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by Tangrowth
Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:02 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 8] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Host Error/Night 7 Addendum:

DharmaHelper woke up to find he was not a pile of ashes anymore!

DharmaHelper has been resurrected!
by Tangrowth
Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 8] Avant-Garde Mafia 2


Mistake on my part, I made a typo in the night post but I have fixed it. Portal 1 was taken, not 4.
by Tangrowth
Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:36 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 7] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Night 7: Volcano

S~V~S looked at her gift. It was a pretty thing, almost like a Faberge egg, but it was light in an otherworldly way, and almost seemed to float in her hand. She had been so enamored with the trophy itself that she had not noticed the inscription on the piece. Squinting, she read it: "You have two days to live."

Meanwhile, DharmaHelper was walking the halls of the ship's corridor. He was tired of looking at those portals. A grey creature confronted him and zapped him with a ray gun, swiftly taking care of the deed.

Portal 1 or Portal 4? The players debated. Epignosis made the initiative. "Let's roll a 6-sided die. If 1-3, we'll go through Portal 1. If 4-6, we'll go through Portal 4." He rolled the die. It came up with a 1. "Portal 1 it is." He walked through the portal. Volcanic ash everywhere. Because of this, he could not see Moondog running towards him in the distance. Or, at least, Moondog's hologram.

The hologram threw his spear at Epignosis but it missed him by a mile. "Damn volcanic ash! Retreat!" Moondog ran away. Epignosis heard the clank against the ground and didn't think twice.

As the players stepped into the portal and it closed behind them, they immediately felt the temperature rise. The sky was a very vivid red and the atmosphere smelled of burnt rock. Volcanic ash polluted the air around them. A gigantic volcano presented the backdrop to the scenery. Several much smaller volcanoes surrounded the premises. "Instead of mutilating, how about we throw the infiltrator into this volcano?" inquired S~V~S. The players agreed, death by molten lava it is.

birdwithteeth11 attempted to talk, but wasn't able to. "Hey, what's wrong with birdwithteeth11?" obliviously asked The Truth. His mouth had been shut tight with glue.

Lightning then struck from the stormy sky and killed Jokreher. His smoldering ashes lay on the ground.

DharmaHelper has been killed by Ziltoid the Omniscient's Army.
Epignosis has survived a kill attempt by Moondog.
birdwithteeth11 has been silenced by John Cage.

Jokreher has been modkilled by the host.

There were 2 missing PMs.

It is now Day 8. You have 48 hours to throw a player in the volcano.
by Tangrowth
Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:33 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 7] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Don't forget to send in your night actions! Still missing too many for it to be this close to the deadline.
by Tangrowth
Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 7] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Day 7: Hope!

"Congratulations!" the voice announced. "You have successfully selected a player good at heart! S~V~S is indeed a civilian. Consequently, all of those good at heart shall be rewarded."

The portal then instantaneously collapsed on itself, leaving the players back on the planet with the three portals in front of them. The supposed Captain Spectacular was ecstatic. "What great news that portal was! Let's check out another!"

A player good at heart was successfully selected! Hope has been given.

It is now Night 7. You have 24 hours to send in your night PMs and vote for a new portal to explore.
by Tangrowth
Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 7] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

birdwithteeth11 wrote:[
Also I am going with our wonderful host to a concert tonight in Columbus (thankfully only about a 2 hour drive) so I may be able to respond once or twice tonight, but if it's a lengthy response that probably won't come until tomorrow morning. Just giving you all the heads up.
Was awesome!!! :drums:

reywaS wrote:Tennessee>Kentucky
No way!

Epignosis wrote:Saw the first episode a long time ago when it first came on, but wasn't into it. But now we have Netflix, so we're starting Lost, since so many were enamored with it.
It is definitely worth watching.
by Tangrowth
Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:04 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 6] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Night 6: Eden on the Air

juliets surveyed the portals using the portalscope. "Doesn't everyone else agree that 2 seems best?" she asked. Eventually growing tired of starting through the portalscope, she went back to her room and turned on the TV. She flipped through the stations. She stopped on ESPN 99 where they were showing a re-run of a Tampa Bay Buccaneers football game. She stopped and watched intently. So intently that she missed it when someone cracked open her door and rolled an eyeball-shaped bomb into her room. The bomb slowly filled the room with dangerously poisonous gas, which led to juliets's unfortunate suffocation.

