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by LoRab
Thu Nov 12, 2015 7:44 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275637

Re: Interrogation Room

If Bernie didn't make it to the election, who would you want to see as president?
by LoRab
Wed Nov 11, 2015 2:48 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275637

Re: Interrogation Room

Ah, Dr Shaw...

What makes you laugh?

Tell us about an early childhood memory
by LoRab
Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:27 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275637

Re: Interrogation Room

What makes you laugh?

What is an early childhood memory?
by LoRab
Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:47 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275637

Re: Interrogation Room

Leggy!!!!! It's been way too long (other than the social media thang).

And I have to say, follow your instinct on Egypt--it's amazing. But go when you have enough money to stay at really nice hotels. And don't get a stomach virus on your last day of the trip. But the pyramids are amazing. The sphinx is disappointing. But dos pyramids...


What makes you laugh?

What's a favorite early memory?
by LoRab
Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:22 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275637

Re: Interrogation Room

What makes you laugh?

Tell us about an early childhood memory.
by LoRab
Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:43 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275637

Re: Interrogation Room

Epignosis wrote:Do y'all drink whiskey after a Shabbat service?
That's more an Orthodox thing. Although I once had whiskey shots at a funeral, because it was the person's tradition (which was nice, because it was below freezing and snowing). We often have wine before and/or after.
by LoRab
Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:26 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275637

Re: Interrogation Room

Roxy wrote:Where is your next vacation going to be?
Who is your favorite Looney Tunes character?
Pie or cake?
Will you ever to a redo of Muppets Mafia?
Or try again for The Princess Bride Mafia?
If you could meet anyone past/present alive/dead who would it be and why?
Next vacation: I'm going to Israel in February before a convention. But, wait, before that, I'll be in Orlando in November for a different convention (I like to combine my business travel with pleasure) and am going to Harry Potter World right before and Disney World right after. I've never been, so I'm really excited!!!

Bugs Bunny, I think. Or maybe Marvin the Maritian.

Pie. As long as it's really good pie.

I'd consider a re-do of Muppets or an actual hosting of Princess Bride.

Oy...that's hard. I realize this isn't a typical rabbi answer, but I think Jesus would be fascinating to have a beer with. I think he was probably a really good guy and interesting to talk to (don't mean to sound offensive--but I really think he'd be fascinating). So I'll go with that.
nutella wrote:What's your favorite holiday?
favorite Muppet?
Favorite Whedon character?
What was the best meal you had recently?
Secular holiday: Thanksgiving. Jewish Holiday: Passover.

Favorite Muppet: I love Statler and Waldorf.

Favorite Whedon character? That's like picking a favorite child. Probably Spike. Maybe Xander. Or Willow.

Best meal...I had really good shakshuka recently at the Shuka Truck in NYC. Shakshuka is Israeli/Middle Eastern (don't know the actual country of origin, but I first had it in Israel--I just assume it exists in the middle east in general because most foods there are regional). It's like a tomato based stew with a fried egg in it--totally random sounding, but really tasty. The food truck in NY does it in a sandwhich, which totally works. A simple meal, but very tasty
by LoRab
Fri Aug 21, 2015 7:13 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275637

Re: Interrogation Room

I remembered another favorite mafia moment!!!

I can't remember what game it was, but I'm pretty sure it was on Piano...someone else will remember what game. Anyway, the host disappeared for a bit in the middle of the game (like, more than a day), so several of us started making up ridiculous micro games to play in the thread in the middle of the game. Like 5 players or so, and they took about a half hour and were just silly. Pretty sure that in one of them, no one knew their role. I think there was a household items one. And Colourful Animal was definitely one of them (brit spelling either because of who made it up or because when LC made the winner's banner he spelled it that way). It was just silly amusement. But a ton of fun.

And people should ask me more questions.
by LoRab
Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:20 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275637

Re: Interrogation Room

S~V~S wrote:What did you like most, and least, about San Antonio?

Did you ever see the Hill Country?

What (from a professional perspective) excites you most about your move to DE?

The same question, from a personal perspective?

Would you perform a wedding for internet friends? Non Jewish internet friends?

