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by Mongoose
Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:02 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

thellama73 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Tonight I try my hand at making sushi. :srsnod:

Wish me sake luck.
Rots of ruck!
good lord logan.

Pics please?
by Mongoose
Wed Aug 12, 2015 11:10 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

I've been making acai bowls and am obsessed.
by Mongoose
Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:50 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Hedgeowl wrote:Idk, but now I seriously want one. Maybe you layer different flavors? Mmm cool ranch Doritos are my fav.

Or maybe you make a cake from small bags of chips? Like those diaper "cakes" at baby showers.
I wonder if you are right with that last one. It nauseates me. Will report back tomorrow with the results!
by Mongoose
Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:08 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

hey guys, wtf is a dorito cake?
by Mongoose
Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:13 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

bea wrote:lol - really? I love salad lots but I'm not sure fresh brusell sprouts are the way to go there. Convince me

also - omg - I didn't even tell you guys - I was FORCED to make lasagna last night. I'm kinda sad I didn't get the choice to make my love. I really would have - if I was given the choice, but the being forced to do it sits just a half an inch on this side of wrong. Ya know?
Kids, this is what happens when you Trazodone while still on the internet. :blush:

Anyway, I think roasted is the way to go. Slice them in half and sprinkle with salt and pepper and olive oil. I like to add a balsamic glaze after they've cooked. They don't need a lot because they will be so sweet after roasting.I think 450 is about right, but Epignosis can confirm. They eat them a lot in England, so my MIL taught me her method.

You can also add brown sugar to candy them (or molasses), but that's a bit too much for me. Others, however, will pop them like candy. I like them with some mashed taters and bbq tempeh or lentil loaf. Such a heartwarming meal!
by Mongoose
Tue Sep 02, 2014 2:02 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

bea wrote:The best way to prepair fresh brusell sprouts:

in a salad
by Mongoose
Mon Sep 01, 2014 10:20 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

^ That sounds great because tomatoes are my favorite food!
by Mongoose
Thu Aug 28, 2014 3:16 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Epignosis wrote:
Mongoose wrote:
Epignosis wrote:I should have said "Greek." I've had the methods of preparations switched in my head.
Well, now I'm curious - is the Turkish preparation notably different? Greek, Turkish, and Lebanese round out my favorite cuisines.
Turkish moussaka is not stacked but is more of a casserole. And it usually includes a larger variety of vegetables.
Well color me intrigued. Thanks!
by Mongoose
Thu Aug 28, 2014 3:02 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Epignosis wrote:I should have said "Greek." I've had the methods of preparations switched in my head.
Well, now I'm curious - is the Turkish preparation notably different? Greek, Turkish, and Lebanese round out my favorite cuisines.
by Mongoose
Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:53 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Epignosis wrote:Last night I made a Turkish Moussaka. Slices of roasted eggplant topped with a meat mixture that includes ground turkey (ha!), onion, garlic, parsley, chives, tarragon, cinnamon, and nutmeg, and then topped with a heavy bechamel.

I will make it again, you can be sure.
How does it vary from Greek? Is it the cinnamon? I know I don't put cinnamon in my Greek version, but then again, I'm super allergic. And I add peas, but that's just because I add peas to anything and everything.

Pasta? Peas.

Tacos? Peas.

Soup? Peas.

Stiryfry? Peas.

Oatmeal? Wtf no.
by Mongoose
Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:18 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Elohcin wrote:The dessert is quite simple. Recently I started loving Almond Joys and so I wanted to make a dessert that would be like it. I mix a bag of coconut(16 oz?) with a 14 oz can of sweetened condensed milk and half a bag of sliced almonds. I put that in a greased 8x8 or 9x13 pan. (If you like it crunchier-9x13, if you like it softer/thicker-8x8.) You bake that at 350 degrees for about 20-25 minutes/until the top begins to brown. While that is baking, make some chocolate ganache. Fill a pot with water and bring to a boil. In a heat safe bowl pour 3 oz milk chocolate chips and 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream. Put the bowl on top of the pot of boiling water and wisk continuously until smooth. Take off heat and let stand. Once your coconut is done, drizzle chocolate on coconut and refrigerate. Serve cold.
That's some alchemy, lady.
by Mongoose
Thu Apr 03, 2014 11:04 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

I am so impressed!! Of course we don't mind seeing your dinners!

I've been eating a lot of pierogis. That's been my go-to dinner since I can eat solids again. Tofu rice bowls from Pei Wei as well.

