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by Tangrowth
Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:31 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

Devin the Omniscient wrote:Russti, I definitely had a blast in our BTSC chat! You are right, though, it would have been too suspicious for you to just start listing 5 or so names. In that respect I was prepared to just vote for whomever you mentioned and/or voted for. Unfortunately, after you died in that insane blood-bath I had all but given up hope for the Guardian/Cohen alliance. I was looking for the code to show up, but in the wrong places (Dom's posts, and potentially Kate's). I had pegged Hedge early on as a MAC (epic misread) and was hoping she would flip as a disciple. Oh well. Dispite all of those misfortunes I still somehow ended up on top :)

And using my Cohen persona was definitely the most fun I have ever had when writing or mafiaing!!!
MP: Any chance you could post the Evening With Sander Cohen chatroom somewhere for those curious enough to read through it? I may have accidentally deleted it when clearing out my PMs :sigh:
So I was being somewhat nostalgic and thinking about this game... and just now realized I never posted your Evening with Sander Cohen chatroom!! Sorry about that.

Here it is!!

This is still my favorite game I've ever hosted. What a blast this was.
by Tangrowth
Mon Jul 29, 2013 11:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

I am glad you enjoyed it! I knew you were really getting into the game, and I knew the Guardians had all been similar, so it was sort of devastating to see it all crumble like that, and I felt bad -- but at the same time it was really just sort of amazing, and cosmic, I suppose.

As to the Dollar Enemy guide, I didn't even get to see that in action! It's because you never killed anyone out of defense at night. Part of your role was that for every successful enemy you killed, you gained $$, and you could use that $$ to buy stuff at the Circus of Values vending machines.

Another dynamic in this game I never got to see actually play out was Dr. Suchong's plasmid researching and his pheromone. I was especially interested in the latter.

Oh, and I have to say, being a witness to your and Devin's BTSC was an absolute treat, to say the least.
by Tangrowth
Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:20 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

Epignosis wrote:I was under the impression the whole time that Nev and I had to kill everybody. We tried to take out spacedaisy at one point.
You did; the only scenario in which you didn't was if Cohen had not been doubted and had taken all four pictures. Even then, you'd have had to make sure you, Nev, and Cohen/his dancers were the ONLY people remaining.

As to you and Nev trying to take out Spacedaisy, Epig, I looked back at my spreadsheet and the only things I see were that Nev used Enrage to redirect to Daisy on Night 10 and used Electro Bolt on her Night 15. Neither you nor Nev tried to actually kill her with your standard attack until Nev targeted her on Night 15.
by Tangrowth
Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:26 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

thellama73 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote: That's funny, I kind of forgot about the B for baddies theory. That has to be one of the wackiest mafia theories I've ever seen actually gain some decent discussion...
You're welcome.
What's even funnier is how you remained in the top 5 posters even though you were lynched on Day 3. :haha:

At that rate, you would have probably made at least 500 posts in this game had you made it to endgame.
by Tangrowth
Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:29 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

Hedgeowl wrote:We actually expected a Bullz lynch anytime after the B for baddies Ace voters theory. We kept joking about what an unexpected result it would be when Bullz flipped Guardians and not Fontaine's teammate. Never happened I think partly because of the posting contest. The contest is interesting in hindsight. You had DH/Ryan, Mongoose/McClintock, Snow/Tenenbaum, as team leads posting plus Epi/Big daddy, and Bullz/ Little Sister and then non-participant Devin/Cohen cursing away at everything we all had to then read. It was a Guardian led contest, but got boring real fast in what to discuss, so they started making up theories on each other just to be able to keep posting things. There were others, but funny how the roles turned out.
That's funny, I kind of forgot about the B for baddies theory. That has to be one of the wackiest mafia theories I've ever seen actually gain some decent discussion... I'm sure my posting contest didn't help that though. :p

It was interesting to see who signed up for the contest, for sure.

I was curious if I'd get to see McClintock get recruited, but Mongoose didn't find Atlas soon enough.
by Tangrowth
Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:59 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

Wow, yes, Nevinera now has 4 wins, leading the pack! I didn't realize that either. Pretty outstanding considering how many games he's played. Truly well-deserved though. Should be interesting to see how the Hall of Fame continues to immortalize performances hereafter.

True that indi's death was really an incident that helped secure a Cohen victory, otherwise Mata might have had a pretty good chance at surviving that all-important lynch. I still can't believe that lynch came down to a coin flip and I think it was at that point that the game's outcome was pretty much decided.

It's funny how Ajira, Devin, and Mata all had protection (Ajira couldn't be lynched OR nightkilled for a while, and then Devin and Mata had the two two-protect roles), yet none of those really came into play. I thought for sure I'd see a "No one has been lynched" for one of them at some point, but it's interesting how it didn't work out like that. Even DH, who had the other side of Ajira's cannot be lynched or NKed, was never given significant enough attention to even come close to death by lynching.

