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by Ricochet
Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:18 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Comic Book TV Shows
Replies: 27
Views: 2056

Re: Comic Book TV Shows

Not that I'm the type to care much, but the new trailer for We-Need-A-Movie-to-Warm-Up-The-Justice-League-Movie actually produced grimaces on my face.

EDIT: Oops, I forgot this is just for TV shows.
by Ricochet
Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:19 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Comic Book TV Shows
Replies: 27
Views: 2056

Re: Comic Book TV Shows

If I'd have any nerd blood in my veins, I'd probably temper my snob art demands better, yeah.

Logic, on the hand, is never an issue. I watched Battlestar Galactica and Lost all the way through, after all. :goofp:
by Ricochet
Sun Nov 22, 2015 4:57 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Comic Book TV Shows
Replies: 27
Views: 2056

Re: Comic Book TV Shows

I have it under control. :noble:
by Ricochet
Sun Nov 22, 2015 4:41 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: Comic Book TV Shows
Replies: 27
Views: 2056

Re: Comic Book TV Shows

It's not my type of entertainment... is an answer I could develop the following way.

On one hand, I don't really have genuine access to these series (or in fact any non-HBO US/UK series) except if I *cough* *cough*. The level and lateness with which local TV networks invest in such series or pick them up is often a total killjoy. I'm hearing rumors of Netflix finally appearing as a service in a matter of months, so maybe things we'll change. Something like SKY (in the UK) would also be great, but tough titties around here. We have a few equivalent services, but they hardly offer the same package of movies and series or an adequate stream quality.

Plus I don't have real time to watch all these series in stock or by bingeing. I barely have time to watch a movie or the current three-four TV series I'm interested in, every evening.

On the other hand, I like mostly original (in concept) drama, sometimes comedy, TV series, just like I like my movies dramatic, stylish, borderline arthouse. I feel the Marvel/DC packages cannot offer me anything but cheap thrills, by comparison. Plus, I'm skeptically regarding this endless flow of movies and shows as purely opportunistic and money-making. Have you seen those pics of how many movies are scheduled until 2100? I'm barely knowledgeable about anything comic-related outside the Justice League, X-Men and Spidey, yet I'm supposed to have my interest picqued by entire movies dedicated to uhm someone named Deadpool? Doctor...Strange? The... Inhumans? Sandman? Shazam?! Yeah, they're milking it.

Of the things mentioned, I didn't like anything Captain America/Shield related in the movies, so I doubt I'll ever watch Agents or Carter. I like my Batman 90s animated or maybe, just maybe Nolan-esque, and the reviews I'm reading all mock Gotham by comparison. Flash and Arrow are much more appreciated, but again, probably don't have any time to pursue them. Daredevil and Supergirl sound like a nope for me. I'll admit Jessica Jones has enough buzz these days and looks dark enough to take a peek, plus Ritter is a fun actress.

So yeah, not my type of entertainment.

(If you got all the way up to this line, thanks for reading. :blush: )

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