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by Long Con
Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:17 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 3]

Epignosis wrote:
Long Con wrote:And I say "supposedly" because that curse gave Golden one vote for every vowel he used. You used AT LEAST 5 vowels that I was aware of, and I didn't even have to look that hard. 5 would have tied you up with Vomps and Zombs, and one more would have put you over the edge. And yet you didn't get lynched. Interesting. Why did you fake being cursed?
Ah, ah, ah. Fortunately someone here knows I wasn't faking. :nicenod:
:shrug2: Maybe there is, but it ain't me.
Long Con wrote:And look at you, trying to beg sympathy from everyone because you "haven't been able to speak normally since Day 1". So you couldn't manage to express anything you needed to express during Day Two, when it was known to everyone that you had the jokey influence of having to answer questions with a "yes"? Are you joking? Why do you NEED to make plays like this, it's just not honest. You supposedly couldn't post vowels between Night 2 and Night 3. Has there been ANY other curses this game? Are we going to see more like that? I'll be very interested to see.
Damn right. It sucks, especially when you have a Long Con who wants your neck in a noose. You want to talk dishonest? See your assumption that a curse in one game operates exactly as it did in another. See your loaded question about faking a curse that follows that assumption. See the fact that you voted for me on Day 2 without even giving me a second to respond. So let us not pretend like you would have given one shart what my response would have been.
I'm not the only person here, so I would have thought some response for their benefit would have been a good thing for you to do. Obviously I was wrong - all Epignosis has to do is a couple of :nicenod: Smileys and some cryptic remarks, and you have everyone eating out of your hands. I suppose I should have known this before coming after you, but hey, I'll probably learn more this way.
Long Con wrote:"Pressuring others to talk about me"?? Do I even have to address that? :rolleyes: Sorry, I'll just keep all my thoughts to myself from now on, I wouldn't want to pressure anyone.
"Hey George! What do you think of Epig?" "Hey Sam! What do you think of Epig?" "Hey Eunice! What do you think of Epig?"

Those aren't your thoughts. Are they?
Let's talk about "my thoughts". Are my thoughts worthy of being acknowledged or discussed in a Mafia game? Should I just sigh and shuffle off when someone says "no cases on Epig really stuck out in my mind"?
Long Con wrote:I don't know what this "full participant" talk is, so if anyone beside Epig wants to fill me in on what he means, I'm all ears.
And I'm all eyes. :eye:
The problem is, you're actually all talk. It's really fascinating to me that you are accusing me of having info on you (but of course it's wrong info, one of three possible cases of wrong info in this game), when the truth is I don't. Or rather, I didn't until you gave it to me with that accusation. We can ask Llama after the game, I received no info on you, I just figured you out through your own actions. I understand that is something that maybe you thought was impossible, but it's true. If you want to keep believing that I have info on you, that's fine. Just know that this misconception will not be a permanent one.
by Long Con
Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:37 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 3]

LOL ok, you're a complicated guy. Talk to you tomorrow as long as this conversation doesn't make the baddies so hungry to kill us that they actually convince the host to give them two kills tonight.
by Long Con
Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:30 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 3]

Why are you so focused on me? Do you think I silenced you?
by Long Con
Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:25 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 3]

That'll be useful if one of us is dead. What is this, are you TRYING to get nightkilled?

If you make your case now, then even if you die, your helpful thoughts will remain. If you don't, then you could die without ever saying whatever you think will contribute to a Civ win.

Explain your silence, I don't get it.
by Long Con
Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:23 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 3]

Turnip Head wrote:We will have words tomorrow, Con. Unless the baddies kill me so you can play the WIFOM game :haha:
You're wasting your efforts on me. I thought you were going to re-evaluate your thoughts, TH. I am doing my best to help the Civs.
by Long Con
Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:30 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 3]

I believe Zomba said she burned her Stock Certificate when I suggested it. As a baddie, she could be lying about it, but if she had nothing, then it could have actually happened.
by Long Con
Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:02 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 3]

Turnip Head wrote:
Long Con wrote:Is that how Epig posts? From his phone? Ever?

