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by boo
Sat Mar 07, 2015 11:55 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 7]

bea wrote:
FZ. wrote: Boo strikes me as an intelligent player and when he posts, it usually makes a lot of sense, but it also seems like he's on the outskirts looking in, afraid to get his hands dirty. Don't know what to make of it, because I don't know how he usually plays.
I've quoted FZ's original post because it's important in relationship to boo.

And see what you did there boo? See it? It's why I have a hard time trusting you even when like in the Made lynch I agreed that a yoshiba isn't a detctive and therefore not so aweful.

It's because of the assumptions you make. DP said he agreed with that statement up there but never said what part of it.
In fact, FZ herself never said when "usually" applies. You took that all on yourself to mean that she meant that she suspects who you suspect.

Then you used an assumption of what posts you've made that FZ finds and thinks makes sense of to turn it around to make it look like DP is double talking when in fact - his meaning I think was pretty clear.

That he agrees - sometimes you make sense, but you suspect people he doesn't and that worries him.

And did you really think if you actually presented a case against me rather than your trip to imagination land that I'd really flip out all balls to the walls? Is that the impression you have of me?

I know what happened with MM and DH was aweful and I feel so very very bad about it.

All I can think of is bioshock when I was up for lynch for days and finally just said "I don't fucking care anymore, lynch me." I was a nilla civ in that - incarnation and I was calm and cool for DAYS about it. And for DAYS no one said I read genuine. Once I lost it - everyone gave me cred that fault isn't mine. I felt badly about loosing it tbh.

It's your misrepresentation - or unwillingnes to clarify why you think I'm bad in a way that's not a trip to imagination land - and now your twisting of both FZ's post and DF's posts that make me think you are up to no good. Prove me wrong boo. I want you to be civ, but man, you are making it so super hard for me to believe you have good intentions at all.
Not specifying a part means he agrees with all of it. And then he says he doesn't agree with all of it. So why say he agrees with it?

Usually means most of the time. Most of the time, my posts are about suspecting people. Most of the time, if my posts make sense, then FZ understands where I am coming from on my suspicions. I don't have to make assumptions about her use of the word usually, it's what the word means.

DP was double talking, and yes, I picked that up from his post, and I think most people will be able to, so yes, his meaning was clear. But he was trying to mask it, and that's the whole reason I find him suspicious.

And then again, if he agrees I usually (not sometimes, but nice trying to change the word there, very on the up and up bea) make sense, and most of my posts are about my suspicions and why I find people suspicious, but he doesn't agree with who I find suspicious - to the point he is paranoid about me - then he doesn't usually find that I make sense and agree with me. So why say that he does?

Just because I didn't frame my suspicions of you in my typical way does not make it 'imagination land'. I think you are the killer. I provided reasons why I think you're the killer. You still could have chose to respond to the things I actually said (which you have never made any real effort to do), but instead, you're trying to write it off as make believe. And yes, I left you that out, by discussing why I didn't build a case around you, and instead discussed who died, why I think you'd do, and why I think that makes you the killer. By the standards of most people, that is case building. It isn't by mine, so I didn't call it a case, and you're trying to turn my doing that into saying everything I said (that was still based on reason, and things from within the thread) is imaginary. \

No, I didn't think you'd 'flip out balls to the wall'. And I said that. I said that I think you do a version of that type of defense, where it isn't about defending based on countering the other person in a meaningful way, but defending by making posts that strike people as 'genuine' which makes go back to trusting you. And yes, I think that's absolutely how you defend yourself if it's a method of defense that is available. That isn't even about civ vs. mafia bea though, you can do it as either. I was trying to come at you in a way where the option wouldn't be open, so you'd have to defend yourself in a more transparent way. And I think you're ignoring the actual things I said, and downplaying it as me making things up, is that kind of transparency.

You were not a civvie in Bioshock. There weren't civvies in Bioshock. That whole argument is the reason I got lynched in that game. In Bioshock, you were a security bot. Then you replaced in as Fontaine. As a security bot, 1 player needed to die, and when they did, you had a last person standing win condition and a NK. You died before that happen (but it did happen, and in a game that size, the odds it didn't were always low), yes, but you were not a civvie. I assume that's the scenario you're referring to, because Fontaine was even less ambiguous and the closest to being a baddie that game had to offfer. You know my role in Bioshock, where I got lynched (for being right, to remind you. Again)? I was part of the 'civvies 2' group (the civvies in that game were in quotes - because they were not actually civvies), which was the group that was the closest to a standard idea of civvies, because their win conditions allowed for the greatest number of people alive at the end of the game.

So... bad example trying to pick Bioshock, is my point.

I gave reasons I think you're bad. I think you're the one killing. I made that clear. I also used language that allowed you to try and get out of my actual suspicions by dismissing them. Rather than make any attempt at reading my suspicions and addressing them (which I think civ bea would do), you're entire strategy for dealing with me has been 1) ignoring me when possible and 2) Focusing on the out I gave you that it wasn't my usual way of discussing my suspicions.
by boo
Sat Mar 07, 2015 9:40 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 7]

DharmaHelper wrote:Voted for Black Rock.
I'm also getting to a point where I could vote for anyone pulling shit like this.

The people doing it are all people I know like to engage in discussion, but they aren't actually waiting for discussion to take place, they're just deciding they're right and doing stuff, or they don't care if they're right because they aren't a detective.

