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by thellama73
Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:51 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 3.0 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Golden wrote:
FZ. wrote:llama, why did you vote Golden?

And what's up with Wilgy's vote? Do you have anything more to say than that joke post?
As far as I can glean, he voted me for calling Fuzz my top civilian read, before Fuzz was nked.
It's more complicated than that. At the time, you didn't really have a good reason to think Fuzz was good, but made a very strong claim about it anyway. Then you doubled down on it. It just came across as extreme and unnecessary. Plus all the stuff I mentioned above.
by thellama73
Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:47 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 3.0 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

FZ. wrote:llama, why did you vote Golden?

And what's up with Wilgy's vote? Do you have anything more to say than that joke post?
It's primarily a placeholder in case I forget to vote before tomorrow, when I have evening plans. It will probably change. But I do find Golden's activity really suspicious lately.
1. The way he buddied up to RadicalFuzz
2. The way RadicalFuzz was killed for it.
3. The way he was lying in wait to pounce on anyone who made the argument I made (seems pretty contrived)
4. The way he has been misrepresenting me since then (saying I went after JJ when I never did).

He's got it in for me, and I'm not sure why, but I do not interpret his actions as those of a civ at this time.
by thellama73
Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:35 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 3.0 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

HamburgerBoy wrote:Just read over the rest of the last two pages and I'm leaning against voting Jimmy now, especially in light of Dom jumping onto that. I'll vote thellama73 instead because I don't want to split things further, but I'll have more thorough reasons against at least a top 3 of suspects later. Mac is looking pretty scummy to me right now as well. I just arrived at work and don't need to get caught up in a big argument or post-search already.
I hope I can make you see the good in me, HB.
by thellama73
Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:19 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 1~ 2015 Game of Champions

Golden wrote: Exactly JJ. This is what I've been saying from the start.

The idea that RadicalFuzz 'couldn't be lynched' is kind of silly anyway. He was taking heat on day zero. I call him my top civ read and suddenly a whole lot of people bandwagon on to that on their rainbows, but beyond me I never saw anyone give reasons for seeing him as civ.

And, as per the point I've been making all game.

SAYING YOU READ SOMEONE AS CIV IS NOT THE SAME THING AS BUDDYING. To claim it is, is utterly disingenuous. Llama just called JJ civ, does that mean (since he says that only mafia people buddy) that I should call llama confirmed mafia, because only mafia buddy? Because, thats where llamas logic takes you.

And it is actually ridiculous to suggest people should not say they read people as civ. If we took this approach, the town would literally never win the game.
Um, I was asked. Do you want me to ignore the question? That's completely different than volunteering "Wow, JJJ is the most civ guy around! He's so definitely civ, I can hardly believe it!"
by thellama73
Wed Jan 13, 2016 3:57 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 3.0 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Golden wrote:Every person going after JJ I lean bad on. Llama and Long Con particularly so, but MM also to some extent. The only one that is only mild ping at this point is dom.
When did I go after JJ?
by thellama73
Wed Jan 13, 2016 3:54 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 3.0 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

[quote="JaggedJimmyJay"]Llama, what is your read on me?[/quote
by thellama73
Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:06 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 3.0 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Dom wrote:It also seemed like a shot at Bea, tbh.
I wouldn't dream of that! I love bea, she's probably the kindest person I've seen on the whole Internet (and I do hope she is able to get through her difficulties in short order). I have no intention of taking a shot at anyone, y'all are super cool kats.
What, kinder than me?
by thellama73
Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:46 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 3.0 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Okay, I read Lorab, and while I'm not sold on her being bad, the thing that stuck out to me in her posts was the way she quickly got defensive, and then suddenly switched to "suspect me all you like, I don't care! I'm civ and have nothing to hide!" It's a course correction worth noting.
by thellama73
Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:44 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 1~ 2015 Game of Champions

