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by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:48 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 3] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Day 3: The Ultimate Event - Results

RankPlayer# of Posts# of Words# of TheoriesTotal Score
1Flyin' High16157531713
4Mr. Droopy Cash19122411311
14Captain Bunny Killer43650377
22The Truth71160137
Total Score = (# of Posts x 3) + (# of Words x 1) + (# of Theories x 30)

Theories must be original (theories copied from another player do not count) and must meet the host's subjective judgment of what a theory constitutes. When grading, be sure to note the difference between suspicion and theory.
Clearly off-topic posts/content are not eligible.

Flyin' High wins first place!
Kate wins second place!
birdwithteeth11 wins third place!
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:48 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 3] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Night 3: Ghosts - First Variation

The players were particularly upset tonight because of Mr. Droopy Cash's lynching. Flyin' High especially was depressed and decided she needed to cheer herself up with some Arrested Development.

As she commenced her marathon throughout the night, a grey blob hologram was in the process of sneaking into her room. It traveled underneath the floor and stopped right behind her chair. It meticulously began to protrude its 'body' out of the carpet. It gradually finished shapeshifting into a figure that was just below Flyin' High's head so that she couldn't see a shadow on the wall in front of her. It slowly extended its blob arms in an attempt to strangle her, but as soon as it came close to her neck, Flyin' High turned around and punched its arm. "NO TOUCHING!" She yelled. "Get out of here!"

Sensing it had been caught, the grey blob panicked and slinked back into the carpet and went its way. Elsewhere, the infiltrator controlling the hologram was filled with regret. "I've made a huge mistake", the infiltrator uttered.

The Truth, meanwhile, was fast asleep, dreaming about buzzards and dreadful crows, among other things. Herman the Hologram opened his door, saw that he was sleeping, and grinned. It lifted both fists in the air and smashed The Truth to smithereens. Herman the Hologram left, satisfied, but in vain, as all it did was destroy a robot boy designed to look exactly like The Truth. In reality, The Truth was not sleeping in his bed, but in the closet to avoid being killed. He awakened the following day and saw the destruction. "Wow... I knew that was a good idea", he thought. "I truly am a scientist!" he exclaimed.

An extraterrestrial ghost appeared before Vompatti. It raised its hands, but something made it stop. Then it sibilated, "No -- we have further use of you." Then it vanished.

"Yo, Droops, my man, you're looking pretty bummer, bro," The Omnidimensional Creator remarked, staring at Mr. Droopy Cash's dead corpse. Extending his tattooed fingers towards the fallen and mutilated corpse, he started intoning the mantra, "Ooooom. Ooooom. Oooom." He wiggled his fingers, attempting to raise him back to life. Seconds later, Mr. Droopy Cash successfully rose to life, good as new! "Awesome! Welcome back, dude!"

Flyin' High has survived a kill attempt by Ziltoid the Omniscient's Army.
The Truth has survived a kill attempt by Herman the Planet Smasher.

Mr. Droopy Cash has been resurrected by The Omnidimensional Creator!

There were 0 missing PMs.

It is now Day 4. You have about 50.5 hours to lynch someone.
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:36 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 3] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Night post and ultimate event results coming ASAP!
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:51 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 3] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

:ponder: has been added.

And JC, it is right here, at least I think this is the one you mean! :wine: If it isn't, let me know.

FYI I will be adding more smilies tomorrow, sorry for any delay. Couldn't find a ton of time during the past week with work and couldn't today because we celebrated my brother's bday today, but I will have a ton of free time tomorrow.
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 12, 2013 12:23 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 3] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Not that anyone has yet crossed this line, but especially with all the new players, just a friendly reminder to keep in mind throughout the game:

Deadies, please do not post on-topic in any way shape or form whatsoever!
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:45 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 3] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

A bit less than 9 hours until the ultimate challenge/event ends! Also, until you can send in all your night PMs. So be sure you do so!
by Tangrowth
Fri Jan 11, 2013 8:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 3] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Effective immediately, juliets is replacing Benthayer15.
by Tangrowth
Fri Jan 11, 2013 8:34 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [DAY 3] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Day 3: 'Cause In This Lifetime... You've Got My Droopy Gets Me Blues

Yet another victim's fate had been decided by the masses, the whole ordeal smelling similarly to Leech's implosion. "Droopy! Droopy!", the mob chanted with angry eyes and violent accusations, as they advanced on poor Mr. Droopy Cash. He argued with them his absolute hardest but it didn't seem to matter. He panicked. "Rabbit8, I'm voting for rabbit8!" The players were unconvinced.

insertnamehere went straight up to Mr. Droopy Cash with a butcher knife and cut deep into his skin. Droopy let out a piercing scream and promptly bled to death. insertnamehere consequently took out Droopy's large intestine and wrapped it around Droopy's neck and began choking him. Droopy's body fell to the ground. Everyone (well, everyone who was closest in the mob circle and who could reach Droopy's mangled corpse anyway) gave it a few kicks.

Unfortunately for them, the body never shapeshifted to the evil they were all expecting. The Truth inquired, "....Is it just me or does Droopy strongly reek of rotten fish heads?"

Mr. Droopy Cash has been lynched. He was Captain Beefheart.

It is now Night 3. You have 24 hours to send in your night PMs and finish the ultimate challenge on a high note!
by Tangrowth
Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:00 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [DAY 3] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

bea wrote:
Illyria wrote:Awww DAMNIT. :mad: :why: :why: :why: :why: :why:

But thanks MP for letting me go out the way I would want, with my Whedon.
tbh - your death was the most awesome and true to a player I've ever seen in a sock post :noble: (if we keep using the shortcuts enough they might be smiley's right? )

You would have kicked my ass six ways from sunday in the PA games had you been there. :noble: ( see more use of smileys we need... hopefully sometime a busy mod who has access to this has a few minutes to make it happen)

FYI I will look into adding more smileys this weekend! Assuming I don't get the time before then. :)
by Tangrowth
Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:33 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 2] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Day 3: The Ultimate Event

The host reflected. Given the boring and quick result for the word of the day challenge on the previous day, no thanks to birdwithteeth11, the host knew he must come up with a fantastic challenge. "Eh... posting challenges are just better..." He pondered. Yes, they are better! "Especially when they are ultimate!" he decided. "Yes, ultimate makes everything better!"

The players were gathered in the dining area to begin Day 3. The host punched through the ship.

"A wild sock appears!" declared Vompatti.

"Indeed! Now, all of you must pay very particular attention to this particular host challenge. I realize I am breaking the fourth wall, but I don't give a shit." The host continued, "Day 3 and Night 3 will be your ultimate test. The player who contributes the most to the thread via post count, post content, theories, discussion, you name it. Yes, this player will be rewarded with something very awesome!"

"Hell, I'll even throw in a pretty awesome prize for 2nd and 3rd place as well. Absolutely free!"

"On the other hand... it will have been 3 full days and nights by that time, in addition to Day 0! Any player who I feel hasn't met their participation quota by the end of that period... well, let's just say they will be greatly punished. Yes." :feb:

With that, the host vanished and the story returned to normal. The giant gaping hole in the ship disappeared... and so it began.

A challenge has been issued by your host! This time it is ultimate!

The player who contributes the most throughout the periods of Day 3 and Night 3 combined will win something very awesome! 2nd and 3rd place will also win something pretty awesome!

Conversely, anyone who fails to meet the host's expectations in terms of overall game contribution will meet a very dreadful fate. Beware!
by Tangrowth
Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:32 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 2] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Night 2: Exodus

With LoRab now incinerated, everyone entered back into Captain Spectacular's ship. The players were happy at the previous day's success, but still felt the looming pressure of infiltrators among their presence. To best deal with this, many players felt the desire to unwind alone.

axxon n sat on his bed in his room, listening to In the Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel. He was so consumed by the music that he couldn't think of anything else. About halfway through the album, he started to feel a bit ill, however. He began to sweat. He was wondering, why was it suddenly so hot in here? His stomach suddenly succumbed to nausea. He rose from the bed and puked onto the floor. He dizzily stared at his puke, noticing that it was populated with smelly tongues. He continued to uncontrollably puke tongues until he could no longer, thereafter collapsing onto the disgusting mess, never to wake up.

Meanwhile, The Truth reports that he heard weeping. He looked around the corner of an intersecting corridor and saw rabbit8 eating crayons. Rabbit8 was muttering to himself about how addicted he was to them, and he was also talking about how his days were numbered because bea was the way home. And that he had a supercrush on her.

Illyria was watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer in her room when she heard a knock on the door. "DON'T COME IN, I AM BUSY!!!" she yelled.