Timmer was just going to sleep when he heard the rattling of a gun. He chose to investigate. What he saw shocked him: A bloodied body was on the ground while a figure stood over it. The figure turned around, revealing a green eyeball for a face. The figure sprang forward, but Timmer was able to hide.

As the players stepped into Portal 2 and it closed behind them, they were amazed by the incredibly vibrant and soothing garden that awaited them. It was truly nothing short of perfection. A voice came from above: "Greetings! Please nominate the one among you who is good at heart and you will be rewarded."

juliets has been killed by The Residents.

There were 0 missing PMs.

It is now Day 7. You have about 48 hours to nominate a player good at heart.
by Tangrowth
Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:59 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 6] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

2 it is.

Night post coming shortly.
by Tangrowth
Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 6] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Portals 1 and 2 have tied.

The first person to respond after me saying portal 1 or 2 will decide which will be taken. I don't feel like flipping a coin. :feb:
by Tangrowth
Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:25 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 6] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

More knowledge has been revealed in the roles.
by Tangrowth
Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:55 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 6] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Night 6: Event

The supposed Captain Spectacular walked into the control room to ease his mind. He couldn't believe yet another musician had been unfairly lynched. Eventually, he fell asleep, until he was awakened from deep slumber a few hours later. The ship rumbled unlike any previous rumble, incredibly pronounced, RUMBLE, RUMBLE, RUMBLE, RUMBLE! Four distinct rumbles, in fact.

He looked out the window to see that four portals had appeared on a nearby planet. Excited and curious, yet unsure of which to take, he spoke on his loudspeaker to the musicians no longer sleeping in their rooms throughout the ship: "Comrades! Get out of your rooms and find the closest window! We must land and investigate this occurrence!" He engaged the landing simulation for the ship and landed successfully onto the planet. Enthusiastically stepping outside of the ship, he looked at each portal.

"Men! We must venture into one of these portals! Please help me decide which one!"

He stood next to each portal in an attempt to investigate but couldn't make anything out. He then remembered something important and spoke to the crowd again. "All! I failed to mention that I have a powerful telescope, which I have nicknamed the portalscope, capable of perhaps giving us some idea of what could greet us in taking each of the portals. If you wish to use the portalscope, please PM your host.... Yes, you may ask what that means, but surely those beyond our world will understand!"

"...Oh! And just be cautious that if you wish to peer into the telescope and exercise enough precision in an attempt to foresee what awaits us that you might be too busy to carry out anything else during the night, especially with the more time you spend with it."

You have 24 hours to select which portal should be taken.

If you wish to have the portalscope to peer into any or all of the particular worlds, please PM the host ASAP.
by Tangrowth
Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:55 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 6] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Day 6: Results


I apologize for my inconsistency in posting these, it's just been an extra item beyond all of my other hosting duties and as such it's at the very bottom of my list, lol.
by Tangrowth
Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:55 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 6] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Day 6: Zombiefied

The votes rolled in for poor Flyin' High. Why wouldn't people listen to her? She couldn't figure it out. "I chose the green book by mistake, I swear!" she cried. "I'm just trying to help the civvies!"

S~V~S didn't buy it. She took the candles from the dining table and chucked them at Flyin' High, setting her on fire. Flyin' High screamed in pain until her body burned too much for her survival. The players danced around her burning corpse, convinced they would see a transformation... but in vain.

Flyin' High has been lynched. She was Exuma.

It is now Night 6. You have 24 hours to send in your night PMs.
by Tangrowth
Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:54 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 6] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Host Announcement:

Now that rabbit8 has been unfrozen, I must correct an error I made. With all of the redirects in play, I accidentally froze rabbit8 and the actual target should have been triceratopzeuhl. I apologize to rabbit8 and wanted to clarify to all of you regarding it. I didn't realize my error until it was too late, but rabbit8 was a good sport about his accidental freezing.

