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by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:32 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

This game really was a ball to host, even if it progressed totally differently than either of us expected!

Thanks again, all. I'm actually sad that it's over, despite looking forward to it toward the end here so I could get my "free time" back. :P
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:23 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Ricochet wrote:Wait, did indiglo and llama never bother with the challenge or did they actually get zero points?! :o :hue:

linki: I realized it was zebra, when she slipped in my game.
indiglo was pretty active, but for whatever reason she tapped out the last two or so day phases, so she no-showed completely. :sigh:
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:21 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

juliets wrote:movingpictures or spacedaisy I'm looking for player 606 on the list of players and don't see him or her. Am I looking right at it? Who was it? S/he did our all nights on the posting challenges.
That was a2thezebra!

And she was my Consigliere. :slick:

If there was any of my civilians I thought had a chance to get paroled, it was her.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Spacedaisy wrote:I actually almost mixed up Quin and Sig. Since Sig was searching for the rookie cop and Quin was searching for his lover (Nero) I got them mixed up and we sent Sig and Nero a message saying they were lovers and found each other. Luckily, I realized my mistake before either of them opened it and we deleted the message. Oh, and Quin, I felt so bad for you. Your lover was alive all that time and you just couldn't find each other!

Lol, Epi's reaction, was "Fuck, Jay is a prisoner!"
LOL, yeah, Epi PMed me the moment JJJ started supatowning in the main thread and said something to the effect of "Fuck, JJJ is a prisoner. RIP my team." :haha:
How I wish I could have lived up to that. XD

Truth be told, for most of this game I played like a bag full of fresh dog shit. Being essentially unlynchable certainly affected my play -- I was much more aggressive and tried to be more deceptive than I usually would be since I stood no real risk of people suspecting me for it. I think I worked myself into a frenzy a bit too many times and it didn't yield the best results. But it was a learning experience!
It's funny you say that, because your play at times reminded of me hyper-aggressive JJJ toward the latter half of Talking Heads after you escaped lynch, though obviously you had way worse success here. :P

There were some differences... but man, in terms of sheer effort, you never ceased to amaze. Many of you really poured your hearts into this game, whether it was in the main game or one of the original prisoners, and I just fucking loved it. You all are awesome.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:13 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

G-Man wrote:
Ricochet wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Yo, winners, check it out!


Wear it with pride. :slick:
Yassss numero 6!

Easiest one I ever achieved, too. :grin:
Maybe it was easy for you because you got out Night 5. Holy heck did we have to claw our way through some insane stuff! Yes, please please please open those Prison Yard threads. I want everyone to behold the insanity of that 10-minute post challenge.

Now, let good old Dr. Evil explain a few things...

When I was approached about joining this game in secret I knew that, for me to stay engaged, I had to play in character. The prison aspect sounded like it get get either dull or hostile or both depending on how well we did with those challenges. I gave MP and SD a choice of three characters I would play as:

-Dr. Evil (which they picked, probably because he was the only one with a prison pic)

-Gollum/Smeagol from Lord of the Rings (would have been fun but I probably never would have been paroled)

-Olaf from Frozen (I was secretly hoping they'd pick this one but I probably would have drove too many prisoners nuts and they'd have shanked me)

I played in character 100% of the time until those posting challenges broke me. I even PM'ed the hosts as Dr. Evil. It was fun.

On our first day in prison, I wrote a big long spiel about how the original prisoners should all stick together and make sure only original prisoners got paroled when the chance arose. It was called Operation Improbably Victorious You or Operation IVY. In true Dr. Evil form, this was wordplay because Operation Ivy was an influential ska-punk band in the late 80s that eventually became the 90s punk band Rancid. It was my version of the "Alan Parsons Project" that Dr. Evil created. I later created an acronym for the BUDDY System for the posting challenges but I can't remember what it all stood for. Go find it in the prison threads.

I tried to pick a fight with Scotty during the prison break so I could do the whole "Scotty don't!" bit to some length but he either wasn't around or wasn't interested. I also tried to do the "zip it" and "shh!" bits with a few people but it never lasted long enough. Oh well.

We original prisoners were tight. I'm proud of all of them. We worked so hard and a few of the newbies worked hard too, so major kudos to them as well! The prison, at times, felt like a sick and twisted team-building exercise. It was a trying ordeal but rewarding in the end.

No non-original prisoner got paroled. How cool is that? Operation IVY was actually conceived out of my own paranoia that non-original prisoners would eventually outnumber original prisoners and start shanking us. They outnumbered us soon enough but not enough of them seemed to care or organize enough against us. So thanks for that!

Did anyone figure out it was me behind the Dr. Evil shtick? I was half-worried that it would be too obvious because playing in character would stand out and I've developed a reputation for standing out through my posting methods.
:clap: :clap: :clap:

You really rocked it. I was so glad I picked Dr. Evil. :P
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:11 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prison Yard is available now! Just fixed it.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:09 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

G-Man wrote:Oooh! Can I have "The Decider" changed to "Prisoner 813142"? I will never forget this game. Like ever.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:08 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

MovingPictures07 wrote:Regarding P-Scores, no one's P-Score will be modified for this game, even though I'm a believer in the system. Everyone that did end up flake on participation, whether in the main game or in prison, gave me at least some indication of RL stuff happening or asked to be replaced. I don't feel any of you hung us up to dry or anything like that.

Thanks again to all of you; you made this a truly awesome hosting experience. I still can't believe it's over, even though it was exhausting.

Please keep chugging away questions; I'm sure there are things I've forgotten.
To add to this, however, we did decide to ban anyone who flaked from being eligible to win. Didn't really apply much in the end.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:07 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Regarding P-Scores, no one's P-Score will be modified for this game, even though I'm a believer in the system. Everyone that did end up flake on participation, whether in the main game or in prison, gave me at least some indication of RL stuff happening or asked to be replaced. I don't feel any of you hung us up to dry or anything like that.

Thanks again to all of you; you made this a truly awesome hosting experience. I still can't believe it's over, even though it was exhausting.

Please keep chugging away questions; I'm sure there are things I've forgotten.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:05 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Sloonei wrote:How did the Prison work? What was going on in there?
Can you see it? It should be a subforum under Current Job #2. If not, then I've got more permissions to fix.

