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by reywaS
Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:41 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [10:00am]

Yes, let's vote reywaS. Excellent decision.
by reywaS
Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:10 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [10:00am]

Boogs wrote:
reywaS wrote:
Turnip Head wrote:Rest in piece AP. I agree he was an odd choice for an NK.

I'm looking at SVS and Rey for their votes for Elo yesterday. I thought both of them were more opportunistic than Elo's own vote for FZ, which I thought seemed like a genuine vote. Rey's vote in particular stands out to me for coming so quickly after SVS's.

Elo, do you know why Sorsha was lynched instead of you yesterday?

Mongoose, can you explain why you chose to vote for a self-voter yesterday?
orly? Who did you vote for? You throw out a lot accusatory phrases here, but could you explain why exactly any of those things you say here make me suspicious? Why is the timing of my vote "so quickly after SVS's" suspicious? Are you saying we discussed our votes BTS or something? You seem to be implying that SVS and I are team mates, but my vote stands out? I don't get your logic here.

I have to agree you stood out Rey because your vote was without much thought, but I wouldn't go as far to say you and SVS were teammates. I'm still looking at you for today as well as FZ still.
Boogs, no offense, but I think you would be suspicious of anything I did. You got offended that I said I would have voted for Dom instead of you if I hadn't missed the day 0 poll. Then the next 2 things you said made me suspicious were things that I did not even do when you accused me of switching my votes when I didn't even vote at all the first time. And the 2nd time I just did not do what you said I did.
by reywaS
Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:40 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [10:00am]

Turnip Head wrote:Rest in piece AP. I agree he was an odd choice for an NK.

I'm looking at SVS and Rey for their votes for Elo yesterday. I thought both of them were more opportunistic than Elo's own vote for FZ, which I thought seemed like a genuine vote. Rey's vote in particular stands out to me for coming so quickly after SVS's.

Elo, do you know why Sorsha was lynched instead of you yesterday?

Mongoose, can you explain why you chose to vote for a self-voter yesterday?
orly? Who did you vote for? You throw out a lot accusatory phrases here, but could you explain why exactly any of those things you say here make me suspicious? Why is the timing of my vote "so quickly after SVS's" suspicious? Are you saying we discussed our votes BTS or something? You seem to be implying that SVS and I are team mates, but my vote stands out? I don't get your logic here.
by reywaS
Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:33 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [10:00am]

S~V~S wrote:OK, I need to do some rereading.

Rey, has your opinion changed regarding your last vote?
No. I've seen nothing to change my mind yet. Have you?
FZ. wrote:A person was a weird choice for a kill. He was barely here. I don't remember having any impression of him. How do baddies usually choose their NK targets around here?

I really want to hear more from Rey and TH.
And I really want to hear more from you. :D
by reywaS
Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:07 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [9:00am]

S~V~S wrote:Yes. The cast is rather a quixotic bunch, so perhaps a display they arrange might be baffling rather than otherwise. Baffled IS one of the poll choices. And from the post, the whole thing sounds rather baffling, lol.

Plus female manequins in underwear just don't do it for me arousal wise :shrug:
unless it's an 80s movie. :D
by reywaS
Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:28 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [8:00am]

You are suggesting that I voted for FZ, and then I made this post:
reywaS wrote:
S~V~S wrote:
nijuukyugou wrote:Thanks for the vote of confidence in thinking I can't get confused, guys :) But I really CAN be that airheaded when I get excited or think I've done something wrong. Apologies for just responding now! I can respond to anything anyone needs clarification for, but I figured I'd make a post since I haven't since yesterday.

I'm inclined to see FZ as joking, as that would be rather a big mistake to make in-thread, so I don't think I'll throw my vote that way (at least for that reason; not ruling her out). I'm reading and re-reading people and trying to get a feel for who is bad, but apparently I need to re-re-read because I don't feel particularly pinged by anyone just yet. I'll take a few moments to collect my thoughts.
I have seen people do that, more than once, actually. But generally their reaction to it is more along the lines of "OMG, I am sooooo lame" than trying to talk their way out of it, like FZ did. Her reaction to taking suspish felt pretty genuine to me. Had Vomp not been talking about his BTS partners, I might have taken a harder look at what FZ said, but I thought it was pretty obvious that she was just playing around.

