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by Grand Scheme
Sat Mar 30, 2013 9:56 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5
Replies: 1130
Views: 32283

Re: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5

I pitied the fools who didn't listen to the A Team!

This was so much fun! A first for me I had a blast as the A Team

Congrats to those baddie winners Dex Juliets Kate Teeth and Snow Dog you all played an incredible game!

Also lol at Roxy and llama!
by Grand Scheme
Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:25 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5
Replies: 1130
Views: 32283

Re: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5

FH - will you answer my question about the quote I pulled of yours?
by Grand Scheme
Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:29 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5
Replies: 1130
Views: 32283

Re: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5

Just wanted to point out that FH has posted in the MOTU game and has been online and in this thread yet she has not posted. Could be silenced, who knows. I just wanted to point this out.
by Grand Scheme
Fri Mar 29, 2013 1:39 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5
Replies: 1130
Views: 32283

Re: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5

Yes Kate there could other reasons. But have you actually read his posts? He is all over the map. Didn't want to lynch MP at first didn't want to lynch Vomps. If there was a recruit to MP's team I posit that it would be llama.
by Grand Scheme
Fri Mar 29, 2013 1:16 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5
Replies: 1130
Views: 32283

Re: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5

BWT - the same can be said for you too. You have ignored suspicion that has been directed at you.

But I promised a read of FH.

She has very few posts which struck me as a little odd since FH while not ever a top poster she usually has more quality posts.

She has been posting voting records, she does this when bad too, she has answered some suspicion directed her way but not all of it.

She accused LT of being ott in her defense and LT pointed out how her suspicion was based on not reading the entire thread and just one quote. LT proved FH's faulty case but did FH retract anything? No. Did she say yeah you're right LT I should have read the entire convo? No.

When LT said right before she was lynched that this is not a civvie FH, FH posts almost immediately and say something like:
"Woah LT I am a civvie I am not voting you see!!"
She did NOT say "LT you are right I didn't read the rest of the convo I based my suspicion on" she just said I am civvie!

She did say something in a post I did not understand so I will quote it and hope she can explain what she meant.
Flyin' High wrote: . I'm sure AATB was most sad to see LT 1.0 be lynched.
I see Kate is once again sticking up for llama. It makes me uncomfortable. Many baddies have stuck up for their teammates in this fashion lately.
llama is still making me wonder about his affiliation.

I do wonder if someone shouldn't read Kate and BWT too.
by Grand Scheme
Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:30 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5
Replies: 1130
Views: 32283

Re: MacGyver Mafia: The Cheesiest :D

Snow Dog wrote:
The A Team wrote: Really? Because it seems you are easily led this game Snow Dog.
I guess you make fun of my name because you are jealous :biggrin:
Surely not because I haven't been helpful, I have only been around a couple of days and came up with more suspicions than you have all game.
I pity the fool....

Suspicions are easy...easy to be right and easy to get wrong. ;)


I was talking to Billy and we have decided on this we can absolutely agree!
Since its likely there was a recruit it is hard to know who you can trust still.

I pity the fool too :dance:
by Grand Scheme
Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:01 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5
Replies: 1130
Views: 32283

Re: MacGyver Mafia: The Cheesiest :D

Snow Dog wrote:
thellama73 wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:
thellama73 wrote:
The A Team wrote: I noticed that Roxy, Reywas and LT all had llama as their biggest suspicion before they were NK'ed or lynched, coincidence, most likely not.
You really think I need to silence those who question me? Absurd. I am happy to answer their suspicions without having to resort to dirty tricks.
You have to admit it looks suspicious.
I would invite you to consider the possibility that it looks suspicious because someone wants it to look suspicious. I didn't vote for LT, and given the number of votes for her, I couldn't have orchestrated that kill if I had wanted to.
Rest easy. I don't pay any attention to the Eh? Team.
Really? Because it seems you are easily led this game Snow Dog.
I guess you make fun of my name because you are jealous :biggrin:
Surely not because I haven't been helpful, I have only been around a couple of days and came up with more suspicions than you have all game.
by Grand Scheme
Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:07 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5
Replies: 1130
Views: 32283

Re: MacGyver Mafia: The Cheesiest :D

Sorry LT I really had no control over myself. :(

llama - sorry, no, I have not been compromised. I can be wrong just like you!
As it turns out baddies CAN target me as well as the real players. :( I bet you already knew that didn't you?

I noticed that Roxy, Reywas and LT all had llama as their biggest suspicion before they were NK'ed or lynched, coincidence, most likely not.

