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by juliets
Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:29 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 13]

i think i had pretty good luck re: who I lurked by when. Caught SVS killing Lea, caught llama the night he made Mr F and MP play a game, and caught others who I've forgotten. It was a fun role. Great game all and daisy really good job designing the game. Loved it! Also, Daisy why didn't you replace or modkill LT?
by juliets
Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:22 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 13]

i am going to go ahead and vote A Person mostly by process of elimination. I hope I am right.
by juliets
Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:20 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 13]

Yes indi, I checked my records and CBK did vote A Person instead of SVS. Good catch. I need to go back and read what she said when she voted.
by juliets
Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:38 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 13]

Snow Dog wrote:I'm having second thougts about AP. Self voting is a very civ thing for him to do. he does it often because he doesn't like to lynch a civ. Why would he do that if bad. Unless it is to behave consistent.
I was just about to ask if anyone had any insights about his behavior from other games. Snow Dog, who are you looking at today? If I subtract AP from the picture I'm really stuck.
by juliets
Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:49 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 13]

I didn't want to vote CBK either. Is there anyone who was ready to vote for her? I don't have time to read back and see.
by juliets
Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:27 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 13]

Damn!! RIP CBK :( , I definitely thought you were a civv toward the end. Time to take another look at what you had to say in your latest posts.
by juliets
Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:42 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Night 12]

RIP S~V~S, and good riddance Trog. You did a great job in the role SVS - someday you'll have to tell me why you weren't sending in your pms by phone. I was so sure there for awhile that it wasn't you because of that.
by juliets
Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:52 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 12]

I'm going to get busy with family and dont want to miss the vote. I'm voting S~V~S.
by juliets
Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:04 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 12]

I was one of the people who said surely SVS would have sent in her PMs but the more time I've had to think about it and now knowing Trog really did stop killing for awhile, I just see SVS as the only good option. It's the only way I can make the pieces fall into place. Why would anyone else stop killing for a large part of the game when it would be to their benefit to kill? It just doesn't make sense unless there was a reason for it, like not wanting to be exposed by coming back into the game and have the kills start again.

Maybe I'm wrong but I can't think of anyone else that I can fit into the Trog role.
by juliets
Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:57 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 12]

indi, lol to tell you the truth I dont know what my avatar is! I googled homestar avatars and this onion is one of the things that popped up. I thought it was cute so I decided to use it. God knows what it really is.

I hate to say it because she is my friend but I see the most probable baddie as SVS being Trog for the reasons that BDH outlined. That same posted (the one where SVS said she would be looked at if Trog did start killing) is the one that came to my mind as soon as I saw that Trog had killed again. I'm willing to keep an open mind for this lynch period though as there is still a long time to go before the poll ends so I won't vote right now, but I do fell pretty sure BDH is right.

I am traveling to city number 2 today so I won't be around much if all during the day today (real day today).
by juliets
Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:25 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 12]

RIP Lea and Faraday. My belief is both of you were good but thats based on gut (and Snow Dog (I think) who said Faraday was good) so RIPIYWG.

I had a feeling - I'm sure many of you did - that Trog would show up eventually. Now, where do we start?

Also, I am on a trip visiting family and its a little harder to squeeze out time to post so I will be a little less available than normal. I am interesting in finding Trog though and the remaining Lazer(s) so I will participate as much as possible.
by juliets
Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:58 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Night 11]

YAAAY! The head guy! Now, how many are left....I don't have a good feel at this moment but I've also had maybe a little too much wine tonight! I'll do some readback tomorrow.
by juliets
Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:07 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 11]

As I said earlier today I have to vote early - like right now - though I'd really prefer to stay and discuss. I'm convinced borok is a blue lazer after looking at all the evidence including the things BDH contributed and going with my gut instinct (I think that gut comes from some of the things he said as CBK pointed out). I'm just no longer sure of CBK and indiglo because they were connected to Bullz in my mind. Maybe I need to take another look at that but for today, borok is who I want to vote.

