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by Zombarella
Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:41 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275969

Re: Interrogation Room

Elohcin wrote:
Zomberella12 wrote:
FZ. wrote:
What are the qualities you admire in people, and what can't you stand?

I really like people who laugh and I'm uncomfortable around people who don't (super serious or super sad). I love people who want to talk about issues and don't like stay at home moms who want to talk about how hard/boring/amazing their life is. I like nice people and don't like mean people.
I'm a work at home, homeschooling mom with a hard, never boring, amazing life. Does that upset you? :|
:haha: No. Of course not. I read what I wrote now and it sounds so mean! I homeschool my 13 year old. It's kinda fun. How to you like it?
by Zombarella
Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:34 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275969

Re: Interrogation Room

zeek wrote:Who would you like BTSC with?

I think BlackRock or LongCon. Those guys intrigue me.

Who would like to kill? :feb:

Whoever is trying to get me lynched. :ohyeah:

Most desirable standard power? IRL - Power to stop time or time travel. In Mafia - Power to stop time or time travel. Is that a standard power?
by Zombarella
Fri Mar 20, 2015 2:56 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275969

Re: Interrogation Room

zeek wrote:Who is your mafia nemesis?


What is your favourite zombie movie?

Walking Dead - I know it's not a movie but it is the best. World War Z was pretty good. It was especially funny that Peter Capaldi played a doctor working at the WHO before he was announced as the next Dr. Who.

Showers or baths?

Showers for sure. Baths are boring and gross.
by Zombarella
Fri Mar 20, 2015 2:52 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275969

Re: Interrogation Room

FZ. wrote:Hey Zomb :D

Hi to you to! I really like playing with you.

I'll start by saying it's really great having you on this site :nicenod: and your kids look really really cute!

Thank you for thinking my kids are cute. :)

I think I'm not repeating any questions, but if I am, feel free to ignore.

What is it about mafia that you like? Do you like the online version better, or the live one?

I like solving puzzles and I also like tricking people. I like in person interaction better but it also hurts my feelings more. I like that online you can just leave if you want and then come back later.

What would you do if you weren't an accountant?

I have a high school math teaching certificate but I didn't really like teaching high school. Ever since I was a little kid I have thought it would be neat to be a medical examiner. Maybe that's weird, but I think it would be interesting.

What's your stance on classic economy issues?

I've written like six different answers to this question and they all ended up being too political. Bottom line - I think that government economic programs should be an investment into work programs and education.

What are the qualities you admire in people, and what can't you stand?

I really like people who laugh and I'm uncomfortable around people who don't (super serious or super sad). I love people who want to talk about issues and don't like stay at home moms who want to talk about how hard/boring/amazing their life is. I like nice people and don't like mean people.

What kind of books do you like to read?

I recently read Sheryl Sandberg's book "Lean In" and really liked it. I like books with a point. I also like teen fiction and classic novels. I read cookbooks and my Economics text book a lot.
by Zombarella
Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:06 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275969

Re: Interrogation Room

I meant "Buy a house and move in" not "move it"
by Zombarella
Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:05 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275969

Re: Interrogation Room

Golden wrote:Zombs

You are a puzzle fiend, where did your puzzle love begin? What is your favourite kind of puzzle?

I love doing all kinds of puzzles and I always have. I remember really liking word searches in 2nd grade. Anymore I only have time to play along with the weekend puzzler on NPR. Number puzzles are my favorite.

What did MP do to convince you to play mafia?

He said, "you should try this game that Daisy and I play. It's called mafia." The first game I played was the Donner game which is close to my heart seeing as all of my ancestors were Mormon pioneers that crossed the plains in covered wagons and such. I'm even related to one of the people that was in the actual Donner party - Levina Murphy.

Ooooh bea had a good one... if you came to visit me in NZ - what would you want to do?

Buy a house and move it. New Zealand is so beautiful and I'm tired of U.S. politics. I'd like to try something new. Also I would want to eat some New Zealand food. Do you guys eat lots of lamb? I love lamb.

Do you have a favourite hat?

Not really. I wear a Santa hat sometimes at Christmas. It's a lame mom thing that I do to embarrass my kids.

You can go on a holiday for one week - where do you go?

MP's wedding of course! Or Disney World.

I'll probably come up with more later but I'm not as inventive as others.

PS - I would love to have btsc with you too. You seem like a kindred spirit. Also, this is completely random - I've always wanted to meet someone from Orem, Utah. It's like my favouritest place name except Essen, Germany. No idea why.

Orem, Utah is a weird name. I've always thought that. Sometimes I tell people I'm from Salt Lake City just to save time with explanations. Fun fact: when I was in geometry class in 9th grade my teacher taught us how to spell theorem = the orem.
by Zombarella
Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:56 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275969

Re: Interrogation Room

Spacedaisy wrote:You are so wrong, you and Snowman are totally adorable. Alex told me multiple times before I came down here that I was going to love you and he was so right! I can't wait to get another chance to hang out! Also, I'll be making that appointment tomorrow, want to PM me your phone number so I can text you the details?

