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by nutella
Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:50 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274557

Re: Interrogation Room

What is your favorite month and why? hmm, April or October.
Have you ever been to Boston in the Fall? no, I've never been to Boston.
Are you more of a morning person or a night owl? Night
Can you handle the truth? sure
Do you watch any current TV shows? yes. I listed some of them in an answer to Bea earlier
Where were you on the night of January 16th? Actually that was when I flew back to Portland.
What was your favorite cartoon show when you were a kid? hmm, I didn't really watch many cartoons per se as a kid (in fact I watch more cartoons now, my current favorites are Gravity Falls and Steven Universe). I think my favorite kids' show overall was Zoom, but it wasn't a cartoon.
Is there another word for synonym? sure... co-referential?
Which Syndicate smiley is your favorite? feb forever :feb:
If a tree falls on a mime in the woods with no one else around, does it make a sound? the mime can perceive sound so yes
Do you have any special talents? Oh probably. I guess I'm really good at puzzles.
Who's on first? Yeah.
If you had to spend the rest of your life on a desert island, what five things would absolutely have to take with you? (no boats, planes, or other means of escape allowed) My boyfriend, my computer (if somehow possible internet would be nice...), something to read, a blanket/pillow, a lifetime supply of Thai green curry
If a person with multiple personalities threatens suicide, should that be considered a hostage situation? O_o this is getting too dark
What is your favorite childhood memory? I don't know about a specific one, but generally my brother and I spent a lot of time together just being silly and nerdy and those were some pretty good times.
Who does Number Two work for? This is some reference I don't get
Do you watch sports? If so, what are your favorite sports teams? I don't generally watch sports, except soccer occasionally/mostly just the World Cup, but my favorite league club is Real Madrid.
Is there another word for thesaurus? Another word for G-Man is 'obnoxious devil'
What are your favorite Summer Olympic sports to watch? Don't watch the olympics that much, but I love badminton so maybe that. Oh the kayaking races are fun to watch, and gymnastics I guess.
What is the Rabbit's Foot? Soft
What are your favorite Winter Olympic sports to watch? Hm maybe snowboarding
If actions are stronger than words, why is the pen mightier than the sword? "I could kill you, sure, but I can only make you cry with these words" -- Belle & Sebastian
Did you have any pets growing up? If so, what did you have? Cats cats cats! For a long period of my childhood we had five of them. cats have always been an important part of my life.
If a tree falls on a mime in the woods, does anybody care? Are you implying that mimes have no friends?
Do you have any pets now? If so, what? Not with me because I'm in a dorm (although some people have caged pets like rabbits, snakes, rats, etc and I kind of want something). My family back in PA has 4 cats currently. but I'm probably not even going home for the summer though, I miss them D:
Does Marsellus Wallace look like a bitch? Frankly I don't give a damn
Have you ever done theater? If yes, which shows? Nope, never been in a show and it's somewhat of a regret in my life, my high school did great musicals and it always looked like so much fun but I never had the guts. The one time I got involved with a production was freshman year of college when a friend who was a senior at the time independently put on Much Ado About Nothing and I helped out as the costumes/props manager.
Who is John Galt? Your mom probably
Have you ever pulled any pranks? If so, which one(s) is/are your favorite(s)? Ehh, I'm not really into pranking. Maybe some little things to friends but nothing really bad. They can make me uneasy (but I got through this April Fool's without anything really annoying) :p
Who ya gonna call? Post-busters.
by nutella
Thu Apr 02, 2015 3:15 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274557

Re: Interrogation Room

I demand more attention
by nutella
Wed Apr 01, 2015 3:44 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274557

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted the recipe in the foodie thread :)
by nutella
Wed Apr 01, 2015 3:35 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274557

Re: Interrogation Room

Qustions - what is that tilapia recepie you make so well? I think I've posted the recipe on HV, I'll find the link for you or copy it over here.

Is man inhalant good, evil, blank slate or none of the abover? Why? What :confused:

Nature, nurture, or both? Why? Also not sure what you're asking here... which do I prefer? which do I think is the cause of something? In any case probably both.

