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by Ricochet
Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:56 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Care to share something with us, Maester Wilgy who is definitely not a Maester?
by Ricochet
Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:32 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Nobody here cares anymore (cont.)
Spoiler: show
The rushing pace of these final two seasons is beyond ridiculous, in relation to how they need to make up for six sluggish previous ones. Tyrion moved from the Reach to Dragonstone to King's Landing within 30 minutes of one single episode. :| It's even more inconsistent, considering the Walkers, on the other hand, seem apparently to be advancing at the pace of ten steps a day, just because they need to fulfill a finale season showdown material.

Even without having read the books, the feeling of this final stretch being watered down is so strong, I might contemplate actually reading the last two books of how GGRM planned the saga to en- oh wait he'll never write them. Plus, if anyone heard of the spoilers from the supposed hacking (and it does seem to go according to what was leaked, thus far), you'll know it'll only get worse. The show has entered Twilight tier at this point. I refuse to be fooled by this crappy and rushed of a plot, only because it's supposed to be entertaining and because dragons.

The show seems to have forgotten about Euron and Casterly Rock gang completely. It's been two episodes. Two *rolleyes*

Jon's performance is beyond annoying at this point - all his entries are speech after speech after speech. Same tone, same mannerisms.
by Ricochet
Mon Jul 24, 2017 6:00 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Olol, did people forget there's a thread here for discussing new eps? :p
Spoiler: show
I'm pretty much on auto-pilot at this point with watching this series, i.e. whatever they throw, I'll just watch it. The first two episodes both seemed to place pieces on the final chess board - at least until ep2's all-hell-break-loose ending (which was, echh, Euron-in-need-of-hype disposing of disposable characters; it's not like Cersei was going to get KO'd in just half of a penultimate season.

Have to say, though, ep2 especially hit me with some cringe, boring writing. Jon's scenes this episode have literally been copypasta from the previous one - it's either sitting with Sansa or having board meetings in which to deliver heroic, kinglike speeches. I also feel for Jorah, but during his medical scene with Sam, they both exhibited facial gestures that made me actually chuckle rather than take it as a dramatic moment. So there goes tone out the window.

Arya keeps having nice scenes, but otherwise I have genuinely no idea which plot I'm supposed to be that invested in.
by Ricochet
Mon Jun 27, 2016 8:23 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show

I wonder if the Valar Morghulis is starting to sound like it's meant to be taken literally, lol. This might sound odd, but I'll be curious if GRRM in the books will have actually envisioned this shift towards matriarchy. The show, honestly, gives a feminist tone. Cersei, Dany, Asha (except for the threat of Euron), Dorne Snakes, Arya, even bossy Lady Mormont... Everyone except Sansa has basically ended in a commanding position (or at least hopeful one).

Anyway, apart from a theory confirmation that seemed confirmed eons ago, I bet this episode will mostly displease the bookies. The shocking stuff was clearly whack, the rest of puzzle pieces placing in for the finale, which was not uncommon for a lengthy season wrap-up. So I really won't go into detail. I still can't tell if Varys showing up in Dorne and then on Dany's boat is a goof, cause lmao, high back-channel dimensional travel skills there. And I guess Arya did in fact master to be a Faceless warrior...after...a lot of bodies washing and one mission she failed to carry through and having to survive her assassination? Coolio.

Basically, I think things are shaping up as Cersei becoming the Mad Queen and fighting Dany for the Throne. With House Tully and Frey broken and the North alligned with neither, Targaryen (with half the Greyjoys and apparently Dorne and Tyrell) vs Lannisters seems like a good distribution of forces. Jon might get caught up in this or might just fight the Night King. I can see the former only if he'll need to rally every living soul on the planet against the Walkers. I know, I know, RLJ, ergo rightful claimer, but I just don't feel it at the moment.

I can see two more seasons being fitting for this entire development, overall.

