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by Long Con
Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:49 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)

Quoting from here, accidentally pushed Submit instead of copy-pasting to Asunder. :)
by Long Con
Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:48 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (Day 5)

MacDougall wrote: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:42 am Oi thanks for including tentacle slap in the last host post btw
It is now an iconic memory.

Oh, there was also Buffy Mafia that the baddies won... and yet:

Long Con wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:44 amDespite everything, it was still anyone's game until sig (Oz) killed lapluie (Riley) earlier today. If he had just targeted Mac (Angelus) instead... Tranq (Darla) dies, lapluie (Riley) roleblocks Mac (Angelus)... but alas, it was absolutely not to be.
When the balance is off, the Civs don't come within one wrong vig-kill of winning the game. :shrug:
by Long Con
Wed Apr 11, 2018 11:54 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Endgame!



by Long Con
Tue Feb 13, 2018 1:07 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (Day 5)

Night 1, S~V~S (Spike) opted to use one of her two kills on Kylemii (Giles). He would have survived it, but it was redirected to poor Marmot.

Night 2, the Vamps tried to kill Lorab (Glory), which failed and tipped them off that she might be Glory.
by Long Con
Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:59 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (Day 5)

Buffy Summers - She is the Slayer. She goes out hunting at night, and gets one kill every even night. Buffy has BTSC with Giles. *secrets* Buffy is hard to kill and the first attempt on her life will not go through.

Xander Harris – Xander will target one player each night. Results will vary.
Buffy - He gets to know who she is
Giles - Vote is worth -1 in the next lynch
Willow - Willow can use one extra power this night
Tara - She gets to watch one person this night
Xander - Protect yourself
Dawn - Caught her stealing, she is blocked
Anya - She gets to know who is making the wish this night
Riley - Gets to choose two targets this night
Cordelia - Used a love potion on her, Xander and Cordelia are linked for the night
Oz - will know who targeted him tonight outside of Xander
Faith - If Faith tracks the Mayor this night it doesn’t go through
Mayor - Gets an extra pardon
Spike - Chip flip, tonight he can only kill humans
Sweet - Gets temp BTSC with Xander
Glory - Blocked
Angelus - Gets a lynch switch to be used anytime
Darla - If Angelus is targeted this night she will not die in his place
Drusilla - Her dreams give her false information
Adam - protected from Riley tonight
Caleb - If Caleb is targeted than Xander loses an eye and can only use his power every other night

Daniel 'Oz' Osbourne - Oz is a werewolf. Certain events may trigger him to transform into a werewolf for the night, and wake up the next morning with blood on his paws... *secrets* Night Zero poll decides on a phase of the moon, and every four nights there is a full moon. When Willow dies, there is an automatic fake full moon due to grief, and Oz will get an extra anytime kill.

Night Zero Poll
Full Metal Jacket
House of Wax
New Jack City
Wayne’s World

Faith Lehane – Faith will find out who one player is targeting each night. If Faith tracks the Mayor, she will join him in his Win Condition. *secrets* If Buffy dies first then Faith will lose her role and join Giles as the next Slayer, killing every even night.

Spike: He has two anytime kills. He has a modification chip and can’t kill any humans. If he targets a human his kill will fail. His love for Buffy is undying… *secrets* He is searching for Buffy, if he finds her he will join the Scooby Gang, but his chip will be removed and his kills will be able to target anyone. If Drusilla finds him first then he will join the Vampires as a vanilla baddie.

Mayor Richard Wilkins III – The Mayor of Sunnydale, he has the ability to pardon one lynching. *secrets* The Mayor will decide lynch ties by creating a quick head-to-head challenge for the two lynchees.
by Long Con
Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:51 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (Day 5)

Night 1, Angelus made S~V~S (Spike) and Marmot (Xander) target each other. Xander targeting Spike resulted in a "chip flip" so that Spike, that night, could only kill humans.

Seeing Spike kill Marmot in th night post revealed to the vamps who Spike was.

Night 2, S~V~S (Spike) chose to check speedchuck (Buffy). This would have resulted in Spike joining the Civs. Unfortunately, lapluie (Riley) blocked S~V~S that night, and Drusilla scooped him up to the baddie team.
by Long Con
Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:44 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (Day 5)

speedchuck wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:41 am Excellent game, vamps. Obliterated. Dang.

