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by FZ.
Tue Jan 21, 2014 3:04 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

bea wrote:
FZ. wrote:
S~V~S wrote: Where would you prefer to live if money, family, etc., were not factors?
I missed this one. I think I'd choose my country. There are problems,I don't like a lot of things, but it's me. It's the language, the culture, the people. I can't trade it. I'd be lost without it. I think this poem sums it up for me:

A man is nothing but a soil of a small country,
nothing but the shape of his native landscape,
nothing but what his ears recorded
when they were new and really heard,
what his eyes saw, before they had their fill of seeing

@linki, Lol, I just saw I missed it and answered it
I also answered why I love playing mafia. It's somewhere in my very long answer. I'll say it again. First of all, I love games. It brings out the competitive side of me that I don't let out in other places, which is a shame :p Also, as a person who likes to know what makes people 'tick', this game answers that need in some way.

@linki: Mongoose, in regards to what did you say that?
I'm even more curious about your country of origin now. I didn't realize it till just now how you've skillfully danced around that.

And I come from a *very* small town in a *very* small state of the US. And I no longer live there. So I think I get what "home" might be in terms that you don't want to name it because you don't want that label. But it's "home" and you love it so very much? I've lived in my new place for 3 years. I've married the man I married. Our apartment is my HOME. I hate going "home" unless he's with me. But this state? It's not my "home." ya know?
I see what you're saying and I agree to a point, but I think that a very important part of why I need to be where I am is the language. I think a very important part of the culture is its language. Language creates culture and vice verse. And even though I've lived in the states, and my husband even says I'm too American because I use slang that he doesn't know, I would perish without talking, reading (novels, poetry or whatever), singing, and joking in my own language.

And yeah, I have danced around that subject, lol. I don't know why. I guess if you're that curious, PM me, and I'll let you know ;)
by FZ.
Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:46 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

Matahari wrote:This thread is amazing. I have enjoyed reading about you guys.
FZ, what are the differences ( the main points in simpleton's terms ) between Alzheimer's, vascular dementia, regular aging in the brain, and brain cancer symptoms? Are any of these hereditary?
There are common symptoms to all of them. Basically, there are a few differences, such as: a. the cause-while VD happens after a stroke and is usually accompanied by physical symptoms (e.g., not being able to move one side of your body), we don't really know what causes Alzheimer. b.The progression- AD usually progresses gradually. You will rarely see a drastic change from one day to another. VD, can show a step shaped deterioration, with changes occurring abruptly. Sometimes it will progress into AD, but not always. Regular aging could lead to mild memory loss, slower processing and reaction times, and some confusion. But it usually won't go any further than that. C. Symptoms. Like the examples in b, the symptoms are usually different with AD showing the greatest deterioration resulting in loss of language, loss of recognition of close ones and more, Vascular dementia depending on the severity of the stroke (this is where the biggest variance lies), and regular aging showing the mildest symptoms. As for brain cancer, it highly depends on where the tumor "sits", but I'm not knowledgeable enough to go into detail.

One of the other differences is that AD is hereditary :(
by FZ.
Tue Jan 21, 2014 9:30 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

Mongoose wrote:What exactly is the function of a rubber duck?
last one before I go again.
It's for taking out your frustrations (by squeezing it), and for helping you feel like you're in a lake when taking a bath.
by FZ.
Tue Jan 21, 2014 9:26 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