Also, another thought -- out of any lone civvie/role in the game, I think Dom might have had the best instincts, as he had pegged down many members of the Guardians, but wasn't able to formulate a compelling enough argument for the thread to get any of them lynched (seems he didn't need to). It was interesting to see the interaction between Snowie and Dom; I thought something might come of that sooner or later, and THAT might have been the domino that led the Guardians to be hurt significantly. Especially earlier on when Dom was pointing out with confidence that Snowie was backpedaling (something he can do as either alignment though, I've seen), I thought maybe there would have been a Guardian lynch before Hedgeowl. I would never have expected it to happen the way it did instead.

That is admittedly one of the neatest things about hosting -- watching your game develop. You've set up everything in place, but then the players act out their part, and that's where things can become really interesting.
by Tangrowth
Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:06 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

There was one other thing I forgot to address earlier. Regarding the LMS roles, they were not at all a team. The only reason Nevinera was able to win with Daisy and Devin was because Devin had all the pictures, had never been doubted, AND he was the last man standing other than two other players who were completely not hostile by that point in the game. I actually mulled this over and naturally thought it made the most sense, but then thought of possibly making Nev kill them off before being able to win, but in the end went with my original interpretation. Nev was a one-man "team" at that specific instance if there ever was one.

I realized the wording was confusing a few days after Hedge asked me my question because last "Splicer" standing could have meant Nev could have been the only Splicer left and he could have won by surviving with other hostile players. That was NOT the case though, it was truly LMS -- to where every player individually had to be the LMS (with the exception of sharing that honor with the non-hostile Cohen). So I apologize for that since I hadn't considered substituting "Splicer" instead of player would cause that sort of confusion... but not being 100% clear with win conditions is something I'm not exactly too sorry for. :feb:

If, instead, Matahari and Nevinera had been standing, they would have had to kill each other off because they literally had to be the last player standing.

Likewise, if Flyin' High and Nevinera had been standing, Nev would have had to kill FH because she was Morally Ambiguous; even though she didn't have a kill and wasn't hostile in that way, she needed Nevinera dead to win at that point since he had gone rogue.

It was the very nature that Cohen had already won the game that led me to conclude that Nevinera at that point was really the last man standing since at that set of circumstances, Cohen's role was 100% independent. Not civilian or anything different. And that's where the distinction comes in.

It actually is kind of fascinating Nevinera walked away with the win considering his ballsy stunt with Hedge and THEN when Epig was recruited thereafter by Matahari. When that happened, I figured Nevinera would be going down soon, but Epig and Mata went before he did.

Well-played to everyone! I am definitely going to appreciate being back in only a players' seat after this game; I will need adequate time to attend to my busy schedule and to recharge before my next hosting venture, but I will certainly be very excited for the next go-round.

Also, any other questions, still let me know. I think I addressed everything. I also thought I could try and share my host spreadsheet if anyone actually wants to look at that thing, lol. If not, I won't bother, but if anyone is truly very curious, let me know and I can upload it.
by Tangrowth
Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:35 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

The banners are here!!!!! A huge thanks to Daisy!! :)


by Tangrowth
Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:32 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

I think it was Devin's 4th game? He can speak to the accuracy of that statement. But yes, it's his first win.

Spacedaisy wrote:Indi and Dex are the most awesome of awesome, so I recommend playing their game. Or playing Homestar. Or both! :)
This entirely!
by Tangrowth
Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:51 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

Also, regarding self-votes, this game is definitely far away holds the record for most self-votes in a mafia game, ever. I actually lost track, so I just went through my spreadsheet and counted them right now.

There were 15.

Linki with Epig: Could you imagine how much that would have changed the game right there? There were truly so many variables this game at any given time, more so than most other games, and more than any other game I've ever hosted.
by Tangrowth
Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:46 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

First off, thanks to all of you again. This is perhaps now my favorite game that I've hosted of any I have thus far (and it has very stiff competition -- both Avant-Garde installments were great fun), and I look forward to my next venture (likely Fight Club, but we shall see), and hopefully will see many of you there.

FH, to answer your question regarding Bioshock Infinite, it is an incredibly massive undertaking and I'm not sure I plan on submitting it in the next game poll, so it might be quite a while. I really want to spend some serious time on it and I have a few other games that are much higher on the completion % that logically make more sense to host prior to that. That being said, I am prepping for it, and I am super psyched -- I think, like the original, Infinite lends itself perfectly to crafting a unique mafia experience.

I felt terrible for the ADAM Guardians when Epignosis was recruited and they were steamrolled on the infamous Night 8. That was insane; it was truly something else to watch them go from being on the top of the world to being crushed into oblivion. I've never seen a team fall THAT hard before so quickly, especially after the addition of Russtifinko. I also felt terrible for Gleam and A Person, but someone had to die early on, and I suppose it just turned out to be them.

To address my mechanic of the Hypnotize Big Daddy plasmid, only a few of those went around, and I predicted the chances of seeing one of them actually come into play was pretty small -- so I was pleasantly surprised when Epignosis sent in the kill for Nevinera. It was genius, Nevinera had picked up that plasmid, used it right away, and then started drawing attention to himself that night period, and it worked. As such, Epignosis, you became sort of a fluke, as the chances of any one player knowing that many other players' roles was pretty remote. It was interesting to see play out though, and I think you played an excellent game.