The door busted down by Herman the Planet Smasher's hologram. She didn't move. "KEEP IT DOWN!" she yelled, obviously not foreseeing her fate. Herman the Hologram walked into her room, confused, and stood right next to the television. No recognition. He turned it off. "Great Muppety Odin!!!" exclaimed Illyria. "Who do you think you are?!?!" Herman proceeded to smash her to all of oblivion. "BY THE WAY THE NAME'S HERMAN.... AND I HATE MUSICALS!" The hologram vanished.

All the while, the players traveled through Nebulo 8, nothing more than directionless exiles in a vast omniverse.

axxon n has been killed by The Residents.
Illyria has been killed by Herman the Planet Smasher.

There was 1 missing PM.

It is now Day 3. You have 48 hours to lynch someone and 72 hours to participate in the ultimate event.

What is the ultimate event, you ask? Well, I'm glad you did!
by Tangrowth
Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:51 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 2] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

birdwithteeth11 wrote: More linki: The host's post about him being very displeased was probably our one warning shot. I suspect the next time he will not be as kind. But I'll know within the next few minutes if that's the case or not.
This would be correct. I wouldn't miss votes from here on out, if I were any of you. No more Mr. Nice Sock. :feb:
by Tangrowth
Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:15 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [DAY 2] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Day 2: The Wrath of Commander Squizloid

After bea's lynching, the ship began to suddenly shake. "Not again..." complained Kate. Eventually, the shaking stopped, and Flyin' High noticed another giant ship as she looked out the nearby window, "Look over there! On that planet!"

Everyone quickly ran over to the closest window and peered out of Captain Spectacular's ship. There was an even bigger ship in view, one that many of them recognized. DharmaHelper could be heard muttering, "Shit..." It was Ziltoid's ship.

A voice could be heard projecting from the enemy ship: "Haha, surprise!!!!"

The supposed Captain Spectacular quickly made his way to the control room and piloted the ship down to a nearby planet for landing. He cried out into the intercom, "Everyone off the ship!!!!!!"

All the players quickly scrambled out of the ship and onto the planet as Ziltoid's ship was still approaching. They stood in silence for about half a minute, watching the ship and wondering what to do. chaindeath was the one to break the silence. "chaindeath is wondering how is it even possible for Ziltoid to be commanding the ship when we are missing no people."

Everyone looked around. No one was missing. No sooner did a hologram of an alien appear on top of Ziltoid's ship, but it wasn't Ziltoid.

"SIlly humans! I am Commander Squizloid....'s hologram! I knew you would dare to enter this nebulo! Prepare to feel my wrath!" The hologram took out a remote, pushed a button, and began laughing a very maniacal laugh. All the players continued to look at the ship, but nothing was happening. Confused looks were portrayed on many of their faces.

Commander Squizloid's hologram was still laughing. "Fools!" Within less than a second, a giant laser beam shot through the sky towards the players. It was had such speed that no one even had the opportunity to run in circles screaming and had such absolute accuracy that the beam hit LoRab before she was able to recognize any threat. The players stood in amazement at the zapped ashes of what once was LoRab.

Ziltoid's ship began to turn around and fly away. "See you later, losers!" exclaimed Commander Squizloid's hologram.

LoRab has been killed by Commander Squizloid.

It is now Night 2. You have 24 hours to send in your night PMs.
by Tangrowth
Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [DAY 2] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Day 2: Here I Come Constantinople (or Not?)

The players gathered once again in the dining hall, this time hoping for a more successful outing. Suspicions flew around the table even more than the previous day, with everyone trying to make sense of what was happening. They absolutely had to catch an infiltrator today!

In the end, it came down to rabbit and bea. "rabbit looks awfully suspicious!" some insisted, while others seemed convinced that bea had more knowledge than she was letting on. The votes were cast and the screen listed all of the votes. None disappeared this time.

"bea it is!"

The players surrounded bea and stabbed her eyes out with two forks. She began to run around, screaming, until Jokreher pulled out his gun and shot her in the head. As soon as the bullet entered her skull, instead of what normally would be deemed a disgustingly horrible headshot occurring, bea's body vanished in thin air. No later than one second did an eyeball mask appear and fall to the floor. Jokreher picked it up. It was clearly a brown eye color. He turned it over and saw the letters "F U" on the back written in what appeared to be blood.

bea has been lynched. She was Brown Eyeball.

To be continued...
by Tangrowth
Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [DAY 2] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

6 missed votes?

The host is not happy.
by Tangrowth
Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [DAY 2] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

The secret word has been spoken!

The challenge has ended. birdwithteeth11 has been given a prize!
by Tangrowth
Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Okay, that was A LOT and I triple checked everything, but please, if you did not receive a PM and you think you were supposed to, shoot me a PM ASAP. Likewise if you have any questions. :)
by Tangrowth
Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Day 2: Event

The host was quite pleased with the success of the previous day's event. Yes, today I shall give out a prize! "Except I can't just give it away..." he thought. It must be triggered first. Then it hit him! This would surely prove to be an even better challenge than the one previous!

There is a special secret word of the day. The first person to speak the word of the day will win the prize.

A challenge has been issued by your host!

Whichever player first speaks the word of the day will win a prize!
by Tangrowth
Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:59 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Night 1: Poll Results

by Tangrowth
Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:59 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Night 1: Just A Blip

"Nebulo 8 it is!" exclaimed the supposed Captain Spectacular. "I will return to the ship's helm to be sure we head in that direction. The rest of you... be sure to rest up well for tomorrow! You each have your own room in the sleeping headquarters, which is down the hall for about ten minutes and then a right at the statue of me squashing Ziltoid. See you tomorrow." The players exited the dining hall and made their way to the sleeping headquarters, some more quickly than others, and some alone while others spoke amongst groups.

One of the players had clearly sinister motives that night. "Yes, the hologram will work perfectly for this deed... it leaves no trail, no one could possibly find out it was me," the player thought. The grey blob hologram was summoned and began to walk the halls, each step with a hardly audible blip, blip, blip.

"What was that?" inquired Devin the Omniscient. "Sounded like just a BLIP," answered Mr. Droopy Cash, as they just reached the statue.

"...What?" retorted Devin, a confused look on his face. Mr. Droopy Cash stopped right near the statue. "Look, it sounded just like this... BLIP. Like a ray gun or something!". He gestured with his hand. Devin the Omniscient stared at Mr. Droopy Cash with a look that could be best described as "Whatever".

A few seconds of silence passed before Mr. Droopy Cash said, "Look, I'll bet you 5 bucks it was a ray gun! Someone just got their face blasted off! I am sure of it." Devin ignored his proposal.

Suddenly, the entire ship shook incredibly violently amidst a giant POUND!!!

The two players couldn't keep their balance, falling to the floor. The statue began tilting, and for a few nanoseconds held its balance. The two players looked at each other, alarmed, wondering if the statue would be crushing either of them in the near future. Devin was clearly thinking, "Please let that statue not fall on either of us", while Droopy was clearly thinking "Please let the statue not fall on me". All of this took place in a fraction of a second before the statue came flying down and crushed against the ground, thankfully not close to either of them. However, the statue scraped the ground in such a perfect fashion as it fell that the marble figure of Captain Spectacular was beheaded, his statue head flying in another direction after landing, barely missing Devin's head, and ending up on the other side of the corridor.

The violent vibrations of the ship then stopped. Devin the Omniscient and Mr. Droopy Cash looked at each other with facial expressions that expressed the epitome of "Oh shit!!!" They ran towards the sleeping headquarters quicker than they had ever run in their lives. When they finally stopped at some rooms, Devin the Omniscient inquired in a sarcastic yet panicked tone, "So what kind of sound was that??!?"

Mr. Droopy Cash responded hysterically, "Someone getting the living shit smashed out of them, that's what!"

Just moments earlier, DFaraday was walking alone to his room. He opened the door, only to see a holographic version of the very same Herman the Planet Smasher they all had witnessed amidst Earth's destruction. His eyes opened wide and he stepped back swiftly as to leave the very door he had just entered, but he wasn't quick enough. The Planet Smasher hologram took both fists in the air and smashed them with such an insane amount of force into DFaraday's body, smashing him thinner than any pancake ever in existence.

Devin the Omniscient and Mr. Droopy Cash stared at each other for less than a second, and quickly darted in one direction, frantically searching for their rooms. It didn't take long until one of them saw a room with "MR. DROOPY CASH" in gold letters on it. Droopy stopped. "See you later, Devin! Best of luck!" He quickly opened and slammed his door, barricading himself inside. Devin the Omniscient panicked. Where the hell was his room?

By the time he reached the end of one side of the sleeping headquarters, he had not found it. "Damn!" he cursed under his breath. He was motioning to turn around when he saw a shadow creepily appear on the dead end wall he was facing. His face turned white; his whole body felt as if it was consumed by a black hole. No. This couldn't be. He slowly turned around to see some kind of grey blob holographic creature facing him. "What do you want with me?!!" Devin stood trembling.