bea wrote:
10) If you host a game on Ksite - can I play it? I think you are rad and I'm very curious about how you guys do things over there. :)
If you wait for me to host a game, you might get very old...I like playing a lot more than I like hosting. I hosted one regular game and one mini game, and that was it. I'm blown away by people's creativity when hosting games. I should do a Muppet show mafia :D But you should come and play anyway. We'd love to have you. In fact, there's a game starting very soon, and they are looking for players. It's Hunger games mafia if anyone is interested. People there are really nice and welcoming and it's different and similar at the same time.
11) Do you find that your knowledge of Psychology helps you deal with other people better? (You know, excluding ohter Psych people.)
Sometimes. Sometimes not. I think it's less the knowledge and more the actual practice. I ended up choosing research instead of doing therapy, but for a few years, I volunteered with mentally ill people and people with different problems. You know that tone we associate with psychologists? You get it. You find yourself talking like that, using "psychological" terms and asking the questions in that tone. I'm glad I don't talk like that anymore, even though I wish I had time to go there again. Still, I think it taught me quite a lot about people.
12) You are still pretty new to me so I can't ask the "Tell me what would surprise me to learn about you." So, I'm revising it to What do you think would suprise most people to learn about you?
Most people would be surprised I play online Mafia :p
Maybe, that I play basketball, that I have a phenomenal memory for song lyrics (those I know and love) and answering the "Where else did this actor play in" sort of questions. Mostly, it's surprising because I have a terrible memory for everything else. I guess my mind is full of crap, so there's no place left for important things, lol.

13) Tell me about a good memory from childhood.
Hmm, let's see.
My grandparents on my Father's side had him when they were relatively old (45), and my grandmother died when I was 3, so we would spend a lot of time at my grandfather's house, and slept there a lot on weekends. It was a small apartment so we all had to sleep in one room (2 parents and 4 kids). Me and my sister got the sofa and my parents slept on mattresses on the floor below us. We loved to "accidentally" fall on my father every week, and he was very cooperative in being "surprised" every time. Then came the tickling and all around laughter. We did that for about 6 years before my grandfather passed away as well.
14) Tell me about an important lesson you have learned though out your life.
I need to think about this one, I'll get back to you.
15) A/S/L? :D
At the risk of sounding stupid, I have no idea what you just asked :blush:
16) Attached? Married? Single?
Happily married with 3 kids. :D
17) What kind of music do you enjoy?
I love songs that have meaningful lyrics.
Beatles, Simon & Garfunkle, Eric Clepton, Sting, Coldplay. Recently, I like One republic.
I like Classical music as well, mostly played live though (as in concerts). My dad loves Operas, so he drags me to see them too as well as musicals.
Last but not least, I love songs that I assume most of you don't know :p
18) What is your favorite way to relax and let off steam?
Play mafia :D Though let's face it, it's not exactly relaxing :srsnod:

I still owe you some answers but :phew:
by FZ.
Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:48 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

Bea, this should keep me busy for the rest of my life :D
bea wrote:FZ! Your work sounds facinating! I love brain and cognative research. Language development was also another thing I really enjoyed learning about in school. I know - gotten to questions yet, I promise I'm getting there! I just wanted to start off by saying that I had no idea that you did that sort of thing and I think it's hecka cool and stuffs!!! /fawning.
Thanks :)

1) I read that you did most of your research for your disertation in cognative develomental theory but you are currently doing research at the end of life scale. My question is part philosophy and part science related. So many great artist have refered to old age as "the second childhood" (ok - Shakespeare did it and I assume everyone else mimics him because that's what we do with Shakespeare. :D) Have you found any similarities between how the brain works as an infant and how the brain works at the end of life? What sorts of differences hav e you found?
I'll start by saying that my job is in no way related to what I did in my studies, so I never did any comparisons, but this is an interesting question which I have thoughts about and will come back to later, when I have more time, if that's OK with you .Same goes for the list :)
2) I have a BA in Secondary Education with concentrations in Reading, Communications and English. So, I'm sort of educated, but by no means any expert in any of the developmental psych that you quite obviously are. I'm an avid reader and even though I'm not currently working in Education (don't worry - I'm like Jack on the Island there - I do have to go back) I personally *need* to feed my brainz in order to stay a happy healthy member of society. What would you have me read in your field of study if you could make me a reading list? Also known as: Would you please make me a reading list? :D
Like I said, the list will have to wait, but I just want to know if by reading, you mean popular science books and stuff like that, or academic journal articles?
Your BA sounds really interesting. And don't be fooled by my intellectual-appearing degrees. In my nature, I'm a lazy bum :p (hence I'm here answering questions instead of doing my job...)