That said, the Guardians played such an amazing game, and managed to avoid suspicion for so long. I was actually starting to wonder how much they would dominate the game, but I knew there would be many other factors in play. I actually planned out a few mock Bioshock scenarios before the game started, and there was really so much variation that it was impossible to predict what could even happen this game at nearly any time (until the very end).

From the beginning of the game, there was speculation that the Plasmids would have some adverse effect, and I was pleased to see that even those who were familiar with the game's theme were split nearly 50/50 on whether taking and utilizing them would be beneficial or not. In reality, there were absolutely no side effects to them, but I didn't mind making people think there would be. :feb:

As to Devin's win, he definitively deserved it, and I was so glad to see him win his first game. While he played a great game, I have to say, he wins the game's most lucky son of a bitch award, because not only did he survive until the end, but he somehow did not even lose either of his two kill protects. For the first half of the game, he was targeted at night once, drew next to no suspicion for votes, and thereafter used his Target Dummy at the perfect time (ironically, this was the plasmid he won in Day 0, so he was full of all kinds of protection).

Speaking of which.... I forgot to post this earlier:

Day 0 Poll: Detail

Poll options:
- Sign me up! A free Plasmid is a free Plasmid!
- Root canal? Nah, I’ll pass.
- I already have all the Plasmids I need! (host, non-players)

Security Bots, Big Daddies, Little Sisters, and Dr. Suchong could receive a Plasmid, but will not be able to use it.

Player 1: Incinerate! 1 - birdwithteeth11
Player 2: Electro Bolt 1 - thellama73
Player 3: Telekinesis 1 - DharmaHelper
Player 4: Insect Swarm 1 - juliets
Player 5: Enrage - Matahari
Player 6: Target Dummy - DisgruntledPorcupine
Player 7: Security Bullseye - Nevinera
Player 8: Hypnotize Big Daddy - Elohcin
Player 9: Security Bullseye - Flyin' High
Player 10: Target Dummy - Devin the Omniscient
Player 11: Enrage - >SpaghettiEverywhere
Player 12: Insect Swarm 1 - Mongoose
Player 13: Telekinesis 1 - BoatsBoatsBoats
Player 14: Electro Bolt 1 - G.O.B.
Player 15: Incinerate! 1 - Snow Dog

Nevinera wrote:
Spacedaisy wrote:Nev, as you coud tell from the end post we did not have our final picture yet. We could not win with you unless we had all four. We planned on voting for Devin in order to see that none of us got ynched and allowed us another day to search. We were down to three people left unchecked.
I totally didn't think I counted as a 'team' for the purposes of winning with you (LMS and all).
I have been running on an increasingly slim chance that I could kill one of you and then the other
once you'd wiped out all the competition. Yes, with my 10% attack. >.<

MP: Are we allowed to donate our wins? Because I still feel like I cheated Hedge out of the game :-\

To expose some details of my very odd game, I got a big-daddy hypnotize plasmid and snatched Epig with it pretty early. It appears that someone else stole him from me shortly before you lynched him (Mata I think?), but having btsc with him gave me access to a crazy amount of information, that suddenly became much less useful when Ryan died. At that point, knowing who the baddies all were (including Devin and Daisy) did me very little good directly, so I started trying to turn information into authority - next time I try to do that I'll be more circumspect and less info-dump-ey of course. Anyway, it apparently worked sufficiently well to keep me off the lynch docket through the end of the game.
No, you deserved every bit of this win, so keep it, though I understand and appreciate your humility. It's okay, you're still relatively new, and with every mafia experience there's something to learn, especially with regards to mafia etiquette (as you pointed out, I never explicitly said anything in the rules about "info dumping", something I'll have to do in the future). While Hedgeowl played an outstanding game and she did unfairly get taken out, sometimes these things happen in mafia, for any variety of reasons, and it would be impossible to go back in time to that very moment and undo your info dumping and re-play the entire set of circumstances.

Your move was ballsy and I'm surprised that it bought you some serious civvie cred. I didn't punish you because you had just barely not crossed that ever-elusive fine line, and given your level of experience (which is ever climbing), and that there really wasn't reason for me to do so. After Night 8, Hedgeowl's chances of winning were really close to 0%. Fortunately, she is a formidable player, so I'm certain she'll be winning a game here any day now.

Live and learn, so no worries.

Hedgeowl wrote:Oh and why were people not using their plasmids huh? Do you know how long it took me to get a vote? I dont think Bullz even had a vote when he died. I finally had two votes when I died. Thanks bea 2.0 and Mongoose (i looted you for ADAM the night were rezzed).

We didnt know what Snows gifts were, but we assumed plasmids. We were sending them later in the game to people we hoped to kill or lynch so they could use the plasmid so Bullz and I could search them for ADAM when dead.
This is a good question. I was surprised myself to not see more people using plasmids earlier on in the game; I definitely thought there would be more of a mad rush to utilize them.