I picked Cyndi Lauper. Her music is for sure ear numbingly 80's.
by Grand Scheme
Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:13 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5
Replies: 1130
Views: 32283

Re: MacGyver Mafia: The Cheesiest :D

Who Speaks Gibberish??

Poll runs till Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:04 pm

BWT~ 0

boo~ 0

Dex~ 0

Flyin' High (rep AATB)~ 0

He Man~ 1 thellama73 (4)

Juliets~ 0



LittleTiger (9), Flyin' High (13), boo (14)

LT2.0 (rep INH)~

birdwithteeth11 (5), Russtifinko (6), Dex (7), Snow Dog (8), juliets (10), Kate (11), He-Man (12), The A Team (15)

Russtifinko~ 0

Snow Dog~ 0

Silly Option Forgetting Host~ 3 S~V~S (1), Spacedaisy (2), MovingPictures07 (3)

Total votes : 15
by Grand Scheme
Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:12 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5
Replies: 1130
Views: 32283

Re: MacGyver Mafia: The Cheesiest :D

We voted LT although she was not our first choice. After her exchange with HeMan I had some doubt. She is a very crafty player but so is HeMan.

Either way it should be one hell of an exciting lynch :)

Looks like Dex is in a bit of trouble with our lovely Host :lol:
Don't say we didn't warn you fool! :noble:
by Grand Scheme
Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:14 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5
Replies: 1130
Views: 32283

Re: MacGyver Mafia: The Cheesiest :D

Dex wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:Let's hope you don't get a punishment now for circumventing the hex or whatever it was.
I h o p e n o t , t e c h n i c a l l y I a m d o i n g w h a t i s r e q u i r e d b u t I g u e s s I ' l l f i n d o u t .

S o , I f e e l p r e t t y g o o d a b o u t a n L T 2 . 0 v o t e t o d a y . I f s h e d o e s f l i p m a f i o s o s h e w i l l b e a m e m b e r o f H I T . I f t h e A - T e a m i s r i g h t a b o u t t h e r e h a v i n g b e e n o n l y o n e r e c r u i t , t h e n w e w i l l b e d o w n t o o n e m e m b e r o f H I T a n d o n e m e m b e r o f t h e p s y c h o f a m i l y . T h a t d o e s n ' t s e e m t o o b a d - b u t T H A T w o r r i e s m e b e c a u s e t h e A - T e a m a l s o s a i d w e n e e d t o b e c a r e f u l l a n d t h a t s e e m s a l m o s t t o o c u t a n d d r y .
I pity the fool who circumvents hexes. Lets hope SVS is in a good mood :D

BWT - I am suspicious of you b/c of your playstyle. In the beginning you were full of rl excuses, and thats fine, but when you say you are going to read and catch up then don't I have to grow curiouser about you. Then when you did 'supposedly' do a read through you asked everyone for bullet points. If you had just read through the thread you should have been full of your own bullet points.

HeMan - I am suspicious of you because you vote llama one day the next you focused on Vompatti (rightly so, but so was everyone else). What changed between those votes? It seemed to me that you voted llama when it was safe to do so knowing he would not get lynched then the next day when I brought up llama you were all like 'Hey! Wait lets look at Vompatti not llama!' The whole thing just read strange to me. Your voting record is also quite atrocious.

Dex - we need to be careful in what we are assuming, you know what they say about 'assume'ing' right? There is a lot more going on bts than you or even I am aware of. Also I may know more than I let on but I am allowed to say so much and I can only help so far, the civ's will need to step up and do the rest.
by Grand Scheme
Tue Mar 26, 2013 8:23 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5
Replies: 1130
Views: 32283

Re: MacGyver Mafia: The Cheesiest :D

Poor Reywas RIP my friend -odd choice for the kill no one could understand the poor kid!

Looks like Dex won't be a problem to understand. His words are are just jumbled almost easy as pie compared to Reywas.

So hope we are looking at llama, FH, LT2 and possibly HeMan.
What do we think about Snow Dog and Kate?

by Grand Scheme
Tue Mar 26, 2013 3:24 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5
Replies: 1130
Views: 32283

Re: MacGyver Mafia: The Cheesiest :D

Russtifinko wrote:Yeah, all the capital B's make it pretty unintelligible.

