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by Scotty
Mon Sep 12, 2022 5:58 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)

I was feeling cute and whipped up a little static Winners banner here in the 38th inning for the mafia team. Sorry for the delay!


by Scotty
Thu Jun 09, 2022 10:07 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)

Link to main chat: Discord HUB

Link to scum chat: Discord Scumchat
by Scotty
Wed Jun 08, 2022 5:09 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (Night 3)

Dolby walked up to the sandlot block as he usually did on Saturday morning after his cereal and cartoons. Only this time, something was different. Some new signs had popped up in the windows on the same block: “Liquor Store: Coming Soon”; “Bobby’s Tavern”; “Smut and Gambling”. Aside from the fact that these foreboding signs were lacking in moral fiber, he was most alarmed at the 3 people smoking in front of the entrance to the backlot: DrWilgy, falcon45ca and Sloonei were stiff and looked…different somehow. Had they always been that tall and that muscular?

Dolby rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Flanders walked up and had seemingly the same reaction. After a second, he gestured hopelessly.
“Have we just been pawns in the corporatocratic machine this whole time?” he asked.
Dolby slung his bat over his shoulder, and threw his glove down in frustration. It seemed he had been playing with a few major league hall of famers this whole time and it had all been a ploy to engage an older demographic. It seemed the good ole days of pickup games and accessible fun for all ages was over.

“Hey…” Dolby started, “You wanna just head back to my place and play Madden on my PS5?” Stupid Sexy Flanders shrugged. “I guess so.”
And with that, they headed back to Dolby’s house, picking up some beer and a pack of smokes along the way.

hollowkat, Porscha and Nanook have been eliminated in the night. MAFIA WIN THE GAME.
Congratulations to DrWilgy (Chipper Jones), falcon45ca (Tony Gwynn) and Sloonei (Cal Ripken)!

Thank you for playing!!

Spoiler: show
@Dragon D Luffy
@Stupid Sexy Flanders
by Scotty
Tue Jun 07, 2022 7:00 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (Twilight 3)

Tomorrow, the Tasty Cheeses take on the Stinky Pansies! The tentative lineup for tomorrow is:
Tasty Cheeses
  1. Sloonei
  2. falcon45ca
  3. Dolby
  4. Stupid Sexy Flanders
Stinky Pansies
  1. DrWilgy
  2. hollowkat
  3. Porscha
  4. Nanook
It is now Night 3. Night ends in 23 hours. You have 22 hours to PM me with any purchases from the store if you can afford them!
by Scotty
Tue Jun 07, 2022 6:00 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (Day 3)

Twilight 3
The game had been going on for hours. Sweat dripped down the bridge of RondoDimBuckle’s nose. The lot was dead quiet waiting for the eventual pitch, except for McSweeney’s excessive mouth breathing in the stands. The pitcher looked back to first base- a habit they tended to do, even if no one was occupying it- and began the windup. Rondo squeezed the bat tighter and pushed their front foot into the dirt in anticipation. The world seemed to slow down- seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours- and Rondo began to plot every possibility of the pitch: speed, velocity, location in the strike zone, the-

Suddenly, McSweeney sneezed. The pitcher went wide-eyed at the distraction- just enough time to lose track of the ball as it careened straight into Rondo’s head.

That, combined with the earlier surprise Zeus bolt death of arogame123, called for action. The group officially renamed the sandlot ‘arogame123 and RondoDimBuckle Memorial Prudential Liberty Mutual Wrigleymintgum Field’ after the incidents.
McSweeney has promised to take his allergy medication in order to be allowed back.

RondoDimBuckle has been eliminated. They were
Spoiler: show
Maria Luna, a kid and a member of the Town.

Your attributes are normal and as follows:
2 Contact
1 Power
0 Pitching
3 Infield
2 Outfield

You currently have 2 Purchasing Points to spend at the Store.
It is now Twilight. The thread will remain open for one hour of unrestricted posting.
by Scotty
Mon Jun 06, 2022 6:53 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (Day 3)

arogame123 was smited in the Simulation. They were
Spoiler: show
Dante Robinson, a kid and a member of the Town.

Your attributes are normal and as follows:
0 Contact
3 Power
2 Pitching
2 Infield
3 Outfield

You currently have 0 Purchasing Points to spend at the Store.

