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by Elohcin
Fri Dec 30, 2016 7:14 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

DrWilgy wrote:And I'm back homies!

Sorry I've been distant (other than in games) life caught up with me at my new job... Which I quit... YAY ME!!!

What's new? I hope everyone had good Holiday celebrations if you celebrate them.
What job did you quit? And what are your future plans?
by Elohcin
Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:14 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

Well, we don't have a whole lot of stuff either. I don't like clutter, so I try to keep our belongings to a minimum and quite organized. The thing with that is, we use just about everything we have on a regular basis. The things we have that we don't use (like photo albums, Christmas decorations, etc) are already stored in big plastic bins. So they will just move as is. There isn't much I can even pack until a few days before we move. So when I am not working/schooling, I feel like I am just sitting here waiting to pack.
by Elohcin
Tue Nov 29, 2016 8:56 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

HAHAHA, yes, he is right. We will move in one day. I will have everything unpacked that same day. The only thing I MIGHT leave to the next day is putting together the bunk beds, but that's only because I need help with that and Epi will probably be too wore out to help with it. But I bet I won't even sleep until all the pictures are hanging on the walls. It's just who I am. I like order. I'll be putting the Christmas tree up too :D
by Elohcin
Tue Nov 29, 2016 5:55 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

I found the seller's facebook page. That's fun.
by Elohcin
Tue Nov 29, 2016 2:17 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

I've not been on the syndicate in what feels like forever. I am glad to hear you are safe from the earthquake, Golden. Working from home for a week or so is not bad, right? You get to see your family while you work :D.

I hope everyone is doing well. I should be getting back to playing Mafia after we are settled in our new home. We now have a scheduled closing date/time for Dec 16th @ 9am!!!
by Elohcin
Sun Nov 13, 2016 2:48 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

That would be nice. Duke. UNC.
by Elohcin
Sun Nov 13, 2016 8:07 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

:) you all are wonderful! We truly love our friends here. And once we get settled, you're all invited to come and visit with us. :D (Just not all at once. The house is nice but it's I don't think we'd all fit :haha: )
by Elohcin
Sat Nov 12, 2016 5:07 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

I see Epi has kept everyone updated on here. We truly see you all as friends even though you are so far away. We don't blabber our mess out there to anyone.

I am so excited and relieved that this is actually happening. I know not everyone on the syndicate are praying people or even believe in a one true God, creator of all things, but I do. And I have seen his hand in this time and time again over the past couple months. I normally have very few cakes in October, November, and December as families are preparing for the holidays. But I have been blessed with work like it's mid-summer. Epi just so happened to be around when there was news of a homebound student needing a facilitator and the student lives in our neighborhood so he was able to volunteer to work extra hours without having to pay for any gas to drive to her home. Being approved, raising our credit so significantly in just a few months, even our lender was shocked. All we had to do was pay for groceries on a new credit card and then pay it off each month. We've been able to keep our grocery budget small (as Epi said, we know how to eat cheap). And then my friend on Thursday (at homeschool group), the only one I have shared our struggles with, gave me a gift of $50...just like that. I was overwhelmed at her generosity and love. She said she felt led to give after seeking God. Amazing.
by Elohcin
Mon Oct 24, 2016 9:22 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

School Pictures!!!
Everyone say, "AWWWW!"
by Elohcin
Sun Oct 09, 2016 9:12 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

Congrats golden and Sophie. Pictures please!?
by Elohcin
Mon Sep 05, 2016 9:43 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

nutella wrote:Wow Eloh, how did you find the cover art for my upcoming indie folk album?? :p
Do I get royalties for the picture? :P Haha.
by Elohcin
Tue Aug 30, 2016 3:49 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

Nothing like lounging on the school table cuddled in a blanket to get the creative juices flowing during writing class.
by Elohcin
Sun May 08, 2016 8:45 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

DharmaHelper wrote:
G-Man wrote:My youngest daughter turned six months old today!
That went by FAST!
by Elohcin
Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:37 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

fingersplints wrote:
Elohcin wrote:I'm getting old too quickly. But I am trying to combat it by getting my body in better shape than ever. I may not LOOK like I did when I was a teenager but I'd like to have energy like I'm a teenager. I just wish I could stop these gray hairs!
I'm the same way. I'm older, but more fit then ever! Since I quit drinking and started working out in 2012 I think I've lost about 50 lbs. I've been at my goal weight for a while, but am getting more serious about toning. I've been thinking about creating a fitness type thread, so I (and hopefully others) can talk about working out and stuff.
I would a fittness thread :)
I am about where you are except I would love to lose another 8 lbs. I haven't lost anything since August!! I've gained a couple lbs of muscle, actually, doing p90x3 the past 7-8 weeks. I can tell I'm stronger and would love to keep building muscle but I want to balance it out with still losing some fat :p. I bought a body fat caliber a couple weeks ago and am currently at 25%, My goal is 22%. I'm trying not to focus too much on the scale and focus more on getting rid of the jiggle :D.

