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by Illyria
Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:22 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13006

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

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I was STOKED about The Hound, even more that he is gonna kick some ass.

Lyanna Mormont was AWESOME and that kid radiated strength but was not petulant so major kudos to that young actress. Ser Davos FTW as per usual, and I love that Tormund was all "lets go bitches" to the Wildlings.

The rest of it was pretty meh. One of my least favorite eps so far this season.
by Illyria
Fri Jun 03, 2016 5:41 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13006

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

S~V~S wrote:
Spoiler: show
Well, re dragons, don't forget she locked up two of the three and abandoned them. Tyrion let them go. My opinions on Dany, already complex, took a turn for the worse when she locked them up.
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No, I didn't forget and I concur my feelings became confused and unhappy when she did that as well. But there are still three of them, and I am guessing in order to survive in any world it would be "safer" sans dragons. I had a great dream of Sansa and Ayra riding the other two until Dany fucked it all up. :mad: :rolleyes: :doh:
by Illyria
Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:07 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13006

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

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Given this new perspective, I have started to wonder. If she is the Big Bad (or band! We don't judge here) how in the WORLD are they going to kill all 3 dragons. Who, no lie, I will be more upset about losing than Dany. :blush: I would love to see Sansa and Jon in the North and Arya ruling down South. :noble:

But I am very sure that we are losing a Stark this season and I do not think it will be Rickon... or just Rickon. :eek: :huh:
by Illyria
Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:53 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13006

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

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I heard something interesting the other day, is Khaleesi becoming a villain? Rulers know they can't go in and murder everyone, burn cities to the ground, etc.Which is what she has been saying she will do for some time now. Is the Targaryen (okay, my spell check just corrected that how great is that?) in her taking over? I think that would be a VERY interesting twist that I could get behind. :feb:
by Illyria
Mon May 30, 2016 9:46 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13006

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
BEEEEEENJEEEEEEEENNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Omg, longest tease EVER. I am glad they gave us an explanation as to why he has been gone for so long. Now that Bran has another protector I am hoping they start high tailing it south, cause.. damn.

Tomnen, you ass. :disappoint:

Marjorie was playing a Long Con that failed when you saw her face when the army showed up she was like "Damn, that was not what I thought was going to happen".

Jamie and Cersei felt like a goodbye. If Blackfish kills Jamie, I legit won't know how to feel. :puppy:

Yes Ayra, it is time for you to go. You have learned what you needed to learn. Get your ass on a boat and GTFO of there and head home.

Khalessi.. it is about damn time. I get they are setting up Yara showing up with the boats but this whole thing feels like it is taking forever. Which, to be fair, massive warfare does take forever to organize and implement... so I guess that is okay??? I just want her to lay waste to Westeros soon, but I guess she wont show up til the White Walkers show in Kings Landing or the Riverlands. :sigh:
by Illyria
Tue May 24, 2016 9:46 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13006

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

a2thezebra wrote:I should clarify that I plan to make the third party cut as a single piece, I'm estimating around 10-15 hours.
What does that mean?
by Illyria
Mon May 23, 2016 10:19 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13006

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
I. AM. WRECKED. I can NOT BELIEVE we lost another godfrakingdamn Direwolf, we only have Ghost (and technically Nymeria)left. I just cant w/ Hodor. I just.. can't. I have not been hurt like that since I read the chapter that had "The Red Wedding" in it. :pout:

I am such an easy person, I loved this episode (and the ones previous). I really am looking forward to the Brienne/Sansa buddy cop movie and ohhhh MAN did I want her to kill Littlefinger. SO MUCH. I was stoked about The Blackfish, I hope we get to see him soon. I was actually kind of upset when Jon legit left The Wall. I want him to go and kick that twat's ass, but I was conflicted about it, which I think he is as well, so well done there.Dany and Jorah. :puppy: And there is a cure but I seroiusly doubt he will find it in time. The more I think about it, the less I think we will see Dany on the Iron Throne. I am starting to wonder if she will get all the way over to Westeros, kill everyone then die right at the last second by some lame way.

Arya watching the play was horrible. Poor baby. :( But whoooo those fight scenes with Bitch Face were REALLY good, the stunt team and fight choreographer really stepped it up this year. :huh:
by Illyria
Thu May 19, 2016 5:55 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13006

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
I think, for me, where I can tell the writers no longer have a rudder is the Khaleesi story line. I understand why y'all thought it was derivative, but I will never tire of setting misogynists on fire. :D :noble: I also want to see the Dothraki horde with the Unsullied roll over Kings Landing like hot molasses SVS. :biggrin: Goooooood times.
by Illyria
Mon May 16, 2016 6:18 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13006

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
LOVED IT. Best ep of the season thus far. I loved the Women Were Meant to Rule theme, all the way through. Sansa reading the letter (how creepy was that letter?) Brienne putting the Red Woman on notice :clap: Dany getting back to her roots, I have to say her Flamethrower Music is so good. I get so stoked when it happens. Majorie telling her brother to suck it the fuck up, I can't wait to see what happens when she gets free.

Jorah and Darrio buddy cop movie is fun, and I am glad they have gotten that story line put together that was a MESS.

I agree with Tyrion, and I would like to see more of that kind of stuff. He is good at that, and we should sell it.