The fact that Eloh voted for her seems somewhat opportunistic to me, so my vote might be going there, or I might distance myself from Vomps BTS partners with a vote for Dom.
Seemed pretty obvious to me that FZ was joking. To think otherwise, you'd have to assume that not only did Vompatti inadvertantly out himself in the thread but then FZ came along and accidentally responded to him confirming the outing. I was actually quite shocked that people thought these were legit slips.
and then I switched to Elohcin 10 minutes later?
by reywaS
Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:25 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [8:00am]

I did not vote FZ. My vote was never "switched". The only vote I cast was for Elohcin. Seriously, dude, this is the 2nd different instance of you accusing me of switching my vote in a poll when I did no such thing.
by reywaS
Fri Jun 13, 2014 8:35 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [8:00am]

Boogs wrote:
Rey was blendy in my post about the 7 am vote saying he would have swapped to Dom and then he's being blendy now for voting without a reason or much to say. I just don't get good feels about him. He, Blooper, and FZ are on my list right now. Mp trusting him? I remember him saying he didn't think Rey should get his vote today if I remember correctly. But he also said earlier he agreed with my suspicion on a Blooper and Rey before that but not necessarily the reasons I gave for both, but they were noteworthy for suspicion and votes today.
LMAO. Really, Boogs?
by reywaS
Fri Jun 13, 2014 8:30 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [8:00am]

Boogs wrote:
S~V~S wrote:What part of the back and forth most struck you in the way of convincing you FZ was bad?
I feel MP has really good feels on people when he's civ. When the first thing happened where Vompattii and FZ had their exchange and "joking", it struck me. I totally was like, " what civ would joke like that??". So it made me feel they were either trying to joke but being serious or made a slip up. I still felt I would swap my vote to FZ because that was something enlightening I had been waiting for. Mp was trying to state he thought it could be an honest mistake, but he felt something was pinging him still about FZ.
Rey swapped his vote without much reason. So from the 2 suspects I have, me voting for Rey won't get him lynched, and I don't feel Elohcin is bad. I won't cast a vote on the others that have a vote right now because I don't feel they made me inclined to believe any of them are bad as well. So instead of lynching an innocent civ to me. I swapped to FZ to stand behind voting for someone I feel is bad.
Why do you keep saying that I am switching my vote? This is the 2nd occasion now where you've accused me of switching my vote willy nilly when I have done no such thing.
by reywaS
Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:32 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [8:00am]

I am also going to vote Elohcin
by reywaS
Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:21 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [8:00am]

S~V~S wrote:
nijuukyugou wrote:Thanks for the vote of confidence in thinking I can't get confused, guys :) But I really CAN be that airheaded when I get excited or think I've done something wrong. Apologies for just responding now! I can respond to anything anyone needs clarification for, but I figured I'd make a post since I haven't since yesterday.

I'm inclined to see FZ as joking, as that would be rather a big mistake to make in-thread, so I don't think I'll throw my vote that way (at least for that reason; not ruling her out). I'm reading and re-reading people and trying to get a feel for who is bad, but apparently I need to re-re-read because I don't feel particularly pinged by anyone just yet. I'll take a few moments to collect my thoughts.
I have seen people do that, more than once, actually. But generally their reaction to it is more along the lines of "OMG, I am sooooo lame" than trying to talk their way out of it, like FZ did. Her reaction to taking suspish felt pretty genuine to me. Had Vomp not been talking about his BTS partners, I might have taken a harder look at what FZ said, but I thought it was pretty obvious that she was just playing around.

The fact that Eloh voted for her seems somewhat opportunistic to me, so my vote might be going there, or I might distance myself from Vomps BTS partners with a vote for Dom.
Seemed pretty obvious to me that FZ was joking. To think otherwise, you'd have to assume that not only did Vompatti inadvertantly out himself in the thread but then FZ came along and accidentally responded to him confirming the outing. I was actually quite shocked that people thought these were legit slips.
by reywaS
Thu Jun 12, 2014 7:15 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [8:00am]

FZ. wrote:And I'm also willing to vote for Rey, if someone wants to join me
any particular reason or are you just throwing mud at the ceiling to see what sticks?
by reywaS
Thu Jun 12, 2014 2:05 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [8:00am]

I never got the impression that the person that got the most votes would be the "winner". To me it seemed more likely that the people that voted for the right option would have won if there was anything to be won. That's normally how day 0 polls go, and I know you all know that. :D
by reywaS
Thu Jun 12, 2014 1:34 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [8:00am]

