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by boo
Sat Feb 08, 2014 7:30 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]

Bass_the_Clever wrote:who was targeted me or svs when we both died
You. It was a hug of death on your end.
by boo
Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:36 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]

Epignosis wrote:If S~V~S began as Sass, then how did this factor in?
DH was the last Trump card standing with SVS dead, so he would have become solo baddie with you guys having both kills if someone else had been ressed.

Not a lot of votes came in for the res (it was a 4 way tie at 2 votes each, which FH broke). SVS had a vote from DH and FH, and FH broke the 4 way tie because she was Czar, and chose SVS.

Because SVS coming back as a solo baddie as a result of how that broke down would have been what happened, I let DH and SVS decide if they wanted to both become solo baddies (wouldn't have maintained BTSC with each other, would have been able to win with you guys), your team would have had both NKs but SVS and DH would not have been NKable by your kills, or they could remain a team. They opted for staying a team, and because I like fuckery, the stated rules of the res wound up not being the case.

It's odd, I'll give you, but the win conditions did state: "There is one (or more?) modifier(s) to win conditions that will be secret to all (most?) players until it comes into effect (if and when).", and fuck you, I'm a bear.
by boo
Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:18 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]

As lynch and night posts probably made clear, I was not feeling overly creative. I believe the banners I made continue that proud tradition.


by boo
Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:58 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]

Epignosis wrote:To boo:

Thanks for introducing us to a ridiculously depraved pastime. Thank you for a wife who now looks up shit on Urban Dictionary.

May the Blue Waffles slap you in the face.
Haha, my pleasure.

no u
by boo
Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:10 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]

Won't post the results of every lynch because it's even more screwy than how I keep night actions compiled, let me know if there are any in particular you want to know how the result was reached.
by boo
Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:08 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]

Night Actions (some stuff may not be clear to others, ask me and I'll try and clear up confusion about things that happened):


SVS: NKed BWT, protect used up
Epi: put BWT at +1
kneel: forced eloh to vote SVS

Sorsha: 1. Protector - protected kneel

Epi (smegma): NKed sorsha, put SVS at +1
kneel: made BWT vote SVS



Wrongfully Accused
Choose up to 3 players. If you can win the game with the player(s), they cannot roleblock or kill you on the night you use this power. If a chosen player targets you and then votes for you the next Day, then their vote is worth -1. You may spend 1 Awesome Point to learn which, if any, of those players targeted you.

targeted SVS, sorsha, and BWT

Eloh: 6. Switcher (Passive)

SVS (A sassy black woman): NKed Epi

Epignosis puts a vote on Sorsha.
k4j forces S~V~S to vote for Sorsha.

TH: used greedy, one night stand with Epi, protected self. Spent a white card to be able to win with Epi again.

FH: 2. Roleblocker, RBed Epi
Sorsha: 13. Stacked Deck (Passive)
Eloh: 15. Creator, “The Night Power I am making up is the ability to see all the white cards turned in before the card czar chooses a card. I will be able to switch my white card with any other white card.”

TH: used drive-by

Epi (Smegma): NKed Sorsha, put a vote on FH (RBed)
kneel (gloryhole): made FH vote DH

No civvie powers went out (only BWT sent card, had passive).

DH (doin’ it in the butt): NKed Eloh (RBed), made Ace buttsore (+5 votes D8)

Epi (smegma): put +1 on DH

Ace (taint): RBed Dharmahelper, Flyin' High, Birdwithteeth, Sorsha, and Turnip Head.

kneel (gloryholes): forced Sorsha to vote for DH

TH: used cheater on SVS (RBed)

BWT: 5. Resilient (Passive) (had before lynched, still has)
Eloh: 4. Drive-Byer
FH: 14. Thief, stole from epi, he has none, starts at +2
Bass: 16. One Night Stand, chose SVS
sorsha: 8.Greedy protected self, used thief and stole from TH

TH: Made self unNKable N6/unlynchable D7. Cannot win with Epignosis as a result. Also: won contest, got to choose 3 APs or BTSC until one of them dies with a player of his choice. Chose BTSC with

Epi: NKed Bass, put +1 on TH
kneel: forced Ace to vote TH, Ace vote worth 2

Bass: 15. Creator
FH: 8.Greedy Protected self, RBed INH
MR: 6. Switcher (Passive)

SVS (A sassy black woman): RBed everyone else.
DH (Doin it in the butt): NKed MR
FH: Got resser from contest. ressed BWT
kneel: Got protector from contest.
SVS: got greedy from contest.