Please do not vote for arogame123 in the poll. The day continues as normal. Thank you.
Spoiler: show
@Stupid Sexy Flanders
by Scotty
Sun Jun 05, 2022 6:00 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (Night 2)

Day 3
“It was a balk! He balked!”

Everyone looked towards the ump. Pierre piped up first: “Whaddya mean, a balk? You mean a ball?”
“No, stupid. He means a balk. The pitcher balked,” explained Rosie.
Pierre scratched his head. “Like a chicken?”
Some of the other kids just stood around waiting for a better explanation. The kids looked to the umpire, who suddenly seemed sheepish.
“What is a balk, you ask? Well…that’s a perfectly reasonable question that demands…uhm…a perfect explanation.”
The umpire turned to the side and surreptitiously pulled out his phone. After a brief series of typings he turned back to the group of impatient players, and the ump cleared his throat.
“Balk Rules
1) You can't just be up there and just doin' a balk like that.
1a. A balk is when you
1b. Okay well listen. A balk is when you balk the
1c. Let me start over
1c-a. The pitcher is not allowed to do a motion to the, uh, batter, that prohibits the batter from doing, you know, just trying to hit the ball. You can't do that.
1c-b. Once the pitcher is in the stretch, he can't be over here and say to the runner, like, "I'm gonna get ya! I'm gonna tag you out! You better watch your butt!" and then just be like he didn't even do that.
1c-b(1). Like, if you're about to pitch and then don't pitch, you have to still pitch. You cannot not pitch. Does that make any sense?
1c-b(2). You gotta be, throwing motion of the ball, and then, until you just throw it.
1c-b(2)-a. Okay, well, you can have the ball up here, like this, but then there's the balk you gotta think about.
1c-b(2)-b. Fairuza Balk hasn't been in any movies in forever. I hope she wasn't typecast as that racist lady in American History X.
1c-b(2)-b(i). Oh wait, she was in The Waterboy too! That would be even worse.
1c-b(2)-b(ii). "get in mah bellah" -- Adam Water, "The Waterboy." Haha, classic...
1c-b(3). Okay seriously though. A balk is when the pitcher makes a movement that, as determined by, when you do a move involving the baseball and field of
2) Do not do a balk please.”

Satisfied with his explanation, the umpire flipped his mask back down and trotted back to his position behind home plate.

“Oh, and so I’m ejecting Creature for that bullshit”

Creature was ejected. They were
Spoiler: show
Angela Delvecchio, a kid and a member of the Town.

Your attributes are normal and as follows:
2 Contact
2 Power
3 Pitching
0 Infield
1 Outfield

You currently have 4 Purchasing Points to spend at the Store.

The Lineups for the new exhibition game today between the Mighty Wombats and the Green Fishes are set!

Mighty Wombats
  1. Stupid Sexy Flanders
  2. arogame123
  3. Dolby
  4. Porscha
  5. DrWilgy
Green Fishes
  1. Nanook
  2. falcon45ca
  3. RondoDimBuckle
  4. Sloonei
  5. hollowkat
You should all have access to your new team threads. Day 3 ends in 48 hours!
Spoiler: show
@Stupid Sexy Flanders
by Scotty
Sun Jun 05, 2022 12:20 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (Night 2)

Current Post counts / Post limit in Day 3
  • Dolby: 93 / 168
  • Stupid Sexy Flanders: 75 / 150
  • hollowkat: 70 / 145
  • Creature: 68 / 143
  • falcon45ca: 64 / 139
  • Nanook: 36 / 111
  • Sloonei: 23 / 98
  • Porscha: 14 / 89
  • RondoDimBuckle: 13 / 88
  • DrWilgy: 4 / 79
  • arogame123: 2 / 77

by Scotty
Sat Jun 04, 2022 7:00 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (Twilight 2)

Tomorrow, the Mighty Wombats take on the Green Fishes! The tentative lineup for tomorrow is:

Mighty Wombats
  1. Stupid Sexy Flanders
  2. arogame123
  3. Dolby
  4. Porscha
  5. Creature
  6. DrWilgy

Green Fishes
  1. Nanook
  2. falcon45ca
  3. RondoDimBuckle
  4. Sloonei
  5. hollowkat

Night ends in 23 hours. You have 22 hours to PM me with any purchases from the store if you can afford them!
by Scotty
Sat Jun 04, 2022 6:00 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (Day 2)

In a game where Oysters took a while to crack open and Duckies might as well have broken all the mirrors in the bathrooms, one team did prevail, but it was overshadowed by the outright brawl on the field after Madelyn was accused of stealing Leanne’s GoGurt. When the dust was settled, the fans saw the lone player in the dugout, Dragon D Luffy, unabashedly slurping down the remnants of the GoGurt. They were promptly booted off the grounds in kind.