I will be out of the thread tomorrow while traveling.
by juliets
Fri Sep 06, 2013 8:55 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 10]

BigDamnHero wrote:
borokkuei wrote: I just wanted to vote because I was going to be busy for a while and knew I would otherwise miss the poll, and I didn't want to make spacedaisy mad. I would have voted myself, but I think she mentioned not liking that either. Other than that, I had my own suspicions based on absolutely nothing (like my reasons for thinking about snow dog and A Person). Bullz seemed as good as dead anyway since most people voted for him, but looking at the roles and the fact that he's alive, it seems fairly obvious that he's a civ too. Considering that other players who have been spotted as civ voted for bullz (SVS, others I don't remember), I don't think there is much to go on there in regard to me being bad.

This is my logic.
I'm sorry but there's nothing in all of that explanation that makes any sense. Bullzeye wasn't "as good as dead" as you claim because you were the first to vote for him. And being the first person to vote, why on earth would you vote for yourself, regardless of real life commitments?!?!?! I've voiced my suspecikns of borrukei before, but this pushes things over the edge. If I could vote now, I'd cast my vote for him immediately, but ill have to wait for Dausy to adjust things to fit her schedule (which is fine by me). Should anything else come to light, I may change but otherwise I'm voting to lynch borrokuei thus round.
I couldn't agree more with this thought. After re-reading a bit I have come to the conclusion that borok is the one and the thoughts expressed by BDH here abouts boroks latest remarks just pushed me over the edge. I feel more sure about him than I do CBK or indiglo. I have to vote early because I am traveling tomorrow so unless someone changes my mind today borok it will be.
by juliets
Thu Sep 05, 2013 5:29 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 10]

Oh thanks CBH - just blame it on my convoluted state!
by juliets
Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:59 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 10]

Well I'm definitely moving in a different direction.

CBK what do you mean by your earlier comment that my comment about borok was either confused or weird? It didn't sound either to me. It was a comment based on a conversation MP had with borok, which is a long time ago in this game. And what conclusion are you drawing from seeing my comment as confused or weird? And finally, why are you wasting time on me? Is it because I have brought out suspicion of you?

I have to think about where to go next after this last lynch. I never got to read indiglo so I will do that this time around though I'm not sure the logic still holds for her to be bad. Also, is there some kind of linking logic from this last lynch attempt that would suggest I look at someone else that I'm not thinking of? The game has gotten so convoluted I'm not sure I'm thinking straight.
by juliets
Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:32 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 10]

I am very confused about all of this, especially the self voting.
by juliets
Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:30 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 10]

Bullzeye wrote:I voted myself because there's really no point in voting for someone else when I'm going to be lynched today. I've explained my side of things and nobody cares, I'm just automatically bad because of that vote. As far as Lost goes JC, that game was at least 50% luck.
I guess the way I see it there is a point in voting someone - to signal to the rest of the civvs who you suspect and even why. I would presume if you were a civv you would still care about a civv win. And lol at luck - you were brilliant in Lost!
by juliets
Wed Sep 04, 2013 9:19 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 10]

Bullz, I cannot forget how good of a baddie you were in LOST. I knew a day would come when I remembered how badly we were fooled by you and it would affect my vote. It's not just that though - that vote for SVS of course is another big reason and now you have voted for yourself. As S~V~S pointed out it wasn't just the vote it was the timing of the vote, and though I can't get inside your head I think it makes sense that you thought others would be voting for S~V~S. And why in the world would you vote yourself if you are civv? Make a statement vote at least showing who you are suspicious of so we can follow that lead if you did turn up civv.

