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by Dom
Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:23 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

Epignosis wrote:Sorry...can't defend....Internet....being.............wired....I MEAN....WEIRD....gah!
I'm tempted to vote for you just for this.
by Dom
Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:40 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

Chris wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Knowing which role you hinted at would go far for me, Chris. But I can't find it, I suck at in your face role hints, semi hints are beyond me.

I won't vote for Roxy, I at least suspect you. I am not getting the Roxy votes from people who don't seem to suspect her, and never mentioned her previously, like Ninjajujube. Snowy is being consistent in his Roxy suspish, but not sure where Ninjube is coming from.
I posted this day 6. ... 543#p90543

As for Roxy, I have to wonder how she knew Rico was bad. She seems to know Made was bad too, whom we all suspect was also a Dalek. She voted Made with a very made up reason. She accused the hell outta Epig as being the role checker... maybe she's the role checker. How else did she pinpoint to Dalek players? And she's barely been involved. Involved enough to paint them, but not much else.

That's why I can vote for her without worry. I think there's a chance she's a baddie.
Actually, Chris, this isn't a bad train of thought IMO
It's very possible Roxy is fixated on role checkers because she is one.
by Dom
Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:30 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

I should write my paper anyway. :p Bie for now y'all.
by Dom
Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:29 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

Chris wrote:But you just said that you didn't suspect me for surviving the NKs.

I dunno. Just make up your mind on what reason you want to make up to vote me.

not only did I say something about Chris surviving the NKs first, but because I brought in my experience with him in past games.
Slow down there you baddie hunting madman. You brought up something that was clearly said in the night post, and you brought up a different game were I was a serial killer to support your claim I'm a serial killer here? Can I go back to the other game to defend myself? Because it's kinda tough to defend something you did in another game.

Let me try...

I'm not the serial killer from Six Feet Under anymore.

that's nice chris
my point is that you are acting similarly to that game. stop playing dumb. you know what i am getting at. you have a history of pulling a no u as a serial killer.
i'm done discussing this.
Chris wrote:Notice how Dom ignores the main part of my post back there, where he's voting me for mentioning his name once.

One time.
oh my god
by Dom
Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

I have brought it up so many times because literally no one has had anything to say about it. Keys says I jumped on a suspicion and accused me of not having original thought-- both false as not only did I say something about Chris surviving the NKs first, but because I brought in my experience with him in past games.
by Dom
Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

Chris wrote:
Dom wrote:<snip>
TH, I haven't received any real feedback on this: last time Chris was a SK, he pulled a NO U on me for suspecting him. That's a large part of my suspicion on him. It was far less about him surviving two nks in one night and much more about him throwing anyone who questioned him's names into the baddie ring simply because they disagree with him and thus must be in a conspiracy to kill him.
Dom wrote:<snip> I understand that you're looking at Chris being the Master because he survived 2 NKs, but do you think it would make sense for the Master to vote for you later rather than sooner given how close it was? I'm looking at Chris for the same reason as I think you are, but I am unsure why you think the master would vote so early for you.
Dom, I threw your name out there as the 2nd part of an "or". (As is Hedgie or Dom) YOu're acting as if I made a case on you. I wanted to voice who I, at the moment, thought the Cybermen were/are. It's not an accusation.
That's a large part of my suspicion on him. It was far less about him surviving two nks in one night and much more about him throwing anyone who questioned him's names into the baddie ring simply because they disagree with him
You see, you're lying there. YOu said earlier in the response to Epig that you suspect me for the same reason he did, because I survived 2 NKs.

You reiterate here too:
Dom wrote:<snip>
Chris wrote:BR, why do you suppose I'm getting more suspicion than you or Elo got? Even MP, who survived a NK, suspects me because I survived a NK. How much sense does that make?
You survived... two...
But now here you are saying it was because I no u-ed you. But, like I said, it was barely even mentioning your name. I had a touch of bad feeling about you and Hedgie to begin with. I had been on MP as a baddie since the beginning of the game. LC got my attention when he started threatening anyone asking for information in the thread.

Then after 2 of the 4 ways a player can be killed at night were used against me, and then MP and LC come right in and lay votes on me, I'd say I was reasonably paranoid that I was wanted dead. SO I wanted to get my thoughts out. SO I mentioned you:
Chris wrote:<snip>
My thoughts on who the Cybermen are?

The Cyber Controller - MP
The Cyberman Head - LC
Cyberman 1 & 2 - Epig and either Hedgie or Dom.

That's it. That's what Dom got all worked up about. (IF you want to see the whole post, it's rather large, it's here: ... 900#p90669)

My point is, in that huge post, I say Dom's name one time, and it's enough for him to vote me.

So which is it Dom, do you suspect me because I survived two NKs, or because I mentioned your name once in a 1000 word post?
Could it, be, oh I don't know, like I said... both?
by Dom
Wed Oct 15, 2014 6:37 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

Epignosis wrote:
Dom wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Roxy wrote:If you think epi is civ then vote me but I guarantee after I am gone you willlynch him next followedby sabie (which no one else has pointed out). they are cyber.I am not cyber.nor am I a robot.

