Search found 205 matches

by Mongoose
Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:59 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME]: Film Directors.
Replies: 3481
Views: 98246

Re: [Day 0]: Film Directors.

Canucklehead wrote:
Mongoose wrote:
Canucklehead wrote:Hmmmmm....I am by no means an expert in or connoisseur of film, so imma just vote for a woman, cuz there are practically none on the list.
Ava Duvernay is absent, and Kathryn Bigelow is spelt wrong which made her hard to google, and Nora Ephron made "Julie and Julia" which I hated, and while I loved "The Virgin Suicides", "Marie Antoinette" was an abomination that should've revoked Sofia Copola's filmmaking liscense, so that leaves me with Susanne Bier, of whom I have never heard, but whose films I may now watch just because I now feel an intimate connection with her because I just typed a long and unnecessary paragraph justifying a vote for her. :noble:
I truly believe Susanne Bier is the most gifted filmmaker alive today. I had Penny Marshall and others on the list too (Catherine Hardwicke, foreign directors, Mira Nair etc). but you can only have 50 poll options.
In that case, I am legit excited to watch her films! Where should I start? The one she won the Oscar for? (Keep in mind I am a cinema neophyte and may not appreciate some of the subtler/more technical aspects of filmmaking... :blush:

In a Better World won her the Oscar, but I loved After the Wedding in a nearly erotic way. It's being currently remade by Hollywood, who also remade her film Brothers.

Cinema neophytes are welcome!
by Mongoose
Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:05 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME]: Film Directors.
Replies: 3481
Views: 98246

Re: [Day 0]: Film Directors.

Canucklehead wrote:Hmmmmm....I am by no means an expert in or connoisseur of film, so imma just vote for a woman, cuz there are practically none on the list.
Ava Duvernay is absent, and Kathryn Bigelow is spelt wrong which made her hard to google, and Nora Ephron made "Julie and Julia" which I hated, and while I loved "The Virgin Suicides", "Marie Antoinette" was an abomination that should've revoked Sofia Copola's filmmaking liscense, so that leaves me with Susanne Bier, of whom I have never heard, but whose films I may now watch just because I now feel an intimate connection with her because I just typed a long and unnecessary paragraph justifying a vote for her. :noble:
I truly believe Susanne Bier is the most gifted filmmaker alive today. I had Penny Marshall and others on the list too (Catherine Hardwicke, foreign directors, Mira Nair etc). but you can only have 50 poll options.
by Mongoose
Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:43 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME]: Film Directors.
Replies: 3481
Views: 98246

Re: [Day 0]: Film Directors.

Yes, your favorite director may not be in the poll. I previously had 210 options but had to delete a ton.

Day 0: Film School Begins


Everyone gathered around. This was their moment to learn something about the superior art of cinema in a tasty, palatable format. Would their minds explode with pleasure?

There was only one way to find out.


You may post. It is now Day 0.
by Mongoose
Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME]: Film Directors.
Replies: 3481
Views: 98246

Re: [Day 0]: Film Directors.


1. No unauthorized BTSC (behind the scenes conversation).

2. No role outing or information dumping. If you have a concern about this or whether a prospective post is questionable, please feel free to PM me or the game mod, Epignosis. Remember that it's not actually better to ask forgiveness rather than permission.

3. Epignosis is our game mod. If you feel overheated (in a bad way) by a fellow player or host (that's me), take it to him. That's what he's here for! If you have concerns about my hosting or just generally any issues, he is a great resource. But remember, although I might seem like pushover, Epi the Enforcer will kindly make sure this is a tight ship.

4. Off-topic conversation is not discouraged in my games (imagine that), but please use Off-Topic green. There's an OT button in the toolbar above.

5. Non-players can post off-topic only, but please use Non-Player blue. There's an NP button in the toolbar above.

6. Dead players can post off-topic only, but please use Dead Red. There's a Dead button in the toolbar above.

7. I will be posting in this color. Please refrain from using it.

8. Don't be a jerk.

9. No double targeting. This means you cannot choose the same person to target on subsequent nights.

10. FUN is a requirement.

11. No one is Supatown.
by Mongoose
Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [ENDGAME]: Film Directors.
Replies: 3481
Views: 98246

[ENDGAME]: Film Directors.

My obsession with cinema began when I was 11. It has since swallowed me whole.

For Your Consideration:

Some of us love cinema in a legit erotic way. For those people, I present the following.

For nearly forty years this story has given faithful service to the Young
in Heart; and Time has been powerless to put its kindly philosophy out of

To those of you who have been faithful to it in return

...and to the Young in Heart --- I dedicate this mafia game.

Film Director Mafia
This will be a traditional-format game, but with an inappropriate amount of fun.

Robert Rodriguez Grindhouse Director: Has BTSC with Tarantino.

Quentin Tarantino Grindhouse Director: Has BTSC with Rodriguez.

David Lean Director of epics, he knows the value of taking one's time during shoots. Steady wins the race. 2 lynch pardons.

George Cukor American Director of Classic Comedies. Can target a player to reference a romantic comedy in each post they make.

Howard Hawks Classic Hollywood Director. A silent era director that fully embraced and utilized sound, he can be flexible. May adopt a player's power at night.

Jean Luc Godard New Wave Director: Can send one message every day period to protege Truffaut.

François Truffaut New Wave Director: Can send one message every night period to mentor Godard.

Busby Berkeley Glitzy movie director and cinematographer: Can distract another player with glam and gold. Role blocker.