Further, if you ISO my posts you should be able to find a detailed spoiler post as well as a few other blurbs that together will tell you about everything in prison.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:04 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

DharmaHelper wrote:3? We got a 3? Damnit.
bea only gave Kevin Spacey as one answer... and it was like one of the four you didn't!!! :haha:
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:03 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:I very much want to change my "Racketeer" rank/title thing to "Prisoner 509378".
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Spacedaisy wrote:I actually almost mixed up Quin and Sig. Since Sig was searching for the rookie cop and Quin was searching for his lover (Nero) I got them mixed up and we sent Sig and Nero a message saying they were lovers and found each other. Luckily, I realized my mistake before either of them opened it and we deleted the message. Oh, and Quin, I felt so bad for you. Your lover was alive all that time and you just couldn't find each other!

Lol, Epi's reaction, was "Fuck, Jay is a prisoner!"
LOL, yeah, Epi PMed me the moment JJJ started supatowning in the main thread and said something to the effect of "Fuck, JJJ is a prisoner. RIP my team." :haha:
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

DharmaHelper wrote:Are the results public of the last prisoner challenge?
Good question! You all failed; it was the Warden's death that got you in here. We realized we made it ridiculously difficult though, so it worked out.

Here were the results:

Cell 1 - S~V~S and Typhoony - 21
Cell 2 - G-Man and Metalmarsh - 7
Cell 3 - bea and DharmaHelper - 3
Cell 4 - juliets and timmer - 19
Cell 5 - a2thezebra and Scotty - 5
Cell 7 - Black Rock and Quin - 15
Cell 9 - ika and Silverwolf - 21
Cell 10 - indiglo and thellama - 0

Cell 6 was vacant and Cell 8 didn't apply because Sorsha's shanking that previous day meant Boomslang was by himself.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

LOL, I think it was only you, Jay, that's why I forgot about it. It's because I gave your regular account access and then you told me you could see it, remember? I removed that restriction now. :P
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 509378 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Prisoner 509378 wrote:Hey MP, when you get a chance could you give my JJJ account the ability to view this thread again? Also, can anyone show me how to change my profile "rank"?
You should be able to; let me know if you can't.
Still seems to be darkness. Permissions can be such a pain.

Let me look into it now. There must be something blocking access even though I've told Current Job #2 to let you all see.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:53 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

DharmaHelper wrote:
Spacedaisy wrote:
Sloonei wrote:sorry i spent so much time and energy trying to get you lynched, quin and sig.

That CFD was amazing but it kinda doomed me personally in this game. It caused me to shake up so many of my reads from earlier in the game, and it turned out all of my new ideas were wrong and my old ones were much more on the right track.

Soneji had me fooled the whole time though. If it weren't for those last day shenanigans I was never going to vote for him. Very well played Soneji and the rest of you cops.

This is so very true for pretty much everyone but Silverwolf. Silverwolf has incredible instincts. However, I have never seen so many civs be so absolutely wrong and yet 100% they were right as I did in this game. People who usually have outstanding instincts as well. It was almost painful to watch at times.

Also, I have to share my own Slooneji story. Sloonei, you were originally supposed to be the Chief and soneji was supposed to be my Don, but because I flubbed and got Sloonei and soneji mixed up, I had to flip flop your roles because one of the role card messages was read as soon as I sent it. I felt like an idiot.
S'why my username ain't SpaceofAces
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:52 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Spacedaisy wrote:
Sloonei wrote:sorry i spent so much time and energy trying to get you lynched, quin and sig.

That CFD was amazing but it kinda doomed me personally in this game. It caused me to shake up so many of my reads from earlier in the game, and it turned out all of my new ideas were wrong and my old ones were much more on the right track.

Soneji had me fooled the whole time though. If it weren't for those last day shenanigans I was never going to vote for him. Very well played Soneji and the rest of you cops.

This is so very true for pretty much everyone but Silverwolf. Silverwolf has incredible instincts. However, I have never seen so many civs be so absolutely wrong and yet 100% certain that they were right as I did in this game. People who usually have outstanding instincts as well. It was almost painful to watch at times.

Also, I have to share my own Slooneji story. Sloonei, you were originally supposed to be the Chief and soneji was supposed to be my Don, but because I flubbed and got Sloonei and soneji mixed up, I had to flip flop your roles because one of the role card messages was read as soon as I sent it. I felt like an idiot.
Yes! I felt so bad... I really wanted to see a civilian (mine) faction win this, but man, you guys were just going after the wrong person every day.

And OMG YES, Slooneji!!!! I came up with that, and I was even happier to see someone else did too. I made fun of her for that for so long. :haha:
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

On that note, the prison yard should also be available for viewing, and all daily threads should be in there. Let me know, y'all.

Regarding private conversations, Daisy and I went back and forth on publicizing the BTSC (both prison and player), but in the end we've decided against sharing it publicly. Sorry to disappoint.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:49 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 509378 wrote:Hey MP, when you get a chance could you give my JJJ account the ability to view this thread again? Also, can anyone show me how to change my profile "rank"?
You should be able to; let me know if you can't.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:44 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Sloonei wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Furthermore, we have a special banner for prisoners who contributed significantly to the entire prison's success throughout various challenges...!!


Daisy and I went through all of the challenges and identified the prisoners we think were crucial to the entire team's success in breaking out of prison. Here is the list. If your name is on it at least once, you are free to wear this banner!

Day 2 - N/A
Day 3 - DharmaHelper, timmer
Day 4 - Long Con

Day 6 - a2thezebra, DharmaHelper, G-Man
Day 7 - a2thezebra, bea, G-Man, juliets, Typhoony
Day 8 - N/A
Day 9 - N/A
Day 10 - N/A
Day 11 - ika, Silverwolf, S~V~S, Typhoony

Congratulations to our prison thugs...

a2thezebra, bea, DharmaHelper, G-Man, ika, juliets, Long Con, Silverwolf, timmer, and Typhoony!!!!