Oh, and consequently, Trice should consider himself lucky. Well, he should have for that anyway... but coincidentally, it seems he is dead now.
by Tangrowth
Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:53 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 5] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Night 5: I Am Colossus

"Blip, blip, blip." A Ziltoidian hologram walked down the hall, straight to Boomslang's room. Boomslang was busy improvising with his cello, but heard the faint blip noise. His door opened and Boomslang's attention immediately turned to the door. The grey blob rose from the floor and quickly whipped out a ray gun, but Boomslang just as quickly reacted. He chucked his cello bow right at the offender, piercing it clean and it let out a little shriek. It quickly slinked away. "Damn straight", thought Boomslang.

Herman the Hologram had enough; he was back to his old smashing ways. He smashed Kate's door off its hinges while she was busy watching Lost and swiftly did away with her. "HERMAN HATES MUSICALS... AND LOST! ... I AM COLOSSUS! SMASH!" He walked away, content.

Epignosis was trying to forget his mistakes in voting, and trying to convince himself that he would not make another mistake. But a green eyeball materialized. The figure held an old-fashioned Tommy gun in its hands. It hissed, "For voting chaindeath!" Epignosis ducked behind a piece of furniture as the shots rained down upon him. Epignosis cried out! When the shots stopped, Epignosis cautiously raised his head, and saw no one.

"Last night was such a roaring success..." John Cage thought. "Let's silence The Truth today! See how he feels about that!" The Truth tried turning his doorknob the following morning only to find it wouldn't open.

rabbit8's body had endured a good freezing for 72 hours but the ice finally melted. He walked into the dining hall, exclaiming, "I am back, bitches!"

Immediately thereafter, the ship began to shake once more. A weird hologram figure was faintly appearing on the screen where the day votes displayed. S~V~S pointed, "Look!" They all saw a human figure gradually form, able to be discerned as female after a few seconds, and within the minute the shaking stopped and Illyria popped out of the screen. "Hello everyone!"

No sooner than Illyria's miraculous return to life did triceratopzeuhl drop to the floor, instantly dead, the life literally sucked out of him. The players looked at each other in amazement.

Boomslang has survived a kill attempt by Ziltoid the Omniscient's Army.
Kate has been killed by Herman the Planet Smasher.
The Truth has been silenced by John Cage.
rabbit8 has been unfrozen!

Illyria has been resurrected by the living!
triceratopzeuhl has been sacrificed by the dead!

There were 0 missing PMs.

It is now Day 6. You have about 48 hours to lynch someone.
by Tangrowth
Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:03 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 5] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

DharmaHelper wrote:Can we take a quick vote to unfreeze rabbit?

There is no vote because rabbit is the only option to choose from. I would have held a night poll otherwise, FYI.
by Tangrowth
Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 5] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Mr. Droopy Cash wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:The roles have been updated with more knowledge.
I thought you weren't going to tell us when you added more??
I changed my mind. ;)
by Tangrowth
Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 5] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

reywaS wrote: Oh, wonderful host, MP: Was the lynch a tie?
Yes, it was.
by Tangrowth
Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:55 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 5] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

The roles have been updated with more knowledge.
by Tangrowth
Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 5] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Night 5: Event

"Listen, players!" The host punched through the ship once more.

"I am giving you ONE and only ONE opportunity now to give one of your fallen brethren another chance. However, the player could not have died via lynching! Choose wisely!"

Choose the player to be resurrected! You have 24 hours. Only the living may vote.
by Tangrowth
Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 5] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Day 5: Stay Away From Me

After another surprising civvie lynching the day previous, today was a day filled with discussion, perhaps the most thus far. The infiltrators absolutely must be eliminated, they remembered.

Today it was between DharmaHelper and LittleTiger. "As it seems we cannot choose, let it fall in the hands of fate!" spoke the supposed Captain Spectacular. It flipped a coin. It was decided. reywaS was sick of the mutilations, so he grabbed a chair and slammed LittleTiger with it repeatedly. "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" She yelled. "I AM NOT BAD!" Sobbing for her life, LittleTiger's blood spilled onto the floor. Only it wasn't red.