Bass: 13. Stacked Deck (Passive)
Eloh: 10. Cheater
MR: 15. Creator: Made: "F*ck It, We'll Do It Live" - Choose a player. The player you target must incorporate the name of at least 1 of the white cards they have played in every post they make for the next day/night (within sentences, not just posting the card name itself). If they fail to comply, their next vote will be worth 0. Targeted DH
Sorsha: 2. Roleblocker

DH (Doin it in the butt): cursed kneel
rey (Pixxelated bukkake): NKed hedge
Epi (smegma): Put ace at +1
kneel (gloryhole): made rey vote FH

Eloh: 1. Protector: Protected Epi.
Sorsha: 9. Killer (Passive): Killed llama
FH: 16. One Night Stand: Picked hedgeowl
Bass: 2. Roleblocker: RBed kneel
BWT and Hedge already had passive powers.

MR: Chose kneel as next Card Czar (prize from cringe contest). Chose DHs card as AP winner.

Dom (2 midgets): Put MR at +1.
DH (Doin it in the butt): Cursed sorsha, NKed epi (fails, protected by Eloh)
Epi (Smegma): Put Dom at +1
rey (Pixxelated Bukkake): forced Dom, Elohcin, S~V~S, Bass, MR, Sorsha, INH, and Hedgeowl to vote for kneel4justice. kneel is card czar, fails to go through.

N3 vote:
Top 3:
FH and kneel: 7
SVS: 6
eloh and hedge tied for 4th: 4
Top 3 powers:
1, 7, 8

INH: 1. Protector
Eloh: 3. Curser: Made llama post in couplets.
Hedge: Already had Switcher.
john: 2. Roleblocker lynched
FH: 4. Drive-Byer
MR: 8.Greedy, is also next Card Czar: Protected FH and took drive-by. Submitted own question.
Bass: 14. Thief
Sorsha: 10. Cheater

Dom (2 midgets): targeted DH for +1
DH (Doin it in the butt): targeted Dom with curse
Epi (Smegma): Targeted metalmarsh for NK, put +1 on DH.
kneel (Gloryholes): forced FH to vote Dom.

3 Word Cringe Game:
Metalmarsh: Bloody vagina fart…
Epi: Bleeding hemorrhoids. Khakis.
rey: licking genital warts
DH: President Justin Bieber
BWT: Moist fondled chunks.
MR: Chris Christie naked
Eloh: Coprophagia during sex!
Ace: Eyeball Squirting Pus
SVS: Biting maggoty corpse, kissing bloated roadkill
sorsha: oozing scrotum pustule
bass: Bums Fucking Sheep
dom: Gangrene mutilated flesh

BWT power: 5. Resilient (Passive)
Hedge: 6. Switcher (Passive)
INH: 8.Greedy: Protected self, made BWT make a case and vote for someone.
john: 12. They A Damn Fool (Passive)
Bass: 10. Cheater - Checked Epi’s cards. Saw 3 (2,3,4), : Scalping, Assless chaps, Uncontrollably retching at the mere mention of mayonnaise
metalmarsh: 14. Thief, targeted FZ. FZ. starts D2 at +2 votes.
Sorsha: 15. Creator: Created 16. One Night Stand. Targeted SVS.
FH: 1. Protector. Targeted SVS. Also protects Sorsha.
MR: 3. Curser: Insanified FZ
FZ: rey got 0 votes, got to choose a non-passive power. Chose: to check SVS cards (Cheater).

Dom (2 midgets): Started john at +1 vote.
DH (Doin’ it in the butt): Cursed Eloh, targeted FZ for NK.
kneel (gloryholes): Made SVS vote eloh. Sorsha has to as well.
Epi (Smegma): Started FZ at +1 vote.