Wear the banner with pride. :slick:
I demand to see the prison
Yes, let me do that. The thing is, we removed the main prison yard thread every time we started a new day, and after the Day 5 prison break I cycled out all of the cell BTSC threads as well. The permissions for all of that was a true pain... worth it though. I'll be glad to not have to deal with it, that said. :p

I'll hop into our hosting area, dump all the prison yard threads back in there, and make it so you all can see. I'll do that now.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Silverwolf wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Furthermore, we have a special banner for prisoners who contributed significantly to the entire prison's success throughout various challenges...!!


Daisy and I went through all of the challenges and identified the prisoners we think were crucial to the entire team's success in breaking out of prison. Here is the list. If your name is on it at least once, you are free to wear this banner!

Day 2 - N/A
Day 3 - DharmaHelper, timmer
Day 4 - Long Con

Day 6 - a2thezebra, DharmaHelper, G-Man
Day 7 - a2thezebra, bea, G-Man, juliets, Typhoony
Day 8 - N/A
Day 9 - N/A
Day 10 - N/A
Day 11 - ika, Silverwolf, S~V~S, Typhoony

Congratulations to our prison thugs...

a2thezebra, bea, DharmaHelper, G-Man, ika, juliets, Long Con, Silverwolf, timmer, and Typhoony!!!!

Wear the banner with pride. :slick:
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Speaking of prison, I'm generally very happy with the way that mechanic played out. That was all Daisy's idea from the getgo, and it was brilliant.

I must say that the independent prisoners fought harder in prison and in the main game than I ever anticipated, and I was a bit disappointed at how players from the main game seemed to stop caring once they entered prison... even though it was for a resurrection!! And especially considering how upset people get when they die in games, I figured civilians would be all over this. A few of them were, but overall it surprised me and they were generally less engaged than I anticipated.

We thought the mechanic was fairly civilian-friendly which was why we were so harsh about the outing or hinting identity rules. None of the civilians even came close to a resurrection!

Anyway, I plan on continuing dead mechanics to keep players involved after they "die" in future games, so if any of you independent prisoners or thugs from the main game who died and then entered prison have feedback, please let us know.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:36 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Furthermore, we have a special banner for prisoners who contributed significantly to the entire prison's success throughout various challenges...!!


Daisy and I went through all of the challenges and identified the prisoners we think were crucial to the entire team's success in breaking out of prison. Here is the list. If your name is on it at least once, you are free to wear this banner!

Day 2 - N/A
Day 3 - DharmaHelper, timmer
Day 4 - Long Con

Day 6 - a2thezebra, DharmaHelper, G-Man
Day 7 - a2thezebra, bea, G-Man, juliets, Typhoony
Day 8 - N/A
Day 9 - N/A
Day 10 - N/A
Day 11 - ika, Silverwolf, S~V~S, Typhoony

Congratulations to our prison thugs...

a2thezebra, bea, DharmaHelper, G-Man, ika, juliets, Long Con, Silverwolf, timmer, and Typhoony!!!!

Wear the banner with pride. :slick:
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:32 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Yo, winners, check it out!


Wear it with pride. :slick:
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:31 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Sloonei wrote:This is how I felt on Day 11:
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:31 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Silverwolf wrote:
Spacedaisy wrote:There were prisoners that started the game in the prison. These were independents. They had their own win condition to fulfill. They had to get rezzed in order to win. One thing we did not anticipate is that until Silverwolf, ika, Indi and llama, the arrested civilians seemed completely uninterested in even trying to get back into the main thread.

To explain our strict adherence to the no outing the fact you started in the main game, it could have made it nearly impossible for the indies to fulfill their win con. All it would take is someone outing the self and then all the civs file in and vote for the obvious formerly civ player. They had to be given an equal chance, which is why we set it up like that. The goal was for the prisoners to be released and prove their worth to the civilians during that day phase, without reveals they may have previously been in the game. I know that the two who were mod killed had not intended anything by the infraction, but we had to mod kill to preserve the balance of the mechanic. I'm very sorry to have upset you both with this.
I understand but you have to understand, and I told you via PM, how extremely frustrating that was for me. I finally get back in the game and am killed for something that was very unintentional with a very vague rule. Makes it really no fun after all the work I put in both in the game and in prison.
It wasn't a vague rule; I killed Long Con right in front of you for it, but that's neither here nor there. I have no intention to argue about it, just clarifying that we both thought it was 100% clear.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:28 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Indeed, let me get those banners uploaded now.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:26 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Sloonei wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Sloonei wrote:
Soneji wrote:Epi and I very much hinted towards the Prisoner not mattering. The game would be heavily unbalanced if the Cops had to rely on the town to take out the Dons to win, as the Dons were immune to the actions of the cops. Neither faction of town can meet their wincon if only the Dons remained from each family, so Cops win by default if only one of them is alive against both Dons.
I was unaware of this all game long :shrug:
Do not share BTSC unless specified. Win when all of The Police and The Don from The Sockfaced Famiglia are dead or arrested, but only if their alive and free family members outnumber those of The Sockfaced Famiglia.
I mean I did not know the Police would win in that 3 person scenario.

But I am also not complaining, just saying I messed up my outlook of the game. It was an adventure and I loved playing in this thing. I'm just glad we at least recovered well enough to identify all the baddies before game's end. It may have taken us a while, but we did it.
Yeah, you all didn't get much of a chance to Don-hunt like Daisy and I were thinking would happen because the cops just wouldn't get lynched.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:24 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Metalmarsh89 wrote:
Prisoner 483934 wrote:Prisoners had win conditions? Did I get one?
No. Only original prisoners did.

You had your same win con, arrested or free.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:21 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Regarding the decision to end Day 12, I realized we could have technically ended the game Night 11, since even if a cop had been lynched D12, Soneji or Elohcin would just arrest the final non-Don civilian to win it all. But, especially since the Warden's death meant insta-prison break, I wanted it to play out one last cycle to see if any other independent prisoners could pull off a win grab.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:17 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

All of you were an absolute treat to host though. This game was ridiculously time consuming, but it was totally worth every second, and I was really hoping my team could pull it off. Unfortunately, you guys consistently kept looking in the wrong directions until it was too late. It was painful to watch.