Anyone done any yummy desserts lately? SHOW ME THE HONEEEEYYY (get it).
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:16 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Hedgeowl wrote:It turns out my baby has food issues with dairy, soy, and fruit combined with sugar as per some recent testing.

This means for the next 8 weeks, this veggie mama, cant eat dairy or soy at all, or sugar within 4 hours of fruit. :omg:

Yeah...i am dying a little. I'm becoming...vegan. :eek:
I did pretty well as a vegan! Does he have issues with goat? A lot of my friends that have LI babies fall back on goat milk/yogurt/cheese to supplement. I dig it too!

I'm on a liquid diet for 2 weeks starting Friday. It is going to be horrible.
by Mongoose
Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:51 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Yay! I think it's fairly easy as well.
by Mongoose
Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:42 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

BoatsBoatsBoats wrote:
Mongoose wrote:
BoatsBoatsBoats wrote:(caps warning)

Pad thai, sug?
0/3 on words I understand.

Well, sug is short for sugar. A term of endearment Nancy Gribble might use.

Pad Thai is a noodle dish with a peanut flair.

This Chow recipe is highly rated:
by Mongoose
Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:31 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

BoatsBoatsBoats wrote:(caps warning)

Pad thai, sug?
by Mongoose
Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:13 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

I totally get it. I usually like rustic over posh as posh can be a bit pretentious sometimes.

Plus, I'm from the Panhandle, so I'm not one to put on airs.

But it's fun to watch on the color TV.
by Mongoose
Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:29 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

What are everyone's thoughts on molecular gastronomy?
by Mongoose
Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:31 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Hedgeowl wrote:
Mongoose wrote:Today I made vegetarian English breakfast. It's so easy to come by and I can't find one place in Tampa Bay that does it.


* Hashbrowns
* Fried Bread
* Sauteed Mushrooms
* Sauteed Tomato Halves
* Baked Beans
* Eggs or Tofu Scramble
* Soysage Links

Tofurky just put out a new kind of links that are almost as good as the homemade and Quorn brand I can only find in England. I spent two hours preparing the feast and even got a "Not bad" from James. Woo.

My hashbrowns won't crisp up. Why won't they crisp up! Epi?
You makin' me hungry! I would eat all of this except mushrooms. And a corn allergy?? :overreact: Seriously, corn is in everything. Hmm, what fat did you use to cook potatoes? Butter, oil? Maybe you need more or maybe it's your heat level?
Mmm, good call. I usually fry stuff at high heat with coconut oil. The kind that is solid in cold temperatures and liquid at warm. I maybe shoulda used Safflower instead. Or Sunflower or whatever the heck it is I have.

I even tried to broil them at 450F in the toaster oven to crisp them up with no dice.

Yeah my workout regime lately has been NUTS and I've not been eating a ton with the cat stress, so I figured it was time I had a good meal (not that I am about to waste away or anything. hardly). It was yummy. I had a coffee latte and James had a chocolate chai latte.
by Mongoose
Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:24 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

insertnamehere wrote:
Mongoose wrote:Today I made vegetarian English breakfast. It's so easy to come by and I can't find one place in Tampa Bay that does it.


* Hashbrowns
* Fried Bread
* Sauteed Mushrooms
* Sauteed Tomato Halves
* Baked Beans
* Eggs or Tofu Scramble
* Soysage Links

Tofurky just put out a new kind of links that are almost as good as the homemade and Quorn brand I can only find in England. I spent two hours preparing the feast and even got a "Not bad" from James. Woo.

My hashbrowns won't crisp up. Why won't they crisp up! Epi?
pics or gtfo
by Mongoose
Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:01 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Today I made vegetarian English breakfast. It's so easy to come by and I can't find one place in Tampa Bay that does it.


* Hashbrowns
* Fried Bread
* Sauteed Mushrooms
* Sauteed Tomato Halves
* Baked Beans
* Eggs or Tofu Scramble
* Soysage Links

Tofurky just put out a new kind of links that are almost as good as the homemade and Quorn brand I can only find in England. I spent two hours preparing the feast and even got a "Not bad" from James. Woo.

My hashbrowns won't crisp up. Why won't they crisp up! Epi?
by Mongoose
Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:03 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

I found out yesterday I'm allergic to corn.

Devastated as it was my 5th or so fave food!
by Mongoose
Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:06 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

It's really nice! I would definitely recommend it. You probably have to scoop out a bit more avocado than you would think, but other than that, it's foolproof.
by Mongoose
Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:00 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Rob, that enchiladas dish sounds good. Yum.