Your entire case against me is built around the notion that I am a role checker or that I am on a team with a role checker. Therefore the only way this statement makes any sense is if you are bad. :eek:
Epig, can you explain what you mean by this? I am confused.
Roxy believes that I am a role checker or that I am on a team with a role checker, i.e., a Cyberman. I'm not, but she believes I am. Very well.

She says that if you think I'm civilian then vote for her. She guarantees that after she's dead you will lynch me next.

Now then, if Roxy gets lynched and is civilian, does that provide credence for her claim that I am a role checker or on a team with one? No. For her claim against me to have any merit whatsoever, she has to be bad.

To summarize it:

Roxy: Epignosis has to be a role checker or on a team with a role checker. That's how he knew Enrique was bad. If anyone disagrees with me, then lynch me, and then you'll see that I'm right.

I think you are purposefully taking Roxy literally when she clearly meant something else, tbh.

Juliets, I love your post about Gotrees. I hadn't thought of him at all.

TH, I haven't received any real feedback on this: last time Chris was a SK, he pulled a NO U on me for suspecting him. That's a large part of my suspicion on him. It was far less about him surviving two nks in one night and much more about him throwing anyone who questioned him's names into the baddie ring simply because they disagree with him and thus must be in a conspiracy to kill him.
by Dom
Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:40 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

keys56000000000 wrote:
Dom wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
keys56000000000 wrote:...where ad hominems are used ...
keys56000000000 wrote:with lazy players... Later, eggheads.
You beat me to it. :mad:
If players vote for Chris based on this poor lynchtrain case, without offering much else, then yeah, that's lazy. That's not an ad hominem, because it's not something irrelevant to a case I'm making. The case I'm making is that some players are lazy, therefore it is apt to call them lazy. And I'm being sarcastic when I call this Chris lynchmob "eggheads". It's designed to mock their poor case. Again, not an ad hominem. I really think an English teacher of all people would know the difference, maybe you're just not a very good teacher. :haha:

Dom, do you ever have an original thought? Or do you just piggy-back on others all the time?
Holy shit, keys. I crusaded against made for a long long time. I have brought up several original points, asked lots of questions of players, and brought up a lot of topics. In addition, I was the first to ask the hosts about Chris's survival. You are mudslinging big time.
Chris wrote:At least after I die someone surviving a NK will have one less civvies role to try to claim.

Good luck civvies folks, you'll need it.
You have three votes
Calm the hell down.
keys56000000000 wrote:
MP wrote:Actually, you know what? Disregard what I said. I thought about this more. If Chris is The Master, he will just survive this lynch anyway. So if he is, maybe we should see if he gets NKed again.
Chris did actually point that out, but it was used against him. The guy is hopeless at defending himself. But I for one believe him, 100%. He's a civ, move on.
Yes, o powerful and knowledgable one.
Epignosis wrote:
Roxy wrote:If you think epi is civ then vote me but I guarantee after I am gone you willlynch him next followedby sabie (which no one else has pointed out). they are cyber.I am not cyber.nor am I a robot.

Your entire case against me is built around the notion that I am a role checker or that I am on a team with a role checker. Therefore the only way this statement makes any sense is if you are bad. :eek:
Epig, can you explain what you mean by this? I am confused.
Black Rock wrote:
Dom wrote:
Black Rock wrote:
Roxy wrote:Epi - what do you think of sabie saying she needs to read through things but knows enough to know that we are discussing lie detectors?
They would not waste 8 nights if they just check the one that says I am a good girl. :p
Actually, good girl is not a checkable statement. This type of behaviour is suspect to me. You were all over Epig for his statement, and yet you do the same type and want to be "Look, I'm a civvie. I have been ever so cooperative with a LD statement."
Epignosis wrote:Yes, I'm sure the lie detector would like to spend 8 Nights checking those. :rolleyes:
This is a valid statement Roxy.

I know I'm a little late to the press on this one, but I don't understand how Roxy can have a valid argument when her statements suck just as much as Epigs.
BR I can't remember but did you agree with Roxys cSe on Epig? I'm on my phone and screwing up my multiquoted posts so I don't really wanna check for that :p

I looked over her case, but I have my own theory on Epig Vs Enrique. My theory leaves Epig as neutral to me. He could be bad or good, I can't be sure.

Crap, I thought this posted an hour ago. Now I will catch up.
Thank you!

I have a paper to write before AHS starts. If you see me posting in here, scold me and tell me to get back to work, please!
by Dom
Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:05 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 6

Black Rock wrote:
Roxy wrote:Epi - what do you think of sabie saying she needs to read through things but knows enough to know that we are discussing lie detectors?
They would not waste 8 nights if they just check the one that says I am a good girl. :p
Actually, good girl is not a checkable statement. This type of behaviour is suspect to me. You were all over Epig for his statement, and yet you do the same type and want to be "Look, I'm a civvie. I have been ever so cooperative with a LD statement."
Epignosis wrote:Yes, I'm sure the lie detector would like to spend 8 Nights checking those. :rolleyes:
This is a valid statement Roxy.