3) What makes you laugh?
I'm embarrassed to admit, but people falling crack me up. When I was younger, I went with some friends on a hiking trip. I was talking while walking with one of them, when all of a sudden, she just turned into thin air. I'm looking down, and I see her down to her neck in this deep narrow pit. After making sure she's alive and talking, I literally rotf laughing. Meanwhile she was suffering from a sore body, and when her initial shock (from the fall) wore off, she started yelling at me like crazy (rightfully, might I add). I felt awful later, but at the time, I thought she was OK and I just couldn't help myself. It was like one of these animated pink panther movies where someone naively steps on a carpet, no knowing there's nothing underneath. I still regret not having a camera with me :p
4) What is your favorite way to spoil yourself? What is your favorite way to spoil a loved one?
Going to a romantic bed & breakfast (when loved one is husband), and forgetting everyday routine and worries.

Or preparing a gift that is appropriate for the person I love. Like making a game with everything being about the person.
5) Favorite comfort food
Not sure how it's called, but it's like rubber candy, lol. Something like gummy bears (I think that's it). I can eat them like peanuts. And chocolate of course.
6) Favorite drink that has booze in it? Favorite non booze drink?
Probably wine or Jean & tonic (is it jean or jin?), and I mostly drink water.
7) If you could have a dog, what kind of dog would you want and why?
I love them all. The bigger, the better. I love big dogs, they can be mixed for all I care.
8) How do you feel about cats?
They are OK, not attached to them
9) Favorite Muppet and why?
Gonzo. I like his nose :D

I have to go. I'll finish the rest later.
by FZ.
Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:43 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

S~V~S wrote:
FZ. wrote:
A Person wrote:i always assumed it was because of Frank Zappa.
I wish it was :derp:
Some of us have embarassing names related to LOST, so don't feel bad, mine is shorthand for something related to Vincent the Dog from LOST :consoling:
Thanks for trying to make me feel better. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Superman fan through and through :D Life is anything but black and white, and there's something comforting and simple about having good guys and bad guys, and values like using your powers for good, believing in mankind, and all that. Plus, Lois Lane is one of the best female characters ever made. And doesn't hurt that Superman looks the way he does :p
thellama73 wrote:
FZ. wrote:Anyway, the Phantom Zone is a fictional prison dimension featured in the Superman comic
Kneel before Zod!
by FZ.
Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:10 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

Mongoose wrote:What is your favorite animal?

Well, in general, dogs.
But ever since I did my PhD research on cognitive development, I fell in love with chimps, and other primates. There are fascinating youtube vids showing how smart they are. I can't get enough of it

If you worked in the circus, what would you do?
I'd probably work behind stage. Stage fright...

What magazines or periodicals do you subscribe to?
At the moment, none. Used to subscribe to a magazine that focused on sociopolitical and cultural issues
by FZ.
Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:23 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

A Person wrote:i always assumed it was because of Frank Zappa.
I wish it was :derp:
by FZ.
Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:15 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

thellama73 wrote:
Mongoose wrote:Oh I meant you handled Llama's ridiculously controversial with dignity and grace ;)
FZ, please go into detail about any and all criminal activity you have participated in, including names, dates and social security numbers.
Most of the time I'm known for my upstanding citizenship, except for the occasional llama hunting and torturing I like to indulge myself in my spare time.
Oh, and there was the bank robbery, but I'd really rather not go into that...
by FZ.
Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:11 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

Dom wrote:FZ, I must know: what is the meaning behind the username? :D
I'm afraid it's less interesting than you think, and a bit more embarrassing. :D
First of all, since I came from Kryptonsite, and I thought people who met me there would find it easier to recognize me by how they call me there. K-site is a site originally created for everything related to the show Smallville (which was my guilty pleasure and much more), the show about Superman before he became Superman. Anyway, the Phantom Zone is a fictional prison dimension featured in the Superman comic, and since I really liked Tom Welling, the lead actor (if you'd see him, you would too :p Besides, I have a weakness for the character of Clark Kent :blush: ), I named myself FanTom Zoner, as in a resident fan. It was a silly play of words, but what was more stupid was the fact I forgot capital letters, so it came out as fantom zoner, and just looked like I suck at spelling :D I thought I'd save myself that embarrassing part, but thanks that's what you're here for :p
by FZ.
Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:57 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

Mongoose wrote:What do you like to do on the weekends?

