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by Mongoose
Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:11 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

David Lee Roth!

Freddie Mercury or Robbie Williams?
by Mongoose
Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:58 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -


Kate or Allie (this is even more fitting since these are our names!)
by Mongoose
Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:42 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

For a pet? Well I have a cat but not a mongoose. But my nickname has been Mongoose since I was like 13, sooooo.

Would you rather eat Greek yogurt or attend yoga? (This demographic seems to overlap a lot).
by Mongoose
Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:04 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

A tea party. I am not one for clubs or raves. I don't think we even have raves in the States. Come over to my house for brunch instead. I'll feed you until you are uncomfortably full.

Would you rather win a Nobel Peace Prize or the Lottery?
by Mongoose
Wed Jul 31, 2013 3:35 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Would you rather throw a party or attend a party?
by Mongoose
Wed Jul 31, 2013 3:16 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

At a restaurant. I love unlimited refills and I also love sitting around with someone chatting. Because I love the social aspects of dinner out, I'll say that. I cook pretty well, so that is also nice. I entertain a lot (groups of 6 people), so that's my fave thing. Make a few apps and zerts and then watch a DVD etc.

oops linki - Well, I enjoy cooking but I'm way better at cooking than my husband. I'm lazy though so I'll say the latter.

What is your favorite excuse for a party?
by Mongoose
Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:36 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

I have been trapped in an elevator before and it was acutely unpleasant. Hospital.

Bagel (or bialy) or donut/doughnut?
by Mongoose
Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:41 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Me too. Vindaloo or Madras or Jalfrezi for me. I like the tomato-based sauces best.

Turkey! The food is magnificent and there are lots of architectural delights I'd like to see.

Speaking of architecture, I really want to go to Prague. Would you rather go to Prague or Bratislava?
by Mongoose
Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:03 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

I'll always go with a tomato-based sauce. Marinara is my friend. My absolute favorite is arrabiata.

Curry: Indian or Thai?
by Mongoose
Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:34 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

I also love galumpkis but I think it's hard to find a veg version that isn't too starchy. If I ate meat, I bet I'd say galumpkis! I'll say pierogis though, it's a family favorite. We don't pan fry them per the instructions, but I rub each side with a tiny bit of oil and then bake in the toaster oven. Then we dip into plain Greek yogurt or tzaiziki.

Do you prefer ravioli or tortellini?
by Mongoose
Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:12 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

I agree, I would also take the ginger peach. I'm allergic to mint, so I'm with you there.

Today is my husband's first day at work! He is going to be a burrito artist at Chipotle. He has a metabolism like a greyhound, so we will save a lot on food. Anyway, I am going to make pierogi for his dinner (or his tea, as he calls it). I got them from this Greek produce market that "imports" handmade foods from other ethnic markets around the Bay.

Would you rather have Potato & Onion or Potato & Sauerkraut pierogi?
by Mongoose
Tue Jul 30, 2013 10:10 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Potato. I am potato salad fiend.

Ginger peach lemonade or mint blueberry lemonade?
by Mongoose
Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:00 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

I don't really like either, but I'll go with toffee.

Propane or charcoal for grilling?
by Mongoose
Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:47 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Leia, because Amidala has questionable taste in men.

Ice cream or frozen yogurt? (Or custard)
by Mongoose
Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:14 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Felix. He's a good cook and I'm messy.

Mark or his cousin Balki
by Mongoose
Mon Jul 29, 2013 12:43 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Phoebe, because of "Smelly Cat" and when I was in high school, everyone said I reminded them of her. :/

Anyway, pick:

Jesse Katsopoulis/Danny Tanner/Joey
by Mongoose
Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:50 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -


Lemon or lime?
by Mongoose
Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:07 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Dude I have stereotypical thick ass Cherokee eyebrows (people ask if I'm Sicilian a lot), so I can't lose those, people wouldn't recognize me without my Jack Nicholsons. I'd go with eyelashes because you can always wear falsies. You can always tell when people pencil on eyebrows. Good question, Kate.