That's exactly how I intended that portion of Snow's role to be played out; I figured you guys would catch on. Especially since Snow was immune to plasmids and the Daddies had solid protection, it would actually have benefited your team to have the maximum amount of plasmids going around, with LMS and other non-Guardians players killing each other off.
by Tangrowth
Thu Jul 25, 2013 7:20 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

Oh, one more thing before I leave now and return later for postgame discussion.

I'll just be leaving this here... :feb:

by Tangrowth
Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:58 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

Well, this is it. I hope all of you really enjoyed this game as much as I enjoyed creating and then hosting it. I am very thankful to every single one of you for signing up and participating and making this game something truly memorable. Even those who didn't win deserve a round of applause because there was fantastic playing on all sides throughout the game! It was definitely incredibly exciting to watch.

I tried to capture the spirit of Bioshock as closely and as much as possible in this game, something that I believe I succeeded in. It was certainly not intended to be your typical run-of-the-mill mafia game, but I hope it offered a unique experience that proved to be intriguing to even those who were unaware of the theme completely.

I really owe it to you players, so thank you again. I very much look forward to hosting all of you in the future! :)

And on that note, I will be back around after work tonight to discuss postgame matters, anything and everything. So discuss away! Anything that hasn't been covered or any questions you may have I will be more than happy to address at that time.
by Tangrowth
Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:54 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

Vote 1 - Role block
Vote 2 - Start with +3 votes the subsequent day period
Vote 2 (consecutive) - Forced self-vote
Vote 3 - Start with +4 votes the subsequent day period
Vote 4 - Modkill by being the only option on the lynch poll
by Tangrowth
Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:54 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

Extra Information Regarding: Jack

Jack’s Path
1 – Medical Pavilion
2 – Neptune’s Bounty
3 – Smuggler’s Hideout
4 – Arcadia
5 – Fort Frolic
6 – Hephaestus
7 – Rapture Central Control/Andrew Ryan’s Office

Circus of Values!
EVE Hypo – $15 – Fully replenishes Jack’s EVE for Plasmid usage.
5 Pistol Rounds – $75 – Provides five more pistol rounds.
1 Armor-Piercing Pistol Round – $50 – Base rate for an armor-piercing round is 45% and it bypasses defense.
First Aid Kit – $35 – Increases defense base rate against all enemies by 10% during the night of usage.
Old Tom Whiskey – $25 – Increases Jack’s attacking and plasmid base rate by 5% during the night of usage.

Dollar-Enemy Guide
Security Bot – $20
Thuggish Splicer – $15
Leadhead Splicer – $30
Spider Splicer – $45
Houdini Splicer – $60
Nitro Splicer – $75
Andrew Ryan – $100
Other Morally Ambiguous Civvies (No Defend) – $25
Other Morally Ambiguous Civvies (Defend) – $50
Dr. Tenenbaum – $125
Big Daddy (Bouncer) – $100
Big Daddy (Rosie) – $140
Little Sisters – $0
Sander Cohen – $115
Houdini Splicer Dancer – $30
by Tangrowth
Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:54 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

Extra Information Regarding: Dr. Yi Suchong

Suchong’s Plasmid Availability
Nights 1-4 – Insect Swarm, Incinerate, Telekinesis, Electro Bolt (can upgrade Electro Bolt 1 to 2 immediately, since already owned by Jack)
Nights 5-7 – Security Bullseye, Enrage, Target Dummy (none of these can be upgraded)
Night 8 – Hypnotize Big Daddy (cannot be upgraded)
by Tangrowth
Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:54 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

Extra Information Regarding: Dr. Brigid Tenenbaum

Dr. Tenenbaum’s Gifts
Night 1 – Incinerate! 1
Night 2 – Telekinesis 1
Night 3 – Security Bullseye
Night 4 – Insect Swarm 1
Night 5 – Electro Bolt 1
Night 6 – Enrage
Night 7 – Incinerate! 2
Night 8 – Insect Swarm 2
Night 9 – Telekinesis 2
Night 10 – Security Bullseye
Night 11 – Electro Bolt 2
Night 12 – Incinerate! 3
Night 13 – Insect Swarm 3
Night 14 – Electro Bolt 3
Night 15 – Telekinesis 3
Night 16 – Incinerate! 3
Night 17 – Target Dummy
by Tangrowth
Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:52 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia


Health and happiness... through genetics!

Warning: Gene Tonics cannot be used by Security Bots. Sorry!

Scrounger – Splicing Scrounger is like having a sixth sense. You'll spot things you'd otherwise miss and discover things you'd otherwise leave behind. With Scrounger, you'll swear you have X-Ray Vision!

Scrounger – Allows the user to loot two plasmids instead of one.

Shorten Alarms – Are frequent Security Alarms driving you deaf? Reduce the pain with Shorten Alarms!

Shorten Alarms – Allows the user to end one day period and one night period early at any time.

Static Discharge – Ryan Industries introduces the latest in wartime deterrent genetics. Static Discharge makes you a walking Tesla Coil, zapping anything and everything foolish enough to strike you. Feel safe, be safe with Static Discharge!

Static Discharge – Every time the user is melee attacked by an enemy, the enemy is shocked. This temporarily immobilizes the enemy, thereby allowing the user to defend first, as well as possibly canceling the enemy's attack (20% chance).
by Tangrowth
Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:52 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia


Pick your plasmid and evolve!