Well today was a major coup in that I was able to make my first home-cooked meal in the three weeks since the accident.

I finally was able to make Egg/Avocado Boats that everyone has been crowing about, as seen here: ... -egg-boats

Hint: If you make these, you don't need a stand, just slice a bit off the back hump of the avocado and it will now sit flat on your pan.
by Mongoose
Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:24 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

How about Yuzu? That's sweeter than grapefruit, but not overblown sweet. I think it's the perfect spouse for salmon (says your veg friend, ha).
by Mongoose
Thu Sep 05, 2013 5:32 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

That sounds very quaint! Will you please wear a pork pie hat while you eat it, please.
by Mongoose
Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:33 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

This is indeed my new dream.
by Mongoose
Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:23 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Today before I left home I put tofu bahn mi filling in the slow cooker. I already have the pickles made up as well as cilantro aioli (which is cilantro stirred into greek yogurt and lime juice) and I'll pick up a whole grain baguette tonight.

Basically it's tofu, lemongrass, liquid aminos, etc. But you could use any meat or protein.

This is the recipe I used, but there's many variations. I will often carmelize some onions for the topper as well. ... ss-t-97407
by Mongoose
Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:18 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Tonight I wanted to not go carb-crazy so I had a veggie burger patty with buffalo sauce on top and then a grapefruit. and 5 green olives ha. LOVE them.

Those both sound excellent, Hedge and Bea!
by Mongoose
Wed Aug 21, 2013 4:08 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

I really like moussaka on occasion, but I find the bechamel to often be very heavy-handed. Patsitsio (spelling?) is also scrumptious.
by Mongoose
Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:14 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

The Greek deli near me makes and sells its own plain Greek yogurt, and its unsweetened unlike the plain stuff at the store.

I was out of mayo and don't really want to buy more (constantly trying to weed out preservativey things) and heard you can use Greek yogurt in place of mayo in things like tuna/egg/chicken/tofu salad. I was a little reluctant to try, because I thought it would be too tart.

I tried it and I was so wrong. It gives it a nice bright taste, but you can't tell it's yogurt. I was using silken tofu and added sweet pickle relish, green onions, yogurt, juice of half a lemon, parsely, and black pepper. Stirred it together this morning and it was amazing for brunch.

I typically add curry powder to a dish like that, but I withheld because I liked the "bright" taste of it so much.
by Mongoose
Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:56 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Scott Conant would be so disappointed!
by Mongoose
Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:51 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

thellama73 wrote:
Mongoose wrote:
thellama73 wrote:
Mongoose wrote:I say marscapone like this: MAAARscaPOOOOHN because it's so good. I actually had a dream once that scientists figured out how to make 0 calories.
I used to go to this Mexican place where I insisted on pronouncing chihuahua cheese as chi-hOOa-hOOa. It was really funny, because it drove the waiters crazy. They couldn't just let it go, they had to correct me every single time.
I have a friend that insists on pronouncing Lagniappe was "Lag-knee-app-eee", which is less endearing the 10th time you hear it.

I didn't even know there was such a thing as Chihuahua cheese!
There is and it's very delicious. I also like pronouncing Roosevelt with an OO and Robot as Robut (with a diminished vowel sound on the second syllable.)
Does it kinda sound like donut when you say it that way?

I have a story to tell you that involves you and the Scissors Sisters, so I'll type that out later tonight at the other library, which will hopefully be less busy.
by Mongoose
Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:36 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

thellama73 wrote:
Mongoose wrote:I say marscapone like this: MAAARscaPOOOOHN because it's so good. I actually had a dream once that scientists figured out how to make 0 calories.
I used to go to this Mexican place where I insisted on pronouncing chihuahua cheese as chi-hOOa-hOOa. It was really funny, because it drove the waiters crazy. They couldn't just let it go, they had to correct me every single time.
I have a friend that insists on pronouncing Lagniappe was "Lag-knee-app-eee", which is less endearing the 10th time you hear it.

I didn't even know there was such a thing as Chihuahua cheese!
by Mongoose
Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:51 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

I say marscapone like this: MAAARscaPOOOOHN because it's so good. I actually had a dream once that scientists figured out how to make 0 calories.

I would eat the crap out of that penne dish as I adore olives in all shapes, sizes, colors, permutations, and national creeds.
by Mongoose
Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:49 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Great! I'm so glad. I'm making everyone sing Seal in a round.
by Mongoose
Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:06 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

You can also use a box of Egg Replacer (used in vegan baking) or chia seeds (let them soak in water for about 10 mins to gelatinize -- great way to get your Omega-3s).