THIS is what I was talking about when I defended Snowman. Why are people voting way before they need to, when discussion is still on going? Is this some new thing people are doing? Is it a reaction to a game where you can't change your vote? It's tripping me up, whatever each reason each person has for doing it, because it makes me think you're all looking to hide things and avoid real accountability. We often talk about accountability for a vote, but 1 vote is 1 vote. Accountability for the actual discussion is far more important. It's how we actually form suspicions. It's how we actual decide who is making a real civvie effort to be helpful and baddie hunt, and who is just feigning it.

And I, for one, am sick of it.

(Sorry DH, this isn't directed at you specifically, and I hope that was clear. But there are a bunch of people doing it, and they have been all game, and it isn't working for me)
by boo
Sat Mar 07, 2015 9:30 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 7]

FZ. wrote:
bea wrote:DP - I'm not not sure I've ever seen you show any excitement that wasn't hockey or music related. :p What do you think of Mata? I'm curious as to how you are reading her after your musketeer stint in Recruitment.

FZ - at the moment, I am doing that weird talking myself into and out of suspicions. I am worried about Mata -hence me asking DP about him, but it's nothing I can put my finger on in posts. I still feel pretty uneasy about boo - I keep flip flopping how I feel about epi and DH. One minute they read bad to me and the next they don't. I read your frustration as genuine the other day btw. IDK about where I stand on you. One thing kinda bothers me though - why did you vote me? I was in the middle of signing papers on my new car when I was trying to read all that and vote, but before when I was online you said you felt better about me. What changed your mind?

linki - Don't loose any sleep over it sweetie. We've all done is and some of us far worse than you. *hides hed* - It's easy to get over emotional during these things. :hug:
I'm also curious about Mata, but I have no idea how she plays. She asks good questions, but she can easily do it as a baddie.
With DH, I've felt pretty good about him the whole game, and now that he can easily join the lynch on me, he's choosing to use his feeling that I wouldn't do something like that as a civ, as a reason. I kind of like the fact that he's not following the crowd, but I don't know. Maybe I'm biased.
Epi, most of the time I think he's okay. His frustration when being accused felt genuine earlier in the game, and he seems very convinced I'm bad, and actually, I do appreciate him going to look for my baddie game. Other things he's done make me think that he's not that good.
I voted for you, because I felt Made was being wrongly lynched, and I definitely knew I was being wrongly lynched, so out of those with votes, I felt more comfortable voting for you. The thing with Boo and you has got me quite interested, but also confused. It's like there's suspicion going on which is on a low burner but is there, yet nothing happens, and no one is really paying attention to it. I don't like when people go for the obvious. Yes, it works sometimes, but most of the times, you lynch civvies.

Boo strikes me as an intelligent player and when he posts, it usually makes a lot of sense, but it also seems like he's on the outskirts looking in, afraid to get his hands dirty. Don't know what to make of it, because I don't know how he usually plays.
I'd just like to point out what FZ had to say about me in this post.

And then bring up what DP said about it:
DisgruntledPorcupine wrote:
bea wrote:Rip Russ. :(

@DP - if you had to pick your top 3 suspects right now, who would they be and why?
As for this, they're all dead. :haha: Well, not literally. I'm still paranoid about boo. There's still the matter of him often going after people I currently feel good about, and I think FZ made a good point about him. FZ herself I'm unsure about. I think Epi's case, while interesting, doesn't fully sway me. Her getting angry, as I mentioned, doesn't do anything to quell any suspicions I may have had, but there's not much to begin with. I'd need something bigger to want to vote FZ. Then there's TH, whom I just do not feel is trustworthy. :p And I know, aside from hockey and music I'm a boring person k. ;)
FZ: Boo strikes me as an intelligent player and when he posts, it usually makes a lot of sense, but it also seems like he's on the outskirts looking in, afraid to get his hands dirty. Don't know what to make of it, because I don't know how he usually plays.

DP: I'm still paranoid about boo. There's still the matter of him often going after people I currently feel good about, and I think FZ made a good point about him.

Now, this is for FZ. Beyond the meta-gaming, I think this game is how I usually play, especially when I haven't for a while. I start out louder, because I'm trying to get a feel on people. Once that happens, I don't need to say as much, because people go where they will. And I'm used to suspecting people, wanting to lynch them, having some success some of the time (at least other people agreeing with my suspicions) in the early game, but then not really having the people I suspect most get lynched as things move on. It still annoys me (in the sense, there are some people who just point a finger at someone, and boom, that person is lynched with like 80% of the vote, but I elaborate on people and get ignored almost entirely), but I've gotten used to it, and now I mostly just wait until people I really want to see lynched have even a few people discuss them, and then I add what I want to add to that discussion. It's what I think I demonstrably did with you and Made in the last lynch, for example (although, at the start of that lynch, I wasn't especially interested in lynching either of you. But once there was something to say that no one else seemed willing to say, or didn't see what I did, I said it. So not the best example, but hopefully you get the idea).

Anyways, why I think it's interesting. FZ made a good point about me, according to DP. FZ's point, as I read it, is that I am making sense (which, I think, means she agrees with people I suspect), but that I'm not as involved as I was at the start of the game, if you're going by post count. Anyone read that differently? So DP comes in, and says FZ made a good point. He also says though, "There's still the matter of him often going after people I currently feel good about". So which is it DP? Either you agree with FZ and her very limited point about me, that the things I say make sense (meaning you agree with my suspicions), or the things I say don't make sense (which is what you are actually saying, but not at all what FZ had to say about me).