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
thellama73 wrote:Now, would it make sense for you to kill Fuzz after this? Probably not, but if there are multiple killers as there appear to be after last night, it wouldn't surprise me if you were one of them.
How do these three sentences make sense together? If it "probably wouldn't" make sense for Golden to kill the object of his proposed malevolent buddying, then why wouldn't it surprise you if he was one of the killers (Fuzz being among the dead)?
Because buddying is something the mafia does. Civs don't do it. The mafia also wouldn't care if their buddying got someone killed, where I would hope a civ would be more sensitive to the effects of their words.
by thellama73
Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:21 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 1~ 2015 Game of Champions

See, Golden, this bugs me.
RadicalFuzz wrote:
Golden wrote:But yeah, I was talking in the theoretical because I am in particular one of those who would criticise people voting off wagon without much explanation, and so I think talking through Fuzz's perspective is helpful for me to understand him.

Fuzz is my strongest town read right now.
Explain something to me. How can I, with my reasoning for voting Llama literally attributed to "I'm following the guy who can only speak in smileys," be your strongest town read when in the same post you claim you would criticize people voting off wagon without much explanation?

Fair enough Marsh. You realize, then, that if we're going to operate on the possibility of separate scum teams that catching scum provides very little credibility, correct?
RadicalFuzz wrote:I might've not said hypothetical or theoretical when referring to "2 wagons" in my short conversation with Golden, or maybe he didn't, mostly irrelevant and we've cleared up the confusion.

Yeah, that in addition to his compliments unnerve me. The entire chain of events feels like:
"Fuzz I like how you think"
"Fuzz engage me in this conversation"
"Fuzz is my strongest town read, I wanted to get his perspective to understand where he's coming from"

Now, I love my name being thrown around like hot potato, that's not the issue, but it feels like an accelerated process. Even taking into account the fact that "strongest town read" is a fickle thing on Day 1 this trust Golden has built feels artificially quickened, if that makes sense.
RadicalFuzz wrote:So he compliments people with the intent to legitimately compliment them? That bugs me, one of my pet peeves is feeling manipulated when people say nice things about me. That's why I prefer people to suspect me, I know where their mindset is.
You were engaging in what looked to Fuzz, and looks to me, like obvious buddying without much of a reason behind it. The only thing "strongest town read" type posts are useful for is getting the named person killed, which is what happened. Now, would it make sense for you to kill Fuzz after this? Probably not, but if there are multiple killers as there appear to be after last night, it wouldn't surprise me if you were one of them.
by thellama73
Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:11 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 3.0 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Okay, I need to read a few people. I haven't given Lorab too much of a look yet, but I feel it's time I did. Epi's instincts are usually good enough not to be ignored. I agree with Rico that FZ's comment about the kills was weird, but I don't know if it's bad weird yet.
by thellama73
Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:06 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 3.0 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Matt wrote: Llama - Are you still suspicious of Mac or have you completely dropped it now that the two of you have successfully helped get sig lynched? MacD, what's your read of Llama?
My Mac suspicion was always weak. It was a Day 1 starting point to get the ball rolling, and it led me to more interesting avenues. He hasn't done anything lately that pinged me.
by thellama73
Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:01 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 3.0 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Golden wrote:
thellama73 wrote:The RadicalFzz kill was obviously because so many people were calling him a definite civ. Today I intend to look at those who were eager to paint a target on his back.

Voting llama

I was waiting to see who ran that argument first. I find it much more likely that RadicalFuzz would be killed by someone who wanted to run that argument. I was wondering if it might be DH. I've never been part of any mafia team that has talked about killing someone because others are reading them as civ, nor have I ever hosted a mafia team having that discussion.

YO8ur inexperience is not my fault. I've been part of such teams and I've hosted such teams. If a player is unlynchable due to being widely trusted, they make a good target for a mafia kill.
by thellama73
Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:53 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 3.0 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

The RadicalFzz kill was obviously because so many people were calling him a definite civ. Today I intend to look at those who were eager to paint a target on his back.
by thellama73
Tue Jan 12, 2016 9:40 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 3.0 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Jesus, that was bloody. RIP, everyone.
by thellama73
Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:39 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

Long Con wrote:
thellama73 wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:Something that's interesting is that you and Lorab had the same number of votes day 1 Llama.