Pros of the season:
-- more focused, overall, and pushing most of the stories in a significant direction. I think the stretchiest bit of the season was basically King's Landing.
-- some of its best episodes for me were NOT the hyped ones; that shows some style
-- making a stronger case than ever that this is not your usual type of heroes & villains fantasy, in the bigger picture; I really see no clear good & evil portrayal here anymore, just a literal game for that freaking throne in which all sides are on the wrong side; for all its clickbait style, I found this Vox article quite good

-- since there is little book material left to judge the season by, I'll say it would prove to have had its "textbook" moments and its "what are you doing" moments; the writing has felt lost at bay at times, surprisingly inspired other times, too

-- Dorne. Laughable.
-- Tyrion. Reduced to a shadow.
-- Going with Tyrells being cast on the complete losing side. Feels pretty bad. It is my understanding that Mace Tyrell was planned to just appear to be a goofing twat, when in fact cooking some serious stuff behind the curtains. "No guys let's just blow him up". Ok.
-- Can't. Take. Any. More. Episodes. Or Seasons. That Cut. To Black. After A Scene. Of Dany. Looking. On Top. Of Things. She. Is Not. A Heroine. For Christ's Sake. I counted at least 4, is this a season record?
-- Euron development. Frak you. (With Daario now pushed aside, the theories regarding his nature seems thrown away, too.)
-- Foreshadowing, and not even trying to be subtle about it. Mainly concerning the Battle of the Bastards, but even some of the stuff in the finale.
by Ricochet
Sat Jun 25, 2016 11:45 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Just FYI, you can put embedded videos in spoilers, too.
by Ricochet
Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:39 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
Well, I was hoping for a Winterfell-only episode, overall. The Meereen scenes were not very useful, but at least they won't clog the finale next week, I suppose. I dislike the focus set more on Theon/Asha, because that means Euron badassery is still at too low. Euron badassery, people! Give us the goods!

As for the battle, I wonder if I'm a bastard (no pun intended) for having mixed feelings about it, because all in all it was gruesome and chaotic and hard to pull; but it didn't fell as compelling as Hardhome, for instance. The chaotic part was also technical, at times. It also felt like a replica of Blackwater, in terms of dynamic and change of tides, if you think about it and center it all around Tyrion / Jon, respectively.

I also have an issue with how much things were foreshadowed: Erie's army coming to save the day, Rickon being a gonner from the moment he was captured by Bolton, even Ramsay losing and then being fed to his pups being poetic justice.

Davos was in less danger than I anticipated, but I'm starting to feel that Tormund is being kept around for fan service (and maybe the lumberjack demographic of viewers? idk)

I almost feel like Jon came out losing out of this one - his own army almost slaughtered by Ramsay's superior tactics, then nearly losing humanity in beating Ramsay up to a pulp, etc. He has yet to exhibit anything Azor Hai-esque and it'll be interesting to see how he can become acknowledged as the leader of Wildlings, northern Houses, Erie and alike...if at all, I mean.
by Ricochet
Mon Jun 13, 2016 3:51 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
Lol, off-screen kills... in GoT... Granted, Arya's blind D'Artagnan moment was a nicer touch, cinematically, but still a cop out in terms of explaining how she'd ever have gotten the upper hand on a Waif that was superior to her until then. Also, the facial expressions of the Waif whilst chasing Arya in town are simply not great acting choices.

Anyway, I feel this arc has been cut off short of potential. If this is the last we see of the Faceless and Jaqen H'gar, what to understand, really, of this myth and this cult? Has Arya really gained any skills besides sharpening her assassin ones? Can she become a Faceless right now or anything in particular? Just feels like the showrunners, at least, resorted on an "Arya who shall remain a Stark at heart" angle rather than her becoming a more independent pawn.

I felt nothing about the other stories and thus most of the episode. No wait, if there's one big low, it has to be that I can't stand any more of Tyrion wasting away in Meereen. Whoever came up with the idea that Tyrion with Missandei and Whatever-His-Name bantzing in a room needs to happen for two-thirds of a season deserves to be chased by a dragon. [/size]
by Ricochet
Mon Jun 06, 2016 2:30 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show




Bet you didn't expect Ian McShane to be so... one-moment, though. He should have been Euron, instead.

Anyway, I was ok with this episode, too. King's Landing is as filler as always, but that's about it. Very pre-wars-y feel to it, in a good way. I can only assume Stark and Lannisters battling their own will be the thematic of this season's culmination.