I know I'm a little late to the press on this one, but I don't understand how Roxy can have a valid argument when her statements suck just as much as Epigs.
BR I can't remember but did you agree with Roxys cSe on Epig? I'm on my phone and screwing up my multiquoted posts so I don't really wanna check for that :p
by Dom
Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:03 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

Chris is not presenting a defense. He is suspecting anyone who looks at him which is the exact behavior he exhibited last time he was a serial killer. Please, keys, do tell me what is irrational in my thinking here?
by Dom
Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:57 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

Epignosis wrote:
keys56000000000 wrote:...where ad hominems are used ...
keys56000000000 wrote:with lazy players... Later, eggheads.
You beat me to it. :mad:
by Dom
Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:58 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

Chris wrote:I'm not fessing up to being The Master. I'm just saying, if people are going to insist I am, what are you losing? Is The Master killing civs? Why is killing The Master more important than killing a Dalek or a Cyberman?

Because it's easiest to frame me into being The Master as a way to lynch me.

I know it sounds like I'm admitting to some of you, but all I'm doing is laying out a scenario where even if I was The Master, it doesn't make make sense to lynch me before a baddie.
You say right before an odd night...
This is so nonsensical.
by Dom
Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:57 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

Epig, that quote about suspecting someone, even if you're civvie, doesn't mean you're bad is a gem given Chris's massive NO U.
by Dom
Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:38 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

Chris wrote:I'm not asking for your trust. I wasn't really eyeballing you before, but I was keeping an eye on you, just because it's healthy to keep an eye on you in mafia.

But then you came in and jumped right on the case. I felt that it was an obvious easy set up to get me lynched, and I thought people would see that. Hence, when anyone came in and jumped right on it, I just thought that they were there to add fuel to the fire. Obviously not everyone who suspects me is bad, but you and LC, and to a smaller extent, Hedgie, fit in a group that I have in my mind. Yes, i'm trying to fill holes with pegs. I know I won't get it right all the time. But I'm not going to lie. Both you and LC had my attention with your playstyle, and the events the morning after I survived the NK attempts just seeming like baddie activity to me.

But my main suspects are MP, LC & Epig. If anyone wants to vote for them, I'm your boy. If you all want to vote for me, I can't stop it at this point. But you'll be lynching a civvie.

If Strax's kill didn't fail because I'm a civvie, then the ONLY roles I can be are The Master or The Cyber Controller. I'm neither of those roles. BUT, if I did survive Strax's NK attempt because I'm a civvie, then you'll be lynching a civ. I know I keep saying it, but really, it's the only thing I can hang my hat on as proof that I'm a civ. Think about it for a while. See how I act in the thread, and how I vote. I'm sure no one is going to forget about it. We were all set to lynch Epig, let's do that. If you still think that I'm bad after that, then lynch me.

I just think that information, lots of it, can be gained through the lynch of Epig. Much more than mine. If I'm lynched, and I'm not lying, and I'm a civ, you lose a civ role, and you gain nothing. I didn't really defend anyone, I didn't vary my suspects much. MP and Epig, with a touch of Roxy. If I'm a baddie, you won't get much in connectables.

If I am The Master, like some of you think, he's Indy. He doesn't have teammates. There are no connections to be found. (Again, I'm not The Master, but if I have to defend it...) And, like I pointed out before... if he survives the first three attempts on his life, there were two last night, I'd still have one more save.

But if we lynch Epig, there are loads of connections. If he turns out to be a Cyber man, that could be the start of tracking down the second baddie team. Maybe not.. I'm not that positive. But I can tell you that if you lynch me, you get NO connections.

Believe me, don't believe me. You'll see at some point, sooner or later, that I'm not lying.
You are completely misrepresenting me.
I was the first person to ask the hosts anything about your survival, so how exactly am I jumping on this case? YOU LITERALLY ARE MEETING THE DESCRIPTION OF A ROLE AND WHILE I UNDERSTAND THAT THERE ARE OTHER POSSIBILITIES, I FIND THEM A BIT MORE UNLIKELY. Your reaction to getting your name mentioned also pinged me. You say you don't want to be "maniacal and desperate", but post upwards of five times in a row screaming, "Don't lynch me!!!" That's desperate if I've ever seen.
You also say that you're not asking for my trust... but that's exactly what you're asking for-- and you've done nothing to earn it. You want me to just assume the best of you because you are asking me to.
You are also essentially fessing up to being the Master, IMO. "If I'm the master, what advantage do we have in lynching me? You won't learn anything! Lynch Epig instead-- he's the one with connections!" You are essentially bragging about playing a good baddie game. You are essentially saying, "My suspicions have been consistent and limited to people that were unlikely to be lynched so they would not die. Thus, you will not gain any information out of my lynch." This just reads as bad.
So yeah. Seriously, Chris.
Chris wrote:Also Dom, in SFU, I was the serial killer. You were the protector. You kinda very much so stood in my way of winning the game.