What kind of beverages do you like to consume?

If you could own any kind of business (any!) what would you want to helm?
You people ask hard questions, especially for the hour and my terrible state :sigh:

Mostly, Weekends are for spending time with my family. We are a very close family and it's very important to me. I also try to make time for friends and alone time with my husband. This is why I go offline for 24 hours or so and am not around. We read together, take walks, talk, listen to music, play, and whatever we feel like doing.

Mostly water, coffee and tea, with the occasional glass of wine and sometimes beer.

Hmm, I am so not the business type, you wouldn't believe it. Part of me wishes there were no "businesses". The world has become insanely capitalistic and in my opinion lost values like brotherhood and welfare. I sound horrible :blush:
But, if I could, when I was growing up, there was a show on TV about a brother and a sister who owned a magic stick that could take them anywhere in seconds. All they had to do was put the stick on the map and place it on the place they wanted to go. Do you know how many times I wished I had that stick? If I could sell those, forget the money I'd make, the words "it's a small world" would take a whole new meaning.

@linki: No, I meant the diplomatic comment. Bozo sounds fine, and I'd like to have the length of arms that could reach my back when I needed a good scratch (I thought saying long enough to fully embrace the ones I love sounded corny :p )
by FZ.
Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:35 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

S~V~S wrote: Where would you prefer to live if money, family, etc., were not factors?
I missed this one. I think I'd choose my country. There are problems,I don't like a lot of things, but it's me. It's the language, the culture, the people. I can't trade it. I'd be lost without it. I think this poem sums it up for me:

A man is nothing but a soil of a small country,
nothing but the shape of his native landscape,
nothing but what his ears recorded
when they were new and really heard,
what his eyes saw, before they had their fill of seeing

@linki, Lol, I just saw I missed it and answered it
I also answered why I love playing mafia. It's somewhere in my very long answer. I'll say it again. First of all, I love games. It brings out the competitive side of me that I don't let out in other places, which is a shame :p Also, as a person who likes to know what makes people 'tick', this game answers that need in some way.

@linki: Mongoose, in regards to what did you say that?
by FZ.
Sun Jan 19, 2014 5:52 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

thellama73 wrote:I'm going to keep asking you qesutions you are not comfortable answering. :feb:

Which race of people do you find unnecessarily noisy?
Which race has the worst drivers?
Which politicians would you most like to assassinate and how would you do it? Be specific.
What a shocker :p
I don't think it goes by race, but by culture, therefore probably by country
But if I try and answer: 1.probably red blooded and drunk English soccer fans :p
2. Men. :D
3. The kind that would sell their mother to keep their seat, lie, brake promises and give up all their once held values to remain in seat... and the kind that get empowered by belittling those who are like them (kind of like Groucho Marx's :"I don't want to belong to any club that will have me as a member"). There are more, but if I have to kill them, there wouldn't be many politicians left.

How would I do it? I object capital punishment, but if I must, I must. I'd probably take them to the town square and guillotine them. Let the blood ooze from their heads, so it gets to it's original size again.
by FZ.
Sun Jan 19, 2014 5:18 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

S~V~S wrote:FZ, have you seen anything in any of our players styles you would like to incorporate into your gameplay at the KSite forum?
Would you consider hosting here?
What is the one thing you like most about KSite games that we don't do here, and what is the one thing you like most about our games that they don't do there?
Where would you prefer to live if money, family, etc., were not factors?
Hmm, I really don't know yet. I died really fast in all 3 games I played, so I don't know if I could notice a play style.
I can tell you that I like the creativity of some of the mods. People put a lot of thought into the roles and fitting them with the themes. I also like the night polls and the "little surprises. I loved Epis's night polls and their connection to the film in the Shawshank mafia for example.