Unsure why the game didn't end before today, really. No way would could have gotten the support to get Mac, even with Glory's help.
Despite everything, it was still anyone's game until sig (Oz) killed lapluie (Riley) earlier today. If he had just targeted Mac (Angelus) instead... Tranq (Darla) dies, lapluie (Riley) roleblocks Mac (Angelus)... but alas, it was absolutely not to be.
by Long Con
Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:38 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399


Power and Glory

"Buffy, please," cried Oz, tears flowing freely down his face. "When the wolf takes over I don't - I can't help-" he tried to grab her arm, to somehow convince her, but she leapt atop a wide tombstone and cast her stern gaze to the moonlit horizon. Oz fell to his knees, sobbing and slumping against the tombstone.

"You killed Riley. You killed Dawm!" Buffy spoke through gritted teeth, tears simmering in her own eyes, unable to look at him. "And because I hd to try to stop you, they killed WILLOW!" She briefly snapped a seething look at him, before turning away in disgust at his grief-wracked form.

"I'm not interrupting anything important, am I love?" Buffy whirled to see Spike, strolling from the shadows with a cigarette in his mouth. "Don't be too hard on the pup, he just needs a little run of obedience training!"

"I'm not in the mood for funny, Spike," growled Buffy, jumping down to stand face-to-face with him. "If you know where Angelus is, then tell me now!"

Spike held up his hands and raised hs eyebrows. "Of course, love! Yeah, I know where you can find that wanker!"

Buffy glared impatiently. "Where?"

Spike pointed behind her. "He's right over there!" She whirled to see Angelus at the door of a large tomb, holding a terrified Oz by the throat. Angelus winked, and ducked back into the darkness, dragging Oz with him.

"Spike!" Buffy turned to him, hurt and outraged. "Are you... are you working with him? Him?!"

"Well, he's an old mate, love," Spike shrugged. "You don't really turn down an invitation like that!" Buffy backed away from him, her look of absolute betrayal forcing Spike to look down at the ground.

"Sorry, Buff," he whispered. "Be... be careful down there."

She leapt through the darkened doorway, leaving Spike alone to contemplate his many sins.

A long staircase wound down through the darkness, and it seemed like forever before Buffy finally saw a purple glow ahead. As she emerged into an wide open area, she was instantly taken aback by the sight of a huge and glowing machine. At its centre, the goddess Glory was suspended, arms and legs held out wide, head lolling about in near-incomprehension. Waves of power were flowing from her body, through the winding conduits of the machine, coming together to a central throne, where Angelus sat, eyes glowing bright purple. Darla watced from the wings, cackling.

"Where is Oz?" demanded Buffy.

"Right beside you," said Angelus evenly. "I snapped his neck as soon as we came in. Didn't need him any more."

Buffy curled her hands into fists and took a fighting stance. "Yours is the next neck that snaps, you bastard!"

Angelus laughed hearilty, and Glory's body seized briefly and painfully, unable to cope with the level of power drain. Angelus rose from the throne, and held up his fist, which was enveloped in a glowing pruple flame. "I am more powerful than you are really equipped to deal with, Buffy. "This goddess is really powerful, but MAN is she stupid! Didn't take much to trick her into our trap. And now all the power," he pointed at Buffy, "is MINE!" With a flick of his finger, Buffy was sent flying through the air to crash painfully into the stone wall across the room.

Before she could recover, Angelus was upon her. He whispered in her ear, easily holding her still. "The Master was always obsessed with drinking the blood of a Slayer. I can definitely see the appeal..."

Buffy struggled, to no avail. "Get off me, Angel! Please, you have to stop this!"

"Not going to happen. This time, the good guys aren't going to win, Buff. All your friends are dead. Your family is dead. And I have the power of a god."

He could feel her quivering, the tears in her eyes telling him that she knew it was true.

"Just give into me, and it will all be over." He leaned close and sniffed her neck. "You can join us. There's nothing left for you out there. Join us..."

Buffy tried to find a reason to argue, but despair and defeat were too overwhelming. "I... I..."

"Good to hear," grinned Angelus, his handsome features twisting into vampiric horror as his fangs burst forth. "I really would have missed ya, Buff!"