Dragon D Luffy was ejected. They were
Spoiler: show
Stephanie Morgan, a kid and a member of the Town.

Your attributes are normal and as follows:
1 Contact
3 Power
0 Pitching
2 Infield
2 Outfield

You currently have 4 Purchasing Points to spend at the Store.

It is now Twlight. You have an hour of unrestricted discussion before Night 2.
by Scotty
Thu Jun 02, 2022 6:00 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (Night 1)

There was a loud crash. Joaquin came running out from his house, his face beet-red. “Which one of you knuckleheads did it?” He jabbed his finger at the shattered remains of his bedroom window that just a minute prior had been the victim of an errant throw from third base.

The gang looked sheepishly around. No one wanted to snitch, but someone had to answer for their terrible arm. The group parted to get out of the way like a Tigers outfielder to a fly ball, revealing Michelle. “Well you just wait til my dad hears about this!” cried Joaquin.

Michelle was ejected. They were
Spoiler: show
Lisa Crockett, a kid and a member of the Town.

Your attributes are normal and as follows:
2 Contact
1 Power
3 Pitching
1 Infield
1 Outfield

You currently have 0 Purchasing Points to spend at the Store.

The Lineups for the new exhibition game today between the Lucky Duckies and the Atomic Oysters are set!

Lucky Duckies
  1. Dolby
  2. Nanook
  3. Sloonei
  4. DrWilgy
  5. arogame123
  6. falcon45ca
Atomic Oysters
  1. Creature
  2. hollowkat
  3. DragonDLuffy
  4. Flanders
  5. Porscha
  6. RondoDimBuckle
Each team should have a respective team thread. You have 24 hours to vote in the poll there for the exhibition game.

It is now Day 2. The day ends in 48 hours.

Spoiler: show
@Dragon D Luffy
@Stupid Sexy Flanders
by Scotty
Wed Jun 01, 2022 7:17 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (Twilight 1)

Thread locked. Night begins. You have until June 2nd at 5p Eastern to send in any actions. Start of day June 2nd at 6p Eastern.
by Scotty
Wed Jun 01, 2022 6:17 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (Night 1)


There is to be an hour of twilight, starting now.

Twilight ends in 1 hour at 7:17p Eastern
by Scotty
Wed Jun 01, 2022 6:06 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (Day 1)

Tomorrow, the Lucky Duckies take on the Atomic Oysters! The tentative lineup for tomorrow is:
Lucky Duckies
  1. Dolby
  2. Nanook
  3. Sloonei
  4. DrWilgy
  5. arogame123
  6. falcon45ca
  7. RondoDimBuckle
Atomic Oysters
  1. Creature
  2. hollowkat
  3. DragonDLuffy
  4. Flanders
  5. Porscha
  6. Michelle
by Scotty
Wed Jun 01, 2022 6:04 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (Day 1)


After the first exhibition, WerewolfHunter called their mom and asked for her to pick them up. “I didn’t have no fun,” they said. How could you not have a fun time in baseball?! Anyway, they were
Spoiler: show
Gretchen Hasselhoff, a kid and a member of the Town.

Your attributes are slightly enhanced and as follows:
3 Contact
0 Power
2 Pitching
2 Infield
3 Outfield

You have 0 Purchasing Points

Night ends in 24 hours. You have 23 hours to PM me with any purchases from the store if you can afford them!
by Scotty
Wed Jun 01, 2022 6:00 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (Day 1)

Thread locked, mods don’t post please.

I forgot about twilight, carry on.