I also like the fact that the days are not so long, yet they are sometimes too short. I'd make it 3 RL days for a day phase (which would be an average of what you have here and what we have on K-site), and 24 hours for a night phase.

I think the thing I like most about the K-site games is the fact that we learn the dead people's roles whether it's a lynch or a NK. I'm the kind of player who likes the game because I like to try and read people (I would think everyone plays because of that, but apparently, that's not true), and I would be OK with a game that had no powers at all, just people playing together trying to figure out who's lying. In fact, I hosted one game so far, because I don't like hosting, and it was a "back to basics" game where the roles were very simple, and the game was supposed to rely on people's reading of others and very little more. So if you know what people were, you can figure out if your judgements were correct or not, and continue accordingly. If you don't know whether the people dead are bad or not, you have nothing to work with, and then you use night actions and it all gets mixed up, and it clouds your judgement, and makes it a different game altogether.

Does that answer your question, or did I miss something?
by FZ.
Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:32 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

thellama73 wrote:Hi FZ!
Tell us about your travels: which countries have you visited, and why?
Which was the best?
Which was the worst?
Which people behaved most like the stereotypes about them?
What is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
Do you know any other languages?
Which is the ugliest language in the world?
Countries I visited:
North America:
USA: east-NY, Washington D.C, Boston, Philadelphia, Florida and more; West-California (LA, San Fransisco, San-Diego and along the cost) Nevada, and more like Hawaii. I Lived in Maryland for a few years as a child because of my father's work, so we used the opportunity to see as much as we could. The US is probably the place I've been at the most in my life.
Canada- same reason as above

Only been in Mexico in the central and south America parts. I have family there, and I've been there with my husband on work related travels as well.

South Africa-huge family trip which we took with all my cousins from my mother's side. Was amazing.

Hong Kong- my husband had to go from work. Became really sick a day after we got there, until I had to go back, so I had one and a half days to see the place.

England- Have family there and also wanted to see it.
France- A trip, and on work
Italy- A trip I took with friends before my Masters-probably the place I most want to go again, this time with my husband though. I loved loved loved Italy.
Netherlands- Again, had family there and went on a trip
Scotland- honeymoon...sort of :D

There might be more, but those were the ones I could come up with.

Which people behaved most like the stereotypes about them?
Don't drag me into a place I won't be able to get myself out of :p But I'll say this: When we were in Scotland, we rented a car, and driving on the opposite side of the rode is not the easiest task. Let's say that the accent of the "f*cken idiot" we got, with the emphasis on the 'u' sounding like in "pool", is something I'd always imagined would be like that (I just didn't think it would be aimed at me :p )

What is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
I'm a very boring person. I don't think I've ever eaten something that would really qualify as weird. And I never plan on eating crawling living insects :p

Do you know any other languages?
Just English, and my mother tongue, which I don't know if I'm ready to share what it is :D I wish I knew more.

Which is the ugliest language in the world?
I have no idea. And again, don't want to dig myself a grave here :biggrin: I can tell you I think the one I love the most is Spanish.
by FZ.
Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:56 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

I have no idea what happened to that post. The link just popped out of nowhere. It's only supposed to show the word "should"
by FZ.
Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:55 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

Mongoose wrote:Thanks to everyone who submitted questions. I had a lot of fun!

FZ - What's your favorite cuisine?
Do you have any pets?
Have you ever gotten stuck in an elevator or another confined space?
What's your favorite genre or sub-genre of cinema?
Favorite cuisine, hmm...maybe Indian. It's not that I eat it that much, but when I was in Scotland a few years ago, I ate in a vegan Indian restaurant (and I'm not even vegetarian) and was blown away. Ever since, I've been looking for something to match it, but haven't found one. If I'm ever in Scotland again, I'm not sure I shou ... p=51707#ld look it up, because I've built it up so much in my head that it would probably never match my expectations, haha.

Don't have any pets. I love dogs, but we live in an apartment, and it seems selfish to have one when we're not home most of the day, and the dog would have to be cooped up all alone there.