Also, I consider the Celestials to be the greatest asset the Civs have right now. I'd like to seriously encourage them to steal from me tonight. Ichabod, I'm wide open. Send in your PM to steal from me.
I don't know, but I know I post from my iPhone like at least 50% of the time I'm playing mafia, so... please baddies, don't make me do it.

And LC, I thought you said someone already stole your item?
They stole my crappy Ivory Arrow. I would transfer them this item if I could, but it's not possible and I can't be 100% sure who the Celestials are.
by Long Con
Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:31 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 3]

Is that how Epig posts? From his phone? Ever?

Also, I consider the Celestials to be the greatest asset the Civs have right now. I'd like to seriously encourage them to steal from me tonight. Ichabod, I'm wide open. Send in your PM to steal from me.
by Long Con
Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:12 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 3]

Turnip Head wrote:Well done Zomba voters! It is nice to be able to talk again. See you in the next game Zomba. I have to admit she had me fooled, but I also thought MM was bad, so maybe it's time for me to reevaluate everything.
It would definitely benefit you to do so.
Epignosis wrote:I haven't been able to speak normally since Day 1, so I'm doing this right now:

Long Con has to have info on me. Has to. It's the only thing I can think of that would compel him to gun for me and raise such shitty and minute points. He "knows" something about me.

Attacking me when I can't use vowels? Check.
Attacking me on points I can't defend against? Check.
Turning a jovial observation I made into proof that I set up MM? Check.
Pressuring others to talk about me? Check.

Saying this?
Long Con wrote:
rabbit8 wrote:So we are actually going to wait for the info dump now? :haha:
We don't have to. We could just start voting Epignosis.
That says, "I have info." No two ways about it.

I already know three ways info in this game can be wrong (I helped lynch one of them Day 1). It is my perspective that Long Con's "info" is incorrect. If you have been a full participant in every sense in this game, you'll understand my meaning. Given that I won something for a sorry, half-assed attempt I made at the last minute, I suspect most of you have not been full participants. ;)
I'm not concerned about having wrong info, because I'm not accusing you on info, I'm accusing you of something that you haven't even been willing to acknowledge. Guess what - that's a tell. And I've been accusing you of it since before you were supposedly cursed.

And I say "supposedly" because that curse gave Golden one vote for every vowel he used. You used AT LEAST 5 vowels that I was aware of, and I didn't even have to look that hard. 5 would have tied you up with Vomps and Zombs, and one more would have put you over the edge. And yet you didn't get lynched. Interesting. Why did you fake being cursed?

And look at you, trying to beg sympathy from everyone because you "haven't been able to speak normally since Day 1". So you couldn't manage to express anything you needed to express during Day Two, when it was known to everyone that you had the jokey influence of having to answer questions with a "yes"? Are you joking? Why do you NEED to make plays like this, it's just not honest. You supposedly couldn't post vowels between Night 2 and Night 3. Has there been ANY other curses this game? Are we going to see more like that? I'll be very interested to see.

"Pressuring others to talk about me"?? Do I even have to address that? :rolleyes: Sorry, I'll just keep all my thoughts to myself from now on, I wouldn't want to pressure anyone.

I don't know what this "full participant" talk is, so if anyone beside Epig wants to fill me in on what he means, I'm all ears.
by Long Con
Fri Mar 27, 2015 4:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

Golden wrote:I don't think you are obsessed LC. I don't even necessarily think you are wrong. What I do think is I haven't really understood your case, and you do come across as though possibly you have info on epi. That's the way it reads to me...

But in any event, I don't think it's something that will be resolved today. It might be a tomorrow thing. Right now I think you need to decide whether you are anti-zombs or pro-zombs and vote accordingly.
Actually, I already voted Epig. I really thought that people would see what I see about him. As for Zomba, I'm more pro-Zomba than anti-. I still think it's the most sensible explanation for the article/Silver Buddha thing.
by Long Con
Fri Mar 27, 2015 4:33 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

Golden wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Epi, rather than asking you questions, can you link me in a vowelfree fashion to your thoughts on LC and MovingBass?

