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by Gunther
Wed Mar 09, 2016 5:30 pm
Forum: Turf Wars Prison Yard
Topic: [DAY 2] Turf Wars: Prison Edition
Replies: 70
Views: 4519

Re: [DAY 2] Turf Wars: Prison Edition

Since I have your complete and undivided attention due to the confines of today's challenge, it is time to unveil my evil plot.

What I propose is actually quite simple. You see, separately, we are little more than selfish individuals incapable of really doing much. Together, however, we could be a powerful team of empowering teammates.

How exactly can we do that? I'm glad you asked. So far as we know, only one of us is going to get pardoned. But we also know that we are about to be joined by other incoming prisoners. Seeing as we have been here the longest, why should we allow any of them to steal that pardon away from us?

You see, we should stick together as long as possible, the eleven of us. So far we have done a pretty frickin' good job of accomplishing the task at hand and I think we may just work well together in future random tasks. Why let the new blood swoop in and stand on our shoulders, usurping the progress we have made, only to steal the pardon away from us? I can see it now, one of them standing there, outside the prison walls, taunting us with 'I got your pardon! I got your pardon!'

So you see, what I am proposing is that we shank any newcomers before shanking any of us "old timers." Of course, I feel that shanking one of us would be acceptable if they intentionally or neglectfully cause us to fail at one of our random tasks. I'm perfectly prepared to go that route if necessary. I'm one crazy mo-fo. I had to pop a cop cause he wasn't giving me my props in Oaktown. No? I've heard that somewhere.

Once the pardon is up for grabs, things will understandbly descend into an everyone-for-him-or-herself free-for-all, at which point I wish you all the best of luck. You see, as a bald, pasty, washed-up supervillain with an unmistakably large scar on my face, I realize thay my chances of beating any of you are tiny.

I will do my best to make sure that whoever gets pardoned is one of the eleven of us, and most likely one of the ten of you. On top of it all, the pardon is almost certainly to take the non-incarcerated by complete surprise. Who would think such a turn of events is even probable?

That is why I am calling this plan Operation Improbably Victorious You, or as I like to call it for short, Operation IVY. If it can't be all eleven of us then it might as well be one of us.

What do you say, dawgs? Do we have a deal?

PS- Shazam, y'all! *puts pinkie to his mouth and smirks*
Spoiler: show
Prisoner 208986
Prisoner 277058
Prisoner 379949
Prisoner 413022
Prisoner 509378
Prisoner 513538
Prisoner 640326
Prisoner 650829
Prisoner 740359
Prisoner 813142
Prisoner 920077

Prisoner 208986
Prisoner 277058
Prisoner 379949
Prisoner 413022
Prisoner 509378
Prisoner 513538
Prisoner 640326
Prisoner 650829
Prisoner 740359
Prisoner 813142
Prisoner 920077

Round 3
Prisoner 208986
Prisoner 277058
Prisoner 379949
Prisoner 413022
Prisoner 509378
Prisoner 513538
Prisoner 640326
Prisoner 650829
Prisoner 740359
Prisoner 813142
Prisoner 920077

Round 4:
Prisoner 208986
Prisoner 277058
Prisoner 379949
Prisoner 413022
Prisoner 509378
Prisoner 513538
Prisoner 640326
Prisoner 650829
Prisoner 740359
Prisoner 813142
Prisoner 920077

Round 5:
Prisoner 208986
Prisoner 277058
Prisoner 379949
Prisoner 413022
Prisoner 509378
Prisoner 513538
Prisoner 640326
Prisoner 650829
Prisoner 740359
Prisoner 813142
Prisoner 920077
by Gunther
Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:02 pm
Forum: Turf Wars Prison Yard
Topic: [DAY 2] Turf Wars: Prison Edition
Replies: 70
Views: 4519

Re: [DAY 2] Turf Wars: Prison Edition

I for one would like to know why Prisoners 920077 and 640326 voted "No" in the poll. Don't they think we're evil enough to band together for a higher evil?

And what's with Prisoner 509378 not voting at all? Is he or she too much of a megalomaniacal iconoclast to conform to such a black and white question? Or did he or she simply forget to vote? Forgetfulness is not an enviable quality in a henchman I'm afraid.

Furthermore, can we trust this MovingPicture07 when he tells us that we can post at will after we reach our required quota? Look at what the Warden said:
Warden wrote:I believe in two things, discipline and the Bible. Here you'll receive both. Put your trust in the Lord. Your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Syndicate.

Your first prisoner challenge is as follows:

All prisoners must alternate posts, and each prisoner must post a minimum of 5 posts each.