What was the last thing that made you laugh so hard you couldn't breath? Not sure, probably some dumb post on tumblr

What is one goal you have for the next year? Why is it important to reach it? Get a good job over the summer and manage money better. Also, write my senior thesis. :scared:

If grad school isn't in your future directly after getting your degree, what area's of work are you looking at? No idea. Whatever I find. Although, one dream I have that would be pretty fun is to open a food cart. There are a ton of them in Portland and Josh and I have started seriously looking into how they get started.

Do you play video games? No, not really. I wasn't raised on them or anything, so I'm really terrible at them/don't have the same level of coordination that regular players do. Josh is the complete opposite, they're complete second nature and a big part of his life and he's tried to get me into some. Last year I got a Steam account and tried a few games that seemed relatively simple -- I like puzzle games like Portal and this newer one called The Swapper which is really cool. But in general I am absolute shit at video games to the point that it's embarrassing.
by nutella
Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:52 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274557

Re: Interrogation Room

What five countries are at the top of your must-visit list and why? Iceland because it's amazing and beautiful in several ways, Turkey mostly for the food/other aspects of culture/history etc., Japan for the same reasons, Costa Rica because lovely green rainforests or whatever, Peru because it looks beautiful and has interesting culture, South Africa because it's so diverse culturally and linguistically (plus wildlife)... uhh that might have been 6 whoops
What are some countries you have no desire to visit and why? gosh, I can't say there are any countries I would turn down! I'm less keen on deserty or extremely rural places though.
Do you remember how you died in Secret Mafia? Vaguely? I think it was PenguinJosh or someone idk as I said my mafia memory is the worst :blush:
What's your favorite movie? Hard one. I can think of several movies I love from a bunch of different genres, and it's hard to pick favorites..
Which season of the year is your favorite? Spring or early fall
What is your favorite holiday? Christmas, I love my family's little traditions.
If a tree falls in the woods with no one around to hear it, does it make a sound? Nnnnnng :suspish: define your terms :suspish:
by nutella
Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:03 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274557

Re: Interrogation Room

*ignores rabbit* :p

did you get sick of ice cream/frozen yogurt while you worked at that shop? nah, of course not. I ate so much free ice cream. :feb:
Do you work there still when you are home from break? Or do you have a job at school now? no, I worked there for my first summer back home and a little bit over the winters, but last year they hired more high school kids and had to let me go. I miss it though, it's a great little store. I work in the campus dining hall now, and it's also a pretty fun job imo. Food service forever :p
if you could actually fish slap one person from the forums who would it be and why? hahaha, probably tranq
what is the best thing to eat nutella on? crepes mmmm
by nutella
Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:57 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274557

