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by Russtifinko
Sun May 17, 2015 2:45 pm
Forum: Previous Side Mission Sign-Ups
Topic: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia
Replies: 126
Views: 7126

Re: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia

Hurrah, we're all set!!

I just returned from a bachelor party, and I have the welts and hangover to prove it. Allow me a few hours to collect myself, and then we'll start Day 0.
by Russtifinko
Fri May 15, 2015 10:54 pm
Forum: Previous Side Mission Sign-Ups
Topic: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia
Replies: 126
Views: 7126

Re: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia

So yeah, I can't get the number of players in my game right. It is definitely 19.
by Russtifinko
Fri May 15, 2015 6:07 pm
Forum: Previous Side Mission Sign-Ups
Topic: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia
Replies: 126
Views: 7126

Re: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia

Just as a friendly warning, I'm out of town tomorrow, so whether we get 17 people tomorrow or not, the earliest we'll be starting is Sunday!

...unless you all sign up RIGHT NOW, I suppose, in which case tomorrow can be Day 0.
by Russtifinko
Thu May 14, 2015 10:48 pm
Forum: Previous Side Mission Sign-Ups
Topic: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia
Replies: 126
Views: 7126

Re: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia

Wow, we're filling up quick - awesome! And great to see some new faces as well. Welcome!

If any of you (new or old) have any questions whatsoever, please don't hesitate to let llama or me know. We are here to serve. (And possibly to meet children, from what I'm reading.....)

Also, llama is pulling double duty here as a mod and a host. So if at any point during the game you have an issue with another player or with my hosting, please please please go to him to vent and/or get it resolved. If you have an issue with llama's hosting, I don't know who you should go to, but you can try him first. He's a pretty reasonable guy.
by Russtifinko
Wed May 13, 2015 3:59 pm
Forum: Previous Side Mission Sign-Ups
Topic: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia
Replies: 126
Views: 7126

Re: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia

Oh! And let's say you should have a minimum 40% P-score prior to the game to sign up.
by Russtifinko
Wed May 13, 2015 3:58 pm
Forum: Previous Side Mission Sign-Ups
Topic: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia
Replies: 126
Views: 7126

Re: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia

Hehehe. G-Man, I feel like we could have long and interesting talks.

Llama is 100% correct on the P-score system. As for timing, it sounds like 48/24 works best for the majority, and I am busy as well, so let's go with that.
by Russtifinko
Tue May 12, 2015 11:40 pm
Forum: Previous Side Mission Sign-Ups
Topic: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia
Replies: 126
Views: 7126

Re: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia

Golden wrote:
Russtifinko wrote:And why is my name golden?
Please excuse this moment of confusion. Russ and I are two halves of a single split personality. We weren't talking about the colour of our name, oh no.
Confirmed. Golden's name is actually rusty. (aka "Russti". Not red, like most of you were thinking.)
by Russtifinko
Tue May 12, 2015 11:39 pm
Forum: Previous Side Mission Sign-Ups
Topic: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia
Replies: 126
Views: 7126

Re: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia

Russtifinko wrote:Thanks, Epi and MP! Now we're set. Got in the poll if you want in! There is room for 20 players.
I lied. Sorry! There is room for 19 players, this being a speed game and whatnot.
Epignosis wrote:Also, one of your images is broken.

...seriously, though: fixed. Thanks.
Dom wrote:I suppose I'll play despite one of my favorite economists being the "baddie". :suspish:
Yeah, Keynes is the man!

....on another note, I think there may be some disagreement on economics on the parts of the hosts. Which could make this even more exciting!
by Russtifinko
Tue May 12, 2015 10:37 pm
Forum: Previous Side Mission Sign-Ups
Topic: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia
Replies: 126
Views: 7126

Re: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia

Thanks, Epi and MP! Now we're set. Got in the poll if you want in! There is room for 20 players.
by Russtifinko
Tue May 12, 2015 10:28 pm
Forum: Previous Side Mission Sign-Ups
Topic: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia
Replies: 126
Views: 7126

Re: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia

Hmmmm, now how do I put up a conflabbed poll? And why is my name golden? So many questions...

For now, feel free to sign up by saying you want to play in-thread. I'll do a poll once I talk to MP.
by Russtifinko
Tue May 12, 2015 10:25 pm
Forum: Previous Side Mission Sign-Ups
Topic: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia
Replies: 126
Views: 7126

Re: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia

Epignosis wrote:
Russtifinko wrote:Taxes - occur every 3rd day. Because llama is a co-host, it is flat and each player pays $1. Taxes are eliminated if Ricardo dies and Rothbard is still alive. If llama dies and Russti is still alive, we move to a progressive tax system and tax 30% of all earnings instead.
That's not a progressive tax system. That's still a flat tax system- specifically, a proportional tax. :confused:

*Votes Russtifinko*
Rats! You're right I suppose. I thought I locked this thread.....

Then instead, I'll "progressively" tax people who disagree with their hosts at a higher rate than everyone else. :feb: There! now you have an incentive to keep your trap shut. ;)
by Russtifinko
Tue May 12, 2015 9:58 pm
Forum: Previous Side Mission Sign-Ups
Topic: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia
Replies: 126
Views: 7126

Re: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia

Signups are here! Join if you'd like to play. I promise it'll be oodles of fun.