Other than DD (I think he is a given) who would you most like to see return to mafia?
In San Antonio, I loved that it was a perfect mix of city and suburb--with culture and restaurants and urban stuff. But still people with backyards. I also loved the people. I liked least that it was far away from anything else that wasn't San Antonio.

I did see Hill Country. It's beautiful!!

Professionally, I'm really excited to explore a new aspect of my career by really focusing on education and running the school and also to work with the colleagues that I'm working with here.

Personally, I love that from Wilmington, I get get to so many places where I have close family and friends...seriously, I'm in the middle of a ton of places.

I did Frex and Dave's wedding, so yes and yes. Although circumstances have to be right in a lot of directions (including state/city laws) for me to do any wedding between 2 non-Jews. It's very much the exception, not the rule.

I totally want DD to return, yes. :feb: Who else? Hmmm....a lot of them are back in Recruitment. Part of me wants to say Chubbz, because he would always slip when he was a baddie. But I think I'd go with Kadaj. He was always a lot of fun, and a really smart player. There are a lot of old time players I would love to see back...stlgirl, LKL, bigz, DRD, Frex...oh--wait--I totally change my answer!!!! Tokyo Rose. Hands down.
by LoRab
Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:11 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275637

Re: Interrogation Room

Roxy wrote:Who is your favorite co host?
Do you have a mafia nemesis? I f yes, who?
You seem to dress up a lot for a variety of Rabbi stuff, what was your favorite?
What CD is in your CD player right now?
Favorite song?
If you had to be a grasshopper or cricket which one would you choose?
What is your most favored cartoon when you were growing up?
Remember Muppet Mafia? I did not win but it was my favorite game, do you remember why?
I loved hosting with Illy. And when we co-hosted the first time, we got to speak on the phone which was awesome--she sounded exactly as her voice had sounded in my head. And we had a lot of fun writing together.

I've long counted aapje as my nemesis, dating way back to Matrix Mafia (and another couple of games around that same time where we were pitted against each other).

So, we have a holiday once a year called Purim, where basically we get dressed up in costume, get drunk, and eat cookies. Oh, and have carnivals. So, a lot of my costume pics are from that. The holiday celebrates the story told in the Book of Esther in the bible, and usually comes in March. So, a few times, I've dressed up as the Esther Bunny. Basically, bunny ears and a tiara and whatever other nonsense I feel like putting together. I also went as a sort of 80's punkrock look chick a couple of years ago--right before I shaved my head, so I had lots of hair that I could put colors in and put in spikes (that didn't stay, so it was just sectioned out). And I made up a whole back story on the costume.

The only CD player I own is in my car--I think it's a Jewish music CD from camp. I'm not positive though. I usually listen to Pandora in the car, and rarely use the CD player.

Ugh, favorite song? I'll go with Thunder Road. Ask me again tomorrow and I'll probably have a different answer.

Grasshopper, because then I could quote subtly live life getting people to quote "Kung Fu."

I loved the Smurfs. And actually still have my old smurf figurines. I also was a big Jetsons fan--and am amused that of all the technology on the show, the Jetsons phone is now actually fairly ubiquitous.

I loved Muppet Mafia!!! Such a fun game to host and another wonderful cohost!!! I've had good luck with cohosts. And we had a lot of fun with the roles in that game. I especially loved our Jim Henson role where we basically gave out either a punishment or a reward each day to the first person that used a certain word (we picked words ahead of time). Why was it your favorite game? You were team sesame street and were last standing on your team, iirc. Wait, I think you were last baddie standing. And rey was kermit who was basically your spy. I'm going it was because you lasted until pretty much end game and were last baddie standing on any team.
by LoRab
Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:29 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275637

Re: Interrogation Room

Metalmarsh89 wrote:Just some starter questions here for you LoRab.

Where are you from and where do you live?
Do you know any Syndicate members personally?
What is your favorite sport?
Have you ever driven a Cadillac?
What is your favorite color?
What is your most memorable mafia moment?
Heiots, timmer, or Metalmarsh89? :grin:
I grew up in New Jersey. Currently live in Delaware. Just moved from San Antonio, TX.

