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by Boomslang
Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:37 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276410

Re: Interrogation Room

Roxy wrote:Image

Happy Sunday

Do you use slang words often?
What is your favorite slang word?
Do you have a favorite place to use slang words?
What is your favorite kind of boom? (Boombox, Boomerang, Boomkin, Jibboom, Boomiest, Foreboom)
Do you use words with 'boom' in them a lot?
Do you use it in a sentence like - "Oh yeah I did that!! BOOM!"?
When someone says go to your happy place - where is it?
Sorry for responding late, but I really like these questions :)

1. All the time. Usually a weird blend of modern and 70s era words, though... keeps things interesting.
2. In light of that, gotta go with "groovy."
3. Whenever I can mix up "high" and "low" culture in a classroom setting.
4. Boombox, because the ability to project your music on people who may not care is just too good :P
5. Not really? I mean, the number of contexts in which "boomerang" is appropriate is... rather limited.
6. That's a little self-aggrandizing, don't you think?
7. A nondescript beach, large waves, booze. All the necessary elements.
by Boomslang
Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:27 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276410

Re: Interrogation Room

nijuukyugou wrote:Hello, Boomslang! I like asking the weird questions. Hope you don't mind :biggrin:

Favorite snack?

Favorite food that others might find disgusting?

TV show, movie, and/or song you are embarrassed to admit you love? (If you're not embarrassed, then something someone else would find "embarrassing," if that makes sense)

What is/are your family's country/countries of origin?

If you were an X-men mutant, what would your power be and why?

Favorite gameshow and why?

How do you deal with people's stupidity in real life?
1) I don't often eat them anymore, but... Cheez-its. Little buggers are like crack.

2) Eh, nothing immediately comes to mind... I suppose some people may be put off by seitan, or wheatmeat, due to its somewhat unusual and chewy texture.

3) Anything Ke$ha. Girl got some good beats, what can I say?

4) I'm really not into the whole genealogy thing, but from what I understand, we're primarily English/Scottish/German.

5) Shapeshifting ala Mystique. There's just so much possibility with that power; transform into a bodybuilder for super strength, mirror celebrities for access into exclusive events, pass unnoticed in different cultural circumstances, look good and pick up chicks :P

6) Jeopardy is great, but I may be more taken by Family Feud. The tension between what you want to say and what you think the mass of people would say is delicious.

7) Eh... grin and bear it. Most interactions in public are too fleeting to have much of an effect.
by Boomslang
Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:20 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276410

Re: Interrogation Room

Elohcin wrote:Who makes up you immediate family and or close extended family?

What do you do to pay the bills? Is it what you planned on doing?

Do you cook?
1) My family is really rather small; just my brother, my parents, and I in the immediate range. We do have an aunt with whom we celebrate a lot of holidays and a great cousin (idk what she actually is, but in her 80s) who acts like a grandma surrogate.

2) I'm currently a graduate assistant as part of my school program. It pays the bills (barely) and is not what I'd thought I'd be doing five years ago... I'm ok with the path right now, however. Writing and editing (or even teaching) is a much better fit for me than scientific benchwork.

3) I fancy myself a pretty decent cook. I do a lot of Asian stuff, occasional weird vegetarian dishes like an all-inclusive Thanksgiving casserole, and sporadic muffin baking.
by Boomslang
Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:05 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276410

Re: Interrogation Room

juliets wrote:Boomslang,

What's your mafia history?
- What sites have you played at?
- What was your favorite game and why?
- Did you win this game (if not answered above)
- Who was in your favorite BTS to date?
- Who do you want to have BTS with?
- Do you have a favorite host?
- Do you only mafia at certain times of year or yearound?
1) I've only played online on this site, although I've played a decent amount of the party game. I remember first being introduced to it as "Werewolf" from a German exchange student in high school, and one of the first parties I went to in Illinois had a couple of very intense rounds going on.

2) Favorite game may have been my very first, Avant-Garde 2, just for all the crazy references to musicians I know and love. But closely followed by Super Meat Boy, where I used my preternatural ability to get lynched to my advantage as Tofu Boy :P

3) Won Super Meat Boy, did not win Avant-Garde.

4) I think the only BTS I've had to date has been in WWE, with MP, Bass, and SVS. Which was fun for getting to roleplay as THE ROCK!

5) I want BTS with Vomps. Because I have no idea what's going on in that head.

