds a lot like my actual problem with Snow. Lots of throwaway posts and too little content. Much as I like Daisy, my trust in her is newfound. Snow deserves a full iso.

Now, how much time I have to do these ISOs depends on how long Big Love keeps my wife's interest. :p
I want people to read what I underlined.

I look worse than Eloh. I am still "town" in your eyes.

The only way that makes any sense is if you thought Eloh was good.

Now look at the red. You agreed with spacedaisy about Snow Dog. Let me remind everyone that you've just said this:
Jackofhearts2005 wrote:^Eloh is still my top scum read. My vote wouldn't have killed her or saved Snow Dog from Epi.
Anybody can go read your Day 4 interactions with Snow Dog and see that you suspected him. You even said that the points raised against Snow Dog warranted a full investigation of his posts.

You're spinning things.
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Long Con wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Tell me Jack, what was your game plan if you successfully lynched me and saw that I was not Eloh's teammate?
Why do you ask this kind of question? I've seen this before, I don't get it. Do you have a "game plan" for each time you suspect someone in case they turn up Civ? I don't. My "gameplan" would be to say a swear word and rethink any assumptions I had made that had to do with X being Mafia. :shrug: Nothing fancy. Of course, I'm a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of player.
I would prefer it if you would stop answering for Jack (or answering before him).
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:07 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Tell me Jack, what was your game plan if you successfully lynched me and saw that I was not Eloh's teammate?
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

All that consistency about Eloh and you voted me when it really mattered. :clap:
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Jackofhearts2005 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Civilians are less likely to be consistent as fuck than mafia. :mafia:
Well, I guess I'm just better at scum hunting than you, mister wishy washy in the face of obvious baddie behavior, eh?
What you call "obvious baddie behavior" is what I call "Elohcin."
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:32 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Civilians are less likely to be consistent as fuck than mafia. :mafia:
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:39 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

The grammar in this thread makes baby Jesus cry.
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 5:04 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Just looking through, Eloh's posts only confirm what I already believe. Some highlights though:

1. The first person Eloh speaks positively about (and agrees with) is Jack regarding Snow Dog's claim that he didn't read his role.
Spoiler: show
Elohcin wrote:
sprityo wrote:
Soneji wrote:
Long Con wrote:
Spacedaisy wrote:...yhw nosaer eht no regnif ym tup t'nac I dna mih ot semoc ti nehw eiddab gnimaercs si tug ym tub ,ko sdnuos syas CL gnihtyreve taht tcaf eht htiw gnilggurts m'I ,yldnoceS

.uoy gnitlusni ton ,niuQ eveileb I uoy gnitnemilpmoc saw eH .suoivbo taht si eno on ,noitacidni etammaet laer a eb ot suoivbo ot s'tI .noitasucca fo dnik suoivbo na hcus ot ecnederc evig ot doog oot si niuQ vic gniyas saw eh em ot raelc demees tI .gnitlusni ylbidercni os kool dias ipE tahw gnikam rof lla uoy no emahs ,ffo tsriF
First off, shame on you all for making what Epi said look so incredibly insulting. It seemed clear to me he was saying civ Quin is too good to give credence to such an obvious kind of accusation. It's to obvious to be a real teammate indication, no one is that obvious. He was complimenting you I believe Quin, not insulting you.
I don't think we deserve to be shamed. That's how I interpreted his post, it's not my fault that it was so cryptic. :shrug: When Epi explains it, and it's not an insult, then there will be no insult to be shamed for. And this is Epi we're talking about here, is it really that far-fetched that he'd throw an insult out there? :haha:

Secondly, I'm struggling with the fact that everything LC says sounds ok, but my gut is screaming baddie when it comes to him and I can't put my finger on the reason why...
Daisy, don't worry about it, it's very much everyone's first instinct to suspect me. It's hilarious. I think I chose the wrong username for playing Mafia.
My username comes from the villain in Along Came a Spider, whose a serial killer/kidnapper. Yours is easy to understand for everyone but mine probably comes off worse to those who know the source.
This has got to be all kinds of illegal.
2. I didn't understand what Eloh meant here because I thought she was talking about what Soneji said about his username. Instead it looks like sour grapes regarding the translating LC was doing. This bolsters my perspective that LC- and by extension Spacedaisy- aren't on her team. This post further bolsters my view of the latter.
Spoiler: show
Elohcin wrote:Before getting to work, I had to at least check out the lynch results. And I have to say...I think I'm pretty good at telling glorf's alignments. Quin...You thought there was nothing in my reasoning for voting that way....I think you ought to be next. Please try to convince me otherwise.
Elohcin wrote:
insertnamehere wrote:
Elohcin wrote:Before getting to work, I had to at least check out the lynch results. And I have to say...I think I'm pretty good at telling glorf's alignments. Quin...You thought there was nothing in my reasoning for voting that way....I think you ought to be next. Please try to convince me otherwise.
What is your case against Quin?
He tried to direct my attention away from Sprit/Glorf.
Quin wrote:
Elohcin wrote:
DFaraday wrote:Effective immediately, Sprityo is replacing Glorfindel.