I'm sorry if you are civ, there's always a possibility that you are but in my estimation the evidence does not point that way. *Voting Bullz*
by juliets
Mon Sep 02, 2013 6:43 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 9]

So yay, no death!! I looked through the roles again and the only thing I see that could have happened is that Fightgar blocked the killer, or the whole team missed sending in their pm. Is there any other option that I might have missed?
by juliets
Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 9]

Yes, I did vote for Timmer.
by juliets
Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:39 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 9]

yes, S~V~S is right and my apology was to everyone because when people don't vote it screws up the game.
by juliets
Sun Sep 01, 2013 5:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 9]

Oh no! I totally lost track of what time the lynch was damn. I would not have voted DP though - he had me completely fooled that he was civv. I won't apply that logic that he talks more when he's bad anymore. Thank you to the people that voted him.

I really apologize to both the hostess and my teammates for letting you down. This never happens to me - I get my vote in no matter what. So sorry.
by juliets
Sun Sep 01, 2013 9:57 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 9]

Today is draft day at Hedville (football fantasy) so I won't be around again until sometime after 4 when I will re-read indigo.
by juliets
Sun Sep 01, 2013 9:55 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 9]

Snow Dog wrote:
juliets wrote:Where is everyone today? I'd really like some more discussion. Maybe everyone's absent because of the holiday weekend.
What holiday?
It is Labor Day Weekend - Monday is Labor Day, a national holiday.
by juliets
Sat Aug 31, 2013 8:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 7]

Captain Bunny Killer wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
juliets wrote:So MP, who would you have voted for if not yourself? Which as a civv I don't really appreciate by the way but its too late now.
Probably S~V~S. Maybe DP or Dom, but given how the vote is going, then S~V~S. I feel she doesn't have the civvies' best interests at heart this game and she probably is Trogdor, honestly. But what do I know about that, I could be wrong. Just my gut, which has been wrong before in this game, so take that as you will.

I still have some somewhat rotten feelings about Dom (I really feel like he's been manipulating), timmer, CBK (her thoughts about Leamiteo bugged me), Snow Dog (I just really don't know what to make of him), and LT (I wasn't sure how I felt about bea) in that order. BUT these are all gut/interpretations-based, and I'd hate to do these players what has been done to me, so maybe I'm totally wrong about some or all of these...
I went to look back at MP's final posts as well. I think it's strange that Indi said all the people said 100% on are dead. Although he doesn't use that wording here, he seemed pretty confident about SVS, who is definitely not dead. For that matter, neither are the other top two. ??? In that case, I would continue to consider SVS. I would also consider Dom. Unfortunately, since I was so wrong about MP, I didn't consider Dom, because he seemed to be looking at MP too. But now that we know who MP was... And notice that right after Dom, MP mentioned timmer. I know some of that may have come from timmer going after MP, but we all know how things turned out with timmer. So, MP seemed to have some good insight here.

But then you said this, JC
juliets wrote:Ok, I didn't read back on CBK yet because i wanted to read MP's most recent posts. Have you guys done that yet? I can't tell a damn thing from reading what he said in the posts before he died. He brought up people's names but in the cases I read he would say things like "now this is just my gut feeling" about anyone he brought up. I'm having a hard time pulling a name out of his thoughts. Maybe Dom but from what I read he didn't feel highly confident even there. He said in that post before he died to look at his confidence levels. Well, I didn't see any confidence levels in the posts I've read.

What have the rest of you gotten out of MP re-reads. I certainly didn't re-read all his posts (has anyone here tackled that?) but I did read his latest posts. So, anyone got anything where he's saying he's 90% confident or anything like that?
So, even though we basically found out that MP had inside info on some people, and he seemed fairly confident about at least one person, you couldn't get anything out of it. The reason he was still using the whole gut feeling line is because he hadn't basically outed his role yet, which happened a few posts later. Now, I'm not guarenteeing that he's right about these people, but it seems at least a good place to start reading. And I wouldn't mind adding you and indi to that list of considerations, all things considered. I know that's four people, and I pretty much have no time to read through four people, so we'll see...
MP specifically said to look at his confidence levels to differentiate people he thought were bad from people he was using his gut on. I don't see any confidence level type language anywhere in that post do you? I mean, if you want to call out SVS, and I am by no means sure that she is good, then the same logic can be used to point to you. So, I'm trying not to use what MP says unless he leaves out the part about it being gut feeling and uses some kind of language that indicates confidence level. Do you see what I'm talking about? Go back and read his post and then tell me whether you think I'm wrong to throw out all his "gut" stuff.
by juliets
Sat Aug 31, 2013 6:46 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 9]