Warning: Plasmids cannot be used by Security Bots, Big Daddies, Little Sisters, or Dr. Suchong. Sorry!

Incinerate! – Light up foes to a thousand degrees. Warning, fire spreads! (Offensive)

Incinerate! 1 – Engulfs the target in flames, making it difficult for them to attack or defend. Base rate is 30% for the victim to burn to death before being able to recover or return an attack. Also useful for melting ice.
Incinerate! 2 – Engulfs the target in flames, making it difficult for them to attack or defend. Base rate is 60% for the victim to burn to death before being able to recover or return an attack. Also useful for melting ice.
Incinerate! 3 – Engulfs the target in flames, making it difficult for them to attack or defend. Base rate is 90% for the victim to burn to death before being able to recover or return an attack. Also useful for melting ice.

Electro Bolt – Stun your foes with a thousand volts! (Offensive)

Electro Bolt 1 – Temporarily immobilizes a target as waves of electricity flow through their body, making it difficult for them to attack or defend (20% base rate of canceling enemy's attack/defense). When combined with an attack, base rate of the user’s attack increases 25%. When used alone, it cannot kill the target.
Electro Bolt 2 – Temporarily immobilizes a target as waves of electricity flow through their body, making it difficult for them to attack or defend (40% base rate of canceling enemy's attack/defense). When combined with an attack, base rate of the user’s attack increases 50%. When used alone, it cannot kill the target.
Electro Bolt 3 – Temporarily immobilizes a target as waves of electricity flow through their body, making it difficult for them to attack or defend (60% base rate of canceling enemy's attack/defense). When combined with an attack, base rate of the user’s attack increases 70%. When used alone, it has a base rate of 20% of killing the target.

Telekinesis – Throw objects at foes. You can even catch grenades and throw them back! (Defensive)

Telekinesis 1 – With Telekinesis, a user can grab nearby objects and attempt to throw them at any attacker in defense. The attacker’s base rate of success is thus reduced by 10%. Additionally, the user can grab any grenades thrown at them and attempt to throw them back at the attacker with the typical grenade base rate.
Telekinesis 2 – With Telekinesis, a user can grab nearby objects and attempt to throw them at any attacker in defense. The attacker’s base rate of success is thus reduced by 30%. Additionally, the user can grab grenades thrown at them and attempt to throw them back at the attacker with the typical grenade base rate.
Telekinesis 3 – With Telekinesis, a user can grab nearby objects and attempt to throw them at any attacker in defense. The attacker’s base rate of success is thus reduced by 50%. Additionally, the user can grab grenades thrown at them and attempt to throw them back at the attacker with the typical grenade base rate.

Insect Swarm – Nothing clears a room like swarms of stinging bees! (Offensive)

Insect Swarm 1 – Sends out a swarm of bees that pester and attack the target, making it impossible for them to attack or defend during the night they are unleashed.
Insect Swarm 2 – Sends out a swarm of bees that pester and attack two targets, making it impossible for both of them to attack or defend during the night they are unleashed.
Insect Swarm 3 – Sends out a swarm of bees that pester and attack three targets, making it impossible for all of them to attack or defend during the night they are unleashed.

Enrage – Enrage your enemies! Laugh as your enemies fight each other. (Offensive)

Enrage – Redirects all attacks against you to a player of your choice.

Target Dummy – Enemies on your back? Distract their attention with a helpful decoy. They take the heat so you don't have to! (Defensive)

Target Dummy – Creates a decoy that absorbs all attacks against the user of the Plasmid.

Security Bullseye – Trick the security system! Set Security Bots on your enemies. (Defensive)

Security Bullseye – If searched or attacked by a Security Bot while holding the Plasmid, the player can throw a blue sphere at the Security Bot. The Security Bot and Plasmid user then gain BTSC and the Security Bot’s win conditions are altered to those of his controller.

SECRET – It’s a secret. (Defensive)

Hypnotize Big Daddy – If attacked by a Big Daddy while holding the Plasmid, the player can throw a green sphere at the Big Daddy. The Big Daddy and Plasmid user then gain BTSC and Big Daddy’s win conditions are altered to those of his controller.

Plasmid Information:
• If a player ever wishes to use a Plasmid, the player must alert the host by the end of the day period previous to the night it will take effect.
• Plasmids last for two night periods and thereafter cannot be used. Offensive plasmids (the user can target another user) are used similar to other night actions and a different target is sent out for each night of usage. Defensive plasmids are used automatically during both night periods.