I don't remember ever getting stuck in a confined place, but if I have, I guess it wasn't traumatic enough to leave a mark...

I don't know if I have a favorite genre in Cinema. I love good movies :D
It also depends on the mood I'm in, how tired I am etc'. I feel some films require more than others, so if I'm not exhausted, I'd rather watch a movie that moves me, makes me think, doesn't feed me it's agenda with a spoon and has good characterization and development. Other times, I can watch the silliest Hollywood movie just for the fun, if it's done well. I hate movies that insult the audience's intelligence, or are made with no soul just so the big shots make more money (yeah, I know this fits half the movies made).
by FZ.
Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:40 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

MovingPictures07 wrote:FZ.!!!

Alright, let's see here:

- First mafia game ever?
- Favorite mafia game you've ever played and why?
- Tell me more about your interest in cognitive psychology: How did you decide that's what you wanted to do?, etc.

That's a good start.
Hi :D

Let's see...First game online was on K-site, Smallville themed, and I was the mafia GF. I survived until the end, and won the game :D We were 5 left, two baddies and 3 civies, and the other baddie was hardly around and everyone was going to vote for her. I somehow convinced them all that even though she was probably a baddie, we should lynch the other baddie left (we assumed there was another one). Actually, I was rather proud of myself for the last case I built on the innocent civ :feb: It was all rather naive back then, I don't think any of them would ever fall for that now, but it's probably my best baddie moment ever.

Favorite mafia game...I have two. One, I was a vanilla role, and managed to find practically all the baddies, which obviously was good for my ego. The other one was X-men and I was Rogue with a very powerful role which basically allowed me to steal a power from someone and use it on someone else, while knowing what the power was. It was quite a power trip, let me tell you that :p . It didn't hurt that I suspected the right people.
That was a long time ago. I've become a lot more hesitant to trust my instincts, and baddies can fool me more easily, as you've seen yourself... ;)

As for what I do, I decided to learn Psychology because I thought it would help me understand myself better...thinking I would probably want to do clinical psychology. But then, when I finished my BA, I felt I would be more comfortable doing research instead, so I did my Masters in Cognitive Psychology. Since I'm the kind of person who never really knows what they want (a lot of good learning Psychology did, ha?), I decided to enter an interdisciplinary program in Brain research for my PhD.
The amusing thing is, while my dissertation was on cognitive development and language acquisition (what allows human infants to acquire language unlike any other species), ironically, currently, I'm working in a research institute focusing on end of life.
by FZ.
Sat Jan 18, 2014 2:57 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

bea wrote:
FZ. wrote:
Mongoose wrote:Thanks, FZ! I don't live near hardly anyone :(

If anyone wants to know, I have "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" by Whitney Houston in my head, which is better than the Katy Perry (I think) song in my head that I hear at the gym all the time. I think it might be called "Eye of the Tiger"

Putting cinema back into your life is a hard but worthwhile endeavor! Right now, I have a brand new stack of 8 DVDs from the library (which is the max you can check out). It's a genre-bending stack, and I look forward to tackling it this weekend.

My advice for films when you are busy is to find one you like and watch as much of it as you might watch of TV. That way, you can still easily watch 3 films a week. Maybe it's best to watch it all in one go, but life happens. Can you imagine watching Mysteries of Lisbon all in one go? HAR. We didn't, but I'm glad we watched it period.

Right now Sundance is gearing up and I'm loving all the pictures of Ebert's widow with Robert Redford in the like. I'm really sad he didn't get a Best Oscar nom, but I guess I'll live.

And don't sweat it, I'll be asking you plenty of questions when it's your turn in a few days!
Since I don't really watch TV either (we decided to take out the TV, and if we want to watch something, we use the internet), so sadly, that advice won't work :p I'm ashamed to say I haven't seen Mysteries of Lisbon yet...but hey, I just read Winter in Lisbon by Antonio Munoz Molina and really liked it :D

I look forward to reading your questions when my time comes. Can't promise anything regarding the quality of the answers :p I might have some more time now that I'm dead in all mafia games...but next week is busier for me.

a) goosey - Might I recomend a very nice visit in the winter to the sunny AZ desert? :D I am sure you can ask others, we are pretty ok hosts. :D

b) fz - katy perry did a cover of "eye of the tiger? " and that's what you have to listen to in the gym???? for the love of god!!!! THIS MUST BE FIXED.

