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by Roxy
Tue Dec 20, 2022 6:57 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 2]

little tsp.

I like little tsp it's cuter.

Anyway I digress.

You never responded to me and hey I get it. You are a low poster. Well so am I. If we do not put susp out we get elimmed. Please give me your top three suspects and WHY.
by Roxy
Tue Dec 20, 2022 6:55 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 2]

@sabie12 thank you for responding to me. I still see no thought progression from your susp of Wigly to voting for falcon.I do feel as though you have disappeared again and am afraid you'll just show up and vote whatever wagon has formed. I would like your top three suspects. :eye:
by Roxy
Tue Dec 20, 2022 6:48 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 2]

@Dennis Whoa I wanted to trust you and give you leeway this game but I have to be honest here your responses to people today have left me feeling much worse about you. You are only defending. Where are your suspicions? If you are indeed town then give us your top 3 susp and why.
I have stronger baddie vibes from others right now but I see you are a lead target today so I would like a response.

You cannot "No u" your way through a defense. You need to give reasons as to *why* you did the things you did or said the things you have said.
For example: you said splints "misinterpreted" your words. Then you voted for her. This is giving me the ick from you. That is a big fat No u. You needed to respond to her and give her the chance to respond back BEFORE you start laying votes down all slap happy. With very weak reasoning.
by Roxy
Tue Dec 20, 2022 6:40 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 2]

@RondoDimBuckle you are auto baddie bc of your zero involvement this game. I do not like how your posts read nor the ibe I am getting from them. It's like you are phoning it in. probs spending too much time in chat with your teamies.
by Roxy
Tue Dec 20, 2022 6:38 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 2]

@Marmot you never responded to my post. I am disappointed. I will copy it here and hope you will respond before I start wondering why, then I'll be susp of you.

Quote by Rox "Marmot I agree with some of what you say but we did have very diff takes on d 1 Wigly vs falcon. I saw a bad Dr. You saw a bad falcon. I am interested on your take of Epi, TSP, Rondo and Quin who showed up late to the party. Also what do make of Wigly now?"
by Roxy
Tue Dec 20, 2022 6:34 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 2]

@lucy while you took the time to write a story it would *better* if, ya know, you played the actual game you signed up for. You did this same type of thing when we were bad together. No susp put forth too much OT. In fact in this game you have over 60 posts of which maybe 18 are truly on topic.

You told Quin he was wrong about the baddies and that *you* going to name them then all you did was write a readers digest story. Well, some of us are still waiting for your list of baddies.

I said I would wait for others to sort you but I fear it will be too little, too late.

Can you please list your top 3 suspects.
by Roxy
Tue Dec 20, 2022 6:29 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 2]

@DrWilgy - so no response to my post about your lynch gambit D 1? I guess not since you are sitting pretty after starting the lynch on falcon. You started with susp on falcon AND Neon. You pressed falcon since he responded way more as you only slightly pressed Neon. hen after all your pressing on about falcon you voted Neon after only giving her 2 posts of your time.

Right after your vote you start in with the "if falcon flips..." bs lines of thought. Putting people in the crosshairs of a lynch that *YOU* started.

Then you cleared Neon for no apparent reasoning.

I do think you thought you were slick.
Starting a lynch on a town then after it gets rolling attack those that read up and agreed with you.

It feels like a baddie who was caught with his hands in the cookie jar.
Don't come at me with "well this is my new meta" bc I do buy players that say "that cannot be bc my meta" such a loose pile of crap for a townie to slip in.

Why start a wagon then suspect thse that agreed with you?
Why did you suddenly drop your susp of Neon? I see NO thread progression on it.

more to come
by Roxy
Mon Dec 19, 2022 4:41 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Night 1]

Neon I made you a separate entry. I am with you about wall posts lol
I feel like you are playing the same as last game and I sooo want to trust you. Where are your thoughts concerning Wigly and Dennis. How do you feel about Rondo, TSP, Epi and Quin? What did you make of Wigly's susp of you? Who are your top three choices for elim?
by Roxy
Mon Dec 19, 2022 4:40 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Night 1]

Firstly and most importantly I picked a Back Packing adventure - something I wish I had more time for than the 3 or 4 times a year I get to it.

Mid-Day Check In - I would be a rock so I could lay around in the sunshine all day and just be a stoned.

Dennis well I can almost feel the struggle you are having this game. I do feel you are playing differently. Is it bc like you say you had a PR but don't this game? Or is like others think and you are in btsc as a baddie? It is not a weak argument to use past play against people it is how we suss out the baddies. You seem to be more jokey this game (not there is anything wrong with that) which is diff for you. What super pinged me was when Quin had talked about posting his top 3 suspects you immediately went to " if he actually knows the mafia team he should just tell us now. But he doesn't because I'm on it and I'm civ so" . It felt like you not being very authentic. It did not *feel* town.