No, I'm not at all sure about you and I'm eager for discussion to see what other arguments are out there about people. For example, who are you looking at for a vote?
by juliets
Sat Aug 31, 2013 6:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 9]

Where is everyone today? I'd really like some more discussion. Maybe everyone's absent because of the holiday weekend.
by juliets
Sat Aug 31, 2013 3:24 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 9]

I am thinking about voting Captain Bunny Killer today. I went back over her posts and most content is about lynching MP or llama both of whom were good. Her lynch votes line up the same way, llama and MP, except for the last one which could very well be an attempt to save Timmer. I may be completely wrong here and I will keep an open mind up to lynch time but that's where my thinking is right now.
by juliets
Sat Aug 31, 2013 9:51 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 9]

Didn't even realize we had that! Thanks
by juliets
Sat Aug 31, 2013 9:18 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 9]

D Faraday, I evidently didnt get a screen cap for the Timmer vote. Who else voted SVS with you, and do you have the order for both the Timmer votes and the SVS boats? Or does anyone have this?
by juliets
Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:12 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 9]

Ok, I didn't read back on CBK yet because i wanted to read MP's most recent posts. Have you guys done that yet? I can't tell a damn thing from reading what he said in the posts before he died. He brought up people's names but in the cases I read he would say things like "now this is just my gut feeling" about anyone he brought up. I'm having a hard time pulling a name out of his thoughts. Maybe Dom but from what I read he didn't feel highly confident even there. He said in that post before he died to look at his confidence levels. Well, I didn't see any confidence levels in the posts I've read.

What have the rest of you gotten out of MP re-reads. I certainly didn't re-read all his posts (has anyone here tackled that?) but I did read his latest posts. So, anyone got anything where he's saying he's 90% confident or anything like that?
by juliets
Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:45 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 9]

Captain Bunny Killer wrote:
juliets wrote:Snow Dog, who are you looking at this time around? I'm going to take a look at CBK's posts next.
juliets wrote:Yes indi, I should have mentioned that and I forgot - I believe we should do that too. I believe thats where CBK's name came from but i know there were more.

Also, my apologies mata I forgot to say goodbye to you, I am so sad you are dead :( . I'm pretty sure you were good but I guess in this game anyone could turn up as bad. RIP to you.
Wow, you jumped on that. Forgot that someone you believed was civ just died? I wasn't even within MP''s top few in his final posts. Well, anyway, look all you want. Your only worry on me should be that I seem to be terrible at this game (as in wrong about everyone). :sigh:
I jumped on what? Those are both my quotes. And why would I have forgotten that MP was civv? Your whole first sentence confuses me. And yes, all i said was I was going to read back your posts.
by juliets
Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:28 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 9]

Yes indi, I should have mentioned that and I forgot - I believe we should do that too. I believe thats where CBK's name came from but i know there were more.

Also, my apologies mata I forgot to say goodbye to you, I am so sad you are dead :( . I'm pretty sure you were good but I guess in this game anyone could turn up as bad. RIP to you.
by juliets
Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 9]

Snow Dog, who are you looking at this time around? I'm going to take a look at CBK's posts next.
by juliets
Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:02 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 8]

Dom, what do you see in DF's behavior that you think lends itself to being Trog (or are you saying you think he's mafia)? I just did a re-read and nothing jumped out to me. Doesnt mean your wrong, just means you are probably seeing something I did not. If you suspect him of being Trog is it because he's not around much?