I see TH has voted for LC. I agree with Golden about Zomba, I don't love what she's saying, but when I really thought about it, I don't think she has BTSC.
LC's bssssd wth m.
The word is obsessed.
Indeed it is. And it's a pretty extreme thing to say. It's not like I haven't talked about other things. I'm making a case on Epig, and it wasn't getting any responses so I made it again.
by Long Con
Fri Mar 27, 2015 2:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

Vompatti wrote:
fingersplints wrote:Did Vomps give a reason for his TH vote? I'm used to Vomps being kind of out there as a player, but I'm just a little surprised he would vote a silenced player without giving a reason. (Unless I missed the vote. There has been a lot going on)
I didn't know he was silenced because I didn't read the thread. I only voted for him because I had a feeling MM had hard evidence that he's bad.
Ok, there's that post. I guess Vomps already answered what I asked, although it's not very strong. MM's plea for someone to believe him about TH was pretty strong though. Strong emotionally, not strong with evidence and reasons. Vomps seems to be carrying on the No U of a dead man.
by Long Con
Fri Mar 27, 2015 2:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

S~V~S wrote:
Long Con wrote:Vomps' crime is being Vomps, right? Not contributing much, acting weird? Low posting?
Such voting consistency is UNLIKE him.
He does seem more focused than usual. Maybe he's the one who silenced TH.

Vomps, why the TH focus?
by Long Con
Fri Mar 27, 2015 2:36 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

Vomps' crime is being Vomps, right? Not contributing much, acting weird? Low posting?
by Long Con
Fri Mar 27, 2015 2:34 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

If MM were on the team that killed BR then BR would consider it MM killing her.
by Long Con
Fri Mar 27, 2015 2:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

fingersplints wrote:something is off about him. I think Epignosis is right, and that a civvie LC isn't this narrow minded. I don't know what to make of it. and as I said before, I think he had the most to gain from silencing TH.
Well, I didn't silence TH, and I can't prove it either way, so that is what it is. Clearly TH thinks I was the one, using his voice as his vote.

Is a baddie LC this narrow-minded? Leading lynches on people he knows will turn up Civvie? Is that what I do when I'm a baddie? :shrug:
by Long Con
Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:13 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

rabbit8 wrote:Didn't Epi actually say he thought is was finny BR was killed N1? How is that ignoring what happened? I must have missed something along the way.
Yes, he said that, and I've noted that. And that's all he said. He tried to lynch Metalmarsh instead of knowing it wouldn't be him. That's the point.
by Long Con
Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

Epignosis wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Epi, rather than asking you questions, can you link me in a vowelfree fashion to your thoughts on LC and MovingBass?

I see TH has voted for LC. I agree with Golden about Zomba, I don't love what she's saying, but when I really thought about it, I don't think she has BTSC.
N "lnk." pgnss plgzs, S~V~S. Cn Gldn hlp?

LC's bssssd wth m. pgnss cnnt ndrstnd hs tnnl vsn. pgnss hs nvr wtnssd ths bhvr frm LC bfr. Ths mks pgnss thnk LC hs nfrmtn rgrdng pgnss, bt sppsng LC ds, t's wrng.

MP gt rplcd, s pgnss thnks h ws bng hnst whn MP ws frstrtd. Thrfr pgnss thnks Bss = nt bd.
No information unless you can call LizKeen's Ear Tubes information. And so you're admitting that IF I had information on you then I'd be trying to lynch you? :eye:
by Long Con
Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

EBWOP "knows Zomba won't flip bad"... halfway through the second paragraph.

That's pretty important to the whole meaning of the sentence.
by Long Con
Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:43 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

birdwithteeth11 wrote:After reading and absorbing Zomba's posts from last night, her responses do not make me feel any better about her. To me, it feels like she just went and made a big case about the person she claims is the biggest proponent to get her lynched: SVS. And the only reason I could find is that she thinks it's because SVS wants whatever item(s) she has. And then when that didn't stick, she went to voting for low posters.