I want to thank all of you: all of our players, replacements, and our original prisoners, for signing up for and participating in this game. You all were awesome.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Sloonei wrote:
Soneji wrote:Epi and I very much hinted towards the Prisoner not mattering. The game would be heavily unbalanced if the Cops had to rely on the town to take out the Dons to win, as the Dons were immune to the actions of the cops. Neither faction of town can meet their wincon if only the Dons remained from each family, so Cops win by default if only one of them is alive against both Dons.
I was unaware of this all game long :shrug:
Do not share BTSC unless specified. Win when all of The Police and The Don from The Sockfaced Famiglia are dead or arrested, but only if their alive and free family members outnumber those of The Sockfaced Famiglia.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 813142 wrote:Riiiiight. Now I'm even more confused than before. How did the Police win?
Neither civilian faction could win the game unless the opposing team's Don was dead, as stated in the public win con. That was mathematically impossible, given a chaindeath arrest meant that the only two living civilians left were each team's Don.

Since the Police had no way to actually rid the game of the Dons, Daisy and I told them that, as long as they took the game down to at least one of them being alive and the only civilians left are the two Dons, then they would win the game by default.

If all of the Police had died before it got to that point, but then the civilian factions still couldn't mathematically take out each other's Dons, then the game would have been a draw and no one would have won (except independent prisoners, if they happened to get paroled).

You all were too busy mislynching each other unintentionally to see the opposing team's Don as the threat that they really were. :mafia:
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:05 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Capo and Crew - Missions:
1) All of you must alternate posting with each other and make a minimum of 10 posts each.
2) You must be the three lowest posters for the cycle with at least 3 posts each.
3) You must be the three highest posters.
4) One of you must only post defending other players; you cannot accuse or suspect a single player.
5) You must somehow (without making your mission explicit) get 20% of the living players to say "sock" or "daisy".
6) You must somehow (without making your mission explicit) get 20% of the living players to post a meme.
7) You must somehow (without making your mission explicit) get two other players to post a screencap from The Godfather.
8) You must all vote for each other.
9) One of you must receive at least two votes from non-BTSCmates, but avoid receiving a majority.
10) You must successfully lead a lynch on another player.

Consigliere - Takes over for The Don's duties in the event of his death.

Stool Pigeon - In prison, he has permanent immunity from shanks.

Loan Shark - We will use your sock account as well in order to inform the player of the cost of their loan. We will do this because for one or two of the outcomes we feel it needs particular timing to be most effective as a handicap. Remember that the only thing you are allowed to say to players requesting a loan is that you are granting their loan. You may not have any BTSC with anyone using this account beyond that. You may not post in the thread with this account, or use it for any other purpose.

Messaggero - In reality, the Messaggero is searching for either the Rookie Cop or the Warden; if the latter is found, he will unknowingly coerse him into releasing a prisoner, selected via parole poll.

Host 1-time use ability - Switch any role (except for The Don) with another player’s role, but only if the player whose role you are switching is about to be lynched or arrested by the Police. The player who is not lynched or arrested will then be notified of his/her new role (that belonged previously to the player now lynched) once the Day or Night is complete.

Warden's Death - If Warden dies in the main game, the living players will vote in a public poll the subsequent period in order to elect a new Warden. That player will then have control of the Warden sockpuppet and challenge selection mechanics. In addition, the original Warden's death will automatically trigger a prison break.

Prison Breaks - A prison break occurs after three successful prisoner challenges are completed. In the event of a prison break, all living prisoners may view the main thread and post and vote there for the day instead of in the Prison Yard.

Parole - If a player originally from the main game is paroled, they are "resurrected" back into the main game under their sockpuppet account. If an independent prisoner is paroled, that prisoner wins and selects whether to stay in the main game or leave. If they choose to leave, they then may select another prisoner to leave the game with them. If the prisoner they select is an independent prisoner, that player also wins and leaves the game simultaneously; if they are a player originally from the main game, nothing happens.

Entering Prison - All prisoners must write a letter to a fictional family member or loved one.

All About Prison:
Spoiler: show
MovingPictures07 wrote:In our game, we will have a prison mechanic. When players have been "lynched" or "NKed", they will go to prison as a prisoner and cannot view the main thread any longer. All prisoners will be given a sockpuppet and will post exclusively through their "Prisoner XXXXXX" account. Annie and I are actually starting out with prisoners already in prison before anyone "dies". Those prisoners will be independents that, like their fellow "deadie" prisoners who played the main game first and then died, control sockpuppet accounts (and thus no one will even know you are playing). They will have one win con: Get paroled.

These prisoners will have a unique place in the game as they will not see the main thread, they won't be part of the "who's bad" hunting, no civilian versus mafia determinations, or any of that. Instead, here is how prison will work: Days and Nights are still 48/24 and will transpire simultaneously to the main game.

During Nights, the main prison thread will be shut down and prisoners will be in their cells with their cellmate (if they have one); cells can be occupied by up to two prisoners. Essentially, nothing happens but you can engage in BTSC with your cellmate in that time if you want.

During Days, starting Day 2, all of the prisoners will be given a team challenge by the Warden to be completed during the same day period. If the prisoners successfully complete three of these team challenges, then a prison break will occur. All of the prisoners will then invade the main game thread for the subsequent day only, and they can talk on-topic and cast a vote in the lynch poll. Then during the night period, the living players will all vote on which one of the prisoners they want to parole. The player with the most votes will be brought (back) into the game. So while all of the prisoners cannot vote, they can remain in the thread during that time to make their case as to why they should be paroled. After that night ends, they will go back to their cells and lose contact with the main thread again. That player will be brought (back) into the game. If that player who is paroled is one of these independent starting prisoners (as opposed to a "deadie"), then they satisfy their win con and can choose to leave the game or remain in the main thread with on-topic and voting privileges.

Whenever the prisoners fail a challenge, then there will be discontent among them; during the subsequent day, in addition to a new challenge, all of the prisoners will vote in a poll on which fellow prisoner to "shank". If a prisoner receives the most votes, they will be shanked at the end of the day, and will be removed from the game.

And that's pretty much it! Annie and I would like to offer this starting/independent prisoner role in our game to you because we think you'd be a good fit. It should also prove to be less intense than the actual mafia game, since you will not be hunting for mafia or civilians, and there will not be nearly as many players in prison (though the population will increase slowly over the course of the game, but should always be manageable).