With that, he sank his fangs deep into her compliant neck.

Lorab has been lynched. She was Glory.

The Vampires have won Buffy Mafia: At The Hellmouth!

Macdougall - Angelus
Illyria - Drusilla
Tranq - Darla
S~V~S - Spike

Congratulations baddies! Thank you to everyone for playing!
by Long Con
Mon Feb 12, 2018 2:45 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Night 4

Howl II: Lunatic Fringe

The full moon had long since dipped below the horizon, and the sun had risen hours ago, yet the wolf was still dominant. He couldn't get the scent of her blood out of his nose, and the human side, which normally would have reasserted control, was plagued with grief and rage, more than willing to let the wolf stay in the driver's seat. Much easier than dealing with the twisting pain as a human being.

Oz howled loudly, causing the happy pedestrians along the main street to drop their smiles and look around in fear. Mothers clutched their babies close, children began to cry, and everyone looked around in wary anticipation. Surely the demons that were rumoured to plague the town at night wouldn't be so brazen as to show themselves by day!

That assumption was shattered as the werewolf burst from the trees in a nearby park, rushing forward, slashing and tearing at any unfortunate soul who got in his way. lapluie saw the beast coming, and tried t run, but her fear froze her feet to the ground. It was only seconds before the vicious lycanthrope was upon her, lopping her head from her body with one terrifying swipe of his giant claws.

Sunnydale police were on the scene, just seconds too late as usual, and opened fire on the creature. Oz yelped and sped away into the woods, still howling in pain, rage, and most of all, grief.

lapluie has been killed by Oz.
by Long Con
Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:34 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Night 4


As the clouds parted around the full moon, Oz raised his snout to the sky and howled. His nose wriggled as he cuahgft his prey's scent on the wind, and a quick twitch of his powerful hind legs sent him off into the night.

* * * * *

"He's out there somewhere, Buff... I think I can get this tracking spell working, but you have to promise you won't hurt him." Willow's eyes were desperate as she pleaded for her friend.

"I honestly think that we should worry about him hurting me, Will," replied Buffy, tightening her bootlace. "But ok, I'll just smack him with a rolled-up newspaper."

Willow performed the spell - werewolf Oz was down by the lake, and the Scooby Gang hurried there.

"Wait here, you guys," said Buffy. "Let me get a handle on where he is - Willow, do that enchantment thingy that masks our scent. We don't need him deciding we're his new prey."

She crept along the wooded shoreline, ears perked for a hint of the beast. It wasn't long before a long growl from just ahead caught her attention, and she tensed up, ready. When novaselinenever burst from the shadows, Buffy reacted instantly, kicking her square in the chest, hard.

Right away, she realized her mistake. "Ohmygod I'm so sorry!" she cried, but before she could even react more, the werewolf was upon nova, tearing her to shreds. Buffy, stunned, staggered backward a few steps - she hadn't quite been prepared for the sheer ferocity of Oz's attack. By the time she had got her wits about her, he had sent a vicious snarl in her direction, and bounded off into the unfathable night.

* * * * *

Why would you walk alone at night in Sunnydale, nutella? I mean, come on.

nutella has been killed by the Vampires.

novaselinenever has been killed by Oz and by Buffy.

It is now Day 5. You have 24 hours to lynch somebody.
by Long Con
Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:12 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (Night 4)

Just getting started on the night post, I'll try to have it in under 20 minutes.
by Long Con
Sat Feb 10, 2018 12:18 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Night 3

Rat in a Maze

"How about that one?" grinned Angelus, lounging on the edge of a building overlooking the night-cloaked street, looking down at Kylemii, walking alone. The vamps he was with both shrugged and nodded, putting on their twisted vamp-faces, and the three of them were over the edge.

One vamp landed in front of Kylemii, leering and hissing at him. Kyle turned in fright, only to be faced with another vampire that was behind him, grinning a fangy grin. Frantic, he ran across the street and down an alley.

Scrambling, Kyle turned left, then right, and he swore he could hear laughter echoing from all directions. A whooshing sound above, and he looked up to see a shape leaping across the rooftops.