It's manipulation of what was actually said, and DP also claims he is carefully reading the thread, which means he did what he did intentionally. He did not misread FZ, he got the point, but it didn't serve his purpose for what he wanted to say about me, so he twisted what someone else said. And he made it so far removed, he didn't even go to the source and twist something I said, he twisted a couple sentences someone else said about me.

So... this is DP laying the groundwork for a vote if he ever wants to vote me. He can just quote himself and say 'Here ya go. That's why I suspect him.', and take no flak for it, because he's DP, and that's how DP does things.

So, that was an attempt at subtle manipulation. And I believe DP he's paying attention. I do not believe civ DP pays that same level of attention, and I do not believe civ DP bothers with that sort of subtle manipulation, he just quotes a reason someone else gave for their vote as he comes in and does his drive-by vote, he doesn't lay the ground work for it himself, because he isn't paying enough attention to. Which means the conclusion I come to is that DP is not a detective.

Not sure I'll vote him yet today, I'm still looking at FZ and considering that. My main trip up now is something similar to why DH doesn't think she is bad, that out burst would just be a really shitty play from FZ trying to keep her baddie self from being lynched, which makes me want to hope she is not a baddie. However, that's also the kind of defense I was referring to being worried about getting from Bea if I built a case on her (not quite so extreme with the fuse going off like we saw with FZ, but that same sort of last ditch effort at coming across as 'genuine' which results in people not voting for her). That, and for the most part I still don't trust her primary accusers, and while I would hope the 50% check Russ seems likely to have done on her and gave him a result that said she was bad (based on his switching views on her and voting her) was accurate, I'm not sure it's enough to justify voting for her (and I know for some people there are other things that would justify it, but for me, that goes back to looking at the source of those other reasons for voting for her, which really works against the case for voting for her in my view).
by boo
Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 6]

DharmaHelper wrote:
FZ. wrote:If what Made is claiming is true, than you people are 100% not lynching a Kira or a kira supporter :srsnod:
What do you mean you people?
What do you mean you mean you people?

by boo
Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:55 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 6]

Made wrote:Going into a further point, the majority of players in this game aren't detective, so why should everyone pretend they are anyways?

Detective's aren't even objectively civvies.
Re: JC, not an out. as my role is still secret.
Yes they are, detectives need the killers dead to win. That's 1 Yotsuba and a bunch of people on an altered but still fairly recognizable baddie team. That's established. What it takes for the Yotsuba to win is not established, so whether their baddies, indies, or civvies, is only clear to them.
by boo
Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:49 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 6]

You know what? That does help. I'm still ok with lynching Yotsuba, nothing has changed in that regard since BWT. That was a bad move Made. And I don't really believe it still, but if that's the alignment you're going to claim, and I think FZ would actually claim detective, if you're both telling the truth and this lynch was never going to go well, you're the far better choice.

Voting made.
by boo
Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:46 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 6]

Made wrote:
boo wrote: I think one of them is Mikami, and I think that's the priority Kira to get (unless Higuchi has started killing, which I don't think is the case. So Mikami would be the one we could actually lynch to try and box in Light to having to hold onto the note to make him lynchable), I'm just still not sure which one of them better fits. I'd lean towards Made for overall playstyle being more in line with my suspected Mikami style, but FZ for what she has said during this lynch.
Well if it helps you make your decision, I'm Yotsuba.
I used to think so.
by boo
Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 6]

And of course, they both voted bea, so maybe they're both bad, agree with me, and are attempting some distancing in case they go down. That they didn't vote for each other to try and save themself makes me think that. So maybe they're both Kira (Mikami and Misa), and the choice doesn't even matter.
by boo
Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 6]

DharmaHelper wrote:
boo wrote:
DharmaHelper wrote:Also, for the record, I lied about my reasoning in thinking that Kira was not paying attention to the thread. In addition to the Black Rock stuff that I mentioned, that Kira hadn't killed Russ also struck me as odd, and indicated to me that Kira had not been paying attention to the thread. I just didn't want to say that. Until now.
Ya. I just didn't agree with you. I still think bea is Light, and I think she still has the kill. If Ryuk is any of the handful of people I think it is, there's no way that got missed, which means other kills were a higher priority (have you looked at Naomi's role? It has less certainty, but is more focused, and assuming Raye has the same ability and it just passes down, that's a very risky role for Light to leave standing).
No doubt there are more dangerous roles out there, but it just strikes me as odd that Kira would pass up on a sure thing and risk taking out a Sympathizer or a Yotsuba in the process.
Just more risk vs reward, lots of that built into the roles. Or a concern that he was protected. Or they really aren't paying attention, in which case, oops. But I doubt it, and I think that has to be part of the conversation in deciding between FZ and Made.