If you are interested in this, let me know. And if you are to take it, do not change your vote in our game poll to "playing" or anything like that. We want this to be as much as secret as possible. :feb:
Prison Challenge #10 Questions:
1) Is this group comprised more of Sockface Famiglia or Daisy Crime Syndicate?
2) Who would you most likely parole right now?
3) Who would you most likely shank right now?
4) Which player do you think has the Warden role?
5) How many baddies do you think there are in prison right now?

Prison Challenge #9 Decoding Message:
I hear the footsteps approaching. It's the only sound in my day as they click steadily towards me, and then the light that sneaks in as the small slot is opened. A grating sound as the aluminum tray is slid inside before the slot is slid back into place and the little lock engages with a click. The food is warm but mostly flavorless, nothing to write home about. Not that I could write home, they don't give me pen and paper. Or light, for that matter. It is later, after the food is finished and my tray taken away that the emptiness of this place really closes in. That's when you really start slipping. At first you pass the time with thinking, then you find the silence too much and start singing, eventually you end up talking to yourself. Until the voices start talking to you...

Prison Challenge #12 Questions (Cellmate Questionnaire):
1) What time zone are you in?
2) How many siblings do you have?
3) Are you married?
4) Do you have any children?
5) What is your favorite season?
6) What is your favorite color?
7) Who is your favorite musical artist/band?
8) What is your favorite movie?
9) What is your favorite book?
10) What is your favorite board or video game?
11) What is your favorite sports team?
12) What is your favorite holiday?
13) What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
14) Cats or dogs?
15) Ninjas or pirates?
16) Star Wars or Star Trek?
17) How long have you been playing mafia?
18) At how many forums have you played mafia?
19) Do you prefer civilian or mafia alignment?
20) What is your favorite mafia game you've ever played?
21) Have you ever won a Socky Award?
22) Who is your biggest mafia idol/influence?
23) Which alignment are you in this game?
24) Which host did you vote for in the signups thread?
25) Have you ever had BTSC with MovingPictures07 or Spacedaisy?

Original Prisoner Role Card:
You are a member of the independent faction, Prisoners.

Your role card is:

Prisoner 277058 – You have no alliance to anyone but yourself; you will do anything to escape prison. You win the game when you have been paroled. You will not participate or be able to view the main thread; rather, you will post only in a hidden prison subforum.

During Nights, the main prison thread will be shut down and prisoners will be in their cells with their cellmate (if they have one); cells can be occupied by up to two prisoners. Essentially, nothing happens but you can engage in BTSC with your cellmate in that time if you want.

During Days, starting Day 2, all of the prisoners will be given a team challenge by the Warden to be completed during the same day period. If the prisoners successfully complete three of these team challenges, then a prison break will occur. All of the prisoners will then invade the main game thread for the subsequent day only, and they can talk on-topic and cast a vote in the lynch poll. Then during the night period, the living players will all vote on which one of the prisoners they want to parole. So while all of the prisoners cannot vote, they can remain in the thread during that time to make their case as to why they should be paroled. After that night ends, they will go back to their cells and lose contact with the main thread again. Also at that time, the player with the most votes will be brought (back) into the game. If you are the player who receives parole (as opposed to a "deadie"), then you win the game! You can then choose to leave the game or remain in the main thread with on-topic and voting privileges.

Whenever the prisoners fail a challenge, then there will be discontent among them; during the subsequent day, in addition to a new challenge, all of the prisoners will vote in a poll on which fellow prisoner to "shank". If a prisoner receives the most votes, they will be shanked at the end of the day, and will be removed from the game.

Note that because you are a prisoner, both Daisy and I are your hosts for this game. That means you must PM both of us with all inquiries, concerns, etc.

Note also that role outing and information dumping are strictly forbidden in this game. However, alignment/team claiming is permitted but could be ill-advised.

Your part in the game will begin at the beginning of Day 2; you will be given your sockpuppet information shortly before Day 2 starts.

Thanks for signing up and we hope you enjoy the game!
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:04 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


The Daisy Crime Syndicate (12)
Do not share BTSC unless specified. Win when all of The Police and The Don from The Sockfaced Famiglia are dead or arrested, but only if their alive and free family members outnumber those of The Sockfaced Famiglia.
The Don – Every night, he selects a mission that the Capo and Crew must perform; he either punishes or rewards them based on their performance. Additionally, every night, he puts a hit out on a player; if it matches the name submitted by Hitman, the hit is successful. He is immune to any Police night actions. Can only be lynched if the majority of his voters is from his own family. Has BTSC with Consigliere. Selects a number 1-10 as well as one of the reward/punishment outcomes below every night; a number and outcome cannot be selected a second time until all of them have been selected once.

Capo and Crew - Rewards and Punishments:
a) All of your votes the subsequent day are worth x2. -- All of your votes the subsequent day are worth x0.
b) All of your votes the subsequent day are worth x2. -- All of your votes the subsequent day are worth x0.
c) All of your votes the subsequent day are worth negative x2. -- All of your votes the subsequent day are worth x0.
d) All of your votes the subsequent day are worth negative x2. -- All of your votes the subsequent day are worth x0.
e) You may silence another player for the subsequent day. -- One of you, randomly selected, is silenced the subsequent day.
f) You may insanify another player for the subsequent day. -- One of you, randomly selected, is insanified the subsequent day.
g) You may NK a player of your choice the subsequent night. -- The other capo team may NK a player of their choice the subsequent night.
h) You may NK a player of your choice the subsequent night. -- The baddies may NK an additional player of their choice the subsequent night.
i) You will receive an alignment check for a randomly selected opposing civilian. -- The other capo team will receive an alignment check for a randomly selected opposing civilian.
j) You receive a lynch stop to be used during any day. -- The baddies receive a lynch stop to be used during any day.

Consigliere – Has BTSC with The Don and assists him in making decisions regarding the family.

Hitman – Submits the name of a player every night; if it matches the player submitted by The Don, that player is killed.

