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by Neverwhere
Fri Jun 26, 2015 2:13 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275648

Re: Interrogation Room

I know, I'm a disgrace of a young woman...but I am not great with computers. So here is a link to a website that contains a photo of the bay in my area. ... ey_Bay.jpg
My house is about a five minute walk from the beach there. It's really lovely.

We've got a fine little community of mafia players here, though we have our own style that is different from a lot of mafia I've played previously. If there's one thing we love doing here, it's running large games with lots of complicated roles and mechanics involved.
I absoloutely love how complicated the games can be! Struggling a bit with player size, but I think it's just gonna take me a few games to get a grips with. How do you feel that this sites style differs from other mafia sites?
That Narnia game was fun, even if we civilians played a really crappy game. I was a bit surprised that I was nightkilled, but after the game, it made sense, lol. Mafia is a game of deceit and lies, so as you witnessed in that game, tempers can flare and things can get out of hand. But in the end, we must remember that it is a game, and we're here to have fun.

G-Man is new to me as well (though some of the folks around here played with him years ago), but he seems like a wonderful person. Canucklehead I've played with from time-to-time, but I know you have to watch out for her. She is certainly prone to epic strategies if she is given the opportunity. You just have to ask her about the Roger Rabbit game we played recently.
Well, you were the only person to actually have had any suspicions of me, so you were gonna get night killed pretty quick. As for tempers, it happens. I didn't ever think it would happen to me...but life stresses combined with a stressful game can make you snap I guess. I surprised myself with one of those moments recently!

Aside from aggressive game playing, I am surprised at how lovely and polite and friendly everyone on this site is! It's really refreshing. :)
Excellent! I've got a few of their albums, and my favorite by far is Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV, Volume 1. I like their recent double (split) album that came out a couple years ago, but it is certainly a bit different than their early stuff. I've never heard of Brand New before? What kind of music do they make?
Woop! Another fan! I think I may have bought Good Apollo years ago, but couldn't get into it at the time. I lost it and havent listened to it in years. I need to give it another shot though, as there are al ot of people who have told me that it was their favourite of the Coheed albums. I've heard nothing after that album, however.
Brand New started out as emo. Their first album isn't really worth listening to. The thing I love about this band is you see how much the lead singer has grown as a person with each album and with each album their music seems to mature quite a bit. Googling their wiki page they are classed as Alt. Rock. Their newest 2 albums are really creative. I love it.

Actually, if you would be up for it we can PM and spam each other with music links? My daughter is very sound sensitive so I don't get to listen to music much anymore and I'm kind of in the mood to fire some youtube vids back and forth! :) Let me know.
by Neverwhere
Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:18 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275648

Re: Interrogation Room

Metalmarsh89 wrote:
Neverwhere wrote:
S~V~S wrote:I used to have a Water Dragon,and several friends with snakes, it was the alligator eating part i found most alarming, I think, lol.
Yeah, that is pretty horrifying! Best to live in the city me thinks....
City? The horror! :overreact:

What is your favorite part about living in the city?
What brought you over to INFJ? From INFJ to here? (I think I know the second answer)
How do you like mafia so far?
Who is your favorite new personality that you have met here on the Syndicate?
What smiley do you wish the Syndicate had that you believe is lacking?
How is your day?
What is/was for dinner tonight?
What is your favorite band/musician?
Would you rather travel to the Philippines or Madagascar?
I actually don't live in the city. The capital city of Ireland is Dublin and the county that its in is also called Dublin. I'm about 30 minutes outside of the city centre in the suburbs, but along the coast. I would be tempted to post a pic of how beautiful my area is.

I've been into MBTI for a while, I'm actually ENFJ but mistyped as INFJ for a while so a few years ago when I was bored I googled infj forums and joined the first one that popped up. Heiots asked us if we would be interested in playing mafia and i always loved the 30 min games of it we used to play in youth group, so i was teh first to sign up. Golden asked if I'd come and join here after the game because he thought myself and my team mates did a pretty good job.

I am really enjoying mafia so far. I feel like I'm going through some sort of evoloutionary process with it! I've played Narnia, Omerta, and am now currently playing Bullets over Broadway. I'm finding it rather intimidating at the moment. All teh games I've played to date have been pretty small, and this one is huge and there's a lot more snark than I am used to so I'm still trying to get a feel for it. I really enjoy it, but find the bigger games a little overwhelming in regards to sheer volume of posts and players! Practice makes perfect!

gosh, hard to say. I haven't got to know people very much. Talking to yourself has been quite wonderful, before joining up here I didn't get to talk to you much as I was trying to avoid you -- you were the only one onto me haha. G-man and Canucklehead stick out quite a bit with their quirky personalities and posting styles. I'm really looking forward to getting to know everyone though -- I have a feeling ill be sticking around.