And I can absolutely guarantee you'll get it or die tryin'!
by Russtifinko
Tue May 12, 2015 9:57 pm
Forum: Previous Side Mission Sign-Ups
Topic: Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia
Replies: 126
Views: 7126

Death and Taxes: An Economics Mafia

Long ago, two cavepeople, Ug and Ack, were sitting in the sunshine on a rock by a pond on a spring day not too unlike this one. Ug had two animal furs and was very, very warm, but very hungry. Ack had two sharpened sticks and had caught a pile of fish, but shivered in the breeze off the water. Ug looked at Ack's sharpened sticks, then down at her furs. At that time, you had to kill someone to get something you wanted from them, but Ack had sharpened sticks so she didn't like her chances there. Slowly the glimmer of an idea began to dance in her head. Ug placed a fingertip on her lower lip, and then lifted it in the air triumphantly. Then she began to hoot and holler and point from her fur to one of Ack's sticks. Ack had been very busy looking for fish to spear, but eventually he looked up and cottoned on to the idea. Trade was born! Soon both were sitting contentedly in the sun, full of fish and warm.

Soon, people realized you could "trade" all sorts of things! Everyone began carrying around as many objects as they could hold in the hopes of coming across someone to trade with (since they didn't have Netflix yet). This got very cumbersome, and remained so until the greatest of the Egyptian kings, Ankhahotep, one day got tired of carrying the royal throne on his back. "Enough!" he cried, but in Egyptian. "From now on, we're only trading things for gold!" Gold, of course, was still very heavy, so this was only a marginal improvement. Ankahotep decided to ease his subjects' burdens by taking half of everything they traded for the government. This was the first tax.

However, no one could think of a solution to the problem for a very, very long time. Eventually they just started handing out paper, and imagining that gold was attached to it. The economy was born! Eventually, an American president by the name of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, took the revolutionary idea one step further. He was at a great disadvantage in trading, because he had never seen gold and couldn't imagine it very well, so his money was worth less than other people's. Frustrated by never being able to trade properly (there was still no Netflix), he had the idea of just making the value of the paper up entirely! Now people make up all sorts of wonderful numbers, driven by "invisible hands", "animal spirits", "stocks", "inflation", and plenty of other made-up things that make it all very exciting but of course don't really exist.

Of course, ever since Ankhahotep introduced the idea, governments have been taxing as often and as much as possible. This is one way to get something you want without doing or giving anything in exchange. The other is murder. Which brings us to the pinnacle of human history....

Death and Taxes: an Economics Mafia
Brought to you by Russtifinko and thellama73

Adam Smith - Invisible hand - Can direct action from behind the scenes (takes another player's power nightly)

Jean-Babtiste Say - Supply creates its own demand - Selling 2 or more of anything makes them worth $2 each, regardless of what others sell.

Carl Menger - Founder of the Austrian School/Marginal revolution - knows that every little bit helps, and has an extra vote for just that reason

Ludwig von Mises - Human Action - holds highly-attended lectures nightly (BTSC with one player every Night)

F. A. Hayek - Competing currencies - Makes his own currency, and yours doesn't count - Prevents a player from buying or using any items once per Night, and sells his items for untaxable Bollars instead of normal dollars.

Joseph Schumpeter - Creative destruction - Can destroy an item in his possession to get something better

John Nash - Game Theory - Make two players play a game of your choosing each night

Vilfredo Pareto - Pareto efficiency - Prevent target player from being made worse off at night

Paul Samuelson - Public Goods - Can share the use of another player’s item

Ronald Coase - Coasian bargaining/Property Rights - May not be stolen from/share his items

Milton Friedman - Monetarism - Can alter the money supply, doubling what the government pays for guns and butter once per 4 booms.

Murray Rothbard - Enemy of the state - Prevent redistributive actions.

Arthur Pigou - externalities - His votes also spill over onto the player to each side of the one he votes.

George Akerlof - asymmetric information - Role check

John Maynard Keynes - In the long run, we’re all dead - Kills nightly

Karl Marx - Dictatorship of the proletariat - Once per Night, chooses to target a player and destroy a random item (Kapital) they are holding, or to redistribute one dollar from a player of his choice to another.

David Ricardo - Ricardian equivalence - Prevents tax cuts

Robert Solow - Convergence/growth theory - uses technology to improve his items

Serial Killer:
Thomas Malthus - Malthusian population model - Is worried the population will outstrip humans' ability to supply themselves with food, so he keeps the population under control by killing nightly. If his victim has any Butter, he takes one from them.

The Economy:
Guns - takes one Night to produce. May be sold to the government on subsequent Nights. The value it sells for is determined by the supply; if more players sell Guns than Butter on a given Night, it is worth $1, but if more Butter than Guns are sold, Guns are worth $2. If both sell equally, they are worth $1.50 apiece.
Butter - Same as Guns, but vice versa.
Dollars - earned by producing and selling Guns and Butter.

1 Gun = Extra lynch vote
1 Butter = Remove a lynch vote from yourself.
1 Gun + 1 Butter + 1 Dollar = NK protect for tonight only
5 Dollars = Bribe someone's vote.
4 Guns + 1 Dollar = Extra kill
4 Butter + 1 Dollar = Lynch stop
4 Butter + 5 Dollars = Resurrect

Booms - triggered when more players produce than sell.
Busts - triggered when more players sell than produce.
Taxes - occur every 3rd day. Because llama is a co-host, it is flat and each player pays $1. Taxes are eliminated if Ricardo dies and Rothbard is still alive. If llama dies and Russti is still alive, we move to a proportional tax system and tax 30% of all earnings instead.

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