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by rabbit8
Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:35 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295386

Re: Interrogation Room

Typhoony wrote:
rabbit8 wrote:
Tranq wrote:What's your favorite color?

Blue, you nub bitch.

How hard would you slap Tranq if your daughter came home with him?

by rabbit8
Tue May 31, 2016 10:57 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295386

Re: Interrogation Room

indiglo wrote:What do you think are 3 of the most important things you, as a dad, can (or should) teach your kids?

How is being a father different from what you imagined or expected?

Are you more of a night owl or an early riser?

Are you more likely to go for a sweet snack or a salty/savory snack late at night?

Do you have any pets?
Never mind, I don't miss you at all.

Teach them to succeed in life, self worth. Give them all the tools possible. Like school, hum my daughter, she is coming around to listening. Give them space and teach them they can do it themselves. Realize sometimes you have to let them make mistakes on their own. Basically, just try.

Ha, good question. I never knew you could love someone, else, this much. I love my wife, I love my parents, not the same.

I'm a night owl who rises early. Ha. I like to stay up late, I hate to get up early.

I have five cats, a dog, and two birds.... I hate animals... :noble:

S~V~S wrote:Are you a Texan yet?
Unfortunately.... Though it's hard to get the Yankee outame.
by rabbit8
Tue May 31, 2016 9:01 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295386

Re: Interrogation Room

Enrique wrote:Does true love exist?
by rabbit8
Tue May 31, 2016 3:52 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295386

Re: Interrogation Room

juliets wrote:wabbit, what does your company do? Like i've heard you talk about it and I know oil figures in somehow but I never can quite figure it out.
Are you The Man in Charge or is there another owner?
Did your wife work for you before you got married?
How is the wife anyway? And the little boy and the teenager?

We do a few different things. Main things, He3 detectors, lithium batteries, GM tubes. We also sell Cased hole tools. PNN, RBT, CCL, PLT, etc.. Formation evaluation and well inspection. Things are actually picking up some. Worst part is I had to let people go. I always hate that.

My family owns the company, technically. I run the business and technical side. I don't do sales bullshit. :srsnod:

My wife did work before we got married. She was a truck driver. All 5' 120 lbs of her. Watching her out load some of those fat asses was hilarious. She did postal runs from Houston to Beaumont.

Shes good. She was having a hard time with all my medical stuff, she's likely the only reason I got through. Her and my kids of course. All champs. I can't believe what they did for me. Family is our everything.

My daughter moved out with a guy she thought she was going to marry, I warned her. A year in and things got real. Right now I'm dealing with the why wasn't I good enough phase and of course I'm letting her back in the house. I'm trying to get her into school but I think we babied her to much and she thought everything was going to be handed to her. :p

Nick just passed third grade. Whew.
by rabbit8
Tue May 31, 2016 2:39 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295386

Re: Interrogation Room

Tranq wrote:What's your favorite color?

Blue, you nub bitch.

by rabbit8
Tue May 31, 2016 12:34 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295386

Re: Interrogation Room

Epignosis wrote:Why do you call people bitches?
Why wouldn't I?
indiglo wrote:What brought you back to us?

How much did you miss us?

Do you like the new addition to my signature?

Did you wait until I was dead in the game on purpose before you subbed in?

How do you feel that your time away affected your play style (if at all) or your way of viewing a mafia game (if at all)?
Oil is down. Plus I feel much better after a two years shit storm of personal/family issues.

You, a lot. The rest of these bitches, meh!

Yes. I suck at grammar but I've been trying to get better. I would never have noticed my errors before. In that quote I saw another issue after posting the correction, just said fuck it. :ninja:


I doubt it has had much effect on my game. We'll have to see. I think I'm about the same but who knows yet.
DharmaHelper wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Why do you call people bitches?
Takes one to know one.

Also hey Rabbit love you brother keep it real.
Holy fuck, dude. Still alive I see. Good deal. Do you still play?
by rabbit8
Mon May 23, 2016 10:00 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295386

Re: Interrogation Room

Well, well, well.....


Where you living these days? :|
by rabbit8
Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:28 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295386

Re: Interrogation Room

fingersplints wrote:
rabbit8 wrote::haha: Are you still a snot nose pain in the ass? :grin:

how long did it take you to come up with that one? :goofp:

4 hours? :shrug: Maybe more......
by rabbit8
Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:23 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295386

Re: Interrogation Room

:haha: Are you still a snot nose pain in the ass? :grin:

by rabbit8
Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:02 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295386

Re: Interrogation Room

Golden wrote:
bea wrote:Golden!

1) Is the work censor still an issue?

Not in the same way. Nowadays I think it is less sensitive, and when it's really bad you might be able to let yourself on to the page anyway. I think if I was going to pages with a lot of cursing all the time, it might be being flagged and my manager might find out. But it's not soooo horrible as it was.


What game was that? King Arthur? Rabbit is a complete... genius. Was that King Arthur?

3) Now that me, you, JC and Timmer are here and Wabbit is back - can we pay him back? :D

Where is Timmer?? He should sign up for Roger Rabbit.

As for rabbit payback- the best payback is to be a civilian and lynch him when he is mafia.

4) Where was your favorite vacation?

My favourite vacation is the one I'm taking in a month. I love going to Anaheim and doing Disneyland, but for the first time I'm taking my wife. There will be ten of us in LA for two weeks (me, anita, my parents, my sister, my brother and sister-in-law and his three kids). Then the rest go home and me and Anita spend another week in LA and a week in San Fran. It's going to be completely off the scale awesome.

5) Where would you most like to travel to that you haven't yet?

New York and Washington.

6) How's stuff and things?

Soooo busy. I have real responsibility and stuff now. At work anyway.

7) What have you been up to since you've been gone?

A whole heap of stuff. Married life is I guess the big thing. It's been a really nice phase of life. But I've just made the most of life and enjoyed whatever I've been doing. I'm still working at the same place, only I'm more senioryish now.

8) What did you want to be when you grew up at age 8? 10? 15?

8: A bagpipe player. 10: Probably a cricket player. 15: That's when I realised law was the only thing for me.

9) What's the best advice you've ever received?

I'll come back to this one...

Never gonna happen..........
by rabbit8
Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:31 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295386

Re: Interrogation Room

Golden, can I plan to not read all your walls of text in the Roger Rabbit game? :mafia:

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