Posting total as of Day 1/Posting limit for Day 2:
Dolby - 56 / 131
falcon45ca - 46 / 121
Stupid Sexy Flanders - 46 / 121
Creature - 44 / 119
Dragon D. Luffy - 40 / 115
Michelle - 39 / 114
hollowkatt - 38 / 113
Sloonei - 17 / 92
Porscha - 2 / 77
DrWilgy - 1 / 76
arogame123 - 0 / 75
RondoDimBuckle - 0 / 75
by Scotty
Tue May 31, 2022 9:34 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (Day 1)

For clarification, since it wasn’t in the rules before: Twlight phase has no post cap.
I have updated this in the OP.
by Scotty
Mon May 30, 2022 6:00 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (pregame)


The summer began as most summers begin for the boys and girls of Everytown, USA: with the backyard baseball tournament! Angelica’s dad brought cool aid, and Casey’s cousin from Cleveland was visiting for the weekend to watch the matches!

The controversy this time? Diedrich heard from Carl who heard from Josephine on the gazebo that some of the kids showing up for these pick-up games weren’t actually kids. They were supposedly adults- disguised as kids! It’s up to the group at large to root out the imposters in this kid’s sport, but the umpire (Chandra’s dad) just screamed ‘Play Ball!’ Guess you’ll have to figure it out on the fly, and not the grounder (hyuck).

The lineups for today’s exhibition game are as follows:
Crazy Melonheads
  1. arogame123
  2. DrWilgy
  3. RondoDimBuckle
  4. Stupid Sexy Flanders
  5. Creature
  6. Nanook
  7. hollowkat

Super-Duper Monsters
  1. Porscha
  2. WerewolfHunter
  3. DragonDLuffy
  4. falcon45ca
  5. Michelle
  6. Dolby
  7. Sloonei

Each team should have a respective team thread. You have 24 hours to vote in the poll there for the exhibition game.

The day ends in 48 hours.
Spoiler: show
@Dragon D Luffy
@Stupid Sexy Flanders
by Scotty
Sun May 29, 2022 10:24 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Mafia (pregame)

Roles have been sent.
Day 1 will begin on May 30th at 6pm Eastern.
by Scotty
Sun May 29, 2022 8:37 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Mafia (pregame)


There is a “point” system in place: if a player gets on base, scores on offense OR gets an out on defense, they receive 1 Purchase Point (2 Purchase Points on defense if they tie the roll of the hitter, producing a spectacular defensive play). These purchase points (PP) can be used to purchase advantages during the Night Phase, or can be used to boost base stats and are usable at night by every player that has them. Points are cumulative; they may NOT be shared between players- not even mafia members.

-Each player starts the game with 0 purchase points (PP).

Spoiler: show
You may increase stats 1PP : 1 point for the first increase in a given stat, and 2PP : 1 point for subsequent increases in that same stat. You may do so as much as you want each night:
  • base proficiency in Pitching (max level 5)
  • base proficiency in Outfield (max level 5)
  • base proficiency in Infield (max level 5)
  • base proficiency in Contact (max level 5)
  • base proficiency in Power (max level 5)
In addition, you may purchase 1 item from the store each night. Everything that costs 2+ have limited supply, so get yours while the offer lasts! And no returns or trading.
If you attempt to purchase something and it is out of stock, I will let you pick something else in a timely fashion. Available stock will be refreshed at top of each day.
Also, to be marginally transparent, mafia have access to a side store with a handful of special items for purchase that only they can access.

Purchaseable Powers (you may use the phase they are purchased, if you wish):
Cost 1 PP (no limit):
  • first dibs (make sure you are at the top of the lineup next phase (multiples will be placed in the order they are bought))
  • juice box (temporarily increase pitching, infield and outfield stats by 1 tomorrow)
  • advertising (post a picture via host into the thread at top of day. No more than 3 words)
  • batting power up
  • pitching power up
Cost 2 PP (limited to 3 each):
  • bubblegum (block any player from night action (doesn’t affect stat distribution)(3))
  • walkie talkie (BTSC with any player next day phase) (3)
  • bandaid (1x partial doctor; has 50% chance to protect the target from a poison or kill) (3)
Cost 3 PP (limited to 2 each):
  • cool glasses (1x track (2))
  • snapwatch (1x watch (2))
  • mom’s credit card (lynch proof if you earn 1 point next day- it will be spent) (mod announcement) (2)
  • Fruit By the Foot (permanently increase both of another player’s offensive attributes by 1 (maxed at 5) (mafia may not purchase this) (2))
  • basic spitball (33% success chance Day or Night vig shot- Day shot must be after simulation game) (2)
  • basic scouting report (1x check another player’s stats) (2)
Cost 5 PP (limited to 1 each):
  • premium scouting report (1x check another player’s role card (1))
  • dinosaur-themed bandaids (2x NK and poison protect (1))
  • premium spitball (1x Day or Night vig shot- day shot must be after simulation game (1))