Loan Shark – Has up to 3 extra votes to be loaned out. The votes can be loaned out at any time during the night or day before the lynch is complete. Players can PM the Loan Shark at any time with their requested number of votes (1, 2, or 3), and they will be informed if the Loan Shark decides to loan them their request. No other communication can transpire between players and the Loan Shark behind the scenes. Loan Shark will be given a sock puppet account for use as the loan shark; at any time that a player decides they would like to request votes from him, they may PM their request to his sock account for consideration. The Loan Shark can then decide if he will grant their loan or deny it. Should he grant it, the Loan Shark tells the player that their request has been granted and they now have X number of extra votes to use in the upcoming lynch. Loaned votes cannot be held for a later date; they can only be cast in the upcoming lynch. Following the lynch post, the player will then be told the cost they must pay to repay the loan. The payment required will be decided by the Loan Shark from a list of possible options depending on how many votes they borrowed.

Loan Repayments:
1 extra vote
1) Borrower starts the subsequent day with a +1 vote penalty.
2) Borrower's vote is worth x0 the subsequent day.
3) Borrower must post only in pictures the subsequent night/day cycle.
4) Borrower must post only using insanifier the subsequent night/day cycle.

2 extra votes
1) Borrower starts the subsequent day with a +2 vote penalty.
2) Borrower's vote is worth negative x1 the subsequent day, unbeknownst to the borrower.
3) Borrower cannot post for the subsequent night/day cycle.
4) Borrower loses all BTSC for the subsequent night/day cycle.

3 extra votes
1) Borrower starts the subsequent day with a +3 vote penalty.
2) Borrower's vote is worth negative x2 the subsequent day, unbeknownst to the borrower.
3) Borrower has a 20% chance of being arrested at the end of the subsequent day.

Stool Pigeon – At the beginning of the game, he selects a number which corresponds to a member of his family (excluding The Don). He will learn the role of the player selected. If he is in danger of being arrested, he may choose to reveal the identity of this player to the Police, and if so, he is saved.

Messaggero – Communicates with one of his family members currently in prison; he receives a message every night and sends one every day. Additionally, every night he searches for Rookie Cop. If he finds him, then whatever information (night power results) that the Police learn will be passed on in secret to The Don.

Traitor – Defects to The Sockfaced Famiglia if The Don votes for him at any point in the game.

Lover – In love with the Lover from The Sockfaced Famiglia. Searches for that player every night; if found, they gain BTSC and Lover can win alongside the Sockfaced Famiglia, but only if both are alive. However, Lover still can win with The Daisy Crime Syndicate and counts as a member of The Daisy Crime Syndicate.

Capo – Shares BTSC with Crew members. Collectively, they carry out a mission given to them by The Don each cycle.

Crew (2) - Share BTSC with Capo.

SECRET ROLE – It's a secret role designed by the players! Even Sockface doesn't know!

The Sockfaced Famiglia (12)
Do not share BTSC unless specified. Win when all of The Police and The Don from The Daisy Crime Syndicate are dead or arrested, but only if their alive and free family members outnumber those of The Daisy Crime Syndicate.
The Don – Every night, he selects a mission that the Capo and Crew must perform; he either punishes or rewards them based on their performance. Additionally, every night, he puts a hit out on a player; if it matches the name submitted by Hitman, the hit is successful. He is immune to any Police night actions. Can only be lynched if the majority of his voters is from his own family. Has BTSC with Consigliere. Selects a number 1-10 as well as one of the reward/punishment outcomes below every night; a number and outcome cannot be selected a second time until all of them have been selected once.

Capo and Crew - Rewards and Punishments:
a) All of your votes the subsequent day are worth x2. -- All of your votes the subsequent day are worth x0.
b) All of your votes the subsequent day are worth x2. -- All of your votes the subsequent day are worth x0.
c) All of your votes the subsequent day are worth negative x2. -- All of your votes the subsequent day are worth x0.
d) All of your votes the subsequent day are worth negative x2. -- All of your votes the subsequent day are worth x0.
e) You may silence another player for the subsequent day. -- One of you, randomly selected, is silenced the subsequent day.
f) You may insanify another player for the subsequent day. -- One of you, randomly selected, is insanified the subsequent day.
g) You may NK a player of your choice the subsequent night. -- The other capo team may NK a player of their choice the subsequent night.
h) You may NK a player of your choice the subsequent night. -- The baddies may NK an additional player of their choice the subsequent night.
i) You will receive an alignment check for a randomly selected opposing civilian. -- The other capo team will receive an alignment check for a randomly selected opposing civilian.
j) You receive a lynch stop to be used during any day. -- The baddies receive a lynch stop to be used during any day.

Consigliere – Has BTSC with The Don and assists him in making decisions regarding the family.

Hitman – Submits the name of a player every night; if it matches the player submitted by The Don, that player is killed.

Loan Shark – Has up to 3 extra votes to be loaned out. The votes can be loaned out at any time during the night or day before the lynch is complete. Players can PM the Loan Shark at any time with their requested number of votes (1, 2, or 3), and they will be informed if the Loan Shark decides to loan them their request. No other communication can transpire between players and the Loan Shark behind the scenes. Loan Shark will be given a sock puppet account for use as the loan shark; at any time that a player decides they would like to request votes from him, they may PM their request to his sock account for consideration. The Loan Shark can then decide if he will grant their loan or deny it. Should he grant it, the Loan Shark tells the player that their request has been granted and they now have X number of extra votes to use in the upcoming lynch. Loaned votes cannot be held for a later date; they can only be cast in the upcoming lynch. Following the lynch post, the player will then be told the cost they must pay to repay the loan. The payment required will be decided by the Loan Shark from a list of possible options depending on how many votes they borrowed.

Loan Repayments:
1 extra vote
1) Borrower starts the subsequent day with a +1 vote penalty.
2) Borrower's vote is worth x0 the subsequent day.
3) Borrower must post only in pictures the subsequent night/day cycle.
4) Borrower must post only using insanifier the subsequent night/day cycle.

2 extra votes
1) Borrower starts the subsequent day with a +2 vote penalty.
2) Borrower's vote is worth negative x1 the subsequent day, unbeknownst to the borrower.
3) Borrower cannot post for the subsequent night/day cycle.
4) Borrower loses all BTSC for the subsequent night/day cycle.

3 extra votes
1) Borrower starts the subsequent day with a +3 vote penalty.
2) Borrower's vote is worth negative x2 the subsequent day, unbeknownst to the borrower.
3) Borrower has a 20% chance of being arrested at the end of the subsequent day.