I think one of them is Mikami, and I think that's the priority Kira to get (unless Higuchi has started killing, which I don't think is the case. So Mikami would be the one we could actually lynch to try and box in Light to having to hold onto the note to make him lynchable), I'm just still not sure which one of them better fits. I'd lean towards Made for overall playstyle being more in line with my suspected Mikami style, but FZ for what she has said during this lynch.
by boo
Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:27 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 6]

DharmaHelper wrote:Also, for the record, I lied about my reasoning in thinking that Kira was not paying attention to the thread. In addition to the Black Rock stuff that I mentioned, that Kira hadn't killed Russ also struck me as odd, and indicated to me that Kira had not been paying attention to the thread. I just didn't want to say that. Until now.
Ya. I just didn't agree with you. I still think bea is Light, and I think she still has the kill. If Ryuk is any of the handful of people I think it is, there's no way that got missed, which means other kills were a higher priority (have you looked at Naomi's role? It has less certainty, but is more focused, and assuming Raye has the same ability and it just passes down, that's a very risky role for Light to leave standing).
by boo
Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:20 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 6]

Turnip Head wrote:Russ also made a pretty indepth case on Made a while back.
I'm not sure I'd agree with calling it in depth, it feels more to me like an "I've got my eye on you and here is why" post than a case, and I also think, based on the fact he didn't vote Made today, there must be a reason for that, that to him at least made FZ a more compelling choice.

But I'm still not really sure, because Russ himself hasn't seemed entirely convinced on either of them, he's just voiced suspicions, but not even in any great detail that makes me think he's entirely confident in them any more than any one else can be.
by boo
Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:08 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 6]

Turnip Head wrote:By the way Boo, the answer to your question is Made over FZ. Made seems in on it, FZ does not, judging by this post:
Made wrote: (russ as a fall back, just because i don't even understand how he's still alive(as well as the actual case against him))
I dunno, they're both acting like they don't know, and I don't really buy it from either of them. But Russ went FZ, and went with it early. My instinct is to trust that, because I think he's taken risks to get there, and I think this is the pay off for them, and ignoring that seems foolish.
by boo
Thu Mar 05, 2015 7:40 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 6]

Turnip Head wrote:Made, I would like to know why you randomly decided to read Bass to see if anything was there when nobody's brought up Bass before. That seemed... random. Is it because you knew it'd be a quick read?
:( I brought up Bass before. Day 1 or 2. Although, Made seems to exclusively be looking at people I've brought up before, plus Russ.

It's the plus Russ that is bothering me. FZ agreeing with him on it also bothers me. The answer to Russ has been available, and I think both of them know that, and I think they think the baddie who is killing must not, and they're bringing him up because they want to draw attention to it. I think I'll probably vote one of them, I just don't know if one of them may honestly not have realized it yet. I really doubt neither of them have, and I lean towards thinking FZ would be the more likely of the two since she's been more involved, but it's Made doing more of the pushing... and not reading the updated roles also seems to be something a baddie would be more likely do, since they don't care who doesn't really care who gets lynched as long as it isn't them, and I think if he has no BTSC that would be even more true than a normal game/

I also don't trust (to the point I think they aren't detective friendly) 2 out of the 3 FZ voters... but, then we have Russ as the third. And I don't actually trust and of the Made voters, I just don't actively distrust them.

I think I could flip a coin deciding which one of these two to vote for right now, so I guess I'll wait it out a bit longer.
by boo
Thu Mar 05, 2015 5:24 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 6]

Turnip Head wrote:
bea wrote:I'm not blase - I understand completely that at this point - I will be voted for or not based on how much people trust me.

I'm ok with that.

I'm ok with being lynched.
I'm ok with my role being revealed.
Arghrhr you're killing me Bea! I can't read stuff like this. I don't know if you've got some zen inner peace vibe going on as a detective, or if you're bullshitting hard. If you're going to die and you ARE a detective, you shouldn't be okay with being lynched, because it gets Kira closer to his win condition and brings the rest of us closer to losing. I see what you mean though, dead players can win the game with their team and better to be revealed as a civ during the day than die an anonymous death at night... but idk. I don't know what to make of this non-defense.
bea wrote:I will be voted for or not based on how much people trust me.
Do you think people trust you? And who do you NOT trust, Bea?
I am more and more convinced I'm right that she is Light. Unfortunately for us, based on how she's acting now, I think DH must be right that the death note she had has moved on, so we couldn't lynch her right now. Or that's what she's hoping we decide to think so we don't even try? But from the sounds of it (says the ownership of the note can be forfeited any time, not just at night), even if she still has it and just changed MO to get people to think it had moved on, she could still get rid of it if she were to be in trouble of getting lynched... so I guess until we know or strongly suspect that she has a note again (I read it as being possible to force her into having a note if one of or maybe both Higuchi and Mikami are dead? Not really sure about that, but I have a hard time believing Light can just permanently remain unlynchable and unNKable just for giving up the ability to NK in exchange).

Which means, I think, finding the other Kira's has to take priority. So on that note, while I don't actually trust Epi because I still think he's probably Yotsuba, I do think the points he brought up about FZ make her a strong contender for being one of those Kira.
by boo
Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:07 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 6]

Do you agree with me now Epi?
by boo
Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:42 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [NIGHT 5]

FZ. wrote:MM is a hard one to read for me, but the fact he said RIP means nothing to me. As a civ, I've felt bad for baddies getting lynched for different reasons.

Boo and Epi battling now is interesting.
Boo, has your opinion of llama changed at all, or are you still suspicious of him? What's your take on Epi?
Still think llama is bad.

Still think Epi is Yotsuba.
by boo
Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:22 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 5]

Epignosis wrote:
boo wrote:Well, Eloh it is.

Was it just me, or did Boomslang's autopilot comment raise any eyebrows though? Setting up the next lynch before the current one is even over does not inspire trust.
boo wrote:I think potential BWT voters should vote llama. But I'd also like to point out to potential BWT voters that they're a day behind, so if they lynch BWT today, then maybe they'll get to llama tomorrow. That would work.