FZ. chose rey for D1 vote.
by boo
Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:06 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]

Role/team secrets:

This was true for both baddie teams:

The team is divided into 2 separate BTSC groups, and do not know who is in the other pairing. Lynch votes cast against a teammate you do not have BTSC with do not count. NKs used by a teammate will not go through on another teammate you do not have BTSC with. Deaths of pairings may result in changes to conditions, that will be specified at that time. The ‘subgroup’ mentioned in the team power allows for each pairing to take an awesome point once each, not once among the whole team. First PM to take an awesome point on any given night gets the point, anyone else who tries to take one will have to wait until the following night at the earliest. Please note: The civvies do not know the baddies operate this way, but both baddie teams are working the same way. You should not discuss this in thread as if you know it to be true (if a player ever mentions it as something they think may be happening, you may join that discussion. You can even start it if you want, but you cannot state it as a fact or generally act like you know it to be true).

When llama was killed, Dom got to choose from a few different options, and went with:

You have the powers of the Creator civvie role, or you can choose any of the non-passive civ roles and use them each once, or you can give yourself NK protection and be unlynchable (can't do that one twice in a row).

Each time you choose to make yourself protected and unlynchable, I randomize one person you're no longer able to win the game with (you're told who that is), and other then those people, you can win with anyone.

You can regain being able to win with a player of your choice at the cost of 1 awesome point (those are won from playing answer cards and being selected the winner by the card czar), 1 awesome point =s choosing one person. Dom currently has no one he cannot win with, and also has no awesome points.

At the time TH died, he was able to win with anyone (he had chose protecting himself in a night/lynch once, and was briefly unable to win with Epi, but spent an AP to regain that).

The Balancer: SECRET ROLE: You work to keep balance in the game. You start the game only able to win with non-baddie players. If the game ever moves in the direction of the baddies having a disadvantage, you will be resassigned, only able to win with non-civvie players. This can go back and forth.

While only able to win with non-baddie players (how you start the game), you will pick one player each lynch, and the number of votes they take, the power you get will correspond to the civvie role number, giving you that power the following night. If it is a passive power, you will instead not be able to be NKed that night or lynched the following day. If the player takes 0 votes, or 16+ votes, you will get to choose which power you get (only being able to choose from power 1-4, 8 (once in the game), 10, 14, and 15.

If it ever changes, and you can only win with non-civvie players, you will be able to win with either of the 2 baddie teams. Your power at this point your abilites will be: 1) Baddie NKs will not go through on you. 2) Baddie lynch votes cast against you will be worth 0. 3) If any nightly baddie power is not sent in (this includes NKs), or is roleblocked, you will be able to use that power the following night.

FZ died early on, so this role didn't get to do much. It would have locked in being able to win with one side later on in the game, but that didn't happen obviously.
by boo
Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:01 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]

Player Role
Epignosis Smegma
Elohcin Civvie
kneel4justice Gloryholes
Ace The taint
BWT Civvie
SVS A sassy black woman
FZ. The Balancer
johns2jj Civvie
Metalmarsh Civvie
llama Firing a rifle into the air
Rey Pixelated Bukkake
MR Civvie
Hedgeowl Civvie
INH Civvie
Bass Civvie
DH Doin' it in the butt
FH Civvie
Sorsha Civvie
TH Two midgets shitting into a bucket - Became an indepedent who could win with anyone when llama died
by boo
Wed Feb 05, 2014 11:57 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 12]

Day 12 End: Game Over

Elohcin refused to die, and switched things to SVS.

As she lay dying, a sassy black woman watched as smegma, gloryholes, and the taint finished off their remaining opponents.

The final question: What’s fun until it gets weird?

Eating an entire snowman, I'm friends with your dad on Facebook, Same-sex ice dancing, Poorly-timed Holocaust jokes, Puppies!

SVS has been lynched. She was A sassy black woman.

The remaining baddies, Epi (Smegma), kneel (Gloryholes), and Ace (The taint) outnumber the remaining civvies, Eloh and BWT, and have won the game.

Congratulations to Epi, kneel, Ace, and rey on winning.