Which is from Rocky .
Which btw - isn't a bad set of films to watch if you are like Italian. and like the underdog and quit at like 4.

I have a soft spot for them. Mostly because my German Grandmother hated the Italian side of our family that she married into - but she LOVED their underdog stories. So very much. It is very well known in my family - that the best seat in our house was "sitting beside grandma on the floor" - with one exception. - It was "when there was a Rocky movie on." Then that spot was live at your own risk. For as surely as she believed that on Sunday's the football teams she loved knew if she wore their shirt or cheered for them, she fought when a Rocky movie was on.

c) FZ is up next? AWESOME!!!

d) we get all of our tv and some of our movies via the internet. This just honestly in my opinion makes the most sense. We have a netflix subscription. We pay for the interenet. We aquire things. That said - I still watch a pretty decent amount of "TV" - what shows are being watched these days?
Lol, it wasn't me who was listening to Katy Perry, it was Mongoose. I was wondering if it was a cover of the Rocky one as well. :ponder:
I only watched the first Rocky, but that was a funny story there, thanks :D

And yeah, I'm next....
by FZ.
Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:09 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

Mongoose wrote:Thanks, FZ! I don't live near hardly anyone :(

If anyone wants to know, I have "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" by Whitney Houston in my head, which is better than the Katy Perry (I think) song in my head that I hear at the gym all the time. I think it might be called "Eye of the Tiger"

Putting cinema back into your life is a hard but worthwhile endeavor! Right now, I have a brand new stack of 8 DVDs from the library (which is the max you can check out). It's a genre-bending stack, and I look forward to tackling it this weekend.

My advice for films when you are busy is to find one you like and watch as much of it as you might watch of TV. That way, you can still easily watch 3 films a week. Maybe it's best to watch it all in one go, but life happens. Can you imagine watching Mysteries of Lisbon all in one go? HAR. We didn't, but I'm glad we watched it period.

Right now Sundance is gearing up and I'm loving all the pictures of Ebert's widow with Robert Redford in the like. I'm really sad he didn't get a Best Oscar nom, but I guess I'll live.

And don't sweat it, I'll be asking you plenty of questions when it's your turn in a few days!
Since I don't really watch TV either (we decided to take out the TV, and if we want to watch something, we use the internet), so sadly, that advice won't work :p I'm ashamed to say I haven't seen Mysteries of Lisbon yet...but hey, I just read Winter in Lisbon by Antonio Munoz Molina and really liked it :D

I look forward to reading your questions when my time comes. Can't promise anything regarding the quality of the answers :p I might have some more time now that I'm dead in all mafia games...but next week is busier for me.
by FZ.
Fri Jan 17, 2014 8:29 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

You seem like a really interesting person :D Too bad you don't live close by :p

Ooh, and I forgot to answer your question about the Decalogue. I haven't seen the last two, but I really like those I have seen. Maybe 4 or 5 are my favorite, but can't really decide.
Sadly, in the last couple of years, I don't get to see many movies. Life is too busy and I'm too tired to go out at night, and then when we take a movie and try to watch it in bed, I fall asleep because I'm so tired...We keep saying we need to bring the cinema back into our lives. :sigh: So I envy you :)
by FZ.
Mon Jan 13, 2014 6:57 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

edit: this will do :blush:
by FZ.
Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:24 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

Mongoose wrote:FZ -

Hmm, traits in real life. I make friends really easily so that's a plus. I have friends from every job I'm at that I still keep in touch with, so that's good. I also am a very loyal friend. I am pretty sensible not careless and don't take risks that jeopardize my safety.