The creature pulled out its ray gun and blasted Devin the Omniscient. His body was instantaneously turned into ashes. The grey blob then vanished into the night, a remote mental projection of the evil killer.

DFaraday has been killed by Herman the Planet Smasher.
Devin the Omniscient has been killed by Ziltoid the Omniscient's Army.

There were 2 missing PMs.

It is now Day 2. You have 48 hours to lynch someone.
by Tangrowth
Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:07 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Alright, this may take me some time, but I'll get the night post up ASAP.
by Tangrowth
Sun Jan 06, 2013 1:30 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Devin the Omniscient wrote:Wow! RIP Leech! :rip: somehow I knew you couldn't be a baddie.
Welcome FH!
So am I to understand that the punishment for not meeting the posting challenge was to be replaced or was that just coincidental timing? If so, glad I did it! :phew:

As for the night poll, it looks like Nebulo 8 is going to end up winning so I will vote there. Anything to keep moving.

Replacements are completely independent of challenges and are arranged by the player and myself. I talked with Andy/crusty_mustard in this case and he said he really wanted to keep playing but wouldn't feel he would be able to keep the commitment time-wise to play, especially because he is going to have busy weeks in the near future with exams.

Now modkills for not participating... that's a different story. :feb:
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 05, 2013 8:53 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

triceratopzeuhl wrote: sockhost, do we get to find out the secret part of Steve Reich's role? Or not until Endgame?
Not until later.
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 05, 2013 8:33 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Effective immediately, Flyin' High is replacing crusty_mustard.
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Vompatti wrote:
DFaraday wrote:Oh wow, I thought the lynch ended an hour later. RIP Leech, and sorry I tried to vote for you!
The clock seems to be one hour off.
Go to User Control Panel -- Board Preferences -- and make sure it says Summer Time/DST is NOT in effect.
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:30 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Leech wrote:I'd like to thank Sock for getting me interested in Steve Reich just by giving me the role. So far this is my favorite piece...
Glad you enjoy his music! Definitely listen to Music for 18 Musicians; that is my favorite album of his for sure. He really is such an important figure in the history of contemporary/20th century composing.

That's one of many things I love about hosting mafia games is exposing other people to awesome music/TV shows/video games/etc. that perhaps they hadn't been fully knowledgeable of before. Of course, there's the fantastic flipside of being the one exposed to new items as well while playing a mafia game. I actually started watching Futurama at the insistence of one Mr. Droopy Cash and because of the recent Futurama game over at RM, for just one example.
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [NIGHT 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

It is now Night 1. If you have night PMs, please PM them to me within 24 hours.

by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:05 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [DAY 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Ba

Day 1: Results


Missed the vote (6): axxon n, crusty_mustard, DFaraday, Illyria, insertnamehere, Jokreher
Failed the host challenge (2): crusty_mustard, Jokreher
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:05 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [DAY 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Ba

Day 1: Why Would a Leech Leech onto Himself?

The supposed Captain Spectacular pressed a button on his remote. A giant virtual screen instantaneously appeared out of nowhere and illuminated the wall in the dining area. "Well... Let's get started."

The discussion ensued. Accusations flew. When the first vote was cast, the screen notated the vote. It read: "Leech - Leech". The players looked at each other, confused. "Why would he vote for himself?" Vompatti rose the explanation, "Perhaps he benefits from a self-vote. Why else would he do it?" The discussion exploded after that until the players adequately felt they hammered out all relevant discussion.

What the players discovered was that when the final tally was recorded, some of their votes disappeared straight from the written text. More than a few quickly yelled in outrage, "Where did my vote go?!" When all was said and done, it appears there was an evident pattern to the players whose votes still remained on the board. "Say... what could all of this mean?" asked Boomslang. He looked carefully at the names. A light bulb went off. "All of those people are the ones who voted for the Earth portal! I knew something was up!" Seems he was right. Only those who had voted to venture through the portal they did venture had their votes remain on the tally. Other people for some reason decided not to exercise their right to vote. Regardless, all the votes spoke a clear picture, even now with such a small percentage remaining visible.

"Leech it is." The players advanced on Leech, but it didn't seem it was necessary. He made his counter-arguments, yet no one was listening to him. "I suppose it is the only way to truly show them," he thought. He would still defend his self-vote, even to his slaughter: "Even after my argument, NO ONE helped to explain to me what exactly about self-voting makes it suspicious."

It didn't matter. The players proceeded to take a wide array of sharp cutlery and mutilate Leech. Once it was over and Leech's mutilated body lay hanging on the main dining table, they felt a sense of regret. His form didn't change. One person asked what everyone was thinking, "If he was an infiltrator, surely his true evil form would have been revealed?"

The players mourned the loss of a misunderstood composer.

"My fellow men, we will find the infiltrators," spoke the supposed Captain Spectacular. "No worries. This is an obstacle we all will make through. Now we must slumber, but before we do! I want all of your opinion's on which way we should navigate. This is a democracy after all." A snicker could be heard amongst the crowd. Dead silence again filled the dining hall as the players knew the first day had not been the success they were hoping.

Leech has been lynched. He was Steve Reich.

It is now Night 1. You have 24 hours to send in your night PMs and vote in the night poll.
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:40 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [DAY 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Ba

About 10 minutes and 2 people have not yet fulfilled the challenge, by the way.

triceratopzeuhl wrote:What other username(s) has Devin the Dolphin used? just wondering
Devin the Omniscient was Devin the Omniscient on PA and that is it. He's a friend and now co-worker of mine, FYI.
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:23 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [DAY 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Ba

Roughly an hour and a half remaining! 4 players currently have not fulfilled the challenge.
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 05, 2013 11:11 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [DAY 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Ba

Less than 8 hours to go and there are 13 players who have not yet fulfilled the challenge. :feb:
by Tangrowth
Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [DAY 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Ba

Kate wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Illyria wrote:
Really? We need some suspicious and eye smileys please!

The eye is here.
Haha! I totally thought this was the beginning of some event. "The eye"

I am going to promise myself, if I ever find the perfect time to start an event by posting exactly what I did above, I will.
by Tangrowth
Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [DAY 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Ba

Illyria wrote:
Really? We need some suspicious and eye smileys please!

The eye is here. I will try to add more smilies this weekend; I should have enough time to. :)
by Tangrowth
Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [DAY 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Ba

S~V~S wrote:I can see it.
Really? I did edit forum permissions specifically for this forum, but perhaps your global moderator powers override that. Okay, let me look at this some more, lol. Thanks for letting me know.
by Tangrowth
Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:29 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [DAY 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Ba

Epignosis wrote:
S~V~S wrote:
LittleTiger wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Ah! Very convincing fangs you have!

One other question (since LT is here): How does one know if a post has been edited? I understand the importance of not editing posts, but how can one tell? I edit posts all the time in Gladiators, but there's never an indication that anything was editing.
Only the game host can edit the posts in the game threads.
Actually, mods can too. But I promise not to :ohyeah:
Yeah, I was going to say, "I can edit yours!" :haha:

But yeah, like our tilded friend, I won't cheat.
While I trust all three of the moderators to never edit their own posts, I did change this setting so that only the person specifically set as the mafia game host can edit FYI, so you should not be able to see that option any longer.
by Tangrowth
Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:24 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [DAY 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Ba

Roxy wrote:So did the Earth portal win? I did not manage to copy/paste the poll and I 'm wondering if someone else might have?

Perhaps The Sock will post a copy of the poll?

hi to everyone I have never played with :) I hope this will be the first of many games together. <3

To all those I have played with <3

Linky - LOL @Name :D
I did not copy the poll; I did keep track of the votes in my host spreadsheet though. That's a good idea, I can copy the polls from here on if you all would like.

But yes, Earth won, by 10-9-9.
by Tangrowth
Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:20 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [DAY 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Ba

insertnamehere wrote:I saw no rules against double/triple/quadruple posts in the rules. So, is the challenge a punishment? Or is it just a mechanic?
There are no rules against double/triple/quadruple posts.

The answer to each of your questions is... Perhaps.
by Tangrowth
Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:19 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: [DAY 1] Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Ba

Mr. Droopy Cash wrote:What a dick-move, MP! How's that for an on-topic sentence! :WTF:
I don't see 3 sentences here. ;)
by Tangrowth
Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:53 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Battle

Day 1: Event

As the players entered Nebulo 9, the unseen eyes of the host watched the players unfold their destinies. "28 out of 30 players voted... not bad, considering the amount of new blood in this game. However, I still feel... displeased."

He thought for a few seconds and then an idea hit him. A challenge! Yes, this will perhaps best please the Sockian host. It had then been decided, a posting requirement challenge will be the best way to liven up the game even more.

A challenge has been issued by your host!