Thanks to everyone for playing.
by boo
Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:08 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Night 11]

Night 11 End: All Hail the Czars

A sassy black woman tried to kill BWT. But once again someone didn’t feel like dying.

All living players have been the Card Czar, and no player will be the Czar anymore. I will pick winning cards, and the winning card, in addition to granting the player an AP, will start them at -1 vote the following lynch. Players who do not send in white cards will now be starting at +1.

What's fun until it gets weird?

No one has been killed.
It is now Day 12. You have 24 hours to lynch someone.
by boo
Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:33 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 11]

Day 11 End: Doing the right thing or Opposable thumbs

TH tried to do the right thing. And he has opposable thumbs. But in the end, they didn’t get him laid, they got him lynched. Well… they do both start with an l, so that’s basically the same thing?

What will always get you laid:
Doing the right thing, Opposable thumbs

TH has been lynched. He was an independent. Thanks for playing TH!
It is now Night 11. You have 24 hours to lynch someone.
New cards and powers will be out shortly.
by boo
Mon Feb 03, 2014 12:21 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Night 10]

Night 10 End: Getting Laid Out by Smegma

Sorsha got killed by smegma.

What will always get you laid?

New Role:
Wrongfully Accused
Choose up to 3 players. If you can win the game with the player(s), they cannot roleblock or kill you on the night you use this power. If a chosen player targets you and then votes for you the next Day, then their vote is worth -1. You may spend 1 Awesome Point to learn which, if any, of those players targeted you.

Sorsha has been killed by Smegma. Thanks for playing Sorsha!
It is now Day 11. You have 24 hours to lynch someone.
SVS is the Card Czar. She cannot be lynched.
by boo
Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:54 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 10]

Day 10 End: Ten Thumbs

Who's got ten thumbs and was wrong about FH?... the five people who voted for her. Obviously? Christ people, try and keep up, that was not a hard question.

Moving on.

In 1,000 years, when paper money is a distant memory, how will we pay for goods and services?
Heartwarming orphans, Clearing a bloody path through Walmart with a scimitar, Licking things to claim them as your own, Not reciprocating oral sex, Michelle Obama's arms, Canned tuna with extra dolphin.

FH has been lynched. She was a civvie. Thanks for playing FH!
It is now Night 10. You have 24 hours to get PMs in.
New cards and powers will be out shortly.
by boo
Sat Feb 01, 2014 7:02 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 10]

Getting started now, you should still be able to hop in late, there are still a few spots.
by boo
Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:40 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Night 9]

Night 9 End: Nights Are Safe?

A sassy black woman was not happy that doin’ it in the butt got killed. So she took it out on Epi. But he noped the fuck out.

In 1,000 years, when paper money is a distant memory, how will we pay for goods and services?

No one has been killed.
It is now Day 10. You have 24 hours to lynch someone.
Epi the the Card Czar. He cannot be lynched.
by boo
Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:09 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Night 9]

White Card Submissions:

That's right, I killed (an unsurprising rash). How, you ask? (Pterodactyl eggs)
That's right, I killed (A mopey zoo lion). How, you ask? (My collection of high-tech sex toys)
That's right, I killed (Girls who shouldn't go wild). How, you ask? (Queefing)
That's right, I killed (A clandestine butt scratch). How, you ask? (Paying the iron price)
That's right, I killed (The profoundly handicapped). How, you ask? (Spking the juice at AA)
That's right, I killed (Faith healing). How, you ask? (Cheating in the Special Olympics)
by boo
Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:40 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 9]

Day 9 End: Not Doin’ It In The Butt

Everyone decided they were sick of doing it in the butt. So they killed DH.

Played answer cards will be shared later.

DH has been lynched. He was Doin’ it in the butt. Thanks for playing DH.
It is now Night 9, you have 24 hours to get PMs in.
New cards and powers will be out shortly.
by boo
Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:42 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 9]

New civ power:

18. Cheater 2.0: You may see all the white cards turned in before the card czar chooses a card. You are then able to switch your white card with any other white card.
by boo
Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:37 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Night 8]

Night 8 End: Failure Strikes Again

Sorsha was not willing to be killed by smegma.