Also, how exactly do you survive this many stabs in the belly?
by Ricochet
Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:11 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
I don't think it would matter for me if Daenerys ends up fully antagonised. She's a loose cannon and her urges to rule and reclaim may look 'bildungsroman'-like, but they could easily veer into the dark side. I think the talk with Daario summed up the whole thing. "Hey Dany you should focus on building yourself a new empire." *Dany jumps on dragonback* "NAH LET'S TAKE BAC WHATS MINE ROOOOOOOOAR"
by Ricochet
Tue May 31, 2016 1:54 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
I don't know about the rest of you, but this was probably the most satisfying and even episode of the season for me. Nothing bloated, nothing not worth sharing with the viewers story- and character-wise, nothing outrageous (well unless you count Her Smugness riding a dragon), the visuals were alright, the twists were fantasy-writing-worthy and quite agreeable.

Up until now, I would have prefered Arya to become the ascetic, distanced-from-the-world member of the Starks, but funny thing is, the scenes were so neatly constructed in this episode, I actually have no qualms with her betraying the cult and retaining a bit of herself after all. Hopefully the conclusion of this will be just as worthwhile.

Benjen, Bran and Meera scenes were also something I enjoyed. I felt the writing was finally spot on here, explanatory but still in a stylised way.

Sam and Gilly's visit to the family in law (holy frak was that fracking Dr. Chase?) was probably the closest thing to a "window into a place on that earth and an entourage which will never show up ever again, for us to care", but I enjoyed its resolution as well. I believe that sword is Valyrian? So yeah it foreshadows Sam becoming White Walker maesterslayer or something, right?

Lore-wise, it is my understanding that the Frey story and how they end up decimated after their shameful Red Wedding plot has been completely wasted in the series, but in this episode it felt like a decent "oh hey these guys still exist" moment.

I don't care how The Door blew everyone's minds, this for me was the most I-Can-Watch-and-Enjoy-This episode of the season, you guys.
by Ricochet
Mon May 23, 2016 7:34 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
Fire burns, ykno. Also maybe you missed the fact that Jorah and Daario sealed the place shut, as far as running away goes.
by Ricochet
Mon May 23, 2016 7:10 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
A way out of Dany spending episodes fighting against tribal patriarchy and potentially knitting forever as a widower - unwarranted? Hmm. :p

Idk it seemed like you disliked something about the execution of those scenes.

Speaking of unwarranted, though: cocky cock talk... and a cock.
by Ricochet
Mon May 23, 2016 6:38 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
That's ironic, because you complained about Dany's climax from 6x04 being/looking wonky, but to me the whole assault on the Tree in this one was cringy in effects and setpieces. And dat kid acting. Yeah, let's shout for 15 seconds, that will make the message clear.

I had no problem with the rest of the episode having considerable depth and flow. And mmm Kinvara.
by Ricochet
Mon May 23, 2016 2:07 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

My thoughts on you-know-what
Spoiler: show
The rest
Spoiler: show
was rather fine, actually. I might return with actual thoughts. I might not.
by Ricochet
Fri May 20, 2016 3:34 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show

She's heeeeeeere!

Alas, it doesn't inspire the thought that she would be Arianne. In fact the Dorne stuff just dropped off the earth, right now. (Good riddance)
by Ricochet
Mon May 16, 2016 4:35 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
Well guess what, I rather liked this one. It had more moments with weight and significance, while the scenes that were merely filler or transitory didn't burden or bore as much. Snow/Stark reunion and plotting was again a strong point, because it felt to comform to a general assumption about where the narration in the books would go as well. Danaerys had her compulsory smug comeback moment, but even those scenes looked rather interesting and it was a relief for the plot to finally go somewhere. Sadly, it's not going anywhere over in King's Landing. Or Pyke. I still believe that the reign of Tyrion is a very, very poorly done and shockingly uninteresting part of the plot, but that negotiation scene was a bit more like it, at least.

Most not bad episode of the season by far, imo.
by Ricochet
Mon May 09, 2016 5:40 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Illyria wrote:
Spoiler: show
That was one of the best fight scenes I have ever seen, the stunt team should be commended. Well thought out and executed.
Spoiler: show
They should, but I think they're too dead to care.
by Ricochet
Mon May 09, 2016 4:55 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

I was distracted by Mafia during this episode, so I'd have to strain for some impressions. I was most ok with
Spoiler: show
Jon's story, actually. Felt like a good, simple wrap-up. Runner-up is Arya's story, because I'm ok with this taking three episodes to head in a new direction just as much.