Rounding one final corner, he almost ran right into juliets! "Jules!" he cried. "You have to get out of here, there's-"

"Was that her name? Jules?" Even as the light, perky voice spoke, Kyle realized something was very wrong - she wasn't standing on her own, she was being held up, limp, from behind. "And you actually know her?" Glory peeked out from behind the body she was holding. "That's such a coincidence!"

It was more than Kyle could take, and he spun around to run again, only to come face-to-face with Angelus.

"Playtime's over," Angelus snarled, rushing forward with supernatural speed and sinking his fangs into Kyle's neck for a few seconds, before tossing him back to the other vamps. He eyed Glory, who was watching the scene with detached curiosity. She took out a piece of gum and began chewing it loudly, shooting a carefree grin at Angelus.

Nodding slowly in amusement, Angelus turned back to Kylemii and dove in finding a vein to help his comrades suck Kye dry.

Kylemii has been killed by the Vampires.

juliets has been killed by Glory.

It is now Day 4. You have 24 hours to lynch somebody.
by Long Con
Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:17 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (Night 3)

Kylemii wrote: Fri Feb 09, 2018 1:00 am @Long Con @Black Rock

this feels like a buckwild question to be asking on night 3 of all times but would we be notified when the mafia is eliminated?
That's a bucknormal question. Yes, we will tell you if the Vamp team is gone, and only Glory remains. If Glory is already dead when the Vamps are gone, we will tell the Civs with a winner's banner.
by Long Con
Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:39 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (Day 2)

Petals In The Wind

"The particles are waves, and they shimmer and glimmer... can you see them?" Illyria was starry-eyed and smiling as she gazed at nothing in particular. She didn't struggle against the black bands of magic that held her still, rather, she thought they quite lovely.

Xander strode forward angrily. "Look, vamp, you'd better start making sense, or-"

"Oh!" shrieked Illyria softly. "This one is all hot blood and bravado," her face turned sour, "oh, but I don't like him! Too many eyes, too many..." she turned away in despair.

"We're not going to get any information about Angelus out of her," said Buffy wearily. "She's three Skittles short of a rainbow."

"Oh, I like rainbows... though I don't get to see them much any more."Her face grew excited. "Oh, but that will all change when Angelus finishes the machine!"

"Machine?" Xander asked. "Are we talking about a cappuccino maker, or...?"

Illyria's face contorted. "Oh, it's back, I don't want to see it again!" She began to cry, and sing a soft lullaby to herself.

"This is getting us nowhere," said Faith, and, with a quick snap, tossed a stake through Illyria's heart, disintegrating her into ashes.

"Faith, dammit!" shouted Buffy.

"Look, B," Faith said matter-of-factly. "Angelus is out there, and the more time we waste with the ravings of a certifiably insane vamp chick, the closer we get to him claiming his next victim!"

Illyria has been lynched. She was Drusilla.

It is now Night 3. Send in your Night PMs and wishes, you have 23 hours.
by Long Con
Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:20 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Night 1


"I was hoping you'd show," taunted Angelus strolling casually through the subway tunnel. Buffy paused, hearing his voice, but not quite seeing him anywhere. A flicker of movement caught her eye, and she saw his shadow cast from some light source down the tunnel. Gripping her stake tightly, though unsure if she could use it on Angel, she sprinted after him.

The light was from the next subway station, and Buffy squinted as she came out of the darkness. The platform had a few people on it, late night travellers and drunks. She saw rabbit8 watching her, and when she made eye contact, he turned and walked quickly in the opposite direction.

"Hey!" she yelled, and rabbit8 started to run. Buffy quickly grabbed a nearby garbage bin, and, with preternatural strength, hurled it at rabbit8. It connected with his legs, sending him stumbling to the right, falling hard on to the tracks below.

The tunnel behind rabbit8 began to glow brighter, and Buffy realized the subway was imminent. Just then, a voice whispered in her ear.... Angelus! "Missed me, missed me, Buff. Now you gotta kiss me! Oh wait, we tried that already, didn't we?"

Buffy spun on him, but he was already gone from her sight, frighteningly fast. Breathless, she slowly realized that rabbit8 was still on the tracks. As she spun, the subway was already splattering him everywhere.

Night 2 has ended.

Rabbit8 has been killed by Buffy.