Re: Interrogation Room

What's the last really great meal you had? Well, on a college budget it's hard to say :p But really, the chefs at our dining hall make some really good stuff, and I do a little bit of cooking in the dorm sometimes, but for really great I'd probably have to go with something my mom makes at home... or maybe the pizza that she and I made together when I was home for break, it had juicy pears and delicious goat cheese and hazelnuts and a bunch of other things, mmmm.
What is your newest favorite word and why? Uhh, I don't know. So many. Plus the entire Russian language.
Have you picked an area of linguistics to concentrate on? If so, what and what about it attracts you to that field? Well, I really like anthropology, so I'm hoping I'll be able to thesis on something sociolinguistic or anthropological.
I knew a couple linguistics people when I first graduated college. Two of them were online friends. I went to visit one of them at OU because she was in school like a 2 hour drive from me. We hung out with her other linguist friends. They kept speaking to each other in different languages all night long. LIke one would talk in French, the other in Madarin, the other in Greek etc and they would carry on a conversation. Most interesting conversation I never could follow. :p
Do you speak like 11ty billion languages now too? Or do you just study English lingustics? Okay that's not really what linguistics is about. Everyone thinks it's "speaking different languages". But really it's studying how human language works, the structures of it, its function in society, etc. So we look at English as well as other languages for data, but we don't necessarily learn how to speak them. Though there is a foreign language credit requirement for the major, which I fulfilled by taking 2 years of Russian which was amazing and testing proficiently in Spanish.
What advice would you give to an old lady who thinks they should actually learn to speak some Spanish given that she lives so close to the Mexican boarder now? Seems like a good idea!
Now that you are a Junior, are you thinking Grad School or are you going out into the work world? Almost definitely not going straight to grad school, I absolutely need to make more money. Not sure if I'll do it eventually or not.
Are you planning on being the younger cuter female Chomsky? ha... ha... :p
Are you going to take over the world? of course :feb: no
I miss loosing at jeopardy to you. I know not a question, but still. It needed said. You are a jeopardy goddess. muahaha :ninja:
What have you accomplished this year that you are most proud of? I unconditionally passed my qual, which is this big test that every department's juniors have to take, and the linguistics one is super hard and most people get a conditional pass and have to revise parts of it and I didn't :D
What mistake have you made this year that proved the greatest learning experience for you? I almost ran out of money, and I'm learning to better manage my money, not overspend, and hopefully will get a summer job that pays decently. (During the semester I work at the campus dining hall for minimum wage, which at least keeps me above water :p)
Do you prefer to play as a civ, mafia, or indy and why? Depends. I love btsc baddie teams, but I also really love helping the civ cause.
Which duchie is the biggest nub and why? Tranq obv :p Actually maybe Krewlod but nobody remembers him
The LP thing happening on facebook these days is kinda cool innit? :) yeah! so much nostalgia.
What's your favorite slang words? another favorite word question? :suspish: I don't knowwww
What's the difference between a language and a dialect? "A language is a dialect with an army and a navy" so often it's just social/historical/political factors
If you hadn't decided to major in linguistics what would you have majored in and why? Anthropology. I love discussing anthropological theory and culture and there are just so many cool concepts that can apply to a lot of things.
Favorite color? Teal!!! Blues-greens, also purples, really the whole cool half of the spectrum.
Favorite comfort food? You ask hard questions :p Soooo many
What should I be reading but probably haven't yet? The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón is absolutely beautiful, it always comes to mind as one of my favorites, along with The Elegance of the Hedgehog. Also, if you like fantasy, the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson is amazing.
Do you get to veg out and watch some tv occasionally? If so what are you watching these days? My boyfriend and I are currently watching through The West Wing, it is so good!! And yeah, I spend most of my summer/winter breaks catching up on shows, lol. Some of my recent favorites have been Orphan Black, Continuum, Orange is the New Black, House of Cards... it goes on. I'm also keeping up with Elementary, which is excellent and I super recommend it, as well as a few fun cartoons like Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Adventure Time, Bob's Burgers, and Avatar/Korra (though that's over now), and I'm getting more and more into anime as well.
Where was your favorite vacation? I always loved going to Hawaii with my family, it's like another home. I also really loved getting to visit Spain on a high school trip and really want to go back there.
If I could visit you, what would we do? Make delicious food! plus doing cool stuff in Portland and going to a bunch of great food places around here!
What would you want to do if you came south and visited me? ^make food and nerd out, do whatever is cool in your area :p
Where are some places you haven't visited yet that are on your wish list and why do you want to go there? A lot. Iceland, Japan, Peru, South Africa, and really everywhere.
What do you consider your best mafia performance and why? God my mafia memory is so terrible. I have no idea. I know I often did pretty well as ninja/civ killer roles.
What was the best mafia role you've had? again, my mafia memory is really bad, but I know I've had some great roles
If you are ever not a busy college student, would you consider hosting a game here? If so - what kind of theme would your game be? Yeah, it would be fun. I really like designing games based on various media, but it's the actual hosting and all the technical bits that stresses me out and I wasn't so great at that. But I still like to come up with ideas for mafia settings based on shows I watch and stuff. So maybe I should co-host with someone sometime.
Do you like me as much as I like you? Why? haha! you are wonderful and enthusiastic about stuff and super friendly and smart and interesting!
Have you got the chance to see any live Shakespeare lately? If so - what and how was it? Let's see, the most recent ones I've seen... the Reed theater did a cool production of Julius Caesar last year, it was sort of glam-rock costumes and really innovative sound/lighting; also over the summer I of course went to the excellent Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival near where I live there, they did Macbeth :dark:
Is there something you've always wanted to make but were skerred to do it food wise? If so what was it? (For the longest time I was skerred to cook Thanksgiving dinner. But next year will be my 5th and I've got to say - it's not near as hard as I thought it was going to be! Beef wellington is on my list next :D) lots of things feel too ambitious/daunting/labor-intensive, but I'll try anything someday if I have the time and means :shrug2:
What dish do you make when you want to impress people? (now I'm really sad I didn't think to ask BR this question - BR - chime in on that one too if ya want!) tilapia with cilantro cream sauce served over fettucine and asparagus! it is soooo delicious. I made it for my boyfriend's parents :nicenod:
What dish do you make to make your heart happy? mmm, same answer as previous, but could be other things. boyfriend and I made Tom Kha soup a few weeks ago, the Thai soup with coconut milk, lemongrass, etc., and it turned out really well, nice and spicy and warming and tasty, so I'd definitely do that again.
Do you live on campus or off? Do you enjoy your living arrangements? On campus. I really like living in a dorm because I get to spend a lot of my time with my friends and also it's convenient.
What would I be surprised to know about you? No idea. Uh, maybe my drug experiences, but I feel a little weird discussing that here unless it's asked more specifically :p
What do you secretly wish someone would ask you but you doubt they will? What's the answer to that question? hmm. "what's the craziest extracurricular activity you do at Reed?" I spin fire! (i.e. dance with flow props that are set on fire) because Reed has a super cool fire-dancing club :omg:
What did you want to be when you grew up at age 5? 10? 15? I don't remember, I honestly don't think I ever had a clear idea of what I wanted to be, and still don't.