And yeah, dead members of factions win too.
I have to wonder why Sprit replaced Glor. Glor was pretty active. I know glor has a hard time being mafia, so maybe it was too much pressure.

This is all I have to go on right now, unfortunately. So, *voting Sprit*

I think there are much more significant topics being discussed right now which make for better votes than than voting based on a flimsy hypothesis on why someone might have subbed out.
Elohcin wrote:I've been occupied all day with visiting family, but coming in late in the day, catching up, and seeing all these votes on Dom...this is what I see.
Golden wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:Shall I bus Dom?
Of course
Are you admitting to being on a team with Dom?
Spacedaisy wrote:I'm not sure why... I think it's because he defended sprityo? :shrugs:
Spacedaisy wrote:Well who else would you consider sig, same to you Wilgy?
Daisy's tone here sounds like she is trying to subtly defend Dom and lure players away from voting him. It's like what Quin did with Sprit.
Quin wrote:Guess who I'm voting for?

Not Dom.
If Dom is bad, this is strike 2 for you.

I've done pretty well so doing the opposite of Quin. I think I will try again. *voting Dom too*
3. Meanwhile, I think these are a point in Quin's favor in terms of being a Guardian. The first is still a valid point against him in terms of being Troupe.
Spoiler: show
Elohcin wrote:
Epignosis wrote:What if I said I wanted to lynch Eloh instead?
I don't think that's a good idea, Sir.
Snow Dog wrote:I agree that Eloh has not said much and followd votes. Is that not because she is busy in RL, Rob?
I think I can answer for myself. Yes. We moved. My kids all had the stomach bug one after another. I had the stomach bug after them. I continued to unpack. I did a wedding cake order. Then we had my brother and his lovely family visit. Life has finally settled though. Today is my first day of winter break with no responsibilities outside or the normal mom/wife duties (and the wifely duties were taken care of this morning ;) ). I am here to answer questions etc. I do believe I have done a pretty steller job keeping up during all my business. I suspected sprit/glorf correctly. I suspected Quin and now others seem to think he is bad too. I am not sure what I think of him anymore really. But at least it shows I wasn't off my rocker. I am catching up/reading through today's posts now. We'll see if I have anything to add.
Jackofhearts2005 wrote: I suspect Daisy and especially Eloh for what looks like vague or poorly thought out arguments not taking the full thread into account.
Dude, I've been busy!! I haven't been able to take the full thread into account. BUT...I was right about Sprit and got no stinkin' credit for it. At this point, I have been using my experience of playing with these folks to decide if I think they may be good or bad. Now that I have time for Mafia...I can try to use the thread activity to understand what's what.

After last night's posts from Sir Epi, I am not sure of his position. I think he may be indy like whoever else it was that suggested it. I don;t see him acting like this as a civ or a baddie. His baddie game is a bit more calculated than this. His civ game is a more rational than he's been lately. could have just been the :beer: .
4. Asking for credit from a teammate is superfluous, so this is a mild point in Jack's favor- plus he voiced suspicion of her.
Spoiler: show
Elohcin wrote:I have to agree with you Jack. When a host allows someone to re-enter a game, there has to be major precautions taken. I have seen hosts allow players with info come back into a game and it ruins it for one of the sides. I do hope DF considered all this carefully. I know Sir Epi is always careful about this as a host and has talked to me about how it can affect games when hosts aren't careful about it.

Linki: So you haven't commented about it Sir Epi. Will you comment now?
5. This is another "sour grapes" moment. If Dom subbed into her team, I don't think she would have made this post.

6. Eloh had a disagreement with Golden that I think is a minor point in Golden's favor.

7. It doesn't look like Nacho was a teammate based on their Day 4 exchange.
Spoiler: show
Elohcin wrote:And shoot, neither Golden or Dom are on the poll.

What do you thin of my theory though, Sir, and everyone else.
8. This lament is another point in favor of Golden and Dom.

9. LC's overall interactions with Eloh work well in his favor- unfortunately, he loses points for voting me and not her. Why make a huge case against Eloh and end up voting me if your theory is that we're teammates?