    Batting Power-ups (you may only have 1 active at a time. Most recently purchased will be active unless you notify host):
    • flat brim cap (on the first pitch of an at-bat, you gain advantage against the pitcher, meaning I will take your best out of two d8 rolls)
    • crazy bunt (if you contact roll <6 in total, auto-advance to 1st)
    • aluminum power (expended after 2 uses: if you power hit, roll with advantage)
    • screaming line drive (expended after 2 uses; if you get on base, gain an extra base, maxing out at an inside-the-park-HR)
    • under grounder (expended after 2 hits; the defender that attempts to catch your ball will chase the ball for so long that their defense will subtract by 2 and their vote will be worth 0, known to them)
    • sonic boom (expended after 2 hits; the defender that attempts to catch your ball will be unable to talk the rest of the day phase)
    • rubber bat (a tie with the defender results in a triple instead)
    • geyser hit (expended after 2 hits; the opponent that attempts to catch your ball will receive an extra vote against them in the poll)
    • jumping bean bunt (expended after 2 uses: if you contact hit, roll with advantage)
    • lightning bat (if you get a ‘Contact’ hit with at least 5 over the defender, you kill the player attempting to field your ball; this power-up is then expended)
    • piñata bat (If you get a ‘Power’ hit with at least 5 over the defender, you kill the player attempting to field your ball; this power-up is then expended)
    Pitching Power-ups (you may only have 1 active at a time. Most recently purchased will be active unless you notify host):
    • crazyball (switch an opponent’s contact and power modifier when pitching against them)
    • big freeze (auto out if total roll is 8 or higher on two strikes)
    • corkscrew (roll 2, 4, 7 or 8)
    • elevator (roll only 1 or 8)
    • zigzag (roll with a d10)
    • slowmo (if the opponent has a higher hitting stat than your Pitching stat, they lose their modifier bonus)
    • spitball (roll 7 or 8 on one or fewer strikes)
    • fireball (expended after 1 use: If you strikeout a player with the final strike as 5 or more, you will outright kill the batter from awe)
by Scotty
Sun May 29, 2022 8:34 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Re: Backyard Baseball Mafia (pregame)

  • claiming is legal
  • you must vote in the poll to count; thread votes are not required, but are suggested.
  • there is NO hammer
  • ties are randomized
  • no double targeting (with same ability/factional kill. You may target the same target twice in a row with different abilities, however)
  • no angleshooting; if you think something might be considered angleshooting, it probably is.
  • no behind the scenes communication unless you are specifically given permission
  • remember it’s just a game
    about baseball in the backyard
    hey, look, see, we all hit into double plays from time to time and that can get frustrating; please bring that up with the Moderator on Duty (MoD) and do not bring that frustration into the game.
  • This game will require Discord for roles, chat and announcements. Please direct all actions and questions to your discord channel.
  • In addition to my game rules, please also adhere to The Syndicate sitewide rules:
    Spoiler: show
    Site Rules and Guidelines

    Playing games on The Syndicate comes with agreement of a measure of respect for your fellow competitors:
    A Note on Respect

    We are all here to have fun and play a game, and if I or the moderators on duty (MoDs) deem you are playing against this modicum of respect, you will receive a warning and may be modkilled or asked to be replaced.

    That being said, I want to nip that in the bud before it happens. We all have lives outside of the game, and sometimes it can bleed into the game. But please reserve that for real life, and not the game. If you are having trouble separating real life and the game, or just need to get things off your chest, PLEASE PLEASE utilize the MoDs. Not every site has this kind of outlet or opportunity for the players, and the MoDs are literally there to help you dispute issues you may be having.
  • Your MoDs this game are Marmot and dunya.
    Please don’t hesitate to reach out to them:
    Discord ID: marmot#0236
    Syndicate PM: Click me
    Time Zone: PST
    Discord ID: dunya#3479
    Syndicate PM: Click me
    Time Zone: Paris (GMT+2)
  • have fun and play ball!