All players must have 3 posts of at least 3 on-topic sentences throughout Day 1. If this challenge is failed, the losers will face undesired negative consequences.
by Tangrowth
Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Battle

Day 0: Just A Second (Starts Like That)

Captain Spectacular was pleased. "Alright, men, let's do this!" He walked back inside of his spaceship, followed by all of the other musicians and intruders. He walked up to the main controls and pressed a series of buttons and switches. He stopped. The ship didn't start. He was confused. Why didn't it start?

"Just a second," he somewhat nervously told his public. His brain was going ten million lightyears a minute. One inquisitive member of the public asked, "How does the ship start, sir?" Slightly irritated, Captain Spectacular temporarily ignored the question. There had to be something he did wrong in activating the launch sequence. He reviewed the entire process in his mind, quickly shifting from one switch, button, and lever to the next. Then it hit him!

He walked over to the ship's controls and confidently flipped one of the switches in the opposite direction. The ship began its ignition sequence.

"It starts like that," the captain finally responded. He smiled as the ship blasted off.

The players began to disperse themselves throughout the ship, talking in groups and exploring the ship's interior. Some of the socialization was in an attempt to uncover the imposters, some of it was in genuine desire to get to know the other players better, but it could all be explained largely by the fact that this group of strangers had nothing more currently worthwhile to do than to chat amongst themselves, to avoid any unpleasantness, and because it was certainly the human thing to do. As the ship subsequently traveled through the portal, a weird vacuum-like sound could be heard by everyone in the ship, but it seemed to have no effect on any of them.

The ship emerged from the portal in a completely new location, Nebulo 9. Captain Spectacular, still in the ship's main control room, took keys out from his pocket, entered a locked door adjacent to the control room, and used the ship's intercom system. "Attention, humans and intruders. Let us please gather in the dining area in 5 minutes. Thank you." He left the room and proceeded to the dining area, where he saw all of the players were waiting for him.

"Men, let us return to the dilemma at hand, shall we? We have been infiltrated, and we must uncover those of us that are not worthy of our collective trust. I propose that we spend the entire day in discussion and nominate one person whom we find least worthy of our trust. Once we elect such a person, we then will have to deduce the best method of... dealing with them."

The players stood in silence. Eventually, one of them spoke in outrage. "This is absurd! How do we even know this man is the real Captain Spectacular?"

The alleged Captain Spectacular had never been so insulted in his entire life. "Are you kidding me?!? Of course I'm Captain Spectacular! You are all convinced, are you not?"

Some players looked at each other, while others avoided eye contact. Whom could they trust? No one said a word; no one wanted to. However, they all understood that, regardless of who was truly Captain Spectacular, the evil beings must be uncovered and eliminated.

It is now Day 1.

You have 48 hours to lynch someone.
by Tangrowth
Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:48 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Battle

Bear with me a few minutes, folks, and I will have the Day 0 post up shortly as well as the new poll.
by Tangrowth
Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Battle

Illyria wrote: Also MP, I am assuming that if this effects a particular group they know what the benefits/repercussions are already???? Yae or nay?
LoRab wrote:So, half the players have already voted and we don't yet have an answer to the question:

@MP: Does anyone have information about the poll?

I, for one, see no reason to rush.
The answer to both of these is.... Perhaps.
by Tangrowth
Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Battle


It was a light and sunny day on planet Earth. All humans were going about their normal lives on this normal day. Peace and tranquility were abundant, but it was only temporary. In fact, in another ten seconds or so, all of that was about to change.

And yes, if you couldn’t tell, I am but your not-so-humble narrator in this not so intriguing tale of many insane characters and not-so-insane happenings. Doesn’t that just make you happy?

The sky slowly began to turn dark as a shadow slowly creeped over the edges of the Earth, covering humans and nature in the shade of something truly massive. It was apparently a spaceship.

“Greetings, humans!” bellowed an unfamiliar and distinctive voice as the spaceship descended upon the planet. “I am Ziltoid… the Omniscient! I have come far from across the omniverse. You shall fetch me your universe’s ultimate cup of coffee. Black. You have five Earth minutes. Make it perfect!” Ziltoid started the timer on his wristwatch, waiting impatiently.

The Earthlings scrambled all around in search for the nearest and most superior cup of coffee they could think of, pondering the fact that a bizarre green alien would be requesting it, and fearing what might happen if he does not get it. This latter thought was planted largely as a result of Ziltoid’s vocal chords, which produced a tonal quality that struck a particular note of fear and intimidation in the minds and hearts of the many humans in the vicinity. Some humans began to freak, “All we have is Starbucks!!”, while others seemed to proclaim the exact opposite sentiment, typically those wearing flannel shirts and spouting glasses and Arcade Fite attire – also typically holding a book in one hand and an Apple product in the other, “Starbucks! Of course this will be the ultimate cup of coffee! Oh shit, I can hardly carry this with all the hipster garbage in my hands!”

Five minutes had passed. “Commander!”

“Yes, Captain Ziltoid?”

“Have the humans delivered their ultimate cup of coffee?”

“I have it right here, sir.”

“Yes…” Ziltoid drank from the Starbucks-labeled cup. “Fetid! How dare they present THIS to me? Foul!!! They hide their finest bean! Prepare the attack!!” He threw the cup of coffee to the ground in disgust.

Commander Squizloid nodded his head as he and Ziltoid stepped back into the spaceship and it began to lift. Panic ensued as the humans who overheard Ziltoid’s sentiment regarding Starbucks ran around in circles, somehow thinking that would convince the fourth-dimensional guitar hero otherwise.

It took a hero, particularly one with a spacecraft able to even put a fight up against Ziltoid’s, to stand up and take some logical (or, rather, brash and rather spontaneous) action. Captain Spectacular arose in front of the crowd, motioning them all to follow him. “Let’s fight Ziltoid till the end, fellow humans!”

Many musicians in the crowd, most of them in town for the gathering of a festival called Rock in Opposition, of which out of all the tens of thousands of nearby individuals only a whopping four non-musicians were likely aware…. Actually, let me correct that. It is more like one. And the entire time he was booing them, taunting that the show was not “avant-garde enough.” In fact I can recall the banter like it was yesterday (in reality it was about five minutes before this entire charade ensued).

“Boooooo! Hiss! Where are The Residents?! I want some true avant-garde not this commercial poppy shit!” the Residents Fanboy hissed, the only sole person in the audience at a nearby run-down bar with a sloppily-designed banner stating “ROCK IN OPPOSITION: Yes, we are just that underfunded avant-garde, we don’t even need anything more than a sloppily-designed and hung banner!” Fred Frith looked over at Chris Cutler. “So why do we take this shit anyway?”

“Agreed.” Chris Cutler chucked one of his drumsticks at Residents Fanboy, knocking him over.

“Oh shit, there goes our only fan,” observed Fred Frith.

“He was a fan?”

“Welcome to the world of avant-garde, my friend.” They both hastily left the stage, only to wander outside, spotting a large crowd of people. “About fucking time, fuckers…” Mike Patton expressed as he walked out onto the bar’s stage. “Hey, what the fuck, where is everyone?!”

Meanwhile, about one hundred feet in a certain direction, Chris Cutler got his hopes up, as you could perhaps see the look of glow in his eyes. That is, if you were looking at him, and if that was the case he likely would instinctively react to turn away, or chuck a drumstick. Fred Frith just looked at him and nodded his head sternly, indicating, No, these people are not here for us, you numnut. Something is actually occurring. The something that was occurring was that Ziltoid had just landed and was making his speech. If you can call a request for the ultimate cup of coffee a speech, that is.

Oh, yes, where was I? Anyway…

Captain Spectacular led all of the humans and musicians (yes, musicians are separated out for many reasons, two of which include the fact that musicians saw the impending destruction of the Earth and figured they needed to be able to starve elsewhere, the other of which I forgot while explaining this first reason to you)… anyway, he led all of them into his quite impressive spaceship which he has apparently spent most of his lifetime working on constructing and thus was a work of art indeed. He knew it would come in handy against Ziltoid one of these days. Ironically, or rather maybe not so ironically, a man who spent decades preparing for the invasion of a coffee-obsessed green maniac in his hideout constructing an intergalactic spaceship was much more prepared for real life than those doing what human society considered actually worthwhile jobs. And worthless ones like Accountants. Of course they were doomed from the beginning.

“Captain Ziltoid! The humans are preparing themselves for the attack!” exclaimed Commander Squizloid as he saw the rush of humans making their way into Captain Spectacular’s spectacular spacecraft.

“Excellent! Have you prepared the planet smasher?”

“Yes, my lord.”


“Okay, well, where is it then?”

Commander Squizloid looked frantically around Ziltoid’s spaceship. “I thought I had the planet smasher awakener device right here! I left it right here!”