If requested, plasmids of the same nature may be combined into one plasmid.
by Tangrowth
Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:52 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

Andrew Ryan - DharmaHelper
Thuggish Splicer - Nevinera
Leadhead Splicer - insertnamehere
Spider Splicer - Lizzy
Houdini Splicer - Matahari
Nitro Splicer - Boomslang
Security Bot - DisgruntledPorcupine
Security Bot - Vompatti
Security Bot - agleaminranks
Security Bot - bea
Security Bot - AceofSpaces
Security Bot - A Person

Diane McClintock - Mongoose
Jasmine Jolene - BoatsBoatsBoats
Bill McDonagh - Dom
Anya Andersdotter - juliets
Kyburz - LittleTiger
Security Chief Sullivan - >SpaghettiEverywhere
Professor Julie Langford - boo
Dr. J.S. Steinman - Zany Dex
Peach Wilkins - Flyin' High
Kyle Fitzpatrick - Elohcin
Martin Finnegan - nutella
Silas Cobb - Kate (G.O.B.)
Hector Rodriguez - thellama73

Dr. Brigid Tenenbaum – Snow Dog
Big Daddy (Bouncer) – Epignosis
Big Daddy (Rosie) – DFaraday
Little Sister 1 – Bullzeye
Little Sister 2 – Hedgeowl

Atlas (Frank Fontaine) - bea 2.0 (Ajira)
Dr. Yi Suchong - birdwithteeth11
Jack - Russtifinko

Sander Cohen - Devin the Omniscient
Houdini Splicer Dancer 1 - indiglo
Houdini Splicer Dancer 2 - Spacedaisy
by Tangrowth
Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:50 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [END] Bioshock Mafia

Conclusion: It Is Accomplished!

"IT.... IS..... ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!!!" shouted Devin the Omniscient. "Let me see it!" He took off his bunny mask and began walking down the stairs, looking at his recently completed masterpiece.

"My god.... my god.... my god.... my god.... my god!!!!" He marveled at the sight.

"It's... It's... beautiful!!" Devin was overcome with emotion.

Nevinera watched. The man was clearly a psycho. But who was he to argue? Somehow he had spliced his way through all this madness, now he felt it had come to an end. What a relief. But only if he could somehow get some more Plasmids...

Devin turned to Nevinera.

"Oh, yes, you may avail yourself on one of my lesser works as a token of our time together." He handed a plastered Splicer head over to Nevinera, who reluctantly grasped it.

"If you had become my one and true disciple, you might have been worthy of seeing inside the box! My most private muse! But who knows if that man is yet even born? Now.... go!"

Nevinera turned to leave. With Rapture now nearly completely lifeless, he wasn't quite sure what to do, but knew bigger and better things were ahead of him. Maybe he'd even return to the surface and begin a new life.

"Nah." He decided. He instead resigned himself to rummaging through just about anything to find more Plasmids, an activity much more enjoyable than anything else.

Spacedaisy walked up to Devin. She smiled. The masterpiece was complete and she could finally live at peace in Rapture. If only she could have shared it with her dance partner...

Devin the Omniscient, Nevinera, and Spacedaisy have won the game!!!!
by Tangrowth
Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:49 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [NIGHT 15] Bioshock Mafia

Night 15: The Last Photograph

Sander Cohen snapped a photograph of a dead body... once more. "These damn doubters have been so elusive!" he thought. Hopefully this would be it! He was so close!

No one has died.

The final photograph has been taken.

To be continued...
by Tangrowth
Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [NIGHT 15] Bioshock Mafia

Assuming I get all PMs shortly, we can continue. That being said, I should get to bed soon, so I will try to look again before leaving for work in the morning if possible; if not, it'll be after work until I can end the period.

But again, no rush. If anyone remaining wants to take the full time deciding on their night PM (assuming they have one), that is fine by me.
by Tangrowth
Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [DAY 15] Bioshock Mafia

Day 15: My Friend, You Are Fucked!

Flyin' High was fucked. She managed to make it this far, despite her paranoia, but the pressure was now too much. The others started after her, but she panicked and took her own life first, stabbing herself in the chest.


Flyin' High has been lynched. She was Peach Wilkins.

It is now Night 15. You have 24 hours to send in your night PMs.
by Tangrowth
Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [POLLS] Bioshock Mafia

Is this it?

Poll runs till Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:20 pm

Devin the Omniscient
No votes

Flyin' High
Nevinera (2), Devin the Omniscient (3), Flyin' High (4), Spacedaisy (5)

No votes

No votes

Will this game end already?!?! (host, deadies, non-players)
MovingPictures07 (1)

Total votes : 5
by Tangrowth
Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:20 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [NIGHT 14] Bioshock Mafia

Night 14: Silence (Once Again)

No one has died.

It is now Day 15. You have 24 hours to lynch someone.
by Tangrowth
Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:18 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [POLLS] Bioshock Mafia

DAY 14

Who deserves to die?

Poll ended at Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:11 pm

Devin the Omniscient (5), AceofSpaces (7), Spacedaisy (8), Nevinera (9), Flyin' High (11)

Devin the Omniscient
No votes

Flyin' High
No votes

No votes

No votes

The host! (deadies, non-players)
Matahari (13)

Everyone!!!! (host, deadies, non-players)
MovingPictures07 (1), Bullzeye (2), Kate (3), Dom (4), Hedgeowl (6), Epignosis (10), S~V~S (12), Mongoose (14), nutella (15), Snow Dog (16)

Missed the vote: No one!
by Tangrowth
Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [NIGHT 14] Bioshock Mafia

I've had an insanely busy day today, and then had to deal with the site issues this evening. Now that we're back rolling, I'll get to finalizing the night post ASAP.
by Tangrowth
Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:19 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [DAY 14] Bioshock Mafia

Day 14: And Then There Were Four

AceofSpaces had been cornered. He had no choice. "Yep, I deserve to die, kill me already!" he sighed. So they did.