Now get to work.
We were told to alternate posts and make a minimum of five posts each, not alternate posts until we've all accumulated a total of five. Interpretation is everything you know. I've learned that from running an evil multi-national corporation bent on global destruction. Is this MovingPictures07 trying to "hose us" perhaps?
Spoiler: show
Prisoner 208986
Prisoner 277058
Prisoner 379949
Prisoner 413022
Prisoner 509378
Prisoner 513538
Prisoner 640326
Prisoner 650829
Prisoner 740359
Prisoner 813142
Prisoner 920077

Prisoner 208986
Prisoner 277058
Prisoner 379949
Prisoner 413022
Prisoner 509378
Prisoner 513538
Prisoner 640326
Prisoner 650829
Prisoner 740359
Prisoner 813142
Prisoner 920077

Round 3
Prisoner 208986
Prisoner 277058
Prisoner 379949
Prisoner 413022
Prisoner 509378
Prisoner 513538
Prisoner 640326
Prisoner 650829
Prisoner 740359
Prisoner 813142
Prisoner 920077

Round 4:
Prisoner 208986
Prisoner 277058
Prisoner 379949
Prisoner 413022
Prisoner 509378
Prisoner 513538
Prisoner 640326
Prisoner 650829
Prisoner 740359
Prisoner 813142
Prisoner 920077

Round 5:
Prisoner 208986
Prisoner 277058
Prisoner 379949
Prisoner 413022
Prisoner 509378
Prisoner 513538
Prisoner 640326
Prisoner 650829
Prisoner 740359
Prisoner 813142
Prisoner 920077
by Gunther
Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:46 pm
Forum: Turf Wars Prison Yard
Topic: [DAY 2] Turf Wars: Prison Edition
Replies: 70
Views: 4519

Re: [DAY 2] Turf Wars: Prison Edition

You know, maybe it's because I'm the only evil genius in here, but wouldn't it be easier if everyone checked this link for the... *puts pinkie to mouth* count?

But seriously, I like the way some of you think. Outside of these cold walls, I think several of you could make terrific henchmen. More on that later, but think about it.

Either way, here's my contribution to the obnoxiously long spoiler-tagged color list. O-kay?
Spoiler: show
Here is a handy guide for those of you confused by the current task.
Prisoner 208986
Prisoner 277058
Prisoner 379949
Prisoner 413022
Prisoner 509378
Prisoner 513538
Prisoner 640326
Prisoner 650829
Prisoner 740359
Prisoner 813142
Prisoner 920077

Prisoner 208986
Prisoner 277058
Prisoner 379949
Prisoner 413022
Prisoner 509378
Prisoner 513538
Prisoner 640326
Prisoner 650829
Prisoner 740359
Prisoner 813142
Prisoner 920077

Round 3
Prisoner 208986
Prisoner 277058
Prisoner 379949
Prisoner 413022
Prisoner 509378
Prisoner 513538
Prisoner 640326
Prisoner 650829
Prisoner 740359
Prisoner 813142
Prisoner 920077

Round 4:
Prisoner 208986
Prisoner 277058
Prisoner 379949
Prisoner 413022
Prisoner 509378
Prisoner 513538
Prisoner 640326
Prisoner 650829
Prisoner 740359
Prisoner 813142
Prisoner 920077

Round 5:
Prisoner 208986
Prisoner 277058
Prisoner 379949
Prisoner 413022
Prisoner 509378
Prisoner 513538
Prisoner 640326
Prisoner 650829
Prisoner 740359
Prisoner 813142
Prisoner 920077
by Gunther
Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:59 am
Forum: Turf Wars Prison Yard
Topic: [DAY 2] Turf Wars: Prison Edition
Replies: 70
Views: 4519

Re: [DAY 2] Turf Wars: Prison Edition

Hello again my fellow incarcerated homies.

I am disappointed to see that there was no reaction whatsoever to my proposition. Perhaps I don't speak the right "lingo" for you peeps? Then let me put it to you this way, cuz...

*sample plays*


You weren't expecting me
See that abundantly
God only knows
I miss Mini-me and my kitty
That's how it goes.

Evil's all that I see... you ask me my name?
D to the Rizzo, E to the Vizzo, I to the Lizzo.
I'm a crazy mother [censored]- Y'all knew that.
Been here since before the first act.
That's all backwords, whats with that?
So I'll make a prophesy from the dogs to the mini me.
I'm gonna find a way to procure me a getaway.
Vaminos, mother [censored]!

*sample plays*


Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.


This is for all my homies in Bruges.

*sample plays again*

Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.

Ah, Cristal, my moto, a couple of bee-otches, why not?

I got master plot, it's all flaming hot. Listen up.
Need an evil crew- That could be you. Lift your cup.
Till then, I'll [censored] on my [censored]
And [censored] grand up the [censored] I'll call
And I'll [censored] in your [censored], thats all.
For shizzle my nizzle y'all!

by Gunther
Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:49 pm
Forum: Turf Wars Prison Yard
Topic: [DAY 2] Turf Wars: Prison Edition
Replies: 70
Views: 4519

Re: [DAY 2] Turf Wars: Prison Edition

Good day ladies and/or gentlemen.

I say that because, due to the construct of our technological prison, I do not actually know the gender makeup of this population.

My proposition is simple. Together, we take over the world! Muh ha-ha-ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Huh ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

WUH HA-HA-HA-HA! WUH HA-HA-ha-ha. HUH-HA-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.

Muh-ha-ha-ha. Ha ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.

Uh-huh-huh-huh. Huh huh huh. Huh huh heh. Hooo!

Huh huh. Huh.

Heh heh.


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