Meanwhile, Captain Spectacular’s spaceship had recently finished boarding as much human life as it could possibly fit on it, which in reality was about twenty, twenty-five… maybe thirty individuals? Yes, quite shy of the tens of thousands wishing to board it. As you can predict from creatures on a planet such as Earth, many of them fought tooth and nail (and whatever other body part or other object you can substitute) in order to secure a spot on that spacecraft.

“Now listen here, men!” Captain Spectacular was enthusiastically speaking to those on board. “We represent the planet Earth! I want no heroes! He is gonna be unleashing a shit storm on us, we gotta be ready! They are coming over the horizon as we speak! We gotta be ready to take them down! Hold your position men! Do not fire until I tell you to fire! Have you got that?”

“YES SIR!” The passengers, all stationed behind different stations with far many more gadgets than most of them were even accustomed to seeing on a mixing board, secretly worried and whispered amongst themselves, “What the hell are we doing?”

“Right! Hold your position! Ziltoid, he comes!” Captain Spectacular took helm at the main control room and began to navigate the spaceship. It blasted off into Earth’s atmosphere, ready to fight against Ziltoid.

“Commander! Where is our backup? Where is the planet smasher?!” Ziltoid exclaimed. Commander Squizloid grabbed the nearest microphone and spoke in a language indecipherable to the written language I am using to communicate these facts to you right now.

Ziltoid’s fleet zoomed in from outer space into the vicinity. “ATTAAAAAAAAAACK!” proclaimed Ziltoid the Omniscient, directing his fleet to the destruction of the planet. He would somehow do this even without the assistance of the planet smasher.


The cry was so incredibly crushing and dominant that the whole Earth shook with the sound of its soundwave. Ziltoid recognized the cry.

The creature literally appeared to exist out of nowhere, falling down to the Earth and absolutely pounding it with its presence once it landed with an ever-resonating THUMP! The red beast stood at about four and one half meters tall (that is fifteen feet for any of you human Yanks that happen to be reading this communication) and actually was an interesting combination of fuzzy hair and a grotesquely muscular appearance underneath. The monster took his giant fists and pounded into the Earth, effectively crumbling all matter beneath its fists. The Earth disintegrated in a matter of thirty seconds, give or take a nanosecond.

Captain Spectacular and the humans looked upon in awe, as did Ziltoid and his crew. “No, this cannot be!” exclaimed Ziltoid. He looked furiously at Commander Squizloid, knowing this creature was the planet smasher that they should have been summoning.

The creature stared at Ziltoid’s spacecraft, seeming to be able to float in space but with relative ease and control of its environment. “FOUL, PEST!!!! AND BY THE WAY THE NAME’S HERMAN!... AND I HATE MUSICALS!!!” The creature then vanished into an instantaneously created and destroyed portal of hyperspace.

Ziltoid, knowing he had been bested, attempted to flee the scene to escape the wrath of Captain Spectacular, but it was no use. Captain Spectacular caught up to Ziltoid’s spacecraft. “Ready, men? FIRE!” As nearly all of his crew was actually made up of musicians merely desperate to stay alive in the sudden destruction of the only planet they knew, naturally the correct sequence of buttons was not executed.

Nearly simultaneously did an eyeball-shaped spacecraft spontaneously appear out of thin air (or, rather, thin space). The Residents, all inside, noticed the now non-existence of Earth. Blue Eyeball looked at his comrades in puzzlement. “So did we miss the show or what?” All of The Residents were then transported instantaneously to the confines of Captain Spectacular’s ship, along with Ziltoid and all of his men, leaving his ship to navigate itself. Ziltoid the Omniscient, furious, demanded answers. “Indeed, what exactly is occurring? I demand answers!!!!” The Residents simply stood there.

The Omnidimensional Creator spoke, “Yo, Ziltoid! What's up dude? Long time no see… although I see everything. What's on your mind bro?”

Ziltoid ignored the ignoramus. Captain Spectacular, also unaware as everyone else as to what exactly had just happened, knew he had to navigate the spaceship in some direction. He knew there was a portal at one end of the galaxy, and also one near the sun, but was unsure of anything beyond that. Just as he was contemplating these thoughts, space shook with the creation of an incredibly large portal before his and everyone else’s eyes, right where Earth once was. Captain Spectacular knew exactly what this was; it was a hyperspace portal. He then realized, amidst all of the chaos of deciding where to next travel, it was the ideal opportunity to confront his enemy. Even though his attempts to blow Ziltoid and his men to smithereens had failed miserably, he somehow succeeded in something just as sweet. He landed his ship on a nearby planet, which happened to be what the Earthlings all called Mars, but in reality had no name. Captain Spectacular ordered everyone out of the ship. “We must persecute the enemies who were responsible for destroying our planet!”

Ziltoid laughed. “You have not convinced mighty Ziltoid! I am so omniscient… if there was to be two omnisciences, I would be both!” Using powers far beyond the realm of what the humans were capable, Ziltoid and his men were able to disguise themselves as fellow humans. The Residents followed suit. The humans watched in awe.

Meanwhile, an undetectable portal opened and closed right above Mars, populating the presence with two more beings. All of them could hear as a mysterious voice’s laughter subsequently echoed throughout the depths of the galaxy. “Mwhahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa!” Its plan was just beginning to unfold.

The players freaked. “That laughter… something superbly evil is nearby…” thought Ziltoid the Omniscient. “Even much more evil than myself, and that is scary… indeed!”

Captain Spectacular was at a loss. He had to move forward so that they could find better ground, and then return to prosecuting these evil beings. “Men! I realize we have just been infiltrated, but there is nothing we can do about that fact at this moment. We must find more stable ground. Unfortunately, I am unaware of which portal would best suit our endeavor. This is why I am suggesting the best possible human solution, democracy!” One of the voices, obviously not a human or perhaps just a socialist (or both), could be heard snickering amongst the crowd. Nonetheless, no one could propose a better option.

It is now Day 0.

You have 48 hours to select which direction for Captain Spectacular’s spacecraft to navigate.

1. The portal which has assumed the location of Earth
2. The supposed portal at the edge of the galaxy near the location of the Sun
3. The supposed portal at the edge of the galaxy near the location of Neptune and that so-called fake “planet” Pluto, the resident ball of ice

Choose wisely. Good luck.
by Tangrowth
Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Battle

axxon n
Devin the Omniscient
Dom -- replaced Roxy
Flyin' High -- replaced crusty_mustard
juliets -- replaced benthayer15
Mr. Droopy Cash
The Truth
timmer -- replaced Captain Bunny Killer

Male: 22
Female: 8
by Tangrowth
Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Battle

AceofSpaces -- Killed by The Residents - Night 9
axxon n -- Killed by The Residents - Night 2
bea -- Brown Eyeball -- Lynched - Day 2
birdwithteeth11 -- Killed by The Residents - Night 8
BoatsBoatsBoats -- Killed by The Residents - Conclusion
Boomslang -- Killed by The Residents - Night 10 -- Resurrected by The Omnidimensional Creator - Night 10.2 -- Killed by The Residents - Conclusion
chaindeath -- Killed by Damo Suzuki - Night 4
Devin the Omniscient -- Killed by Ziltoid the Omniscient's Army - Night 1
DFaraday -- Killed by Herman the Planet Smasher - Night 1
DharmaHelper -- Damo Suzuki -- Lynched - Day 11
DisgruntledPorcupine -- Herman the Planet Smasher -- Taken Down - Day 10
Dom -- [replaced Roxy - Night 4] -- WINNER
Epignosis -- WINNER
Flyin' High -- Exuma -- Lynched - Day 6 -- [replaced crusty_mustard - Night 1]
Illyria -- Killed by Herman the Planet Smasher - Night 2 -- Resurrected by the living - Night 5 -- Killed by The Residents - Conclusion
insertnamehere -- Ornette Coleman -- Lynched - Day 12
Jokreher -- Modkilled by the host - Night 7
juliets -- Killed by The Residents - Night 6 -- [replaced benthayer15 - Night 3]
Kate -- Killed by Herman the Planet Smasher - Night 5
Leech -- Steve Reich -- Lynched - Day 1
LittleTiger -- Grey 1 -- Lynched - Day 5
LoRab -- Killed by Commander Squizloid - Day 2
Mr. Droopy Cash -- Captain Beefheart -- Lynched - Day 3 -- Resurrected by The Omnidimensional Creator - Night 3 -- Killed by The Residents - Night 10
rabbit8 -- Ziltoid the Omniscient -- Lynched - Day 8
reywaS -- The Mysterious Voice -- Lynched - Day 10
S~V~S -- Fred Frith -- Lynched - Day 8
The Truth -- Ziltoidian Monk -- Lynched - Day 9
timmer -- [replaced Captain Bunny Killer - Day 5] -- WINNER
triceratopzeuhl -- Sacrificed by the dead - Night 5
Vompatti -- Residents Fanboy -- Lynched - Day 4