"...LT's blood is grey?" timmer inquired.

LittleTiger has been lynched. She was Grey 1.

You have 24 hours to send in your night PMs.
by Tangrowth
Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:28 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 5] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Host post coming ASAP.
by Tangrowth
Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:41 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 5] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Also, I cannot reset the poll, but I realize I accidentally left Roxy instead of putting Dom.

If you wish to vote for Dom, please vote Roxy.
If you wish to vote for timmer, please vote Captain Bunny Killer.
by Tangrowth
Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:37 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 5] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

S~V~S wrote:
@MP~ Mr Sox, will you tell us how BWT won a prize?
All Books of Knowledge were awarded as the result of the posting challenge. Not the poker tournament.
by Tangrowth
Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:10 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 5] Avant-Garde Mafia 2


Those aforementioned voting orders from FH by the way are correct except for just the one on Day 4 from Trice ((7. triceratops (Mr. Droopy) 4) which has already been pointed out was Vomps.

And I must say thanks to FH for keeping track of them. :)
by Tangrowth
Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:26 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 5] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Effective immediately, timmer is replacing Captain Bunny Killer.

Captain Bunny Killer recently started classes and was afraid she wouldn't be able to handle the game sufficiently so she requested to be replaced. Let's welcome timmer!
by Tangrowth
Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:25 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Night 4: Mushroom

Flyin' High slumped away to her room after another yet unsuccessful lynch, sad music accompaniment and all. "Time for more Arrested Development", she thought. It was the only way to cheer herself up and get her mind off of the death.

Herman the Hologram was meanwhile preparing a new method of killing for tonight, demanded by The Mysterious Voice, considering last night had not been a success. "Herman no smash tonight..." he spoke, disappointed. He walked to Flyin' High's room, jar of bees in hand, and proceeded to open her doorknob. He was about to smash open the jar in her room before, with insane foresight and agility, Flyin' High leaped from her chair, ran over to Herman and kicked him as hard as she could to send him to the ground and outside of her room. She yelled, "NO BEES!" and slammed the door.

insertnamehere was drunk. In the midst of the inebriated rant, insertnamehere shouted that he shouldn't have voted for DharmaHelper, and that he should have gone with his gut and voted to lynch Kate.

In the middle of the night, chaindeath was busy sleeping, but awakened to hear knocking on his door. Curious, he opened his door to find no one standing there, but was greeted by a gift basket. He gladly took the basket and put it on his bed. The gift tag said "To chaindeath, enjoy!" That's all he had to see. He opened it up and picked up the lone black mushroom. It smelled terrible, but he ate it anyway. Instant death was to follow for poor chaindeath.

DisgruntledPorcupine was busy listening to music all night. At one point while he was listening to My Bloody Valentine's Loveless, one of The Residents stopped by, but then got cold feet. The eyeball man looked at his feet, "Huh... weird." He entered DisgruntledPorcupine's room slowly and readied his arms to curse, but the curse wouldn't work. The eyeball man, incredibly frustrated, stared at his feet. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!"

A few albums later, John Cage stopped by DisgruntledPorcupine's door and shut it closed with a whole roll of duct tape. "No way he is going to be talking today!"

As night ended and the players gathered in the dining hall, someone inquired, "Where's rabbit8?" Mr. Droopy Cash went to investigate and knocked on rabbit8's door. No response. He barged in to find rabbit8 had been frozen into a giant ice cube. "Woah! What the hell happened here?!"

Flyin' High has survived a kill attempt by Herman the Planet Smasher.
chaindeath has been killed by Damo Suzuki.
DisgruntledPorcupine has survived a kill attempt by The Residents.
DisgruntledPorcupine has been silenced by John Cage.
rabbit8 has been frozen!

There were 0 missing PMs.

It is now Day 5. You have about 48 hours to lynch someone.
by Tangrowth
Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:58 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

I haven't seen anything over the line, but this is just a reminder to keep the snarkiness to a minimum from everyone, please. Thank you!
by Tangrowth
Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:32 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

MovingPictures07 wrote:ATTENTION:

The ROLES section has been updated with more information from the Books of Knowledge. No more notifications will be made by me when more information is made public.
by Tangrowth
Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:05 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2


The ROLES section has been updated with information from the Books of Knowledge.
by Tangrowth
Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:49 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Effective immediately, Dom is replacing Roxy.