It is now Day 3, you have 24 hours to lynch somebody.
by Long Con
Wed Feb 07, 2018 2:30 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (Day 2)

sig wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2018 1:51 pm Also Rabbit is married to SvS? Yes, no, maybe, it's been bothering me since he subbed into MK :shrug:
Yup, they are happily married. They met on a Mafia forum, actually. :noble:
by Long Con
Wed Feb 07, 2018 9:31 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (Day 2)

juliets wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:38 am
MacDougall wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2018 12:18 am How do you go to sleep right now? You must be damn tired. And who the fuck is Zeplar?!
Well, I'm glad I didn't try to stay up for the Lynch post. I'm an early riser and usually asleep by 10:30 pm.

LC, where are you my friend?
I went to bed just minutes before the PM I needed arrived. :shrug2:
by Long Con
Wed Feb 07, 2018 8:44 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (Day 2)

Single Entendre

"Buffy, are you there?" the communicator was loud , directly in Buffy's ear, and she winced.

"Yes, Cordelia," Buffy said through gritted teeth as she spun and kicked a vampire in the chest. "I'm a little busy right now!" She threw a stake, impaling another vamp into dust.

"You have *bzrrp* help - they're stringing *bzaaarppp* think they're going to kill-" With that, the communicator cut out.

"Damn it!" cursed Buffy, staking another vamp and turning for the warehouse door.

"Hey, what gives?" taunted a vampire in confusion. "The Slayer is running away?"

"Consider it your lucky night, fangs! I'll come back later to finish you off!" With that, Buffy ran out.

She reach the town square too late though; the mob had already strung up a victim.

DFaraday has been lynched. He was Sweet.

It is now Night 2. Send in your Night PMs and wishes, you have about 14 hours.
by Long Con
Wed Feb 07, 2018 12:13 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (Day 2)

Feel free to send Anya any wishes you might have as well!
by Long Con
Wed Feb 07, 2018 12:10 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (Day 2)

Apologies: the lynch post will be delayed for a period of time. Consider this the start of the night; night will end around this time, or slightly earlier, tomorrow. Get your PMs in early, and you can change them according to the lynch results if you like.
by Long Con
Tue Feb 06, 2018 12:03 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Night 1

Masterful Ploy

"She's not coming," lamented the Master. "I need her blood in order to re-enter your dimension, and... she's just going to stay away?"

"We tried," whined Darla, "She has kicked our butts every time we tried to grab her. I went to threaten her mom and sister, and that little witch tricked me with an illusion - I was trying to drag a fire hydrant!"

"A what?" said the Master in confusion. "Never mind, what are we going to do?"

"Well, I have an idea," a booming voice echoed through the cave, "maybe we should try using our brains?"

The Master stood in indignation. "Who dares...?" He stopped short when he saw Angelus, leaning against the wall and smirking. "Ah, my most valued servant, you... have something to share?"

"Sure do, boss," Angelus nodded cockily. "You see, in this day and age, we have something called blood donation. People let the sweet nectar flow right out of their veins and into bags for storage. Like big juice boxes!"

"Yes, yes," whispered the Master eagerly. "You will bring me some of this blood immedi-"

"Just wait," Angelus held up a finger. "It gets better. You see, you need Slayer blood to get free of this place, right? Well, it just so happens that Buffy donated blood just last month... a fact that the clinic nurse would have been delighted to share with me, if she hadn't been dealing with a lack of her own blood at the time." He leered evilly.

"Well, perfect!" The Master's eyes were wide with anticipation. "Did you bring me a - a Slayer juice box?"

"No," Angelus held the silence for a moment, enjoying the Master's confusion. He reached down and pulled a bound and gagged Jackofhearts2005 forward, tossing him on the ground. "I went one better - the records showed that this poor sap needed blood just last month, and he received Buffy's. He has Slayer blood flowing in his veins!"

Jack's eyes widened and he began to squirm in fear and panic as the Master descended upon him, sinking his ancient fangs in and drinking deep, until Jack was no more than a withered husk. No sooner had he raised his head from the warm feast, when the shimmering dimensional barrier that had trapped him for centuries shivered, warped, and vanished.

The Master's eyes sparkled with the promise of freedom after centuries of imprisonment. Even as he took his first tentative steps toward the sparkling night sky above, he felt a burning within his veins. It grew, becoming unbearable, and he cried out as he looked at his pale hands, beginning to dissolve and flake away like ashes.