Alive: 3
Dead: 27
by Tangrowth
Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:40 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Battle

Prelude - The Earth is eradicated and the civvies are infiltrated by evil beings. The players must decide where to travel in the wake of Earth's destruction.
Day 0: Just A Second (Starts Like That) - The players select the portal that has assumed the place where Earth once orbited and end up in Nebulo 9. They are now faced with their first lynch period to weed out an evil infiltrator.
Day 1: Event - The host challenges all of the players to a posting challenge for Day 1. If they fail, they will face negative consequences.
Day 1: Why Would a Leech Leech onto Himself? - Leech is lynched; he was Steve Reich. The players must decide how to navigate Captain Spectacular's ship during the night, whether to surrounding nebulos 8 or 10, or to stay in nebulo 9.
Night 1: Just A Blip - DFaraday is killed by Herman the Planet Smasher; Devin the Omniscient is killed by Ziltoid the Omniscient's Army.
Day 2: Event - The host challenges all of the players to a word of the day challenge for Day 2. The first to post the word of the day wins a prize!
Day 2: Here I Come Constantinople (or Not?) - bea is lynched; she was Brown Eyeball.
Day 2: The Wrath of Commander Squizloid - LoRab is killed by Commander Squizloid.
Night 2: Exodus - axxon n is killed by The Residents; Illyria is killed by Herman the Planet Smasher.
Day 3: The Ultimate Event -The ultimate challenge begins! The top 3 players who contribute the most throughout Days and Nights 3 will win awesome prizes, whereas those who do not fulfill the host's criteria for adequate overall game contribution by that point will meet a terrible fate.
Day 3: 'Cause In This Lifetime... You've Got My Droopy Gets Me Blues - Mr. Droopy Cash is lynched; he was Captain Beefheart.
Night 3: Ghosts - First Variation - Flyin' High survives a kill attempt by Ziltoid the Omniscient's Army; The Truth survives a kill attempt by Herman the Planet Smasher; Mr. Droopy Cash is resurrected by The Omnidimensional Creator.
Day 4: Event - The host challenges the players to participate in an optional poker tournament.
Day 4: Happy Wombat Day - Vompatti is lynched; he was Residents Fanboy.
Night 4: Mushroom - Flyin' High survives a kill attempt by Herman the Planet Smasher; DisgruntledPorcupine survives a kill attempt by The Residents; rabbit8 is frozen.
Day 5: Stay Away From Me - LittleTiger is lynched; she is Grey 1.
Night 5: Event - The host gives the living one chance to vote to resurrect a player who died of any result other than lynching.
Night 5: I Am Colossus - Boomslang survives a kill attempt by Ziltoid the Omniscient's Army; Kate is killed by Herman the Planet Smasher; rabbit8 is unfrozen; Illyria is resurrected by the living and triceratopzeuhl is sacrificed by the dead.
Day 6: Zombiefied - Flyin' High is lynched; she was Exuma.
Night 6: Event - The players are presented the choice to investigate one of four portals which have recently appeared on a nearby planet. The supposed Captain Spectacular gives any of the players the option to view through his portalscope, a device designed to give the seer an idea of what lies beyond.
Night 6: Eden on the Air - juliets is killed by The Residents. Portal 2 is selected and the players arrive at a lush and inviting garden. The players nominate a player good at heart for Day 7, in contrast to a typical lynch.
Day 7: Hope! - A player (S~V~S) was successfully nominated as good at heart! Hope has been given.
Night 7: Volcano - DharmaHelper is killed by Ziltoid the Omniscient's Army; Epignosis survives a kill attempt by Moondog; Jokreher is modkilled by the host. Portal 1 is selected and the players arrive at an active volcano with an ominous ash-ridden sky. The players must select a player worthy of burning to death in the volcano.
Night 7: Addendum/Host Error - DharmaHelper is resurrected!
Day 8: Into the Fire (Part 1) - No one is lynched.
Day 8: Into the Fire (Part 2) - S~V~S and rabbit8 are lynched; S~V~S was Fred Frith and rabbit8 was Ziltoid the Omniscient. The players must again choose a portal to take, this time from the only two remaining.
Night 8: Disruptr - birdwithteeth11 is killed by The Residents. Portal 4 is selected and the players arrive at a void of absolute nothingness. The players must select a player to be lynched as usual.
Day 9: Heaven Send... or Hell, Whichever - The Truth is lynched; he was Ziltoidian Monk. Ziltoid the Omniscient's Army has been eliminated! The Residents now kill every night.
Night 9: Psychic Jugglers - AceofSpaces is killed by The Residents; BoatsBoatsBoats survives a kill attempt by Herman the Planet Smasher. Portal 3 is the last remaining and the players arrive at a twisted, juggling world. The players must select an option.
Day 10: The Mysterious Voice of the Soul - reywaS is lynched; he was The Mysterious Voice! DisgruntledPorcupine is taken down by association; he was Herman the Planet Smasher. The Duo of Destruction has been eliminated!
Night 10: Event - The host must be appeased because of the lynch result that resulted in the death of his precious Duo. Tributes will be accepted throughout Night 10 and Day 11 for both reywaS/The Mysterious Voice and DP/Herman the Planet Smasher. The player who best and most creatively represents each character will win a reward, so two rewards will be given. Even deadies can participate!
Night 10: Neon Meate Dream of a Octafish - Mr. Droopy Cash is killed by The Residents.
Day 11: Event - The host offers presents to each of the players. They must choose to open the gifts (or not) by the end of Night 11.
Day 11: I'm So Green - DharmaHelper is lynched; he was Damo Suzuki.
Night 11: The Return of the Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging - Boomslang is killed by The Residents. The gifts exploded!
Night 11.2: Ghosts - Second Variation - Boomslang is resurrected by The Omndimensional Creator! No one dies as a result of the explosion!
Day 12: Eventually - insertnamehere is lynched; he was Ornette Coleman.
Conclusion: The Festival of Death - BoatsBoatsBoats, Boomslang, and Illyria are killed by The Residents to end the game. The Residents win the game!!! Congratulations to the winners: Epignosis, timmer, and Dom!!!
by Tangrowth
Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:40 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

Re: Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Battle


1. No BTSC (Behind the Scenes Contact/Conversation) with anyone other than your specified BTSC partners.
2. No editing or deleting of posts.
3. No role outing of yourself or anyone else.
4. No double-targeting (targeting the same individual with a power twice in a row).
5. No asshattery (purposeful disrespectful behavior) towards another individual(s)!
6. Dead players should not post on-topic and should be in dead red. There is a "dead" button when posting for this function.
7. Off-topic posts should be in off-topic green. There is an "OT" button when posting for this function.
8. Posts from non-players should be in non-player blue. There is a "np" button when posting for this function.
9. This is your host's color. All host posts will be in this color. Don't use it!

And most of all, have fun!
by Tangrowth
Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:39 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112733

[END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Avant-Garde Mafia 2: The Ultimate Dimensional Battle

It’s Mafia like you’ve never seen it before: Avant-Garde style. Well, wait, maybe you have. But it is different this time. The stakes are exponential, the scope is omnidimensional.

This time it is ultimate.

With special guest: Ziltoid the Omniscient!


And others. But Ziltoid says they're not important.

Civvies (18)

Non-Musicians (3)

The Omnidimensional Creator – Creator of everything in the omniverse, he now finds himself threatened by evil beings. Despite being the creator of all matter, he really is not that articulate or intelligent and speaks in a matter befitting a stereotypical male surfer in his 20s rather than a mystical being. He can resurrect any player of his choice twice in the game, but when he attempts to do so he may be too distracted (or stupid, as scientists have not determined which) to execute it with complete success. A coin is flipped; if heads, The Omnidimensional Creator chooses the player to be resurrected. If tails, the player is randomly selected from those currently dead. The Omnidimensional Creator automatically survives the first night kill attempt against him.

Captain Spectacular – Has joined the human forces to lead them in battle against his enemy Ziltoid. As a man of incredible insight, he can see right through Ziltoid’s façade. Consequently, he is impervious to being affected by Ziltoid and his army, and if he is targeted by any member of Ziltoid’s army he uncovers his targeter’s identity with what he believes to be perfect accuracy. In reality, his accuracy in determining his enemy in this scenario really is closer to perhaps forty, fifty, or sixty percent. Let’s go with fifty.

Residents Fanboy – Listens to no other music but The Residents and knows more about them than anyone else. The only thing he does not know is their true identities, and is incredibly desperate to, even going so far as to steal Mr. Skull’s previous red eyeball mask. Consequently, he is impervious to being affected by The Residents, and if he is targeted by of them he uncovers his targeter’s identity with what he believes to be perfect accuracy. In reality, his accuracy in determining his enemy in this scenario really is closer to perhaps forty, fifty, or sixty percent. Again, fifty is probably a safe bet for an accurate estimation.