DrWilgy You are playing soooo diff from last game. You are all involved. You are all up in the thread. You have not licked a single sole this game. You have engaged. You have hunted for baddies by leading a elim on a townie but then voted for Neon. Granted you brought both up but only really engaged with falcon. Then as votes were being cast you said "Fascinatingly, I believe if Falcon flips W, Dennis has some pretty significant scum equity...
However, I am unsure how to read the slot without data as must of the posts I've seen from the slot have felt NAI.
If Falcon flips town, I do think it implies a wolf between SVS/Kate. Very interesting indeed..."
like you are setting up for the next days elim without ever taking any of the heat yourself. Color me impressed.

Epignosis welcome. Looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts. I get rl is in the way, it's like that a lot of the time for me. Hopefully you can throw some thoughts out before EON. Waiting to give a read as you really have nothing to sort you with.

fingersplints last game I was bad I sorted you very quickly, this game not so much lol. I do feel town vibes from your reads and posts but you have fooled me before. So I'll be watching instead before I sort you.

Kate uuggghhh I am horrible at reading you. You do seem like you are playing your town game and I did feel better about you after your convo with Dennis . I know rl is busty but also looking for you give a list or a few reads so I can further guage your alignment.

Lemonfairy so so good. Like you are posting and trying to sort people you have never played with before. idk about calling you town just yet need a number of posts to determine that. Who would be your top 3 susp for the baddie team?

Lucy who knows? lol she told me she plays diff every time. She likes chaos. Is this bad chaos or good chaos idk I will wait for others who have played with you more to sort you. For the life of me I cannot read you bc of your one liners and no real suspicions put out.

Marmot I agree with some of what you say but we did have very diff takes on d 1 Wigly vs falcon. I saw a bad Dr. You saw a bad falcon. I am interested on your take of Epi, TSP, Rondo and Quin who showed up late to the party. Also what do make of Wigly now?

Quin glad you made it pal. But tbh I am left a bit in the lurch inre:your trio of baddie selections. You have elaborated some about Dennis but I am curious to your thoughts on the others. Not much else to say bc you have barely been here. (I adore your Avatar btw)

Rondo pal! Where have you been? Why should this game be diff from the last? In both you are supposedly looking for baddies. You were *much* more involved last game and tbf I do not buy Dennis' theory that is was bc you replaced in. Have you adjusted your reads bc of the last elim?

sabie12 I do not remember if we ever played together if we did it would have been a long time ago so....I am not getting good vibes from your posts and disagree more than agree with your thoughts. Yes the reason I voted Rondo is bc he came in all like "Game solved heres the baddies" then promptly left and did not return. It gave me icky vibes. You first thought Wigly was the baddie in his vs with falcon, but then you ended up on falcon. You seemed to change completely after your convo with Marmot bc Marmot laid it out differently. How or what made you change your mind so completely that you voted for falcon? Was it just bc Marmot saw it differntly that you abandon your own mind and thought process to link to Marmot's? I just do not see the progression in your posts.

S~V~S - you are hard to read and like Golden I always think of you as Town, whether deserved or not. I do not know if I agree with Quin just yet bc tbh I am not sure I understand it completely. Was it just your take on the Lucy/Dennis convo? I seen your case on falcon though I did not agree with all of it. It was Day one so I get that but would like to understand wtf Quin is on about. Have you ever played with Quin? Does he know your game? I feel like I should as we played hundreds of games together but you are unreadable to me. All I can do is watch and wait and see.

TonyStarkPrime dude what up? Are you disappearing again? You came in and said I can read falcon then left ofc after the elim you reported him as town. :eye: You have 8 posts all one liners. I cannot get a proper read from one liner mostly ot posts. Can you please elaborate on your top three susp.
by Roxy
Sun Dec 18, 2022 6:30 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 1]

S~V~S wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 6:26 pm
Roxy wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 6:21 pm
S~V~S wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 6:01 pm
fingersplints wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 5:38 pm
S~V~S wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 5:11 pm You want us to text you?
You heard the man! Text him that! :haha:
It is hilarious. <3 but does it make him bad?
I don’t have his phone number :shrug:
No, there is also town BTS in this game. But having read his ISO and compared it to LGM, I think civ BTS Is less likely.
I understand what you are getting at. I guess I really do not know anybodys game style truly. It's been so long since I've played but day ones are always a crapshoot.
by Roxy
Sun Dec 18, 2022 6:23 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 1]

Roxy wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 6:21 pm
S~V~S wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 6:01 pm
fingersplints wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 5:38 pm
S~V~S wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 5:11 pm You want us to text you?
You heard the man! Text him that! :haha:
I don’t have his phone number :shrug:
It is hilarious. <3 but does it make him bad?
by Roxy
Sun Dec 18, 2022 6:21 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 1]

S~V~S wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 6:01 pm
fingersplints wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 5:38 pm
S~V~S wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 5:11 pm You want us to text you?
You heard the man! Text him that! :haha:
It is hilarious. <3 but does it make him bad?
I don’t have his phone number :shrug:
by Roxy
Sun Dec 18, 2022 6:17 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 1]

My fave christmas party was when I took my older sister to mine and she was passed out drunk in my car before we finished the salad course. Lmao. I stayed and had two desserts then went home.