That's right, I killed (blank). How, you ask? (blank).

It’s a Pick 2. Choose 2 white cards to use (1st who you killed, 2nd how).

No one has been killed.
It is now Day 9. You have 24 hours to lynch someone.
Sorsha is the Card Czar, she cannot be lynched.

(sorry this is late, class ran a little long)
by boo
Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:10 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 8]

Day 8 End: Distracted

Ace was happily joining a mob when a bunch of people jumped him. But he wasn’t interested in dying.

The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History has just opened an interactive exhibit on:
A sexy naked interactive theater thing, Wielding a toddler as a weapon, Lance Armstrong's missing testicle, Praying the gay away, Assless chaps, Embryonic stem cells, Grandma

No one has been lynched.
It is now Night 8, you have 24 hours to get PMs in.
New cards and powers will be out shortly.
by boo
Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:02 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Night 7]

Night 7 End: Practice and Experience

Eloh survived doin’ it in the butt. Practice and experience paying off? I wouldn’t put it past her after what we saw last week.

The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History has just opened an interactive exhibit on (blank).

No one has been killed.
It is now Day 8. You have 24 hours to lynch someone.
BWT is the Card Czar. He cannot be lynched.
by boo
Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:58 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Night 7]

birdwithteeth11 wrote:@Host: Is more than one civvie able to have the same active power/ability?

Depending on what my response to this is, it will tell me if my hunch on how TH could be a civ is true. Of course, what answer I get could also make me lean more towards him being bad. So I guess what boo says will sway me one way or the other.
Only one civ can get a power each night, only one civ can have a specific passive power.
by boo
Mon Jan 27, 2014 12:53 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 7]

SVS has been ressed. She cannot be killed tonight or lynched tomorrow.
by boo
Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:10 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 7]

Day 7 End: I am disappoint

No one was lynched. Cause fuck you, TH is being a bear.

Someone dead got back up. You’ll find out who later, because you people can’t be bothered not to force ties.

I have 99 problems and [The biggest, blackest dick, A defective condom, and Killing hobos] ain’t one (people not sending answers in, on the other hand, is).

No one has been lynched.
Someone will be ressed.
It is now Night 7, you have 24 hours to get PMs in.
New white cards and powers will be out shortly.
by boo
Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:01 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Night 6]

Night 6 End: Double Tap

Bass and SVS were both killed by Smegma. Turns out, they shouldn’t have spent the night together.

I got 99 problems but (blank) ain't one.

Bass and SVS have both been killed by Smegma. Thank you both for playing!
It is now Day 7, you have 24 hours to lynch someone.
FH is the Card Czar today, she cannot be lynched.

You are also ressing a player today.

How it works:
Every player gets to PM me the names of three players they want ressed. The deadie who gets picked the most is ressed.

However, they will not be ressed in their previous role. If the first vote for the player ressed comes from an indie, the player will be ressed as an indie. If the player ressed gets the most votes from a civ, they are a civ. If the player ressed gets the most votes from baddies, they will come back as a solo baddie (can win with any baddie, but doesn’t have BTSC). Awesome points may be used as votes (but this will use them entirely. They will not be available as lynch votes, and civvies cannot use them to lock into a role if they use them as a vote).

You may discuss it in thread, but you do not have to be honest about which names you submit (or consider). These votes cannot be changed, and you need to send in all three names at the same time.
by boo
Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:30 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Night 6]

insertnamehere wrote:
Sorsha wrote:Well with parting words like that all I have to say is good riddance, civvie or not. :shrug:
So you aren't even going to defend yourself?
Lets stay off topic please.
by boo
Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:08 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 6]

Day 6 End: Him

INH got lynched, because OS-fakesethrogen commanded it. I'm pretty sure more than one 'umadbro?' was tossed out while he was being killed.

And then a single submission existed:
Ryan Gosling, a slack-jawed yokel, riding in on a white horse. Aaron Burr, a hot mess. Swag. Roofies. Surprise sex! The miracle of ...childbirth? Crippling debt.