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

Growing tomatoes in Texas. It was really hard work and took five years for me to figure out how to do it right.

There is at least one other engaged member here, what marriage advice do you have for us?

Best advice: Don't cheat. Also, remember that you are marrying a person, not a programmable robot. People don't always make good choices and often don't do what you would do or what you want them to do. Be forgiving.

Would you ever consider skydiving?

Yes. I'm not afraid, but I wouldn't enjoy it and I'd rather spend the money on something more fun. Thrills aren't really my thing.

Favorite television show?

Dr. Who.

Favorite incarnation of the doctor?

I keep switching between 10 and 11.

Will you share an embarassing moment?

Two weeks ago I was having a bad morning and I forgot to go to the elementary school to eat "parents lunch" with my kids. I was really upset about it and started rapid texting Snowman about what a bad mom I was and how my day was terrible and how nothing was going right. I knew he was teaching so I didn't expect him to respond but he called me right away. He said that he had seen all my texts because his ipad was plugged into his projector and everything I sent him was scrolling at the top of the screen. I guess his class got a good laugh. :goofp:

Do you like Thai food?

Meh. I like Japanese food and Korean food much more.

Ninjas or Pirates?


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
All your math homework.
by Zombarella
Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:17 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275969

Re: Interrogation Room

@ Eloh - I just looked at your fb page for Little Miss Cakes. AMAZING! Those are so good!
by Zombarella
Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:11 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275969

Re: Interrogation Room

Zomberella12 wrote:
S~V~S wrote:I love your dog :)

And I paint minis, too, for my brother. I will try to watch the swears for you. I grew up in Brooklyn so swears are NY native tongue :)
Don't worry about it. It doesn't bother me all that much.
Also, I want to see some of your minis!
by Zombarella
Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:11 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275969

Re: Interrogation Room

S~V~S wrote:I love your dog :)

And I paint minis, too, for my brother. I will try to watch the swears for you. I grew up in Brooklyn so swears are NY native tongue :)
Don't worry about it. It doesn't bother me all that much.
by Zombarella
Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:51 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275969

Re: Interrogation Room

Elohcin wrote:Well Zomba, I can tell you you are not missing out when it comes to alcohol. Its disgusting and it makes you feel crappy. I don't get why anyone ever tries it more than once.

Epi and I were HS sweethearts as well :) We met at 16 and were married at 20. Kids at 24.

I see Bea already asked how long you've been married and do you have kiddos. If you do, how many and what ages/gender?

What dream have you always had? Has it been fulfilled?

I've always wanted to have a cabin in the woods. Some day when I'm rich and famous I will get one!

What are some of your biggest joys in life?

I love spring time! Texas has so many wild flowers and flowering trees and it's so beautiful. I also really love the beach. I love it when my kids play together instead of fighting.
by Zombarella
Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:48 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275969

Re: Interrogation Room

Sorry I messed up the pictures.

by Zombarella
Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:36 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275969

Re: Interrogation Room


I have been waiting all night to get home from work to ask you questions and Daisy stole one of mine. :(

Heh. Heh. Opps. I clicked submit instead of preview.

Sooo- what was your first impression of Daisy? (see how I pay her back? :D )

Daisy is awesome! I thought, "She and MP make a really cute couple." Then I thought, "I like hanging out with these guys."

Tell me about your wedding - was it a small one? mid-size? Large? Picts? How did he propose? Or did you propose to him?

We got married when we were both 21. We had about 70 people at the church for the wedding and another 500 at the reception. I invited all of my extended family ( including 30 first cousins) and my family's whole church (my dad was a volunteer minister at the time). Jared invited all of his extended family (including 20 more first cousins) and his family's whole church (his dad was also a volunteer minister at the time). I made my own dress and all the bridesmaid dresses and we served cookies and milk. It was such a great day!

After the reception we drove my brother's car to the Mall where we had parked our car so that it wouldn't get "decorated" by my friends. Snowman dropped me off and left for our apartment. I got in the car and it wouldn't start! It was the 90's so I didn't have a cell phone to call anyone. I had to go into the mall in my wedding dress and borrow the phone at the Cinnabon to call Snowman to come back and get me. The lady at the counter said, "Is this some kind of joke?" :P


What is it about zombies that you love so much?

I don't really love zombies that much. We have a game with all these little zombie minis and its really fun to play. Snowman and I have been painting the minis.

How do you find such cute icons?

I spend forever looking for them and editing the pictures in PhotoShop.

Do you currently work in the accounting field or are you exclusively a student?