AceofSpaces has been lynched. He was Security Bot.

It is now Night 14. You have 24 hours to send in your night PMs.
by Tangrowth
Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:04 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [DAY 14] Bioshock Mafia

Just a note, I will be out in the field tomorrow, so I won't be able to write the post until after I get home. I do have a concert tonight so I would be able to write one after that, but considering that is before the deadline, no rush, just an FYI.
by Tangrowth
Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:11 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [NIGHT 13] Bioshock Mafia

Night 13: The Very Disgruntled Porcupine

DisgruntledPorcupine has been killed by Thuggish Splicer.

It is now Day 14. You have 24 hours to lynch someone.
by Tangrowth
Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [NIGHT 13] Bioshock Mafia

It appears I have all PMs early, and I am taking lunch at my desk today, so I'll see if I can get this night post up before going back to work.

If not, it'll definitely be up when I arrive home.
by Tangrowth
Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:09 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [POLLS] Bioshock Mafia

DAY 13

Who killed Kate?

Poll ended at Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:50 pm

No votes

Devin the Omniscient
Matahari (11), Flyin' High (13), AceofSpaces (14)

No votes

Flyin' High
No votes

Devin the Omniscient (9), Spacedaisy (10), Nevinera (12)

No votes

No votes

A Security Bot (host, deadies, non-players)
MovingPictures07 (1), nutella (2), Epignosis (3), Kate (4), Bullzeye (5), Mongoose (6), Hedgeowl (7), Snow Dog (8)

Total votes : 14

Missed the vote: No one!
by Tangrowth
Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [NIGHT 13] Bioshock Mafia

I have a newfound respect for players who predominantly play these games via an iPad or any other kind of mobile device. That was grotesque.

DisgruntledPorcupine has missed his 4th vote. However, considering he clearly had the intent to vote and how far we are into the game, he will not be publicly executed tomorrow. He will still suffer a quite great punishment though. This is for sure.
by Tangrowth
Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [DAY 13] Bioshock Mafia

Day 13: Now You See Me Alive, Now You Don't

"Devin and Daisy, they are evil, I tell you!!!!!"

Some of the now small mob of players were willing to give what Matahari was saying a chance. Others defied by voting her in protest. In the end, the death was decided by fate. It was Matahari's turn.

She screamed as the mob beat and shot her to death. "Dolphin!!!! The dolphin is evil!!!!!!!"


Matahari has been lynched. She was Houdini Splicer.

It is now Night 13. You have 24 hours to send in your night PMs.
by Tangrowth
Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [NIGHT 12] Bioshock Mafia

Night 12: Kate's Demise

Kate has been killed by Security Bot.

It is now Day 13. You have 24 hours to lynch someone.
by Tangrowth
Sun Jul 21, 2013 4:07 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [POLLS] Bioshock Mafia

DAY 12

Who is evil?

Poll ended at Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:37 pm

Nevinera (7)

Devin the Omniscient
No votes

Epignosis (8)

Devin the Omniscient (9), Kate (10), AceofSpaces (11), Spacedaisy (12), Flyin' High (13), Matahari (14), DisgruntledPorcupine (15)

Flyin' High
No votes

No votes

No votes

No votes

No votes

The sock! Because this game hasn't ended yet! (host, deadies, non-players)
MovingPictures07 (1), Bullzeye (2), Dom (3), Mongoose (4), nutella (5), bea (6)

Total votes : 15

Missed the vote: No one!
by Tangrowth
Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:33 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [NIGHT 12] Bioshock Mafia

Okay, all looting requests and inquires should be addressed now. I am still missing PMs, but no worries, we have time. I can now at least end the night whenever I get those.
by Tangrowth
Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:22 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [NIGHT 12] Bioshock Mafia

My dad is awesome! I have all my stuff back! :yay:

Now we're just going to send off the laptop for repair. It still means I'll have less computer access than I did, especially at certain times, before I get it back -- but I should be able to at least work around that to make sure this game finishes out the endgame stage on a timely basis. Thanks to all of you for being understanding.

I'll work through the PMs/actions/etc. I've received thus far now and see where we're at.
by Tangrowth
Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:09 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [NIGHT 12] Bioshock Mafia

Regarding looting, I haven't ignored any requests, but I can't address them until I get my spreadsheet back, sorry.

Kate wrote:Mp, will you tell us if a team is eliminated?
No. :feb:
by Tangrowth
Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:12 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [NIGHT 12] Bioshock Mafia

Because of my laptop issue, I'm not sure when I'll get access to my files. Fortunately for me, my father is a computer demigod, so he's going to take the hard drive out and presumably (hopefully) retrieve the files. Unfortunately, it seems he's unable to repair it, so I'll have to send it in. This means at Daisy's place I won't have a computer to use unless I steal her iPad.