The orgy was ended by:
Crucifixion, A snapping turtle biting the tip of your penis, Sniffing glue, Black people, Barack Obama, Glenn Beck convulsively vomiting as a brood of crab spiders hatches in his brain and erupts from his tear ducts, A bleached asshole, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Incest, The Hamburglar.

That would probably do it.

INH has been lynched. He was a civ. Thanks for playing INH!
It is now Night 6. You have 24 hours get PMs in.
New cards and powers our shortly.

by boo
Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:38 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 6]

I'll wait to end it even though all the votes are in since people may want to use extra votes and not all white cards are in.
by boo
Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:08 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 6]

For those not there: Turnip Head won (well, I won, but TH got second. SUCK IT LOSERS), so he got 2 Awesome Points. There will probably be a second live game next week, on saturday this time, and probably an hour earlier, so starting at 6pm est, going until 8 or 9 as people are available.

Edit: And eloh is like 1000000% more perverted than you would expect. So that was... enlightening?
by boo
Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:27 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 6]

We're using for anyone who may join late because the chat on the site kind of sucks (for most of us).
by boo
Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:32 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 6]

Yes, Ace is the card czar.
by boo
Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:37 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 6]

Turnip Head wrote:Hedgeowl has remained on the poll ever since she died.

Host: Is the Hedgeowl option supposed to be on the poll? Are we allowed to vote for Hedgeowl?

Oops. No, she's dead.
by boo
Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:59 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Night 5]

Night 5 End: Guilty

A sassy black woman made everyone feel bad, because racism. They ran to hide from her.

MR didn’t escape her guilt trip, and wound up dead.

What brought the orgy to a grinding halt?

MR has been killed. Thanks for playing!
It is now Day 6.

Reminder about the live game tomorrow at 7pm est. PM me if interested in playing, not many people interested so far, looking like it will be cancelled. Get submissions in for the the white card story by the end of today if you’re doing that.
by boo
Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:28 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Night 5]

Night 5 Challenge:

Write a story using only played white cards. Played white cards can be found in lynch posts (and the end of D0/start of D1 post), and all of those are linked on the 1st page. PM submissions to the host. You can move words/punctuation from within the cards around (you can ofc add punctuation as needed), but you can only use words from played cards, and keeping whole cards intact rather than breaking them up will give a better chance of winning.

The prize:
This is one you want. It isn't a res, rolecheck, kill, or switch. But you want it, so come up with something good. I'll give you N5 and D6 so there's plenty of time to get a submission in.
by boo
Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:56 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 5]

Day 5 End: Bukkaked

rey didn’t want to die. He wasn’t done sharing the disgusting. But after what he had pulled the previous day, people just weren’t willing to hear him out, because seriously, that was some messed up shit.

Now, lets see what you all want to teach. I bet this won’t be disturbing!

Fucking up "Silent Night" in front of 300 parents, Throwing a virgin into a volcano, Smashing all the pottery in a Pottery Barn in search of rupees, Poor life choices, Cockulous Maximus, Destroying the evidence, Laying an egg, Fingering

… what?

rey has been lynched. He was Pixelated Bukkake. Thanks for playing rey!
It is now Night 5. You have 24 hours to get PMs in.
New cards and powers will be out shortly.

Turnip Head has replaced Dom. Thank you for playing Dom, welcome to the game TH! TH cannot be killed tonight, and will not be lynchable D6.
by boo
Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:52 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 5]

Have a class tonight, so I won't be on when the lynch ends. The post will be a couple hours late or thereabouts, depends on how late it goes.
by boo
Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:32 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Night 4]

Night 4 End: Pixelated to Death

Hedgeowl got killed by Pixelated Bukkake.

Someone wants to know:
If you were a teacher, what subject would you teach?

A new role was created:
17. F*ck It, We'll Do It Live - Choose a player. The player you target must incorporate the name of at least 1 of the white cards they have played in every post they make for the next day/night (within sentences, not just posting the card name itself). If they fail to comply, their next vote will be worth 0.

BWT returned from the dead. He was forced to clean himself up before rejoining the group, because he was still really gross.

Hedgeowl has been killed by Pixelated Bukkake. Thanks for playing!