6) I like MP's no-holds-barred style to participation :feb:

7) It's off and on for me; I'll mostly jump in if I see a theme I particularly like or know I won't be crazily busy for the couple weeks the game is running.
by Boomslang
Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:58 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276410

Re: Interrogation Room

Russtifinko wrote:Hi Boomie!

What's your dream car?
Have you ever been at 0.3 degrees Kelvin? Cleveland was today.
Are you planning any travels for this year, on a break from school, perhaps?
1) Plymouth Prowler. Ten-year-old me, playing Cruisin' USA, thought that was the dopest ish, and I still do.

2) Uh, you might want to check your units, bro. A temp of 0.3 K is like interstellar space cold... But eh, Cleveland is basically the far wasteland of the universe, so that might be accurate :P

3) I don't have anything planned in particular; I'd like to make use of my upcoming spring break, assuming things aren't doofy cold, and in the summer I may go to Nashville for a friend's wedding. But I'm sure Near Earth Objects will want to make some small tour trips during the year, which will get me out and about.
by Boomslang
Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:51 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276410

Re: Interrogation Room

bea wrote:Favorite comfort food?
ZOMG! you are in a band? What's the band name? What do you play?? Where can I listen to your stuff? Why did I not know this? Musical influences?
Either macaroni and cheese, the creamier and more artery-clogging the better, or the Taco Bell quesarito.

I'm actually in a couple bands at the moment, playing cello in both. My more active one, in Cincinnati, is called Near Earth Objects, and we just released a YouTube video for one of our new tracks.

My old band, based in Illinois, is called Acker, and although we're on a bit of a hiatus now, we just released a new full-length that we're pressing to vinyl. You can hear it on Bandcamp.

Musical influences are... eclectic. You have Sockface to thank for that; he singlehandedly got me into prog and other interesting stuff. Favorite band of all time is the Mahavishnu Orchestra, but lately been into both heavy stuff like Giant Squid and Deafheaven and acoustic stuff like Sun Kil Moon and Nana Grizol.
by Boomslang
Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:16 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276410

Re: Interrogation Room

Spacedaisy wrote:Well, I will kick it off for boomslang. Lol

I know you studied biology I think Alex said? What specifically was your area of studies?

Favorite place you have ever visited?

Favorite place you have ever lived?

Care to share a blackmail story about MP? :feb:

What is your favorite holiday?

Where would your dream vacation be?

What is one band you have not seen that you would like to (not ones that are impossible to see now, like if they have broke up or members have died, etc)?

Is your band still touring currently or do they have more tour plans soon?

What would your dream job be?

Am I annoying you yet?
Let's roll!

1) I did study biology (as well as music) at Centre College in Danville, KY. While there, my focus was pretty heavily into ecology and conservation biology, things like invasive species and human effects on ecosystems. I then went to the University of Illinois for crop science, which basically concerns how to make food plants harder, better, faster, and stronger. The lab and academic environment weren't doing it for me, though, so now I'm studying professional writing at the University of Cincinnati in the hopes of becoming a science writer.

2) I go there fairly often, but I'm still going to say Gatlinburg/the Smoky Mountains. Nothing like getting lost in the woods for a day.

3) London. Lived there for a semester in college and completely fell in love with the city. Being able to walk/take the tube everywhere and see cool concerts practically every night was incredible.

4) Man, MP tends to be a pretty straight shooter everywhere but in Mafia :P I do remember one time he abused his employee parking privileges downtown so we had a good space to park for a concert, I believe Anamanaguchi... that's about it, lol.

5) Halloween. All the sense of weird traditions and overeating without (most of) the stress!

6) I'd love to go to the Galapagos Islands before they get completely ruined... I want to follow in the footsteps of Darwin and ride a giant tortoise.

7) Dream Theater. Can't believe I still haven't seen them, but I'm sure they'd be absolutely bonkers.

8) Acker is in a weird place; one of our guitarists just started a job with stupid hours that prevent him from making most shows, and the other had a bunch of work/life plans fall through and is figuring stuff out. But our vinyl is currently being pressed! So we'll see what the future brings.

9) Mothertrucking Moon colonist. But barring that, I think I'd like to become the editor-in-chief of a large popular science or general news magazine. I want to help the public see what's going on in the fields of science and technology and understand the implications, not simply accept or be scared of them.

10) Not quite yet :P

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