Bad traits: Not taking risks means I operated under a bit of fear. Being loyal means it takes too long to kick a toxic friend to the curb. And then having a lot of friends means they might not all be of substance (quantity v. quality and all that)

The story behind the list was that Daisy asked for a list of a Starter Kit for Foreign Cinema, so I have A Woman is a Woman and Breathless on there, but not every Godard or Truffaut film, but indeed help me beef it out. I keep thinking of films that need to go on there and adding them. Like just now, I was lambasting myself for not thinking yet to put Battleship Potemkin, M, and Metropolis on there. :derp:
Thanks for answering :) I think we share some traits...
As for the list, I took the liberty of adding some films. Feel free to take anyone off. It's your list after all :D It's down below
Mongoose wrote:
Spacedaisy wrote:What is that list of starter foreign films we discussed?

What is the slogan of your dentist? (Because I thought it was hysterical...)
Disclaimer: This is not a comprehensive list. This is where a future aficionado of foreign films might begin.

Priscilla Queen of the Desert
Muriel's Wedding
Rabbit-Proof Fence

Japan (focus on Ozu and Kurosawa)
Yojimbo and its sequel Sanjuro
Seven Samurai
Record of a Tenement Gentleman
Tokyo Story

France (Focus on New Wave Godfathers Truffaut and Godard)
A Woman is a Woman
Umbrellas of Cherbourg
400 Blows
The Last Metro
Joyeux Noel
Jules and Jim

No Man's Land

Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland
After the Wedding
Let the Right One In
Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
The Seventh Seal
Virgin Spring
Wild Strawberries
Through a Glass Darkly
Hour of the Wolf an
Anything else by Ingmar Bergman
Kitchen Stories

Where Do We Go From Here?

A Separation
The Past
Women Without Men
Gabbeh (or other films by Makhmalbaf)

Saudi Arabia

Russia/Soviet Union
12 (remake of Twelve Angry Men)
Night Watch and its sequel Day Watch
Gentlemen of Fortune (1971)
The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!
Battleship Potemkin

Lemon Tree
My father my lord
Broken wings

The Lives of Others
The Edukators
Sophie Schoell
Run Lola Run
The White Ribbon
The Warrior and the Princess
The Sandman
Goodbye, Lenin!
Metropolis (the restored cut from a few years back, if you can find it)
Cabinet of Dr Caligari
Wings of desire

Canada (French)
The Barbarian Invasions
Monsieur Lazhar

Black Book
Turkish Delight
North Sea Texas
Antonia's line


I Am Love
The Double Hour
La Dolce Vita
La Strada
8 1/2


My favorite Bollywood films are:
* Dil Se
* Om Shanti Om
* Dhoom 2

The Decalogue
Three colors trylogy: Blue, White, Red (though I guess this can go under "france"

The road home

All about my mother
The devil's backbone
Like water for chocolate

I will add to this, but that should get you started.
I added in red some movies that came to mind when I read your list. None of them are new. I have more, But I can get carried away :blush: For now, this will due.
by FZ.
Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:22 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

Mongoose wrote:
FZ. wrote:So Mongoose, how did you start to play mafia?
I started back in May 2013 when Logan/llama recruited me. He probably regrets this now that we are tied!
FZ. wrote:How competitive are you?
I'm not that competitive. I think this is because my non-competitive personality bleeds over. If I get someone in my sights, I'll keep after them the best I can.
FZ. wrote:What's your best and worst traits?
It's probably the same thing and that is wackiness. It helps give me enough heat so I never seemed to get NK'd early on (knock on wood) because I look dead suspicious, but I can't always wriggle out of the hole I've inadvertently fallen down and then I get mislynched now and again.
I meant traits in real life, not game related. But maybe you answered both.

And your list of foreign films looks good. I've seen some, and can recommend others that are not on yours :)
by FZ.
Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:06 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 274356

Re: Interrogation Room

This is a nice way to get to know people. I've been asked to go next, but you people scare me :evileye:

I'm kidding....just don't think I'm that interesting...

So Mongoose, how did you start to play mafia?
How competitive are you?
What's your best and worst traits?

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