oh!! also!! The BF - can you please tell me all about him? His name is Josh, he's sweet and funny and quirky and wonderful and I love him. He's in the same year as me at Reed, and he's a math/computer science major, he's interested in game development. We nerd out together about a lot of things.
Picts of you both? :D okay, we don't take that many pictures, but we have some, they're not that great though (I kind of hate how both of us look in pictures :blush: ). Here we are last August rafting on the American River (Sacramento, near where he lives):

And here we are last Halloween when we didn't really have costumes planned so he just painted his face green and I dressed as like a blue-green river-nymph-fairy idk
by nutella
Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:11 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274557

Re: Interrogation Room

Spacedaisy wrote:Who is your favorite character onFirefly?
How did you meet your bf?
What is your favorite mafia memory?
Probably Wash. Or Simon.
In college, we were in the same dorm building freshman year
Hard to pick a favorite mafia memory, I have a lot... a lot of great times on The Piano for sure, the Recruitment and Secret games were amazing. But also I have great memories of the first several games we ever played on Lostpedia, those were some fun times :D

Metalmarsh89 wrote: Another Oregonian!!! :beer:

I am at the University of Oregon, though I study math and computer science.

Are you originally from Oregon? If not, what brings you here?
Nah, not from here, came for Reed, though I have relatives living in OR and had visited multiple times in childhood
by nutella
Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:14 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274557

Re: Interrogation Room

Will get to these tomorrow I promise
by nutella
Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:57 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274557

Re: Interrogation Room

Metalmarsh89 wrote:Where are you now?
is this a question to me? I think it is. I am currently in my dorm room at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. As for where I've been instead of playing mafia, well. :ninja:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:Do you enjoy nutella?

Have you ever had nutella beer?

When is the next time you will play a game of mafia?

If you went to college, what did/do you study?
I enjoy nutella quite a lot :D
I have never had nutella beer D: I don't generally like beer, but I guess I would try that :kadaj:
I don't know :scared: I haven't felt like I've been able to commit to a big game for a while now, but I have enjoyed some relatively recent Speed games and might join some during the summer. :ninja:
Currently in college (junior year), majoring in linguistics!
by nutella
Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:49 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274557

Re: Interrogation Room

Spacedaisy wrote:The time has come to let Black Rock out of the hot seat and strap our next victim in. Next up is...
Hey guys! I know I haven't been around/played mafia for a while as I'm pretty busy in college, but I miss you all, and there are a lot of current regulars here who I don't really know, so I thought I'd pop in and do this. :noble:
by nutella
Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:11 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274557

Re: Interrogation Room

Yo how do I get next in line for interrogation
by nutella
Sat May 31, 2014 11:44 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274557

Re: Interrogation Room

when are you getting maaaarrrriieeddd :D
by nutella
Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:22 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274557

Re: Interrogation Room

Which bands have you seen live?
Favorite kind of tea?
Which country/region/place do you most want to visit?
How do you feel about meerkats?

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