I don't think I need to explain that to you Dom. It's pretty basic.

Killer wants protector dead.

Jus' sayin'. :shrug:
I'm not questioning why you wanted me dead in that game nor did I ever say or imply that.
I am saying you did the EXACT same thing to me in SFU. I suspected you (rightly so) and you pulled a 180 on me and suspected me BEFORE you knew my role. You said my suspicion of you was suspicious and I should be lynched for it. You pegged me, irrationally, as a baddie simply because I thought you were bad (you were).
Look what you did here.

That's the point I was making, and you know that. Do not try and misrepresent me.
by Dom
Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:23 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

I voted.
by Dom
Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:22 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

DFaraday wrote:
I wasn't in Supernatural, although it sounds like something I should have been in.
I targeted myself for a kill in that game. It was solely because I Lucifer, we had used Death's power to stop any death from happening for 3 (real life) days. No one would die any way. So, I targeted myself with the kill. I was lynched anyway (I screwed up big time in that game lol).

My point is the ONLY reason why we did it is because NO ONE would die anyway.
This is not the case, to my knowledge, in this game. So, I don't think the Cybermen would waste a kill like that. It seems foolish.
Chris wrote:Dom, ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?
Are you serious?

You have created a scenario in your head where 1) everyone who suspects you is bad 2) you literally filled in roles based on who suspected you, you had no mention of me until you just filled in a role because I DON'T JUST UNILATERALLY TRUST YOU and 3) you are requiring MP to attempt to kill himself.

That's desperate.

I'm calling a spade a spade, buddy.
Chris wrote:I didn't vote MM. That can make me look like The Master. But I'm not. SVS can be right about rey quitting regarldless of the role, but I know I wouldn't quit with that role. Most people wouldn't quit with that role. It's rare to get a role like that, and I believe anyone who enjoys mafia would relish a chance to play a role like that. Just think about it... there was no lull in the actions of The Master. Think about how I'm playing, those of you who know my playstyle. Do you really think I'm playing the Indy role? I had the indy role in 6 Feet Under... was I playing like this?
In SFU, I suspected you and you immediately suspected me back and created a whole lot of drama around the two of us. You figured out I was the civvie protector and killed me. This doesn't sound all that different than what is happening now. I suspected you, you no u me and create a whole drama trying to find a world where I am bad. I am not. You threw me in that role simply because I suspect you, no other reason.
by Dom
Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:23 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

DFaraday wrote:
Hedgeowl wrote:
Chris wrote:BR, why do you suppose I'm getting more suspicion than you or Elo got? Even MP, who survived a NK, suspects me because I survived a NK. How much sense does that make?
Sorry I am still recovering from your latest defense, "dont lynch me because i will die, but if i am the Master why bother?" :haha:

I just finished reading through some loooong posts, but to start its not that you survived an NK, its that you survived 2 NKs. Big difference. If you had just survived a strax kill no biggie, you'd probably be civ, but the cybers tried to kill you on the same night? They have a live role checker on their team and if they learned you were the master, they would know just leading your lynch wouldnt be enough. I dont think the argument you are the Cyber controller works, because um, why would you target yourself, but the Master is a real possibility. I am willing to consider civ options, but its a really hard position to defend from i know.
In response to the bolded, it would not be unheard of for a team to "target" a member of their team, knowing full well that that person will survive, so I wouldn't write off Chris as a Cyberman just yet.

Speaking of, I want to point out that Sarah Jane's role says she can survive "alien" attacks. The Cybermen are not aliens, so I wonder whether Sarah can survive being targeted by them. If not, that just makes Chris look even shadier.
DF, were you on my team in supernatural, I can't remember.
by Dom
Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:59 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

Chris wrote:
Chris wrote:I'm not sure. I was thinking that the pole and being a lot earlier than everybody thought they'd be screwed them up. There's a lot of boat changing and I don't think they ever intended for it to be tied since that exposes too much information. And we all know that information in a mafia game is a civvies best friend.
I was thinking that the poll ending a lot earlier than everybody thought it would be, screwed them up. There's been a lot of vote changing, and I don't think they ever intended for it to be tied since that exposes too much information. And we all know that information in a mafia game is a civvie's best friend.

I think what may have happened is that LC voted on the poll for Epig, but put his extra vote/s on MM. That's why he was so concerned about any info getting out about the vote being tied.

And, I don't have any real evidence that there can or will be an early end to the day, but when 2 of the 4 people who can kill in the game target you in one night, you tend to worry for your life. But I did find it interesting that as soon as I put the vote on MP, LC was right there to put another vote on me. And his post, he seems so sure of who I am. So sure, in fact, he's got to vote me nearly 36 hours ahead of time.