"Oh!" laughed Angelus jovially. "Also, I injected him with silver nitrate before I brought him in here. Thought it would give him that sriracha kind of flavour!" He looked directly into the Master's eyes as he dissolved, and growled, "There is no way I would ever let you gain a foothold out there again - your time is long gone, this world is MINE!"

"Oi!" cried Spike from the cave entrance. "Where's the blue-glowy-wall thing gone? I grabbed this bloke 'cause he received blood Buffy donated, and-"

"Too late, Spike!" taunted Angelus. "And it's a moot point anyway, since The Master is no longer taking house calls."

Spike looked down at a terrified Marmot. "Bloody hell. Don't need you any more then, do I?" And with that, he snapped Marmot's neck.

* * * * *

Riley sprinted, shouting into his communicator as he rounded another corner. "Just, just keep him there! Whatever you do, don't let Adam-"

"Easy for you to say!" came the voice from the other side. "This thing is a nightmare, he's slaughtering my men!"

"Don't worry," Riley responded. "I'm already there!" He crashed through the metal doors onto a balcony above an Initiative hangar, where Adam was systematically killing the soldiers who were lined up to fight him.

Without hesitation, Riley took the experimental Transwarp Generator from a pocket and leapt over the railing, crashing down onto the towering Frankensteinlike monster. As he hit Adam, Riley planted the Generator smack in the middle of his back before landing with a sharp crack and an awkward attempt to roll. His arm was broken for sure, possibly a rib or two as well.

Fighting through the pain to remain conscious, Riley was able to make his eyes focus enough to see the entire hulking form of Adam get consumed by blue energy, before fading away completely.

Riley sighed, and let his consciousness slip away as medics rushed to his side. Adam was dead, and in record time... maybe the Initiative might let him take a little vacation.

* * * * *

"But... but why?" DrWilgy pleaded in confusion. "I never did anything to you!"

Glory cocked her head. "I know, I just think it's fun! Are you even a real doctor? Maybe you can fix yourself!"

Night 1 has ended.

Jackofhearts was killed by the Vampires.

Marmot has been killed by Spike.

Timmer has been killed by Riley.

DrWilgy has been killed by Glory.

It is now Day 2, you have 24 hours to lynch somebody.
by Long Con
Mon Feb 05, 2018 3:16 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (Day 1)

Tranq wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2018 3:08 pm @ Hosts: Was the lynch a tie?
There may have been a tie. Not all factors that could affect the lynch outcome are necessarily public, so I can't answer that.
by Long Con
Mon Feb 05, 2018 12:14 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Day 1 Lynch

Seeing Red
"What's going on?"

Buffy, accompanied by Xander and Willow, hurried into the library, to find Giles waiting for them, looking concerned. "Thank God you're safe," he breathed in relief. "Apparently, reports of blood-drained bodies has sent the local populace into... somewhat of a frenzy. There is a group out there right now, determined to hunt down the culprits."

"Hunting vampires down," smirked Buffy. "That's my job. They're going to get hurt."

"Or hurt somebody," said Xander. "We have to get things calmed down. Fortunately, I know just what to do!" A few phone calls later, and Xander had a sizeable group meeting them in the town square.

"Tara!" Willow cried out happily. "What are you doing here - this kind of stuff could be dangerous, you know!"

"Well, you're here," winked Tara. "Can't let you have all the fun!" She grabbed Willow's hand and they ran to where Xander was shouting to the crowd.


On cue, the angry mob rounded the Fifth Street corner, headed straight for the town square. Before they merged with the Scooby's crowd, though, someone threw a bottle, which smashed on the cobblestone right in front of them. Several people were sprayed with glass, and cried out angrily. This led to more ire from each side, and even as Buffy and the Scooby Gang tried to reverse the suddenly violent turn things had taken, a single gunshot rang out, and everybody froze.

Everyone looked around with shame on their faces, patting themselves down for wounds. Willow quickly gave herself a once-over, and then turned to Tara. Her eyes widened even as Tara's hand slipped from her grasp, a red stain slowly expanding in the centre of her chest. Tara's knees buckled, and Willow frantically clutched her body, lowering Tara softly to the ground, already unresponsive and not breathing.