Would what you said about her also apply to you?
Obviously not because I know I am, civ.
A comma would have help this statement go from suspicious lie-detector tricking to a more reasonable read.
by thellama73
Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:25 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

DrWilgy wrote:Something that's interesting is that you and Lorab had the same number of votes day 1 Llama.

Would what you said about her also apply to you?
Obviously not because I know I am civ.
by thellama73
Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:23 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

Metalmarsh89 wrote:
thellama73 wrote:I don't really have an opinion on Lorab at this point. I haven't found the case on her compelling. But I have noticed that sometimes when a person keeps getting almost-lynched and avoiding it, they turn out to be bad.
Sometimes < half the time ==> more often then not, players that almost get lynched multiple times in one game turn out to be civilian.
That's fair. I confess that I have no statistics to back up my observation.
by thellama73
Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:55 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

I don't really have an opinion on Lorab at this point. I haven't found the case on her compelling. But I have noticed that sometimes when a person keeps getting almost-lynched and avoiding it, they turn out to be bad.
by thellama73
Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:25 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

Ah, Dom beat me to it. Well played, Dom.
by thellama73
Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:24 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

RadicalFuzz wrote:But, Llama, is the universe not ever expanding, and thus there will always be more to colonize?

The on-topic conversation between us about credit is going nowhere Llama, let's just drop it.

Wilgy you tease me so.
The universe is ever expanding, but that doesn't mean more suns are coming into existence. No more matter is being created, the existing matter is just getting further apart.
by thellama73
Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:24 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

Golden wrote:If humanity survives until the sun envelopes the earth then we will already have colonised other solar systems, and it will not be the end of humanity as we know it, only the end of the earth, therefore Mac is scum.
But all stars will eventually die. It doesn't matter how many worlds we colonize. Eventually, the universe will grow cold, and we will perish with it.
by thellama73
Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:44 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

HamburgerBoy wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
HamburgerBoy wrote:RIP sig, sorry to see that you were town.

Now we just need to make sure that the wave of bandwagoners doesn't stay set in their ways and go back to LoRab again.

Also, the sig flip, taken together with other things, seems to strongly imply there were two intended nightkills night 1, and that DFaraday's death may have been due to something weird/unrelated.
People have been rumbling about LoRab for a while now, and she still managed a few votes day 1. Considering how many people just showed up to pile on sig, I think there's a decent chance of that happening to LoRab tomorrow if people don't broaden their horizons a bit.
Maybe the fact taht people piled on Sig means that teammates were trying to protect Lorab from her nigh inevitable lynch?
by thellama73
Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:43 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

RadicalFuzz wrote:Naturally, then, you're going to accept credit for your failures as well Llama?
I don't see that there's any credit to give to me, since I was wrong. But okay, I will accept 0 credit.
by thellama73
Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:33 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

RadicalFuzz wrote:You were talking about how the flip would affect your credibility before the flip. And, lo and behold, it was a moot question.
It wasn't really about credibility though. It was about credit. I think that's an important distinction. I don't really worry about trying to establish civ cred, but I like to get credit for my successes.
by thellama73
Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:08 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

RadicalFuzz wrote: Scumhunting has much less value when the thread believes there to be multiple scum teams. And with Zebra being what seems to be the "primary" kill last night, the possibility of multiple scum teams is significant. Why, then, are you focusing on the credit you'll get if someone flips scum as opposed to if he'll flip scum at all?
I'm not focusing on it. I was just proud that I had been the first to suspect Sig, since everyone was coming around to my way of thinking on the matter. I was pleased to think I'd caught a bad guy. Unfortunately, my delight was premature.
by thellama73
Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:36 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

sig wrote:ha told you I was a civ

Thanks for the game SVS and TH.
Yeah, but I thought you were lying. People lie a lot in this game. :sigh:
by thellama73
Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:25 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

by thellama73
Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:24 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

by thellama73
Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:16 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

sig wrote:Also don't forget I was unable to vote day 1, Llama tried to get me lynched this is connected.
No, it's not connected. I never even noticed you weren't able to vote on Day 1, and this is the first time you've even brought up this "connected" idea. You're all over the map. I don't actually believe that you think I'm bad simply because I find you suspicious. It doesn't ring true, it just feels desperate.
by thellama73
Mon Jan 11, 2016 7:02 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

MacDougall wrote:
FZ. wrote:Sorry, I'm going to sleep.

linki: so you think Lorab is a good vote? Why so? Damn you, I want to sleep
Nobody is as good a vote as sig.