I cannot believe Rondo hasn't come back. He is my strongest ping for day one. I'm gonna vote:Rondo.

I see falcon taking votes but tbh I feel more pinged by the good Dr Wigly. So I cannot see me voting for falcon.

The Kate and Dennis back and forth has me - intrigued - but tbf I am a yet undecided on them.

Lemon welcome. I do not suspect or vote newbies day 1. Your welcome.
by Roxy
Sun Dec 18, 2022 12:38 am
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 1]


Dr Wigley you are much more engaged. While you do tend to post a lot of off topic IN gameS you feel much more focused. Why the difference in style? What changed from the last game that has made you MoRE involved?
by Roxy
Sun Dec 18, 2022 12:31 am
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 1]

So far the only things stand out to me are that iRondo came in like a much duller version of himself from last game. He is not pressing anyone. He has not made multiple votes with nary a reason. He hasn't pushed not questioned anyone for any reason. Makes me wonder about what may have changed from this game to the last one.

Dr Wigley you are much more engaged. While you do tend to post a lot of off topic this game you feel much more focused. Why the difference in style? What changed from the last game that has made you not involved?

Lucy I feel I barely learned your style while we were teamies but I do remember something about chaotic questions and learning from the responses. You are not as forceful this game as the last. It feels more light hearted. Idk what that means yet but it's just something I noticed.

Zero posts from Eps or TSP. @Mongoose do you know anything?
Are they being replaced or have they asked for a sub? Will you even bother answering these questions?

It's d 1. And it's still early.
by Roxy
Sat Dec 17, 2022 11:07 am
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 1]

Neon wrote: Sat Dec 17, 2022 10:52 am
So much cuter Mongoose nose doesn't even fit its head 0 out of 10

This made me giggle out loud thanks for Saturday morning smiles!

I've been reading childrens books only and trying to find some that I can margin write for my Granddaughter my fave so far I found was The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Mackesy. I adore it's messages.

@Neon Not sure yet but eye was drawn somewhere D 0 but I'm giving it a chance since it was only D 0. So no name mentioning for yet. How about you?
by Roxy
Sat Dec 17, 2022 9:49 am
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 1]

Kate wrote: Sat Dec 17, 2022 9:35 am
Roxy wrote: Sat Dec 17, 2022 9:03 am PSA

Off Topic Green is your best friend for, ya know, OFF TOPIC posts.
:sigh: sorry baby's been up since chatty.
:bighug: :hug: :hugs:
by Roxy
Sat Dec 17, 2022 9:03 am
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 1]


Off Topic Green is your best friend for, ya know, OFF TOPIC posts.
by Roxy
Sat Dec 17, 2022 8:37 am
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 1]

Neon wrote: Sat Dec 17, 2022 3:15 am
Roxy wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 11:24 pm I would love to have my picture taken with a baby lion. I am late with that but I adore Mongooses funny thread shenanigans.
My favorite holiday cookie is peanut butter with chocolate chips.
Fossa > Mongoose
Nah. The Fossa's nose looks like Rocky Balboa after his fight with Apollo - that nose is HUGE


The Mongoose's face is nothing but adorable nothing to detract from it's cutness such as a HUGE nose. Did you notice the pupils of its eyes? ADORABLE. Plus Rikki-Tikki-Tavi.


Fossa<<<<<<<<Mongoose. imho
by Roxy
Fri Dec 16, 2022 11:24 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 1]

I would love to have my picture taken with a baby lion. I am late with that but I adore Mongooses funny thread shenanigans.
My favorite holiday cookie is peanut butter with chocolate chips.
by Roxy
Fri Dec 16, 2022 8:14 am
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 0]

fingersplints wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 5:28 am Oh I didn’t realise I could pick multiple items. Guess I put too much thought into narrowing it down to one.
morning splints
by Roxy
Fri Dec 16, 2022 8:10 am
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 0]

I love cheese on my blt.

I was curious about next week as well.
by Roxy
Thu Dec 15, 2022 11:53 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Felt Mafia 3 [EndGame]
Replies: 1486
Views: 43529

Re: Felt Mafia 3 [Day 0]

I picked Earl Grey bc Darjeeling is not listed.
Happy for a new game

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