Musicians (15)

Frank Zappa – As a master composer and bandleader, Zappa attempts to find new high-quality musicians to jam with and thus selects one player of his choice every night. If the player he finds is a non-musician, nothing happens. If the player he finds is a musician, something happens. If the player he finds is specifically Captain Beefheart, Zappa and Beefheart additionally gain BTSC for the remainder of the game. If the player he finds is a member of the Residents, something bizarre happens. (Secrets) Zappa is unaware of what actually occurs when he finds a musician, but he does know they are both too busy jamming that night to be concerned or bothered with anything else. If he finds a member of the Residents, a coin is flipped. If tails, nothing happens. If heads, the Residents are made aware that Zappa has come into contact with them and they can choose recruit him or kill him. If they recruit him, Zappa loses all role powers and gains BTSC with the Residents; he naturally switches to their win condition. If they kill him, they all gain automatic lynch protection the subsequent day and automatic night protection the subsequent night. In reality, any time Zappa finds a musician, he protects both himself and that musician from nightkills that night, but inadvertently also role blocks the musician.

Captain Beefheart – Now abandoned by his entire magic band, all that Captain Beefheart has at his disposal are his rotten fish heads. He throws a fish head at any player of his choice other than himself every night, causing them to stink the entire subsequent day period. He gains BTSC with Frank Zappa if found by him. (Secrets) A player who stinks throughout the day is not affected by any votes against them and will end the day with 0 votes.

Mike Patton – Impersonates a player of his choice every odd night and subsequently attempts to mimic that player’s persona the subsequent night. Mike Patton has a fifty percent chance of successfully mimicking his target and a fifty percent chance of failing. Whether by intention or mistake, Mike Patton does not fare so well on attempting to impersonate beings of mystic or evil proportions, decreasing his chances of success. Those particularly evil may resist even still too fiercely. Mike Patton has to flip two coins instead of one if he impersonates Commander Squizloid or any of the Residents. He cannot impersonate Ziltoid, Ziltodian Monk, The Greys, The Mysterious Voice, or Herman the Planet Smasher.

Fred Frith – Conducts a march every night. One coin is flipped, plus one more if Chris Cutler is still alive. For each coin that flips heads, he can choose one player and force that player to join his march for the subsequent day's activities. Any player caught in Frith’s march must vote the way Frith wants them to and must not make it obvious they were forced. Has BTSC with Chris Cutler. Unbeknownst to Fred Frith, any player who is force voted actually loses the power of their vote instead.

Chris Cutler – Throws his drumsticks every night at any two players of his choice in an attempt to role block them. A coin is flipped; if it flips heads, then both players are role blocked. If tails, nothing happens. Has BTSC with Fred Frith.

John Cage – Silences one player of his choice every night, excluding them from the subsequent day's activities. (Secrets) If John Cage is nightkilled, he selects a player of his choice to follow him to the grave.

Steve Reich – This composer strives for structure and proper strategy; he closely watches his fellow players in an attempt to make sense of night actions. On Night 1, he selects three individuals whose actions he wants to track with his tape recorder, and each night thereafter he adds a new player to his tracked group. He can drop any one given player from his tracking group during any night period as well, but is not required to. He can see the targets of all the players in his tracking group but is not aware which target belongs to which player, normally. If certain patterns occur in his group’s night targets, however, he gains even more knowledge. (Secrets)
o Possible Patterns and Outcomes:
Pattern 1: All of the players in his group target the same player. Outcome 1: Steve Reich learns the roles of all the players in his group, but does not match those roles with the actual player names.
Pattern 2: Half of the players in his group target one individual and the other half target another; there must be an even number of tracked individuals. Outcome 2: Steve Reich learns the roles of one half of the players who targeted similarly, but does not match those roles with the actual player names.
Pattern 3: All of the players in his group target different players. Outcome 3: Steve Reich learns the roles of one of the players in his group, but does not match that role with an actual player name.
Pattern 4: One or more of the above patterns happens two nights in a row. Outcome 4: Steve Reich learns the roles of all the players in his group, but does not match those roles with the actual player names. He additionally matches the players in his group with their exact targets that night, instead of receiving the information unmatched.

Iannis Xenakis – This incredibly influential composer utilizes mathematical models in his music that at times even enable him to influence the fabric of spacetime. Each day and night he arranges his group of musicians and conducts them in one of his compositions; if feeling particularly inspired, he is actually able to tamper with the forces of time itself. Consequently, Xenakis may end up to one day and two nights of his choice early throughout the game.

Ornette Coleman – Cries out in his signature saxophone playing in an attempt to warn others, but only when he feels he has been wrongly accused. (Secrets) During any day period Ornette receives votes against him, messages are sent to random players from the host, stating that Ornette has received votes the past day. The number of players that receive a message is equal to the number of votes against Ornette at the end of the day.

ChaotH – This avant-garde metal bassist is more than accustomed to time signature changes, allowing him to be a master of sleight of hand and agility. By the end of every day, he can select a player of his choice and assist that player in dodging the time limits of the coming night. The player he assists will consequently be able to use their night power twice within that same night, but will be too tired to use their power the subsequent night, or the next time the player would typically use their power if not every night. If ChaotH targets a player who does not have a night power that night, nothing happens.

Moondog – This blind musician, nicknamed "The Viking of 6th Avenue", considers himself an independent crusader of justice, but will only strike others if he feels he is being threatened or misunderstood. Once he feels he is being adequately threatened, Moondog will use his spear and all of his willpower to attack any perceived enemies. If he loses the means or will to do so, he then wanders the streets in hopes of concealing himself. (Secrets) Any time he ends a day period with one or more votes against him, Moondog goes on the attack the following night. He throws his spear at one player of his choice, attempting to kill them. Two coins are flipped; if both heads, Moondog successfully kills his attacker and retrieves his spear. If one is tails and the other heads, he has a fifty percent chance of killing his attacker, but either way retrieves his spear. If both coins flip tails, Moondog fails and loses his spear. When Moondog loses his spear, he cannot attempt to kill for the rest of the game and goes on the defensive. He then loses the power of his vote, as each lynch vote is automatically worth 0, in order to protect himself during the day. However, he additionally has a 50 percent chance of surviving a lynch where he would otherwise be the victim.

Damo Suzuki – This crazed singer has a personal bag of mushrooms he can tap into every night. Others might consider him an expert on the matter of such substances, but he is really too inarticulate most of the time to even consider the thought himself. He can grab one mushroom at random out of his bag every night to use on himself or on another player of his choice. Unbeknownst to Damo, there may be a few other random non-mushroom items in that bag as well. (Secrets) Damo is unknown of what is in his mushroom bag until he picks it out of the bag. He is also unaware of all items' effects.
o Contents of Damo’s Mushroom Bag:
o d1-d2 – Orange Mushroom – Boosts the energy of the player who eats it, making their vote worth 3x the subsequent day period.
o d3 – Green Mushroom – Boosts the confidence of the player who eats it, making their vote worth +1 for the remainder of the game.
o d4 – Blue Mushroom – Strengthens the player who eats it, giving them a 50% of surviving any possible nightkills for the next two nights.
o d5-d6 – Purple Mushroom – Poisons the player who eats it, causing them to start out each of the next five lynches with two votes against them.
o d7 – Black Mushroom – Immediately kills any player who eats it.
o d8 – Red Mushroom – Strengthens the player who eats it, giving them a 50% of surviving any possible lynches for the next two days.
o d9-d10 – Can of Green Beans – Can be chucked at the head of another player’s choice of the receiver. It does nothing other than irritate the player who gets hit in the head. They will automatically be forced to vote for the person who chucked the green beans at them (the receiver) the subsequent day.
o d11 – Can of Spray Paint – Can be sprayed in one player’s eyes of the receiver’s choice, effectively canceling the victim's vote the next day and roleblocking them on the subsequent night.
o d12 – Stinky Shoe – Can be chucked at any player of Damo’s choice, or he may choose to keep it and smell if he wishes. The player who receives the hit of the shoe has a 50% probability of finding out Damo’s true identity. If Damo smells the shoe, he becomes enraged, chucking the shoe anyway and then chucking his bag of mushrooms at another player. That other player now is in control of Damo’s mushroom bag and assumes Damo’s role power, leaving Damo powerless.

Christian Vander – This drummer and founder of what would later be termed “Zeuhl” music targets one player of his choice every night with insanification, causing that player to speak in tongues the subsequent day. Speaking in tongues may have other effects than shuffling speech. (Secrets) Any player who is insanified has a negative vote the day of insanification, the amount of which is determined by the number of posts the insanified player makes throughout the day. Each post equates to an additional negative vote. For example, if the insanified player makes four posts throughout the day, that person’s vote that day is worth negative 4, instead of the typical positive 1.