Tyrion "doing... stuff" is starting to feel like a complete trainwreck. There is no chemistry and purpose to what he does there and who he's interacting with and even his snark is starting to fall completely flat. The standout character is growing dead inside. Yet again, I sense that the writers are surprisingly out of their depth. SVS, was this the slave you mentioned being cast this season? If so, it must mean the hot lady in the trailer is a different character and still to show up? Maybe it's Arianne. <3

Daenerys story progression at this point is just unbearable.

This week's flashback was kinda ugh. Too much nothing. Fight coreography seemed pretty good, though.

So really, completely neutral on this one, but it's episode 3 of 10 and my general impression is that the progression pace and style is incredibly bad.
by Ricochet
Mon May 02, 2016 2:34 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
The way Euron's appeared only now - and still not "technically" revealed, because "we need a mysterious scene, hurr" first - and given how important he seems in the books, or the theory surrounding him and his goals, I think the show would need to massively invest in his storyline, from this point onwards, to have any chance of pulling a decent coverage.
by Ricochet
Mon May 02, 2016 2:19 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
Also, yes, congrats SVS. I find it extremely funny that an entire website wrote a clickbait piece on calling odds on characters that weren't in harms way one bit this episode, whilst leaving out Roose, which you were spot on. :p
by Ricochet
Mon May 02, 2016 2:16 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

I thought it was laughable. I'm seriously not even 0% malicious in saying this.
Spoiler: show
Wildlings putting an end to shenanigans made sense, although surprised Throne is still breathing after this.
Tyrion freeing the pups was script-wise awful. "I'm friends with your mother"? Yeah, they have no idea what to do, now that they're out of books.
Ironically, the Bolton affair earns me a shrug, which is almost positive. The actor playing Roose clearly had his bored written-off face on throughout these two episodes.
How many seasons has it been since Balon disappeared from the show's storyline? Yeah, lol, and then filler kill. Still hopeful Euron would develop into something interesting, though.
And the scene you've all been waiting for. Literally schoolyard filmmaking. "Melisande doesn't do shit, gives a hopeless look, everyone leaves, freeze frame on face for 10 seconds, aaaaaah *gasp of liveliness*, cut to black". 100% mainstream tropes, 0% intelligent design. Sorry, but no. No.
Every other scene was filler, you know it's true.
by Ricochet
Sun May 01, 2016 12:14 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
Ironically, that name never came up in that article, but Theon's did
by Ricochet
Sun May 01, 2016 11:04 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

A.V. Club is doing articles with odds on who might die in the next episode(s) and that's such lazy clickbait, even for them.
by Ricochet
Tue Apr 26, 2016 6:12 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
I remember some banter on 4chan that Ramsay possibly killing Roose was either a leaked information or a detail slip in one of the trailers.

Anyway, seriously, any thoughts who this might be? (1) (2) I sure hope it won't be revealed to be some simple mistress or seductress or whatever, because she managed to get me interested only by two frames in the trailer.
by Ricochet
Tue Apr 26, 2016 3:31 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

sig wrote:So as an avid book fan, who hated the last episode of the last season, is this new episode worth watching or will I start yelling at the screen?
Spoiler: show
Like I assume the Prince , the Golden Company, and Stoneheart haven't made an appearance.
Spoiler: show
Dunno, the only serious events happen in Dorne.

Also hahhaha, Stoneheart... yeah that's never happening.
by Ricochet
Mon Apr 25, 2016 5:50 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
It's not about the badassery (although Ellaria is hardly interesting tbqh... muh revengeful widow), it's about how undeveloped the characters and how transitory the setting and the fragments related to this story were. Plus, it gives me the impression that Arianne Martell has been completely written off, which - judging from how relevant and sexy her wikipedia synopsis is - is a shame. [Then again, I saw a new, seductive face in the trailers, so maybe there's still hope...]

Didn't Theon stab him through the neck or somewhere above the back shield, anyway?