DFaraday - you had a suspicion of A Person when I read back on your thoughts. Do you still have that suspicion? If so, could you reiterate what feels wrong about him and if not could you tell us what turned you around? (This time I checked to make sure A Person was still alive!)
by juliets
Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 8]

Matahari, Let me get back to you on that. Today is our RM fantasy league draft and I've been prepping all day since I voted. The draft is tonight. I haven't forgotten you!
by juliets
Wed Aug 28, 2013 8:43 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 8]

I have things to do today so will not be around much. I mentioned having pings about Timmer earlier in the game and now that someone else feels the same I'm willing to put in a vote for him. You're right S~V~S, this pursuit of the low posters makes me nervous. As i think I said, I don't find DP suspicious and DF is always like this. So I'm also voting for Timmer today. *Vote Timmer*
by juliets
Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 8]

S~V~S wrote:OK, Thanks for that. I have only hosted him bad that I recall, so it is good to hear from someone who hosted him civ. But still, it is my experience that he posts a lot more bad than good, so I am still in the same place, really, re DP. But am more open to seeing what there is to see regarding him.

I would like to hear LTs opinion on him, I know she has hosted him, too.
Just as someone who plays with DP, I have noticed he's quieter as a civv. Also he tends to be more disinterested as a civv. He strikes me as a civv in this game.
by juliets
Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:08 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 8]

Snow Dog wrote:
Bullzeye wrote:
timmer wrote:I thought gleam was dead?
He is, he was NKed by... the Blue Lasers maybe? I don't remember and am too lazy to check.
Killed by Firebert AKA The Cheat! :)
Oh geez no wonder we're leaving him alone! I just had a brain malfunction.
by juliets
Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:34 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 8]

Matahari wrote: I just laid my cards out for timmer. I really don't trust anyone unreservedly yet, which is weird at this point in the game.
Yes, I am in the same boat. I'm unsure about everybody which does not feel good.

And I know you're not blowing smoke, I know there were some things that caught your eye and I just want to know what so I can see if I can clear anything up. Take your time. I know I dread going back in this game to find anything.

BTW everyone, are we assuming gleam is the cheerleader and that's why we're laying off him for the time being? How will we know whether to try again?
by juliets
Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 8]

When you come on again mata could you give me a couple of examples of my JCisms seeming hollow? I don't really understand what that means.
by juliets
Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:11 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 8]

RIPIYWG BWT, I had no idea if you were civvie, baddie, whatever. It was nice to play with you again though. See you next game.

So no Trog kill again - maybe he is dead but I just don't see how.
by juliets
Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:10 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 7]

Bullz isn't that only true under the theory that all 6 people who got info were civvs?
by juliets
Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:07 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 7]

Matahari wrote:Apologies mp, I guess I understand about 'confidence levels', but there are still some things that confuse me. I think an mp reread is in order tonight. At least back through the night after LLAMA WAS KILLED, if I understood that right.

JC, did MP's reveal support your last post before the lynch post?
If I understand the question the answer is yes. I couldn't see how we could get him out of the situation, caught between a lynch and a nightkill nor did I necessarily think getting him out of the lynch somehow would be the right thing to do, even if we could do it.
by juliets
Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 7]

wow, whats up with all the non-voters
by juliets
Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:29 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 7]

oops! Sorry for the double post. I'm going to give MP what he wants which is a lynch vote because if he's who I think he is I can't think of a better way out of this dilemma.
by juliets
Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:25 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 7]

Yeah, I firmly believe she would have sent it in.
by juliets
Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:22 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 7]

EBWOP: I am considering giving MP what he wants.
by juliets
Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:20 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Homestar Runner [Day 13]
Replies: 3223
Views: 118008

Re: Homestar Runner [Day 7]

Snow Dog, where are you going to put your vote today?

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