But what I really think happened is,m I'm not sure if they really think I'm The Master or not, but they know for damn sure I'm not a Cyberman. So there's no way I survived the dual NK kill attempts by being The Cyber Controller. So they're not sure who I am, but I could be The Master. But in case that's too easy to defend, they threw out that I could also be The Cyber Controller, and now there's ABSOLUTELY no reason to wait to vote for me.

But I feel that they may have believed me about the vote ending early, and that would mean that I'd be in a tie with MP, leaving it to a coin flip. That's too much of a chance for MP. And what I was Amy Pond? Well, shit, they'd need more than just another vote. So in comes LC, with his extra vote/s, making sure that even if I was Amy Pond, if the day ended early, I'd still have more votes.

And why would they be concerned that I'm Amy Pond? Because I've been asking about the votes, since if I was Amy Pond, and Epig wasn't lynched, then I'd be wondering why, wouldn't I?

So what happens? A sudden rush of people who are convinced that I'm either The Master or The Cyber Controller. And then suddenly, no one is talking about MP or Epig anymore.

My thoughts on who the Cybermen are?

The Cyber Controller - MP
The Cyberman Head - LC
Cyberman 1 & 2 - Epig and either Hedgie or Dom.

To answer the other questions... first thing I need to know... Am I being accused of being The Master or THe Cyber Controller? Because I need to know which one to defend against.

But I would love to add that it's nice how I survive a NK, and suddenly I must be bad. Why can't I be Sarah or Jack? If I was Sarah, maybe by NK attempts failed because of the 50%. Maybe if I was Jack, the Cyberman kill failed, and the Strax kill was missed because I'm civvie? Strax's kill could have missed because I'm a civvie Sarah as well! Then there are secrets that we still don't know about, and secret roles apparently as well!

I wasn't clear on my survival for a few reason Juliets. First, I don't want to role hint, much less out my own role. Second, if other players with killing powers think for a second that I am The Cyber Controller, they'd be less inclined to target me. So I didn't mind the vagueness.

I am not a baddie. The Cybermen tried to kill me because I'm getting too close. I survived because of my role. Strax tried to kill me because he's either a nub, or his target got redirected. I survived because I am a civ.

Just keep this in mind. If I somehow do get lynched, just go back and look at how the rush to judgement came, and look at who did it. They want me dead, and the NKs failed. They know I can't survive a lynch, and they're trying to strike while the iron is hot.

I will show up civvie if lynched. I can only hope you all will know what to do afterward.

I have nothing to hide, ask me any questions you want.
Are you serious
This is the biggest no u
Chris wrote: So, for all the chance that I can be Th Cyber Controller, there's even more chance that I can be Sarah or Jack.

Obviously I know which one I am...
"Even more"?
Is this rhetoric or are you serious?
Chris wrote:I really hate to add this, but I will. The role for The Master says that he will survive the first three attempts on his life. That's not just NKs. That's lynches too. Keep that in mind when you're looking for him.

Me? I'll die if you lynch me. But if you really think I'm The Master, then I won't die if lynched... so why try? Let's kill a baddie!
Are you serious?
Chris wrote:BR, why do you suppose I'm getting more suspicion than you or Elo got? Even MP, who survived a NK, suspects me because I survived a NK. How much sense does that make?
You survived... two...
Chris wrote:The argument isn't going to change. I'm not going to allow those guys to ramp me up to the point where I sound maniacal and desperate.

If anyone has any other questions for me, ask away.

If not, and you guy do lynch me, just remember who I named, and how this shit went down.
No one is making you sound maniacal or desperate
You're doing a great job of that yourself.
by Dom
Tue Oct 14, 2014 1:37 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

keys56000000000 wrote:
Dom wrote:
keys56000000000 wrote:What's the relevance, Chris? You don't really mean to expose a civ, do you? Well, apparently it wasn't a tie, so the cat's out of the bag.

But I don't think it really exposes anyone. Still not voting Chris. Eager to hear what he has to say. This would have been so much more fun were he still insanified. :|
Dom, you're going to have to be more specific. What is it that you have a problem with?
You don't see how Chris has put Amy in danger?
by Dom
Tue Oct 14, 2014 1:08 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
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Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

keys56000000000 wrote:What's the relevance, Chris? You don't really mean to expose a civ, do you? Well, apparently it wasn't a tie, so the cat's out of the bag.

But I don't think it really exposes anyone. Still not voting Chris. Eager to hear what he has to say. This would have been so much more fun were he still insanified. :|
by Dom
Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:13 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

^That's confusingly worded, but I think you know what I mean. :p
by Dom
Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:12 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
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Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 6

Epignosis wrote:
Dom wrote: While this is certainly possible, Epig, why don't you think it was one of the later voters? I understand that you're looking at Chris being the Master because he survived 2 NKs, but do you think it would make sense for the Master to vote for you later rather than sooner given how close it was? I'm looking at Chris for the same reason as I think you are, but I am unsure why you think the master would vote so early for you.
You can change your vote, so if someone else started taking more votes than me, no biggie. Looking back over the votes, that Day when it was Made and Snow Dog taking votes, Enrique voted Snowy second. So it happens.
That's true... something I hadn't considered.
birdwithteeth11 wrote:
Chris wrote:HOSTS:

Was the day 6 lynch a tie?
It was not.
Why the hell do you want to help out Amy?
by Dom
Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:13 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 6

Epignosis wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Wow, weird result.

