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by Golden
Tue Jun 21, 2016 12:13 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Replies: 192
Views: 14678


insertnamehere wrote:The only one in your top 5 that I don't completely get is Amazon. Yes, Rob C is great, but he also has some cringey moments and the whole battle of the sexes thing was done much better in Vanuatu. (Season 9) Also, I'm not a fan of how the editors portrayed the winner. In a lot of ways, Jenna is the OG Michelle from Kaoh Rong. Let me be clear, I think that Jenna is an interesting person who deserved her win, but I think that the editors made the decision to not show us that, and it hurts the season greatly.
Agree about Amazon. I've never really gotten the love.

The season I love that other people don't is Cook Islands. Also Caramoan to some extent.
by Golden
Tue Jun 21, 2016 12:11 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Replies: 192
Views: 14678


@Scotty - yes I do, but what makes someone 'bitter'... is it being blindsided, or is about how they are blindsided? If Cagayan had been Tony vs Kass, they would have respected one players blindsides and not the others. They still would have been upset about both.

Most games are still won by the person who played the best game despite the fact the jury is bitter towards them.
by Golden
Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:34 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Replies: 192
Views: 14678


I felt like that jury was bitter, but listening to people talking about their votes later...

It seems like Jason and Julia, in particular, were very surprised by how much influence Aubry had on the game and they just hadn't been talking to her or seeing it. They liked her, but they didn't believe she was having an impact on the game - probably because Aubry never trusted them enough to share her plans with them. Whereas the minimal impact Michele was having, it was usually evident at tribal council (like fighting with Tai, voting out Neal etc). I think Aubry's game ultimately suffered from being too far in the shadows.

Bitter juries will happen, but I think they are fairly rare in the end, even today. And I still don't have a problem with, say, the Samoa jury - people shouldn't be rewarded for being VERY bad at the social game. There's an extent to which, if juries always respected the most deceitful and ruthless gameplay, the show would become unwatchable. I think the jury does a pretty good job of keeping the game in check, in the end.
by Golden
Mon Jun 20, 2016 4:45 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Replies: 192
Views: 14678


Hey, edgc charts.

Are you listening to rob c and Josh's evolution of strategy as you go? If not, you absolutely should. It would be an awesome combo.

I'll be following along with this. And I absolutely still watch. And listen to hours of podcast analysis after lol. I think you'll find there are others too... Scotty, at least.

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