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by Draconus
Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:41 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 1] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Just quoted this from page 9 of 14, btw :disappoint:
by Draconus
Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:40 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 1] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

DFaraday wrote:
Gumshoe wrote: My pm mentioned Sondheim, Brown, Schwartz, and Hammerstein together. It also repeated "lyricist" and "3/4" over and over. I think it may be Schwartz's role and I don't think he's a threat to us but I obviously can't be certain.
Lyricist could apply to any of those names. And 3/4 is a time signature indicative of a waltz. Mine was something about "revived" and "most overrated". I hope that's not a shot at The King and I. :noble:

I do think it was odd that Hedge brought up bandwagons for no particular reason. I think it could be to preemptively establish herself as looking better if one player does take a lot of votes, while also not really committing to anything herself.

Epi is reading as standard throw-everything-at-the-wall Epi to me, and LC hasn't done anything to ping me either. I don't agree with Epi that LC was using inflammatory language or trying to avoid offering his thoughts. He's done quite a lot of offering that I can see.

SVS is also on my radar for how strongly she reacted to the "interesting" thing. I doubt anyone will get lynched because they used an empty term like "interesting" or such, so her reaction towards Epi seemed misplaced.
Because I'm so far behind (Sorry guys. Still super busy at work. Not looking for a pass, though :) ) I'm going to put my parroting skills to use. I agree with several things DF says here.
First, my pm had similar repeating words. No specific names were mentioned, however, Broadway and music-theatre-canon were repeated several times. Also, "role-check" was mentioned once and "revived" was mentioned several times. Just noticed that "was own memory" is said twice, too.

Hedgey could be a good place to look today. But I'll scan through the rest of the posts to see if she has responded to this yet.

For Epi I would replace "standard throw-everthing-at-the-wall" with "standard hunting" Epi. As he pointed out, he's only gone after a very few people for (I believe) valid reasons that deserve questioning. I feel okay about him so far.

SVS's reaction to the "interesting" thing reminded me of several of MP's reactions to similar view points. He was not a baddie in those situations. Yes they have somewhat different play styles. But I will give her the botd for now. Doesn't mean I'm letting her completely off the hook for now. No one is at this point in the game.

An added note from me: I was just LC's teammate in the Flash mafia and watched him play a stellar manipulation game. I can definitely see where Epi and others are coming from with their arguments here. If LC survives today, I will keeping my eye on him for the rest of his in-game life (even if I die first). No offense, Buddy :)
by Draconus
Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 0] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Sooooo sorry for the quintuple posts! But happy to say I got it to work :D :fiesta:
by Draconus
Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 0] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Dragon D. Luffy wrote:Here, this is gonna change your life.

Just remember to save the pic elsewhere (like imgur) because this site deletes images after a short while.
Any reason it would say the following when I try to upload the image as my new avatar? "The upload was rejected because the uploaded file was identified as a possible attack vector."
by Draconus
Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:45 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 0] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

XthAtGAm3RGuYX wrote:
Bass_the_Clever wrote:Hey Gamer Guy what do you make of this day zero?
Jesus Toast all around.

Personally I don't really start playing until day 2. I work better with hard facts and analytical data. Occasionally the classic freduian slip. For now none of this shit really means anything, but it may be useful in hindsight later down the road. I've mostly been skimming because I make a conscious effort not to engage in day 0. Gotten myself in trouble quite few times because I thought I would be smartass in one way or another.
I feel ya. See what I almost did to myself with a simple joke? :D

After my ridiculous 4 page catch up on Day 0 posts I have nothing useful to add, unfortunately. I'm just anxious to see the result of this numbered poll and to get Day 1 started.
by Draconus
Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:40 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 0] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Golden wrote:
Neverwhere wrote: I'm pretty sure you have to buy all those programmes. I am too poor for that shit :( Also technologically inept.
I indeed will be happy to see the return of the crab (although your current one is pretty funny).
Indeed. Neverwhere, you should even go as far as to put your "fuck your rules" quote in your signature :P
My new image is resizing using Gamer's link, so we shall see how well that works :)
by Draconus
Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:05 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 0] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Epignosis wrote:Some say Epi, some say Epig. Or Rob.
Or Robin ;)
by Draconus
Mon Jun 15, 2015 3:51 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 0] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

MP, you mean this isn't normal Day 0 antics? ;)
by Draconus
Mon Jun 15, 2015 3:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 0] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

MovingPictures07 wrote:Thanks for putting up with my extended interrogation, Devin. This certainly won't be the end, but I wanted to take advantage of you being here at the same time as myself, early on, to try and pick your brain.

You won't be getting my vote on Day 1 unless something drastically changes. Neither will Epi.
I wouldn't expect anything less, Buddy! :hugs:
I do need to get back to work, though XD

I will leave you with this for now: What make you of Cobalt's confidence coming into a new site? I will just say that I don't have a problem with confidence in general...