I'm voting for boo.

And boo to L, even if you are right. I hope your feet cramp up and you choke on a macaroon.
Mine was a joke-y hope. His was flat out saying he's already decided how the next lynch should go down and that it's obvious. Specifically saying the lynch should run on autopilot is what concerns me.
by boo
Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:03 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 5]

juliets wrote:Elo, would you give us your reasons for voting Black Rock?
Oh, I found it. But she said it was FZ who was her top suspect (then she corrected that to Zomba, she had the wrong person in mind). She said she was also suspicious of BR... but if Zomba was the top suspect, I'd be interested to know what made that change.
Elohcin wrote:
FZ. wrote:
Elohcin wrote:I think FZ may be kira. She is my top suspect. I know I have said I have gone back and forth on her, but her posts this day phase really make be thing she may be kira. So...think for a minute. If you were kira and you got this info in the thread from L about someone being a kira would you react? She was ready to go jump right on me and follow L no matter what. BR too, now that I think about it. They both TALKED like they were ready to vote me right away. BUT...did they? No. B/c they are probably secretly thinking something like, "Well..what is she IS a kira sympathizer. I want to act like a detective and talk like I am ready to follow L's suggestions right off, but I will hold off voting for her just in case she really is a sympathizer. I will only vote her once others have decided it is best....better to blend."

So....FZ and Black Rock....I suspect them b/c of their reaction to L's thoughts.

lots of linki I'll read in a sec
You're funny.
Here is my post from earlier today.
FZ. wrote:I, for one, do not intend to ignore TH, because no matter his alignment, he's asking good questions, and I disagree with everyone saying he's doing counter productive things. The only thing he's doing that's problematic is his early voting, and we have too many players doing that.
If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. If Epi wants to suspect me for that, haha, newsflash: Seems you're already suspicious of me, so whatever.

I have no idea what to make of this L thing, but since I wasn't feeling very good about Elo in the first place, this just adds to it. I have no problem voting for her, but if I find a better option, I'll go with that.
I'm still interested in what Bea has to say in reply to Boo. I'd like to see the exchange there.
Perfect fit to what you're saying...or not.
I've been suspicious of you before this day, and what I said is, L saying what he did just adds to it. How was I ready to follow L no matter what? I didn't vote right away because I never do unless I'm sure, and I like to weigh all options before I do.
This is a big fat NO U if I ever saw one

I am embarrassed FZ. I am so sorry. How I keep getting you and Zomb mixed up I don't know. It was her and Black rock that were ready to come at me. Maybe its the Z, I don't know.
by boo
Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 5]

DharmaHelper wrote:
boo wrote:
DharmaHelper wrote:
boo wrote:
DharmaHelper wrote:
boo wrote:Well, Eloh it is.

Was it just me, or did Boomslang's autopilot comment raise any eyebrows though? Setting up the next lynch before the current one is even over does not inspire trust.
Yeah we should lynch him.

I had suspected him earlier in the game, but then he kind of dropped off the map. That's the first post that I've seen from him since like D1 (maybe 2? a few thousand posts ago either way) that made any impression.
So we should lynch him.
I was looking for discussion.
Discussion on two posts worth of content?
Have you been hit in the head recently?
by boo
Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 5]

Elohcin wrote:well...there is it...more than half. the votes are on me. I am going to go ahead an vote Black Rock. I could be wrong in my reasons for voting her, but I am almost sure I am right.
Did I miss those reasons in a previous post?
by boo
Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 5]

DharmaHelper wrote:
boo wrote:
DharmaHelper wrote:
boo wrote:Well, Eloh it is.

Was it just me, or did Boomslang's autopilot comment raise any eyebrows though? Setting up the next lynch before the current one is even over does not inspire trust.
Yeah we should lynch him.

I had suspected him earlier in the game, but then he kind of dropped off the map. That's the first post that I've seen from him since like D1 (maybe 2? a few thousand posts ago either way) that made any impression.
So we should lynch him.
I was looking for discussion.
by boo
Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:52 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 5]

DharmaHelper wrote:
boo wrote:Well, Eloh it is.

Was it just me, or did Boomslang's autopilot comment raise any eyebrows though? Setting up the next lynch before the current one is even over does not inspire trust.
Yeah we should lynch him.

I had suspected him earlier in the game, but then he kind of dropped off the map. That's the first post that I've seen from him since like D1 (maybe 2? a few thousand posts ago either way) that made any impression.
by boo
Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:49 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 5]

Well, Eloh it is.

Was it just me, or did Boomslang's autopilot comment raise any eyebrows though? Setting up the next lynch before the current one is even over does not inspire trust.
by boo
Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:44 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [NIGHT 4]

I don't mean she already is playing that way FZ, I mean my usual way of going after someone illicits that type of response from her, and it usually works to keep her (and other people who are good at it in the same way) from being lynched. So I didn't go that route.

No, L wasn't a consideration, I voted for her because I think she's bad.
by boo
Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:21 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 4]

FZ. wrote:Okay, found it. And it didn't take time at all...oops
boo wrote:Oh bea. I am disappoint. I like civ you. This is not civ you. And you went and killed SVS because if anyone was going to pick up on it first and come after you hard, it would have been her. It was probably the best decision, I'll give you that. But I think it's going to bite you in the ass because of how you've played it. You wouldn't have done it if her coming after you wouldn't have mattered because you're a shingami and can't be lynched, which means you can be killed.