Here’s the abbreviated version and the bare minimum of what you must know to play this game...

Every player has stats in swing approaches on offense (0-5): Power and Contact
And fielding positions on defense (0-5):
Infield, Outfield and Pitching

Every day phase, players are randomly slotted into 2 non-alignment-indicative differing teams: every player will play a half inning of “offense” and a half inning of “defense”. The teams will change every day, depending on different factors. Tentative lineups and team makeup will be provided at top of night, though they may be changed accordingly depending on the happenings in the night. Players will know their positions definitively at the top of each day, as well as if they are ‘Away’ or ‘Home’. (These labels mean nothing except to better identify your ‘teammates’ during that day).

In a separate game day thread, players will vote in a poll during the first 24 hours of the day. This will show all possible fielding positions (9) and offensive approaches (2). On Day 1, each player is to select one fielding position so that only 1 player is occupying each position. (Players may select multiple different positions as the numbers dwindle and will be notified when that option becomes necessary).
Players then also pick an offensive approach in either ‘Contact’ or ‘Power’ hit. Note that there is a number limit of half the player count for each offensive approach, so if more than half the player count vote for an option, I will randomly switch players into the other selection until this rule is met.
If someone does not select, or if there are multiple players on one position on defense, I will randomize those until there is 1 covering each position.

BOTTOM LINE: At the 24 hour day mark (halfway point), all players must have selected a type of hit and a type of position. Then I will simulate one complete inning, where each side takes turns on offense and defense.

For a more detailed and fiddly mechanical breakdown of how games work, see below.
Spoiler: show
There is a maximum 9 players on defense, and 9 players on offense. I will attempt to equalize “teams” between cycles, most likely changing up teams from phase to phase and giving as much alternation as I can. Early on, there will a lack of players to cover every defensive position as 9 people will not always be on defense after day 1, and any unfilled positions will be filled by NPC’s. NPC’s are baseline players with baseline stats.
-Once 4 players are on the defense, they will each select 2 positions.
-Once 3 players are on the defense, they will each select 3 positions.
-Once 2 players are on the defense, they will each select 4 positions.
-Once 1 player is on the defense, should that happen, they will take over 5 positions, rest their soul.
(This is to mitigate the amount of NPCs that need to be on the defense and maintain fairness)

If all available players on offense are on base when a new at-bat comes up, a non-player character (another character not used in the player pool) will “pinch-run”, aka substitute in to run the bases for the player farthest along the bases. The player that was removed from the base path then gets to attempt to hit again. The NPC does not benefit from scoring.

Some players may ultimately be towards the top of the lineup multiple days in a row as numbers dwindle. Priority will go to players that haven’t had an at-bat as recently as others. At least 1 player will always be left on defense, and NPC’s will fill in as needed.

In a game of baseball, the offense is given 3 outs before their offensive turn is over. In this game, 1 round of offense occurs per team per day. Players are set into a batting order at top of day, and the host will do as much as he can in keeping this fair between days (i.e. if you were about to bat before the inning ended, you might be 1st to bat the next time you are on offense).
Not everyone on offense may get an at-bat each day. On the flip side, players may get multiple at-bats in a day.

If 3 players get out on offense, the “inning” will end. If a player has more than one at-bat in an inning, their hitting selection will alternate to their unpicked option automatically.

Batters square off against the pitcher, and a d8 is rolled. If the result is +1 or +2 against the pitcher, it is a ball. (4 balls is a walk.) If the result is a tie or the pitcher rolls 1 higher than the batter, it is a foul ball, which counts as a strike but never a strike-out.
If the pitcher rolls 2 higher for three times or at least the 3rd strike in an at-bat, it is a strike out. If the batter rolls 3 higher, they move into the Hit phase. Clear as mud?