I wanted to give Roxy enough time because of her personal loss but certainly and understandably mafia is not on the priority list for her right now, so let's welcome Dom!
by Tangrowth
Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:24 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2


Please note that Night 4 will last only 23 hours instead of 24 hours. This means you have until 9:25PM EST tomorrow.
by Tangrowth
Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:24 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Day 4: Happy Wombat Day

Yet another lynch had been decided, with the players chanting "Vomps, Vomps, Vomps!"

Vompatti stood as the players mutilated him limb from limb. All he saw was everyone surrounding him singing "Happy Wombat Day, Vomps!" and patting him on the back. He laughed nervously as in reality the blood rushed out of his body. The players waited for the moment of truth... and no shapeshift occurred. Once again, sadness filled them all.

Except for, of course, the infiltrators amongst them, particularly The Residents. They were quite pleased.

As all of the players left the scene to rest and re-analyze their poor baddie hunting strategies, Mr. Skull walked up to Vompatti's dead body. "I believe you have something that belongs to me", it spoke ominously. :eye:

Vompatti has been lynched. He was Residents Fanboy.

You have 23 hours to send in your night PMs.
by Tangrowth
Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:30 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

S~V~S wrote:For some reason I thought this poll ended at 7 :o
They have consistently been around 7; I extended this one because I had night class (but got out way early) and because of the poker tournament.

I will actually try and get them back to the 7-9 range starting the coming night period, so Night 4 will be a bit shorter than normal.
by Tangrowth
Sun Jan 13, 2013 11:25 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

The poker tournament has ended. Thanks to everyone who participated!

The poll is now up. You have 24 hours to vote.
by Tangrowth
Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:41 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

S~V~S wrote:Well, being in a different thread, I kinda think the poker is slowing discussion~every time i think there is a post in the game, it is in there, lol, so I will bbl. Maybe the poker will have slowed down in the AM.

Is anyone suspicious of anyone but Vomp???
Poker finishes by 10:00PM EST as an FYI.
by Tangrowth
Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:52 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2


Poker is on hold for about an hour. Those who are still interested and have not yet had the chance to play will do so from about 7:00PM EST until 10:00PM EST! If you are interested, please post in that game thread and vote for which variation will be played for the final few hours.

Now back to your regularly scheduled mafia game.
by Tangrowth
Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

insertnamehere wrote:Also: Where is the poll?
Not up yet. :feb:
by Tangrowth
Sun Jan 13, 2013 3:43 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2


Any player who wishes to still play poker may do so! I changed it from closed to open entry. Feel free to post in the Poker Thread at any time before 10:00PM EST tonight to join.
by Tangrowth
Sun Jan 13, 2013 2:53 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

juliets wrote:Anyone have the vote order and people for this last vote? I'm missing a droopy voter and a rabbit voter.
DharmaHelper (13)

Mr. Droopy Cash
insertnamehere (7), The Truth (9), birdwithteeth11 (10), rabbit8 (12), Flyin' High (14), LittleTiger (16), AceofSpaces (17), BoatsBoatsBoats (18), Boomslang (19), Kate (21), chaindeath (23)

Mr. Droopy Cash (3), Captain Bunny Killer (6), Vompatti (8)

triceratopzeuhl (11), reywaS (20), S~V~S (22), DisgruntledPorcupine (24), Epignosis (25)

The host! What a bastard! (host, deadies, non-players)
MovingPictures07 (1), Spacedaisy (2), LoRab (4), bea (5), Devin the Omniscient (15)
by Tangrowth
Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:39 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Mr. Droopy Cash wrote:
birdwithteeth11 wrote:Uh oh. I just realized.....what if everyone who decides to play poker sits down at the table, and then.....THEY ALL SIT DOWN ON BOMBS?!?! :huh: :feb: :rip:
Oh my God! Why did I listen!!!! Is it too late to back away from the table?!?!?!
No bombs, I promise! At least for poker. That doesn't absolve me of using bombs later. :feb:
by Tangrowth
Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:08 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2