I'm honestly not even sure I would have picked up on it, but I think you know better than what you're doing to be doing it if you were a civ. I think this has all been very dishonest, you're throwing my name out because you (and maybe your teammate(s)) know I can become an easy lynch. You wouldn't do that if you were civ. SVS was trusting me prior to her death, and I think if you were civ you'd put stock in that opinion, and not be saying things we both know you could easily go back and check if you wanted to. But you don't want to, because you know what the truth is, it's just inconvenient to your attempt to get me lynched.

I am curious about your kill on LC. Why do it and then frame the discussion in a way that also assigns guilt to you? The WIFOM and getting ahead of it is nice, but LC wasn't really playing normal LC this game, and it would have been easy to argue a player who doesn't know him well did it because he was a middle of the pack poster who wasn't raising a lot of flags, the kind of target baddies like because they are so rarely protected. Although I guess that's maybe why you killed him? Another person who could pick up on your baddie-ness and would come at you hard.

I suppose the good news for me is that based on your coming after me, I'm not next to be NKed? Or did you try that, it was supposed to have gone through by now, and I've gotten lucky and it failed? I could see that, after LC and SVS, I'm one of what, 3 or 4 people you'd want dead next?

I'm almost tempted to go the usual route and build a case. I started to, but it just feels off. If it was anyone else I would have gone through with it. But if there's anyone who'd manage to do the emotional defense that strikes people as honest and gives them even a one day reprieve to regroup, it's you. I think that must have been what you were hoping for throwing my name out? I bite, come after you in my usual style, you play it just so, and get me lynched after subtly but obviously forcing me into making it a you vs. me.

So who's your teammate? You have to be Light, and while I don't trust Epi or llama, I don't think it's either of them. I still think TH is a Shingami, and that was the first role I thought he was. I wonder if I had that one right?

Anyways, I'm voting bea, just in case I have the read wrong on the NK I want to get it in to count.
Hmm, I have no idea what to make of this.
I think I was the first person Bea suspected and voted for. I thought that if anyone should have known better, it was her. But when I attacked her on that, she said it made me feel more genuine and said she's pulling back a little and we'll just agree to mutually watch each other instead of voting for me again. Is that what you mean when you say " But if there's anyone who'd manage to do the emotional defense that strikes people as honest and gives them even a one day reprieve to regroup, it's you." ? Would you say that backing off when someone attacks her back is something she does more as a civvie or as a baddie. Do you think she'd pursued her suspicion on me if she was a civ? Though most players have backed off me, so I don't know what to make of that.
I think she said you seemed genuine and backed off because the wind wasn't blowing in your direction, and rather than maintain the suspicion but not pursue it at all, it's easier to say something like you were seeming genuine to drop it and then just come back to it if people find other reasons to suspect you down the road. I think a civ bea would have at least engaged you more before backing off. I think baddie bea is more paranoid about things back-firing, and risk-averse, so quickly dropping it when it isn't working is the play.

It's the same sort of thing I meant, but not quite. What I mean is, if I were to build a case on bea, giving her a point by point to defend, and then discuss and pick apart with her, the final posts would be what I consider the emotional defense, where it becomes not about what's actually said, but how it is said, and bea is great at the how it's said, and making people think what was said is genuine. It creates second-guessing and doubt, and forces away votes. So case building, while my preference, doesn't work. I'd usually still just go about it in my usual way and ignore past experiences where it doesn't work, but as I was doing that, I felt like that was the goal and I was being played, so I tried something else.
by boo
Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [NIGHT 4]

No, I'd still like to lynch llama. But I have nothing else to add, the other 5(?) people who voted for him in the BWT lynch seem to have changed their minds or dropped it, and no one else seems to have any interest in pursuing it. There's more than one Kira, so why would I want to stop at finding one?
by boo
Sat Feb 28, 2015 2:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [NIGHT 4]

Ricochet wrote:I also agree with a lot of what Russ is saying. TH has indeed been brazen as an unlynchable (so far) player, although I don't thinking lynching him was a waste of time, because I agree with some of the variants on how we can build from that (especially Epig's). I can't properly charge Epig as bad even given his shenanigans. I am certain I'm not bad. Boo's cases were on the level until his bea case seemed more like an outburst than a grand reasoning and I too am waiting to hear more from him on that. I should probably re-read Elo based on Russ' suspicions, didn't pick up anything on that. Will think more on Made.

linki: What Epig points out suddenly makes sense. I can also start to see a condition such as "Higuchi Kyosuke must "

Dinner now. If MP agrees to offer a new letter, I say O.
I'm not sure what people mean when they are saying this.

Go back and read what I said again. If there is anyone who is great at doing the 'but this last post sounds really genuine' to turn suspicion into nothing when they're a baddie, it's bea. Case building against her like I do doesn't work. My goal was to channel SVS, because SVS is the best at reading her, and SVS is the best at getting her lynched when she's bad. I guess I did a poor job of it, but all it should really take is for people to reread bea and come to their own conclusion. I wasn't telling people to vote for Bea, I was explaining why I strongly believe bea is bad, and listed the reasons I had for it that worked in the style I wanted to use. But if you want to consider voting for her, you're going to need to do your own leg work, and if you have questions you'd like to see her answer, you're going to need to ask them. If you read her and don't agree then say it and move on, or better yet, explain why you think the reasons I gave for voting her are wrong. Just talking about it without saying anything of meaning isn't helping anyone, and I'm not sure why multiple people have felt the need to do so.