In the Hit phase, the batter will hit the ball to either the outfield (if using power) or the infield (if using contact), rolled randomly by position.
Spoiler: show
Host rolls:
If Contact, d6 for Infield:
1= Catcher
2= Pitcher
3= 1st Base
4= 2nd Base
5= Shortstop
6= 3rd Base

If Power, d3 for Outfield:
7= Left Field
8= Center Field
9= Right Field
The defender rolls a d8 and adds their respective Infield or Outfield modifiers to field the ball (The pitching stat is not used in defense of a ball hit to that position. Infield is used instead)
The batter then rolls a d8; this roll (boosted by their contact or power stat) must surpass the defense of a player to get on base.
  • Tie goes to defender.
  • 1-3 more is a single.
  • 4-5 is a double.
  • 6 is a triple.
  • 7+ is a HR.

Baserunning rules:
Players advance on base exactly the number of bases hit. A player on 2nd will advance only 1 base on a single. A walk will not advance a player on 2nd unless they are forced from a player already on 1st. No stolen bases. No sacrifice flies. No productive outs: if a player gets out, it never advances the runner.


At the end of the first 24 hours of each day, the host will simulate the goings on as if commentating a game inning; the lynch poll will remain up the entire 48 hours, and the highest vote-getter will be lynched.
by Scotty
Sun May 29, 2022 8:29 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)
Replies: 863
Views: 24326

Backyard Baseball Main Thread (MAFIA WIN)

Backyard Baseball Mafia

The Original(TM) Baseball game for kids, starring kids! (Except for the occasional 46-year-old Hall of Famer)

A light nostalgia game from your childhood, with some baseball thrown in.
  • You do NOT have to know anything about baseball to play this. But if you need a refresher, here ya go:
    Spoiler: show
    It’s the greatest sport of all time
  • Post limit: 75/day. Going over this post limit will result in a forfeit of all Purchasing Points up to that point. If you have no Purchasing Points to forfeit, it is a modkill.
  • 24+24/24 phases (wtf does that mean Scotty? Read further)
  • Will pick randomly between all 30 playable kids.
  • Alignments of characters will be randomized, and mafia will receive cover roles.
  • There are NO 3p’s
  • Everyone basically starts vanilla, but all players have attribute modifiers based on their character.
    •3 Town will start with slightly increased stats from the rest of the town (I’m talkin’ slight)
    •Mafia have slightly more than slightly increased stats than the town (I’m talkin’ slightly more than slightly)
  • 48hr Day phase has a special sub phase: during the 1st 24hrs, player pick positions and offensive approaches in a separate thread; at the 24 hour mark, I will simulate a game with the players.
  • At End of Day, there will be a 1-hour twilight with open thread and then a 23-hour locked Night Phase. As a special rule, there is no post limit in twilight.
Living Players {8}
  2. DrWilgy - posts
  3. Porsha - posts
  4. falcon45ca - posts
  5. Stupid Sexy Flanders - posts
  6. Dolby - posts
  7. Sloonei - posts
  8. hollowkat - posts
Dead Players {6}
  1. WerewolfHunter - Eliminated Day 1 - Gretchen Hasselhoff, Town
  2. Michelle - Killed Night 1 - Lisa Crockett, Town - posts
  3. Dragon D Luffy - Eliminated Day 2 - Stephanie Morgan, Town - posts
  4. Creature - Killed Night 2 - Angela Delvecchio, Town - posts
  5. arogame123 - Smited Simulation Game 3 - Dante Robinson - posts
  6. RondoDimBuckle - Eliminated Day 3 - Maria Luna, Town - posts
Day 1:
Spoiler: show
Voters: falcon45ca, Stupid Sexy Flanders

Dragon D Luffy
Voters: hollowkatt

Voters: RondoDimBuckle

Voters: Dolby, Michelle

Voters: Dragon D. Luffy, Sloonei, NANOOKTHEGREATANDFEARSOME, Creature
Day 2:
Spoiler: show
Dragon D Luffy
Voters: Creature, RondoDimBuckle, hollowkatt, NANOOKTHEGREATANDFEARSOME
Voters: Dragon D. Luffy
Voters: Stupid Sexy Flanders
Voters: Dolby, falcon45ca
Stupid Sexy Flanders
Voters: DrWilgy
Voters: Porscha
Day 3:
Spoiler: show
Voters: hollowkatt
Voters: DrWilgy, Dolby, RondoDimBuckle
Voters: Sloonei, Stupid Sexy Flanders, falcon45ca, NANOOKTHEGREATANDFEARSOME

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