Scott Walker – This experimental singer-songwriter may on two nonconsecutive nights choose to "tilt" everyone's night targets. (Secrets) When all night targets are tilted, Scott redirects all powers that target one half of the player alphabet listing onto the other half. He can choose which half of the alphabet will be absolved of night targets against them and thereby the other half which will receive those powers instead, in addition to the powers they have already been targeted with. The method by which they are re-directed is a complete alphabetical reversal, i.e. if Scott tilts from the first half onto the second half of the alphabet, any powers that the player listed first alphabetically would be hit with will now hit the player listed last alphabetically.

Exuma – Conducts a ritual every night to keep away the evil spirits and curse those willing to cross his path. (Secrets) Exuma has a 50 percent chance of successfully avoiding any given night action targeted at him. Any player whose power he avoids unknowingly starts the following lynch with two votes against them.

Ziltoid the Omniscient’s Army (5)
Ziltoid's team kills every odd night.
Ziltoid the Omniscient – The ultimate fourth-dimensional guitar hero searches all across the omniverse for the ultimate cup of coffee. Unsatisfied by what Earth has to offer, he decides instead to conquer the planet and take control of the entire omniverse. Benefits greatly if Captain Spectacular is lynched. (Secrets) Every night Ziltoid can check a player of his choice for the omniverse’s ultimate cup of coffee, which is randomly given to one player on Night 1. If he finds it, he gains one automatic lynch protection. If Captain Spectacular is lynched, Ziltoid gains use of Captain Spectacular’s possessions. He can thereafter search every subsequent night, assuming Captain Spectacular’s identity, to find a civvie recruit to his army. For every night Ziltoid attempts to recruit, he cannot execute the nightly kill of his team, so someone else must do so. Assuming he is not roleblocked, Ziltoid has a fifty percent chance of success if he finds a civvie to recruit on any given night. Once a civvie is recruited to Ziltoid’s army, their win conditions are altered to that of Ziltoid’s and that civvie gains BTSC with Ziltoid and his army. Ziltoid then loses his ability to recruit any further.

Commander Squizloid – Ziltoid’s right hand man and second in command. He absorbs every night action that Ziltoid is targeted with until death. His most important role is commanding the army’s back-up fleets. (Secrets) During Day 0, Commander Squizloid decides in which nebulo to place the Ziltoidian back-up fleets. Every night Commander Squizloid can decide to move the fleets forward or backward to another nebulo or remain motionless; he can move one or two nebulo’s length at a time. Once he believes he found the prime location for an attack, he can station the fleet at a certain nebulo and set up the front guns on a nearby planet. In order to do so, he must choose to remain motionless and elect the deployment of the front guns instead of moving the fleet during any given night period. If the fleet has deployed the front guns and the humans visit the nebulo in which the fleet remains, Squizloid can unleash the front guns on them, destroying any player of his choice. This has no tie with the separate lynch activities of that day; Squizloid can choose any player of his choice to be eradicated by the end of the day period. If Commander Squizloid dies, the fleet is no longer able to move and must remain stationed at the nebulo last located. Unfortunately, if the front guns were not activated before his death, Ziltoid’s fleet cannot attack.

Ziltoidian Monk – He prays every night for the safety of Ziltoid and his comrades. If his prayer is successful, any members on his team may live to see another day. Naturally, he prays harder for his own survival than anyone else’s, however. (Secrets)
Every night Ziltoidian Monk is alive, a d12 is rolled. The following results detail how the prayer affects his team’s survival:
o d1-d6 – No automatic night protection for any of the team.
o d7-d10 – Ziltoidian Monk survives night kills.
o d11 – All members except Ziltoidian Monk survive night kills.
o d12 – All members of the team survive night kills.

Grey 1 – Shapeshifts into whatever it wants every odd night. Has a unique power that Ziltoid bestowed upon it. (Secrets) Grey 1 chooses a player to impersonate every odd night, stealing that player’s night power from them, essentially roleblocking them. Grey 1 has a fifty percent chance of successfully mimicking its target and a fifty percent chance of mimicking another random player by mistake. The unfortunate victim, whether intended or not, secretly has their vote nullified for the day subsequent to impersonation. If Grey 1 impersonates Mike Patton, nothing happens. Unbeknownst to Grey 1, if the person impersonated does not use his or her power the same night that Grey 1 attempts to execute the power it impersonated the night previous, the execution fails automatically.

Grey 2 – Shapeshifts into whatever it wants every even night. Has a unique power that Ziltoid bestowed upon it. (Secrets) Grey 2 chooses a player to impersonate every even night, stealing that player’s night power from them, essentially roleblocking them. Grey 2 has a fifty percent chance of successfully mimicking its target and a fifty percent chance of mimicking another random player by mistake. The unfortunate victim, whether intended or not, secretly has their vote nullified for the day subsequent to impersonation. If Grey 2 impersonates Mike Patton, nothing happens. Unbeknownst to Grey 2, if the person impersonated does not use his or her power the same night that Grey 2 attempts to execute the power it impersonated the night previous, the execution fails automatically.

The Residents (5)
The Residents kill every even night.
Mr. Skull – Likes to cause chaos and confusion. Benefits greatly if Residents Fanboy is lynched. (Secrets) Every night Mr. Skull submits three names whom he wants to roleblock for the night. A coin is flipped; if heads, all three players are roleblocked. If tails, nothing happens. If Residents Fanboy is lynched, Mr. Skull gains his eyeball mask back and transforms into Red Eyeball. As Red Eyeball, three names are still submitted every night. Two coins are now flipped; if both flip heads, all players except The Residents are roleblocked. If both flip tails, nothing happens and Red Eyeball cannot attempt to roleblock the following night and must wait to try again. If one flips heads and the other tails, the three players selected by Red Eyeball are roleblocked as normal.

Blue Eyeball – Likes to cause chaos and confusion. (Secrets) Curses one player of its choice every night. When Blue Eyeball dies, all players still alive that it has cursed have a 50% chance of being turned frozen for the remainder of the game until specifically unfrozen. Each night the players as a whole must select one frozen player to unfreeze. Frozen players cannot post, vote, or use their night power until unfrozen.

Green Eyeball – Likes to cause chaos and confusion. (Secrets) Curses one player of its choice every night. This player’s votes in subsequent lynch periods will be negative instead of positive as long as Green Eyeball is still alive. Instead of adding one vote towards the lynch of a voted player, the target’s vote will instead subtract one, two, three, four, or five votes away from the voted player, depending on how many members of The Residents are alive.

Brown Eyeball – Likes to cause chaos and confusion. (Secrets) Curses one player of its choice every night. Depending on the role of a die, the target’s night power is affected in different ways:
o d1-d3 – The victim’s night target is randomly redirected.
o d4-d5 – The victim’s night target is redirected to another player of Brown Eyeball’s choice.
o d6 - The victim’s night target is randomly redirected every night until Brown Eyeball dies.

The Sinister Exaggerator – Loves to exaggerate! (Secrets) Can tamper with the night posts every night, adding in one occurrence of its choice that didn’t actually happen. As long as The Sinister Exaggerator is alive, all lynch votes cast by The Residents are worth 2x.

Duo of Destruction (2)

The Mysterious Voice – Master and controller of many alternate dimensions. It is looking to invade and fully conquer the third dimension, and its first step in doing so is enslaving mankind and anything else that gets in its way. (Secrets) A power not to be trifled with, The Mysterious Voice starts off every lynch period with negative three votes against it. As the ultimate puppetmaster, The Mysterious Voice can select up to four players each night and switch around their night targets to its liking. Additionally, any night action that targets The Mysterious Voice is automatically redirected back at its sender until Herman the Planet Smasher dies. Once Herman is gone, The Mysterious Voice does not inherit the kill from Herman and cannot redirect any night actions but can still use its switch power. It begins searching for a new slave the night subsequent to Herman’s death; the player it chooses has their win condition altered to that of the Duo and they gain BTSC. If the target chosen is The Omnidimensional Creator, the recruit attempt fails automatically. When The Mysterious Voice’s current slave dies, it searches the subsequent night for another slave; this continues until The Mysterious Voice is eliminated. Any slave recruit that already has BTSC retains it with its former team, but no longer feels allegiance to them. Once The Mysterious Voice is nightkilled or lynched, the Duo loses; assuming a slave or Herman is still alive, that player dies as well.

Herman the Planet Smasher – Enlisted by the Mysterious Voice to do his bidding. Likes to smash stuff, especially planets and people. Oh, and he hates musicals. (Secrets) For every day period Herman receives zero votes against him, he has a kill to be used the subsequent night. Whenever Herman receives one or more votes during the day, he is afraid of killing that night and stays home.

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