Stool Pigeon – At the beginning of the game, he selects a number which corresponds to a member of his family (excluding The Don). He will learn the role of the player selected. If he is in danger of being arrested, he may choose to reveal the identity of this player to the Police, and if so, he is saved.

Messaggero – Communicates with one of his family members currently in prison; he receives a message every night and sends one every day. Additionally, every night he searches for Rookie Cop. If he finds him, then whatever information (night power results) that the Police learn will be passed on in secret to The Don.

Traitor – Defects to The Daisy Crime Syndicate if The Don votes for him at any point in the game.

Lover – In love with the Lover from The Daisy Crime Syndicate. Searches for that player every night; if found, they gain BTSC and Lover can win alongside the Daisy Crime Syndicate, but only if both are alive. However, Lover still can win with The Sockfaced Famiglia and counts as a member of The Sockfaced Famiglia.

Capo – Shares BTSC with Crew members. Collectively, they carry out a mission given to them by The Don each cycle.

Crew (2) - Share BTSC with Capo.

SECRET ROLE – It's a secret role designed by the players! Even Daisy doesn't know!


The Police (6)
Share BTSC. Win when all of The Daisy Crime Syndicate and The Sockfaced Famiglia are either dead or arrested.
Police Chief – Arrests a player of his choice every night; if he is lynched, his arrest passes down. Every night he also has a 20% chance of arresting a second player; this ability does not pass down.

Undercover Cop - If lynched, he appears as the role of his choice.

Beat Cop - Patrols one player of his choice every night, effectively role blocking them.

Surveillance Specialist - Every night, he may choose whether to receive a snippet of BTSC or to receive a surveillance photo of a player of his choice. Surveillance photos attempt to reveal a player’s identity, but may be doctored. All BTSC snippets remove a few randomly selected names and words.

Warden - Runs the prison and oversees all the prisoners. Once a player is lynched or arrested, they go to prison, as a new sockpuppet Prisoner account. Prisoners stay in cells at nights in groups of two; those two may share BTSC during that time. During the day, all prisoners and Warden, using his sockpuppet account, can talk in the Prison Yard. Every night Warden will decide on a team challenge for all of the prisoners to complete, from the list below. Challenges cannot be selected a second time until all of them have been selected once. If the prisoners successfully complete challenges, they may be rewarded. If the prisoners fail any given challenge, then during the subsequent day in addition to a new challenge, they will participate in a public poll to decide on a player to be shanked. The player who receives the most votes is "shanked" (i.e., dies) and cannot be saved. Warden cannot vote in shanks.

Prisoner Challenges:
1) All prisoners must alternate posts, and post a minimum of [5 x # prisoners] posts total.
2) A group of 10 prisoners must alternate posts, and post a minimum of 10 posts each. Prisoners outside of the group of 10 cannot post; if they do, the prisoners lose the challenge.
3) The prisoners must make at least one post every 30 minutes.
4) The prisoners must make at least one post every 10 minutes.
5) All prisoners must make all of their posts as puns, and post a minimum of 5 posts each.
6) All prisoners must make all of their posts in a foreign language, with each prisoner speaking a unique language, and post a minimum of 5 posts each. There must be no coordination and any repeat offenders will cause an automatic failure.
7) All prisoners must correctly identify the movie featured in at least 75% of screencaps of prison scenes taken from various movies.
8) All prisoners must correctly identify the author of at least ten of fifteen quotes taken from the main thread.
9) All prisoners must decode a message of tildes. At the start of the day, the prisoners collectively may select three letters to be revealed. Halfway through the period, they may select a fourth letter. Two hours before EoD, they may select a fifth and final letter. If the message is decoded before the period ends, they win.
10) All prisoners will split into two groups, one group will answer questions and the other group will bet on what their answers will be. The betting group starts out with 500 coins; they must have at least 750 coins to win. They can bet as much or as little of their 500 coins as they wish, but cannot bet more than 100 per question. (Two separate sub-forums are needed.)
11) All prisoners will split into two groups and must attempt to identify the authors of the opposite group's letters. At least one of the two groups must be successful. (Two separate sub-forums are needed.)
12) Instead of going to the prison yard, all prisoners will remain in their cells to give them time to get to know each other. The prisoners will be informed that there will be a quiz regarding their cellmate at the end of the 48 hour day period. At that time, one prisoner will take the quiz answering the questions and the other will guess the answers to their cellmate's questionnaire. The average score for all of the prisoners must be at least 20 correct answers out of 25.
13) All prisoners must cast their vote for the same player to be shanked, including the player to be shanked. (This may only be chosen for days subsequent to the prisoners losing a challenge the prior day.)

Rookie Cop - This guy’s just learning the ropes! He has no power.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:04 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Original Prisoners:
Prisoner 208986 – juliets
Prisoner 277058 – DharmaHelper
Prisoner 413022 – bea
Prisoner 509378 – JaggedJimmyJay
Prisoner 640326 – Typhoony
Prisoner 650829 – Sorsha
Prisoner 740359 – Ricochet
Prisoner 813142 – G-Man
Prisoner 920077 – timmer

Entered D2:
Prisoner 379949 – Tranq
Prisoner 513538 – Diiny

Entered D3:
Prisoner 980854 – RadicalFuzz

Entered D4:
Prisoner 888206 – Long Con

Entered D5:
Prisoner 331347 – agleaminranks
Prisoner 483934 – Metalmarsh89

Entered D6:
Prisoner 153930 – Dragon D. Luffy
Prisoner 219747 – Golden

Entered D7:
Prisoner 126993 – Silverwolf
Prisoner 419713 – ika

Entered D8:
Prisoner 541395 – indiglo
Prisoner 792787 – thellama73

Entered D9:
Prisoner 714386 – Boomslang

Entered D10:
Prisoner 319159 – Scotty
Prisoner 850132 – Black Rock
Prisoner 958153 – Quin

Entered D11:
Prisoner 607001 – S~V~S

Entered D12:
Prisoner 371724 – Epignosis
Prisoner 829579 – Nerolunar
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:03 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