I've been teaching college level accounting and working as an accountant on and off since 2002. My most recent accounting job (that I had to quit in order to start the PhD program at UTSA) was at a CPA firm in Houston. It was neat because I got to work from home. I also spent three years teaching high school math at the same school where Snowman teaches physics.

What fields in accounting are you most drawn to? (I'm learning bit by bit about the profession thanks to MP)

I like teaching and taxes. MP likes audit, I have done auditing but I don't like it that much. I'm going to do my dissertation on accounting for environmental sustainability.

What if anything do you like to watch on TV?

Watching TV is my hobby. I don't have cable though, so everything I watch is on Netflix or Hulu. Right now I love Brooklyn 99, The Black List, Frontline, Nova, MASH, and Hell's Kitchen. But those will change soon. I binge watch entire seasons of shows while I do my homework.

What if anything do you like to read?

I like to read teen fiction like Hunger Games and Twilight. I know, I know. It's lame. I also like boring novels where nothing much happens (MP and I were just talking about this today actually) - Winter Wheat, Grapes of Wrath, Cold Sassy Tree. I do not like any Jane Austin novels. Right now I'm liking reading my economics textbook because it's going to help me pass the test.

What did you want to be when you grew up at age 10? Teacher15? Nurse20? Accountant

Do you cook? If yes, what do you consider your specialty? If no, what have you always wanted to learn to cook?

Yes I do cook and I love it! I make really good desserts and BBQ. I have always loved soup so I make that a lot. Right now I'm experimenting with Indian dishes and bread. My favorite cookbook is the red America's Test Kitchen Family Cookbook. I use the Bobby Flay mesa grill book a lot too.

If I come to visit you in TX - what would we do?

We would go to see the Alamo and then eat dinner on the San Antonio Riverwalk.

If you came to visit me in AZ - what would you want to do?

Go horseback riding in the desert and then hike the grand canyon.

DIet Coke is awesome. (I know not a question, but needed resaid. :))

I'm all out. I'm headed to the store as soon as I'm finished with this post.

Is there any particular reason you have never drank alcohol? (Feel free to tell me to piss off if any of my questions are too personal)

Have been Mormon all my life and always will be. Mormons usually don't drink alcohol.

Is man inherently good, evil or neither?

I think that man is inherently innocent. As man learns the difference between good and evil, good men choose more good and bad men choose more bad but everyone is both. I try to live my life on the good side of the spectrum.

Nature, nurture or some combo of both?

Definitely both!

What would we be surprised to learn about you?

I have a motorcycle that I don't ride as much as I'd like.

What is your favorite color?


Do you have pets? If yes - what kinds? What kinds of pets would you like to have but don't?

I have a little white dog named Kumo. He's a Bichon Frise puppy. I also have two goldfish. I've always wanted chickens but the HOA wont allow it. ... 1427_o.jpg

Do you want kids? Do you already have them?

I have three kids. Boy (age 12), boy (age 9), girl (age 6).


How long have you and Snowman been married?

16 years

Why is North Carolina top pick for place to live? (One of my Auntie's lives there!)

Did I say North Carolina? Sorry. I meant Northern California. I love the beach and the redwood trees.

Are you an outdoorsy kind of person? If so what do you like to do outside?

Yes and no. I used to do a lot of backpacking with my dad before I had kids and got fat. We still like camping in our pop up trailer.

Picts please? :D (I'm curious if you are as adorable as I picture you in my head.)

Probably not that adorable.

Did you and snowman grow up in TX? If not, where did you grow up? If yes, do you have cute accents?

No. We grew up in Orem, Utah. We probably do have Utah accents but I don't know. We moved to Texas when Snowman was working as a psychologist in the Air Force.

What do you like best about playing Mafia?

I like lying to people. This last game was especially fun.

What do you like least?

Having to read swears.

Would you think about hosting at some point? If so, what sorts of games would you like to host?

I think I would but I need to play several more games first. I'm still figuring out how everything is supposed to work.

Who's play style do you think matches yours the most?

I don't know. Whoever is the most forgetful and random.

Who would you love to have BTS with?

Golden and/or Llama

How is playing mafia different in person vs onilne? (I've only ever played online.)

In person you know the game is going to be over really soon (like a hour or two) so you don't have to be as careful about what you say. Plus, you're just talking so people can't look back and over analyze past conversations. That makes fooling people easier. However, in person, body language can give you away so you have to be careful about that as well as the words you use./color]

What is your favorite comfort food?

Cold cereal.

What is your favorite way to spoil yourself?

Comfort food.

What is your favorite way to spoil someone else?

I love to make cookies for my kids.

Do you play any musical instruments? If no, is there one you've always wanted to learn to play?

I play the piano but I'm not talented at it. I mean that my piano skills are all hard won by practicing my brains out. I'm not one of those people who can sit down and just play whatever song. I play the piano for my church's women's meeting on Sundays.