It is now Day 5. You have 24 hours to lynch someone.
BWT has been ressed. He cannot be lynched today or killed tomorrow.
Eloh is the Card Czar today. She cannot be lynched today.
by boo
Mon Jan 20, 2014 8:30 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 4]

Day 4 End: Mean.

BWT got surrounded. And they killed him. Mean.

BWT has been lynched. He was a civ.
It is now Night 4. You have 24 hours to get PMs in. A reminder that I’m looking for PMs if you want to play the friday game.
Powers and new cards will be out shortly.

Played Cards:
Honey Boo Boo shotgunning a 2-litre bottle of "go-go juice.", Sexy pillow fights, People with cake in their mouths talking about how good cake is, Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, Being a dinosaur, A slack-jawed yokel, A monkey smoking a cigar, Finger painting, Filling Sean Hannity with helium and watching him float away
by boo
Sun Jan 19, 2014 8:13 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Night 3]

Night 3 End: Mixed Up

A civvie went all ninja mode. And then butchered llama up.

Someone tried to kill Epi by doin’ it in the butt. But someone did not approve. In addition to Epi that is. Unless he’s into that? You’re gross Epi, is my point.

Here’s the question:
It’s going down, basement! Friday the 13th, guess who’s playing Jason?!

kneel is the Card Czar and cannot be lynched.

llama has been killed by a civ ninja. Thanks for playing llama!
It is now Day 4. You have 24 hours to lynch someone.
by boo
Sun Jan 19, 2014 7:43 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Night 3]

Few minutes left to get votes and actions in, I'm getting food ready and doing a few other things, post will be up not to late though.
by boo
Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:22 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 3]

Mister Rearranger wrote:@boo: Can we vote for ourselves as one of the 3?
by boo
Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:22 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 3]

Oh, and I meant to have tried to start this this week, but that didn't happen.

But here it is:
Next friday, I would like to hold a live game (I had the site linked in the submission thread, I believe INH put it in the sign up thread). It would start at about 7pm est. If you would like to play, please let me know via PM. The most player spots for one game before it gets overcrowded is 9, so that would be a potential cap, but a second could be played if there was interest.

There would a prize, if you want to participate, include what you think a good prize would be for the winner (person who gets most awesome points) in that PM. Before we get started with it, it would be discussed so you would know what you're playing for.

If you cannot make that time, but like prizes, I will let you attempt to rope in a non-player to stand in for you (ask them, if they say yes, have them PM me that they will be doing so). Of course, if there's space, I will be opening the game up to non-players anyways. And I'll be playing. If an actual player doesn't win (or a non-player standing in for a player)... well you'd all be nubs and the highest scoring actual player would win the prize, but have to live with being a nub forever. Current deadies and future deadies will be allowed to play as well (not for the prize).

The game would go about 2 hours, potentially a bit longer if there were a draw that needed to be broken to assign the prize.

It's a fairly quick paced game, so if you cannot set aside that block of 2 hours without having many distractions, it would probably not be ideal to come play, as it would slow things down if even one person is taking a while to submit their answer cards/for the card czar to choose the winner.

by boo
Sat Jan 18, 2014 7:51 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 3]

Night 3 Stuff and thangs: POWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Vote for 3 players.

The top 3 players will get an extra power (from the civ list) Night 4.

Then vote for which 3 powers you want the top 3 people to get. If a winning power chosen is a passive that is already held, the next highest vote gatherer will take its place.
by boo
Sat Jan 18, 2014 7:20 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 3]

Day 3 End: Nope.

llama decided a unanimous vote wasn’t enough to bring him down. I heard him say he’ll be jerking off into a pool of your tears to celebrate his victory. So that’s kind of fucked up.

And, what do you do when you have a cold? I kind of think there was some misreading of the question, or you’re all really strange when you’re sick. Anyways.
The answers:
Expecting a burp and vomiting on the floor, Getting naked and watching Nickelodeon, Rush Limbaugh's soft, shitty body, Monkey torture, Sploosh!, Canned tuna with extra dolphin, The World of Warcraft, A wheelchair death race, Dry heaving, tremendous tallywacker of Tripoli

No one has been lynched.
It is now Night 3. You have 24 hours to get PMs in. New cards and civ powers will be sent out shortly.
by boo
Fri Jan 17, 2014 7:40 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Night 2]

Mister Rearranger wrote:
Dom wrote:
Mister Rearranger wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:If llama really is "Balls deep", he's just going to survive tomorrow's lynch too, at least by my estimate. Would it be more worth it to try and lynch him again, or pursue other options for now? I'm not too sure right now, but I'd like some more input.