Sergei Eisenstein Soviet Film Director and Godfather of Montage. Can post a recap each day.

Fritz Lang German-Austrian Expressionist: Can creatively post his thoughts every night.

Darren Aronofsky Another auteur who can find BTSC with David Lean using math, a common theme in his films.

Pedro Almodovar With passion and desire being two of the prevalent themes of this acclaimed Spanish director, he may cause 2 players to miss the vote due to the manifestation of their carnal desires.

Stanley Kubrick Realist, perfectionist director and genre hopper. He can once reshoot a day period.

Cecil B Demille Known for his flamboyant showmanship, he also successfully made the transition from silent to sound. Each night he searches for Howard Hawks. If he finds him, they gain BTSC.

Orson Welles Excess and the demise of Don Quixote left the former prodigy weak. However, in his early days, he is stronger. For the first 5 votes, his vote will count as 2. And 0 thereafter.

John Waters Transgressive and ecclectic cult film director who often features Baltimore in his films. He can send The Baltimore FootStomper out after a player each night. That player will be muted during the day period and blocked during the night period.

Ingmar Bergman Evocative Swedish film director who often had religion as a theme in his films. May grant amnesty to a player 3x, which will result in his/her removal from the lynch that day.

Mafia - The Brotherhood (BTSC). Odd Night Kill.

Coen Bros. Jewish brothers who often use the same actors in their films. Can call upon the Golem to protect a player.

Duplass Bros. Mumblecore creators. Inspired by Cassavetes, their super-realism shows the nuances of every day life.

Wachowskis. Siblings known for their multi-part storytelling.

Mafia - The Hacks (BTSC). Even Night Kill.

Michael Bay Known for explosions over plot, this director, can distract civs and turn their minds off (role block).

Uwe Boll Known for video game adaptations, he can twice lock the thread when his work gets criticized.

Roland Emmerich Natural disaster movie guru, his over the top films do not garner much critical acclaim.

* The Katherines (Katherines Bigelow and Hardwicke)
* Billy Wilder's Cameo
* Shyamalan Clusterhump
* Actors Turned Directors Day (Clint Eastwood, George Clooney, Ron Howard, Mel Gibson. etc)
* Bollywood Day
* Nollywood Day
* Oscar Party!
* Everything's animated! (John Lassiter and Miyizaki stop by.)
* James Lipton Interviews the Directors
* Fresh Air Interview w/Terry Gross
* Directors Respond to Bad Reviews
* Roger Ebert
* Raimi Drops Keep Falling on My Head
* Misspelled Director's Chair.
* Interfering Producer(s)

* David Lynch Period
* Georges Melies Short Film
* Found Footage Fest
* Lucas/Spielburg Retaliation
* Copolla Cop Out
* Ozu, Oh Me!
* Christopher Nolan Nation

* That's Not Scorsese!
* Where's Roman Polanski Hiding?
* and more

Film ratings, Academy Awards, and Positive Reviews

Made 2.0 (originally Lizzy)
Long Con
TurnipHead 2.0 (originally Roxy)

BirdWithTeeth - Killed Day 1 (Howard Hawks) Day reshot
A Person - Killed Day 1 (Darren Aronofsky)
MovingPictures07 - Killed Day 2 (Stanley Kubrick)
FZ - Murdered Night 2.
Vompatti - Killed Day 3 (Francois Truffaut)
BirdWithTeeth11 - Murdered Night 3, Rezz'd
Ninjablooper - Killed Day 4 (Pedro Almodovar)
Timmer - Murdered Night 4
Made - Lynched Day 5 (David Lean)
thellama73 - Murdered Night 5
Turnip Head - Lynched Day 6 (John Waters)
BirdWithTeeth11 - Murdered Night 6
Metalmarsh - Lynched Day 7 (Uwe Boll)
Black Rock - Murdered Night 7
DFaraday - Lynched Day 8 (Jean-Luc Godard)
S~V~S - Murdered Night 8
Bass - Murdered Night 9
A Person - Lynched Day 10
Vompatti - Murdered Night 11
Canucklehead - Lyched Day 12
Dom - Murdered Night 12

The Story So Far
Day 1 - BWT is lynched
Day 1 is rewound (BWT still lives)
Day 2 - Moving Pictures is lynched.
Night 2 - FZ is murdered
Day 3 - Vompatti is lynched
Night 3 - BirdWithTeeth is murdered. BWT is rezz'd
Day 4 - Ninjablooper is lynched.
Night 4 - Timmer is murdered.
Day 5 - Made is lynched.
Night 5 - thellama73 is murdered.
Day 6 - A Person replaces Sabie. Made replaces Lizzy.
Turnip Head is lynched.
Night 6 - BirdWithTeeth11 has been murdered.
Day 7 - Vompatti replaces SpaceDaisy.
Metalmarsh is lynched.
Night 7 - Black Rock is murdered.
Day 8 - DFaraday is lynched.
Night 8 - S~V~S is murdered.
Day 9 - No one died.
Night 9 - Bass is murdered.
Day 10 - A Person is lynched.
Night 10 - No one died.
Day 10 - No one died.
Night 11 - Vompatti 2.0 is murdered.
Day 12 - Canucklehead is lynched (Cecil B. Demille)
Night 12 - Dom is murdered.

MAFIA: The Hacks won!
Congrats to Metalmarsh, Turniphead & Ricochet!

Honorary Winner: Roxy!

Return to “[ENDGAME]: Film Directors.”