I totally:
Cried with Sansa and Jon I needed that to happen so much, and their conversations immediately after was lovely.
Ship Tormund and Brienne with Edd. :srsnod: :noble: My new OTP! :D
Knew we would lose Asha and HATED IT. :sigh:
by Illyria
Sun May 15, 2016 3:28 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13006

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Ricochet wrote:
Illyria wrote:
Spoiler: show
That was one of the best fight scenes I have ever seen, the stunt team should be commended. Well thought out and executed.
Spoiler: show
They should, but I think they're too dead to care.
Spoiler: show
This actually took me a second, I almost went and googled "major accident on GoT set". :haha:
by Illyria
Mon May 09, 2016 5:35 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13006

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
That was one of the best fight scenes I have ever seen, the stunt team should be commended. Well thought out and executed.
by Illyria
Mon May 09, 2016 4:39 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13006

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

What do we think?
Spoiler: show
Not terribly surprised by most of it, took me a second when Jon walked away from The Wall-- but I get it. I want Ser Davos and Jon to get to Winterfell RFN.

That convo on Whats app was HILARIOUS between my sister during THAT reveal.

"Who does he.. NO.NO.



Khaleesi, I am already getting bored so lets get a move on and raise some hell please.

Ayra, thats a girl. :srsnod: The discipline will be good for you, and make you a far more efficient killer. :noble:

Tomnen, you sweet stupid baby. :huh:

So happy to see Diana Rigg back!!!!!!!!!! :workit:
by Illyria
Wed May 04, 2016 5:36 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13006

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

sig wrote:
Illyria wrote:I have not sig, do tell!
SVS posted a good accurate video about it, it's almost 100% book based.
The original theory was created by someone on reddit I believe, it is really in depth and good imo. If you're a book fan you'll enjoy reading it.
I read the books once, and would re-read them but the 4th one just about killed me to finish, it was a ponderous tome. I DONT CARE WHAT THEY ARE EATING GEORGE.
Spoiler: show
I concur that it was anticlimactic, and I was unsurprised but still thrilled. :blush:

Ser Davos wins again! "I apologize for what you are about to see" *draws sword* :haha:

I know it is wrong, but that damn wolf growling as they broke the door down was SO HOT. (I do not support bestiality because eww-- but DAMN IT WAS AWESOME) I love that they have a real one with some added CGI for size it makes the difference imo.

So this episode's theme was Down with the Old Guard and The Kids Are Taking Over Bitches. Did the Happy dance for Roose Bolton VENGEANCE FOR THE KING OF THE NORTH! :noble: , not so much for the baby and Doofie.

I want the dragons to come into play, and I remember the brother and Dead Pyke Dad (I suck at names) having a smackdown and the SUUUUUPPPPER boring political struggle with Asha and Uncle Pyke from the books. By all the Old Gods and The New I hope they do a better job of that on screen.

Arya's little pause and the way her voice escalated in pitch on the last "A girl has no name" :puppy:

I like that the Red Woman still thinks that She SUCKS. I am 1000% down with that, psycho hussy. :fist:
by Illyria
Sun May 01, 2016 8:39 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13006

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

I have not sig, do tell!
by Illyria
Mon Apr 25, 2016 5:35 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13006

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

S~V~S wrote:West Side Story?

That is the version I have been humming all day long!!

No, that is a line from "A Christmas Story" when the Dad's major prize is on the way. :D

Before I start replying to people and espousing my opinion on things, I don't think most of you know how I roll when it comes to stuff like this. I am along for the ride. The only time I have ever gotten upset when something diverged from any book was OOTP, which was a fucking travesty of a movie and it disgusts me. Other than that, I am usually pretty good with what I get as long as it is close. Hollywood is run by morons, so I have low expectations. :srsnod:

Ricochet wrote:
Spoiler: show
The Dorne scene did nothing more than to further piss me off that the Dorne storyline was completely wasted in the show.
Spoiler: show
I disagree, at least they are slightly more bad ass than they were last season. :nicenod:

LOVED the episode, not knowing what will be happening, for the most part, is kind of freeing and frustrating at the same time. Much like everyone else, I HOLLERED when Brienne came riding out, (POOOOOOOODDDDD!!!!!!) :dance: and then I got all verklempt when Sansa recited the same words as her mother to Brienne. She even looked like her standing there. :why: (How did Theon kill that guy by shoving a sword through his back when he had his shield on?)

I liked the Dany plot point, and I think I agree with the consensus. She needs reinforcements besides the Unsullied in order to take Westeros.

Ayra is also back to the beginning having to learn to fight while vulnerable to everything.

Ser Davos FTMFW. "I would like some mutton"

And Edd. :( He hurt my black and scarred heart. Also GHHOOOOOOOSSSSSTTTTT *sobs*

And now.. The Red Woman... One. WOAAAAH. Two. I believe she is going to try to bring Jon back. It makes sense since she knows it can be done (Beric Donderrean) and they made a point of it in the show. They have skipped and dropped things before, but went out of their way to show this, so I still remain steadfast in my hope. :noble: Mainly because I don't know if I can handle the Starks losing all of their boys-- even if I am Super Girl Power about this show and life in general. I would love to see Jon and Dany make beautiful babies because good lord those two are pretty.

I want to see Sam, he is going to be devastated when he finds out about Jon.
We need a crying smiley!
by Illyria
Sun Apr 24, 2016 3:51 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13006

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones


Tonight! Tonight! Hot Damn it is coming tonight!

Bonus points if anyone can guess the movie that is from btw. :D

Also, this will be the first time many of us will have no idea what is about to happen. I feel pressured and at risk. :omg: :huh: :omg:

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