Another person said I could have substitued bea's name in that post with anyone and had it be true. I feel like that person isn't a case builder. I could take anyone in this thread and build a case like I do on them, with lots of quotes and reasons they've flipped on things, haven't followed their own internal logic, have baddie motives for voting how they have, why they'd NK LC and SVS, etc. Anyone could do that. It's doing it with people you actually suspect based on one small but important thing that launches something like that. With my reasons for voting bea, I couldn't do that same sort of swap in for any other player, that was very much built around how I think she plays as a civ and how she plays as a baddie.
by boo
Fri Feb 27, 2015 8:54 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [NIGHT 4]

Ricochet wrote:Well, that's interesting. Repeat for Shinigami, or is he Higuchi or a currently unlynchable detective?
If he was anything other than a Shingami, looking to make us waste a lynch (or 2 if we want to confirm it), he wouldn't have been playing trying to get lynched from the start. Why would Higuchi or a detective want this kind of attention?
by boo
Fri Feb 27, 2015 8:51 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [NIGHT 4]

Turnip Head wrote:Image
Ya. Sure. Because you totally thought you were getting lynched. Yup. It's not like anyone has been calling that result for oh, I don't know, the whole game?
by boo
Fri Feb 27, 2015 4:31 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 4]

It's blue and black. I also saw both those posts. I still can't a little bit see it the other way using the tips for how to.
by boo
Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:39 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 4]

Oh bea. I am disappoint. I like civ you. This is not civ you. And you went and killed SVS because if anyone was going to pick up on it first and come after you hard, it would have been her. It was probably the best decision, I'll give you that. But I think it's going to bite you in the ass because of how you've played it. You wouldn't have done it if her coming after you wouldn't have mattered because you're a shingami and can't be lynched, which means you can be killed.

I'm honestly not even sure I would have picked up on it, but I think you know better than what you're doing to be doing it if you were a civ. I think this has all been very dishonest, you're throwing my name out because you (and maybe your teammate(s)) know I can become an easy lynch. You wouldn't do that if you were civ. SVS was trusting me prior to her death, and I think if you were civ you'd put stock in that opinion, and not be saying things we both know you could easily go back and check if you wanted to. But you don't want to, because you know what the truth is, it's just inconvenient to your attempt to get me lynched.

I am curious about your kill on LC. Why do it and then frame the discussion in a way that also assigns guilt to you? The WIFOM and getting ahead of it is nice, but LC wasn't really playing normal LC this game, and it would have been easy to argue a player who doesn't know him well did it because he was a middle of the pack poster who wasn't raising a lot of flags, the kind of target baddies like because they are so rarely protected. Although I guess that's maybe why you killed him? Another person who could pick up on your baddie-ness and would come at you hard.

I suppose the good news for me is that based on your coming after me, I'm not next to be NKed? Or did you try that, it was supposed to have gone through by now, and I've gotten lucky and it failed? I could see that, after LC and SVS, I'm one of what, 3 or 4 people you'd want dead next?

I'm almost tempted to go the usual route and build a case. I started to, but it just feels off. If it was anyone else I would have gone through with it. But if there's anyone who'd manage to do the emotional defense that strikes people as honest and gives them even a one day reprieve to regroup, it's you. I think that must have been what you were hoping for throwing my name out? I bite, come after you in my usual style, you play it just so, and get me lynched after subtly but obviously forcing me into making it a you vs. me.

So who's your teammate? You have to be Light, and while I don't trust Epi or llama, I don't think it's either of them. I still think TH is a Shingami, and that was the first role I thought he was. I wonder if I had that one right?

Anyways, I'm voting bea, just in case I have the read wrong on the NK I want to get it in to count.
by boo
Thu Feb 26, 2015 9:37 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 4]

Submitted answer: Another role will elucidate this matter, but only once this note has been fully solved and the next secret is triggered.
MP: Another note will elucidate this matter, but only once this note has been fully solved and the next secret is triggered.

Ofc, the letters o and e are the same there, so he may have just let it slide.
by boo
Thu Feb 26, 2015 9:34 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 4]

It's note, or the puzzle that was submitted and what MP says is correct are not the same.
by boo
Thu Feb 26, 2015 9:31 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 4]

by boo
Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:10 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 4]

DharmaHelper wrote:
Zomberella12 wrote:
Zomberella12 wrote:
DharmaHelper wrote:16) If your first attempt fails, ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ p~~~~~ ~~ ~~b~~~~~~~ p~~~~~~, ~~ ~~~g ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~f~ ~~~ f~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~. (BFGMP)
IF YOUR FIRST ATTEMPT FAILS, YOU CAN STILL ----- ---- PLAYER IN SUBSEQUENT P------, -- ---G -- --- -----F- --- FAILS? --- --------.
as long as
by boo
Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:09 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 4]

Black Rock wrote:
bea wrote:
Black Rock wrote:
bea wrote:The short list?

Black Rock.
I would never. Especially killing LC first. I like my marriage the way it is.
Metalmarsh89 wrote:
Turnip Head wrote:It's possible that there are two active Kiras, killing on alternating nights - because that's how most mafia games work, and in this game we have no way to differentiate between different Kira kills - but I don't think that makes sense within the lore of the show. I think LC and SVS were both killed by the same person, Light Yagami.