Epig, good point regarding Elo. That would be a weird distancing vote.

Chris wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Jack Harkness and Sarah Jane Smith only have a percentage chance to survive NKs at that.
Wut? Where did you get that from?
Chris, I haven't ignored this; I've been really busy. Over the next week or so I might not be able to respond to posts quickly at all.

Anyway, read Sarah Jane's role. It CLEARLY says "if she is targeted by a hostile alien life form, there is a 50% chance that nothing will happen."

Also, Capt. Jack I've mostly decoded, but even undecoded his role gives a similar hint "he is extremely difficult to kill. Sometimes."

So, yeah. Last I checked there aren't any protections this game.

After you've now survived two kills, :eye:

Actually, your whole "MP is the Cyber Controller" theory from earlier might make sense if you are the Cyber Controller. We all know that baddies tend to talk about their own roles.
Chris voted for me when MM and I had two votes. I am of the opinion that The Master voted to keep his recruit from getting lynched.

Epignosis 2.0
Roxy (9), S~V~S (10), Chris (11), Dom (12), Long Con (14), Bass_the_Clever (19), Metalmarsh89 (22) 32%
While this is certainly possible, Epig, why don't you think it was one of the later voters? I understand that you're looking at Chris being the Master because he survived 2 NKs, but do you think it would make sense for the Master to vote for you later rather than sooner given how close it was? I'm looking at Chris for the same reason as I think you are, but I am unsure why you think the master would vote so early for you.
by Dom
Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:41 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
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Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

Question: If someone had a onetime protection would they survive multiple kills on the same night?
by Dom
Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:39 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
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Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 7

by Dom
Sun Oct 12, 2014 10:51 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 6

Nice result guys!

V busy!

Voting for DW

by Dom
Sun Oct 12, 2014 11:09 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
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Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 6

OK guys! I'm here right now. However, today I am doing quite a bit. I'm going up to Morningside Heights, coming back down for dinner, and then seeing Hedwig. That puts me at around 10:00 get back time. I have no idea if we're gonna do anything else, so I must vote now. I feel really crappy for not participating today, but this is my mini-vacation, so I don't actually feel bad. :p

Thank you for the summaries, everyone. I read those. I feel quite compelled about both MM and Epig, to be honest. I think Epig is being a bit too pedantic, a bit too difficult, and a bit too rude to actually be trying to lynch baddies at this point. I also think MM could have been distancing. I will now vote for Epig. I honestly think they're both bad.
by Dom
Sat Oct 11, 2014 11:36 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
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Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 6

Hey guys. I'm trying to keep up as much as possible, but I'm having bait too much fun. I'm responding to what I can, but can someone summarize MP's case against MM for me? I really won't have time before the lynch to go over that whole thing. I apologize :p
by Dom
Fri Oct 10, 2014 6:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
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Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 5

Epignosis wrote:
keys56000000000 wrote:Epig can correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought his qualm was with a specific adverb, "clearly", insofar that in actual fact, hardly anything at all is anywhere near being clear in this game, especially when it comes to one's innocence. Is that right, Epig? You aren't just arbitrarily mad at adverbs?
The observation is this: When people are guilty, they tend to use more adverbs than they otherwise would, and those adverbs tend to be empty ones. "Swiftly" and "willingly" added purposeful meaning, while the adverbs in "Honestly, I was really thinking he was bad. Obviously I'm not bad, because I clearly survived a kill" are devoid of purpose. The question Dom posed is predicated on a bastardization of the observation, not the observation itself.

To respond to Dom's question regardless, it's okay for anyone to use adverbs to improve rhetoric, but many times the adverbs don't serve that function.
Thank you!

Has this strategy been very successful for you?
by Dom
Fri Oct 10, 2014 6:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 5

Epignosis wrote:
keys56000000000 wrote:Epig can correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought his qualm was with a specific adverb, "clearly", insofar that in actual fact, hardly anything at all is anywhere near being clear in this game, especially when it comes to one's innocence. Is that right, Epig? You aren't just arbitrarily mad at adverbs?
The observation is this: When people are guilty, they tend to use more adverbs than they otherwise would, and those adverbs tend to be empty ones. "Swiftly" and "willingly" added purposeful meaning, while the adverbs in "Honestly, I was really thinking he was bad. Obviously I'm not bad, because I clearly survived a kill" are devoid of purpose. The question Dom posed is predicated on a bastardization of the observation, not the observation itself.

To respond to Dom's question regardless, it's okay for anyone to use adverbs to improve rhetoric, but many times the adverbs don't serve that function.
Thank you!