Here are some of my faves: ... om-falafel
by Mongoose
Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:05 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Sauteed mushrooms can add that beefy umami flavor while adding moisture. They take on the other flavors, so I don't feel like it overpowers the other ingredients.
by Mongoose
Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:06 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

If it gets too mushy, add oats or brown rice (or quinoa, etc).

You can add one egg into the mixture to add more moistness too, just like you might with meatloaf. Not one egg per patty, but one egg per mixture that will make about 4 patties (so if you are making 8 burgers, use 2 eggs).

To keep them moist, I suggest baking them off in the oven with a little olive oil instead of pan frying.
by Mongoose
Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:54 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Carrots add some nice sweetness. Id got for it. My favorite veg burger is beet and quinoa.
by Mongoose
Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:22 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

thellama73 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Wish I had friends.
They are overrated.
Yeah, mine can be quite flakey, intense, and disinterested. They did ask once "So what is it about work you are so depressed about?" and they did give me about 3 whole sentences to talk before they interrupted me to talk about how stressful their own work situations are, especially in comparison to mine. :/
by Mongoose
Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:47 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Me and my friends went to Wawa's to get iced coffees and we ended up ordering sandwiches there too. The twist is that we all ordered for one another, so I ended up with an egg salad melt (think tuna but with egg salad instead). It was luckily surprisingly tasty.
by Mongoose
Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:13 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

I am not eating squash blossoms dang it! Why are all these pretentious places trying to force them upon me!!!
by Mongoose
Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:00 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Hedge - They do do that on Seadog! I love the blueberries floating around.
by Mongoose
Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:00 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

I just had a Greek yogurt parfait with unsweetened coconut shreds and raw almonds. It was pretty for a mid-afternoon snack.
by Mongoose
Fri Jul 26, 2013 12:04 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Hedgeowl wrote:A family member tried to make crepes for everyone over Thanksgiving last year. The french exchange student there swore they always made them with beer in her family. So they searched every for a pale beer with no luck. Finally added a dark beer and the next morning we all tried to eat beer flavored crepes. Not a success when paired with fruit, sugar, and syrup. Glad to hear the Shiner Bock worked so well!
I wonder if a Chocolate Stout would work with something like that. Hey, what about this -- you know Sea Dog Brewery? We have one of those here, but you can get it on tap at a lot of places. Hear me out, what if you put the Blueberry Sea Dog into ...pancake batter! You could roll up sausages or other breakfast meat into it.
by Mongoose
Thu Jul 25, 2013 7:03 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Epignosis wrote:Mongoose would be proud of us. Veg all day! :D

Tonight, it's stuffed portobello mushroom caps with angel hair pasta.
Way to go, all sounds delicious! Your pizza crust recipe sounds very innovative. Does all that yeast make it nice and fluffy?
by Mongoose
Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:45 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

I love that sauce! My husband likes the Sweet version of that Slap My Ass sauce. I like the Jason's Mom sauce, which is a good bit hotter.
by Mongoose
Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:12 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Wow, how fun is that?

Today is Throwback Thursdaze at Tijuana Flats (it's counter-service Tex Mex if you don't have one near you. IMO it's superior to Moe's), which means you get a big-ass burrito, fresh tortilla chips and a drink (free refills) for $5.99. I'm meeting some friends there when I get off work.
by Mongoose
Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:51 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: Bea's Foodie Thread.
Replies: 239
Views: 11406

Re: Bea's Foodie Thread.

Hedgeowl wrote:Quinoa-Beet Burgers! Our new burger bar has those and they are delicious! Too bad they make the regular burgers too salty so you'll buy more beer. Otherwise, we'd eat there more often. Also, that Tofu curry sounds tasty. My husband will eat tofu with a nice curry sauce. Easy to make the base with curry and veggies and then throw in chicken in one version and tofu in another too. We just had beef and veggie burgers tonight. There's a local company making lentil veggie burgers now. They are not as delicious as I would hope however. I would like to introduce them to a salt shaker to start.

Ooo veggie blogs! My fav veggie cookbook Author is Deborah Madison. Some of her stuff seems a little tricky at first read, but almost everything I make comes out great the first time. Can't say that about a lot of cookbooks.
OMg Hedge, are you talking about Burger Fi? They have an epic veggie burger that I think is quinoa and beet. Those fries are epic too.

Do you guys like Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero?

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