10. I think Wilgy and Eloh were teammates based on the way Eloh responded to my posts about him and MM.

I have to go home now.
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 1:45 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

MovingPictures07 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:I don't think anyone should be eliminated from consideration based on some curse power that a mafia team used anyway. I think that's weaksauce as fuck.
Jesus. This again. :disappoint:
If you're town, show me and everyone else how you're town by the actions you take. I think you look mildly suspicious, but I'm open to having my mind changed. You're not winning any ground with me by saying you wouldn't have been on a team that did X. That's just nonsense.
And I think you're mildly irritating. You don't get to waltz in here after doing nothing to help find mafia and then tell me what I have to show you.

by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:48 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

MovingPictures07 wrote:I don't think anyone should be eliminated from consideration based on some curse power that a mafia team used anyway. I think that's weaksauce as fuck.
Jesus. This again. :disappoint:
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:43 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

MovingPictures07 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:I'm trying to give Epi a fair shot, but at face value I find it mildly suspicious that Epi has to go out of his way to say "why would I have done THIS? and THIS? and THIS?!!". It's just not necessary for a town-minded player to continually emphasize.
Why is it not necessary? Those are the things people have to believe to be true in order to peg me as Eloh's teammates. If you sincerely believe I am bad with her, then you have to believe those things. If you don't believe those things, what else makes sense?

You of all people should know better. You hosted the first time Eloh and I were bad together.
You're fixating on the wrong things. You want us to discount you and Elo being mafia together because of some actions that the mafia team supposedly made regarding night powers. I think that's an unfair request.

Anyone is capable of making nearly any strategic move, especially when you consider there are multiple people on a mafia team with independent minds. I think there's never any way to fairly discount anyone from being on a team that takes any number of strategic moves, and the fact that you think we should all sit here and eliminate you from consideration when you damn well know that is suspicious to me.

You have to make a decision one way or the other. What you just posted here eliminates nobody from consideration. It's an empty post. Yes, any strategic move can be made by anyone. I am asking do you think I made that particular series of "strategic" moves I named above (I use the quotation marks because I don't consider them very strategic), and if you don't, then how else am I bad?

Don't say "anyone can do anything." That isn't helpful.
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:37 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

MovingPictures07 wrote:I'm trying to give Epi a fair shot, but at face value I find it mildly suspicious that Epi has to go out of his way to say "why would I have done THIS? and THIS? and THIS?!!". It's just not necessary for a town-minded player to continually emphasize.
Why is it not necessary? Those are the things people have to believe to be true in order to peg me as Eloh's teammates. If you sincerely believe I am bad with her, then you have to believe those things. If you don't believe those things, what else makes sense?

You of all people should know better. You hosted the first time Eloh and I were bad together.
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:32 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

MovingPictures07 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Also, Epi, your continued insistence that you wouldn't "do ________" if bad is nonsense. I don't give your WIFOM defenses any serious consideration.
The alternative is that you do believe I did all those things. Do you believe I raised the first suspicion of my teammate (specifically, my wife), backed off, and then put my foot to the pedal again, only to suspect her of being on the other team (on the basis of her insinuating that she knew Wilgy was bad)? Do you believe I am responsible for the shitty curses we've witnessed, like calling me "Sir" or making people post food items or saying "as a baddie?"* Do you believe my kill recommendations would have been soup (who wasn't participating) and sig (who doesn't think I'm bad)?

There's always healthy suspicion of me- I worked hard to keep it that way. But at some point you have to look at everything that has transpired in this particular context and consider that, maybe, just maybe, "Yeah, none of that shit makes sense if Epi is bad."

*No offense to the curse author- your curses are lovely works of art and you should be proud of yourself. :hugs:
That's all fair, and I think every other player in this thread should analyze your behavior and see if they think it fits within a framework compatible with you being Elo's teammate.

I just find it notable that you continually choose to highlight all the ways you wouldn't be doing all the things the mafia are doing. It's not necessary and conjures up WIFOM. Instead you could just emphasize the things you have done that make you town, not "not mafia". Does that make sense?
Not at all.

How is emphasizing things that make me good any different from "WIFOM?"
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:17 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Dom wrote:
Epignosis wrote:While we're at it, who here thinks I advised Eloh to follow nearly everything I said in the thread?
I didn't know everyone followed your every command.
Clearly not. I can't even get you to answer a simple question.
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

While we're at it, who here thinks I advised Eloh to follow nearly everything I said in the thread?
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Dom wrote:why do you HAVE to be the role with the cursing ability?
I don't. When I'm bad, I devise strategies with my teammates.