Has this strategy been very successful for you?
by Dom
Fri Oct 10, 2014 4:28 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 5

I'll let Epig answer first, LC. But I find it interesting that he's ramping up the adverb use.
by Dom
Fri Oct 10, 2014 4:09 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 5

keys56000000000 wrote:Epig can correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought his qualm was with a specific adverb, "clearly", insofar that in actual fact, hardly anything at all is anywhere near being clear in this game, especially when it comes to one's innocence. Is that right, Epig? You aren't just arbitrarily mad at adverbs?
I'm intrigued to see how Epig will respond to this.
by Dom
Fri Oct 10, 2014 4:08 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 5

Epignosis wrote:
Dom wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Epi, zeek did not ask if you were a role checker. He asked you to say you were not a robot. So you did not answer swiftly since you still have not answered at all.
What I said was more than enough to clear me from either team. You don't have to like it. I didn't realize Mafia was about making people say what you want them to say.
S~V~S wrote:Aren't "swiftly" & "willingly" adverbs?
Epi, why is okay for you to use adverbs to improve your rhetoric, but when others do it's a sign of baddieness?
I am the king of Romans and above grammar.
by Dom
Fri Oct 10, 2014 3:26 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 5

S~V~S wrote:Aren't "swiftly" & "willingly" adverbs?
by Dom
Fri Oct 10, 2014 3:26 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 5

Epignosis wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Epi, zeek did not ask if you were a role checker. He asked you to say you were not a robot. So you did not answer swiftly since you still have not answered at all.
What I said was more than enough to clear me from either team. You don't have to like it. I didn't realize Mafia was about making people say what you want them to say.
S~V~S wrote:Aren't "swiftly" & "willingly" adverbs?
Epi, why is okay for you to use adverbs to improve your rhetoric, but when others do it's a sign of baddieness?
by Dom
Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:32 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 5

Epignosis wrote:
Dom wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Was my response unsatisfactory in some way?
If you had asked someone a question, I would not have responded. By saying "I don't understand," it implies you want to understand, regardless of who answers.
Eh. They have the same meaning and I find your distinction to be arbitrary. :p
by Dom
Thu Oct 09, 2014 7:40 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
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Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 5

happy birthday, MM!!!
by Dom
Thu Oct 09, 2014 7:39 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 5

Epignosis wrote:
Dom wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Dom wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Dom wrote:
Roxy wrote:Wasn't sure what to expect - but I kinda expected this bc Epi said as much.

Epi your turn next. :)
I don't understand why you're saying this.
Roxy believes I am a Cyberman. She is under the impression that I am on a team that role checks and that I had info about Enrique and Made. I posted (what I believe to be) an adequate refutation of this notion, which she dismissed as "WIFOM." She also claimed that I named Enrique's role.
Epig, just curious, how would you have responded if you asked Roxy a question and I answered for her?
Asking someone a question is not the same thing as saying "I don't understand."
Was my response unsatisfactory in some way?
by Dom
Thu Oct 09, 2014 7:35 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 5

Epignosis wrote:
Dom wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Dom wrote:
Roxy wrote:Wasn't sure what to expect - but I kinda expected this bc Epi said as much.

Epi your turn next. :)
I don't understand why you're saying this.
Roxy believes I am a Cyberman. She is under the impression that I am on a team that role checks and that I had info about Enrique and Made. I posted (what I believe to be) an adequate refutation of this notion, which she dismissed as "WIFOM." She also claimed that I named Enrique's role.
Epig, just curious, how would you have responded if you asked Roxy a question and I answered for her?
Asking someone a question is not the same thing as saying "I don't understand."
by Dom
Thu Oct 09, 2014 6:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 5

Epignosis wrote:
Dom wrote:
Roxy wrote:Wasn't sure what to expect - but I kinda expected this bc Epi said as much.

Epi your turn next. :)
I don't understand why you're saying this.
Roxy believes I am a Cyberman. She is under the impression that I am on a team that role checks and that I had info about Enrique and Made. I posted (what I believe to be) an adequate refutation of this notion, which she dismissed as "WIFOM." She also claimed that I named Enrique's role.
Epig, just curious, how would you have responded if you asked Roxy a question and I answered for her?
MovingPictures07 wrote:This is absolutely insane. I just want to be lynched already. Seriously, why do I even bother?

The absolute irony is astounding.
This only makes me want to lynch you. :p
by Dom
Thu Oct 09, 2014 9:45 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 5

IF someeone taRGetS a MeMBeR OF your teaM wItH a NIGHt aCtION, YOU CaN CONDUCt a -a----- eXPeRIMeNt ON tHeM.

by Dom
Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:46 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 5

Roxy wrote:Wasn't sure what to expect - but I kinda expected this bc Epi said as much.

Epi your turn next. :)
I don't understand why you're saying this.

I'm voting Poosh.
by Dom
Thu Oct 09, 2014 1:40 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 5

fingersplints wrote:
Dom wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Dom wrote:Curious Incident of the Dog In The Nighttime
There's a stage show of that?

Does a stage show even make sense for that?
It's garnered a lot of praise and many Olivers in London. Just opened on Broadway on the 5th.