What is something you would like to share with us that you don't think anyone will ask you?

I like to fix cars.

Favorite curse word? Favorite non curse word? Least favorite word?

I don't curse for real but I do say "Oh, brother!" a lot. Favorite non-curse word is "mitigate." Least favorite word is a tie between "hubby" and "preggers".

*takes a deep breath*

Ok - I think I've pestered you enough. for now..... :feb: :D
by Zombarella
Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:26 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275969

Re: Interrogation Room


I have been waiting all night to get home from work to ask you questions and Daisy stole one of mine. :(

Well I am super excited to answer all of these fabulous questions!

Sooo- what was your first impression of Daisy? (see how I pay her back? :D )
Tell me about your wedding - was it a small one? mid-size? Large? Picts? How did he propose? Or did you propose to him?
What is it about zombies that you love so much?
How do you find such cute icons?
Do you currently work in the accounting field or are you exclusively a student?
What fields in accounting are you most drawn to? (I'm learning bit by bit about the profession thanks to MP)
What if anything do you like to watch on TV?
What if anything do you like to read?
What did you want to be when you grew up at age 10? 15? 20?
Do you cook? If yes, what do you consider your specialty? If no, what have you always wanted to learn to cook?
If I come to visit you in TX - what would we do?
If you came to visit me in AZ - what would you want to do?s
DIet Coke is awesome. (I know not a question, but needed resaid. :))
Is there any particular reason you have never drank alcohol? (Feel free to tell me to piss off if any of my questions are too personal)
Is man inherently good, evil or neither?
Nature, nurture or some combo of both?
What would we be surprised to learn about you?
What is your favorite color?
Do you have pets? If yes - what kinds? What kinds of pets would you like to have but don't?
Do you want kids? Do you already have them?
How long have you and Snowman been married?
Why is North Carolina top pick for place to live? (One of my Auntie's lives there!)
Are you an outdoorsy kind of person? If so what do you like to do outside?
Picts please? :D (I'm curious if you are as adorable as I picture you in my head.)
Did you and snowman grow up in TX? If not, where did you grow up? If yes, do you have cute accents?
What do you like best about playing Mafia?
What do you like least?
Would you think about hosting at some point? If so, what sorts of games would you like to host?
Who's play style do you think matches yours the most?
Who would you love to have BTS with?
How is playing mafia different in person vs onilne? (I've only ever played online.)
What is your favorite comfort food?
What is your favorite way to spoil yourself?
What is your favorite way to spoil someone else?
Do you play any musical instruments? If no, is there one you've always wanted to learn to play?
What is something you would like to share with us that you don't think anyone will ask you?
Favorite curse word? Favorite non curse word? Least favorite word?

*takes a deep breath*

Ok - I think I've pestered you enough. for now..... :feb: :D
by Zombarella
Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:01 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275969

Re: Interrogation Room

How did you meet Snowman? (You may have told me but I've forgotten already)

We met in high school; he was 15 and I was 14. We had an art class together. We were friends for a long time before I asked him out on our first date.

What is your favorite band?

Tie between Barbara Streisand (I know, not a band, don't care), U2, Aerosmith, Imagine Dragons, REM, The Cure, Ke$ha (also not a band, still don't care), Simon and Garfunkel, and One Republic. I literally cannot pick just one.

Do you listen to Stevie Wonder?


What was your first impression of MP?

I thought, "He's got kinda long hair." Then I thought, "Wow. He's really smart."

What led you into accounting?

One of my first jobs was working as the drive up cashier at McDonalds. I really liked it. Later I was working as a bank teller and someone told me that I would be a good accountant. I signed up for an accounting class and I loved it so much that I changed my major from math education to accounting the first day. Ironically, I now have a Texas math teaching certificate :P

What is your favorite game to play?

Board Game: Zombicide
Computer Game:SimCity Mafia :D

Who do you trust more, me or MP?

To remind me when my homework is due: MP. Everything else: You.

What is your favorite food?

It's a tie between pizza and clam chowder.

What is your favorite drink?

Diet Coke. Fun fact: I've never had an alcoholic drink - not even a beer.

Where is your favorite place to live?

I would LOVE to live in Northern California. But Texas is fine. It's kinda hot in the Summer but the cost of living is low.

Where have you never been but you would really love to visit someday?

by Zombarella
Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:04 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275969

Re: Interrogation Room

Hello :)
by Zombarella
Fri Feb 06, 2015 1:52 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275969

Re: Interrogation Room

Do you have a pet? What kind?
Cake or pie?
Have you ever driven a three-wheeled car?
Gwyneth Paltrow or Scarlett Johannsen?
Would you ever wear cowboy boots to work?
So which one is it? Blink or Silence in the Library?

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