The Don – Sloonei
Consigliere – Golden
Hitman – Tranq -- switched to Silverwolf
Loan Shark – thellama73
Stool Pigeon – Silverwolf
Messaggero – sig
Traitor – agleaminranks
Lover – Quin
Capo – Metalmarsh89
Crew (2) - chaindeath, DrWilgy
SECRET ROLE (The Fall Guy) – Matt

The Don – Turnip Head
Consigliere – a2thezebra
Hitman – Diiny -- switched to Matt 2.0/sprityo
Loan Shark – indiglo (Bullzeye)
Stool Pigeon – Boomslang (Enrique)
Messaggero – Scotty
Traitor – Matt 2.0 (sprityo)
Lover – Nerolunar
Capo – S~V~S
Crew (2) - Black Rock, Long Con
SECRET ROLE (Sockface) – Dragon D. Luffy

Police Chief – Soneji
Undercover Cop - ika
Beat Cop - Elohcin (Serge)
Surveillance Specialist - RadicalFuzz
Warden - Epignosis
Rookie Cop - Dom (Draconus, Mongoose)

Prisoners - bea, DharmaHelper, G-Man, JaggedJimmyJay, juliets, Ricochet, Sorsha, timmer, Typhoony
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Prisoner 813142 stood in a tiny room, facing his new parole officer. Next to him stood Prisoner 920077. They had worked hard to prove they were rehabilitated and now their hard work had paid off. The officer gave them a list of rules they would need to follow and instructions on how often to check in with her. A short time later, they left the building, free men once again.

Meanwhile, Prisoner 509378 sighed. He had tried his best to take down evil, but it wasn't enough... He slipped out of town before things grew out of control.


There was a loud banging on the door and Daisy rolled over. For a moment she was confused, a look at the clock told her it was barely dawn. Why was someone banging on her door. She rolled out of bed and shuffled to the door. She pulled it open to find MP standing there, a bag over his shoulder and a very anxious look on his face. He pushed past her before she invite him in.

"What are you doing here?" She demanded. Daisy hated being woken up before she had to be awake.

"Haven't you looked outside?"

"It's not even six AM, why would I be taking in the view at this time of the morning?" She always got more snarky when she was irritated.

He grabbed her arm and drug her over to the large window looking out over The Syndicate and yanked open the curtains.

"Oh god..."

The city was filled with military presence. Tanks, and rows of armed militia flooded the streets. She looked at MP, "What happened?"

"We lost. Your stupid plan failed and we lost the whole damn city!!"

"But how did that happen?"

"They arrested chaindeath last night, it's all over now. The police are in complete control. We've got to get out of here."

"You came to save me? Why?"

He shrugged, "call me a sentimental, I've grown attached to you. Besides, I figure the only chance we will ever have to take back over this city someday is if we work together, so I can't let them take you too."

She didn't need told twice, moments later the couple were fleeing the city. If they were lucky they would one day return together to take control of their empire again. But for today, they were happy to get out alive and free.

The game has ended! The Police have won the game!!!!!

Prisoner 813142 has been paroled! He was G-Man. He has won the game!!
Prisoner 920077 has been paroled! He was timmer. He has won the game!!

Prisoner 509378 had long ago accomplished his win condition as well. He was JaggedJimmyJay. He has won the game!!
Prisoner 740359 had long ago accomplished his win condition as well. He was Ricochet. He has won the game!!

Congratulations to Dom, Epignosis, G-Man, ika, JaggedJimmyJay, RadicalFuzz, Ricochet, Soneji, and timmer!!! They are the winners of Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [POLLS] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Parole one of these people!

Poll ended at Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:52:56 pm

Prisoner 208986
Turnip Head (20) 5%

Prisoner 277058
No votes

Prisoner 319159
No votes

Prisoner 371724
No votes

Prisoner 413022
No votes

Prisoner 419713
No votes

Prisoner 483934
No votes

Prisoner 541395
Prisoner 792787 (5) 5%

Prisoner 606386
No votes

Prisoner 607001
No votes

Prisoner 640326
No votes

Prisoner 714386
No votes

Prisoner 792787
No votes

Prisoner 813142
Prisoner 958153 (3), chaindeath (8), Prisoner 607001 (10), Soneji (12), Prisoner 606386 (14), Prisoner 640326 (16), Prisoner 829579 (17), Prisoner
483934 (18) 40%

Prisoner 829579
No votes

Prisoner 850132
No votes

Prisoner 920077
Prisoner 509378 (2), Prisoner 371724 (9), Prisoner 319159 (11), Prisoner 813142 (13), Sloonei (15) 25%

Prisoner 958153
No votes

All of them! (hosts, non-players)
MovingPictures07 (1), Ricochet (4), Prisoner 419713 (6), Spacedaisy (7), Dom (19) 25%
Total votes : 20
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Night 12 has ended. Post coming shortly...
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 7:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Sloonei wrote:I am a noob
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Less than an hour to go!
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 4:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Get those votes in, folks! Just a little over 3.5 hours now.
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:16 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Prisoner 371724 wrote:Is there anything else I need to do? Besides murder Bart Simpson, I mean.
Have you rigged the mayoral election yet? You could do that. :beer:
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:11 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Keep those parole votes coming, folks!

Oh, and go sockface? Or something like that? Can we even still win? :scared:
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:10 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Soneji wrote:No shenanigans, just whats been right in front of your face this whole time.

@MP: It is the first time I have worn it here. It is a long time favorite of players in the NF mafia community, alongside my Edgar and Kiba sets. The last of those wouldn't feel right to wear here, though.
I can see why!

Also, relevant to a prior discussion, you just made your 100th post in a single game thread. :slick:
by Tangrowth
Sat Apr 09, 2016 12:30 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Soneji wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Soneji wrote:Is there a way to right-align signatures on this sight?
Not that I'm aware of, but consider it added to the list. :beer:
Thanks...the majority of my signatures look far better when right-aligned. Only a few are meant for center-aligned.
Nice new avatar/sig scheme, by the way, Majora's Mask is the best. :clap:
by Tangrowth
Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:15 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

Soneji wrote:Is there a way to right-align signatures on this sight?
Not that I'm aware of, but consider it added to the list. :beer:
by Tangrowth
Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:32 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts
Replies: 9293
Views: 193195

Re: [NIGHT 12] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Well, sort of.

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