I understand the Melissande reveal has been foreshadowed or hinted in the books. It wasn't that compelling of a final scene to me personally. As for the ressurection, I'm wondering how long they'll try to play with it. Usually episodes 2, 7, 9 and 10 are big ones in a season, with not much in between but development (and sometimes filler), so either it'll happen soon or they'll stretch it real thin, which could become annoying.
by Ricochet
Mon Apr 25, 2016 2:11 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Spoiler: show
The Dorne scene did nothing more than to further piss me off that the Dorne storyline was completely wasted in the show.
by Ricochet
Sun Apr 24, 2016 5:33 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

No spoilies, I'm catching it only tomorrow evening.
by Ricochet
Mon Jun 22, 2015 9:49 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Ok wow I really don't see one bit of the spoiler text on my tablet.
Spoiler: show
Maybe rezzd Jon will be intentionally recast. Idk what to make of his statements, because it can easily be a ruse from the producers, as for the hairdo... :shrug: I still have friends who legitimately claim Jon is essential to the whole GoT endgame, so to say, and that any less of a rezz/reincarnation would be BS - book, show, regardless.
by Ricochet
Fri Jun 19, 2015 1:50 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Silly rant below. Double warning for members who haven't read the books all the way through (or haven't been spoiled, at least) to seriously not open the spoiler tab.
Spoiler: show
So even though it's pretty obvious by now how much the show is capable of twisting with people's minds and reactions during shocking twists and such, I was still overwhelmed by so much talk in Social Media happened and how silly it was at times. What really made me log out of Facebook and even turn my PC off for a week was seeing how every person who read the books, was spoiled regarding to book events, believes the R+L=J theory and/or the Melisandre will rezz Jon theory and so forth would act cocky in reply to every other person who would post "oh noo they killd Jon Snoo". I get the latter camp for being shocked, but how interesting do the former think they are by CONSTANTLY posting reply in the form "Jon Snow will (be) revive(d) next season / Melisandre will rezz him, mark my words, SNAPSHOT THIS REPLY I'M GOING ALL IN ON THIS GUESS NO SWEAT". Urgghhh.

Not to mention the "I haven't watched it yet please don't spoil me I'M SERIOUS I'LL HATE YOU FOREVER IF YOU DO" camp." Seriously?
by Ricochet
Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:33 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Also, the font color of the spoiler text should really be darker because arrgh my eyes.
by Ricochet
Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:32 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

AceofSpaces wrote:I'm still digesting what I just witnessed during the season finale. On the whole, I've found this season to be a massive disappointment. The show runners took their chance and tried to stand on their own artistic merits. The writing has been abysmal. The plot lines have been contrived and uninteresting. Every episode is filled with nudity and violence and pathetic attempts to pander to the audience. In a lot of ways it's like watching an adaptation of someones really bad fan fiction, which I guess it technically is at this point.
I can understand the feeling, the season finale was really clunky as hell and superficial, as far as structure goes, as well as almost self-aware in toying with the notion of "cliffhangers" and shock value. It was literally tiresome for one storyline jump after another to basically follow the same pattern:
Spoiler: show
insert character(s) / one minute of tension or small talk / fight or killing sequence / cliffhanger / cut to next
I'd once again call the sequence in King's Landing the better one, although that was a very ballsy and tough to watch scene nonetheless.
by Ricochet
Mon Jun 15, 2015 6:16 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

I might borrow "Go on, do your duty" for whenever I will get mislynched again. :D
by Ricochet
Sun Jun 14, 2015 5:40 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

I know of Arianne and other characters only from reading wiki synopsis. She sounded hot and important and I would have preferred to see her included in the show. :p
by Ricochet
Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:44 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Dorne was awful the entire season. Nothing of substance. I would have liked Arianne not being written out instead of I-Don't-Even-Remember-Her-Character-Name Indira Varma sticking around. And the Sand Snakes are bad at acting. That Obara girl was once a 9-year-old or so Oscar nominee (didn't see that movie, though) and now she's chewing her lines.

King's Landing actually holds much better, but mostly because Jonathan Pryce is killing it.
by Ricochet
Thu Jun 04, 2015 7:17 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

Judging from the GoT map, I never understood what's keeping anyone from grabbing a boat and going around the Wall.
by Ricochet
Thu Jun 04, 2015 4:21 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones
Replies: 169
Views: 13017

Re: ASOIAF: Game of Thrones

The hyperactive / jumping from the edge of the cliff zombies made me think of World War Z too much, which wasn't really a good thing.

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