Do you think I advised the curser to make you talk about food, Dom?
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:36 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

MovingPictures07 wrote:Also, Epi, your continued insistence that you wouldn't "do ________" if bad is nonsense. I don't give your WIFOM defenses any serious consideration.
The alternative is that you do believe I did all those things. Do you believe I raised the first suspicion of my teammate (specifically, my wife), backed off, and then put my foot to the pedal again, only to suspect her of being on the other team (on the basis of her insinuating that she knew Wilgy was bad)? Do you believe I am responsible for the shitty curses we've witnessed, like calling me "Sir" or making people post food items or saying "as a baddie?"* Do you believe my kill recommendations would have been soup (who wasn't participating) and sig (who doesn't think I'm bad)?

There's always healthy suspicion of me- I worked hard to keep it that way. But at some point you have to look at everything that has transpired in this particular context and consider that, maybe, just maybe, "Yeah, none of that shit makes sense if Epi is bad."

*No offense to the curse author- your curses are lovely works of art and you should be proud of yourself. :hugs:
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:34 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Jackofhearts2005 wrote:Yeah, MM is probably on the other team.

I'm not willing to give Epi a pass, though. He defended her, saying the scum wouldn't give themselves post restrictions. He lead a lynch on Snow while players were talking about Eloh being potential scum. Spent a lot of time forming hypothetical scenarios that just happened to make Eloh town while saying he suspected her but should we should vote somewhere else. Then, he decided to say I must be bad with her, as if I hadn't been saying I was going to vote one of them all day and he hadn't defended her and basically saved her from lynch.

That looks worse to me than the case on MM.

Of course, we have one and a third vigilantes. If Epi turns up dead, I'll be glad to vote MM. If both Epi and MM turn up dead....I'll get back to you.

More in a bit.
If I'm going to bus somebody, I don't half-ass it.

And also:
Epignosis wrote:
Dragon D. Luffy wrote:Bussing is a thing and I wouldn't clear anyone of the possibility of voting for a teammate. Less likely yes, but not impossible. And it's Epi you are talking about.
I've only purposefully and intentionally thrown a teammate under the bus once in my life. :grin:
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:35 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Golden wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Golden wrote:@epi - I didn't like the way sprit 2.0 went down, but it nailed a baddie. Hopefully we get one here. We can salvage this tomorrow. I'm ready to go into the trenches as to why you and eloh are not on a team together... if eloh flips bad.

I still would feel safer if two of the four missing votes came in and voted eloh, though. For Esme purposes.
You're a gentleman and an asshole.
It takes one-of-both to know one-of-both :p
And I can't argue with that.
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:32 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Golden wrote:@epi - I didn't like the way sprit 2.0 went down, but it nailed a baddie. Hopefully we get one here. We can salvage this tomorrow. I'm ready to go into the trenches as to why you and eloh are not on a team together... if eloh flips bad.

I still would feel safer if two of the four missing votes came in and voted eloh, though. For Esme purposes.
You're a gentleman and an asshole.
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:21 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Jackofhearts2005 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Every single last one of you are morons.
Eloh's role:
Kit Snicket - SECRET You are masoned with Epi. If you are lynched, Lemony refuses to narrate the game any longer. Everyone loses.

Shoot. Guess we are all morons. :shrug2:
Like I said, I do like you.
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:19 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Jackofhearts2005 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Jackofhearts2005 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Jackofhearts2005 wrote:
sig wrote: I'll read him over first.
Excellent idea.

Anyone want to propose a reason to lynch Eloh over Epi or Epi over Eloh?

I feel Epi has been more intellectually dishonest and obvious about defending/distancing from Eloh and of course there's the Snow Dog lynch (that I don't entirely blame Epi for cause Snow wasn't helping his own case much) while Eloh has generally contributed less and feels more like attempting to buddy certain players.

My general feeling is that it is more likely that Epi is scum and Eloh is town than vice versa but I could be convinced otherwise.
If Eloh is bad, I'll no longer consider you good.
Since when do you think I'm good? I thought you were the one defending Eloh from me (and others). Now, if Eloh is scum, I'm the bad guy? :evileye:

Is this supposed to make me want to lynch Eloh? I may have mentioned before I don't like people telling me what to do. I especially don't like people trying to make me do things by implying I'm fuzzy pals with one of my scum reads.
I said I thought you were good from the outset. Now you will die.
So dramatic.

I like you, even though you're bad.
And I like you, even though you're a fool.
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:19 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Golden wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Every single last one of you are morons.
So, you no longer think that Eloh is bad?
I voted her. I was the first person to bring her up. I still don't like the way this day went. It's all, "Eloh and Epi are teammates."