And this is why night time is hiding time.

Ripiywg, Metalmarsh! :( I hope you'll continue to play other games here!

So yeah, I'm sticking with Llama fo sho today.
That's what She said


Also, that team didn't kill tonight? Doesn't that team kill on odd nights?
I think Smegma's team kills on even nights. What I'm intrigued by is that Smegma performed the kill and not the team's killer. Could just be the way the post was written though? :confused:
Death by smegma just fit the cringe of the n2 theme better. imo
by boo
Fri Jan 17, 2014 7:14 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Night 2]

Night 2 End: Death To the Czar

Metalmarsh had a serious case of smegma… it killed him. So that was gross.

Elsewhere, Chris Christie was wandering around naked. Way worse than closing a heavily used bridge. Gross. Gross gross gross.

Speaking of gross:
What makes you feel better when you have a cold?

Probably something gross.

Oh, and if you’re wondering why mommy is crying; it’s the primal, ball-slapping sex your parents are having right now. Enjoy that mental image.

Metalmarsh has been killed by Smegma. Thanks for playing!
It is now Day 3. You have 24 hours to lynch someone.
MR is the Card Czar today. He cannot be lynched. The question is: What makes you feel better when you have a cold?
by boo
Thu Jan 16, 2014 7:18 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 2]

Day 2 End: They Damn Fools

Poor john, surrounded by damn fools. Lynching him like the nubs they are.

Elsewhere, a discussion about why mommy was crying was taking place. The believed causes were:

The folly of man, Piece of shit Christmas cards with no money in them, Ryan Gosling riding in on a white horse, A brain tumor, The primal, ball-slapping sex your parents are having right now, An interracial handshake, Dental dams, A hot mess, Raptor Jesus, Adderall, A stray pube, Daddy issues, Uncontrollably retching at the mere mention of mayonnaise, Crippling debt.

Now, let’s play a game.

In three words, make me, and the rest of the thread, cringe. Post your submission in thread. If you find someone elses especially cringeworthy, quote it and give them a +1. The top cringe-inducing three words get a prize.

john has been lynched. He was a civvie. Thanks for playing john!
It is now Night 2. You have 24 hours to get PMs in.

New white cards and powers for civvies who sent in white cards for this period are going out shortly.
by boo
Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:22 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 2]

A new civvie role has been added:

16. One Night Stand: Choose one other player to spend the night with. Anything that happens to one happens to the other. If one or the other gets targeted for a kill, protect, curse, etc. then if affects both of them. If the player you spend the night with targets someone you are told who they targeted.
by boo
Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:11 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Night 1]

Night 1 End: Bringin Reagan Back

Ronald Reagan was brought back in time. The time-continuum was not changed. Weird…?

FZ got murdered by… doin’ it in the butt. Well, stay classy FZ.

Today’s question:
Daddy, why is Mommy crying?

FZ. has been killed. Thanks for playing!
It is now Day 2. You have 24 hours to lynch someone, please get your answer cards in in the first 23 hours of the lynch. Metalmarsh is your Card Czar today.
by boo
Wed Jan 15, 2014 6:43 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]
Replies: 1440
Views: 47158

Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 1]

Mister Rearranger wrote:I like the changeable vote thing. Wouldn't want to see it in every game, but in a zany one like this, it feels right. :)
FZ. wrote:Haha, why do we even bother voting. I really hope you are a civ, llama.

And that would be quite an interesting mafia game :srsnod:
I wouldn't hope that. It paints quite a target on him for baddies if that's the case. And if he's bad, based on the roles that can avoid lynches and how they can do it, he's likely vulnerable to the next lynch.

@boo: Will ties result in no lynch? Or will the lynch be randomized?
Ties are broken by the Card Czar.

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