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by indiglo
Mon Oct 17, 2016 11:25 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Comic Book TV Shows
Replies: 27
Views: 2046

Re: Comic Book TV Shows

nutella wrote:Why's nobody on here talking about Luke Cage yet? I'm halfway through and it is SOOO good.
I know, right? We just finished it last night. Wow. That was my favorite Marvel series from Netflix yet. There were some corny lines (like all of them I suppose) but there was absolutely NOTHING I didn't like about it. I love where they took it, and would actually really enjoy rewatching it! And there were so many little easter eggs in there for the comic book fans, which is fun for long time fans too. But even for those of us who knew nothing about Luke Cage going in, it was beyond awesome!
by indiglo
Fri Apr 01, 2016 1:01 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Comic Book TV Shows
Replies: 27
Views: 2046

Re: Comic Book TV Shows

bea wrote:
indiglo wrote:We really liked Daredevil, and just started watching Jessica Jones. I think we're 2 episodes in. So far, we like Jessica Jones, I definitely like the darkness of it, and also a huge Tennant fan. So far there have already been a few moments of scripting that were a bit cheesy, but I kind of figure going in it's got the possibility of getting cheesy. (Comic book stuff, and all that.) I definitely like the psychological aspect of JJ.

DD was fantastic, and the new season is supposed to be coming out in March, I think. With Jon Bernthal! So woohoo for Walking Dead fans. :omg:

I have never more loved an evol evol evol son of a bitch than I did Killjoy. I swear his casting was fucking perfect. He'd be all bad and evol then he'd smile and be all David and I'd just *swoon*. Also the fact that they made him somewhat sympathetic is amazing. I mean, I should have hated the guy, and I was still kinda sad about his fate. Not only are the hero's in a morally grey area, but so are the villains. That's what set that series apart from all the others for me.

Shane is good in DD. We're not through it yet, but what I have seen, I adore him in. He was good as Shane, but he's amazballz as Punisher.

Also - for Rico - Sandman, while it's a comic book thing, isn't a superhero thing. It's a thing unto itself and you might actually enjoy it. The source material, Gaiman's comics, are more steeped in mythology and religion and literature than they are "superheros." For example, in the comic run, Shakespeare was a character in Gaiman's comics. There are sooo many Milton references. And on and on and on. Also there is at least one story entirely about cats. :D It was the very first comic I ever read and the one that brought me into the genera. This coming from an avowed English major who didn't read "books with pictures."

Agreed 100% on Killgrave! Oh he was soooooooo fantastic! Yes, there were moments when I actually felt soooo sorry for that little fuck. LOL And the next moment I'm thinking - you little shit! Just drop dead you piece of garbage! I love when characters can do that. Did you watch Broadchurch too? He was just beyond amazing in that too. What can't David Tennant do well??

We have only just started the new DD season. Liking it so far though! I think Bernthall will make a fantastic villain - I mean hell, Shane was a villain before he died, so he's got practice! :D
by indiglo
Sat Jan 02, 2016 9:58 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Comic Book TV Shows
Replies: 27
Views: 2046

Re: Comic Book TV Shows

We really liked Daredevil, and just started watching Jessica Jones. I think we're 2 episodes in. So far, we like Jessica Jones, I definitely like the darkness of it, and also a huge Tennant fan. So far there have already been a few moments of scripting that were a bit cheesy, but I kind of figure going in it's got the possibility of getting cheesy. (Comic book stuff, and all that.) I definitely like the psychological aspect of JJ.

DD was fantastic, and the new season is supposed to be coming out in March, I think. With Jon Bernthal! So woohoo for Walking Dead fans. :omg:

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