Lavender lemonade or Basil lemonade?
by Mongoose
Sat Jul 27, 2013 8:06 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -


Lions or tigers?
by Mongoose
Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:57 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Knights are often pawns (ha) of monarchs, so I'll choose the rook. The best offense is a good defense.

Crunchy tacos or soft tacos? We had tacos for dinner tonight (we eat really early; it's just now 3:57PM)
by Mongoose
Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:03 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

I'm very much both. I'm always up in my own head. If I could only be one, I'd choose creative as my analytical craziness is not always an asset.

Would you rather eat your least favorite meal every Sunday for the rest of your life or only have your favorite meal once more in your life?
by Mongoose
Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:20 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Pepper. I never salt anything and I am a pepper fiend.

Would you rather do the Cinnamon Challenge (swallow a tbsp of cinnamon) or the Milk Challenge (drink a gallon of milk -- your choice of milk)?
by Mongoose
Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:32 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

My BFF and fave coworker are both Brazilian born, so I'd go there. I don't really want to ever go to Colombia or Venezuela.

Would you rather go to the Arctic or Antarctic?
by Mongoose
Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:37 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

I am so sorry. I got the Random Questions thread mixed up with this one. As you noticed.

I could probably take Bruce Willis. The way Kevin Smith talks about him, Bruce Willis seems a bit like a d***.

Would you rather eat carrots until you got jaundice or ate poppy seed muffins/bagels until you tested positive for opiates?
by Mongoose
Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:08 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

You couldn't pay me a million dollars to be a teenager again. I'd say an extremely intelligent octo. Think of all the things they've seen -- lived through WW2, the advent of the Salk vaccine, the birth of antibiotics! Can you imagine being on a college campus when the Rosenbergs were executed? I'd loved to be at college then in the amidst all political talk.

Ooh link -Epi
I would rather have tea with the Mad Hatter. He couldn't possibly be crazier than the people I come across on a daily basis. I'm enjoying some Ceylon right now.

What is your fave capital city?
by Mongoose
Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:38 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

I would pick the cat. Mongoose likes some private time. I get lonely, but it just takes a lot longer for me to feel that way than a lot of people. Also, I don't like awkward situations and when witnessing those I'd like to just mute out into the ether. Good question, Epi.

I like this theme.

You see a bottle that says "Drink Me" and a cake that says "Eat Me" but you can only enjoy one. Which do you consume?
by Mongoose
Fri Jul 26, 2013 9:33 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

I know you might expect me to say bouillabaisse (see my URL in my signature), but I am a beet fiend. Borscht it is.

Would you rather have a tomato gazpacho or a chilled watermelon soup?
by Mongoose
Thu Jul 25, 2013 5:31 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

A boat because it would have a bathroom at least. Much more privacy too, I'd think.

Would you rather go camping or glamping?
by Mongoose
Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:42 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Ideally, I'd be on one of those shows where they send teams to investigate paranormal places. I grew up in a haunted house and I don't scare easily. I guess I'll pick Hell's Kitchen because Big Brother seems way too invasive. I'm very private and I wouldn't want them to show me in my house day-to-day. Plus I think Hell's Kitchen would mean I'd only be on one episode instead of the whole series? I used to stand up in college, so it's not that I'm afraid of the spotlight or crowds, but I wouldn't want the sensation of being watched unless I'm performing etc.

Would you rather be on the international space station or in one of those underwater habitats (think Sphere).
by Mongoose
Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:43 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Almond Joy! I love almonds. They are such a superfood. I eat 5-6 raw almonds every day for their B-17 content and potentially cancer-reducing properties.

Chunky or smooth peanut butter? (I'll take almond butter personally).
by Mongoose
Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:23 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Chilly Willy. It's too dang hot.

Would you rather be outside during an earthquake or a hurricane?
by Mongoose
Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:56 am
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Spongebob I think.

Would you rather see a ghost while you're in bed or while you're in the tub/shower?
by Mongoose
Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:23 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

I'll pick the announcing door. I never knock loud enough apparently.

Would you rather own Ren & Stimpy as pets or Catdog (no pet waste!)
by Mongoose
Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:10 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

I think the phone booth because he talks to the most fabulous people on there.