After what seemed like an eternity of silence and shock, Willow heard Xander's voice as though from a great distance. "Oh my God, Will, we have to, we have to call an ambulance..." Willow recoiled from the scene, receding into herself and the dark magics that she had been secretly studying. Her eyes went pitch black, and her red hair bled blackness from the roots to the tips, her skin pale with cruel purple veins standing out.

"You all have done this! You have killed an innocent soul, and you shall be punished!" Green lightning crashed out from Willow, blasting the crowd, and Willow fell to the ground, unconscious.

Loop has been lynched. He was Tara. The top two players on Day 2 will be lynched.

It is now Night 1. Send in your Night PMs and wishes, you have 23 hours.

With just over 50 percent of voters, punishments will apply. +1 vote on day 2 to any player who did not vote.
by Long Con
Sun Feb 04, 2018 11:33 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (Day 1)

S~V~S wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2018 11:13 pm Faraday, wasn’t Pixar your first game on LP? That game started with a poll exactly like that, where we had to figure out the civvie option.
I can't believe you remember something like that. I went and looked at that game, and I'm amazed at the difference from then to now. Just look at this post and see the multiple players plying the host for information... and the host just hands it out like that! Fun times. You don't get to know what the Night 0 poll means until Black Rock decides it's time. Maybe even endgame. :eek:
by Long Con
Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:52 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (Day 1)

LoRab wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:10 pm Wait. Loop has never posted in the forum at all.

@Hosts: Can you confirm that you know that Loop exists and knows that they are playing the game?
Loop received their role PM and voted in the Night 0 poll. This indicates that Loop is aware that the game has begun.
by Long Con
Sun Feb 04, 2018 6:35 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (Day 1)

juliets wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2018 6:26 pm @Long Con and @Black Rock are you guys going to turn the list of names into links to people's posts? It's really helpful. Also, are you going to have a polls thread?
Yes, we will be turning the names into a list at some point, and there are Polls in the first post, in a spoiler tag.
by Long Con
Sat Feb 03, 2018 11:48 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Night 0

Welcome To The Hellmouth

"Okay Oz, see you soon!" Willow hung up the phone and looked around one more time - the living room was still in perfect shape for company. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw a dark shadow move outside the open living room window. Her eyes darted around furtively, settling quickly on the nearby fireplace poker. She snatched it up and cried out, "Whoever you are, you'd better think twice!"

Xander poked his head in the window. "I don't even usually think once, ac-" his eyes widened when he saw Willow, poker high in the air and fear in her eyes. "Whoa, Will, it's me!"

Willow let out a relieved breath. "What are you doing coming in the window, Xander? You scared the bejeezus out of me!"

Xander shrugged. "Seemed like a reasonable thing to do." He held up a DVD. "I brought Wayne's World for our viewing pleasure!"

"All right, party on," grinned Willow. Just then, her front door opened, and Buffy walked in, holding a grocery bag.

"I brought snacks!" she crowed. "Salty, sweet, cheesy, spicy - you name it, I got it!"

Xander took the bulging bag from her and peered in. "I guess you must be a waistline Slayer as well!" he laughed, but turned serious. "I mean... we're allowed to say the S-word now, right?"

Buffy sighed. "Well, if you guys are going to be helping with the slaying, we might as well be able to talk about it!"

* * * * *

Out on the street, beneath a waning moon, a pair of wild eyes gazed to the sky, and a low growl erupted from throaty depths.

"No... not yet."

* * * * *

Deep in a crypt beneath one of Sunnydale's cemeteries, a huge marble slab slid aside, crashing to the concrete floor. Slowly, one clawed finger at a time, a gnarled and monstrous hand rose from within the tomb, grasping at the side.

A hissing, malignant voice rose from the darkness within. "The time... is now!"

Day 1 has begun. It will last 24 hours.
by Long Con
Sat Feb 03, 2018 2:41 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (End Game)
Replies: 1276
Views: 30399

Re: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: At the Hellmouth (Night 0)

Kylemii wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2018 2:00 am
Black Rock wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:22 am hehehehe...... nothing is a place holder in our games. That's more than I should give you.
In that case I guess I'll go ahead and not vote for the movie where living humans get encased in wax sculptures until they die
You think it's that easy? :feb:

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