I don't think I miss any smileys. I'm not a huge smiley user and you guys seem to have some pretty snazzy ones here. Maybe something with a cat? I like cats...

On the menu tonight is a chicken and mango stir fry with carrots and sugar snap peas in a peanut sauce. Served with egg noodles. Nice and summery!

Favourite band/musician. I am shit with favourites to be honest with you....but I've always adored Coheed and Cambria. Mostly their early works...first two albums were the best, although I haven't heard their newer stuff. Also going through a big Brand New phase. I've just found out they are playing Dublin in September and I am so ridiculously excited that after 10 or 11 yers of being a hardcore fan I will get to see them live.

I've already been to Africa and haven't had the chance to explore Asia, so with that I will go for the Phillipines. Although I hear their food is all artery clogging and heart attack inducing.
by Neverwhere
Wed Jun 24, 2015 3:53 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275648

Re: Interrogation Room

S~V~S wrote:I used to have a Water Dragon,and several friends with snakes, it was the alligator eating part i found most alarming, I think, lol.
Yeah, that is pretty horrifying! Best to live in the city me thinks....
by Neverwhere
Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:12 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275648

Re: Interrogation Room

S~V~S wrote:Yeah, I am sure Oz is awesome, but I have seen pictures of spiders that eat snakes, and snakes that eat crocs, Jeez, I don't think I could handle that.
I actually have no problems with snakes. I used to have a couple of pythons.
by Neverwhere
Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:11 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275648

Re: Interrogation Room

Epignosis wrote:This little guy.

He is horrifying. Still preferable to a huntsman.
by Neverwhere
Tue Jun 23, 2015 7:10 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275648

Re: Interrogation Room

Golden wrote:We have no giant spiders, we have no snakes. I think my wife infinitely prefers the wildlife in NZ to the horrendous stuff she grew up with in Australia. The only exception is the mostly harmless but horribly awful looking weta.
Holy Moses. What is that thing?
by Neverwhere
Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:57 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275648

Re: Interrogation Room

S~V~S wrote:My father in law was from Clonakilty in Cork, and I am told it was "surpassingly lovely". I hope to see Ireland someday.

If you could/had to live anywhere else, where would it be? What country would you like to visit for an extended vacation? Were it readily available & affordable, would you consider space travel?
I hope so too. It's a lovely place to visit :)

If I had to live somewhere else I think I would consider Australia or New Zealand. I struggle learning languages, so English is good. I have family in Oz, so that's also good. However, they have giant ass spiders and I really don'tthink I can handle that. I haven't heard much about giant spiders in NZ and the Lord of the Rings has led me to believe I would just fall in lvoe and spend my life hiking. That sounds heavenly.

For an extended vacation I think I would like to return to Mombasa, Kenya. I spent 4 months there when I was in my late teens and the plan had always been to go back and work for a year, but I had my chld before I got the chance to return.

Honestly, I think I would save up an send my daughter into space. She's possible Aspergers and obsessed with space. She's always churning out space facts and I think that it would mean a lot to her.
by Neverwhere
Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:48 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275648

Re: Interrogation Room

Golden wrote:Hey N-where, some questions for you.

You've mentioned kid/kids - what have you got?
You've mentioned pet/vet - what have you got?
What about mafia has appealed to you, so far?
I know you can't speak to your alignment in the current game and otherwise you've been mafia every game. But even if you haven't yet been civ, what appeals to you more - being mafia or being civ?
Favourite alcoholic beverage?
Where did your user name come from?
Where is the crab with the cane and top hat!?
What's one thing you aspire to do in life?

PS - I definitely want to get btsc with you too. It's a great place to get to know people. As for what I look like in btsc - a more schizophrenic version of what you see in the thread. I like having someone to bounce my crazy tinfoil hat ideas off.
Kid. I have a 5 year old girl. She's a sweetheart.

I have got two cats. Silver and white tabbies. I brought the female to be spayed today and discovered she was pregnant with a mutant spawn. Kitty abortion. Pretty lousy day for the little purr baby.

There are a lot of things about mafia I find appealing. The theme of the first game i played (Chronicles of Narnia) was ridiculously fun and suckered me in. I'm lookng forward to playing more games in the themes of favourite books, shows, etc. I like how it;s a fun little game we can play to blow off steam while still excercising our brain and solving puzzles. A lot of the work I do these days isn't very mentally challenging and it's nice to be using my brain more.

Ooooh. Yeah I've been mafia twice now! I enjoyed both my stints as mafia. It took up a lot of time, but it was quite exhilirating and required a lot of thinking and analaysis. Being civ seems a lot easier though and less work in some ways -- there's a lot less that's also nice for a change. I guess it would depend on my mood, but I think if you have the time being mafia could be more fun.

Favourite alcoholic beverage -- hmm, i suppose if I'm in my country it would be a rum and coke. If I am in my boyfriends home country of Belgium a good Belgian beer like Leffe really hits the spot.