A tiny part of me suspects Black Rock, only because she is the absolute last person I would ever suspect of killing LC and SVS.
If BR was Kira, I would be dead.
LOL - DIggz has killed me when he was bad. He said he figured he was accused of it often enough, he was gonna do it first chance he got *just* for the WIFOM.

That said - my list was done in fairness and in no sort of order. I don't think it's likely to be you.

For example, even though I *know* it's not me, I included myself because I fell into the parameters and no one else besides me knows I didn't do it.

TBH, I would have little remorse over killing LC. SVS on the other hand, I'd feel worse about killing her than I would Diggz. It is known.

Anyone else on that list catch your eye BR?
I hate killing SVS as well. I just saw me at the top of list and hadn't even started to consider the rest of the list. I doubt it's Epi, but i could be wrong. DH could have killed LC with no remorse. Mata and JC are interesting choices. JC I always consider to be innocent and Mata always surprises me when she's evil. I could see them going after those two. I have off and on suspected Boo from the beginning but I haven't landed on one side and stayed there yet. I also could see you killing them with or without remorse.
I wouldn't kill LC (that early in the game), because I prefer going after players I don't think will be protected. Honestly, like 90% of the time I've ever seen an attempt made on LC in the first 2 or 3 nights, he doesn't actually die.

I've also found your claim that you wouldn't kill him interesting. IIRC, I once suggest something along those lines in a game where LC had an attempt made early in the game, and I said I didn't think you (and a handful of other people) were bad because I didn't think you'd kill LC, and it was enough to get you to flip and and get me (or try to get me?) lynched. So I'm not sure I buy that claim.
by boo
Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 4]

Ricochet wrote:11) ~~ ~~a~ a ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~

If at the start and you lose at the end?

so the following 4 are fail conditions?
That doesn't fit.
by boo
Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:44 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 4]

DharmaHelper wrote:
Ricochet wrote:
DharmaHelper wrote:You do not *want* any detectives to win the game?
You left out the four-letter word after detectives, though.
My bad. "You do not need any detectives dead to win the game" works.
Or 'all' detectives. Depends on who the message is directed at probably.
by boo
Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:50 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 4]

Turnip Head wrote:Well, there was also this part...


Hell if I know what to do with it though :shrug:
Each word is shifted? 1-19, then 19-1? Then back.
by boo
Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:33 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 4]

I bet the last 2 to words are good luck
by boo
Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:19 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [NIGHT 3]

Seen killing where (for the final line)
by boo
Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:13 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [NIGHT 3]

something to do with Yotsuba?

Second line fits as, 'If, they are bad', and the final word in the first could be group.
by boo
Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [NIGHT 3]

boo wrote:The lack of punctuation this time, a poem or something?
Or song lyrics?
by boo
Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [NIGHT 3]

The lack of punctuation this time, a poem or something?
by boo
Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:55 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 2]

MovingPictures07 wrote:
boo wrote:@MP: Are the roles that have had secrets revealed the full role (meaning the description for them is what the player received in their PM from you at the start of the game), or is there/could there be more?
In terms of role descriptions, yes, the secrets revealed equate to the PM sent.

If a role had a separate win condition accompanying that role description, no, those are not revealed.
So we're probably getting win conditions that weren't included.
by boo
Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:37 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [NIGHT 3]

the role secrets?
by boo
Tue Feb 24, 2015 9:20 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [NIGHT 3]

Epignosis wrote:
boo wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
boo wrote:
Epignosis wrote:boo defended Snowman despite his view that active players should not be lynched over inactives.

Snowman was, for me, inactive.
Again, for the millionth fucking time, non-participants. Did Snowman post? Yes. Did Snowman vote? Yes.
Yeah, and you defended him, didn't you?
Which isn't relevant to what you're saying, because he wasn't a non-participant.
boo wrote:So... would I like to see more from Snowman? Yes. But even if he wasn't a new player I would find the arguments for lynching him to be some serious grasping at straws. As it is... I have to question the motivation of people who want to lynch him, because I think many of them are the ones looking to bandwagon.
You discouraged people from voting Snowman. You encouraged the birdwithteeth lynch.
I didn't say I didn't defend Snowman, I was correcting you, because you have an obsession with twisting my words in an attempt to make me look like a hypocrite. I was very clear I was talking about non-participants, and discussed the difference between that and a low poster. Every time you bring it up, you ignore that difference and ignore what I actually said.

And now you're trying to use it to gain cred.
by boo
Tue Feb 24, 2015 9:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [NIGHT 3]

Epignosis wrote:
boo wrote:
Epignosis wrote:boo defended Snowman despite his view that active players should not be lynched over inactives.

Snowman was, for me, inactive.
Again, for the millionth fucking time, non-participants. Did Snowman post? Yes. Did Snowman vote? Yes.
Yeah, and you defended him, didn't you?
Which isn't relevant to what you're saying, because he wasn't a non-participant.
by boo
Tue Feb 24, 2015 9:02 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [NIGHT 3]

Epignosis wrote:boo defended Snowman despite his view that active players should not be lynched over inactives.

Snowman was, for me, inactive.
Again, for the millionth fucking time, non-participants. Did Snowman post? Yes. Did Snowman vote? Yes.
by boo
Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:05 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Death Note Mafia [END]
Replies: 7847
Views: 169147

Re: Death Note Mafia [DAY 3]


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