I also saw your post about how to cross stitch. I know how to do that....did some as a kid actually. I just recently taught myself how to crochet (single stitch). I don't have much time or the best wrists for it but I hope to get better eventually.
by Elohcin
Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:37 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

I'm getting old too quickly. But I am trying to combat it by getting my body in better shape than ever. I may not LOOK like I did when I was a teenager but I'd like to have energy like I'm a teenager. I just wish I could stop these gray hairs!
by Elohcin
Fri Sep 11, 2015 7:55 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

I was in Psych class (freshman in college) and I was just shocked. Epi and I were at a private college that was basically in it's own little bubble. There were only a handful of tv's on the whole campus. Several students stood in the student union building for a while and watched.
by Elohcin
Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:10 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

I used the remaining nectarines to make a dessert. When I announced that I was going to do this, I had this conversation with my three yr old.
Ephraim: Mommy, yer tryin' be da goodest mommy.
Me: Thank you, sweetie.
Ephraim: But sometimes you do fings dats wrong.
Me: (chuckle) I do? Like what? (I had to hear his answer for this.)
Ephraim: Wike watch TV.
Apparently once you pop out a kid, you are no longer allowed to watch TV. :P
by Elohcin
Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:44 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

Notice they are all still in pajamas, haha. Love homeschooling. I did feed them breakfast and make them brush their teeth at least.
by Elohcin
Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:41 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~


A 4th grader, a 1st grader, and a preschooler. This is my first year with all three. It's nice to start school while Epi is still home on summer break. He was able to help Ephraim with his Phonics today. "G for guitar! Like you play, Dad!"

Ephraim tried to write his own name for the first time. XD
by Elohcin
Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:30 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

Mongoose wrote:Wow, I bet the Roxy/SVS visit was stellar! I visited Logan last weekend and I literally (in the true sense of the word) could not have had more fun. I even tried cheddar cheese!

As an update:

a) I start Yoga Teacher Training in September!

b) My annual job performance review was today and it was amazing. The word "haberdashery" was used.

c) Been doing a lot of things with my work bros like kickball league, tubing, barbecues, day cruises, and food tours.

d) Miss y'all!
I miss YOU! I think you may be having too much fun without us!
by Elohcin
Mon Apr 27, 2015 8:00 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

Simon taking his first standardized test (mandated by the state). This is him "being comfortable" during the test. He went from sitting to standing on his chair every few minutes :) I love homeschooling and I love this kid XD
by Elohcin
Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:05 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

Metalmarsh89 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:He sent you your long lost twin? :confused:
Sounds like there's potential for that threesome now. :smile:

And llama, I have actually never dyed my hair and I don't think I ever will.
by Elohcin
Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:02 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

thellama73 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
thellama73 wrote:Did you die your hair black? That's new.
Dude, her hair is white and gold. :disappoint:
haha, no it was just wet. I had just gotten out of the shower when Epi came in with the mail bearing the gift :)
by Elohcin
Mon Mar 30, 2015 6:29 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

I'm thirty-two years old and my daddy still buys me unexpected presents. I got this in the mail today. XD
by Elohcin
Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:21 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

Not only do we have to discipline our children IRL, we have to discipline their Minecraft characters. Simon invaded a home that Abigail built which had snow in the backyard and put torches all over the backyard to melt her snow. I tell ya.
by Elohcin
Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:43 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

Today marks the day that Epi and I began dating. Fifteen years ago! Love you Epi!
by Elohcin
Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:52 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

highlight of my day: Epi hid the ring from Lord of the Rings Risk in Simon's room. Simon found it, came out and asked if it was real. We told him yes and he immediately threw it so far it rolled on the floor and into the air vent. You should have seen his face. I wish I had recorded it. So Epi starts saying, "my precious" and retrieved it from the vent. He tried to give it back to Simon and I told Simon it was his burden, he had to take it to the fires of Mordor. Simon was so scared. He kept backing away saying, "No! No!" (We then explained the truth.) Since that went so hilariously, we went to Abigail's room and tried to give it to her telling her what we found. She immediately freaked and pushed the ring off her bed. Again, I said, "it is now your burden, you must take the ring to the fires of Mordor." She began to cry and said, "No! I'm not going on a trip!" So hilarious!
by Elohcin
Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:08 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

Mongoose wrote:Would you believe me if I told you I received TWO (2) more requests for interviews today? Truly, when it rains, it pours.
I believe it! Some weeks I will have 4-6 cakes and others I will have just one, or none.
by Elohcin
Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:06 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

Epignosis wrote:Happy anniversary Eloh!

Eleven years and I still look incredible. :noble:

:haha: He is right :). Happy anniversary, babe! So glad I chose YOU!
by Elohcin
Sat May 24, 2014 9:48 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

Hey everyone. My sister makes some awesome things I think some of you would love. She makes dice bags (a nice place to store all your role playing die). She makes R2D2 beanies/toboggans. Check out her website. Image
Image Image
by Elohcin
Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:25 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Random~
Replies: 4326
Views: 162747

Re: Random~

Epignosis wrote:
Mister Rearranger wrote:I'm thinking about not drinking anymore. :shrug:
Go for it. Do it slowly and stop thinking about doing it if you're serious.
Is Epi encouraging someone NOT to drink? :huh:

I've never smoked a thing and I don't care much for alcohol. I do love the sweets though :P

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