I'd like to think I have a good grip on scum sig. I called him out as scum correctly in Dune and in West Wing.

I'm not so sure about my initial LoRab read anymore. She's not pinging me so much.
Mac, if Sig is lynched and turns out scum, will you give me credit for being the first to call him out?
by thellama73
Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:42 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

FZ. wrote:Never mind, you can all manage without me. Good night.
I'll miss you, FZ.
by thellama73
Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:40 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

sig wrote:Boomslang gave that as a reason as did Wilgy.
I'll reluctantly give you Boomslang, but that's not remotely true about Wilgy.

Here is Wilgy's case on you. It's very substantive.
by thellama73
Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:19 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

sig wrote: 2. I disagree here, the chances of lynching a baddie day 1 is so small, getting an unkillable confirmed civ is better then maybe possibly lynching a baddie day 1. I think it is scummy for people to say it would have been better to lynch a baddie.
He's not unkillable. He was killed.
sig wrote:DH used a smile he must be mafia case closed.

Kinda stupid isn't it? That is at least two people's reasons or a portion of their reasons for voting me.
I don't think that is a fair representation of the people voting for you.
by thellama73
Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:46 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

Also, Dr. Wilgy is my new hero.
by thellama73
Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:35 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 2~ 2015 Game of Champions

Sorry I wasn't erally around yesterday, folks. I was busy early and then crashed at an early bedtime. Now, let's see, to business:
RIP Dfaraday
BIH Zebra

Sig, I want to ask you about this post. You start by singalling out something I did (comments about Rico's death) but don't really explain why is it bad (just be scummy). Then you say you are leaning scum on me. Why? You've brought this up before, but given no explanation for why you think I might be bad. Is it just because I suspect you? If so, this post has done you no favors in my eyes, and I intend tio vote for you again today.
sig wrote:So zebra was mafia, that most likely means JJJ wasn't on her team. I did see the idea that she picked him, but this makes little sense for day 1. I think it is worth looking into the players who after Rico flipped made comments, like saying how they hope he isn't as spammy or it would be better to have lynched a baddie. I find the first group to almost be trying to weaken Rico's credit thus giving him less of an opinion and basically neutering him, and the second group to just be scummy.

I think a few mafia members were on the Rico wagon, however I also think there is a good chance that either LoRab or Llama are scum.

I don't have many civ or scum reads right know, but I do think Long Con is a civilian, and I'm leaning scum on Llama. Know here is my question do you think the early snipping that Llama and Zebra did was fabricated? It was only a little bit, but I'm curious what people think of it.

I think with Zebra's lynch it also makes it less likely that Mac is on her team.

One last thing, if Roger Rabbit was a civ role last game wouldn't it be odd for it to be a scum role this game? Could this be some sort of seemer/prankster thing? Remember Night 0 scum was able to do actions in theory they could have targeted Zebra and then killed her today. This could be a seemer role where it replaces the scum who used it, just switched the alignment, or let the seemer pick a role.
I think the chances of this are low, but then again the chances of hitting a mafia night 1 is also small.
by thellama73
Sat Jan 09, 2016 2:00 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 1~ 2015 Game of Champions

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Cool well as long as llama willfully ignores me I'm gonna go ahead and continue trying to guide him to the guillotine.
Could you clarify why you thought/think that he cursed you?
I don't know whether llama did that. Maybe llama has team mates.