So it seems clear from SVS's post that the theory about recruitment is spot on and that team's recruit isn't dead. Thus worries me, partly because the roles state that all baddie powers are cyclical, so both baddie teams could theoretically do this every couple days, and we won't know how many baddies are left. Worse, the recruit would've been acting good the whole time until they were turned and thus could be harder to find via thread evidence and votes. I think if we can we need to stamp out the recruit so there's only 1 team that could be recruiting. Unfortunately I haven't the slightest about who the recruit could be.

I think getting any baddie tomorrow would be a positive step, and we have some decent candidates for that, but I hope we can get some extra discussion going about this new issue and potentially nip it in the bud.

So general questions for more experienced folks out there: how does recruiting usually work? Would a recruit keep their powers and just change win conditions, or inherit the baddies' powers and nk now that the original baddies are dead? And if we were to lynch a recruit would the reveal just list their original role or say " role (this was a recruit)"?

And specific questions for the A team: you said something about civvies potentially being in big trouble a few days ago, back when I thought we were actually on a roll having lynched MP and having good leads on his partner. Did you know and this beforehand, and if so can you say how? Is their any other helpful information you're allowed to share with us at this point?
First off yes if a civ is recruited 98% of the time they retain their powers and would get the NK if the rest of the team was dead. They would only inherit baddie powers if they were pooled and used as one. Usually if they are lynched there would be a mention of "Sally is X and was recruited".
I believe there to be only 1 recruit.

I say usually because you never know is this crazy game called mafia.

Ok Rusty to answer your questions:

No I cannot elaborate further about the civ's being in trouble. You all absolutely need to pull and act together if you want to win.

I was sent to help the civ's.
Because of everyone's awesomeness in lynching Vompatti I have now been given a vote.
I cannot protect, block or kill anyone.
I know some things but not everything.
I can only post a limited amount.

I think thats all I am willing to tell you about us.
by Grand Scheme
Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:13 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5
Replies: 1130
Views: 32283

Re: MacGyver Mafia: The Cheesiest :D


Looks like we need a little 'Face' time today!

Why would Vompatti lay such a heavy role hint down then proceed to act like he wants all the votes? Even so far as voting himself?
I don't like the way this went down.

Two teams of 2 baddies. No one has even thought to bring up either
A) Recruitment
B) Merging of the teams

Too many baddie secrets to discount either.

Civvies should worry.

Mr. T wanted me to remind you all about his thoughts on llama and HeMan.
by Grand Scheme
Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:44 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5
Replies: 1130
Views: 32283

Re: MacGyver Mafia: The Cheesiest :D

So civvies which of these fools is bad?

Is Vompatti's role out er hmm hint believeable? It was at a very convenient time.

llama's defense was just "Hey I don't trust The A Team" hey kid let me tell you something about The A Team, we go after bad people. We are the good guys.

I noted that HeMan voted llama yesterday but was worried today that the vote would turn away from Vompatti. I wonder if he threw his teammate a vote yesterday, safely, then pushed the lynch to Vompatti.

So guys where are we at?
by Grand Scheme
Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:34 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5
Replies: 1130
Views: 32283

Re: MacGyver Mafia: The Cheesiest :D

thellama73 wrote:You know what, A-Team? I don't think I like you. It's a shame, too, because you used to be cool.
I am cool, fool!
by Grand Scheme
Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:23 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5
Replies: 1130
Views: 32283

Re: MacGyver Mafia: The Cheesiest :D

He-Man wrote:I'm not sure why or like the push away from vomp, I think this is where we need to concentrate today.
What's the matter you afraid the suspicion might go to a teammate? There were only a couple of posts after my initial post and you make this post like EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT LLAMA - WHAT ABOUT VOMPS???
Kate wrote:I looked over llama again. I know I have only played one game with him but I'm really not seeing any suspicious behavior. Can anyone elaborate?
Why not look at his voting record? It is quite awful tbh. Sure he voted for MP first but hey didn't everyone plan to do the exact same thing?
He sure posts a lot but what has he really said? Not very much meat to his posts - I pity the fool who does read back on llama!

That Vomps sure is trickstery - posting poems does NOT give you bonus civvie points. How about you respond to some of these posts against you instead of just bumping and grinding?

I am voting for Vompatti or llama today I hope others can help me decide which is best - but I really want one of them dead more than the other!
by Grand Scheme
Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:37 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: MacGyver Mafia~It's NOT Night 5
Replies: 1130
Views: 32283

Re: MacGyver Mafia: The Cheesiest :D

I pity the fool who isn't looking at thellama!

Vompatti could possibly use a good swing from a rope!

Be careful civvies or its game over!

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