Also, thanks for still thinking I don't read the thread btw. I may not post a ton, but I make sure I read everything in any game I'm playing and think on it. If you equate low posting with not reading the thread though, that's your own fault.

Anyway, now that Zomba has had the chance to respond, and given how I feel about her response, I will go ahead and vote for her. I just think the evidence weighs too heavily on her. Her lynch should be fairly illuminating for where to go next IMO.

Votes Zomba

Linki: Sorry, LC. I've been so absorbed in Zomba and Lizkeen to a lesser extent that I haven't taken the time yet to look at Epig. Plus, with where my head is right now, I think a Zomba lynch is going to help me out more for where to look next. I do think him knowing the history between BR and MM NKing each other is intriguing though. I will read more into it in the coming days.
A Zomba lynch was looking really good to me based on the newspaper and the Silver Buddha thing. Now it seems like S~V~S is not so sure any more... as someone who believed in her theory, it really gives me pause. It surprises me that a hunch about Zomb not having BTSC makes her doubt the whole theory. I guess if you think there's multiple Wills in the game it gets easier to believe they're unconnected, but the theory that the baddies planted the story expecting S~V~S to be dead just makes sense to me.

I'm not sure what to make of S~V~S' turnaround on Zomba. One way I'm seeing it is that she's an unsure non-baddie, the darker way of looking at it would be that S~V~S is a baddie and she knows Zomba won't flip Civ, so she's backing of in a Civvie fashion. It's been suggested that she's a Celestial, so I don't want to bring the wrath of the Holy Council down on my head. I just don't know which side S~V~S falls on, because I expected her to believe that the Silver Buddha theory would catch her a baddie.
by Long Con
Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:18 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

Canucklehead wrote:
Long Con wrote:
Canucklehead wrote:I thought Epi's case on LK was....not convincing, but I'm not sure why a bad Epi would push so hard against a player so early....considering a vote there.
LC is LC and I have no particular reason to think he's bad right now, but I don't know if I've ever read LC correctly. I'm not voting there unless something really compelling comes up.
That's all you have to say about Epig? What about other cases that have been made against him?
Yes, that is all I have to say about Epi right now. None of the cases brought against him have stuck in my mind enough for me to comment on them. :shrug:
You don't find it suspicious that Epignosis would ignore what he knows about MM and BR and instead go for the easy lynch of Metalmarsh? What he knew should have led him to believe Metalmarsh was being framed, except the thing is, Epig was doing the framing. Not to mention, the italicized portion sounds suspiciously like what LizKeen heard through the ear tubes, AND it sounds like something Epig would say. Cocky and believing people can be easily led.

I want to understand why no one else can see this. Is it that they don't believe that Epig knew that it was VERY unlikely that Metalmarsh would kill BR on Night one for the third or fourth time in recent history? I did quote something in my original case that clearly indicated that Epig was involved - Donner Mafia, Epig tells MM that he killed him for BR. And believe me when I say that I know every detail of this subject due to BR being my wife. I know what happened, what Epig knows, how MM felt about it. This is the truth, I just need enough people to see it and understand what it means.
by Long Con
Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:19 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

Is Dom the one you are considering voting for, Sophie? What do you think of Epig's suspicious behaviour regarding the MM lynch?
by Long Con
Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:35 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

Canucklehead wrote:I thought Epi's case on LK was....not convincing, but I'm not sure why a bad Epi would push so hard against a player so early....considering a vote there.
LC is LC and I have no particular reason to think he's bad right now, but I don't know if I've ever read LC correctly. I'm not voting there unless something really compelling comes up.
That's all you have to say about Epig? What about other cases that have been made against him?
by Long Con
Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:29 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

If votes are happening now, then I'm going to vote for Epig. No one gives a damn about my case against him so I may or may not try to convince you any more that he's a baddie. You all can go and look for low posters or whatever, when you want to catch a baddie, then read my posts and see what is pretty damn clear to me. :disappoint: *votes Epig*
by Long Con
Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:28 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

S~V~S wrote:
Zombarella wrote:
S~V~S wrote:I had one thing, a shiny statue. Of Buddha, who is awesome. And someone tried to do something to me, and Buddha protected me, but now he's just like a tchotchke, not special. He lost his glow.