I was a threat to nobody on Night 0, being so vocally detached and lazy as I was. I made exactly one case against someone that was remotely substantive, that being llama. Llama addressed some posts in the general vicinity of that case, but never responded to anything I said. At any point. The next day I was posting in emoticons. Maybe there's a connection. Even if not, his ignorance of me is clearly deliberate at this point and I don't think town llama has any reason to ignore me. I've done nothing to insult him in any prior game, and I have not been a significant part of this game's torrent pace -- so I haven't annoyed him either. All I've done is cast suspicion upon him, both in the form of Night 0 text and Day 1 emojis.

He hasn't given me the time of day. I think he should become dead as soon as possible.
I'm sorry if you think I have treated you with disrespect, JJJ. I've always enjoyed my interactions with you in previous games. You've done nothing to annoy or antagonize me. I just didn't have anything useful to say about your case or your curse.
by thellama73
Sat Jan 09, 2016 1:54 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 1~ 2015 Game of Champions

Sorry, JJJ. I missed this post.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Hey llama, you were almost certainly aware of my beef with you on Night 0 (you acknowledged other posts in the same vicinity), but never even acknowledged my existence. Then on Day 1 I made it as clear as possible under the circumstances that I wanted your attention and you still ignored me. Why?
I didn't respond to your case on Night 0 because I didn't see how I could respond to it. Not a lot there I could actually rebut, since it was based on tone readings and the like. I didn't comment on your smiley stuff Day 1 because I had no idea what you were saying except that you suspected me and possibly thought I cursed you. I didn't though. You seem like a nice guy.
by thellama73
Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:58 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 1~ 2015 Game of Champions

a2thezebra wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:
thellama73 wrote:
Turnip Head wrote:Ricochet has been lynched. He was Jacob Donner, a civilian.

If Jacob Donner is lynched on Day 1, he will die, revealing his full role. If this occurs, Donner may continue to post on-topic as if he were alive, but he cannot vote and cannot be targeted by any abilities or items.
I don't see why this is so hard for everyone. He's not an unkillable role, he's dead. Yeah, it's great that Rico can still help out with analysis, but we lost a civ vote, and our numbers are one fewer versus the mafia. Forgive me for not celebrating.
Would you prefer to have his vote and no knowledge of his alignment?

I wouldn't.
Nor would I.
I would prefer to have lynched a mafia member, but it seems I'm alone on that, so let's move on.
by thellama73
Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:49 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 1~ 2015 Game of Champions

Turnip Head wrote:Ricochet has been lynched. He was Jacob Donner, a civilian.

If Jacob Donner is lynched on Day 1, he will die, revealing his full role. If this occurs, Donner may continue to post on-topic as if he were alive, but he cannot vote and cannot be targeted by any abilities or items.
I don't see why this is so hard for everyone. He's not an unkillable role, he's dead. Yeah, it's great that Rico can still help out with analysis, but we lost a civ vote, and our numbers are one fewer versus the mafia. Forgive me for not celebrating.
by thellama73
Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:42 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 1~ 2015 Game of Champions

RadicalFuzz wrote:Faraday when you say I read civvie so you're not pinged by my "strange alignment comments" what comments are you referring to?

Oh thank god he wasn't just being a giant idiot.

Llama, explain how we "lost a civilian?" His unkillable role from which he literally can't be targeted and will therefore be able to advise as a mod-confirmed civilian for the everlasting future of the game is an unfavorable outcome? I honestly think this went better than lynching scum Day 1, as Rico would surely be lynched later down the line for his actions up to this point.

Because he's dead? He died. He is no more. He is an ex-Rico. He's pushing up the daisies. He's shuffled off the mortal coil and gone to join the choir invisible.
by thellama73
Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:46 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 1~ 2015 Game of Champions

DharmaHelper wrote:
thellama73 wrote:
Golden wrote:
thellama73 wrote:I am annoyed that there is no Latin llama option on the poll. I am also annoyed that we both lost a civilian and still have to put up with Rico's nonsense.
Why would you assume rico would still post nonsense? I guess we have lost a civilian but on the flip side we've gained a useful resource. Rico is, I think, one of the best analysts of the game and from his position he could definitely help the town win. I think that is a good outcome.
Past behavior tends to be a predictor of future behavior. I'll admit that I haven't yet read what he has posted after his death, so perhaps I misjudge him. Anyway, not a great lynch result, I would argue.
I would say its not the best outcome, but it is far from a bad one. Now Rico's energy will (hopefully, otherwise I'll just tune him out) be focused on finding baddies rather than getting himself lynched.
Fair enough. I just like lynching baddies on Day 1. Baddies like Sig. :feb:
by thellama73
Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:28 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 1~ 2015 Game of Champions