Bea! I am! NPH currently is not in it, though. Sad, but still great!
I wanted to see Hedwig when we were in NYC but we missed NPH by about a week. :( Should still be great though. And you'll still get to see Idina Menzel in If/Then though, so I'm super jealous. Have fun!
Thank you! <3 I saved a lot on tickets too, very proud of myself
by Dom
Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:02 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 5

Epignosis wrote:
Dom wrote:Curious Incident of the Dog In The Nighttime
There's a stage show of that?

Does a stage show even make sense for that?
It's garnered a lot of praise and many Olivers in London. Just opened on Broadway on the 5th.

Bea! I am! NPH currently is not in it, though. Sad, but still great!
by Dom
Wed Oct 08, 2014 11:53 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
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Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 5

DFaraday wrote:
Dom wrote: Thank you for your response!!
Glad, as always, to oblige my friends and neighbors. :noble:

What shows are you going to see?
Curious Incident of the Dog In The Nighttime
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Very very excited to see Andrew Rannell's last performance in Hedwig. <3

Very nice result.
by Dom
Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:32 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 5

S~V~S wrote:
nijuukyugou wrote:At the risk of being looked at as one of the last people to vote on a huuuuuuuuuge list of votes for Enrique...I'm going to vote Enrique. I think good points are made about him. Should I re-hash what's already been said? (Odd save-like voting by Made, behavior I mentioned in the first vote, etc.) My suspicion of him didn't disappear since I originally voted him long ago; Made just happened to look more suspicious and therefore, more deserving of my lynch vote. But now that he's we are. This lynch should be telling.

On another note of discussion besides Enrique vs. MP, why are people so confident that Dana is good? This is a genuine question (not an accusation), but the more I've been playing this game and reading through, the more she's catching my eye. Was there something that I missed that would point to her definite Civvie-ness? Because I didn't catch that, and she's been dropping off these last few days with her buddies mentioned...I also see others sharing my suspicion, mind you, but I see adamant defense of her, too, which has me more than a little curious.
I would like to know that too, actually, re Dana.

Linki @Dom, I am not an any "lynch train". I have been saying for days that the Made Lynch #1, the one where Snow Dog was lynched, it looked like the last 3 Snow voters, MP, Dana & MM could have been saving Made. I mainly singled out Dana due to her reaction to Snowys return. I was ready to go gung ho against them, but then Snowy turned around and voted...Enrique :shrug:

I wanted to avenge him, and the people who voted for him while, as it appeared to me, saving Made, were at the top of my list, but apparently not the top of Snowys list. Of the people getting votes today, I think MP was part of a save attempt on Made, and I think Mades self vote was calculated to make Enrique look bad.
Thank you! I just couldn't remember when this happened.
by Dom
Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:15 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
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Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 5

S~V~S wrote:
juliets wrote:SVS, what makes you change your mind from Enrique to MP? Also, does this mean you think Enrique is civ?
No not necessarily, but I am more sure I think MP is bad. I have seen innocent stuff twisted into things it isn't. If Enrique is bad, he is being lynched with my vote or without it. But I don't want to vote for someone mainly because i will take shit if I don't. I just suspect MP more.

I suspected Daisy, but apparently she gave a role hint or something of that nature? I suspected Dana, and now Daisy is vouching for Dana. I have no reason to distrust BR, and she is basically vouching for Epi. Initially, I was not sure MP was bad, but after Mades save (Made lynch #1) I thought MP was bad. So I have to trust my gut to some point.

And I don't think Enrique is acting cornered. It is a while since I have played with him, but iirc, he tended to fade out, not defend to the end, when lynched bad, and the opposite when lynched civ. Also I think Made has his whole post lynch schtick predetermined, and it is always possible the vote was part of his long game to divert attention from the people who DID appear to be saving him.

This whole thing is Mega Wifom deluxe, and all I can say is I love Strax for dealing with Made so this can be put to rest at least somewhat sensibly.
SVS, maybe it's just because the past few days (before this one) have been so busy, but I don't remember when you got on the MP lynch train.
by Dom
Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:26 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
Replies: 7359
Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 5

Enrique wrote:WIFOM so hard. Alex and Made played all of you guys, so props for the well executed plan :p
Two of my three options involve him being bad. How has he played me?
My suspicion of you is completely independent of Alex. The fact that you're trying to conflate the two makes me suspect you all the more.
by Dom
Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
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Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 5

Enrique wrote:What, you're more confident about me than Alex, now?
I don't think Alex would be a good lynch today because I think he may either:
1) Want to be lynched
2) Is trying to detract from you or has another survival planned
3) Be civilian

Those are the major possibilities that I see. I would rather wait a day and talk about him tomorrow to a greater extent.
by Dom
Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:08 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12
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Views: 222605

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 5

I also want to say that I will be busy starting tomorrow until Monday. I will check in when I can, but I am taking a mini vacation to New York and am seeing a few shows with my friend. I'm very excited, but will be around much less.

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