I want the baddie people who took my Buddhas specialness from me to pay, tbh.

Linki, I think you are the one not reading the thread, Zomba.
Oh don't you dare. I read that. I just don't believe it. You could just be saying that to make yourself look good.

Oh by the way everyone, when I burned my worthless stock certificate the ashes spelled out the words "SVS makes up stuff". I don't know what it means but....something to think about. :shrug:

linki: Yes, I can follow SVS's thoughts, but it just relies on so many assumptions that just plain aren't true and could just as easily be explained by civ circumstances and civ behavior. Don't you think that some of what she's claiming is kind of a stretch?
Also, i am not "claiming" anything, I said about 8,000 times that it is a theory.
Not entirely true. You are claiming the whole Silver Buddha thing, which takes a leap of faith and trust in you to believe.
by Long Con
Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:58 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

Golden wrote:My own personal thoughts, though, on Epi's theory.

It would have to be one hell of a coincidence if:

1) The blond beast targetted SVS, thus was about to be the beneficiary of the will we all already know about if she died; AND
2) Gilrick had a role check masquerading as 'you are the beneficiary of my will', and he happened to target the blond beast.
Indeed... Epig's "theory" would imply that he thinks S~V~S is lying... or that this grand coincidence happened.
by Long Con
Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

S~V~S wrote:
Long Con wrote:
Canucklehead wrote:
S~V~S wrote:
Canucklehead wrote:One thing I wanted to mention about SVS' compelling theory about the newspaper article: much of the action in the recent RR game revolved around messages that were assumed to be from the host but we're actually written by players impersonating the host on both sides of the civ/baddie divide, and as a result much chaos ensued. This makes me consider the possibility that, if SVS' theory is correct, that perhaps at least one of the baddies was someone heavily involved in the RR game, most likely someone who lasted a fair while OR someone who kept involved by following along until quite late.
Zomba definitely fits the bill there. :nicenod:

Obviously this observation is not airtight. Impersonating host messages is hardly a new idea, and non-RR players could certainly have implemented it without being aware of its use in RR.....but I do think it's an interesting connection, and something to keep in mind if SVS is right about the article.
I thought it was meant yo impersonate the reporter role.I doubt llama would make a post using a role name, Gilfrick as the wills writer.
Ok, my bad for mishaps terrifying your theory, but I was just suggesting that impersonating other voices was a feature of RR, and there might be some overlap between people involved in that game, and people who might be likely to attempt something similar here.
You are like a one-woman Insanifier sometimes.
I agree that it's unlikely that Llama would publish that newspaper article with the knowledge that the kill didn't go through. And it's just weird anyway, what's it supposed to be if it's from Llama? Some sort of bone to throw to Zombarella for BF permanently throwing her name into the mix on Day One? Hint that she's Gilrick and let us all run with it?
I disagree. Although not about the autocorrects.s.
You... disagree? But I was saying it's unlikely that Llama wrote the article, and it's likely that the baddies wrote it as a ploy that hinged on your death. Maybe I wrote that post in a confusing way, or else I really don't understand.
by Long Con
Thu Mar 26, 2015 3:49 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

rabbit8 wrote:So we are actually going to wait for the info dump now? :haha:
We don't have to. We could just start voting Epignosis.
by Long Con
Thu Mar 26, 2015 3:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

Canucklehead wrote:
S~V~S wrote:
Canucklehead wrote:One thing I wanted to mention about SVS' compelling theory about the newspaper article: much of the action in the recent RR game revolved around messages that were assumed to be from the host but we're actually written by players impersonating the host on both sides of the civ/baddie divide, and as a result much chaos ensued. This makes me consider the possibility that, if SVS' theory is correct, that perhaps at least one of the baddies was someone heavily involved in the RR game, most likely someone who lasted a fair while OR someone who kept involved by following along until quite late.
Zomba definitely fits the bill there. :nicenod:

Obviously this observation is not airtight. Impersonating host messages is hardly a new idea, and non-RR players could certainly have implemented it without being aware of its use in RR.....but I do think it's an interesting connection, and something to keep in mind if SVS is right about the article.
I thought it was meant yo impersonate the reporter role.I doubt llama would make a post using a role name, Gilfrick as the wills writer.
Ok, my bad for mishaps terrifying your theory, but I was just suggesting that impersonating other voices was a feature of RR, and there might be some overlap between people involved in that game, and people who might be likely to attempt something similar here.
You are like a one-woman Insanifier sometimes.
I agree that it's unlikely that Llama would publish that newspaper article with the knowledge that the kill didn't go through. And it's just weird anyway, what's it supposed to be if it's from Llama? Some sort of bone to throw to Zombarella for BF permanently throwing her name into the mix on Day One? Hint that she's Gilrick and let us all run with it?
by Long Con
Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:05 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

I meant to add, that's a total paraphrase of the exact content of Ender's Shadow, but the meaning is accurate.
by Long Con
Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:03 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

rabbit8 wrote:TH being quiet this long? Is there some way they could both be silenced?

If she does not post all day and TH does not who would fake it? Not sure but I doubt there are two silencer roles. Maybe an item could account for this?
I would say Zomb would fake it since she is in the hotseat, and TH was not - I don't see any reason why TH would need to fake a silencing at this point.
Epignosis wrote:
Long Con wrote:
Yes, I'm well aware that you avoided that as much as you could. :eye:
You didn't suspect MM for killing BR, you suspected him because of his self-vote and my subsequent vote on him. You didn't think it was worth mentioning or thinking about the recent history between the two (which we both know you are WELL aware of) because you didn't want it to lead back to you.

It's like in Orson Scott Card's Ender's Shadow. The main character, Bean, is envious of Ender Wiggin and avoids attending any of the 'extra' Battle School classes that Ender is running. He gets called on obsessing over Ender, and he acts incredulous, saying "What do you mean? I'm not obsessed, I don't even go to his classes!" To which Graff replies "Yes, we've noticed. Not even one." And Bean realizes what they see, and thinks sheepishly, How utterly obvious.

That's you. You avoided the subject too much in order to look like you didn't do... what you DID do. Ya dun goofed this time, Epig, and it is utterly obvious.
by Long Con
Thu Mar 26, 2015 12:44 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

rabbit8 wrote:Also I would actually like to lynch Zomba before either Epi or Liz.
Agreed. The S~V~S case on her is pretty solid.

What if she's silenced?
by Long Con
Thu Mar 26, 2015 12:44 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

Yes, I'm well aware that you avoided that as much as you could. :eye:
by Long Con
Thu Mar 26, 2015 12:24 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

I've already laid out very clearly why I think Epig is a baddie. I believe he killed BR 1.0 on Night 1 in order to frame Metalmarsh. Although he was well aware of the recent history between MM and BR with regard to Night 1 kills, he chose to avoid mentioning what he knew about it. My (same) knowledge of that history led me to believe that MM did not and would not kill BR on Night 1 yet again.

While I was right about MM, Epig led the lynch train on him. It was a setup. I've stated all this before. Epig is a baddie, or he would have had something to say on the situation beyond a meaningless one-liner.

I'd rather lynch Epig to see if it clears Liz, than vice versa as you are suggesting.
by Long Con
Thu Mar 26, 2015 12:07 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

rabbit8 wrote:
Long Con wrote:Should I wait until you've had your coffee next time? Just saying Liz is backpedalling is very vague, I don't think it's a lot to ask for you to clarify your thoughts, especially after she just posted a large post.

My point on Epig is that he's my number one suspicion for being a baddie. So when I see you saying you don't think he's Civvie, but you don't want to lynch him because he's finding baddies, it raises my eyebrows.

You went very quickly from "I do not have Epi down as civvie" to "I don't have Epi down a civvie or indy or a baddie." Do you think we should read those two statements with the same meaning?