Consequently, I'm not sure if/when I'll actually get access to my spreadsheet, so Night 12 will tentatively be 48 hours, not 24. I can always end it early if all of you send in your PMs, or I can extend it even longer if necessary (in a worst case scenario).

I'll make sure to keep everyone updated regardless.

Oh, and the front page has been updated with a green orb, of sorts. :feb:
by Tangrowth
Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:12 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [DAY 12] Bioshock Mafia

Day 12: My Daddy Is Deader Than Your Daddy

"My Daddy's better than your Daddy!" belted an advertisement on the Rapture Radio system.

Epignosis walked down a street in Apollo Square. The condition of the area matched his perfectly. He had lost his Little Sister and he was looking for her, but in vain. He eventually ran across a hostile Splicer. Only this Splicer was different than most. It carried a green orb in its left hand. It threw the orb at Epignosis.

Epignosis no longer cared about finding his lost Little Sister. He took a liking to this new person.

Eventually, Epignosis was walking down the street in defense of his new little one. At the little one's orders, he attacked this person. Unfortunately for the new little one, this Splicer also was carrying a green orb in its left hand. Once again, the orb hit Epignosis, and he felt his chemistry altered. He liked this person even much better! Screw that old new person.

Unfortunately for him and his new new little one, his days were numbered. A mob soon crowded around him and burnt, froze, beat, and shot him to death.


Epignosis has been lynched. He was Big Daddy (Bouncer).

It is now Night 12. You have 48 hours to send in your night PMs.
by Tangrowth
Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:04 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [DAY 12] Bioshock Mafia

Hey, just wanted to let you all know that the post might be up late for two reasons: One, I've unexpectedly got a busy day today. The second is that my laptop literally just died. Like half an hour ago. And none of my mafia (and other) items were backed up anywhere else... So... Yeah. I don't know what I'm going to do about that yet. But I'll keep all of you updated.
by Tangrowth
Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [DAY 12] Bioshock Mafia

Days are now 24 hours. Please note this. Remember: Do NOT miss votes or you will be severely punished.
by Tangrowth
Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:36 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [NIGHT 11] Bioshock Mafia

Night 11: Silence

No one has died.

It is now Day 12. You have 24 hours to lynch someone.
by Tangrowth
Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:13 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [NIGHT 11] Bioshock Mafia

Devin the Omniscient wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:And no, unfortunately, the concert has been re-scheduled. It's a bummer because I was looking forward to this one (Animal Collective), but at least I have more than a few awesome ones coming up soon (Swans, Steely Dan, Grizzly Bear, and Kansas).

As to Kate's question, yes, I was intending on inquiring of all players regarding 24 v. 48 hour days, and actually was going to at this exact period anyway, so it works as a good segway into that.

Also, yes, I will end day or night early, if possible, assuming I get all votes early or all night PMs in.
That always sucks! Hopefully you get another chance to see them soon!

Did you tell your girlfriend you were ending the Day period? I don't believe she voted before you closed it. :haha:
My ending the day period early was not typical. I do not end days early unless everyone has voted.

Thus, DP and Spacedaisy are not punished for missing it.

And it does suck, but it should be rescheduled, so that's all that matters! And I'm greatly looking forward to Grizzly Bear, Mongoose, and thank you!
by Tangrowth
Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:03 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [NIGHT 11] Bioshock Mafia

And no, unfortunately, the concert has been re-scheduled. It's a bummer because I was looking forward to this one (Animal Collective), but at least I have more than a few awesome ones coming up soon (Swans, Steely Dan, Grizzly Bear, and Kansas).

As to Kate's question, yes, I was intending on inquiring of all players regarding 24 v. 48 hour days, and actually was going to at this exact period anyway, so it works as a good segway into that.

Also, yes, I will end day or night early, if possible, assuming I get all votes early or all night PMs in.
by Tangrowth
Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [DAY 11] Bioshock Mafia

Day 11: The Death of Mongoose

Mongoose has died. Poor Mongoose.

Things weren't going too well for the other morally ambiguous.


Mongoose has been lynched. She was Diane McClintock.

It is now Night 11. You have 24 hours to send in your night PMs.
by Tangrowth
Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [POLLS] Bioshock Mafia

DAY 11

Who is a killer?

Poll runs till Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:23 pm

Mongoose (10) 8%

Devin the Omniscient
No votes

No votes

No votes

Flyin' High
No votes

No votes

No votes

Kate (5), AceofSpaces (6), Flyin' High (7), Epignosis (8), Matahari (9), Nevinera (11), Devin the Omniscient (12) 58%

No votes

No votes

Plasmid addict(s) who apparently can't keep their hands off of Incinerate! (host, deadies, non-players)
MovingPictures07 (1), nutella (2), Zany Dex (3), Snow Dog (4) 33%
Total votes : 12

Missed the vote: DisgruntledPorcupine, Spacedaisy (but are NOT punished this period because the day ended early)
by Tangrowth
Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:52 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [END] Bioshock Mafia
Replies: 2749
Views: 109950

Re: [DAY 11] Bioshock Mafia

Day 11 has been ended.

I'll get the post up as soon as I can.

Return to “[END] Bioshock Mafia”