That's stupid.
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:15 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Every single last one of you are morons.
by Epignosis
Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:12 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Jackofhearts2005 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Jackofhearts2005 wrote:
sig wrote: I'll read him over first.
Excellent idea.

Anyone want to propose a reason to lynch Eloh over Epi or Epi over Eloh?

I feel Epi has been more intellectually dishonest and obvious about defending/distancing from Eloh and of course there's the Snow Dog lynch (that I don't entirely blame Epi for cause Snow wasn't helping his own case much) while Eloh has generally contributed less and feels more like attempting to buddy certain players.

My general feeling is that it is more likely that Epi is scum and Eloh is town than vice versa but I could be convinced otherwise.
If Eloh is bad, I'll no longer consider you good.
Since when do you think I'm good? I thought you were the one defending Eloh from me (and others). Now, if Eloh is scum, I'm the bad guy? :evileye:

Is this supposed to make me want to lynch Eloh? I may have mentioned before I don't like people telling me what to do. I especially don't like people trying to make me do things by implying I'm fuzzy pals with one of my scum reads.
I said I thought you were good from the outset. Now you will die.
by Epignosis
Tue Jan 03, 2017 11:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Jackofhearts2005 wrote:
sig wrote: I'll read him over first.
Excellent idea.

Anyone want to propose a reason to lynch Eloh over Epi or Epi over Eloh?

I feel Epi has been more intellectually dishonest and obvious about defending/distancing from Eloh and of course there's the Snow Dog lynch (that I don't entirely blame Epi for cause Snow wasn't helping his own case much) while Eloh has generally contributed less and feels more like attempting to buddy certain players.

My general feeling is that it is more likely that Epi is scum and Eloh is town than vice versa but I could be convinced otherwise.
If Eloh is bad, I'll no longer consider you good.
by Epignosis
Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Again, if I do get lynched for whatever reason, pay attention to what I'm saying.
by Epignosis
Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:44 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Golden wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Golden wrote:Reading Wilgy, man he is another one I find very hard to read. But he didn't want to break the tie. Why?

The tie led us to clear four people from sprit's team. On the other hand, wilgy had every appearance of voting LC.. but then didn't. This theoretically makes him look better - 'I didn't stop sprit's lynch with my LC vote'. There is some benefit there for him... also, given the powder-faced woman's ability, there would be a risk of making it clear that both the Powder-faced woman and a teammate were on the LC train if sprit got another vote or two and then LC was lynched.

So, I could see him as sprit's teammate. That has potential.

I can't really make head nor tail of why he spent so much time trying to get Epi to give dirt on someone so he could follow a vote.
Now try reading Wilgy as being a member of the other team. What do you see?
I did try that too. I couldn't get a bead on anything specific that points to that team. You? Except if INH is bad (thats a big if), INH is on that team (because of the powder-faced women eliminations), and I could see a possible world in which they were teamies.

We know Nero is around, right? Because Dom is 'nutty'?

Also, I just realised Wilgy was killed by Olaf so he isn't on the first team anyway.
Correct, which is why I asked you to consider him on the other team. ;)

Wilgy being bad on that team makes sense though. He fanned the flames but didn't do anything about it outside of voting me. He didn't vote LC or sprityo2.

I think people ignore the dead, and that's a mistake. We have Mr. Poe and Sunny doing work. I have been reading through the dead.
by Epignosis
Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:15 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Golden wrote:Reading Wilgy, man he is another one I find very hard to read. But he didn't want to break the tie. Why?

The tie led us to clear four people from sprit's team. On the other hand, wilgy had every appearance of voting LC.. but then didn't. This theoretically makes him look better - 'I didn't stop sprit's lynch with my LC vote'. There is some benefit there for him... also, given the powder-faced woman's ability, there would be a risk of making it clear that both the Powder-faced woman and a teammate were on the LC train if sprit got another vote or two and then LC was lynched.

So, I could see him as sprit's teammate. That has potential.

I can't really make head nor tail of why he spent so much time trying to get Epi to give dirt on someone so he could follow a vote.
Now try reading Wilgy as being a member of the other team. What do you see?
by Epignosis
Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

Here's the funny thing- I believe Wilgy was bad. Look at the way he treated me and LC during Day 2. That's not zany. That's a guy with an agenda.
by Epignosis
Tue Jan 03, 2017 9:37 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [END GAME]
Replies: 3863
Views: 91059

Re: A Mafia of Unfortunate Events [DAY 5]

sig, I'm reading through your stuff. Do you think Jack is bad?

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