I have become friends with several mafia-folk (and LP folk) over the years and have met a bunch of them. I have even played mafia in person with a few. Of current players on this site, I have hung out in person with: BR, LC, MP, Daisy, and I think that's it? Am I missing anyone who plays here?

Probably baseball. I'm a big Red Sox fan. I don't really play sports myself.

I have driven a Cadillac. My grandparents had one for years and still had it when I was of driving age. And for some time after. They took very good care of it and had it until my grandmother could no longer drive.

Either teal or wedgewood blue.

Favorite mafia a host for Angel Mafia (as in the tv show), when in end game, Diamond Dog completely manipulated Little Tiger into voting with him in end game, even though he was the serial killer, and went on to win the game.

As a player, I have 2. When I killed LC as the head wolf in Once Upon a Crime, it was great. It was only my second game. I was Tin Man, basically a ninja role. I gained BTSC very late in the game (I had to find another player, or they had to find me) and had no idea how to figure out who was bad (I had been mafia my first game and was horrible). Scocub, the host, let me choose the weapons I killed with, and for some reason, I kept choosing garden equipment (it made sense at the time). Towards end game, I figured out LC, and then killed him, and went on to win. It was my moment of--hey, I really do know how to play this.

My other favorite moment as a player was Heroes Mafia on LP. I was Arthur Patrelli, a neutral role. BTSC with Bea who was Nathan, I think. I was a secret role that absorbed powers and recruited her, I think. One of my favorite BTSC's!! Anyway, it was end game and it was fairly well known/assumed that I was neutral. But I had been playing the civ side very nicely all game. But the civs got very cocky about having the game won, and I decided it would be fun to turn the game around and I decided to be all out evil--made a deal with the mafia, turned on the civies, and won the game with the baddies.

And Metalmarsh89, for sure. Because, I mean, you asked questions and all.
by LoRab
Wed Aug 19, 2015 3:14 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275637

Re: Interrogation Room

@LC: I do believe your killing me as rogue Jedi dude balances my killing you with a hoe.
by LoRab
Wed Aug 19, 2015 3:08 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275637

Re: Interrogation Room

Roxy wrote:Thanks so much for answering questions Long Con!

Up next:

Lorab! \o/
juliets wrote:1. Lorab, I notice you are moving again (or have already moved). Is that something that is just a rabbi's way of life?
2. You are always terribly busy (and I know you really are). What makes a rabbi's life so busy?
3. What books have you read lately that you would recommend?
4. Do you watch TV? If so what are your favorite shows?

I'm sure I will have more questions but I'll throw these out to start.
1. I did just move and started a new job. In some ways, yeah, it's just what happens sometimes--but I'm hoping to be in my new position for a long time.

2. Jews, mostly, lol.

But really, there's always something to prep for--teaching, holidays, programs. Plus actually doing all those things. Plus meeting with people--whether because of logistical kinds of conversations or sharing ideas--or because they're having an issue and need to talk. Plus hospital visits and other pastoral care. Plus life cycle stuff--funerals never come at a good time.

And in my new job, I'm running the religious school (and all other learning). So right now, in addition to getting ready for the ridiculous number of holidays that we have in September/October, I'm also getting the school ready to open. And, you konw, trying to have a life.

3. I've been on a Graphic Novel kick lately. Marvel 1602 was phenomenal. I loved Y the Last Man. Astonishing X-Men I loved because Joss.

Also, not reading, but listened to the podcast Welcome to Nightvale (I had a really long drive from San Antonio to Delaware). Phenomenal story telling. Everyone should listen to it. You can start from the newest episodes and catch up--or start from the beginning. It is well worth your time.

4. You met me on a LOST forum, of course I watch tv. :p I think the best shows now aren't actually on TV, though. Which is a whole interesting trend. I loved Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt (and need to finish my mafia description for that one). House of Cards is phenomenal. Transparent was great. I binged Wet Hot American Summer this past weekend and fully enjoyed it.

So, so, so, so excited for the new Muppet Show. And for the next American Horror Story. I loved the most recent season less than the others, but I think it still had some excellent moments and have high hopes for the next season.

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