Golden wrote:
thellama73 wrote:I am annoyed that there is no Latin llama option on the poll. I am also annoyed that we both lost a civilian and still have to put up with Rico's nonsense.
Why would you assume rico would still post nonsense? I guess we have lost a civilian but on the flip side we've gained a useful resource. Rico is, I think, one of the best analysts of the game and from his position he could definitely help the town win. I think that is a good outcome.
Past behavior tends to be a predictor of future behavior. I'll admit that I haven't yet read what he has posted after his death, so perhaps I misjudge him. Anyway, not a great lynch result, I would argue.
by thellama73
Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:14 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Night 1~ 2015 Game of Champions

I am annoyed that there is no Latin llama option on the poll. I am also annoyed that we both lost a civilian and still have to put up with Rico's nonsense.
by thellama73
Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:10 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 1~ 2015 Game of Champions

sig wrote:
Ricochet wrote:
Long Con wrote:I am going to work now, changing my vote from Boomslang to Llama, for a more relevant opinion. I'm totally cool with Blue Eye being lynched though. He just scares me so I'm staying away.
If I vote Llama, will the triple voter in your team do the same and save me? :nicenod:

If you really want to save yourself I'd switch and hope two others join to tie it.

I don't see the Lorab wagon at all I'd suggest the people on it switch to llama :nicenod:

@HB I would eat Llama, but I think it would give me indigestion :omg:
Why do you suspect me apart from that I suspect you, Sig? This is the first I'm hearing of it.
by thellama73
Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:08 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 1~ 2015 Game of Champions

Ricochet wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Ricochet wrote:Sorry, I don't have a golden decoder.
Why llama disappoints mafia?

How am I doing?
Llama Disappoints Mafia - also known as Minimalism Mafia.
by thellama73
Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:06 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 1~ 2015 Game of Champions

Ricochet wrote:I will not be voting for llama, even if I have to pay with my life. He is my friend.
Right back at ya, buddy!

(Although I'm starting to fear a lynch switch given that I'm in second place.)
by thellama73
Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:17 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 1~ 2015 Game of Champions

Metalmarsh89 wrote:
Ricochet wrote:I think zebra just wants to show up on top of my lynch pile, so he'll claim he took a hard, last minute decision and look civvier.
Zebra is a girl.
by thellama73
Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:30 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 1~ 2015 Game of Champions

Metalmarsh, what's the story on your vote for Sig?
by thellama73
Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:11 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 200876

Re: Day 1~ 2015 Game of Champions

Long Con wrote:Llama, I noticed that when Golden brought it up earlier. Mac never specifically denied being bad, he just said MM would find any evidence of it. Depends on how unwaveringly honest you think Mac is intent on being. The implication here is that he didn't want to lie about his baddieness, he preferred to flaunt it instead? "Mwa ha ha, you will NEVER find the evidence you need to defeat Me! :feb: Foolish Civ!"

Is this like A Few Good Men, where Col. Jessup wanted to claim proud responsibility for the Code Red?

Like when you attacked sig for his use of the word "interesting", among other things, this feels to me like you are opportunistically jumping on things to cast suspicion on people... as opposed to stating a genuine suspicion. Like a predator that senses weakness.
Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, but I am doing the best I can with Day 1 suspicions in a game filled with wall to wall noise. It's not opportunistic. I'm just trying to find baddies.

Regarding your other point, everyone always scoffs at the idea that baddies would admit their badness, but it happens more than you think. I've caught people for evading the direct question "Are you bad?" before. I don't think it's conscious, but I think a lot of people have a subconscious resistance to telling direct lies and would prefer to evade unless pressed. It might not be anything in Mac's case, but it's certainly worth noting.

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