My username was a combination of my love of Gaiman and my love of Coheed and Cambria who reference Neverwhere in one of their songs. Neverwhere isn't even my favourite Gaiman book, but it just sounds good.

The crab with the top hat is sitting over in INFJs because I am 26 years old and tech illiterate. One day he shall join us.

One thing I aspire to do in life is travel. I've always wanted to hike my way from place to place or work my way from place to place. Basically, I'd like to be a hippy for a while. Except maybe wash a little more frequently.
by Neverwhere
Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:31 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275648

Re: Interrogation Room

Sloonei wrote:the smallness of dublin was one of my favorite things about it. it's a city, but not too much of a city.
Glendalough is not a place I visited, but I do plan on returning to the island some day. I may have to check it out.
I also didn't get to see any of Cork, remarkably. That seems like a place everyone goes to.
I visited the Cliffs of Moher though, and the memory of it still amazes me to this day.
Yeah I personally love big cities -- but as far as Dublin goes it's a nice size, pretty small and a nice place to bring kids up. I live in pretty awesome place. Where I live is actually a tourist destination and I have some pretty spectacular views only a couple of minutes walk from my house.

If you like hiking or nature at all you will like Glendalough. It's one of our national parks -- a glacial valley and monastic settlement situated in the wicklow mountains -- about 40 minutes outside Dublin. here is a link if you want to check it out or google for pics. If you ever want to visit hit me up -- I'm always happy to play tour guide.

Yes, you should definitely visit Cork. Lovely scenery in rural Cork and Cork city is a lovely little place. Did you see the Ring of Kerry at all? If you're in scenery there are some spectacular views there.
by Neverwhere
Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:43 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275648

Re: Interrogation Room

Sloonei wrote:Dublin is my favorite city i've ever visited. It's a short list, but that's still gotta mean something. :) County Sligo was the region that I remember most fondly for its landscape and stuff. The whole island was beautiful, but that one corner was extra nice.
Can't say I've really spent any time in Sligo! Dublin is ok for a's pretty small and there's not as much to do here as there is in other european capitals, but it's a nice enough city!

I love Cork City or Galway is really nice too. Kilkenny is pretty cute.

Did you visit Glendalough while you were here? It's one of my favourite places on the planet.
by Neverwhere
Tue Jun 23, 2015 2:07 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275648

Re: Interrogation Room

Sloonei wrote:You're from Ireland? :o I spent two weeks there last summer, it was my first time leaving the States. I loved it.
I have no question, just that comment. Unless you feel like saying more about being from Ireland.
Technically, I am, yes :) My father is Italian but his family emigrated to the US and my mother is a Dubliner. They met while my father was working here in the mid 80s. They got married and moved to New Jersey, where I was born. We moved back to Dublin when I was 6 and I have lived here pretty much since then. My mothers family are all from the North side of Dublin City.
by Neverwhere
Tue Jun 23, 2015 7:18 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275648

Re: Interrogation Room

fingersplints wrote:
Golden wrote:Next in the hotseat is....
Ask her your questions, go, go, go!
What is the best thing about Ireland?
What kind of music do you listen to?
What is your favorite show? (both current and past shows are ok)

What is your favorite mafia game so far?
What kind of ability would you like to have that you have not had so far?
Who would you like to have btsc with that you haven't had before?
Best thing about Ireland...hmm... I suppose I'd say it would be how friendly the people are. You can literally stop and get chatting to anyone. Ireland is such a small country than when something happens round here there's a real community feel. People will stop to help each other out.

I have quite an ecclectic taste in music, but I probably listen to rock and metal the most.

My favourite show.... I'm not great with favourites. I always have a hard time picking the *most* favorite. The few that came to mind were Sherlock...possibly because it doesn't come out very often, so I'm always left dying for more. I might have said GoT before, but I don't know how impressed I am with where the show is headed. (I'm a book lover...)
As for comedy.... I watch the US Office all the time and Parks And Rec was always one to get a lot of laughs. Execpt for that final season.... wtf WAS that?

Favourite mafia game so far was the first game I played with Heiots hosting on the INFJ forum -- Chronicles of Narnia. I had so much fun in that game. Also loved the theme...the fact that I'm a huge Narnia fan made it all the better. I actually squealed when I got the role of the White Witch.

I've had a couple pretty nice abilities, but I think if I had to pick I'd love to be able to role check.

BTSC -- I'd have to say either TinyBubbles or Golden.
Bubbles -- because she's a sweetie and also a rather quiet player, so I'd love to see her thought process more openly.
Golden -- because he's very active and always coming up with tons of theories -- so it would be nice to see him work from the other side.
by Neverwhere
Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:47 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275648

Re: Interrogation Room

Until then, I'm going to read the rest of the thread and find out about you guys :)

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