I am actually going to push the deadline back for the poker tournament until about 1:00PM or 2:00PM EST instead of 10:00AM EST for scheduling reasons on my part, and also to give a more specific window as well as provide more time for people to sign up. Let me know if this is a problem for anyone.
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:28 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

5 players are already in for the fun poker tournament which will be tons of fun! Still plenty of room for more fun... I mean players!
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:07 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

triceratopzeuhl wrote:so uh, do we get a poll today?
Sure! But not until later. :feb:
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:27 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Mr. Droopy Cash wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Mr. Droopy Cash wrote:
DisgruntledPorcupine wrote:And I'd love to enter but I'm stayin at my friends. :( Shiieeeeet.
Oh my gosh!! "Shiieeeeet"!!!!! Major inside joke!!!! @MP @Devin the Omniscient
LMAO! I wish I still had that voicemail. Not sending that to my phone or saving it in some other way when I know that our work phones only save saved messages for like a month is probably the action I most regret in my entire life. :haha:
I wish I would've known it deleted old messages! We need to get his # from Melissa!
Definitely. I wonder if we ask her if she has the phone number for "annoying 401k guy" if she will know who we mean, LOL.
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:25 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

And I realize my answer to your question wasn't really that helpful, Droopy, lol. I would say it's not going to be a huge time commitment at all, but it'll take longer than like 10 minutes at a minimum. It's hard to put a number of minutes/time on it because it's all conceptual at this point based on the number of participants, hands, and how it all works in reality. I've never held a poker tournament inside a mafia game before, nor have I ever seen one.

Perhaps tomorrow morning EST when I have the list of all my participants we (myself and the participants) can figure out good crossover time frames for all of us, if that window is too large or not specific enough.
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:22 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Mr. Droopy Cash wrote:
DisgruntledPorcupine wrote:And I'd love to enter but I'm stayin at my friends. :( Shiieeeeet.
Oh my gosh!! "Shiieeeeet"!!!!! Major inside joke!!!! @MP @Devin the Omniscient
LMAO! I wish I still had that voicemail. Not sending that to my phone or saving it in some other way when I know that our work phones only save saved messages for like a month is probably the action I most regret in my entire life. :haha:
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:10 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

And all I have to say about it now being Day 4 is one word... relief. That ultimate event might have even been too ultimate for your host. I'm so glad I can read posts without having to word count each of them, pinpoint theories, and track that information!
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:08 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [DAY 4] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Mr. Droopy Cash wrote:Also, in regards to the poker tournament...what would be considered adequate time?
Just so long as you have some time to spend at the computer at some point throughout that window, preferably while at least some others (or at least one other) do as well, then that's adequate enough.

Naturally, the more time you have, the more hands you may be able to participate in. And if you sign up with only a small, restricted window of available time, you may not get to play if other people don't happen to be around.
by Tangrowth
Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:48 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Avant-Garde Mafia 2
Replies: 2424
Views: 112442

Re: [NIGHT 3] Avant-Garde Mafia 2

Day 4: Event

"Yes!" the host was happy with the results of the ultimate event. "It worked wonderfully!" He reflected. "...But I grow tired of this dining area. Yuck." He punched through Captain Spectacular's ship again.

"Yes, hello everyone, it is your friendly Sockian host." "Hello!" responded Vompatti, interrupting the host.

"Ah, yes, hello. Anyway... Why don't you move to the game room? I'll even make it worth your while... I will host a fun poker game! How fun does that sound?" The host's fist retreated and the structure of the ship was once again returned to normal.

A challenge has been issued by your host!

Any player interested in entering the host's poker tournament must PM your Sockian host by 1:30PM EST Sunday!

ADDENDUM: Entry to the poker tournament is now OPEN instead of CLOSED. Post in the poker thread at any time to join!

The poker tournament window will last from around 2:00PM EST until 10:00PM EST Sunday. Be aware that if you do not feel you have adequate time to participate during that time frame to not enter the tournament.

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