Boogs wrote:
reywaS wrote:
Boogs wrote:My two cents so far: I'm looking at possibly Reywas or blooper today. For Reywas: it seemed blendy and it was as if the group was trying to be shifted towards Reywas for some odd reason and then it went to the poll ending and him being like, "oh if I would have changed my vote I would have voted for one of the top 2 vote getters now". Just weird idk. Felt like MP was kind of gearing at us following to vote him and when Reywas checked in and saw he wasn't going to win, he tried a blendy recovery.
For Blooper: I find your excuse and acting confused bogus. You voted dom and not me and said it was because he "self voted" when I did the same. Could be that you chose him over me because he's a teammate as a possibility also. I even mentioned I self voted first as a response to you to try to change your vote and you didn't respond to that or give why Dom got the vote.

Linki MP she gave me an eyebrow too how she was quick to help me all of a sudden too.
You really think I would feel the need to be blendy in a day 0 poll where no one knows what it means?
Yes :)
If I had said that I would have voted for you instead of Dom, I bet you wouldn't have even commented on it. :D
by reywaS
Thu Jun 12, 2014 1:30 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [8:00am]

Also, Boogs, I missed the vote. I didn't say that I would vote for Dom if I could have changed it. I said if I would have gotten here with enough time to vote, so it appears your whole line of thinking on this is incorrect.
by reywaS
Thu Jun 12, 2014 1:25 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [8:00am]

Boogs wrote:My two cents so far: I'm looking at possibly Reywas or blooper today. For Reywas: it seemed blendy and it was as if the group was trying to be shifted towards Reywas for some odd reason and then it went to the poll ending and him being like, "oh if I would have changed my vote I would have voted for one of the top 2 vote getters now". Just weird idk. Felt like MP was kind of gearing at us following to vote him and when Reywas checked in and saw he wasn't going to win, he tried a blendy recovery.
For Blooper: I find your excuse and acting confused bogus. You voted dom and not me and said it was because he "self voted" when I did the same. Could be that you chose him over me because he's a teammate as a possibility also. I even mentioned I self voted first as a response to you to try to change your vote and you didn't respond to that or give why Dom got the vote.

Linki MP she gave me an eyebrow too how she was quick to help me all of a sudden too.
You really think I would feel the need to be blendy in a day 0 poll where no one knows what it means?
by reywaS
Wed Jun 11, 2014 10:26 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [7:00am]

MovingPictures07 wrote:
Sorsha wrote:So MP wants us to vote for Rey.... Interesting. :ponder: I won't be voting for Rey.

I have a few years of retail under my belt from back in my high school and early college days. Nothing commission based but one place did keep track of our sales and number of customers served each day. I always had a high number of customers served but that didn't always translate to higher sales.

Even still... I think I can outsell each of you guys so I'm voting for myself. :p
Why is that interesting? And what does that mean exactly? Did this get anyone else's attention?
It stood out to me, yes, but I thought it was just me being self centered.
by reywaS
Wed Jun 11, 2014 10:25 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [7:00am]

Can I still vote please? :D

I would vote for Dom if I could have gotten here 15 minutes earlier.

Moral victory, Dom!
by reywaS
Wed Jun 11, 2014 10:22 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [7:00am]

Well, shit
by reywaS
Wed Jun 11, 2014 5:28 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [7:00am]

FZ. wrote:
DisgruntledPorcupine wrote:I'll go with Mr. Rey.
Why? Are you sucking up?
Why would that constitute sucking up exactly?
by reywaS
Wed Jun 11, 2014 4:07 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [7:00am]

FZ. wrote:Oh, I thought TH said day, not game. I think it might be for this day.
I didn't think about the "had". Does it really rule out that option?
Of course not

Host: What does most sales in the poll question mean? Please and thank you, sir. :D
by reywaS
Wed Jun 11, 2014 3:38 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [7:00am]

Turnip Head wrote:Maybe most sales means the most posts in the game?
Me don't tink dis poll querstion be talkin bout dis game. It say "had" not "has"
by reywaS
Wed Jun 11, 2014 9:10 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Are You Being Served? [We're Closed!]
Replies: 610
Views: 19739

Re: Are You Being Served? [7:00am]

Hello hello

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