What? Did you read her long post, or what? She actually back peddled on me in that post? Reading comprehension an issue?

I'm sorry was my clarification confusing to you? I don't have Epi down as anything. I don't know if he's a civve or anything else. I think he is baddie hunting. They two statements are not in anyway different.

I don't have Epi down as a civve.
I don't have Epi down as a civvie, baddie, or Indy.

Still the same with more clarification.

That is what you where asking for, was it not?
:rolleyes: Never mind.
by Long Con
Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:28 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

Should I wait until you've had your coffee next time? Just saying Liz is backpedalling is very vague, I don't think it's a lot to ask for you to clarify your thoughts, especially after she just posted a large post.

My point on Epig is that he's my number one suspicion for being a baddie. So when I see you saying you don't think he's Civvie, but you don't want to lynch him because he's finding baddies, it raises my eyebrows.

You went very quickly from "I do not have Epi down as civvie" to "I don't have Epi down a civvie or indy or a baddie." Do you think we should read those two statements with the same meaning?
by Long Con
Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:32 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

rabbit8 wrote:I want to vote for Zomba, Liz, then maybe one of these low posters.

I do not have Epi down as civvie, but I'm not willing to lynch someone helping try to find baddies, Liz.

You seem to back peddle on everything you say Liz and that is very incriminating IMO.
What is she backpedalling about?

If you don't think Epig is a Civvie, then what makes you think he's actually trying to find baddies?
by Long Con
Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:37 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 3]

Hello, I am not silenced! Thanks to those who walked through the Zomba-Gilchrist theory again. At first I thought the Silver Buddha theory sounded sketchy, like something that S~V~S made up to be tricky... But after reading it a few times, I'm seeing things differently.

I trust her Buddha story, and I'm glad that I didn't take it first like I was thinking of doing, because she'd be dead right now. I wonder if there's anything in the other newspapers that we should examine with the idea that baddies wrote it?

Very grim for Zomba, I say reluctantly. Sometimes that's how games go.

Still need to re-read the LizKeen BTSC scrap. If that is intended to exonerate Zomba, then this gets even more interesting. I'm not going to make a firm opinion until I hear more from those involved.
by Long Con
Wed Mar 25, 2015 4:24 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 2]

fingersplints wrote:
Long Con wrote:
rabbit8 wrote:
Turnip Head wrote:
Long Con wrote:So, do you think that LizKeen said the Eartubes thing about Zomba in order to deflect suspicion from her, because they're baddie teammates?

If so, do you think TH is a baddie teammate of Zomba, because he defended her?
Do you think that?

Not sure why he is playing coy. If he thinks you're bad I think he should come out and say it. :|
It was more informative to me to find out what someone else thinks, rather than just blurting into the thread what I think. I think I've said it before, I don't think TH is a baddie. I do think Epignosis is one.
what about for the rest of us? it's informative for us to know what you think as well
by Long Con
Wed Mar 25, 2015 4:20 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 2]

Lots for LizKeen to respond to.
by Long Con
Wed Mar 25, 2015 1:55 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 2]

rabbit8 wrote:
Turnip Head wrote:
Long Con wrote:So, do you think that LizKeen said the Eartubes thing about Zomba in order to deflect suspicion from her, because they're baddie teammates?

If so, do you think TH is a baddie teammate of Zomba, because he defended her?
Do you think that?

Not sure why he is playing coy. If he thinks you're bad I think he should come out and say it. :|
It was more informative to me to find out what someone else thinks, rather than just blurting into the thread what I think. I think I've said it before, I don't think TH is a baddie. I do think Epignosis is one.
by Long Con
Wed Mar 25, 2015 1:53 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 2]

LizKeen wrote:I'm guessing SVS's will wasn't stolen because they were too busy stealing my ear tubes. But not before I overheard something. I don't know much but my advice today would be: Zombarella - be very careful who you put your vote on today. And everyone should be on the lookout for easy lynches.
Liz, you overhead a piece of BTSC, and this is a very vague, Oracle-like interpretation... is there any way that you could offer another angle on this BTSC? Have another look at what you received?