Welcome to you, too, Cobalt!! :)
by Draconus
Mon Jun 15, 2015 3:35 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 0] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Gumshoe wrote:
Devin the Omniscient wrote:Noob mistake Gumshoe! ;)
Well, jeez, you (my mafia brother) should have told me (your mafia brother) not to do it when I (your mafia brother) told you (my mafia brother) that I (your mafia brother) was going to post that.

Did I mention that we're mafia brothers?

This isn't in green because it's all true :shifty:
We mafia brothers gotta stick together! Thanks for outing me, btw. knucklehead :beer:
by Draconus
Mon Jun 15, 2015 3:34 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 0] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Epignosis: Civvie (because he is asking questions like a good little civvie)
MP: Mafia (Because when the fuck are you not?)
Sig: Indie (No read whatsoever yet)

Don't expect a serious answer until we're well into day one :evileye:
by Draconus
Mon Jun 15, 2015 3:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 0] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Noob mistake Gumshoe! ;)
by Draconus
Mon Jun 15, 2015 3:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 0] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

MovingPictures07 wrote:
Devin the Omniscient wrote:Speculation, MP. Not exactly serious speculation, either.
What do you make of sig?

What do you make of my policy regarding not lynching new players on Day 1?
Newbie to the site. And I agree with you there. But no more than Day 1 or 2. It should give us enough time to get to know the new player while giving us a chance to feel out everyone else.

By the way, WELCOME! to Sig! :hugs: Feel free to not take me seriously if you don't think it's necessary :)
I was just going to say something about Epi's avatar, too! XD
Is it actually an avatar if it's him in the picture, though? :P
by Draconus
Mon Jun 15, 2015 3:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 0] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Speculation, MP. Not exactly serious speculation, either.
by Draconus
Mon Jun 15, 2015 2:59 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 0] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Also, you will see "linki" a lot. This is just our term for when we go to post something, and someone else has just posted something right before.
by Draconus
Mon Jun 15, 2015 2:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 0] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

MovingPictures07 wrote:
Devin the Omniscient wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:and if I think that player is Devin, then I will vote for him. I have no propensity to vote for him at the moment, despite his truce comment, as I was merely joking with him.
And I will pull a big NO U and vote for you, too. It was indeed a joke, though :P
MovingPictures07 wrote:I think he would have said this regardless of alignment.
You know me too well :hug:

Linki: FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! :disappoint:
Why did you joke about it, knowing very well it could preemptively create heat in my direction as well as yours?
I'm just simply having fun with you Buddy. I'm not actually frustrated right now :P It certainly has gotten discussion going, though lol.

And giving us heat on Day 0? It's what I do best, remember? :D

Linki: So he knows when we're BSing? :shrug:
by Draconus
Mon Jun 15, 2015 2:39 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 0] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

MovingPictures07 wrote:and if I think that player is Devin, then I will vote for him. I have no propensity to vote for him at the moment, despite his truce comment, as I was merely joking with him.
And I will pull a big NO U and vote for you, too. It was indeed a joke, though :P
MovingPictures07 wrote:I think he would have said this regardless of alignment.
You know me too well :hug:

Linki: FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! :disappoint:
by Draconus
Mon Jun 15, 2015 2:11 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 0] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

sig wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Fashionably late to the party yet again. I picked 10 because it was still there. Most generic number here

Also, YAY GAME!!!

Also, also, MP: 1 Day truce?

The very fact that you want a 1 Day truce indicates to me that you possibly could be hiding something.
A day one truce would be more beneficently for the mafia imo. If each mafia team can kill and if any independents have kill stocks we could be down without any information on day one.
@MovingPictures07 why do you think a day one truce would be good?
It was more of a joking suggestion from me, cus we normally go after each other pretty early. Unless everyone else is going after MP, then I try (unsuccessfully) to defend him :nicenod:
by Draconus
Mon Jun 15, 2015 1:46 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 0] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

MovingPictures07 wrote:
Devin the Omniscient wrote:Fashionably late to the party yet again. I picked 10 because it was still there. Most generic number here :sigh:

Also, YAY GAME!!! :fiesta:

Also, also, MP: 1 Day truce? :feb:
The very fact that you want a 1 Day truce indicates to me that you possibly could be hiding something. :eye:

Is that true? :nicenod:
This statement is false :shifty:
by Draconus
Mon Jun 15, 2015 1:08 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia
Replies: 4712
Views: 157460

Re: [Day 0] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

Fashionably late to the party yet again. I picked 10 because it was still there. Most generic number here :sigh:

Also, YAY GAME!!! :fiesta:

Also, also, MP: 1 Day truce? :feb:

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