Would you rather be Reba the Mail Lady or the King of Cartoons.
by Mongoose
Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:40 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

I'd eat the food in the fridge. It always looked so delicious, but that may be partially because I was hungry and waiting for my dad to wake up and make me breakfast!

Would you rather own Talking Fish or a Cool Cat/Chicky Baby band?
by Mongoose
Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:33 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

I will definitely pick Jambese. I feel a lot of the people around me are poor listeners and a lot of conversations are boringly unilateral. They'd at least have to listen to me if they had to repeat what I said </CassandraComplex>

Would you learn how to throw a lasso with Cowboy Curtis or get a makeup tutorial from Miss Yvonne?
by Mongoose
Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:59 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Definitely Dottie.

Would you rather teach a room full of Randys or a room full of Billy Baloneys?
by Mongoose
Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:41 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

S~V~S wrote:True Mud~ I like me some white trash mudpires :)

Would you rather your kids be mentored in Mr Rogers Neighborhood, or Pee Wees Playhouse?
Oh man, I loved both of those shows when I was a kid. We always watched Pee Wee together, and his latest Playhouse on Broadway type special on HBO was amazing. I had a lot of the action figures when I was little. I guess I will give a slight edge to Mr. Rogers because a) it is on PBS; b) slightly more educational; c) teaches kids to feel good about themselves; and d) doesn't teach kids to scream real loud.

Would you rather dance with Conky or sit on Chairy?
by Mongoose
Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:59 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

I'm going on a picnic!

Would you rather be on Monsterpiece Theater or True Mud (Sesame Street's Masterpiece Theater and True Blood satires, respectively)?
by Mongoose
Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:45 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

My husband reminds me a lot of Oscar the Grouch, so I'd have to select him. Plus, I think counting endlessly would get tiring, even if the Count is a sexy beast.

Would you rather be serenaded by Kermit or Ryan Gosling?
by Mongoose
Tue Jul 16, 2013 5:37 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Grover because he also hates strawberry jam and wouldn't be too cheery in the mornings (unlike Elmo).

Would you rather go on a ride on Big Bird or Snuffie?
by Mongoose
Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:36 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Hmm, I guess a bird since it's white and it doesn't "read" poop as much to your brain as much as a baby's (Orange?) liquidy poop might. My friend just became a mom and she sends out photo texts to us each time her son explodes his diaper. I have a very high level of tolerance for gross things, but that even made me queasy.

Would you rather live The Odd Couple or Ernie and Bert?
by Mongoose
Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:46 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Burger King because I think the fries are a little bit better and the one nearest us has one of those Cola Freestyle machines.

Get infected by the Guinea worm for a year of your life (that Carter has nearly eradicated) or have tapeworms for the rest of your life?
by Mongoose
Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:17 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

I think as long as it was painlessly removed, I'd go pinky. I don't think it would affect my typing or writing, but I think losing a big toe realllllly effs up with your gait.

Elvis Presley or Elvis Costello?
by Mongoose
Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:25 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Rock and a hard place.

Would you rather listen to Fran Drescher's self-narrated autobiography in the car or Gilbert Gottfried's?
by Mongoose
Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:38 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

The politician, because I would and could undermine him at every step.

Would you rather live in a mansion (in the style of your choice) and use an outhouse or have a small bungalow with a garden tub, bowl sinks, and lots of closet space?
by Mongoose
Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:31 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Epignosis wrote:
Would you rather have bright orange irises or white pupils?
I'll go with the bright orange irises.

Would you rather eat a wriggling larva or dead rat?
by Mongoose
Wed Jun 19, 2013 6:42 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

Potatoes for sure, they are probably my third favorite food.

Would you rather be in a righteous mob and get indicted or be persecuted by a righteous mob?
by Mongoose
Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:44 pm
Forum: The Casino
Topic: Would you rather - -
Replies: 1701
Views: 65669

Re: Would you rather - -

I do my own plumbing when it's something easy or easy-moderate. Anything above that I leave to the professionals. I wish I could do more though.

See a ghost at the end of your bed or see a great white during your scuba dive?

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