"everyone should be on the lookout for easy lynches"... can you explain how you got that conclusion from looking at a BTSC scrap? Was there two people talking, or three? Was there a "baddie plan" being discussed in which the goal was to swing things to an easy lynch target? Did they name Metalmarsh as the target? I just feel like you could be less vague, and stay well within the rules.

It is definitely Zombarella game so far, being dragged into the spotlight twice against her Will ( ;) )... in your opinion, was Zombarella "careful" in her vote? Did she heed the vague advice, or disregard it? :omg:
by Long Con
Wed Mar 25, 2015 11:56 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 2]

Fun fact: Currently, A Person has only one post for every 178 posts in the thread!
by Long Con
Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:56 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 2]

So, do you think that LizKeen said the Eartubes thing about Zomba in order to deflect suspicion from her, because they're baddie teammates?

If so, do you think TH is a baddie teammate of Zomba, because he defended her?
by Long Con
Tue Mar 24, 2015 10:32 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 2]

So Zomba was tormented by reptiles, enthralled, dosed with sketchy medicine, or maybe an item was used on her?
by Long Con
Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:34 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 2]

Hey, I did some. :pout:
by Long Con
Tue Mar 24, 2015 6:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 2]

Epignosis wrote:Michigan Avenue for me.
I as well, to keep an eye on Epig. :eye:
by Long Con
Tue Mar 24, 2015 6:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 2]

It starts with a Will that blindfaeth revealed, believing that it implicated the Will's writer as The Millionaire, due to there being a large sum of money involved. (Correct me with exact wording if that's not quite right). A lot of blah blah blah ensued regarding the wisdom and purpose and probable effect of revealing the Will. It ended up with BF getting a few votes, and BF revealed that Zombarella's name is on the Will. Then BF was lynched, a Civvie.

S~V~S was the first to vote BF, so she got possession of the Will. S~V~S said the Will says something more along the lines of "The holder of the Will will get [Zomba's] items when she dies".

That's how I remember that stuff without going back to see the exact quotes.
by Long Con
Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [NIGHT 2]

Only when my own Internet is slow.

by Long Con
Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Harry Stephen Keeler [ENDGAME]
Replies: 4158
Views: 98134

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 2]

Metalmarsh89 wrote:
Long Con wrote:
Long Con wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:
Bullzeye wrote:
Dom wrote:Bass-- do you have any idea why MP made contradictory statements and didn't answer my questions? Any explanation would be nice.
Why would he have an explanation?
Actually, this reminds me of when TH replaced in for Roxy in Film Directors. Dom was suspicious of Roxy, so he essentially asked TH to reread Roxy and make a case on her (himself).

Btw, Dom was bad in that game. :srsnod:
Noteworthy. LEt's remember this in the future in case it becomes relevant, since MM won't be around to remind us. :( Sorry, Marshy, I believed in you. Not 100% a dick. :noble:
Wait a sec, I just reread this and realized the situation you were talking about. It was me that asked TH to do a case on himself, not Dom. :srsnod:
It was? I don't rememer yours, but I do remember Dom picking TH apart for some similar ideas. Maybe he latched onto your case then.
Here is the post I'm talking about.
Long Con in Film Director's Mafia wrote:TH, we have not done well this game. We've only lynched one baddie, and it's Day 9. How many are left, like 8 or 9 players? Surely the baddies have accidentally killed each other at some point, but it's really hard to know. A lot of the prevailing suspicions have ended up wrong, except for Metalmarsh. Canuck defended Metalmarsh quite a bit, so take that however you like. We need to know what the baddies have been doing to be at this point in the game in such a good position.

Metalmarsh was Uwe Boll, who locks the thread. He did do a couple of times, including during his own lynch when he was up 5 votes to 3 over DF.

Roxy was not above suspicion, so neither are you... she was a big suspect, actually.

TH, why don't you play devil's advocate for us, and go through Roxy's posts to make a case that she was a baddie? :eye: I think it's the best way for you to join the game. Make a good case, and then, if you can, make a better case for someone else. Maybe me, if you like.

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